GIVES Till CHOICE . Of Two Transcontinental r,0 TO" TPTP'gg' ? GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ky. PACIFIC RY. via'' via Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AMD St. Paul Kansas City . LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean . Steamert Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details oall on 0. R. k N Agent ta Heppner, i r address W. H. BUBLBURT, Gen. Pbbb. Agt. PoBTtAHD, 0BEO0N. E. McNEluL, President and Manager. QaiOK TI3VI13 I San Fronolsoo And all points In California. Tia the Mt. Hlmst route of tlie Southern Pacific Co 'UTi hiAVS th1rou?h California to all .""nii 8oth- ftrandHoenln Route of tho Paotflo (kiast. Pullman Ballet Bleeper. Hftoond-olues Hleeiwri "lh"! 'P"M trains, affording snpanor aooommodationa for enoond-oluMi awSngm-s. .J'-'mT!' Uc ,j t,mil af reservations, to. call npnn r address ' Gen. a r. Agt,, Portland, Oregon -TO THK- EAST AND SOUTHEAST VIA THE UNION PACIFIC .SYSTEM. Through Pullman Palace 8'ecper. Tourist Meaner and Free Reclining Chair Can 1A1LY to ChUagii. Many houri isvecj v tlila line to Kastern Foluta. STEAM HEAT. KOWICMI' PINTSCH LIGHTS WAT1CM. It. W. PAXTKlt, Gen. Agent. I'ortlantl, Oregon. J. C. IIAHT, Aijrnl, r;xicr, Orrann. THRCH vi. IHAIIOK A awy ik. mm tl Mil Sr Jmm lrta roaeiHui, rartea niMMiwio ( art lua Iim, USA. I ClW U aim TkMm r i r rttTmic Kotnoooi I M f i , a. a v a S Ul " ;.!.'" " m mm HARPERS 9 r ! 4 0 eum.( .,..,.t4 t- i.f i .'m . If fr ftt, psn I I H8tl, ..!,..,. tr ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 1897 jCATOkRRH LOCAL DISEASE an1 la tha result of cotdt ana sudasn climatic changes. It an b eared by a pleasant remedy which ia applied di fwUy Into the nostrils. Be. relief ' uortiit give Ely's Cream Balm fa MmTTU)m'AeratA ka ,u tL. a. m "" """ w va uiv muni UJtnJUKU Cure I Or Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all mnftrilM It AtuM.. anil U. ' I MStP"11 4nd Inflammaiioivheftlf theiores, pro- uvia.M, oo warren street, Wew York THE NEW. YORK WOltLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION.' 18 Pages a Week 156 Papers a Fear. It stands first among ''weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It ig praotically a daily at the low prioeofa weekly; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and' foreign conn tries will vouch for the aocuraoy and fairness of its news oolumns. It is splendidly Illustrated end among its special features are a fine bamor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women Bud a lon eries of stories by the greatest living Amerionn and English authors, CONAH DOYTiB, JeboME K JbiioMB, Stanley Wbyman, Mabt E. Wilkins. Anthony Hope, Brut Habte, Bkandbh Matthew 8, Etc we oner mis untqtialed newspnper and Tlie Guzette together one year for 83.25. The regulnrenbucripiion prioe tf the two papers is $3 50. OIIIOAQO. ee & St. Paul ni Glance at this Map 01 the Chtimro, Milwaukee and St. Pari Hall way and note IU ronnenlloua with nil traimron tlnontal lltion and Ht. Paul and malia, and reinftnlirr that Itii tritlni are lluhlrd w ltholec trlclty and heated hjnti am. Ita equipment li uperh. Klenaiit Bullet, Library, Hmr.kliiK and HleeilugfHr, with (rre rei llnliiK elmlrr Kaeh llwplngear berth tin an eleetTe reHiltni lamn. and ItidlnliiK enra are the bent In the world. Other linen are longer than but tmneare horter, ami no other nllera the almve luxuiloui aeeommiHlHiloiii. 