Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 09, 1897, Image 2

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The conditions at Salem grow
more and more startling as the
fight continues over the aenator
ebip. No one can conceive of the
peculiar combinations that have
become allied in order to bring
about one resoli tbe defeat of
Senator Mitchell unless he is on
the ground to see it They are a
disgruntled lot and could not come
together on any other question.
worded addre, absolved himself
from any combination that seeks to
prevent the election of a senator,
believing that a tern porary organi
zation is sufficient for the election
of a senator.
The "great reformers" are stand
ing in with the $10,000 banqueters
at Salem. Happy ' combination,
isn't it
It is an open charge that the
"reform party" representatives at
Salem are receiving pay from the
Corbett outfit
Cosgbessmas Ellis' bill for the
extentioa of payment by settlers
on forfeited lands to January 1st,
1899, has passed the house and
will now take the place of tie
Mitchell bill in the senate where
it has every assurance of passage.
The bill will become a law as the
interior department favors its passage.
Paine's Celery Compound Is Working Miracles
In Curing Disease.
The open rupture between
Bourne and Pennojer baa changed
matters much. Bonnie, true to
his natural inclinations, has grown
bigger than his chief, fie has pre
sumed to carry matters with a
high hand, regardless of results.
He has openly allied himself with
Simon. He has even accepted the
hated Simon charter, in opposition
to Mayor Pennoyer's objections
and entreaties, hence the necessity
for the removal of the man who
sacrifices any friendship or any
principle for himself. With the
cutting off of the corruption fund,
down goes the fight against Mitch
As exchange says the first legie
lature of Oregon met May 1st, last
ed three days and enacted laws
enough to amply provide for carry
ing on the business of the state,
The members voted themselves
$1.25 per day and board, and the
entire expenses of the session were
$07.50. It is safe to say theie
were no Simons, Bournes,- U'Rene
and Lark Bilyeos in that session.
Mr. Ward L. Smith, of Frederickst'jwn,
Mo., was troubled with obrooio diarrhoea
for over thirty years. He had beoocue
folly satisQsd tbat it wu only a qifcs
tioD of a abort tins, uotil be would hive
to (jive op. He had bsen treated by
some of tbe beat physicians io Eirope
and America bat got no pnrmtoaut re-
lief. Oua dajr be piokad tip H4Wgpipr
and obaooed io read an alvertieernaol
of Chamberlain's G lio, Cooler and
Diarrb(B) ltonndy. 11 got abittleof
it, tba Qrt doss helped bim and its con
tinued ate cared blm. Fur sals by
Cooter & Brook.
The manner in which the "sack"
that ha been used against Senator
Mitchell has been kept replenish
ed is very well known in Portland
and Salem. Every unfortunate
prostitute, gambler, tan game and
Chinese lottery has been paying
tribute. To refuse to come up has
meant arrest. It means that no
longer. The "J'x.gi Man's graft'
has been fquelehed.
Joe Iing, representing thp O. II,
k N. and the Hon. If. W. Corb. tt
general dispenser of funds from
that source, I Inn McLaughlin
Attorney Joseph and Printer Mass
have been much in evidence around
Itoiirnn'H headquarters during the
Senatorial fight Outside, ltoiirne
ki and renegades associate open
ly with Simou republicans. That
the money sent out to the Simou
gang through their misrepresents
ti'UiH that our regular republican
organization in this statu could no
be depended ujori to carry Oregon
f ir McKinley was not used in any
way for the purismo iutended, but
was hoarded up to assist to defeat
Mitchell, ami that the gontlcmcu
mentioned above have been active.
ly lisMiiMing this money, together
with Bonnie's r-oruption sack,
patent to nil.
s the ciRCcrr coiri- or the state
of Umn for the C ountr of Morrow.
