t w TO TB" I .U Tv", :. ? . GIVES THI CHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. lA ... .4. ' UNION ! -. PACIFIC RY. VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. CATARRH LOCAL DISEASE I tSX uddm climatlo change. It can be cored by a pleasant remedy which I applied d Teotljr Into the nostrils. Bo Inr qnicWy stworbedit girea relief itonc. Ely's Cream Balm 1 acknowledged to be the moet thoronrh eon for Masai Oatarro, Cold In Head and Hay ierer of all remedies. It opens and cleanse the n"salpassr ;s, J1T pain and Inflammation, heals the sore, pro tects the membrane from colds, restores the sense of tasteandemell. PrlceSOc.atDrutrtrlsUorbTinstl. ELY Bit OTHERS, M Warren Street, Sew York mm THE IVi THMCE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 Pages a Week. 156 Tapers a Tear. It standi first among "weekly" papers io Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. N. For full details call on O. R. k Agent ta Heppner, cr address . W. H. BUBLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. 1 Portland. Oregon E. McNElkLi President and Manager. QUICK TI3VII3 t San Franoisco And all point Is California, eia tha Mt Hhaata route of Ui Southern Pacific Co The mat hiarhway through California to ail point Kast and South. Uranri Hostile Root of the Paclfl Coast. Pullman Bnflet Bleepere. Beoond -class Hlmpers Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodations fur seoimd-clasa passengers. For rat, tickets, sleepiug car raasrvationa, to, sail onon or address R. KOBH1.KK, Manager, K. P. ROGERS, Asst. sen. w a r. Agt.. Portland, uregon size, freqnency ot publication and freshness, Tariety sod reliability of eon tents. It is praotically a daily at tbe low prioe of a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of tbe Union and foreign conn tries will vouch for the aocuraoy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly Illustrated and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by tbe greatest livintt Amerioan and English authors, Conah Doyle, Jerome E Jehome, Stanley Weimam, Mary E. Wilkins, Anthony Hope, Bret Habte, Bbandbb Matthews, Eto. We offer this untquiled newspaper and Tbe Gazette together one year for $3.25. Tbe regnlarsubcoription prioe cf tbe two papers is f3 50. mm mm -TO THK- VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Through Pullman Palacs 8"eepera. Tourist Weeper and Free Reclining Chair cars daily toumsgo. Many hours tared rla tills lln tu Eastern Point. STEAM HEAT. PINTSCH LIGHTS MATICH. R. W. BAXTER, Gen Agent, , J 'or t land, Oregon J. C, HART, Agtnt, Heppner, Oregon MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Three copies of the Bibles written on leaves of the fan palm, are in the British museum. A-codfish recently caught oft Flam-borous-h Head, England, Jiad innide of it 50 fish hooks. . ;, ;...... ; -"-A floatirjr island in the Sabine river, 50 acres in extent, and covered with water hyacinths, floated for u week up and down the stream, near Orange, Tex. Two mischievous boys in naskell. Me., touched a match to a squirrel's tail to see if it would burn. The animal ran under a house, acdlhe blazing tail set it on fire. . Some regard, for decency is dis played by tbe proprietor of a restau rant in Auburn, Ore. . A sign on the wall rends thus: "Gentlemen are re quested not to swear when ladies are present." , , , The servant girls in