The... Heppner Gazette OFFICIAL NEVER BOBBED 4 HENROOST ! s PAPER, The... wnps rir widow HeppiYen" Gazett , '' i Advertise in it and dq business. FOURTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER,! MORROW COUNTY, OREGOfcRl DAY ;! FEBRUARY Hi 1897. J 8SMI-WKJJKL NO 516 -IT SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE FDBLI8HZD Tuesdays and Fridays HE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS A. W. PATTERSON, PATTERSON. Editor Business Manager At (3.90 per year. I1.2S for mx month, 75 oU. or three moncne, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THI8 PAPER is kept on file at E. O. Dake's Advertising Agency, St ' and 85 Merchant Exohangs, San Francisoo, California, where cou raote for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leavei HeppneM0:05 p. m. daily-, except Sunday. Arrives 4:55 a. m. daily, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc tion 2:19a. m. ; east bound 12:51 a. m. Freight trains leave Heppner Junction going east at 10:43 a. m. and 8:45 p. m.; going west, ftiitO p. m. and 6.45 a. m. OTFiaiAIiDZEtEaroilT. : United States Offlilals. ' Prwidont Qrover "Cleveland V ien-Presldant , Ad ai Stevenson Ben-eiary of State Ki chard 8. Olney Secretary of Treasury .'.John G. Carlisle Secretary of Interior , E. K. Francis heoretary of War Daniel H. Lsmont Heoretary of Navy. .i. ., .Hilary A. Herbert Postinanlef-GenBral.......... Willinra I. Wilson Attomayi-Uaueral.... .'.Judeon Harmon Heoretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton . State of Oregon. Hoveroor W. P. Lord Heoretary of State H. K. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. Hetschan Rnpt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. ldleman iSrSSSS Cou-reestnen ............irrEni.rm'nn Printer W. H. Leeds !R. S. Bean, F. A. Moore, C. K. Wolyerlon Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Jndge Stephen A. Lowell I' Attorney II. ,, Morrow Count; Officials, Joint Senator I'ppreexntative ''nunty Judge A, Commissioners J. W. Beckett. " Clwk " Hlieriff " Treasurer Assessor " Snrveyor Sahool Sap't '" Cornier ... A. W. Rowan .... J. N. llrowa It. Hartholotnew .... J. it. Howard ....J. W. Morrow ... E. L. Matlock ,.. Frank Ullliam J. F. Willis .... J. W. Hornor ..Jay W. Shipley ,...B. F. Vknghau . HcreMta tow omenta. latoi .Tho. Morgan n Min.iltnn ..ft. H. Hnrner. K. J. Hloonm. Frank Rogers. Geo. Conner, Frank Gilliam, Arthur Minor. Itwd F. J. Hal look ffManrar K. L. Freland Marshal A. A. Roberts Preenct 0 ffioere. Jnatlna of tha Paaaa W. K. Kichantaoa Constable. N. 8. WheUUwe Halted rHatea La4 Offleet ni DAU.IS1. on. J. . Monra Mw4iier A. 8. Bicga Beoeiver i.a auaoa on. H.F, Wilson RNrlrter J. H. Kobbina...- Heoaiver . - , 3 KAWUN8 potrr, mo. u. .- O. A. R. Mu at Llimrtfn, Or., the Ust Batnrdai of arr, tnonui. ail veteran are in viin in join. C'C. Boon, Uno. W. Hhiti. Adintaot. If Commaadar, D. J. McFaul, M. D. At Mrs. h. Welch's Residence. Nlllit tailrphnne ronnertlon with the falaoa HoteL K3l W B25UI Wi. rCNLANfX , BO, JLBWH0P. PTwtieat Caehltf. TRiSSlCn A GLNERAL BiXilSG BCSINESS OOL.L.KOTIONS Ual on FaorbU Terma. EXCHANGE BOUGHT i SOLI) II EIT NEB.. tf OBtOOSI Firtt National Bank OF II Errs EB- C. A. RHCA, T. A. Rhca. GEO. W. CONtCN. S. W. tunctn. PranHeM Vie rVaalnant - CaanUr AM't Caabtar 1r, rxadj I Grtcnl Euidi; Easrs& J3XCHA.2STGK On all parta ot Iks WofM Bought and Sold. ColUrllnf aa4 all pnlnta Ml rMunbl Term, wrplitt n4 aa-tltt-UH rrolu. flt.tmn 00 Onlario-liums Stage Line a. r i BDBKS-GflHTDH 8TBGEUKE M A. WILLIAMS, f OSTAhlOnUliSH llaavea flaroa Ul si f. m. ael ar nwil Oola'ie ia 42 huara. SJ'iqlo Fore $7.00. Round Trip $10.00 tnKai trM F tf fa4. nunxscAxrox UtahtMlilif HalihMil TV i i aii c ptt Mm.. rrr-. ..a tM ataf i Kotice of Intention. Land Orrica atTiir DALLis.'Onr.noi', December 26th 18WI. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TBK following-named settler hai filed notice of hid intention t make final proof In support of hiacUini, and that said proof will be made be fore the County clerk of Morrows Co.. Oresron. at Heppner, Oregon, on February 15th; 1897, viz: WILSON RICHARDSON. Hd. B. No. 45. for the 8EU 8eo 6. To 3 8. R 34 it, W M. He name the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Thomas P. Graham, Charles H. Hastings, Lnther Huston, Andrew, M. Peterson, all of Eight Mile, Oregon. , JAS. F. MOORE, too-is Kegitter. Notice of Intention. Land Orricc at La Obandk, Obkoon. December a. 18M. Nc QTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE lollowlng-named settler baa filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Cotinry Cler of Morrow County, Oreg on, at Heppner, Oregon, on February 3, 1897, JAMES AYERS H. E. No. 5279 for the NW 8FK 8ec. 23 and NU BW Sec 24, Tp 1 N, K 27 K W M. He names the following-witnesses to prove 'hrs continuous residence upon aiideultivetioirof. aid land. vit : John Barker. Isaac Vincent. Charles M. Ijino- George W. Pearson, all of Galloway, Oregon. 504-1 1. B. F. WILSON, Register. Timber Cultvre Final Proof. Notice for Publication. ' . Uwitkb States latM-Ornoi, ' i The Dalles. Oregon. Jan. 16. 1897. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT WESLEY T. McNnbb. of Lexington. Oregon, has filed notice ot Intention to make final Droof before Joseph -L. -tiibson, U; ft. Com. at his ntHcein Lexington, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 10th day of March. 1897. on timber culture application No. 2934, for the NE of section No. 81, in Township '6 suiun. xuiugc no. ease. He names as witnesses: Thomas L. Dnrman and Vandevere Is. .Cofley, of Eight Mile, Oregon. muion k. uorgan ana Menzo A. uiden, ot lone, Oregon. JAS. K. MOORE, V-W Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. f AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, I J Jan. It. 1896. Notice is hereby given that the following-named'settler has tiled .notice of her Intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 2nd, 1897, vis: EUNICE BROWN,' Hd. E. No. 4236. for the NWU. sec: 29. To. 1 8. R 21 E, W. M. rhe names th following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, Tlx: John W. (:ox. Andrew B. Grover. Walter B. Smith an Chllt Wilson, all of Io-ie, Otegon. OOS-10 JAB. . MUUKi, Kcguter. ASSIGNEES NOTICE. J0T1CE18 HEREBY GIVEN BY THE UN- 1.1 . derslgned assignee of G. D. Ke 1 and W. P. Fall, insolvent debtors, that said assignee has filed his niial account as such assignee with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, of the State of Oregon, or Morrow uouniy, ana saia nnat account will be heard and passed unon by the Judge of said Court, on th first day of March, 1MI7, at 10 o cioci. a. m., ot saia day, or as soon thereslter as saia uouri ran near ana pais upon tp same. Dated this HOtn day or Dwmhf r, 1HHA. -&0n-14. GEO. CONbEK. Assignee. ; . SUMMONS. , IS THE tIHfTIT COURT OF THE BTATI f Oregon for Morrow County. P. a Thompson, IlattiUtT, vs. J. B. 8prty, 8. C. f4perry, Perry Htiyder and the Oregon Kali--road and Navlgattou Com pany, defetidanla. To J. H. Hiierry and 8. C. 8perrV, defendants: In the name of the Mate of Oregon: You are hereby required to ap(iear and answer the com plaint filed against you in th ahov entitled cause on or before the flm day of the nest regular term ol th above entitled court, to-wlt: March 1st, 189T. and If you fall to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will take lodgment against you lor the um of thrae hundred tweuty-Sv and lit 10 aoiiarsana interest thereon at the rate ol km percent per minute Iroia January . lavt.and the m of fifty dollar attorneys fara.. uvnaa certain promissory note au4 to ktraokiM Hte mungKg given r.y ymi ssseaaiwrn pyMiit4 aid mils upon th lillnwlng real nmrwrty sit us led In Morrow t'wwnty, auita 4 Oregon. Uv it: Th north half n( th nnnheast qusHer and the north half of the nortliweat (4irww of n-tion twenty nlr In mwhts tlire aouUi at