1 heae are ullii leiit renaoni r me popularity oi"'i he Milwaukee." '"Um l.ketKent. In every railroad olllro will Jiv. 1 fou funher i . I. tnnv, t.eueml Auent, i. W. CAkKY, Trav I'ua. Agetit, PoaTI.Ki, (IHRilOS. ROUND REMARKABLE TWRNTY-PART THB PAINT HI M:St:itT THB Wf aiaa H,.a BOMB OP TMB SHORT PI RIAL ths Mitnumiv a,.wt th a..r krm iiks Iknui Ixi... a, W O w.a lilllwaul .!fMrlE-OU8 ' r-pflui- j I- MINNESOTA,. O 'i , ; ! ... MILWAUKEE' ! SJ O W A K HAnrevs fioirxn table ti.n, t, n, .v. tj,,, , ., tf UTt t.'.mei, h A JtuJti Al ;.' i : U-ty u-mftlttien, f 1 50110; A mat, r Ik. 'i:7rr. rT i" t ..I "' f (money prizes! l Ikt tmf,i,t,,m. SfJ 41 tn.t ' r,mr.mltil ttnmli'l m4 t4 fll Ik, tf,r,. ,w . t?rt ,f e ,t, ,,4 ii , Til, w frfUl0 nr - 7" '''. Jit eftlm.lmf.-l it vwtm e) I ?,... Avli m. 4 :H5free books s)i. Aj m a tH wtv op tun t son -" ., . .. 1 , r.iin . t. , a., a -' .".at, Long Reims. According to the "Gotha Almanac," which has lust been issued for 1KB. th queen of England has reigned longer man any otner ruler In the world, hav loir ascended the throne in 1837. wt to her in point of time are Emperor rranois Joseph ol Austria and Fred erick, the crand duke of Baden. Th. monarchs who have reigned the shortr est time are Prince Friederich of Wal deck and Duke Alfred of Saxe-Cobnrg-Gotha. The oldest monarch, accord ing to the "Almanac." is the who is more than eighty-three years of age. The grand duke of Luxembourg 1 11 1 ' . Y. . . 0 ana me King oi uenmark, respectively seventy-six and seventy-five years of age, stand next to him in this, regard. Grand Duke Karl Alexander, who lives in Weimar, is fourth in point of age, and Queen Victoria, with her seventy-four years, is the fifth oldest mon arch. The youngest crowned heads are the little queen of the Nether lands, who is thirteen, and the king of Spain, who is seven and a half year old. The Only Chair Car Line To the east is the Union Pacific. East ern cities are reached via this line with fewer changes of oars tbaa via other lines Rates always the lowest. Tickets to or from points in the United States Canada, or Europe for sale by R. W, Baxter, Gen. Agt., 135 3rd St., Portland, Aaked Too Much. "1 it true that your engagement in broken?" The beautiful irirl inclined her h slightly and acted as if she considered ine su Djcct a particularly painful one. "lie must have done something tori rible." lM'rsiti fhn hpxt frionil "t never knew of anyone more devoted tnnn you." ' I "We Could hnve twen hnnnv if it, uwn J not for his intolerant spirit," answered! tne beautjiul girl. "1 puve in to him on every oiht thnt 1 could and still retail 1 my independence, but when he in&wtet! that I should give up my bicycle ami ride the nmke he favored it was too much," Chicago Post. The Kexex ia iinrmuii. The new uoinuu shouW take her wai to Burinah. TlMsre, travi lers say, is th only place ot: ea.rth where tru; ctjualitj between tliti tvexeti cxistis. Ii: npitie o this, it is claimed, mi wonxm n,re nion womanly than the liiirmee women whose good sense enables them to se, ihe line where they ought to stop. Ii the higher closes a woman has pror trty of her own and manages it herself In the lovver elawses ulie always haa r trade and rtins her business on herowi rr-Hpoitfiibility, the sexes I'hoose tJiei, ow n oiH-ratiotm, and it. is curious to sc the mc-n soiiM'times sewing or embroid ering, while the women have nearly al" the retail trade of the islahd on tiheit hands. Dr. King's Nw Discovary for Consumption, This is the best medicine io ths world for all forms of Conifhs and Colds and for CouKtimption. Every bottle is guar anteed. It will cure and not disappoint II tins no fqual for Whooping Cough, Asthma, U .y Fever, Pneumonia, Bron ohitiH, La (Irippe. Cold in the IIad and (r Consumption. It ia aafe for all ages. pleiiHiitit to take, and, ahova nil, sure eure. It is nUnja well tl tnks Di. Kiiiu'H Nhw LiN pin in ciiineotion - . t . ,": .. J. . 