Decatur, 111., have formed a union to regulate wages. One of the laws is that when n girl is t ni ployed in a family which i increased by the addition of a "little stranger," the wages of the servant must be ad nnced one dollara month. : The four great tunnels of the world are cited as an illustration of the marked diminution of the cost of engineering .vorks during the past quarter of t entury. The Hoosnc tunnel, the olr' st of the four, cost $500 a foot; th fount Cenifl, the next in date, $475 the St. Gothard, $365; and the Arlberg. the moat recent, only $200. ' ' . . Superintendent Hubbard, of the Clackumaa hatchery at Oregon City Ore., is to send to Washington speci mens of ybung salmon which hare die; n large numbers at the hatchery of : trange disease, the only manifestatioi f which is a white spot on. the fish' icily. Half the 2,000,000 fishes brougl; join the Salmon rivnr have lufn Lillm 1 by it. , The making of artificial ears seem; o have reached scientific perfectioi vithin the last decade. Made of a spe -dully prepared rubber, flesli-eolored li the rough, they are pointed by hand i exact imitation of the remaining ea of the unfortunate customer, and u carefully "touched" and marked ovei as an artist's pictui-e. The maker get $100 apiece for them. A SLEEPING BEAUTY. CHICAGO. Iwaies & St. Paul ify -if, PAUL MINNESOTAS?1 J fi "XM'LWAt'RII H U elTY X. A rne Lot Bomanc f tha Present Ea. , peror ef Cermanf. "Wben I was Jast .summer in Den mark," says the Paris correspondent pi Truth, "I went to Primkenau,whern the dukes of Augustenburj had their residence. Empress Augusta Victoria was born and brought up' there. Tha empress, as a child, had known, I was told by a member of the little ducal tourt, the emperor in childhood. But going to Casscl, and then to Bonn as a student, he lost siht of her. The ac quaintance was renewed under roman tic . circumstances. . When he was twenty or thereabouts he was sent in tbe early summer on a tour to IIol stein, and extended it to I'rhnkemiu. The young princess was a finely grown girl and blooming as a rose, tilie some how heard who was com in.? and dressed in her best to receive him. Growing tired of waitint,' she got into a ham mock swinging in an crbor, which was scented . with t reiihly-blown lilac. There she fell asleep. The . wandering prince came by the arbor, saw the sleeping beauty, and was conquered. It is said that as he was gazing on her she was dreaming that, more fortunate than her mother, she was being wafted to a magnificent throne, and that an imperial crown had descended on her head. William did not mean to disturb, tho sleeping beauty, but, a.i usual, he was in uni form, and the drujfginfr of his sword on the asphalt of the summer house and tbe clanking-of hii; spurs betrayed him. She awolic, and sit-v a pair of eyes that looked love at hers, and then she rushed away toward the residence Presently her governora came to tell her that the crowa prince of Prussia was there. Her mother, the duchess dowager, being ill, it devolved on Au gusta Victoria to do the honors. She hastened to welcome the illustrious visitor. He lost no timo in declaring himself her lover, and they were en gaged before he Lift the house. PARROT WAS Ha Has GOOD COMPANY. I.ODonoms says the Kernmruended to Married TComAn. "Yes'm," raid the dealer ":l cnttve birds and animals, "yon v ar.t n "parrot for