rangatweniy mi k. w. m., and lol tin gasto and dl'lMiraemenU of thlasuit-, 1 hl summons is served nnon von hv mi hi lea lion hrerder ol Hon hleiUirn A. lowall. Indira nf Iheahnv irtllled ertnrt, tawte mdentrel in Saia Stilt oft the I Hh 1ay of January, Isr7, BkOwN RKOKirLIt, M M. ' Attnmylor I'lanufl. ' bTOC RAAffhs. Whll roa smw imsr abaoriptioa paid a yea aaa kaap ttmrbraaA rn feaaaf etavwa. flora. P. O.. Ravcaw. Or Hiwaaau a lafl atmaidari aaiua, aan oa wn blp. Chapla. R.. Hardman, Or. ffnea -i oa rtt.t blp, 4 ala bramtod the aama. Alv brands 1 I on bora nM thuchl aa'ti mt brand na right ttttmMt, Sc4 eat off nd a rkabl ear, Ct. A Jtoa.Or-Rara. sTiosi right aaml 4r. attla,aanwaa ricUaiei ear auk fpar rrn fl ut an aula La nabt. Ilwkt, W. M .riBsrar. Ov.-l Sl I Uxe rWMsia.ewaikM-farfciaaaob ear ajueaaa, U iwn nio. - Fir, Km. nans1aa.t.-larM hreMad FLI tm Mt atMMtldar, sssltla (ass oa WfUup l naht ar. Ftmiiaa. L. A HaMiar. Or'attla. LF -n rtM hipi baraa t with bat aaW oa uaH wauw. Jnaaa. ftairr, M , trr RM knaW H J aa the Ml Kal.b; ra'li br44 j an nafi bin. am aadarbil la !-, Muerow uaat. lie, Falls. Ioa, rt auflat aaiiia, ttaMaaav aarfss bail wn ta ria ataai mi m mr aa I'-af, MasnwMe. Uv.'Mmm braad IM mi bet ki uuavMaa4 rai4 tad art asMe mmm mm eaa nM ladLWM W.a. ..ilmi. Ov -I L, WH.ori'-l 4fta,U .i.i bnrh iaatft a aa4 la riM mmr, M bfo4 taft sbiil W. Haaaa la firaat ! trf1n. Hluaa. Its, Or.-lt I, am left hi ua Mi v e.- mt,t .iit mm HjrM aar. U"m mm baa4 M sbnaiiWa.. Haaaw yraJM UW 1 W Hifew. lk a.Mmm ImhW I . a4 oa Urt XmUWi Mil MM a) at sip. wauie awe iwU lana aiita ta nM Miaae. 4laaar, w . . a rw iailaa. M Da ri aim aura m a wi aaaakiae. W'l-sas, K M ; W't rase. Or llataj aa laft aVm' l-a aatiu tmm oa kart Ion. ' --. J, W taaartas Itr., b .mm U S Uf )' aalllaaaaaaaa rkt ia. IVto A .i. ttajata.CJe.ntaslaa V Maaal, firv.J, M . Itnna, lie. .Umrnm. )t o a lalimMtaaUaa,aaaailaf bib, i V . H..aar. fto -Maraaa. JO (aft abaaMa. ( aula. l aa fa4 bla t We U, II. Dam, Ur f .!. ? , lan rr.m m4 f4aH la Ml saw, aaUM-i mini I'aUl ahnMa- ahaM. wia laUh axsMi a Taraar H , mat . aill aarlial Wl iMlai aaNA aa aa lafl b 1VM, M. at . IMS, Or M T aia.wi.sal aa Ml ftmm ll I W la "(-. W.J, Italtawat 4 W W s"a J W fca l,H fcat,tn Mua a e-rcia Jtm m.r m4 eM a . s i taBfi tti, llsv. ia Urwm mi t a Mill aa. Is Wanted-An Idea 5S53 r ' y f batfc i ... fllHllMlllUlllllHIlimilHimitttlM'H wo? r ci nit-iir n I Afl n - ivfVX X Don't idle Jaccba 1 Illclill i and ask, . , BUT USE .r sinAyou'nfiniout W oiky s iurely It S(X)THES nod CURE& ' MHHHIIMHHHIIIWHHUIIHMHHimiHI s SEVEN VlcGlure New Lit of 6rn by Hahltm Oakland The first authorltattv and adequate life of Oraut ever published. -(Begki In December.). . ' . . Rudyard Kfpllng't tint 'American aeriaVCaptalns Courageous." (Begun in November. Robert Louis Steveason'i "St.' Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still onpubllshed . (Beglm in May.4 Charles A.Dana. -"Recollections of War Time." years of the Civil War practically a member fitted than any other man .living to glvfan. recollection and eorrespondence. Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them of portraits it is Intended to publlrh special biographical studio under the general Jitle of ' MAKERS, OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. Pictures of Palestine.! .Specially taken under Stories of Adventure. A serial by OONAN DOYLE, In which he will use his extraordinary , taiei t lor mystery and ingenuity Which have; lu the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him : a place beside Poe and Gnboriau.- - TEN ! FAMOUS WRITERS N MACLAREN.: All the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long .age. Will appear In McCi.ukb'8 Maqazimk. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thimblefinger" stories. j RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McCUOM's all of the short stories he will write during the coming year. OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Maoazihk a series of short stories In which tht same characters will appear, although each will be complete in itself. Anthony Hops' Brat Hart Roborl Barr Frank R. Stockton Stinliy Wiymsn Clark Russoll ', . will all have stories in McClues'8 for the earning year. These are only a small fraction of the great and ia:w, me BuoBcripiiuQ pnee 01 w men is only One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. ' ' The S. S. McClure Co., New York. , A Campaign Of Education HOW to Get lt: :. (P. C AA; -For UHPflBRLLELED 1 Mimmat skill. Such a paper Is a great popular educator, It should blnvery home, Th subscription prlro of Leslie's Is It p , nnnra. Wa eaaka lha amiaraltalail nffi nf a Ann nl '7f r- " Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Scml- Weekly one year for only $5.00. No such offer was ever atari befora. No such offer will ver ba Btade again. The twopapers mskea wio sceepuhl Cbrtataiaa or bUUxlay gift, and aUl baeonatattt remindsrs el th fiver kindu. ttojolt by pialai ardar or ebacfe la 'j IlGppncr, Orctroii y The WEEKLY JttOJlTnLY Outlook PmWM Cvary atvrty 13 Astor Place New York I Tbs Oallonk oill be la 17, as il bs bro dorlaf scb ol Its' lanly a rears, a llito'v of Oar Oos Time. Is lis verbis edlbirisl drpBrtatwot Tb Osllonk fteas a euMpeet rat tow 4 lbs arU'a protraa II folloa oilb ur all lbs Itaportatt pbilsaihropia sod to doairlal Btoveoaaela of lb day i bas a futopll d'parlmetil of rliiu aeos; devnlea CfiOab apare U lb sotsweelt "I Iba b"; raviaas aarrast lilfiare; faroiba cbarfal Ub'e-Ulk about ne tad Hirers: aad, la hrt. aitas lo fire freab iaM aastlne. crlftael obsaftaltos, ted rraanaabla voWr'ttatneSl. rgitaltf ih Iba fih f tflh toluro. lbs paper aiil auiiat lb rfalar as tine , whwh will add grealtt to pttrosa aad eirai.livaieea. TW Oaibwkls pablMhed vf HMordsy Bf'y lae laaaaa a r. Tba fl'sl ! la rstb asoaia I to llUetraiad II Naesbar, aoalaialsf abaallolrsat nsti paaa as lha or ilia art I"g'bf bk a lo(t asattf of pwiar, TV fieeed The lwlU-. ks tVea d -llara s Jear In aitane,f ls lba t raf f df . rW4 M a eli.s p I l l . -d f- ! lb Ontba, As'e-r five, Xo Jul Citr. Magazin e For 1897 GREAT SERINES i . Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical of Lincoln's Cabinet, and' is-probably better' authoritative hlstoiw cf this period iromnis - i , unpuhliahed. In connection with this series the editor's direction. ; animal stories in the same field as the "Brer important features of McClcri'I Maoaxim for J) J.UU To ba educated ona must read the best literature. The best literature Is eipenslv. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, I'uhllahed at 110 rifth Avenue, Kew York, Is full of the best things. Its Illustrations ar superb; lu stories charming; and It literary 'department ar edited with cou- Ihs Tba Ilepporr Traosfar Co., baa wood lor sal. 37-tt, Now ts tbe Urns to get tbs Waekl- Oreffooiao, tbs (rosiest ewepspar of lbs Weal. Wllb lb0.aIU,btb Strict I; in ailvc,ooa eaf, 3.Ca No Wet las or.tnbtaaflon l ss a( paper aaa 1 aiads 'a IkostaU. i WslU Tbompsea tsot mg bvtvta Beupiwaati Monstoaet, arrlpf mymrj day tioaM-Mnaiaji Asd eeariatr, avery day eioapl Haadtyi Mueitbsal-andohawy- eaV-fiostW io A iolartor..- Quaaas A Broek, afta. E1. 11 BteUp, nnreaaor U Tbs Us- rasUad MnsaoUU Co., t Ull oa dark fine frt beta-era ia all lie. The su k mas! be ekwad sal, and II is sur prising t obasp thlnfw ara. Call -es Ibern, Fraak Maf arlaad. aalaaasaa. . Aiauiauif pars, perfeoily bartalaM, sad lavartaUlf feliabla ftia lb a,' ti.aof Uao Uiaata Ouaaa Cars. Il ever foils la ftilJs, efoup aod ln( troahlfc. Vuilrm Hit H aweaoee II i aleaaaot lo taka asd belpe lbm. Cua t k Itruek . ' 1 bronab traies ea lbs (). IL A N, aill fua vis. CreaUlla, Walla' Walla aad odW4 .Tbanofb sUapara, fir4 aaoad staaa, U asusls sarOb4'a wilfe lb VmMrn rsA. Jbs aaena m bwb. tWa. . A tbrrrtak BrH eiaas tafwf 'wtl lanrt M P.p"kaa. Sseerif itk tba flfc Sbaa. alaf to pt. I'aal, aad Ihnxijrt) tiarbt ilaaf I'nrtlaad li H. I'aal, II toe la oa4ra with tbs (treat Kmihmtm faWaaf . If rt Mia Alecral uinf fees of re Iea4d obrrat law- bt taa-bll milasaf Uardason. AtaO 4tQ aars bf al rasfa, fraatf, m ft kb Iiaetf f aatealw yivsaaial raape I al Iaa4. )( ( Itt l. leaad of l.p i lartfa bead f fJl. Ilnnd , l-u nm plsyw. mm (!! il. , ,.tWMl.a A lata ibea I.I gM ! ta sli Al ev ta4taba a be d Iaf aslJl;tffjivc-f, , FACTORIES FOR DOG FEED. V flare Where Siislcrraneefor Aristofcratle .