Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 09, 1897, Image 3

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U essential to fa
health. Every nook Im! I f fXfi
and comer of the Ul I J fJ U
fcystem ia reached by the blood, and oa
its quality thecendition of every organ d6
bends; Good blood ineans strong hef vei,
good. aigetidn( Robust health. imjptlre
blood meani icrof ula, dyspepsia, rheuina
tism, catarrh or other diseases. The surest
way to have good blood ia to take Hood's
SarsapariUa. This medicine purines, vi
talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends
the elements ot health and strength to
every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates
good appetite, gives refreshing sleep
and cures that tired feeling. Remember,
Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
HnnH'c DMlo cure Llver Ill9i easy to
UUUU & fills take, easy to operate. 25c
Now that the great politioal campaign
is over and the wiDter season ugain witb
ns, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long eveniogs. Cogniztnt of this the
Gazette has made dubbins arrangements
with a number of periodical and now
offers the following to all new sod renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate
Weekly OreRontan, 1.50 $3.50
" 8. F. Examiner, 1.50 8.75
" N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, 11.00. 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle, fl.50 8.75
Thrice-a-WeckN.Y. World, 11.00 8 25
Webfoot Planter, 60c 2 50
Leille's Weekly, 4 .00 5.00
Here and There.
Trice Florenoa is on the sick list.
Clias. Barnett was up from Lexington
last Sunday.
Fine tomato catsup, 2!o per bottle at
P. 0. Thompson Co. 4-5
J. O. Kincaid, of lone, was a visitor to
Heppner last Satuiday.
A. H. McEwan, a Portland traveling
men spent Sunday in town.
Drink the celebrated J. H. Cutter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers.
The lied light people will treat you
right. Call oo tbem when in town. If
The smiling countenance of Tboa.Woo
lery of lone, was seen on oar streets last
Joe Woolery, of lone, was reported to
be quite sick last week, but is again able
to be around.
Mra. Wm. Potter and children arrived
frotn Hood. River Saturday rooroiog.to
visit wilh Heppner relative!.
Milton Eagle: Born to the wife of
Mr. L. B. riant, io this city, last lues
day morning, an eight pound boy.
Dave Dricneo and Jack Mills departed
last evening for British Columbia where
tbey expot to make tbeir future Lome,
Mra. Jeny Ooba and baby came up
from Portland on last oigbt'a train for a
visit witb Ileppuer frienda and relative.
The M. . churcb, Booth, baa par
ousted tbe lot adjoining the church on
the south andeiptct soon to areot a par
Miltoo Eagle: Mra. 8. P. Garrlgaea,
of Hep peer, sifter of Mr. L. B. Dent,
is Maying witb Mra. Plaota daring ber
Invitation bsve beeo itaned for
hist tarty tomorrow evening at lb
Lome of Mr. and Mr. O. E. Farnswortb,
ot tM oity.
Fresh supply ot Ana roast coffee Just
rewired by P. 0. Thompson company.
Tbeir avoca blrad canoot be eioIId
for the price. 4 5
A local institute will be bold at the
Beppner cboolbooa BMt HatorJsy,
Ftbraary l.'ltb. begiooiDg al 10 a. m.
All arc cordially invited.
Uarriod-Laat Hetnr ley at 3 p. m. at
tb borne of lbs brll' barents, Jotlc
lticberdeoa ufflcielirtg, Martha Van
Wink la aod Jam Morgan, both of tbia
Elder J. W. Jeekio departed last
avsoiof In F.oterpriee, Of., wber ba
ill noJuol a tttta to eootiooe
probably for lb retnalolar of tbia
8iutbloy. and eot irritailac. 'tnib
in, and sot aeasiag, smell bat. effec
tive eueb are the ..labile "I IWitl'e
Lima Kerlf Uiee' lb faasoae Mil
(,111s. I'naeer A Brae.
Frank Ie'T.'U ol I tiaaetuek buyer,
etnw. ep front P.irtlaod on eiM'
tfia. Frank recently reiamed fri
lb I al wtera dief-eed of 6 f0 heed i4
baeo which b bad fed Keatee
Heely vaptlae oa Ik bead, cbpi4
banie an I lip. '. bra.-, td.
biie are q ii-kly atrd by DeVViil'
w tteb !lv4 Halve, U t P'0'
aibale 4 tat ptlt. I It !;
rereelbeta, 0ttie-f B-k.