company? I have the bird bi rc, the very bird. You are married, are vou uot?" Iiis fair customer bowed, Chicago Tribune. . "And your husband is nv-ay? 1 thought so. And you want the parrel to keep you from feeling lonesome? Yes? This is the very bird." "Is it a fluent talker?" asked the prospective purchaser. The dealer hesitated. "Well, r.o'in," he said, at last. "You wouldn't hardly call him a fluent talker; no, not that. But for what you want, he's the best I have." "What can the .bird say?" "That's what makes him the right one, ma'm. He ain't got but one re mark, to tell the truth; but he's been brought up for just what you want. Every morning he makes a sound like a bureau drawer opening, and enys, cross-like: " 'Where the deuce have you bidden my clean collars this time?' " frvm VAJamai tf JTaoVMs Prof. w. H. Feeze, who make a specialty of Epilepsy, has without doubt treated and cur ed more cases than any living Physician; his access is astonishing?. We have heard of case of so year' standing carta oy him. Ha publishes valuable) work on this dis ease, which, he sends .with a larire bot tle of hi absolute cure, free to any suffereif who may send their P. O. and Express address. We advise any one wishing a cure to address Prof .W. H. P EEKE, r. 9., A Cedar St., New York MS Send your tiame for a Souvenir ol the Work of Eugene Field, FIELDS FLOWERS tl)( Eugcnt Ticld monument Souvenir The most beautiful Art Production of the cen tury. "A small bench or tbe most Irssrant el diss soms fathered from the broad acres sf Eugene I farm of Lore." Contains a selection of the beautiful of the poems ot fcugene inm.lv illustrated bv thirty-five I sreatest artists as their contiibution ' ument Fund. Bat for the nobis contributions ; rmt artlits this book could not bars beta mi 1 tnnd far 7.oo. For sale at book, stores, or sent ? repaid on receipt of It. io. The love offering to heChild's Poet Laureate, published by the Com i mittee to ere ue a fund to build the Monument and to care for the family of the beloved poet. Eugene Field Monument Souvenir Fund, so Mourue Street, Cblcsgs, III I Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat- fentDusinessconaoxiea ror modcrste fees. r n . ii e D.Tru.n.nrr rand we can secure patent u less tune than those i I W..l,rntnn 5 Send model, drawing or photo., with aesenp Jjtion. Wo advise, if patentable or not, free of; 5 charjre. Our fee not d ue till patent is secured, i a d t " How to Obtain Patents," with Jcost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries (sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. , Patent Office, Washington. D. C. V The comparative value of these tweesris I known to most person. They illustrate that greater quantity is Not alway moat to be desired. ' These card express the beneficial qual ity of R!pansTabules 4 compared with any previoualy knows. DYSPEPSIA CURB Rlpsos Tabule ! Price, 50 cent a bos. Of druggists, or by mail. .. BIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 1 0 Spruce St., N.Y. . WANTED-AN IDEASm'S thing to patent? Protect your ideas ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDKfU BUKN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Waabington, ' D. C., for their $1,800 prize oiler.