-'Canines la tfciaataetarea WhodeaaJe. . liOne of th'etwo'lactortes in this coun try tor the EinUinfr of patent food and ,atent medicine" for dogs has been de- gribed in the Kew York News. The rounder of this establishment was a Scotchman, lie was employed in Lon don kennels, 'studied' the) needs of logs, - thought out special treatment for them and finally took out patents on foods and medicines.- and in this unique business - amassed a i fortune. On the grottnd floor the visitor enters the receiving room of the" raw tnateri- als. ! Thousands of pounds '"of toutclt ers' j scraps -are' fcrought-here n s the course ot a month, Oatmaahia ilioll sale quantities and tons , of herbs are used. . The- old-fashionod dog s bane, boneset, catnip and beef -root,. under various scientific names, find a use as food or as medicine. ' The" second "floor is occupied by four curious 'machines, with great cylinder attachrnents. 'Af ter the fat and meat, have been' sorted they are ground separately in these maohines and then placed in great wooden tubs where various: mixtures are added. " The next process seems so much like the ordinary baker's -work that one is quite disposed :to taste i things; and when the round and squaro cakes ol a tempting brown have been taken from thebrick ovens one really envies the aristocratic dog. After cooling, the bis cuits are packed in neat pasteboard boxes.' According to size these'' -boxes are -labeled for pet" dogs, for grey hounds and St. Bernards. -There are especially prepared dishes for cats. Sufficient food to keep pussy1 for twb days may be had for flvo cen ts. But it costs a pretty penny to keep adog. i A large dog must have six or eight cakes, besides . a quantity of meat. The meat costs probably about ten cents and the cakes are four cents apiece. The most Interesting department is that of the patent machines, at the top of the building. - The mixtures of herbs and chemicals are boiled -in great kettles, and the liquid is brought up to this floor to be put in bottles of various' sizes and labeled" "cure for mango," "liniment for 'Sprains," and to "pre1 vent baldness." : Sura cures for seven- teen diseases, and pills as well as liquid medicines, are-mode.. This curious es tablishment also makes dog-collars, dog soaps, crates for carrying or' ship ping dogs, dog bruithes and combs, blankets -and mackintosh waterproofs, with-hoods, for greyhounds. Tetter, Snlt-Hheum and Ecsetna, - The intense itchinr andsmartlnir.lncl dent to thsat digests, is instantly allayed bv aPDlvlnir (Jharnberlaln a tve and Skin OlnUuent. Many very ba eases have been permanently -cured: by it. ' It is i equally efficient lor ttcblcg pilea and favorite remedy' for sore- nippies. chapped hands, -.chilblains, frost bit and cbronlo sore eyes. 2o cts. per box. Dr. Cady'r Csndltlen rtwicrt. ara just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not "food but medicine and the best in - use w pus a horse in prime' condition. Price S3 cents per package. COSNH3PCLITAN FRANCE. Prnpoaad lulls ta rrrvrnt ths Xsmaalarns- ' tloBTif '(freltaara. 