-Ti-iv PAJ?ER The... NEVER ROBBED A Heppner HEMR0MT Gazette "jst OFFICIAL The... HELPS THE WIDOWS u i ..., Gazette l0 0RPHAN8 ' . Advertise in it and do ., business. if has some of its oven. FOURTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1897. I WEEKLY rfO. 7S( J SEMI-WEEKLY NO 515 1 Mil I SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY .; f ?: " m PATTERSON PUBLISHING C0MPAN1. Notice of Intention. OTIS A. W. PATTERSON, -PATTERSON. Editor Business Manager kt f.S.50 por year. 1 .25 for n months, 75 cts. or three mouens, Btiictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THI8 PAPER ia kept on tile at E. C. Dake'a Advertising Ascenoy, 91 and 65 Merchants (Sxchanm, Ban Francisoo, California, where cou- : raota for advertisiiiR oan be made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves HenDner 10:05 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Arrives 4:55 a. m. daily, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc tion 2:lSa. m east bound 12:51 a. ill. Freight trains leave Heppner Junction going east at 10:43 a. in. and 8:45 p. in. going west, 5:30 p. m. and 6.45 a. in. OFriCL&Ij XlI3S.EOT013.Tr. - ;.. Hutted States Officials. Prsident Grover f!levland Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson tUii-nrarv at Slal.fl Richard 8. Oluev .'iecmtai-y of Treasury John O. Carlisla Hecrntary of Interior "...U.K. Francis Hecrelary of War Daniel H. l,iiruoiit Kiwntjirv of Navv Hilary A. Hurhert Postmaster-General William L. Wi son Attorney-General . . . Judnon Harmon Seoretnry of Agriculture.. ....J. Sterling Morton s j . State of Oregon. ' tinvarnnr. .. W. P. Lord Heeretaryot Btate IT. R. Kincald Treasurer Phil. Sletenhan Rapt. Pulilio Instruction . M. Irwin Attornxv General C. M. Id'eman " 1 G. W. MnHride oenaiors i h. Mitchell ., I Hine-er Hm-mann ijounruBsuiBu j w h Ellis Printer W. H. Leeds I R. 8. liean. '3nriram(l .TnffM i F. A. MilOre, ( 0. K. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Cironit Judge Stephen A. Lowell ProoaciiMna- Attorney Morrow County Oltlcial. obt Sooator A. W. Gowan tiewnenntative Land Offick at The Dau.es, Oregon, December 26th 189r). H.TOTTCE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT TBE 1 1 following-named settler has filed notice of hisintentiou t make final proof in support of hlsch'im, and thai said proof will be made be fore the County lerk of Morrow Co., Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon on February lata. ib7, vu: WILSON RICHARDSON, Hd. E. No. 4543, for the SE4 Sec 5, Tp 3 S, R 24 E, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: 1 nomas f. uranam. i nam's i nasiings, Luther Huston, Andrew M. Peterson, all of Eiuht Mile, Oregou. JAS. r. MOUKK. 605-15 Kegisier. Notice of Intention. Land Office at La Ghanpe, Oregon. December 2x, 196. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followlnn-named settler hns filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Cler of Morrow County, Oreg on, at rieppner, Oregon, on February 8, viz: JAMES AYEKa H. E. No. 5279 for the NW S"H Sec. 23 and NW BW4 Sec 24, Tp 1 N, K 27 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. suid laud viz : - John Barkor, Isaac Vincent. Charles M. Long, Georxe W. Pearson, all o! Gnlloway, Oregon. 504-11. B. r. wiLSOiN, Register. Timber Culture Final Proof. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, The fiflllfs. Oregon. Jan. lfi. 1897. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WESLEY T. McNabb. of Lexington, Oregon, has filed notice of intention to make final proof before Joseph L. Gibson, U. W. Com. at his office in Lexington. Oregou. on Wednesday, the 10th day of March. 18SI7. on timber culture application 'o. 2034 for the ot section no. vi, in iowiiBnip No. 2 Bouth, Range No. 21 east. He names as witnesses: I nomas L. norman and Vaniievere L. Cortey, of Eight Mile, Oregon, Milton It. Moiganand Menzo A Olden.ot lone, Oreiron. JAS. r. MOORE. 