William HenUnd, Plaintiff,
Wfl Urn Doortan at d Mary
To William Donnta. one of defendant herein:
la tee nam of the hik ol umn: V on are
erei- require. to appear and ana--r or other-
ei lo in romcFaini fil d azainat too in
lkass fcciife.) ami on or before Use next
mcmiar ia oi oi the abore en tilled court, to-
Til First Da of March. 1897.
al St ikil a-ser olSwrwb plead.
" hkj(. ta piaicttir am tat jui
aut cu.nt wu toe- jis mm 4 t hnal-rl
an.. aiiwaYHame taii .- dwitrv kwcwk iia
I- m cftro ! t r( vu 9 eenJ p
airs. tm 55 sk . .Vr. t Haul
f i. i-t A.c I tliy iiui:ar imin
aa S Siwi(ca:wl LiHfcirwiwj5 tataV
u, live tta't mat tft tnwew-
f iawi ME a ae -t.9i c.tan Iwmm t4
I'S ijnr ii tM4, tjsi, vmm life klij Vit
mmi)uHHtt i(numi-H v)Fi mtnt Win wk !
'. J.i it. wwn M (K tT man
;nt cl wipi! oa! !inM-w tutW. ,ni Ififcx- trwwo
pirtMKit'f n tut. tbhit nrtottink it-iw mmw,;
trite Gil nUt: llt- ttfilitiC tliu.m .tx tfif
hull Niwwve- .nPwjti n tyrtwfB i
rttta alii. kkCiMIi. mijUC"! ;rt Litm D m.w
tiKsuiM, -Uin,riT it W'ijuii rnr.m. mtmijii
; Wv duel upon. tart . mai vmi. wcvtwcfijf,
ThlSttinjDn i iii Sjni faxauiaaa a a
; onler of Hum fttronxiic X tuvtti. tn-ht !s
above eacil!lil wurt rnl Cv'iiit,nifx Tv?!-
tort, t njat-ula t wuu!rt rwcwi- ta twriUyiJ
ot January. Wt7. iCU-ii 01 IYN.
n hn
Ono well known rjewpaKr man
of this atate "worked" thn wiloy
Wkholdera" for t2.t)0(1ciiiceitaio
repreaet.tatiofis, lxlieviug that all
is fair in a fight of thU sort, caahml
his check and then gave the would.
Iw rorruptora thr "horae-Uugh."
They nertrly fell ih a I and tried to
top paynmut of check but it was
of no avail.
Mr. Ibiurna is tt common ralUr
at l'reaidnnt Sitnou'a room io the
rapitol. What do you think of the
Mot of the "graft and b.
era of ths Simon gang hava tlrawo
their pay snl gooa homis thiokirg
that thir oik ia d.ne. Tbata
deluaioo I
11 I ol I up l.aa J rrteuUl Hoo.
J. N. !ron, r j fr-anlalua ffo?o
thia cunty, an I lion. A. W.
ti.an, j ii,t rnat..r ffora Marrow,
tlrant and llarni-y, from doing
an)lhit g ncrpt .i prrLt iheir
ain. ia .1 f.ir iMags, and t
aait iu vrry itU ma oner by
thoir r i. men and tot locarry 00
bnainraa and llU lha acat.rial
(UratioB. Ill ahit, Ho toof a 1 1 T
rn at lha c itL
S4It Mil. sri t Uiuf..f fa
itrctiuo. Taa cfata ai!Va
la ) tf Ja;( ilJ U.tjrc.lfl :U
4 Plaea Where HiinUiuanra for ArUTorratla
Canine la Manofartored Wholraala.
One of the two factories in this coun
try for the making of patent fixsl and
patent medicine for dog haa been de
scrilod in the New York Newa. The
rounder o( this establishment was a
SooUihman. lie waa employed in Lon
don kennels, studied the needs of
dogs, thought out srx'ciol treatment
for tlietn and Anally took out patents
on fixsls and medicines, and in thia
unique business amassed a fortune,
On the pround flKr the visitor entera
the receiving room of the raw materi
ala. Thousand of pounda of butch
era' scraps are brought here in the
course of a month. Oatmeal in whole'
Mile quantities and tons of herbs are
UM-d. The oM-fttshl'incd dog'a banc
honciu-t, ratnip and beef-root, under
vurioiia M'ientilic tiuiues. Ilnd it use its
fiMMl or an tnedleine. The second ll m r
Is occupied by fmir ctirlinin innchtiien,
w ith great cylinder attuchtnent. Af
ter the fat and tni-st have been sorted
they are ground separately in these
mnchlnca and then placed in greiit
wooden tuba where viiriuiiH uiiatureN
are added.