- - Cummings & Fall, ! . PROPRIETORS Glance at this Map Stands at the Head. Aug. J. Battel, tbe leading druggist of Hhreveport. La., says; "Dr. King's New Discovery is tbe only thing that oart-s my cough, and it ia the best seller I have." J. F. Campbell, merohsnt of Suffnrd, Ariz, writes: "Dr. King's Mew Disoovery is all that is olaimed for it; it never fails, and is a sure oure for Con sumption, Coughs and Golds. . I canont any enough for its merits." Dr. King's New Discovery tor Consumption, Coughs and Colds is ool an experiment. . It ban beno tried for quarter ot a century, and today stands at tbe bead. It never disappoints. Free trial bottles at Cooser t Brock's drag store. . ECCENT:i:JiTi7.3 OF GENIUS. Queer Do! ? 1 -i; I ! ! ft o? Simeofthe World s (l?i . a .". 1 an I Women. We ortea iuvir p ;o.l offering objec tions to cjrt tin of t'.i At acriuaintances :.eer." Eccentric allied to genius tidirrgh Dispatch. iar.f, there have been j iuost whimsical of Of th Chicago, Milwaukee and Rt TV I Rail way and note It connections with all traneron tlnsnlsl Una and 81. Paul ami malia, and rememlier that Its trains are lighted with elec tricity and heated by steam. It equipment I uperb. Elegant Buffet, Library, ttmoklng and Bleeping cars, with tree reclining chairs. Each sleeping oar berth ha an elei tlio reading lamp, and It dining car r ths boat In ths world. Other line ar longer than this, but nnnesr barter, nd no other offer theebov luiurloti accommodation. These sre suflli'lrnt reasons lorlhspopularltyofTh Milwaukee." Coupon lug a 1x11" Icket sgents In erery railroad oftlcs will glvs . Mr. Houlhsislc ynu further Information, or address C i. EDDY, General Agent, J. W. CAHI Y, Trav l as. Agent, rnBTLiPD, OasnoK, Origin of Ullllard. The origin of billiards is obscure, but the best authorities on the subject de clare that the game was brought from tbe rust by tbe Crusaders. Itwaacer tainly played by the early Knights Templar and tbe Knights of Malta, and in medieval times was exceedingly popular among the monks in tb monasteries of France and Italy. All furDoeM Anwrd. Mr Northlikv-Iii't It wondt that r.lnomfUld Is not arrested for bemrh- Ing along on hl wheel without carry- It Isn't wcessary Tin authorise consider that the IoikI ffolf sUH kiiips be wrurs aiuiwer every purpoKC-rltUburgU 1 nronicie-irr ptaph. HARPER'S ROUND TABLE Fto k f tkt tt-he mumhfTt f Hit friJiet iriff iff wiV a ttery h tm asiW inUrnttuml ssw. rrtrvli m jiw ef tkfit uiken an itvsj Mew. JiriiJt lit frit Oftn xs eftri e Kvki thrt uilt h THRCO RCMARKADLC TWENTY-PART SERIALS A LAVAL TRAIT OK TNfi PAINTED DL8LUT . TUB ROCK OP THE UON A Ml UM SrtM INMTI t kiss MM OMR Of TUB SHOUT ar.RULS Tin v wtcta ( w o A ttmr Ult By ttmm tttm T Vt t4. IB. ft, iy t V mSf Mlm iNisifctt lA-4 IDT CJ s44. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE. . 1, becaurjC ti.ey 11 ity, hotwivur, ii than not, iay lit Amonj the ii'.ir.i found sum j o: t. men. Haydn eo'il ! not eomposo satisfac torily t hii.i .ell witUout first having put on lui 1) t suit of clothes and pow dered lits lvi,r. Xor crnil.l ho get his ideas in fin.i until ha lutd placed upon his fln;jer a iiu:n-:i 1 rin'f prasentud to him by I'Ye ler s : it. A wtlier com poser, Mncj'uai by c:i-u:, doclurcd that he never u;u u.iy m ):;i.!tit'i of inspira tion execpliii.f wiien Uia two pt cats were tittinj i:p);t hi shoulders. In other li:iu'i t'lu.i uuiio wj finl that v'i.. celebrated astron c -. il cviUir'-, dropped , icv. r !i :c.i i:;lit;dht I ; ;, I: in J of '.' .'