9-lt Register. xMcClure's Magazin e NEEDLESS NOISES. T f t ;:-, -r-, Highest of all ia Leavening Pow?r. VU'- - t.J tfj.".'tt SEVEN For 1897 GREAT SERIALS Disturbing Eloment of the Big Oitiea Life Clanging Bells find Rattling Carts MM Nervous People liseruhle The Need of MecUnlcal Inven- j t.'annty JmUra. f'ommlssioners... ' J. W. Beokett. " Clerk " Sheriff " Treasnrer Hnrveyor .School Bup't.... " Ooroner .A. . hvvpmku towm ornoiERn. Thos. Morgan C ..inci'imeVi". 8. Horner, K. J. Hlncnm. Frank Ronrs. Geo. Conser, trank irthn. Minnr. V. J. Hal lock ti .... E. L. Freoland Varshal. '....'.. A. A. Roberts Precinct Offlcef. nf h Pmm W. K. Kichanlson lonsUble N. H. WheUtone United Suites Und OHlcors. mi n4i.i.ui. os. .J. F. Moore K-gister .4 H. Ilious Reoeivor f.A nmHUI. OB. H.F, Wilson Hngit4.r J. II. Robhins Kiweiw GEIEET EOCIETIES. - RAWLINS POST, NO. II. U. A. K. V wis at Leiinirton. Or., tha last Batorday of art. month. All votanuit are Invitwl u loin. ( ( ii.-.n Geo. W. Smith. A.lintant. . tf Couimandar. D. J. McFaul, M. D. NOTICE OF INTENTION. 1 AND OFFICE AT THE DALLK8, OREGON. 1 i Jan. 14. lH'Jfi. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerg, at Heppner, Oregon, on Marco. 2uq, kr, viz: EUNICE BROWN, Hd. E. No. 4236, tor the NW!, sec. 29, Tp. 1 8, R 21 E. W. M. she names the following witnesses to prove I her continuous residence upon ana cultivation i, ... ...... .. ui, miu isuu, m. J. N. Brown John W. Cox, Andrew B. Grover, Walter 8. Hartholomew Smith an Chllt WllBon, all of lo e. O'egon. 1. K. Howard I au8-ltt JAS. r. MOO ItE, Register. ASSIONEE'S NOTICE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN BY THE UN derslEiied asxiirnceof G D Fell and W. 1'. I Fell, Insolvent debtors, that said assignee ha I filed his final account as such assignee with the I Clerk ot the Circuit Court, n! the State of Oregon, for Morrow ( ountv. and said mini account win be hetrd and passed ir on hy the Judge o( said Court, on the first day of March, Wi7, at 10 I o clock. A. M., o( ald day, or as toon thereaiter I as Hid court ran near and pass upon ir e same. Hated this aotn day ot uecemner, 50(1-11. GEO. CONSEK, Assignee. A New Life ol Grant by Hamlin Garland The first authoritative and adequate Life of Grunt ever p-blished. (Begins in December.) ' , Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, 'Vaptains Courageous." (Begun in November.) ; Robert Louis Stevenson's ' "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished I Begins in Mav.l " ' ' ; rh..lr . iM 'Mo.nllnntlnns of War Time " Mr. Dana was for three of the rnost critical vears'nl the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's (;abinet, and is probably better litlea tnan any otner man living wi give an ruihuhvuuhj uwiuij v. v.,.H ...... ..w. .w recollections and correspondence. ' , , . Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished In connection with this series of portraits it is intended to publirh special biograpliicU studies under the general title of MAKKK.S OK THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. . , , Pictures of Palestine. Specially takon under the editor's direction, ' Stories of Adventure. A serial by CO VAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary tale, t lor mymery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given liliu a place beside Po'e and Gaboriau. , . . TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN MACLAREN, All the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception ot two contributions to ano her publication which were engaged from him long ago, will appear in McCLU re's Magazine. . - : . JOEL CIIANDI.EH HARHI4. A series of new animal stories in the same field as the "Brer Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. TMmblennger" stories. RUDYaRD KIPLING. Besides 'Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to MoClDRK'S all of the short storieB he will write during the com.ng year. OCTAVE THANKT is preparing for the Magazine a series of short Btorles in wliich the same characters win appear, aimougn eacn win oe compieie iu iweu. Anthony Hope Bret Hart Robert Barr 1 Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell ":; will all have stories in McClure's for the coming year. These ore onlv a small fraction of the great and important features of McCmjre's Magazine for . 