The nrt prM-ess seems so much Kke
the ordinary buker'a work that one ia
quite disposed to taste things, and
when the round and squnrr enkes of a
tempting brown have been tuken from
the brick oven one reitlly cli ies t he
aristocrat le ihg. After CMilimf. the hi.
rulta are pa krd in neat p tstcboiird
tsixr. Acconling to sie these b-itt s
are latH-led for pet dogs, f..r grey
hound and M. Ilcrnanls There are
rsM-eially pn piired ilishe f.ir cnta.
hufllcictit f.MMl to keep puy f-r two
day may be had for five cent. Hut it
rust m pretty H-eny to keep a d.g. A
large dog must have si tor rieht cukes,
l-estili aqusnliiy of meat. I he meat
rost probatdy atxiut ten rent and the
rakea are four rent apiece. The most
Interesting department ta that of the
patent machine, at the top of the
building. The miaturea of herb and
rhrmlcala are boiled In great kettle,
and the liquid t brought tip lo thl
fl.mr to be put In bottle of varloii
aire and Ulxled ''rure for mange,"
"liniment for sprains," and to "pre
vent hahlnc. hur rure for seven.
t-en dist asra, and pill a well a liquid
medicine, are made. Thisrurlou r
laldishment also make d.'g e.ilUr,
dog o, rratea f..r rarrylng or hlp
ping iloga, dog brtlshe and Coin I.,
blanket and mack inbwh waterproofs
with host, f.ir grey hound.
f lMl 4 .rl !. TSal I
mm tm- 1 1 I ira I waf.
Ihere I a Bk or mi-nl on fi In east
ern t.tirop o tut ranal brtwrrn the
W k and ( apin ; also to mi-tv
tn l the v. with tl Mo,u-r-ranran.
1 he S al k nothing nx-tm
than a ainaU but very old a'i 4Ue how
la an advance! state i f rs-f atNt.
It lira rvefl f.-et tI..W Se level of
the lltn'.itrrvanean, Jil a 1'ie I ( n
lie many fW U low br b-rl -f the
Ilia, k a. Ia t--th rasra t.e aurfaee
Siual oim ! U n .-l.liti iia 1 hi
tvltig the ra. It Is r tl the I aa
pias and the Sa. a. as bt l'th )
imii.l l.i an tv i n-m ii.t t l,o
al the iif r'Hii.ln n e ht rl
ofU.n has tn Vi nn r of the
shrinkage i f the two lslw aarn
tinned, there I it rrmatkable fa. t
Uk h itrsrrvr r'. u'r aiirnts.n In
thi r votes IS 'ti While ! stofaee of
tle I a Un la f!l a) to a p.it iily
hty ttt f- t thw the Irvrl of the
ll.a. k , the I a. I ara fiaa shrot.k
tl i. di Ih ol t ! loiu.tr.
and alnetv to bt tu-w the M., ,r
fl.es! I atn S- t Ir. f -rnw.l a In what
the rvsulta wmid m If a '! h u.
I tg ttttn tbe I a-W ad the
I '. Mas, tut It I !! that a etse
. d l.lKIK h lr,..t.,Tl,.t ami
Ilia Is a-1 !.! dn-n rat ta
h"'. taMry i f the J -voan. ) -n lh
Faine'a celery compoand is working 1 1 be doclors id forme J me were due to
neuralgic S)mptmv, I determined to
try Paioe'e celery compoand on the ad
vioe of a friend.
fo my iurpree I found an entirp,
change soiog on after taking three bot-
tlta and I began to feel like a new man.