. . .1 ...in a ; ha saw , 111., kin;,' of Eng lvr t.) be in a room it.;, even luougn ne Lru:,mus. of Hotter- Tycho de lirnh omer of t'w nt to the gr.j-.ia 1 v.v of a lniv ur u ! Polanl. I )': t . an a.vu:1. i 1 e land, coui I no'. where tiieiv w.i--. might no; (: it. dam. on.; of ti..1 in"!it enligiitened men of the peri jd tva thrown i;ito a fever at the r.irrht r.f 1. ft. h. r.ucon, the great Englii.'ii ciiiincdl.ir. fainted whije guz Ing ttnn i". li;i,o o. tiie moon. John II., grand d'.tke i f Mot-e iw, fell into a swoon at tii'.' hi:fM 01 11 i.immn-surely the struii;,'o ,t peculiarity ever noticed in n man. Cheviilur dn (.'tiiso was similarly affecte.l by t'., t.i;;iit of a rose, even without 1 p.i' tii:i" it 1 frngrance. Maria do Medici, t'i'- u i l.ouis XII., fond as hhe wa of tlowers, goiierully speak ing, could not di: ruin'.' her repugnunca to ruhca, even paiulj.l ones. r f Euiene Field's Of the Old Reliable n of the most i Field. Hand- 1 1 T T f$m Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q C. M. & St. ., u- K A., r. ri. w. oi v., and the C. St, L. 61 P. Railroads. RATES SU.00 I IS I- DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts., - The regular Bubsonptiou price of tha Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and the regular price of the Weekly Oregonian is SI. 50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year i advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for 83.50. All old snt seribera paying their subscriptions fcr one year in advnnoe will he. entitled c rheaumw. . " New Feed Yard. Wm. Gordon hae opened up tbe feed yard next door to the Gazette office, and now solicits a share of your patronage. "Billy is right at home at tbis business, and your horses will be well looked after. Prioet reasonable. Bay and grnin forsale. tf t-k 4- TRAD! MARKS 'ffv' COPYRIGHTS AO. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention I proMblr patentsble. Communications strictly connUenttst. Oldest affeucr for securing pstent In America. We have a Wash I nut on ortice. Patents taken through Munn A Co. recelvs special notice in tbe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, besntlfullr illustrated, largest circulation any scientlde Journal, weekly, terms S3.0U a fi.3uaix mouins. specimen copies ana Book ON Patents sent free. Address MUNN Sl CO., 381 Broadway, Mew York. 1 TM U. S. GOVERNMENT I 1 IS, of s year 1 liANO CF THE Hi THE CHROVK-ljr, ranks with U grestes ewapspors la Hi United MlaUs. TMK CHIluMCI.K has no equal eo tli PacIA l oiut. tt lewis all In ability . enterprise and new TIIK CHKOXICLK'i Tetss-raphie Reixiru ar the latust and most reliable. It Local News lb fu'leal and siilclrst. and II Editorial from Ui blt'ni rwns lu the euuntry. TIIK Oil HOMICI.K baa alwars been, and al war will be, the friend end champion of ths people a asauisl combinations, clbiui'S. eorimrstlons, or oiMrtsiono of any kind, it will b Uidvpeadenl lb everyUtlug neutral la aotUlug. PAYING MILLIONS I A MONTH C To persons who served iri the wars of the United States or to their vv Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars r(T) on whom you depended for support ? I THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW U, To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new fev law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it f) to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the