E. Uay.of IkaUiMi C-eaeeey,
l0l ieday a tka iy. H Ml oa
lb M Pa4 Ha. Mr.
Ma. i Kti falf!f tka ft I '
abova 9mft, b
(ith.c) la their (
Tba 41 Mr rtabt ba
Ik abttd tf lby wail M tka
,Uw . Bkaa-Jk I "- "' ,,f
.Ik fa !-( r'
c Hh. k.1 it I 'ap kf.
t'.af A ifl.
t KatJr biac Ita . 'V
kl Cka. J.ikaa". - fc t
111 fr ii p1 "
pt,l. fcl '
f.ttwr.tw- .a V' I '" UM
A.f "! II .
tli c iri( trrh
Oregonian: Josef Mueller, tbe well
known traveling saleeman tor the Wiley
B. Allen Co., of Portland, will give a
mnaioal soiree at the Palace botel, Hepp
ner, daring the coming week. Mr.
Mueller will be assisted by Mra. H. W.
Bartholomew, a pianist from tbe East;
Miss Ada Bartlett, of San Francisco,
who baa a aeet soprano voice, and also
by tbe beet local taleot of Heppner. A
treat ia in store for all lovers ot music.
' I have givea Chamberlain's C .agh
Remedy a fair test and consider it ooe o.
the very best remedies tor ore up that I
have ever found. Ojs dose baa always
been Hoffljient, afthoigb I ust it freely.
Any oold my. obildren oontraot yields
very readily to this medicine. I oau
conscientiously recommend it for oroup
and colds in obildren. Geo. E. Wolf,
clerk of tbe circuit Court, Fernaodiua,
Fia. . Sold by Oooser & Brook.
- Carson, Nevada, has been Bdiected as
the plaoe where the Oorbett Fiiznm .
moos figbt will ooour, aud already hotel
and boarding accommodations have
been provided for thousands ot people
Residents of that oity are greatly pleas-
d over its selection, as tbey anticipate
but tbe visitors will leavj behind a large
sum of money which will greatly beueflt
tbe oity.
A few months ago, Mr. Byron Erery
of Woodstock, Mich , whs b idly efHioted
witb rheumatism, ilia right leg was I
wolleo tbe full leogth, cnutiug him
great suffering. He was advised to try
OhumDerlnin'd Pdiu Bilm The flist
bottle ot it helped bitn cohbilerably and
the seooud bottle effected a oure. The
25 and 50 oeut sizjs are for sale by Con
ger & Brock.
Ira Campbell, editor ot the Eugene
Guard, was married Inst Saturday even-
ug to Mrs. Nick Frezier, also of Eugene.
Mrs. Frttzier was formerly a resident of
Peudletoo where site is favorably known.
The loDg expected bas at last happened",
and from all reports Ira's surrender wes
complete, but graceful Happiness to
Eionne me" observed the man In
spectaoies ''but I am a surgeon, Bnd tbat
is not whore the liver is." Never yoa
mind where the liver Is " retorted- tbe
other. Tf it was in bis big toe or bis
eft ear DjWitt'a Little Early Risers
would reach it and shake it for bim. Oa
that yon can bet your gig-lamps." Con
ser A Brook. s
Tbe rofiliog ot several Elk's charms at
Conner & Brock' drug store has aroused
considerable interest among tbe mem-:
her of this fraternity ia Heppuer. The
325 Charm r.ffli.l off last evening, was
wou by A. W Patterson, and tbe $15 em
blem waa woo today by 0. E. Bedfleld.
Another rnfflj ia io progress.
Go Staltnr left lst night for Eastern
Franoe, where be ba fallen beir to a
fortune, estimated to be between 85,000
and f 10,000, left to him by an old geo
tlemno by whom ha waa raised. Tbia ia
Qua' first visit siure he left there 30 year
ago. Ha expeote to return io two
Bro. Irelaod, of the Miro O'wierver
thinks Sherman oionty bta aim thing
to ba thackrul tor. Here lny are:
"Shermao oonuty may have bedbnga
and flies but aha baa do oonvtct in the
penitentiary nor member of Salem'
biennial disgrace."