I have for the past ten or twelve year
suffered from pains in tbe back and
other symptoms of derangement of Ihe
kidneys and bladder, and have apent
many sleepless nights io conaqiiooe,
bnt now 1 sleep aonod, (banks to the
common eno wbiob induoed me to try
Paioeo celery compound. I will evr
praise tbe rnarv-liiu poteoor ot this
valuable medioioe, and at soy time will
be glad to aive personal testimony at m
address, should any safTjrer care to oall,
as I consider it eelfbib to keep euob a
blessing bonsed op, and thick tbo pro
prietors of Paiue's celery ooinpouod de
serving of more thanks tbao I can oud
vey iu word, fur making me a new
A word lo other unfferera:
Go to your druggist for a bottle of
Paine's oulery compound, sod allow him
to sell you nothing else I
miracles in curing diseases!
80 says a recent trticla by the fore
most medioal essayist io Boston.
Nothing ebowg more conclusively,"
be adds, ''the astonishing capability of
Psiuea oelery 00m poo nd tbao tbe
t liongbtf ul, open minded class of peiple
who use it sod recommend it, both in
pnbliu and among their dearest friends
aud relatives. Among ns (physicians)
there is no longnr any hesitaooy in re
commending this greatest remedy with
out stint of praise."
Abont tbe same time tbe above article
was published there appeared in tbe
Boston Journal, tbe following letter
from Dvid K. C issser of 452 Windsor
at., Cstnbridgeport, a subnrb of Boston
'1 take ureal pleasure in testifying to
tbe extraordinary merit of Paine's oelery
00m pound. For aome tims past I bave
been u tder Ihe treatment nf two well
known local doc'ore, bat their combined
efforts proved of 00 avail. I bave been
fur years a hard skeptic in regard to ad
vertised medioiues, but having tarTerea
xeraciati g paius lo lbs bead, wbich
of "rwrai for the oimly of Morrow.
Woolery. riaintltr,
Samnel E. Wlkr Dererdant.
Tosamnel E. Walker, Is-fendant.
In the nainenf t -e State of oreeon: on are
hereby reqiilre1 to appearand ainwer theeom-
pianit men atfainsi von in me snore emmet
caiifte on or before the first riav of tne next
regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit:
March the flrtt, 197;
and If ynn foil to answer for want thereof, tbe
plaintiff will tali" judgment antl' M yon for the
11m, One Hundred hixly and &IU0 Dollars
with interest ther-nn st the rate 01 ten per cent
per annum from the 11th rtiiy of Oct. IsfS rnr
the men of One Hundred Twenfy-rlve and 20-ldO
i"iirs. with interest thereon hi tne rae 01
eicht per cent tr a-iinim from the llfhdayof
oct. l: lor tne sum 01 tenty-nve uonars at
torney's fee and for hiscstsanrt rtisbursements.
I his summons Is nerved by publication pur
suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, ludire of
the above entitled court, made on the .Mhda
of Dee., 16. J. N. BRoWN.
605-17. Attorney for Plaintiff.
rllEI) HAhhOCkd PAfKR.
He Will lianrh His JoaraalUtie Craft at
Sanptrr, Urvsoa.
Tbe following is the prospectus of tbe
Bumpier Nef, weekly pohl'oatiou
tbnt will siwjii uiiike ita appearauor:
"This little circular ia to inform our
frieud ami the public tfcunrNlly 111 it the
material has b -en ordered and ia now on
the way for the potdieaiion ofaness
paiier at Mnmpler, Oregon, to be Called
tbe Humpler News.