1M7, the subscription priee of which Is only One Dollar , a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. 1 t ! - " ' it.: i i sn ., mm ',14 II: 'JUU W Latest U. S. Gov't Report ..J.W, Morrow .. E. L. at lock ... Frank Gilliam j. r. wiiiis .... J. W, Hornor ..Jnv W. Shipley ..B. V. V-ughan A Campaign Of Education How to Get, It CcniY For wPiJ.vv Mtim Ofl'ICIC I At Mrs. H. Welch's Residence. Night clrihoneeonn-tlnn with the 1'alaiv llolel. national Ht ol MW- SUMMONS. TN THE ClTl'IT COl'KT OF THE STATE 1 of Oregon for Morrow County. P. 0. Thompson, I'lnliitlir, vs. J. B. Kiwrry. 8 C. Spcrry, Perry Snyder and the iregon Kull road ami Navigation Coin itiinv. defendants. To J. H Hnerry and S C Hnerrv, defendants: In I he imine ot the Htato ot ore on: louare hervliv renulreil to utuicnr and answer the com- pliilnt tiled avalnst you In the alnive entitled c'Kiiieou or iwlnre the tlr-t nay 01 tne nexi rc.ular term ol the alxn e entitled court, to- 11: March 1st. 1897. and II ynu (nil to answer lor want thereof, the a nt n al l take indameui fnl you ior me inn of lhre hundrel iwe'dy five and IHIo dollars and Inteitut thereon at the rate ol ten per cent ht aiiiuim imm Jsuuary 2. ItfM. and Ihes in ol (lllv dollars stt'iruets fees, uihiii i certain prouilasory note and to loreclos.- the I mortg ge gleu ty vnu uiserure me wymeoi w said note iiimmi the tollowliic real tiroM-ny Hi- unleii In Morrow County. Mate of liregoii. t.i- lt: Ihe north ball ol the northeast quarter I and the north half ol the tiorMiwcot quarter of lion taentv nine tn township inrew aoinn oi rat'eetweiily six K. W M , and lr theeuat and dll'iniemeiiU ' I this suit Th siiminoiia Is n-rved upon ynu h puMl.-a Hon by order ol Hun M-.hll A. lell. Judge ohrln.ve entulr.t eiiurt, made and enterwl 111 said suit oil th lib Uy nf iaooarv, l-'T. Ullll A KKPMM.I', Attorneys lor Pla iilifl. SDHPHRflLLELED I To be educated one must read the best literature. ; The best literature is expensive. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, Published at 110 Fifth Avenue, New York.lt full of the best things Its illustrations are superb; Us stories charming; and its literary departments are edited with con- lu in mute skill. Bitch a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be In every home. The subscription price ol Leslie's f P nnmn. We make the unparalleled oiler of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Seml VVeckly one year for only $5.00. No Btich oiler was ever made !efore. No such offer will ever lie made again. These two papers insse a must acceptable Christinas or birthday gilt, and 111 lie constant reminder nf the giver's kindness. Remit by postal order or check to the Heppner, Orej;on. WEEKLY The MONTHLY WI, PKNLiNI). Kl. I'mldral . BISHOP. Cashier. TRANSACTS 1 GENERAL BAttlSG BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD QEPPSER, . tf OREOON First National Bank . op U Errs R C.A. RHCA. T. A. Rhca. CCO. W. CONttft, S. W. SrCNCCN. 'resident Viae President - Cashier Ass t Cashier . Tmarii l GfaerJ Bwlisf kmm. 3CXCIIAKG3 On all part of ike wld - Bought and Sold. foliar lions mad all tmtntt en reasonable Tertea, Surplot and sadlrVM ra. IU.iinW, rTOCIl BKAMH. While r ap ynr tobserlptjue paid op yi-a eas kp yoar bran J la fraaof ehars. Bora. P.O.. Hawmaf. Or. Hnraaa. PBl.1 lafl hotildart eat t la. aaiaa oa left kip. fhantn. If- Rardtnan. Or. tloraaa braaiad "! on riaht hlD. I alUa hrandad tbe aama. A'au brands fl on nnfaae rht ihlsihi ea-ne aaa brand oa right abunldtr, ao4 mtl on eed o rlabiaar. CKk . Jlna.Or.-Rrraa,Wosi ricbtabnol 4ar t aula, aaniana rlhlhloi aar Mil a-joar erup ofl laft aad split la nht. t)oalaaa. W. M , (l.llovaf Or.-OalUa. Ft Da tight aHla.arailnw4a(ll la aacb earl boraa, H L) i lafl kip. , t rir B . IWmaUa Of .