There will ba prearbiog al tbe M. F
Sunday last waa a great day for the
First Christian church ot Heppner, it
being tbe time appointed tor the dedica
tion of their new home of worship which
stands on tbe corner of Gale and Center
streets. Long before tbe boar of ser
vices people began gathering in and it
Was soon apparent that the seatiug oa
pnoity ( the entire building would be
taken apt and by the time services were
to begin fully 500 people had crowded
iutd the house; The coogregations of
the M. E. and M. E. Sodth churches
held no services at tbeir respective
houses of worship in the morning, tbeir
members attending the dedicatory ser
vice at tbe new ouurou aud tbeir pas
tors, Rev E. P. Greene Bnd Rev. O. R.
Howard, assisting, in oonduotiog the
ceremonies of tbe hour. Elder Wm. F.
Oowden, ot Taooina, Wash., preached
the discourse and it was a masterly ef
fort. After Ibis tbe church olerk made
a statement of the cost of tbe new
bnildiog, wbat had been paid in to tbe
building fund in the way of dooations of
money, labor tied material, eaid report
showing tbat in order to dedicate tbe
house properly an indebtedness of 8075
had to be provided for and this the con
gregation present was asked to make
good by oanh or time subscription. Mr
Oowdeo assumed the task ot raising the
amount needed, and tbe manner in
which tbe people responded wes a great
surprise to all, considering the Darn
times through which we are passing.
Tbe generous spirit of our people, muni
tested in tbeir rapid and liberal re
sponses soon oovered tbe amount needed
and more too, as a footing up of the
subscriptions made showed that $835
had been pledged. Tbis amount bn
sinoe been raised to very nearly $900
The liberality and promptness shown
was a great surprise to many and especi
ally to the members of the congregation
under whose charge tbe responsibility of
building tbe new bouse bad been
placed, tbey baving very great fear
about providing for suoh a large sum of
money in these times wben people are
making suoh heroio struggles to main
tain a livelihood.
' Tbe work ot building tbe new church
was begun some months ago, and wbi'e
some difficulties aod obstacles were en
countered, tbe work kept steadily on,
tbe ohurcb people feeling tbat after
undertaking snob a work io tbia com
munity tbey must finish it. Tbe result
is they have a neat and oomfortablr
building tbat la an ornament to our lit
tle oity aud a house that will serve tbt
purposes ot tbe congregation meeting
there for years to oome. We should
like to go iuto further details regarding
tbe appoiutmenia and conveniences ot
the new bouse, bat time and spaoe pre
vents us doing so at tbis time. There is
yet some considerable work to be done
in tbe way ot painting, finishing bellry,
etc., but tbeae will all be properly at
tended to in time, when we bopa to be
able to give a full deioriptioo ot the
Is a blood disease and only a blood reme
dy can cure it. So many people make
the mistake of taking remedies which
at best are only tonics and cannot possi
bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith,
Greelicaatle, Indiana, says: "For years
I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma
tism, which the best physicians were un
able: to relieve. I took many patent
medicines but they did Hot seem to
reach niy trouble; I gradually grew
worse tifitil I was m
able io take my food
or handle myself in
any way; I was abso
lutely helpless. Three
bottles of b.b.b. re
lieved me so that
was soon able to move
my right arm; before
long I could walk
across the room, and
when I had finished one dozen bottles
was cured completely and am as well as
ever. I now weiga 170."
A Real Blood Remedy
S.S.S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema
and any form of blood troubles. If you
have a blood disease, take a blood meav
cine S.S.S. (zuatanlced purely vegeta-
table is exclusively for the blood and
is recommended for nothing else. It
forces out the poison matter permanent
ly. We will
send to anyone
our valuable
books. Address
Swift Specific
Co., Atlanta,
Tfcex Will Marry.
Sheriff Matlock arrived from Heppoa
yesterday , armed with a warrant tor tbe
arrest ot a young man named Mo'gso,
soo ot Heppner'a mayor. He had tele
graphed here concerning Morgan, and
Deputy Sheriff Eelley bad arrested the
young fellow before Matlock arrived.