i? time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. VV rrWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company $ rillLIP W. AVIRETT, General manager, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. f ) JT. B.Tht Company U controlled fry ntttrltj owe fAotaanrl Ituding ntv papen n the Vnlttd Stale; and is guamntttil b) Ihtm. A IMs-ry mt W tm ctf HWtlff If MJ44I ItUSY WM4V A Ws RCUlif 4 m cm w A Abrl U aim. OMWWWt watuakto. v" Ml m. o 11, am, t.t NinHM TYPICAL AMwftlCAN STUDENTS. Tts l aldralliril Ptrttnes n Eshlbllloa la llixtim -Tbe lliurna'oas of Karhw Two lntTcting blatuet, the result of much hard wur',;, were put on ex hibition in Iter .ton n-cntly. One wo that of a yoiin r man and the other that of a girl. They were deslfnetl to rrnrfictit the American college at 11 dent, not llio i leal Ainrrioan student of either seg, bjt t'lt aottml, typical student, the m .aur-inent uwil hav ing been tin avrrae, or mean, of dry vrlopment of stulcnu from various part of the country. 1 ho statue ara described by 1'ie ILh IioiUt lirt and F.xprMi as rcpiva.'nlitig fairly well built young nvr -oiia, ayinmetrically dv Vfloprd, and without serious phyMcal defect." The Bgsirt'S hare an easy pnae, standin r firinlr ana gracefully Tht facra, which w.-rv m lelo.I afUr TO HI us ii rt 11 -'..1 j ' r r ?f 1 Attorneys tit Hr-ivvveV IlEFPNER. AU basiiiesa attended to lb a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Poblic and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. t OREOOH 1' W- m e-l . 1 ft; WHITE COLLAR LINE. n 1 1 iv in in 1 it (innihia ivcram w, mw in V VI uill'Vl asaivs iiuu a v U IhVU IWVUIItt tl'AllHl Slraacrs THII'DO.NE, BAILEY GATZKRT AND OCEAS WAVE. Leseint Aider Hlreel LXek, Port! sod, for Astoria, Ilwsoo, Long Beseh, ()ca Park and Msbotta. Ihreei eontieotioo with Ilwsoo sioamers sod Til road; also at Young's Bay with 8bir ltsilroad. THTjuriioisri Lmw Portland T A. M. Dally, (tcept Sunday. Lee Aatorta 7 P. M. Dally, escept Sunday, eomp.it .h t .-rapiu made froia tha VK V 7-3 ff V F I . J..U:HAII'BT OATir.nnT .... 1 rJ..... ... .... . 1 1. ....K.r.,. t' l I Pf 1,1 I W I.LL; IA Lawres Portland P. t Illr. rpt Mnndsy. SwiuMsy ol.ht. 11 p M, mh Astoria Patty atudcntafMta Wl..mtliOttlc.urcmciiU . V.f hCiiUtf-f . H 7 CI e ll A. at., ep4 Sunday and Mowtay. Sunday night. J P. M. were taken, arv-ban U.m. and thouffht- ' U I.isi rlttJI.JAX i J s" i VH 1 1 OOM!lX WAVH Nl, with a warU-I a;r nf n'Oneroent. --A . PoHi.nd snd roe. dlrert to llwe,. Tu-I.y and 1 hurwl.y .HAM. Haturdar al I P. M The fe of t!u y ' in.r man lathe hand- I T""-'' U ilwaro wedtay and rrtday at 1 ) A. td. On Sunday nlgit al P. H. jnt "mJlu !' nraS.thlcfasMw tfc-"n.N,iH. R.ildi.g. llt CWflfl It EliM DtStifillitH Both LVlfkfl FlTt tf Elpft standartt. f1KFA'S JtOt'Xfl TABIK rf.n, u ih ih.nher, tmh, I47J no i r,s, 0 IkfttUtmi, let 4iJt4 t JiUwt : .." Hffthh?, fljooo; AmU " tesmekr itmfo n ', I'll ""t A0NIiY lRIZES tumt. n4 fbw v! i'mult itt'm If yem a tnt, y Vit I'nu Mnvr. UUl U mr Unit fer a fawrifi.H, yrm tend in fvmr mtirnat I ( a) fir mfttUn. Sim4 i erne e frt U it tmmn n4 at. Ie eft'l. $tm4 4 tfr f ear 16 f(t IllwImbJ fltrt Lft Tin ftfUtn erne ffrr f'rt Rii. 1 r f" imlmJti lit'inei ef , Hie, , 4 i Avt, f , enj i rT- . t j, , , , 1 in 1 1 ,, , ' 'arti A- oi trmMm. I " . wV r. r i ," f' ti. 4't mml I " - - f r erne ir'ljim sae Vi ef fJ Im 44. If t-N o r l-W-Ki m IIM I AW7f rw. v vi 1 r s 11 rr I 111 1 imi rw 1 w( 1 It, I w if If j , j aV - In l'.ir f rm t s II ur therw art nm mtr .r I li'partir.' from ilia standard, 'i ! ban It an I " art lire, li,k' l i,' ttr'.kttaro small. Ths bright of t!i. m! I live f.'et eljfht im ties ail I f I ic f :nl. live fi'ct thrwa In. lira, Th" 1 tiU r.'