1 ' " ,n ""'"""''on . ' , , I'lHOovery, as Um "'Hulata and tnn thn stomach and IiiiwcIn. Ws otmrnntep perfect aatiafan tion or return money. Free trUI bottles at (inaer .V Broek'a drug store. Regular ai.e fit) rents and ! (kl. TABLE SHRIALS BOCir no tmb i in. AM Alannari soy truoar Sf tm a ara.M n Nttn T, W. NlffOrwa llilM If tf V a a r.dt a 1 .( 1 t ..1 1 a, a 4 HUTOSJtC CAVA! IV At it ivA. atrikaa caata at Tfa at in a a. 1 ' ,.. ta-. .a-. I i ASM "5 GATHERED CN THE RAIL. SornrEiur Pacific locomotives wil Soon use for fuel bricks made of coa dust and asphaltum. The narrowest gauge railroad now in use is one of twenty inches in Nortt Carolina, built last year for transport ing timbers. The .length of railroads open in Rus sia increased from 13,340 miles in 1878 to 17,277 miles in 1889, being, an in crease of 3,93S miles only. The recent run of the "exposition liver" over the Lakn Shnr road ho. tween New York and Chicago was the lastest, iong-uistance run on record. The distance of nsn iniles in. two minutes less than twenty hours. ,- When Queen Victoria travels by rail she pays the cOmnanies 7s. Cd. ner mil for herself, and first-class fare ' for everyone else in the royal train. This is SUDTiosed to make food the loss on- tailed by the temporary stoppage of WUUICi f Eightf.ex railwav corrmn.nips linr aided the Columbian exposition by taking 057,500 of its stock and 8S50.000 of its bonds. 'Among these the Balti more & Ohio took 'S30.000 in sf nnlr. nnrl the Illinois Central f,50,000 in stock and $100,000 in bonds. FOR HOUSEWIVES. : -, I)on't put a bright colored carpet Into a room where the furniture is dull, old or of neutral tints, r Don't have chandeliers or hanging lamps with rooms of low ceiling; use; ide braokets in such cases. ! Don't furnish a north room in blue flr any other cold color; something of a1 warm tint should be chosen. " ; " Don't hang a heavy portiere over a narrow door; generally speaking1, hang ings are out of place in a small house, or with small rooms. Don't fill the center of the room,' un less there is plenty of space on all sides; nothing offends good taste so seriously as the sense of being "clut tered up." ; Don't have too much of one kind of decoration in the house; two rooms Upon the Btvmo general, pattern are quite enough an individual scheme for each apartment i.i better. Don't u:;c all your l.indncss and gal lantry awav from h unpleasantness man ife' t itself in the family circle; try the other course for a time, and see how that will work. Household. TOLD WITHOUT NAMES. An Orcsron man i.-i Mtm.etfl nf InefiTi. Ity merely beeauso of his "incoherent ta-lk on religion and lave." A YOTJNO I'nirlihh Woman has heon appointed lecturer on fruitgrowing be fore the Derbyshire county council. 1 A M:w Haven hermit is accused of "annoyinsr his noiirlilmrR." nnrl n. pmirf. Will decide whether he In flllt.V nf thin nnhermitliko ofTense. A Ct'ltious and verv oliipetlrTioWo crank is one who has develoned In itiV. mingham, England. He goea about with a long steel hat pin and stabs all fashionably dressed ladies whom he encounters. Romances of the war of lsi j are told by a colored hermit, aged ninety-four, who dwells iu a hut in the woods near Taunton, Muss, lie never tells the same story twice, and is as earnest as if he believes his own stories. TllK "w hit ling fever-' has entered a family of seven persons in Lawrence, Kan. 1'uther and mother and live chil dren are supplied with l.icycles and are out almost every evening in a group, riiling around town on their wheels. WELL WORTH A GLANCE. Wll.I.HM I't NS M will in the pov session of Frank