He i charged with that offense as old as
history; as old aod perhaps older than
legendary lore can bear witness to of
having loved not wisely, but too well.
As the matter atanda now, he ia a father
without baving attended any wedding
oeremoni, bat will go back now tnai
he bas to, aod give the girl and the little
one the right to bear his name. Tbeland
slide at Bonneville rather delayed bis wed
ding tout with the sheriff, but be will
lave it lust tbe same. The Dalle
"How to Care all Bkln Diseases."
Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment."
No internal medicine required. Care
etter, eczema, itoh, all eruptions on tbe
race, bands, nose, &o., leaving tbe skin
dear, white and bealtby. Its great head
tng and curative powers are possessei
by do other remedy. Ak your drug'
gist for Swayne's Ointment.
Hiok Mathews aod Y. Gentry, under
the firm name of Mathews & Gentry,
are associated together in tbe birber
business in the new stand, two doors
south ot the postoffioe. They eolioit
oall. tf.
iSS Vou wm flna one conpoa
tiv ioslde each two ounce bag
W2 1 rSiftW I f andtwocouoonslnalde. I
1 1 xfmmmmm ' ... i
t I vnwnWWtwl lour ounce DagoiDiacK wen
jf CWMvi i Durham. Buy a bag of tbl I
yUr sSWn celebrated tobacco and read I
!lllll'Sm?l 'lst of valuable presents and I
Bffi!2f J how to get them. 1
If Senator Mitobell is not the ohoioe
.f the majority in the legislature why
should bis opposers fear his eleotion?
If be Is tbe oboloe wby is be Dot entitl
ed to tbe eleotion? Oo what just grounds
oau tbe obstructionists excuse tbeir aot
lion? St Helens Mist.
Simonism, Boarniem and pofnlism
have oousp red against republicanism.
It is a case of boodle, lawlessness and
anarohy arrayed against the representa
tives of decency, law and order aod hon
est government Corvalles Gazette.
for the county of Morrow, State of Oregon:
O'e. the iiiideraiinied legal voters and resi
dents of lone precinct. Morrow County, Oregon,
respecuutiy peution your nonoraoio Doay 10
grant a lteeiiBH to Charles Koblnson to "U
npirituous, malt and vinous liquors In less
quantities than one gallon, in the town of lone,
ana your petitioners will ever pray:
J A Woolery
J u Emery
H A Timm
O w Ginger
J R Doolev
o c Cochran
John Cochran
E H Sargent
8 V Haney
Ret Nelaon
Walter Cason
K C Hperry
Thos Woolery
Ben Fleming
P E Holland
W T McNtbb
9 C Lewis
E L Fad berg
T Maronet
W H 1 engue
C T Smith
Dick I Jih lie
fleorge W Utt
.me naney
Frank Engelman
Ed Engelman
J A Hughes
Arthur Vandrcy
Louis Male
Ous Olock
Clyde Snerry
Oscar Mitchell
J H Ritchie
E Klotinanu
Mike Hale
T J ilhelm
W A Morgan
H Obner
J Colestock
C C Wilson " '
Wm H Pad berg
L M Hills
Gilbert Aldrich
W 8 Smith
Chas Sperry
rain Kieunann
chorcb Tbnrnlay evening, the 11th, at 7
o'clock. All are invited. A special re
aunt I made for a full attendance of
members. Tbia will be the first service
of our second quarterly meeting, oon
ducted by Presiding Elder Waraer.
Tbe damage to th track near Bonne
ville oansed by tbe wreck last Thursday
was repaired the asm evening, and
train er all oa time except tbe east
bound overland wbioh did Dot arrive al
tli Dalle ootil 3 o'olook Friday morn
frank Fsfosworth arrived from Sao
FraDciseo Ut Saturday moroing for a
few week' ! with hi prot.
Even Rufus Mai lory has a toaah ot
tbe seoatorial fever. He is Dolph'a
partner aud ba bnea exposed to tbe
iisease.East Oregoniao.