- Hmaa Sraa-lad Fl.t nm trt shcmlitav, aaitia sum am tafthte. but li rukl eat. riofanea. L. k tlawaae. Or. allla. LI" aa rhi hipi bursas f iU bar eadar esl nhl abualdar. Jimtm. II am, Ha.p. Or ttnaaaa Kra4a4 rt J tm hm U fl an.nl.Uei aadla brsKiad 4 aa riM dtp, aian wtartnt la IM aar. Haaa ta Murrae anaalr. ioea, falls, Iaa. O Wi.wa. alaMsTat lafl MtHai aalila aaotaaa rtf,t blp, sa-W ball Vnp is naM a4 aunt a Ml aar r. W.ka, H-w". Or-Mneaas brwdad RMT Wft ts MUlMMts4 f" ofl Uh sarj aa4ar oa uta rlhl taaWlaad W.O. al.aial Tarawa. Dtl I, aa Mila rhl and tft W. avaito ia W aaf and ab i'H ia l aar, M tiraad oa lafl abtauiiar, Itanga hi 1 1 rat, I awalf liTtaa, t,hm. t.fl,- I. Ml left bt tm a"a. eu aa I at-lil ri' I aar. II a brand tm Ian aaaaJdar. Mans ttraf Outlook Publlthsd Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York bit., a aula Ontaiio-Burns Staac Line - A I BOBKS-GBHYOJi STHGEUHE dt: M 4. iV:i'.!MS. P op OSTAhlOUVIlSS tsvae fid'ee Tlallf ai . sa. el ar ritrt ai UuUfie la 42 ber. Si'iqle Fore $7.00. nensscAsros 0, i ,i? a i' i-r- 4 a.. I. ltferf '..a ... 1 ... ., h i-i.. rn w . . -a -i Us a raa. Tb. Outlook will tw la K7, at tl bs Wo durlaat eaob of ita taeely a ears, IIitlcHy of Oar 0e Tinea. Ia lie vsrtona editorial dr parlineoli Tbe Oallnnk givet a eonpaet rrviaa A U rld's prngrees; II follow ilb cafe all i be Inpnrtsat tbtDllirepi sml ia duatrlal (Botatnaat of the day; baa a roaplats depart maat of rllims o; daTotrs tPOeb Space t I be inlareatt ( Ibe bom revtaea earreet liUiaiarr; farelsbee c baerfnl Uli'e-Ulk about iiio ad Iblofa; and, la thnrl. aims In give frrab lot'foiaila( rrtmoal obearvetkoe, aad traaoasble enlrr'aiainral. fwciseiee ith lb Bftr fiifih n!dsie. anaal. 1 ... Uahav I W Ntfw Or -Hntaaa Iwaedad Ibt WMf UI bMtl Ibe fft!f B.ag4. ... . . . . ,K . k a . 1. l.lt Hill ft.1.1 ..llfl Im II. taBnibe and attrarUvaoaaa. Tb OntliMlbl tMiba4 fVaft HalOlday fifff tea Uatiae ar. Tb fjret boe la racb aealb is Illtislrat I liakia MaasW, aoatiitilnr sbal letreaa tnaef S( b Ibe ftf 4ibarf aag, galbt Mb a (aig aaaiW at wiaraa, Tbe hiatal Tl.e (lalba.k la tbrae d lists a Jaf la slvanra. M t Ibaa a rM dajf . riad Itr a (iaa a-pf aad nlii- rd trfleai q tb 0lVi, 13 Ado rtece, t r. 1M o t (' Ua T Ibe ( I h Cioa Tm & , El a failae s re -4ba4 vie ItiM la ellh f. e.. ra.e f ! a. ' LsM fa, ihrm aula la rM Dee Kit,, iwat, nn-t nr.-attia. rwt.t kit, bueaa si aa tan aSMkM, M.van, a. M. Wfiaar, Or -H.ai mm Ut L.,it. eatlia hmmss lafl ktt., 1 IS MWU a If aa urn r i. aia, m. HanlaaaiN.-Nraas I f (4 aa. Iff lay iaf biav f,t-. 4. M .MlrMi.tl.-ll. aax m lafl MwaMati aaMJav aa a Am trt la mmt- tum . W , llakfa. f - H iiaaa. JO as tan aaaaMar, (aatia. iiae flahl sa t H. fl. Wt,a. fas. fan la W f a Ml fci, aat mt -. a4 a;4ai la lafl fw, Waiac.t fc i Jt' lafl am14a. tfca., J A., Ha la? fl iraiax aa b) a-l4.- e.l. WliMaMa. Teaa H W Mtw la,- a.u aaaaaal 1 Wa a.l.H lo aaU sbmm lafl ka itounu inn qsiauu- ti., . m . i-a n-n baa4.d I pTaas-lal e ln w-aa a Ina4 aaaTafaik traubl raals a t4a4. I aaaa. . I . Haiia t a ' J sa a W aa r-gt i twiai f ae'i.a j "a tt ' aai eM ari ot-at w.loiaf miiiimi Wanted-An Idea :::;H:;."::::Z i ia i a ' , rlal i -. fa,aaa i- :. I 4. a ff V-n ", 1 a. ! Pfl'f.U.a. Al, W I'lull Onbti, tuaUHg.'f of Hripiict's srsrelmnse, ill sy the blwhaat tuatkel firire fur litde, fur, sheep pelts, rto. llrinif your dl le lo lum. it (iid IUII and Chsrlry June are an- ociated logalbar rlowo at Obarlvv's old plnoe ia ba loosorlal biulnras Call on Ibem and irt lour hiekart pnibtd lo. Now ia Iba lima to gat tbt Wee kly Oregoniao. Iba graalaal aeaepsper of the Waal. Witb lb0asflla,bob slriel- ly in advanr. ooa yaer, t-T 6i). No batter eotiibioetton of aeerpaprrs eaa u made '0 tbe slate. Walt. Tbotnpeno rues atage belveea Ur vpor and alonataaiil, arriving every day irct blondsy aad Utvieg every day I eept HtioJif. 8bortet aad ebeap aat root lo tb Intanar. 0nswr t Broek, ag anla. Ed. Ik Ilialtnp, tooraavif la Tbe If- Farland afercsolll Co., at HI oa daok. giving c'aal bsfgaiat la all liaae. ( Tbe ti k roit b ebayad oat, aoi II I ur Hieing b clp iblog are. Call as Ibaa. Freak kteFarUad, taiea. Ab,laWly pore, P(ffltly barmleae, and Uvarlatlf reliable tb quell lias of Oae Mlaale Oiogb Cure, ll avar fail ia IU, croup and laeg Iruublaa. Cbil Iree lik It baeaoee II i UtaMWt lo take l balpt tbe W. Co or It lirk . 