.'Wwnts a weight of one hmi'lr'l a-t I t'lirtv-rlcht and cine hlf toittnlt nil t't f.-m! one hanilivd and Kit.- n toutt'K Jcti fljfure rcjircn-nt i inrrmcnts taWrt. fnta f.irty t-V' I -.t'lih par's of th lNty and IhovF 'i"W tha acrf ( eUiptm'nt of ra h a.-t at th af of twrntr-on yrsr-. It U t.rthy of rnl thai the t a twttvr tSt of tit liril'. 1 it . nnaa. as I show a ty rowr...a ss.lh neanr Snt4 Mta.1) rv. eutlt it, ttMHa eowSr the: daily Cp!y$60aM?. Ths VMIj Chronicle Uj CkjI tt Wc tMy h lie (iiilry, iyrsr-. 11 l At'rtriy ii h.if 1 J . - tf yp,.al ..n. ri .1 at u.l. nt I.M I CL2"1 Kf 1 IJIf rlty;.'al ,e.. ..,.ncal iSsa I I w U ' fat Safety, Ppewd, Cotafott, rtratan, Trartl 00 the Telephone, Rallry 01 cert and Ocean W -or- For tho Cure o Liquor. Opium til Tobacco Habits II I torated at Meat, Oregwa, Tk4 Mttt t) e dutiful To- on tki CW Call al lb Oustts ftrs) Uf fwrstrular atrfctjj coaftdenuai. 1 rswuixBl r1'al and sura ear. m thin i swMk Uoirf a) Im Ttl WTY OT Trtrt VOtart OTti . I . - S Is taaa mm ia. hktowic axnnooot giilr i- iuikki rw F I S lWM i . en sik... . S, CtaMM rwMiM mirrwi rtm AlTWoaf trcotiKTwr TUt f ' t, Httf ig -we f er.es. t r ut M ) mi kwu a, mm avM ft. l.. a IliVtui'txi ss.s nttft gat rria kraiKiM W ,! , HI IIIIIS W Ar J,. Ms ef Af lie h" U t.jf. 4 j, m t-r wsaisiai me 6 M.w ..aufraAr4 A lul W fim Cf''. Sf a.. 9 rMratAtMirit g UtCRAtV IMS ' ! s fasts a aasiea I as t.s't ,S ' inoas a a, rmtotic CAVAiav cn ! wtA smra st amt b st orweci tla lb t'absa fa A !a-gg la rhrke4 IbroaiB frsi rft- a4W. tWliaail-a. penal Mr r tha LSloa Punt ara aae.awlK lr i4 .) sai. aah Urris. ii n tarfief fc fwra, Meta . hfiara lihl (4 av rlow irvalas! W pt" fo ru ad iarHsaia app'f it W. H.it, !. Agt 0. r. tyica, l'it Uttfcta. i I -vat ims Mavr n 4 " rIM4 eaa-4 ,a.aiiaal aaa. Ttt rrisi.y o 'i r.i i ts. u, iw.ims l-ln4 ru n. , iim'I I W" 4 f.m r-4ir a ewi4v e t.re T a i .. a-r 1 iMts lwa . . wv laraaa, of a a sr awwaraii tve s 7 iimff .', aW.) A t aisrii a ititMtl. r.W'tb'. ara Ysa. a.i ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 1897 1 J"'',i iV li ffi iVufAjW 11 i. r. ji mmfi a.u4 II Twa I'ni'ial ellaaissM) V tf 'fln.wsoa r4" ra aot a ra4. aat a anally tsotla. Wow It o14 b traarv4 f"t tawaa and freaaraal laa r4, 0 SUasaovliaat, u fla It ( Ih4 tvHaak-al aaiwa, ha la LUwar, Ita i Nrtwt l.ly-liha V)oon ara U ( hti-r aaiat I ha irrrraanr4itaff Urrfuark Tra. A rara aanaty j Isst a C -wrf tf fm fvrpU. Ths f y klaf a.' t-f Ua latt U Mad to t t (.., 'JiM'tisi e4." aa4 th tr,:,M.ft t that sf'r tla slttmf t ! Jir.irta t. Li- a fatibJ IK YOU WANT Till; CHRONICLE Reversible Map? flint ixi Tb UcitrJ S:ti, Dcnioioa of Citiit nj Kortbirn Mexico it k itr, A4 Ik j Map of tho World uw TtiR ornr.rt atrtc w tl Ml fiat ! Mtft a4 A a li . I f ! TwV. M irf.lltiH k sal lfs i't'1 OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACK IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must y: it. The PattersOsN rtiatsHtNG Co. i r ii i.us-4 tv it AJ. II ViHJVn, . a4fapsv,AAti US4. WasV