Mat Halvorsen
Jas Nolan
W H McCormlck
John Llndstrom
M J Williams
J J McKlligott
J W King
N Dickson
H Pad berg
Levi Hansford
L B Knox
W M Hamiewood
given that the undersigned
County court 01 Morrow
County, Oregon, at the March term, HOT, on the
6th day of tatd month, for a license to sell
nlrltiinus. malt and vinous liaunrs In leu
quantities than one gallon for a period of out
J D Pad berg
H A Shaw
S J Ritchie
R B t'ochran
H M Thornton
Notice is hereb;
will apply to
by 1
Racklra' Aralca Halve.
Tbe Best Salve io the world for Cat.
Bruises, More, Cloers, Halt Rbeuro,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Cbapped Hand,
Chilblain, Corns, and all Skio Erup
tions, and positively cure Pile or no
pay reqnirrd. It ia guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price W cent or boi. For tale by
Conner A Brock.
Hon. F. N. June is Terr large man;
Tjnoh larger than tbe av rage, and in
deed rnuoh larger than bia party. Be
fore eleotion he pledged himself to the
people to vote for Milohell for United
States senator. Tbe pledge be baa de
liberately and willfully broken. Tb
English language ia prolifla la nam
for a person who dose not keep hi word,
and tbe Ho 0. F. N. Jonea can wear
whichever ot tbe synonum anita bia
pleasure best.
Of course ha will follow the line be
has eeleofed tor himself and follow them
to tbe end.- Wbat hi oonstituent want
is nothing to bim. He ia not a servant
of tbe people; be is tbeir bos. The of
fice belong t) bitn; tbs people gave it to
bim. It i true there was a string on it,
several of them; bat string dou'l count
witb Jones. 11 broke tbem long with
bi pledge.
Teachers' Examination.
Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop
Guests will find the best of accom
modations in every respect.
The Trouble is Over!
We Mean the Election. But that ;
Makes no Difference With
Who never let politics interfere with business. At tbe
same old stand, next door to M. Liubtenthal'a.
the purnoienf inaklnian examination of
all persons who mar oiler themselves as ranoi
ii.r Itii'iiciB ui villi iim.ia ui ,,) win..
f r state and lite diplomas, the county school
superintendent thereof will hold a public
exaiiiliisili.n at the court house at Heppner,
ohmiub: vtiMini-srtay, reb. lotn, iw7.
i.aieu mil run uaj 01 Jan. imi.
filJ-irj JAY W. RHIPL15Y,
School Bupt., Morrow km.
1 of the Cnuntv Cunrt of the Mate ot Orrsjnn
lor the county 01 Morrow, to me nirerieo. com-
iiiauillnE me to levy on the goo.li aud chattels
of the di'llii(iienl taxpayers named on the da-
llniiient tax roll lor sain county lor tna years
if.111. law. imw. iiv.h ano inii.i, inerein ai'arnni,
ami mine In found then upon the real property
as avt li fill ami described in the said ileflniueiit
tax roll, or so much Ihereoi as shall satiny Hie
aii.ount of taxes charsed therein, log-ether with
r,,l and exM-iiae. I have iluly levied, having
Inm'I) unaiiie to nun any KiNMisorcnaiii'isnrioiig.
lust to the reaped I ve lelliiiiiieiita tierelnallar na
Ini'd (iiuin the lollowlii dex rllMI pieces or par
cell 01 ia.111 as set Kirtn 111 aaio lax una. lym
nd ImMik In salil Morrow l oiiulv, htal
irrgiin, dewrtbed and asaoaaed as followa:
aar. Tax
Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's
Furnishings, etc.
Main Street. Heppner, Oregon.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
fauna la ta Mea4
la a dsDferon diaaa. It may lead
diraellr to roosntDption. Catarrh I
oud by Impor bluud. aod lb true
a ay to rot it ia by parifjittg the blood
Hoods Harsaprilta core eatarrb beeaoaa
It re. ea Iba eaoaa "f It tf purlfytnf
lb blod. Tbnnsaad Imtify I bat I hey
hat bQ cora-l by Hood' Bafaapanlla.
II kvI Pilla are purely etbl aad
do n-l pqrfj . pain ripr. All dregglat.