1 hroagb tram) ea th O. IL A X. Ill raa via. Lraaii'i. weiia waiia aai frl.dM, 1 trough vlaapara, 6al d arftiad rlaea, til fub la ) l 'b IS Cax.a I'at ifia. Ibe roe a bft fiife, A ltrHiab fial el et-pr f'url- land lo fia.kaea, 'tig ita lb Brat rleaa lpaf to Ht. Teal, aad a IMfttig t aiM slaaaaf I'oflUad lo Hi I'aaji, .)! tn la asHioa lib iba flrael frlbarn fail . If fur ie-AUuet tblrty to af rye bs;, iaatd al.l ! bad oaa-bail astlaaof llet Jotaa. Alee ( aat ef gal reaga, faaead, la gn Mb Mine. Ileetf tf aatawt guvefafaaal feege if l baeg B-ja af f rf llfft ftaed at bl M lag lw. t f-alMa. II ! t . j feiaa i !, ( S a ' !, I ,'K ! i . U ' . j t ' say A ,' i-i 1 , f'n.l eielet a .tiajtaftltgrut, H The British Medical Journal soma months ago, in an, article calling at tention to the efiects ot the noise of cities on the nervous system, sets forth" in detail some of those noises and sug gests means ior iheir extinction or amelioration 'without sacrifico of the industries which prpduco the various kinds of dinV It i pointed out, for ex ample, that the railway companies and factories on the Continent use horns of not unpleasing-sound in place of the - nideous steam ; wmsue. M iira cnurun bells of England, are compared with those of other portions, of Europe, t6t the disadvantage of tK. former ;""and it .. Is held that in an age -vyhen eVery room has its.clock and every adult his watch, -thei frequent bellrjngitig thronghout the day, which' now offends the peace of Christian folk, seems unnecessary r At" night there are .the shouting,' screaming and singing people about - the Btreets to cheat decent well folk of their rest, and worse yet to retard the curative process of sleep in the case of those who are ill. Vith r the dawn comes the milkman and his rattling cans. The catalogue, so far, of dis turbances for the London citizen's ears is about the same as with us, says the Boston Transcript. In London they have other nuisances which are not known here. With true, English con servatism, the knosker is still used, and this contrivance, long banished from American front doors, is vigorously plied by the postman or anyone else who has a certain right to demand speedy attention to his signal. They have found in England, as we nave found here, that with, every new con trivance for man's comfort or conven ience there is introduced the poison df a new noise. : The din of the bells on the street cars has been stopped on Sundays by municipal order, but. it Is heard on other days, and is none the less irritating because it n raised amid the rattle of every Hprt of.yehicle. A recently added noise in American cit ties is the buzz arid whirr of the trolley on the electric railroad wires. It is a common expression, and a common belief, too, probably, that one i crrows used to all these noises. That is , J a fatal blunder. As one whose sense of smell Is Hulled ny laminaruy wun the poisonous effluvia of- tobacco may be nauseated by aa excew of .the odor In a close room a? fjiiickly as thouih the senses were utill acute,: so one who fancies himself proof againnt the nerve-destroying olTeoU of noise, may after lonnr livinrr amid a din continuous or irregular, suddenly find himself the victim of as flue a case of shattered nerves ns a niMironatli would like to have in bund. If I lie iin.i.liouMifhs of din and racket were mice generally recognized there would be a deinnnd upon the Inventive rapacity or me chanics to devi e inennH of prevention. It in because this ive ignition and this demand arc not general In certain rases that the complaints, of the sensi tive are met by the iiiery: "How are you going to help it?" protMiiinded with the air of nulimi'.tm; a problem impo--aible of solution. I'.itt when it la re called what wonder liava been accom plished on aleiuti railmndi in the way of stopping or at h-at t