T. Sabln, of Phila delphia. Spauki, ISO champagne w as first made by Pftriia IVrLriiiui, a monk, who died In 1715. Waiui Pnr.STi. aged ten, mm of Dr. Prrntiwi, of Jamaica, N. Y., lost the sight of an eye through a shot from an air gun, aimed at him by a little comrade, A Toy anake f,nr feet long was dis played before Mi Mamie Lynch, aged aixteen, in lirldgrpnrt. Conn., by a comrade-, and so terrified the girl that she has become insane. WuaT seemed to Iks ft lively fall of snow in very large flakra ovr a limited re in the tenement district of New York on ft recent bright and breezy morning reaolvnl itwlf on clow In ajction Into flcka of foam frtim tha auda in wahtub, flung to the wiuda by aoni small peraona on ft fire eacarve. A Care tor l.aaia Bark "Mr danthlsr, wbso reoverio( from an at tar k nf Ut, waa t real anff.rsr tmra pain la tha bark and hlf Louden (IrAVitr. nf IT. rite Afr iatBtf o ''ita a rnimka, M "il ant benaflt aha f rbmbrUin'a Tain IUm. and it has t-n l,r r'W.f." CH,wbarlaB'a Pain Halm la a!o Ha 0 enra flf rheamatiaai. 8ib ht rVHiar ll'oek, Ik AlaMrc la Art. . Art lata knnw. If other do not, that ther arf at a tea nf the atimwphrrv which aifrn ontlinra when thry do Bol rtineral thrtn. That la im it a ton why they Ilk th tnuUl. ailvvry air of Holland and th trmy vfTreta ao common In Franc. Th air In lhl country, vrn on tha .hil la brighter aiHl drlrr. but or. alonlly, at thla tlm of yrar, th air and aun met-m Ut play triika with th rj. tn rretil day w krn th aun waanverraat and th air rtilll and humid, fit inf an of thlcknraa that Would tnak )! In laibt at di.tance of two tnllc. It waa tioiiml that front th wprwr win dow of th tall oftV bnihlinf th hitla ftbmit Pater-.11 and II iklanila wrr aa plainly to l iert aa la h (Vt.d-rr annlltrhL Hut all drtad waa tlurv., and th kilSa ap fwarv! a iMHri f irray-bluts aa th falnWr iikra to mr them. tavy ItanaaiiM, . lmot th Calfatl.m Army rmlt. r.t to rrlaln Inland limn of ( all f"tila, waa ottrf of Bt aortal (.witlrm tad aavoir fair. rh waa atao nr atlfuL ltrr arvital gwatly ratr.t th chappura, who fbwkd to tb atrrvt wtrvimtrv Finally on bU- ft Ul thai wimld aeir an afr4nttt wltn th bty tt t hm .am ftlfM, aivl. ftpparklnf hT a fur th hM-tttnr. h aiptd Into i err nait ft I ,MT ,ljf r,4d pir, j Nn( it in h,r -krl. -Art-I ah i Kr ahall mr ya y ,jf i frtttHl th w.a.rrr "In llrarea, 1 k" - .lri,,!y i.a.r4 th Im. ft ,ah walked away iv hm p4doa Illiteracy and Crime. ' The number of prisoners confined iim seventeen states is 110,538, and among these the illiterates, in proportion to numbers, contribute six times their quota. The records in the towns show an even greater proportion of crime among the ignorant and the illiterates, which for the whole country furnish to each thousand of persons eight times as many prisoners as those who can read and write. It is plain from these facts that our schools haver al ready greatly reduced the amount of crime, and that when we shall have succeeded in getting rid of all illitera cy we will still further reduce the num ber of criminals. Via the Dnlon Pacific .Syntera Baegaire in chfclted through from Fort an1 t't d eatination. The fpeeiulties e tbn Uuion Piieifl; re unexcelled trsei and iqnipmeut, uuion depots, fast liniei tbronh onrs,1 steam beiit, Pintseh light nd conrteoas treatment to pssseDgTS. For ratg and inf irm ttiia apply to R W. Baxter, Gen. Ait. U. P. Byiitem. Port land, Oregon. Send your hame for a Souvenir Of the Works of Eugene Field, FELDFLOWERS tbe eugent Tield monument Sowenir ,;; Tri tnAef riatIf(1 A l Ti 1 Al .1.. Xury, A maU bunch of the most fraeraot of blotw oom fathered from the broad acres of Eugene Field Farm of Love." Contains a selection of the most beautiful of the poems of Eujrene Field. Hand somely illustrated by thirty-five of the world' ETeatesI Artist a na I hmV via. t!e.