Schilling's Best mc.tns:
vc lend you
Andrews. 0 I. lot V blk IS In aunlarj a V
a. billion to tlx town ol lleppusr. I a
TALITY. xuiugs sue sinning lor uim now. ue i, n Hi I I
.... ba Iba pproal of BiM Simon. II is Kin. g. Hamuel lu 5and a blk 1 Caall I I 1 1 f '
Iwaia lavltad la ....... K.n; u. Wl. llrii. IwM.H:) lll III I
ra at. patted 00 the hark by Jonathan, who Onrn-.t. I iota s 4 .d ia, Mk 1. II 111
hong, out" ex- make, bim believe ba i. another U ,.d ?VX1aW; 'u. ' 40 1 I I I I
of the M.uthern But there ia a another day ooinloa. f "."r"; ;. '' .'m,, i ,i- M S til
. 1
i:m ( ifkrta
and, if you like them, you
buy them.
our grocer p.iys your
money back if you don't
like SdnllinSs licit.
If a traveler rMle up before the fenee
that M-paratcd the log cabin from the
road he waa irreeu-d by '"Light,
atranger, 'liKht:" Without this Habi
tation no one dismounted, but it was
rarely withheld. Mr. Williama, In hla
recent book, "Sam Houston." thus do-kcrHM-a
the Impulaa of luH.pitality,
whii-h maul every traveler a truest
during the early settlement ot Trias:
Tb traveler who rode up to the
front frnre waa Instantly Invited to
alifliL His horaa was ataked nut or
hobbled to feed on tl a pralrio Kraaa
and the vUIU.r aat down to exrhanjre
the newa with hi boat The coffea
mill was art going, If tbrra were any of
the frrrluua grata In Ilia house, aod
the liopprr In th hollow log to grind
ing the corn. Tb veniaon or bear meat
waa put on lb coala aod tha aahcak
After tha meal and tha evening pi pa
tha vWitor stretched blmar'.f on a buf
falo rot on tha Boor with tha mr ro
be r of tha family and ale pi tha alrep
of health and fatigue. In tha morning
the response to any Inquiry aa to tb
charge waa: "Yuu tan pay n bycoto-
ing again."
Tha aUary thai a erUln bnapluM
arttler ed to waylay traveler on lha
roavl and romrwl tbem to Uil him al
tha m.irle of a di.olile l.arrrled shot
gun waannly a bnmoronaesaggeratkoa
of tha Inatlnet fr boapltaiity wakb
charaeterianl tha eonmunlty.
Tba vUiUir was a living newspaper,
who brought tha only news obtain
able, aad waa a weleoma relief to tba
sooooUmy and loneHueaaof tka wU4r
face tha eonatitaenl ba ba betrayed;
wben ba most answer to I be torkoira
who stood by him ao manfr lly, aa lo
bat ba has don toard giving tbem
relit f by mrtKorialiaing r.egra eon
rraiea lb opening ol tb Caacad for
l reeav; a dy when, no longer
dared by It blandisbmenlaof tbsaeest
and tb smile aod wilea ol Joaatbao, b
will opeo bia eye l lb Ira rolitton
b ba brought npon himself, aod real lis
tbat ba la rondemoed by all boaatt ma.
Tba Dallra t'brooii l.
Mortliluaton, M V lota I and 1. I.Ik II,
t'ulla Hort ; UI IWI tV, H II . .
r.tn.li. I. 1 Iota I s I and 17, blk II,
Ml Vernon addition to Hener: UI
I "it II
Northern I'artiic IllsUiry Co, lta I, (and
a. IO It-. I nil east xrt lot 2 lilk 2; I,
I.Ik II. Mt Vernon addition lu lle,p.
Iier; U liMliip. I'm 11 t.'
Brenirr, Wm' S H rf sme S, Ip
lax l. liso. I"H II .e.
r.Mrp, W i. y4 ol ar m, tf I n, f ; Us
l-'l tl . I'M l
( latk. W I
Tba adjonrnnval ol Iba legialalura
III permit lloa. . N. Jonea to rataia
to Lia Ilia k aad herd them oa Iba nim
bi pebble of lb liiilaid of lb reaerva
tmn. II seems mnob better filled for
bear lleg bp Ibao toakiag laa .-Tha
Uada Cbion.ole,
tlMef Ia TeaaiebHt via lleppaa
f shn Mta( lAtt. I'rraoaa deioaa pf
Vlalliag rad.ea tiro aad
money by lakiag lb rr. Pf aa
qaii.tlng Iba lha newvMi ve)
leg IK ls will aval rewl"W Mb
1 w'rbwk lr) aa K Ho l l'ewd !)