"Ihe paper sill publish 111 local
0Hs of th iiiimiig, ImulieriuK and stou
raising iutere-st of Ihe adjaoeut loeall
tiea and lbs social doings of lbs sur
roimdiof tonta and mighlsirhood
We tbo hope to make it a medium ol
Communication hetoeeu the residents of
veatrrn ilsker aud rasters tlrant couo
Ilea, as sell aa a somen of information
to rboss ouUids of the rich, aod as yet
only partly devrloed, tuinrfal resonrons
of Kaetern dreg is. rlos will sltl tw
giveo to a general twain nf Ihe late. I
and ro l important nana ot Ihe world.
'The first i.sna will appear not Ulrr
Ikan Msrch lo, 111?, nod tool probably
befora that lims.
"Yours respect fully,
F. J. Ilshus A I'o, I'uhllsbera.
Hawptrr, Or, Feb 1, 117."
I'lkat IMU.I luklag I dea
H)oi....m: Moisture; inlenes itching
and aiiging ; aw at night; ! b
aoraichtig If allnned lo oiiilmoa lam
or f.Mtn nl Ich oftro bleed and alrwalv
beeetumg very sre. Haatae'a Oint
ment sl. ps th itching sad bleeding,
beala alreriio, and in tn Snaoa fe
inovea the lumot. At dintfiila, or t
Risil, h .Vlssiile. tr. Snaint A Hon,
S4VR iota I.R4I
Few realii II. at each squirrel !,
trot l n.otb of grain snaisllf.
nakeles't t-plirt ao I Oopber F.ller
mlitatof 1 Ihe as wl IT liv d r ,
soinica; poison ksann. I'tie mine!
laSleentn. C.r k Hroek eed Mimf
A t'a, ag-nta. lUppoer; J. A. Wo.iery,
agent, lone; Nielxd A Isaek, aganls.
At His resideuos of lbs bride's father,
lo Hix Oollar, seveu miles sooth of
lleppuer, W'eduesdsy, Feb. 3, at li
oVIix S nooe, Mr. Win. Mikeseli and
Miss May lalberl, Itsv. Greeus of the
M E- cburcb idSoiittlug.
The wedding wa rather a q'liet sfTiir
there beiug present only relatives sud
few intimste friends, iu all forty three
As the cereuviuy closed all parties re
paired to the diuiug room to partake ol
a oiijuer prepared aud presided over by
Mrs. May Minor, ot lleppoer and Mm,
tva Lro'.rne, .if ,Siu.ir, eauyou nbose
oiinie alo i are aiilli. ieut guarantee of
ao excellent dionnr. Ture were sever I
Vest but too found under Brother
Oreeoe'a otiair but be disowned Ibeio
an I asiJ they wers Brother lievlaua'i
ho a beard to remark during
breathing spelt, "Ob for a neck like
stork and a stomcb capacity like Tom
The bride is almost a Dative of this
ild land nf buochgrasa, having been
oorn in Moaourl and movin,; here when
only lores years old. Hbe bs f . sever
si tear been housekeeper, stater aud
mother for ber youoser brothers and
sister aod needs only lo be known to t
loved aod la I seen to 1st e Imire J.
ln. Sliiesell la a tnimi m.a sail
knono Iu Ihl ooiumnoity f,r years aod
nboM ie.y ao I Indsatrooe ba nts re
e mi turn d him as a (kh1 citi-s lo soy
UoTbttrslay, Feb. 4. tbt parent of
lbs gr.s.ro save ao Infers dioner al their
boms 00 Hbes Gteek nhtcb alo was
(rand auceea nod evrf)bj.ly west
snav bppv. Wm. Chasra.a.
til Ik.Usn, Ftb. !, Isy7,
Tbe len.'h of lifa Susy ts aersej by
lesatsiiog ilasgers. lb niaj.oily r.f o
pis die from ioag Ir- obles. The my
h averUd y prarbplly seeing On
klioaU toog'i Corw. O oser A lrsk.
um j m unsi
20,000 POUNDS OF
id mmsum
Consisting of
Tb!e. Chairs, Rockers, Bedroom Suites, Bedeteade, Book
CaH, lsnoe, Sofas, Sprioa Mattresses, Wool Mattresses,
Parlor Sails, Center Tables, etc , etc Brussels Carpets, Wool
Carpets, Mattings, Sideboards, Mirrors, Hat Racks, Hanging
Lamps, Portieres, Pillows, Blankets, Stoves, etc., eto.