1 There ara no tluin Ova bills bo- fore the r'rruieli c'lnmbei whoaa objeot is to check r proawit tho immlgra ttoaot forilnrri. According, to ths latest fl.'rurt; fi ro are Ilel gians.'H lt.t'.iuna. im.OOO (iermant and 40,000 ItrHl' h find Swl-ta arttled or employed sn rramju. I boee WOO.OOO aliens arc iiliuly, inar rcr, to inrrvaaa rapidly, out only by iratalgratlon but hy auiierior foruiiility, the birth rats among forel-fiu-r. Mnt tar higher than among 1 're neb men. Tho frirelfw era ere exempt fmm tlio conacripllut. wbtrh cauaes trmjduyer lo prefer then a laborer, and t!M-y aund away Urge aunts of ruom y C"V(i la.ood front l'arit alone in a sin:;l' yi-nr. Tbs committee which has the bills incharire prupu a' tlH'rrfiiiv.tocrmpel tvery ImailrraM 4i talrv Mi a- permit of rralilriiois hu b, it wt'Un to be US deratiMal, will bo refuard stlira lbs French lalM reri complain f oHnprtl thin, and to pay on franc a year to the fuuila'tif thi'mmmaaa bo Tbe irrirvanre alMrut tba couarrlplioa la generally omaldrrrd to ln penal a, and to Justify a Uit bnt it is pointed oat Uiat Italkanaitf lUdtflana, or eve a I'.rnf lialimen, Lro in Ilia around peMreltoB 1 ri'ix hiiM-n. The Rlqnet tla. ailita. l.a'iilH-tta and Ms Mahorts have ii'Vct Im-'B anapwetad f wains' aoTthlnsf but I retrrh. lUerteta Pit Etaetrls Dillsrs la a aadbriaa- soiled i for aay saasaa, Uil psrbtpt ai aer I ally aaadad abeo lbs Isof aid.tibaattad foellsf pttvaits, abea tbe liar is leeptd aad lotk aad tts aaad of a Uas and ailorativs Is felt. ' A proapt aaa ef lbs aJIla kat ofua star lad Umi aad parte) fatal bllloas ftvara, Ns tadtatas , ill aat oare arely la oaatatastttf I sad freetei lbs aytUai (rats Mis aislatial poiaaa. ilsadasba. ladifaetkia, Coaeii- palloa, lliuiaaas ttald lo fjealrle Hit Ura. fio. asd l per bo til al Cesser a rwoet a aa ttore. mtf IMssaasastas (ineof lha aaWsUn Araiy rwmlu, eit t a errtaln Inland lows of tail- f 'roka. a y'ltria lady of fine aortal trallMa arid aviilr falre. hawsalan very Israailfnl. 1lr arrival rrwably arHated lha rbappte, m tVra4 to hm least IKaaltAra. FbaaUy yu4r bkal a bet Uiat bo wmld as-rare aa 8f4wtrtal IUi Um tety fiT that aain ftlfht, aad, apprvsbrblba br after lha Octliif. hm sl,ndlriW bf band a twenty dollar ffoM fb put It la f pWM. Aad- mm rbf aball I wt ms .y smm! bj r pwraoed lha oaler ' la llrarea, I 1 T"." f'lsnWlly arwer4 tba taasle, M Aba Vt.kfd i7 ViUl tU fd4sl AoaUf-vifS. - 1 Highest of til in Leavening" PowvLtcnt:U. S. Govt Report i TRAVELED ON HIS" FACE. - . the Heat's" Uo.nt Wna Proved la a War Tliati.ltouialicd film. J'You've forgtitteir5 to pay, ir you jwe sixty cnts,,'isAid an attendant; in a- State stredt liotelto a well-drcesed-sahn who- wasf kaving th.:. billiard-room without -paying, for the 'games he had lost.' With.tlio fumes of one too many glasses' 'diminvng' his' brain," the teltow turned slowly mid exelfiilricd: 1 Pay! Whtit'll V p:ty?' ' Money, boss. 4 That's -whaVwa tiaed nere." .'"Well,.! don't'have 4o payv,8eo? 1 travel on my face." The man with whomjio had been playing was nlso tipsy, but not so fntich1 is to forget that paying is the-sequel to playing. '' : . If jou don't pay your btll,'). said he, i 'I will." v , No, yon won't,',' answered the other.. who was a largo and well-built ehiip 'I'm three times seven! I am. Come m,'f and" he cangl.t his f rtr'nd 'bj tht? -ioat collar anddnvjged him along.' Tht Attendant ran to the house oflioer and ld him what had occurred." When the festive billiardist 'reached 'the'rotnnda io found that official, accompanied by iwo stalwart pbrtersi whHihp for him." rhey "took-'1 him- between" them and darted for-the stroct door, 'which was vcr a hundred foot away, says the Cb sago llcralu. , .The bigr fellow gazed at ihcra stupidly a moment as they pushed lira along aud then said: 'What arc you fcllows dolng?" "Keep quiet, nowi"- answered the'ofB- jer. , .'"We're golrrg to pub you outdoors, Mid if ' you don't keep your mouth shut fou'U be locked up.", He gathered himself together and. with a mighty effort,' threw them off," out they were iusUmtly on hint again. Do you take nio for a thief Th be rasped, as they choked him down. No; only a dead beat," waa the an- rwer. "Nowi'tnon. awing Mm." i The big doors were- opened -wide and. leltl back, and the two brtHul-shouldcred xirtcra got a good hold on bis trousers ind sent him flying Into tho street.' 