(:n. 4. .L. a-. ument Fuud. Bat for the noble contribution of tho auisu mi. ooqk coaia doc nare been maaafoo tUTCd tnt tl An PVir coU nt knnl- t. ... w . v, ufc uuuai BWICS, Ut KQt Tretiairi nn rrrif r- f 1 1 TU 1 or : n echild'sPoet LaurerUe. published by the Cofliw end to care for the family of the beloved poet. wuscu riciu iuunumeoi souvenir rund, -180 Mooruc Street, Chicago, Ilf SO YEARS' . EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS. DESICNS, n-Z""" e"ll!nR a sketi-h and description may ?!StL y1?,certulM,')e whether an Indention Is SJSffiiSfteAfbl.e- Communtcatlnns strlctl? eonfldentlal. Oldest aneucy forsecuring putenti ' Vt,riC?- v We. .llave J Wasbinrton olfl. vSuS&T MunB SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, tVSi h"' BPeclnen copies and Uamo boo ON 1'atisnts sent free. Addresa MUNN 4 CO., . 301 Broadway, New York. LEADHiS PAPEil OF THE ulFIC COAST TMR rilnovicl.K ranks wlta Um greatest B'iper m the United states. THK l'HKONICI.K ha. noixiualnn the PanlSe I'oH.t. it an In alililty. enteriiriw m l nawa TllK CHUOMCLKM Telficraplite HHris ar tlx-lie, .1 ami imwi rrllahle. Its Local Newstbe fu I. i ,in. niri,.,i nd its biiiiortala fruin ui alili-Nt iwiift tn 01 r'ltltitrr. I'll K cii 110 vici.K Imtalnrara been. and alvan wtilhi, thr f-iHnd 1.11,1 champion of ths pm.iIh aa ac"1!!.! rmiihiMuthm., cliiii s. cnrirf,lhms. or viin WKiua nf n- kiml It will ba luai'twudeal Iu evxrytuiKg ueiUriU Is iiuUtl.'if. Vi'i 'i ml I t.M! r rv r - l ""si Th far.) liuiMlaj, the: daily Kr M U r a laM. Oi!!y$6.70; Tha Weekly Chronic $1.50 a to ilMlalM-Mts. w u. .i -Jih tali4 a M.tri Ttl l I. t mt u I K. I.. wtrM-t tmm Taft-m Wm r .Jw, la I'm. "- e r. .-. 4 . i-i. H" " I MUM. Hi 1 ...flu rnf ; wi . di". i. wimis s.M,'Li cjeiti $ir rn.t. no you want im: CHRONICLE Reversible Map? The Unitfi S:tti, Deaiaioa cf Cmh anj Mexico OK SStliK, A4 Ik t Hap of tha World " ttipf otttrn wtftb 4 12 I nt ill Mat. ft,4 W k'f Idnis'il t i O Tm, - f .! I M an.l t'f. a pt " " 1 M, tt Am V'M'Nft, 1 DE5DD CONSfJMPriOH CAM BE CUBED- T. A. SlocoBi. M. i, the Crvat Chemiat and Sciential, Will Read, Free, Tires Bottles of U la Newly Uiaeoverod Uptnedira to Unfferrra. Editor Gazbtti: I bave discovered a reliable enre for Consumption and all BronobiM, Throat and Lung Diaeases, Oeneral Decline, Los8 of Flesh end all Conditions of Wasting Away. By its timely use thousands of apparently hooele case bave been our-d. 80 proof-positive am I of its power tn cure, ibat to uiHhe its mnrits known, I will eud. free, to any fcfHioted reader of vour pauer, three bottles of my Newly Dis covered Remdie npoo reoeipt of Ex STPA"nd Pn8t"fHos address. T. A. hLOCUM. M.O.,98 Pine StrePt.New York. ...juid; tng aoctor, mention this paper. 1MMW i Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat- ..b uuHuuawuuuticu .or MODCRATC Fees. OuaOrricElsOppoaiTEU. S. Patent Office - w wiu, uiuc uiuu UlUSe jremoto from Washington, i nam mouci, Drawing or pnoto., With descrip- l,nn Wm iriinc If ..t..wi. . i r. .charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. -1 A PAMPHter," How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries .sent free. Address. C.A.SNOW&CO. -SJTFJT Orrica. Washington. D. C. Cum mi rigs & Fall j , PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL., Hs If block west of the Union Depot of C B & Q., C. M. & Ht. P., C & A , P. Ft. W. & C. ' and the C. 8t. L. & P. Railroads. M. A.TICH S.oo 1'KW 