(ytm al Cty lag ww. w. V. Ian.
He resMe W kite Travwt.axt
fa or, waalbef Tb i'aana) Tartla
,ela Ma l.a IKt.niW'Kil by
rleaa nasi f'" It . Ibwa )
a,4 aw.f b. tl ia lit l tsa
V, IM e'.-a4 'lae t.tM akef
in.tw ht n al ''. r
tri4 4ai'y
i,ie -a. e ea, -
f SB.t-e. e1 1 r-m t A It " ,
t.t',a-. s is h ti fti rH.
Itt J. 0"t
TH le-ef tn-we .tkata.
aifr '.;! Ml Viit u
rurii T l i p ,.! . lh rwewnt
Ir-n.-Ut 111. ' j i t' l! .ri n .f ime i4
the I. (,.!, 1 I , r U t t I'm fwvie
of t b' r ,, m if. ... lis lil b lha
Mifl'i it a ; ' r ; I . I., m at.d a id
I Hal r.in w ' 1 i ' a n aa aa
Ima;- .f Iff I i'W 1 tn a ewrtala
ftel'l ti! I Ik" ., !, Mar.y awavMkiila
aelii J nn t V "t, ' f. ..irtl ' lip" traa
at fwe I ii; . f I'i" imaje. Aftef
avvrral !s; ' I rt " v nearlH4 I wo
i.. r nt ! rt' a ..rl-l with rnarwt
faiitil'f;' , nod valaabte Vaiea.
Near ' y r.. ti I - y tiir..eed an asv
ti'ie i' , In i f il retta tf
hkllttil elwr-i-y r. ttfewatalKHie.f
btraM tr TUiall.e rwayaala4a
lace) Ut m Umi ItMtfe 4eif at4 ia
Im t'rrent atd II bsaa len aat I
rf a.(ti'l I I lite lM.r-U e.f Via.V
!.? . !". An tiri tariewl
.. t .! an altar there. a4 M
rvr kr m W ae nsy W
b v,..u it iir tat Una irvati
t44 Ui4r wi'r
This la teor il(-.MefcH.
On rfl lf tM t'Mi, e-Jtb ' a'anai.
a l-'tenma rami-'- alii Stieild .f H
tn' t i'itilr "u-f h aa4 Hay I'avvr I'tir
il-'-'a la. nr'rf-ietil Io ibauoa-
alrnal'.e al it i't i f u maMly.
U warrtu It, Kew "k r.ty
Iv. iol. n.LI. it f .et fa'K Mont ,
vwrvHwmen.led l-if'a I lsi !: I" n. I
can iiii..-. ba a' element, ' It la t!
UK enr f ratarrb if Baed aadireWd
!tev. r-raute W. l-a.. faaOif Lanlral l'e,
Ukarcb. lUtena, iluul.
11 a Crewni !! i lb arlneUd4
ran f ar rwiarrb and wn'aia ae nxevewry
ae aay lalarttaa drag l rvw, V) eU.
I lie lst way to buy any-
i to borrow it first
Get a tuck.iL'c of Sciit-
Hcsf tea ot your
grocer. He p.iys you your
money luck if you uont
like it
Tint's our way of Iciul
Nwv anl WU nl HV.'i aee la.
ip I n. t 'P: mt ll tl s, w. I m
Rrsitirl. T K M nl are W, Ip 1 n, r 2i
tax I will. I"m liao
H.amel, Mra A V. o NR o aee la, tp
I n. r it. us Iwi II at !( Ii an .
( h.i.i.ln, Itanlel nr of Nf w and N'i
tH eK', an l ' tH aw ' ami lei X. s
a.t'l I. are 14, In a. r T, elreitt that
ttl,,n eonref ml In Iba H 4 N.
, ,,,t,aiiir tor tiht ot waf. also sM s of
km see ii , r r. Us ia,
iu. I"4 t in
a. i. h. 1. 1 i, ot s w, ,. sy
ol II. Ill 1 1, ja, la a 1 l . a
leelliefmsti, ltM K.lala nl nt
eS nl ae M an.1 K't ol !( e7l,
le I s. r and aa y ot Jt . rf ia
li.M,ir,l.lit)il, a... I nxul
Skwl lplt.tr. Ialln , ..