1 lie iravuled on his face. SHE KISSED .THE PRINCE. Waa" larenOad' lae a-aMleA am-a i KnJra4 One of 4ho letMllog fainiliea of -StatV (art gavs a' supper party, to which thr jrlnce royal hud been invited, says a vrtter in Ieeda! Mercury. Ilia 'royal llghness arrived a little before all the reparations foil' the-'feast were ooro dieted. Olwrvlng that be hml arrived t tittle . too aoon he denlilod to toko a ihort atroll in front of the bouae while taylight was fading Into-dark. Kud lenly a trim servant maid bounced out )f the-houae and ran up to the prince, a whom she banded A parcel contain- Jig, as It afterward turrrerl ont, at large Meceof lauaage and'anma moory, aod ixciainwd nndor hrr bn-erthi - 'Yoa won't (have .to aoma to-day; ae re baviay a large party; the priocr llmaelf in ooraing; so, good by till to- norrowl" and with that she gave hi royal blghnrss aonipla of heart y klaM-a tml dlaapiieared U'fors be bad lima lo ret a word out. A aioment later ba perceived a sol- ller in bis cloak, who was csat ng wist- ful glances at the lighted wltnlowtof die houae, and akeil htm' If Id sweet irsrt lived there, and on th aiati's-vov 'lying la the efllruiutive tbe prlmwoun- Unued: Then this parrel tnwM la laltMnb d for yon. Th wruow kt brniitrlit U teada frm wonl that yu ara lo ctmx -trior row, for alia baa no Uoia U-dv, X. account of the party. "Moth obliged; It a all right; Tl! nie to-ni'rrrnw," kul.l the a.MIer. hbe rave ma aoint-tliliig braldeO the prior went on to aay, "but 1 rau't bdiver you Uiat," you nay keep It and welcome floinrd the aoUlkr. "I've plenty here for to-dsy. KvervVm.IT at tb party tvriWA that lit bighorn waa mora lively and pmnl rumored than usual. Ha nnrr.itrl In. alvrntnre over lb rkifera osmI wioe, but tslraHrd a proMiiM tU.H im IDx r Uie rrvaul rlrl nor tba a.l.ll.-r altould auf (ar ia Sonaaq tie tire of thr tliM-tnaara OLD BUTTON. A rartaat Map r-n4 ta a I airaal. Ia on of tba by slrweia of a rrow.liil JsurouafUfar in Lba itortli of I.iIkI iM-re ta ao old n'li inati n c rnr an a Very curioo trit-b-. It ale-p t ;erl'r, end a tbe n In tier m r t rd whWh aayar "lltit. aM lr I ktlef amy tnHUwi taal-wil-fria a VI ft t.L " inaida thle r-aa ara lbaai f but Waa ia Mtk ln.a-- j wl, U boon, yt, alM il. bruM, i loth. iIU aod sum l.utt..tia-In fatl, every Variety id bait m Itivle, V"a mm, btf." t Mtd, -II U oflrB Jhm rae that fn'.f boy rivm.-ii butUen f.if tbt'ie larvae. aat aslwa l t tmm oa It la ofU-w tittu lilt l f t M rAl iid at tl d'j; a. Ibo Im sryiw m mm al-'i le t, and f ra atariabty d. H fna f trk. I have frrt any frjwlar sat-Sytraya, . f.f Sn-ast ,raW-frt a'wrttt l-fv wIms kaiw as srM lltrlf eoattiturra A Bhs (Ul lby sra tMatiWi to i I IV m. an I IWry ar 1 Via r- aatay niil.unt .:in erty Aln tH- ara tf'rr tll.rra ft.l I ei t .Mm fnetn Many to fr na ?aah'"f Weraon IM ( a4 ar 4w LV "I ffcnaa a Mus i i f M. i l al I. ,r , f ti b a i'T i il-OI i l ,1'. f I', , tu Me I v'm ' '1 Ml f itbavf? i- a srt.ei aa .f I'm -n at I ., II I w "fr, !! IV l fata f lurrtL h.n nr-a :.-i lf II H ll'fi 'lit ' - :... VI t I I . W These I can buy up. very cheap.' ai though '' toy "littlo -'boitrd"r)iitildej-ayg -that: the highest -price I -charge, is two pence, my better-class customers do ubt Uesitate, to offer, me Kixpt-nce and a shillinglor'a buttofi' tliey liuvo- -lost to -rnakeilheir igtirments-. look; -neat. and -. -iompletc." The old gent leman drew my attention - to his 'daughter li a ooi'iier of the room. : i Shei was .-otiacil .in soi'trng ,out the buttons lurjjc heap unci putting Jthem inio -boxes,- on each of w hie ft -was- written i tho' -elMs of , buttons l it eon- -atned. ij , ' ,; Mr.4 Ward L-'grnitb, Cf Frederioktt6wo,' Mo.i was trofrbled with ebronio diarrhosa for byer thirty,, years. He had beoome . fully satisfied that it was only a qfiet-" lion of a abort time until he would have -' to give up. JHa "bad l&en Ires ted. by some of the best -' physioisns io Europe i and Atnariot bnt t not no- ptrmaatnl re- lief. Out day ha piokedup a newspaper, and obsnoed lo read an advertisement of CJusmberlaio't Golie,' Cholera " and Diarrheas liemsdy. 