All the above Goods are Placed on Sale at
Half Value or Less.
Will be Sold Regardless of Cost.
Fix up yonr homes at once with Stylish Fnrnitore,
while Ibis opportunity is offered.
Our Sale on 6eneral Alerchandise
Still Continues.
ol ireeon for Morrow County,
I. W. Whallev ann Wm. T.
Mulr, partner rioltiK hni
ticss h Whallev & Muir,
James W. Swesea. DcfendanL I
'lo Jsmes . ?".ezes. Ueieudant
In the name of the .-tme of oreeonr Yousre
h-rehy renulrol to apxtr an1 answer the com
plaint nieo siiHliist you In the ahnve entitled
aiine on o Ijeiore the first 1y 01 the next
regular term of sai l court, to-wt:
The first dsjr o( March. 1KST;
and If you fsll so to snswer, for wnt thereof
tne plaint' lis win Ulie lunirment snainst yon
for the sum nf (inn Huiin 1 and Twenty-nve
Dollars, with Interest th reon at the rate of
eliiht per cnt p -r annum from the 14th dsof
April, lx'.mami lor tlielrcoatsanddlsbursemeuta
In this action.
This summons Is si-m-i hv puhlicatlnn pnr-
snsnt to sn order of stei.h -n A. Iwell. Jiotire
nf the ahnve eotitlwl court matte on Hie liitb
day of July, li
w II AI.l.tK dc Ml lit and 1. Ti, BKOWS.
50V 17 Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Farmers at a distance should oall soon,
thereby Betting s better seleotion.
a of I'reiron for Morrow County.
P. C Thompson, I'lsllilKT,
1. B. fperry, Dcfendnnt.
101. B. speriy. Iieirnriant:
In the name of the stale of Oreenii! Ynti are
hereby required to api-esr nd snawer the eom
plaint flint siralnst ynn In Ihe alxne entitled
si tion on or l--oie the next regular t-rin of
tne atiove entitlel eonrt. to-lt:
March 1st, 1897,
nd If you fall pi answer for want thereof, the
plalutltT will 'ake ludirmetit sraltist you for the
um 01 lortv-iour and fcvim dollars ud Inti-rmt
thereon at Ihe rate of ten per cent per stiuuin
(mm Mar II. Inl; for Ilin sum of eluhty one
an. 1 is-I'm uoiiars and interval thereon Irotn
lanuary 2, k-1: lor the sum of thlrtv-nlne ami
M iKidnllara sud lutereat thereon at the rate of
elKhl per cent per snuum from "etnlier 1st,
ls4. for the sum ( tllty dot lar attorneys fees
and fur Ihe cmN and' disliursemeuts of this
This ummnns Is served upon jrnn hjr puhtlea
tlou purunt ti an order nf the Hon Htephen
A l.nsrll. Jnilue of the almve entitled eonrt,
ma 'e sud ent.-r.il In tuid ai Hon ou th lth day
of January, lK'7.
.V jn Attorneys for i'laliiliir.
What's tie Matter With Haona ?
Nothing, except tbat he hns just discovered tbat at the
Odd Combination Store of
P. C. Thompson Co.
Is the best place to bny Palt, Sngar, 8oap, Sardines, 8orks, Suspenders,
Sewing Machines, Shotgnns, or Saws. Complete lines of (Jroceries or
Hardware. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
S ol
Oregon lor the County of Morrow.