1"AY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CS1CA90, IXiIi. TV Trvr7S7xr. waMaaaaaaMLM. wm HH - fS4 I The u. s. government! fe)! fat PAYING A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their C Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a JarC W relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars W J 1 -"r-K""-' THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED fi UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new 7 law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it Kw to vou and is willing- and Anvlnnc tr rv,u wi,,, nn w on wnom you depended tor support - ' " t J ' ..'.J IIV, I tl your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the Av time you annlv. Now is the accented hnur. .., . . . - . : V r-Wnte tor laWS Slid COmnleta No Fee unleiS successful. ' The Press Claims Company WW W. AVIRETT, General Manneer, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON', D. C. UV y. H.Thlt Con;;,a.i)t It amti-nt'.ed by nearly one thousand UmlUvj !i-i-pujien in the Vnitfil f lute, and is umrnnUnl In Hum. Attorneys cit Tfi'w, All busiueas attended to it, a prompt and sutisfncfory manner. Notaries I'uhlic and Collectors. DKPPN'EK. 0FF,.CE IN RATIONAL BANK ECILDINO. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia Hivcrand Pugct Sound Navigation Co Slfiners TELEI'IIONE, BAILEY GiTZERT AND OCEW WAVE. leaving Aldr8trt IXck. Portl.od, for Atr.ra. Ilwaeo. In Beacb I'ark .ml N.hci .. Ihreet oonnertioo with liw.o aUamsT. .0" rsil roftd; also .t Young's Bay with Itailroad. , ... TTJTjUr'IIONXJ lf 0. Portland T A. Sf . Dally, e.r.p, s,ind,f. U utort, , p ttetv xia.ixj13y o-.vTra'siaTt.T Uare Portland r U i,jf, Hiiii.taf. MioM.r aieht. II p V Is Aston, n.11. . al. A. M.,,iw,4ut..laraiJ Momla. T,,u" nlshl.7 P. M. " , fc . , , OOHAPf "WA-va UPrtlaM ai4riirie1lrrttoI'.a. Ttaf and al A V a.iM 1, U",M tt. at.,1 rrlday at Um A? M O. "ttt.V? ' f" Cbfflfd lo Eil-wi DfjlkiUii M toxin Free tf Exprase. tot My, l-t. ComfH, Pleawr. Tra.l on tha T.I-phon, Baiter Oatwrt and Or,, Or - It to Advertisers at a great financial Men fice. Vou need it in your luisinc?, nnd as .1 matter of business vc must sell it. The Patterson Pum iuNc Co. i The comparative value of these twexanfa la known to moat persons. They Illustrate that greater quantity Is Not alwaya moat to be desired. These carda express the beneficial qual ity of RipansmTabules As compared with any previously known DYSPEPSIA CURB Ripans Tabulea : Price, 50 cents a bor. Of druggistB, or by mail. BiPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Spruce St., N.Y. WANTED-AN IDEAoTM thing to patent ? Protect your ideas ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDER BUHN & CQ., Patent Attorneys, Washington. D.C., for their $1,800 prize offer. The reenter subscription price of tbn Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 snd the regular price of the Weekly Oregon ian is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year i sdvsnce can get both the Gazette and Weekly Orpgonian for $3.50. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions fcir one year in advance will be entitled to the sftmn. New Feed Yabd. Wm. Gordon har opened up the ft-ed yard next door to the Guzette offiiie, and now solioits t share of yonr patronage. Billy is righl at home at this business, and yoni horses will be well looked after. Prioei reasonable. Bav and jrrain forsale. tf MILLIONS 1 f ftV) 1 r infrirmntinn. No Charge for advice. i Cr.EOO!! i II Is laraiH at tmlrm, Ottmn, j "f Vethtiful Ttntn on tht CWrf fait at lli (Uteris nlf r tnt uMi,ni. OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD 1 : 0 a r f m .. la4Kfca4 (41,