'He trot a bottre'of it, lbs. Brut dose helped bio and its km- : tiooed 'use loured' him. -For . tale by Coesef A Brook. TEXAN HOSPITALITY. The rasslnf Rtraneer Always Invited la and Taben Care -Jf. " "The latch string hangs out"' x- pressed the hospitality of the southern frontier in the days ."before the" war." ' If a traveler rode up before the fence that separated the log cabin from the road , he was . greeted by " 'Light, stranger, 'lightl" Without this salu tation' no 'one dismounted, but it was rarely withheld. Mr.' WiUiams4d his t reeent book, "Sam Ilotmton,'' thus de scribes the ' Impulse 'of hospitality,1 which mode every traveler a guest during the early settlement of Texas: The" "traveler who Tdde "up vtd ther front' fence was dastantly invited to i alight. His horse was staked out or hobbled to feed on the pralrlo grans And tho visitor saU down to bichatlge the aewa with his, host. ..The coffee mill was set going; If there were any'of " the precious grains' in the house, and ' the hopper in the hollow log to grind-" lug the corn. The venison or bear meat was put on the coals and the ashcaks baked. After the meal and the evening pipe . tho rlsltor stretched himself on abuf fals robe on tho floor with tho mem bers of tho family aud slept the sleep of health and fatigue. In the nuft-nlng the response 'to any Inquiry aw to the charge was: "You san pay uie by turn ing again." Thehtory that a certain TioHpltaWa ' settler used to waylay travelers on Uie i rood and compel them to vlalt him at the muule of a double-barreled allot gan waa only a bumorouteisggeratloa of the inatinrt -for' ho plumy which '! akararWriavd the enmainnity. . The vihltor waa a living newspaper, hn brought the only new obtain- ablosand waa a welcome relief to the monotony and lonelinraauf the wilder neaa, "Haw t Cars all Bkla Dlaeaar." Hlmplr apply "8tyns' Oiotmeol." No to I arc al madlrrin raqnivad. Ootes alter. acseiDa, Iteb, all araptiontea tba fsea, baodt, bo, Aa ,"ltnn lbs tkla eltar, wbll aad baaltby. lis irtat bal Ing aad caraMr prwr are pesitd by o albar remeily. Aak Voa disp- . il for Hfimi'i Uialtnaot. .iNsrcip. M. Pa tTai.B illni'VT. I sn animal aula that toiild n u i' ' In a aeo onil, and ralrulstrd fiit ll ttout move llalegn ao Iraa than t.toj ,m,.tm ia that brief period. I Tut. miller are grvatlv btm)ed by worms lilri trr"'r lii the llnurfmra time li lime anil Uwnuivela iioualy dia appear, wit limit luiairiiig the value of tba flour. LaTslil I a vtiew 'il..,T !i. eMertnat of an ant. and ita i.n.t..jt .'is rtUlrnt ly rmpaalottstltiif lt nrretittg. an aototnl the woooir rmrta wttti dropa i Ot fluid front their imnitUa. i Tat aphid- ar- f in. US kin nf t)iV anta. anil tr r'-Mdar'r -fa-ari-. aad tail kwl by lh- I illrr Aatal.svs kasot known t-i ke. p l',r ,;.',!. a sap fcvlty, as enwa ere L. l I i . ,t en. 1 . OtM or Thquumt. ' NoaiUTV auBakUa ia llrtue.- IJoa Qui iota). I Hrrtia tint at all than not k aokle 'I etinj m,t). M'M'retT. prii lru.. wit an. I rlvlUly ,),ty.- ar lite rlt iiMiit i,f trua tod. derma a rrwrrH, : f asaa'-rra la ot rut In atbtbla, II It Pot aotoethittb "lid Bid Mlial'rrabl. Ills bottir t li,rv li.lif and l arlI)', Bad Bif Irnfli.iliwsa a tear b--dlr do 4'awf a .Im1 Tat far tf a atotnan oliatevrr Is Iks frr pf ifbt l.f Mr pi tod. (sfvalevrr ba lha liprta. of Hi para aaa, ks alwa; a abMael a re bn Hi tb ttry of U-t t.le -Man. B aerti4 Wkit fravb la a aibr, Tbs fain I'taiSt tysUra baala Ma Waias Ibroaaboat by tuat ktat ff ta Its Mfs, I bo tk ftvtry p' 4 alt Ms aes laat mm4 aWtat.U, ll alao PfbU I'tesar bp IK aatd ritk l.tM oMklaf lbm bf li'aul t blgl.t faaaaar rarrtd daily ta It a malt. fat lei.ars t-wisti itrket. n la. fab-, fl f-a e$'m )t W. iif,ia. ai, v n u es I Ikkdi Ql'f .