of lessening noise, there is nothing tmrensonabla in hoping Hint aonw of the ili itrueting noises of our eity life may le acattured through the kindly ollieea ol In- geniout men. lor instance, tlier I the rattle of wheels over pavement; much of that can le prevented by si t ting the tires over inner tirea. of rub ber, while for some light vehicle the pneumatic tire, nf tb Mryclo la powi- ble. Poor wheel, right worn tn re sponsible fur much of the rattle caused by drays and express wagons, a frightful din Is mudc by wagons load ed with metal rod or pipe laid In a though tb several piece w i re only an many log of wood: t irveitt this noise It Is only li err wary to M-paraM aeh pleee with a block and each strat um with utrlpn of vriawt. or nmr, an prevrntlv mriM of nol will eoal money, but In many a - th flrat eoet will b all. II ihoa who ar repoii bl fur tb prrlt or In tbe noisy ways of aerouiplUblng muuh ot the wurk of life rannol Im oonvinerd of their la k of butnauity i'1M opinion may yet rrytUi itaelf ln law but It 1 a mean -r or rit.i.aiioti that baa tn lap stirred t a prrf-trtnanrsi of duty twnlone'rnd'lilc.r by UtuU aad police r;nli!nin. ABSOLUTELY PURE aL tn.-VN "ON?E.EASfAI,;V'iJC?i;tTKr.l 80me of the Objee'tlbns to Living tn'-liart ; ero It irnoi). , . " The iiorthqrii' half' of the island of Borneo' is the queerest and most un satisfactory place to live that one can imagine, thinks .the, St. Louis Globe Democrat. It is a land of constant re : curriing. phenomenr,;.:. where cyclones , are frequent and delude.-, of water very conimon.' Tho voTotntion in that half 'Is very fine," but in all probability the wildest j and most t .nxvlnd on earth not even cxe.optin.7 that of Africa, The cause of all thc'trouulo.is the shallow ! condition of the fica north of it, great t Bhpals of sand c:;i;itjn. a few miles out which extend along1 its entire northern "length. These shoals are covered by a j depth of water, not over ;flvo feet deep, i The constantly requrplaj. vi,nds that ; "blow in that 'cllraAtij hmv;c to hurrV? canes and sweep the wnallcr Wands of ,. all visible life. , ho,i such a storm , strikes the sand tTmals north of Iior-' neo it sweeps up thq shulhny ealt water1 in its course and drenches the island with it. Often it gathers up sand, ' great 'masses of" it, from the clear- swept shoal and whirls It for miles high over the inland, carrying it into the island, and . co&UcrUJjr it every where, Tho work of there storms does not always end viUi that.. Entire shoals of flfdi, of r.ll sizes, litivu bean swept up time nn.l ivrain by t'.ia fierce wind with the v.-;;t,:r and nand and scattered abput Ilurr.oo. In somo places' the ground woul l b'j utcnvlly covered with fish, enough to. supply a heavy population for M-ee';s. But i;uch hialc is no reparation for Iho evil tho winds do, and consequently the northern half will never be inhabited by those who value their lives. 1 HIE IIEKOES OF IiOMANCE . A EOY'J PLUC1 I Mlne-Yaae.Old Iald 1 aptiTes a Thirty-. , . ... .....,wo Pound Curp, . . , ' An exciting coinhnt between a nine-year-old boy Ri I n .thirty-two-pound German, 'carp too c. place on James Moore's .farm,, wear lWr.Uil, rays the I'blladelphlii Iieoor.l, The Ne;haiuiny ' creek In rainy s ?a irwi C'li th ditches,, of adjacent fumt wil l water from eighteen Inche t t tw,i fo-. t deep. iTha Other day luvid CIict'.u tUc younrr ivm , of Jpbn Cln-rry, of t n place, and two small coiiipiiiiioin, vi'cot fl.ihiny; up tlie creek. In on? of t't optn. ditches on the Moore farm the Imls iv,.pied three huge ,curp h'l'l''1'!' nlout, the water being too hhallovi; f. r t'li ni to awim without greatly ill, ti:r'wlii(( the sur face., David, pluel.Ur than his piny mutes, junilH'd i 1 1 . j llm ditch and seized the larjre'.t of I he minister llsb. The earp, nearly as bljf u.iltu' boy, had the advantage, beln-f in iti native ele ment. Young ( In'iT" liiid t irht bold of it, but the ear, p! .:., I .tlirougll the water, and Mini, t t.i;''iiijf the bid bebiud. The boys 01: i.liore tliougbt their coinpanioit would , aurely be drowned, for often bis wlnib' Ixnly was under water. At liiat the ll.