ImU.Ik.ii, I'lalutill,
Ts rare all ol. rs, .t t eal st la
Jolerit of SJilf tars ilw,
tseeJ Sisnpl, ap li sM ill's lieh Salts
r).wf l.j d.'eton 1 1 )
aett"S wiUisiMa, (Vrtiaef A trk.
i. I. Iltafea. IU ell I ... rra.
latt . IS ltettiais Lie e tw.e
Silnn.rS tiklsp ,
C II W ill in a aaat.f IdlVlt
la. mm sisiar.taf 'M' ra
r:t n n ni
.t I . " 4
SH.aMtlase Ik Hii
l nn kst
. S.W. tnwu,
mmt SSi M!, wrnrn. mt, , s a SI
tmm a. s (n aa,
f sa f ri k W. s, .
MqVc of Intention.
I SStuirrii AT tHS PAI.l t. OHS.HH
i4 . i; ttui 1 a'i., (
isal lh s-li..alu( aal arliiet a wm an-
Si l-.toMlH, Um .. .4I piu. M a.
hHlialiiiti. . thai sail a tm
m- i a U.r.,w, tcMlf i lar,
'I . ", as Man k , (;, ,u
MMS W. AU.T tr.
K t, sa .1. l..f is s US'. 11. nmu
I ii. ..ii.,i- iiaaM la m
S . n...iiM...a Ssvltw am M . siuiwws
l mmit H.l ,.
S- ! a s.Jrf.a. Saenn S Hsi. ..s
w trt mm si Iwist, a. 1 4 1,11
kKf "'"
"atnuel K. Wlker. Pefendant
In Samuel K. Malker. I'leii. Unt
il! Ihe name nf the Slate nf ureaon: You are
herehy reunited lo al-iaf nd answer nr ulnar-
Ise plead to the eoin plaint fllel acaloat yon In
the alexe ntlile.l a. tlon on nr l-lore Ihe first
day ol Ihe next regular term nf III shot cut!
tied rnuit, 4 It.
The First Day of March, 1897,
and If nu fall In anawar nr ntherwlae plead,
lor wnl lh-rel, lli ....tirt alll lak )n,l.
mem aitaliiit ynn lor th nl forty riollan
t..eiher wlih lolereai thereon from Ihe T.Xtt
day nl April !.. at Ihe rate ol len per rent par
annum moll paid: and .r Ihe further sum of
no hundred and llilrly nv dollar a Ith Inter
eat titer on at the rale of per rem per annum
roin Ihe l.'lh -lay nl )N Ulr. w until ld,
and for Ihe a.im ol Sfteen dollar alton.eit Im
and f.ir bis coats aud dlsburaemanl In this
1 his anmmnna Is served by pul.llrallo per
stin lo n nfler nl Stephen A. Uwll. Ju lra
nl the hov entitled rnurt, Ria.1 o.i lh ink
day el lanuary. IsiT,
Ws Atlor evs io pialnllir.
In the riRrrir mmr rr the itati
of orer-.n ..f lh i .qnty d Morrow.
t A. Wo.lery. Ialntllt.
Samnel E WaUer rvfendsst.
ta-amut-la Walker. Iteiendsnl.
In the name nl lh -la'e h inron Yns r
nen-nr re.,ne.l In apar n. (hawer Ihe mm
plaP.I Sle. aralnal y..q n I ha la enlllied
r..a . nr l-i ... li e rM day ol Ihe net
rtieT term ih Ihe al entitled e-mrt. In-all;
Th first day of Malh, lwT
s II yi fall an In anaaet. (nr aanl lhren(
P i"ti" am lata ),..l,.nl aeal-al tou lof
lhaanm nl I i,Mi and 7t . I. liars, a Its
i.letl Ihrwn al Ihe rata iw len avr rani er
I.lh dar nl 1st .k lh
Si'j ...l art. aln.iiM, la, a4 hi
ISia wasea la aefved h puhllrallna Snr.
MallnsM-l air h. U.s.11. In.lra
..i inriwuenniH tm il, a.a.1 n Ihe
d. el lK,ml.. a J s as-XS
"l'. S tl tie y ( rial nil f
hotlcf of Intention.
