Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 05, 1897, Image 2

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everybody, including the ex-quen,
ought to know that be could not if
be wanted to.
proceed with busioess. 8t. Helena Mist.
Wyoming is also trying to pass
a prize fight bill, and may yet in
terfere with Nevada's well-laid
Hon. J. L. Rawlins was elected
U. S. senator in Utah Wednesday,
The contest has been a very bitter
one, and now many charges of co
ercion are made. Moses Thatcher,
the leading opponent, will contest
the election.
Tbe senatorial muddles in so
many stntes this year emphasize
the necessity of electing senators
by a direct vote of the people.
Oregon's spnatorial election mud
dlpB have often been very unpleas
ant, aod consequently all favor the
above plan.
Several anti- republican senators
made quite a bluff at opposing the
bill autLorizing President McKin
ley to appoint delegates to repre
sent this country at any interna
tional monetary conference that
may be called by any other coun
try or that he in bis judgment may
deem advisable to call, but when it
came up to the scratch only four
votes were cast against the bill in
the senate. No trouble is expected
in getting the bill through the
house. A notable feature of the
short debate which preceded the
passage of the bill by the senate
was the speech made by - Senator
Hoar, who, when abroad last yenr
made it a point to secure informa
tion on tbe growth of bimetallism
in Europe. He expressed the posi
tive opinion that international bi
metallism was bound to come in
time. As to tbe length of time, be
said: ''If not in three months,
then in three years. It will he
stronger twelve months hence than
it is today, and it is stronger today
than it was twelve mouths ago."
Mr, Hoar quoted original letters
in his possession to show why he
believed that four great nations,
tbe United States, England, France
and Germany, were steadily ad
vancing towards bimetallism.
It Is not mawkish sentimentality that
inspires tbe demand for Senator Mitch
ell's re-elfctioD ; it is practicality. Tbe
tbioking farmers of Oregon will under
stand tbat lessening the oost of trans
portation- of tbeir firm produots adds to
thir prices. Tbey understand tbe bene
fits inuring to tbem from tbe improve
ment of onr rivers and harbors. They
know that Mr. Mitchell has been a valu
able servant of tbe state, especially in
these matters. Tbey know that tbe pro
posed Nicaragua canal means to tbem a
nearer market and higher prices and that
in Senator Mitchell the canal has a dili
gent and efficient advooate. Tbey are
not blind to the fact that the great rail
road lines are naturally opposed to the
construction of the canal und that these
corporations sre financially interested 1u
accompliphing Mr. Mitchell's defeat.
Oorvallis Gazette.
A geDtlemnn just hnm from Salem
says that Joob'Iihu Bourne is overdoing
himself. Tbat be is feeding and wining
tbe oow oounty members in a manner
tbey are not eocostomed to, and tbat
within two weeks tbe whole lot will be
laid np with tbe gout. Baker City
The Oregonian is oertainlv in an un
enviable position. It stands self-con
demned. Every word of denunciation
it bas ever uttered against Jonathan
Bourne and his political methods and
Hgainst populism onnvicts the Oregonian
onw. The Oregonian's present straits
further expose the regret ble faot that
Oregon's leading newspaper is as dis
honest and nnsompnlnus as it is ably
edited. ( orvallis (iiizntte.
Tbe (ireiitrHt Jlnnurvh
Is a fit subject fur pity if be is trou'ded
with dyspepsia, while bis poorest snb
jiot who d gests properly may be envied
by a prince thus sfU oteil. The dyspep
io of every dime and nation owe a debt
of gratitude to Unstetter's Stomach
Bitters, whiob resones them from one of
tbe most obHtiuate sod troublesome
McKlNLEY certainly displayed
good judgment, in selecting a coHst
man for the interior portfolio, as
the business of this department is oomplatnts against whiob medical kill
confined largely to the western is directed. On this continent, in
states, .fudge McKenna is also a Europe and Ihe tropic, this sterling
very competent man for the position.
It is reported that Governor
r.usliiH'll will not appoint Mr.
llanua to succeed Senator Sher
man, but that Lieutenant-Governor
Jones is slaU-d fur the position,
remedy is pre eminently and justly pop
ular, not only i s a htoiiiiM'hie, but ulwi
ms a menus nl prt VHiiting a'id curing
malarial, rheumatic, kidm'y, bilious ami
nervous ilisnnlors. It improves npp.-tite
snd sleep, busters O'llivalesoenre ami the
asiiuisitiou of vigor after exhauxtiiig
maladies, and counteracts the infirmities
of age, A Kitii'iiliisHful liikcn b fnre re
tiring litis a tendency t'i p'nmMe trail
quil, beHlth )it'lding sleep, a buoti much
and that at the next xesHiou of the
legislature Governor Hushoell him- coveted by nervous uivhIi.Ih.
self ill beau aspirant for sena
torial honors. Wi at out txriUNOKS
Tl.. 4.. .1.1 ....I.. .....k 1 ...ft:- lw.:. ....