-li grew so weury in bis f.ii rhty :.' jrt to rscapn bis captor thai In; e.i,il, be thrown out ,'pon tho bank. , 'then all three boy jumped upon fi e.ir,! u 1 1 h.'ll him to th ground unl.J lie l.u.l gi-,M ut It is life. I hey r.i',fe,l tUe.r tr.iphy boinii ami put it 011 the .The Oak weighed thirty two pound. , They Aro Seldom Taken from the j.jplIlddle.Claeaes, ,,, Strictly Pppaklnjr, Thare Are But Twe Kormal Ueroca of notion, and They , , . , , Are tbe tVarrlpir anci'the 14 JFdlry fflnco. . It is lamentable, Indeed, when you come to reflect on it, how large a pro portion of useful, and respectable call ings falls under, the ;ban of .romance. What poet or romancer pver made his first lover, for example, a baliff or a beadle? Vet bailii?s and beadles are men and brothers. They may do their oftentimes dangerous duty with the dasih of a Rupert, or the cool courage Qf a Cromwell, says Macmyian's Maga zine, yet they aro frankly impossible as heroes of romance.' De Quinccy makes a rcinurk somewhere.; to the ef fect that one would iot bo inclined to think highly of a man ' who, in the ab ; Bcrtco . of predisposi ng ciroutnstances, dulibevatoly and, f(t ithe,,lovo of the ' business decided to be a butcher. Yet "butchera nra husbands oad fathers, and have blood in tleir veins, as well as on their aprons As a tnattcr of statistics, I. belie vo hardly a d'njr passe but some, i oEeltir'' fulls in love: yet no court r f lot-e, er I'w'Vaturq vfll give him andlei eo v a lorerpcr. take cojy nizatue t f li:i ilcadlrfy.. ' The breast of the f.tr.v'; broker "Is f.waycd by the bears and bulls t f fashion no. less than by the t ulitlT Jihtcneej ' of financial Hpecnlntion. Yt t hi tar. i r.ot hon ored in tho tnoiM tlma rol exchange of romance. 1 hen, with . pno ttroke of the pen, roRinr.cs rv.bri ' ont tho wliol amorouu mob of r.da'.l traders. They arc not oUoet'ii-r r.tj.ier.t from the pages of romance, t'.iesu v.ortliy citi lens. Cnly they have tj forego the herolo part ur.d pr.t tin with being supernumeraries or viU iips qr comic characters. About the. , butcher I am doubtful. Not even I'lokens, I think, found room for a butcher amid his Babylon of trades. ?.'or with Shakes peare Is It ony "better. Quince the car penter, Rnu:f the Joiner, I'.ottom the weaver, I hit? . tho, b -Jlows-wmlor, Knout the ttulir r, and lltr.rvuling tho tailor, ore very well to pbiy the fool, to divert the dul.e und Indies, but r.tve of them, not even Dolli.ci, tram b ted, is a fit object fi r a hi 'y'u love. A: the dem(Talii! Whitman bus i;t!ipl::l: ed, , in a Shakespearean pl::y the l.iu i of Indiistrloit'i t ill.eii't i t ,J 1 t 11 nob to throw up It tMvcnty tii"et- ap-iin oian t'u-hjir's honor nt the hi 1 .iii'f of i:n An tony. What Is there a' unit u Iradit thus to lin npaeilati! a 1.1:1 it for ro mance? Mrielly ipi'a'.iii" t'ief are but two normal heroes of reitMim1, the wnrrlor and the fairy print-. If there l:i no fairy prince ist hand, ft: r liai ry prinoe will do. '1 lie l;tii,li..:i i'ii'.i' l . un l!.e American inon.ll-1 rl ''it! vined, only u 1 10 h r i -it-prim e. 'In be l.ii ;.'.' 11 prince the Ij'tII .'ida'.e 1 to lie bio! e I nt (rol.l 111.- 1.! the Atlantic, f ' 1 i ' I" In tbe lion, v i f 1-r ' ., t course or in the b-.'v eot i t spH-nr iiesiiy. 1.1 t n ! tint attribute of I t.- f. r.lertrle RltUra. Eledrla Ililler ia a nadiriae snilad for ens aano, but parhspa mora ganar aiS add wben Ilia languid, ihnle(l feeling prf IU.