1 Am of ft' atTme r ttira.arHi
a a een M. l! s.rtha I fceret.f al.ra
hal lha Ml UoHBItM Saa S.d a.MIr
1 P ia m,Mlaa n aaaaa i.l fnat I npta.n
ot Bianai a--i . aal I f.. mm t a.a.1
hal.H I mi !,.,. I ua.nl, wtt. 4 HpU'
Hiatks sfkrts,
H i I an i sm is a si r( S(4
- i ip ,a .IP
Ha IKa h. i..a..a all, i in 1 an bei
kla ..tie.,a raaiau. a,a M aa tnaltua
a aatn ta.-l III
J.. I ! W aallna. ( karlaa h
4. M taM Mil. inw. Sad I ka:
W f ai. a( t e'psf, i
,4. E W'W'SS
VI fl
He bss an) tlihif In this line that ynu may desire and ynn cn depend on It you mt a goo I
article when Mat auaratitees It.
Old Stand, Main Straet. Reoalrlna a Soaelaltv.
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Arc You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All these can be procured at Thompson & Uinns, Lower Main Street,
Ueppoer, Oregon.
These retiftemen are well en,utnted with tlrant, llsrnry. Crook, (i I Mia in and other rnti titles
and ran sav money and tint In tnakluf tha Section with Irarellna men.
rrlres In keeping wllh th times.
Xat"vaca-rxz:ir. nxrnrza,
---iirsr aTlrT-
Sow York Weekly
Tes wm ssasj
' f - .Mf I ,..
(V M lSwaa (k
'I a ts.. asBassH
raa f--Tt sjm fcasnsfca
tat pi. sr l.i he ,.f ( .
.H!rHa j, p',r,l'-ts ti t' tM
har VI mtpmi fXrff.
S..a Aa 1.14 lu .
. , s .-,. v, . f
k S ta,w I V
wi paaw 1 I " mmwt
11 r - - " . a i r
wm a as.
kl a 1 m asasi a-
' i Jl r tlsa Lira 1
a t-tt-e Saw I
1 sa a
aai I - ae,
k a. a a I
e Imsss I
eot . aa.at.
timber Cuttyre, final Proof.
Naakrw Sae CaktMaila)
(' ,a. I itaan
Isa f,H iw1
N'lflrf etm .! iHtt IS
''I k k' , rt faeet iwawna
kaa ul k-sa l l--.. ha .ata -al e
'-' ' " - -- ..... .,.. al I
lal.(r-a an M..4., Ih. I . .1,,
a k law- e ,,1.. ,f.ii,tn,4
s i ' a l , i( a- l,Oi,lk
' w l: Is ""a i aval a. fa ae ,
a. a. a ali'-aa (tc'a t M
!-!., m. ia.-a H ,..! fB
a . al swe . , rf i
Farmers and Viiiaocrs,
Fathers Si Mothers,
Sons and Dauonters,
With tiia closa of tbe I'resl.iebtial campaign THE TRIIJUNE
reigniae) ib fart that tbe Americsn people ar cow amiooa to ts
tbr.ir tima to Loraa aoj loior. luterrst. To mret this ouoJiltoa
politics a ,11 L avt far leas spare anil pr.iniinenci, until anotlier Hlate or
Natiosi.1 occasion ilemao.la a rmes.l f ) flght for tba priociplee for
bicb THU TUIUUNK baa UU.reJ from Us locrption ta tb prcscul
ilsjr, atn! oa iU greatest ticloriea,
Ktcif Miil,l rff-rt m pn f,rtb. an. I tnotje. ffreU
to make THK WCKKLY 1 lUI UNE prmi0,raj a
National Family Newspaper,
icteisatic,!, ioslrot tit. col-rtaiblog and lo !ibsal.J taeach tat tut
We lurnlsl "Tne Gazette" and "N. y. Weekly
TrlDunc" one Year lor $3.00.
I'-sw fries
W Wta.S4S.kea..4 t, , m , ,..,-,. ...
i'r. a a ss.asri sS As sew Jhisj aa sj a, u H , '
f kvjl, sViiiSt.