Bekrf t I hapl. Is I a, I II, las
( i wj im l', .a
r.-trll. H.. lh. II -Its of. W'. of
rf, M m t, ..I we xa. Ip Is r
H U l"2. ' IS. I"" ll ax. l-t-OT,
fc.lh. C Ih " H at"l M H "
awt,!, aw S I l a,
t n net us l l
k'lnhni. MraMjaaHaf tee II, Ip I
n r , u ih
. .a. . m M ar' " awand Ms 1
,.o I we it, I i . Mi lrf
Klt. I Ilea s ', Bl KM.MII III.
la I ll
it.l,.t, aawnel sea M. I I a, I
T. . las lH
lill. l-a.i-1 a h nf ape M, la I
; ta I l'l l JS !. l )
SI.-..I Meant HI nt ate tl, Is I S,
jt ui i e; it I m ....
M- a lai J W ar u ol aw L lb I a, r
las l"i II lw .
lt.rf.len SOt. J If atlt 4
IISlMti l.ll l US laai
Ua.f Wat a4 a 14, I I a,t at,
le lH
t e.lll, Imw W I aw . If I a, t I"-.
a. iaa
auwaa, HI,Im Ita.ul law
.4 U, lr I a. r tt, las im It aa. It4
n M
WW aWkt aw II. lals.tr.,
to. iii'a laaii
I aM . I..I.W. a t, M
H If 1 1 I r leal air, law j l
Wae(teaa 4 til lOf
.4 MltrU f tt. la. I"i
m n .. iwm a .4 t a4
,0 t ly Bj, t f. las lat
l mi !! et
M.x-t ta,. srntri aa a. ip i a, r m.
let I
.a. J M r , s4 See a lr
e ( ; la. !
a " I a. a. I. I ,
t aal .' av. . It
ro ! ! saw It. I I , M.
1.1 M
I tl
4 II
it it
I lo
Main Street,
You Should all See It.
Con)e In at Once.
Thk Lancashiri; Insurance Co.
. W NTTHlSnX. AGKST. 0..W...M1.- .ao-i
11 nl
io 11
I at
71 (
1 IU Ul I I Ea.
a V V 1 1 I 1 s f f
mm : If III : PIUS !
I Hi
m it
1 n
Youiu) HOUN D to rl'nkt3 Mini.
Leaves No Conslipution. ww
C'ree It, aa well aa all llllfae.e, Ho k Mrl.rl e aad Malaria. Tba naif
O'SrolliMI (oil l the aoM.I. h.,IJ by ail .!.. ..a .4 ee. by mail ea
retwi l4 pt0, 25 ee.U -e lei I, IlilMI'H MffllCAL CO ,
a rraeeiearit Cel.
h r
I sa
It a aa It
a t i -1 aaf
tee I t m m e
Te e'tt est ef HelieerVe saeaaaf .
f -at e e. Shr-ae4 eth lle e'lea
. 1. ta( tn.ral I He eld ietaae
ee4e tt l.ek e I ! ee.eaeee
na tt M m'm- a Mei'iMnit txiee be
Wlieratrmtnn gi a hf.U MTV 1I1T1,I
Llaat) Maal at Unit g Ilaa. vl I 1 1 I J 1 1 d 1 Jf
Trench Cook, nl White Labor only, employed.
eT:v"r.eitn.iGood Rooms and Excellent Service
it.. tlMB Saxref tm'm MlffU
i itw r e,l M i.
t.w . a at
t... i ntiri' .i ina.al ttaev-.ae. eaa
at. f iw a let. tl t4 aaet (
tw k 11 U Ml aeflaMae,
nr , j,i i,af m
e tat laai 1 1 Jl
I 4 ea I
ta al tka . .
al 1 ' a fc. i aa I a aa,4 1 "4 eteaa f
el l aH a 4a. at eee a. a.it
lu llanlaltltl,alU4 10 MlH. a
it aj
t tr i
aaw atw .aawe
at4 .itl.
!! t
Hr, is MaVNf y., via f
iTho GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year f?r QASri,