(in li ir i torpid ad sluggish aed tb need nf a toaio and allarstiv la felt, . A prompt aa ef this medioio be aftan avartad long and per bp fatal kllsoo (, Moasadlirin ill ot raor inraly fn eoBataraflting and fraeieg Ibe yslrm ffooj tb mtlartal pot"o. Uadaeb Iadi(tio, Oaatl- patka, Ditgla yUli to Eleelri lilt- leu, , COa. tod M par bo til at Coof A liroek'i drog tier.' . . , . TetU, Kall-lthaam and IWiffNa. The Intanaa lt bin and martin. m (taut to ttaMaadiatmaaa, k tnatantlv allayed bv at tilrlna? Cbatubwrbala a .rm aad hkln tnnlnwnt. Many vary tavl Caere have U parfnafsnntly rrrd bf It. It la equally rfSi bnt for lublng Hka and favortu reiMtl fo aora bll'ba. chsfia-4 band., rbllbbUoa. frtt bhe and ibrorik! y. SJ da. ft txi. ff. fasti (aMditWa I'ewdfTt, ar J'lat Tfbat a boree iwsl etbfa la bad unditktfl. T'l'le. bbaal tmriftr aad Tamilftige. Tltaf are tA fed mt h-Iw lee and lb bt la Ms to tml a horaa prime cotvUtlos. I'rte S4 rvtiU jf tM kage. TOO PROFOUND. Uaraad tlaa Thai Tf aa ! Oaae ft f a-'"aaai, ' flamurl Iri ;r t-a eTfljry of f tod afU-rvinr I r"nty f the tfraa- irr andur Pr 1 t w I J 'H A tain. When Mr Jn'.r 1 U-em pft" tdrnl ke eka. y,r - '. r t r I :. and. tm werlvlntf a f ' I u r tioVr I bin Thi vr t'." f,r I !i ' " f I'm r not a I of a 11 .. i 1 o 1 r 1 r ianiu i frawili. It SOI: 1 i f ,'f. In t f. eeoHitig t, t a rcinarti - ' h'f' r inifhl tw 1 !f '. . I.ittl -If ;.'ii 1. ' r a b-d on ' I f.f tn t'nt t t o.u." Yrt bl of r. ir '-UUbt than r.eis 1 be did r't ! 1 1 1 'Sou -h at i y of fairy i. r a fairy 'ojlit tieeiU "i T I 1 !' i f 0 iiiuier-i, 1 t'.e r.i-e , be i In tl.' I". 4-U- J 1 .111 e. .1. la rarity. Tin re ure I. .1 two ti i.eii nr an of bim fcll toM. i:til 1,1m I f tbeM hav Iven be.'.i'n -r 11 d up. II baa Ithlde, fr th Art' an iitl. an other of Ibe riM.;.l -j ' it! 1 of ro mance-he li l-'i ll.'. It li the food fnrt line end la- ll titiii't f.s binn of tbe fairy prime l 'i in. 1 i-Uvny fnnu sums uiil.iiov.'ti 1 ;-,h r ti.i I ilivin r ulr. Tbal ll In whUh rn!.e t'.oi l'r.U'0 Cbartning of the fairy laic lrr".b.ll- bl. Kmi it wai that I tipld raine In Paych, to cherish ber v.ith bit ervrvt and Invl-dbU gialbrad. Ni lpru fliNitrd on W Injri'd NMidal thrnUffh th rrl.i.tiiliiif air to Andr m da" fei tlo alay the mmlr. hi Ii'ien-fr'n rem fleshing In a rwsa-ilr.mn t.U.T fr'tn the mjfuteriou bulla of the Sbiiy Lull, to champion mablrn Inroaiifn e-sin I treachery and alatuler 1 be fulry prinee, yuu at e, e.miiii"i,l Inrlu lea th vrrbir fwrt, and U d-mid r ! !! timing In the file of time lo Bi'ht a dUtrraand iUiii m I I at'.iet and t I If ber ilraffon. Yoi may i!'Mnd op-m it that what IrlU rlo. .IjrWiUi the pirl agaiaal the tmuo riUy ai laMir no e of barikrrv and I r. . r a id it ti re and Uwjrr latlo-'f i ; !li t i,i"n Irss, tlirlr frntpH i , I in. r. a id fa-mlllarna-w. hat 1 ll I t ' la li l-ea.i tb- I t - I : m (I i-e 1 f j 1 lbalrp tl gja 1 t w iit L J I In Iba I flail , tfnt, 1,1 1 rt I " fet 6' "b H i t,t a a Sff ! r tit,t t ; fir i J.in' - -' ' ' l, I I . n ' aa -t I -,. ,r Iiirbard , i ; . t t 1 1. bnead II tan I llHMe t; at all kaa . i t rveMex-titbl u (UI '. I If wi it A- i"i epeyia), ' t l!e rial. 1 v. B fttf a. lr " It lrgb. l-V t 1 n youth a Re4a ', I', ' I (11,1 Jr. I I I I roe shot t lii-i 1 rslny i" ij ; lllll l W !t I 1 "t .l,f p..f ti- 'i let t- 1 ' 1 ll Irrw ar I f li..fi. !. , U' t t I. ail li.l th. ). If !. 1!'- tilf a-f I i J .. - I - I I If- fa 1 r . i S I :,,,;! Loft. -th I 1 l.f M- '.-.Jl TH 'If 1 itl'fN n 1 , ..(.r "na , t hr l I l.a I 1 ir fi'm II if fi'ilhlng fine bra plate trnt same atrrel lo f oflf Itrr ;. : ; m.airrn I pftifat ' ' ot rotut. I t to tlrt , ' ef print, . it i-. i In the r--i.i 10 g rl . ? U tn-n the - irniuiil the 1 t'i eurcole 1 tjtia hrrv akjiabtaff-e I S ( 1 : and Iteming ff t : 1 .111' -1 Ha IliHt'f tl'f Ci 4 fvr . I'lf. nf aft If; a a t ftfta tid bl ,.ti AI t hiy y.-f lid ; j , 1 ! i r,, ? f I I, t I I r r. t : ar ;f.i.ial f-sy 1 f r nr ha I l4a af flal4 A al.:p a C r l ba jfit ana. !m i, III-- V. 4 11 rif, tlortda. II, '(.!, tJ.jit 1 1- b-t t'. pn.tilroi a ll l.ta t-tij .4 f f th abi 1 tM)in.ta that or f l t.j tint lr-en. Tb ri.f I 1 l it i 1 ae rsire'-fd.aary war. that Iti pi pi v a a Ws a'M'Hif ttrt nat. r 1 '. o.'s f if i.aly a feat '.. tot h I. - 1'iat a t t l .ta t ot It a'n .t-a . f a V." h fnn IUa bf .f rtl i f tSewt l4t 'Mid l frxaa th e M-it U ium end tWi", and b la '', l;.fl t't .tfM iM rv ItvlUa ':;fl '. tt. y r.i-er. iJ l,i h tit 1 a'- - 'e to ea t - fa? i e ffj.i .4 ,-valeg '.-ft tf. J, , . ' -' B'4 , . I ., to.'f f I