. . ,, . mff ... s ,,. i",it-,.iiiis pm-a ii. i ins.. iiiri' ft, la
HAD Presidentelect Mckinley I rnflMt il)n ... ... ,,,,,,,,.
. i . i .. i i - ii .. . i
inm ever bo naru no couiu uoi ,v, a mnj .rity of members in llm house.
Lave pleased tun old soldier ele- and tnnW these cinuimstaiH'es th fail
nieut of the party moro than ho "re "whihe is chatgealiie to nHt
las done by the m-ledion of Gen- ,mr,v' or "u,"r w,,r,, "
... ii . ti m i i uhi t ills is a republican tutil ami we
era! lluHHml A. Alger, of Michigan, , . , .
" ' lie no Iiiihhiius to mil up wi'h it "
to bo his secretary of war. (leu- j,,,, 1(.y rt, lit-tg ,, mitb jt.. Xy
eral Alger is hlso popular with the the very act r niisi nting themselves in
party at large, ami tlio MichigMii or.lerioprev.iitorgniijiitii.il. TheiUht
.1..t.w.ui;, I.,,.,,,,, .rnua i ,.vi,..i ..I I u Would il.lli'k ly Set I In ilwlf if the I, old
-- r r-- I J
well plenHed with
stowinl upon him.
the. honor be-
In addition to tbe cabinet selec
tions earned in Tuesday's isauft,
nits w.i.ibl go hi hihI Ink their sml.
Tuny know this well rimiili snd that is
tl.a reason why thev il ni'l go in.
Ity ats) ing out Ihey liecnme the aider
aod abettors of the minority faction of
lb republicans wbo do Dot want nrgsnl-
jonn u. ixiug, ok wuuKm flghli ,oJ frt,m b, ry BIlMW of b
ba len selected M sncretary of eircutustsnne tbey rant help booming
the navy, and Joseph McKenna, of allied with th iuterrsta of on tid or
California, as secretary of tbe in- ,b ,h,r'
terior. ThU now leaves only the Tber, I. al.ngether too rnucb psrtis.o.
... ... ,i "hip In this lrgnlti busineM, snrwsi.
prattioDi or attorney.genen.1 anJ Tbr, o moch )Uy(ig
for party ad-
rxwtxaater-gneral to lm filleL nlagr, and too IniUronx ieaiioii f-
Id tho event tbat Mr. llanua (ort io lb direction of iffctitt servi. s
dopan't receive tbe appointment of in bh'lf of ' PV'- Thr
aonatorfrom Ohio, he will likely . , 0,,,,iJ of -"
, ... ' . ,. thi woulJ b (Hilniolana wbo cts r
be prevailed upon to accept tbe pMl,o0l.rly wBU l eil to tt. oat..
latter poaillon. II. 1 1 Ibrra ar hundreds and tbuttaan.lt
bo will ear when I hey will bars trt pay
I . .1 I l! I uifkUt t 1 . - .
ALTHOIOH tbe aenate Vot,vl down L.w warraoU . ii,. ... rh.rrf. f.
an appropriation to pay tbe ei- .t.t supplies ml. oh w.il i,.io ba
pentos of the Weat Point radeta io tb rr.nts r .di at diwHiant.
com inn to tbe inauguration, it it Ladraad ('hnniicls (4oi).
rolable tbat tbey will come after
all, unlens Secretary Iimout ahall
devldo otberaitiv Tbe public tpir.
iln tnanagera of a Waabitigtoo
hotel Lave tide re. I to board tbe ra
dcta free during their atay io
Washington, and any other ei
w n set that may iicrt ssary ill
l met by th inauguration com
milt. a. ruMi.' s. i.liiniMit in Wash,
itid u aai.ta the ra..-U in the in
Pilesl Pllesl Itching Files.
Symptoms: Moisture; intense itching
and stinging ; most at night; worse by
scratching' If allowed to continue turn
ors form which often bleed and nlcerate
beooming very sore. Hwayne's Oint
ment stops tbe itching and bleeding,
heals nlceration, and in most cases re
roovee;the tumors. Atdmggists, or by
mnl, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Hon,
I biladelphia.
To Serve the County Officers In-ln Order to
Hide Their Hand the Leiclmstlve Delegation
(ilves the Hint and the ( ooniy Oinrrrs
luh the liultiin Another Iuslsllmeut 01
'( hlnroH Dilit.imucy."
From the Anlili.ml lteeor.1 (Populist )
'The mi lersigrifd, voters of Jackson
ounty aed jour constituents, earnestly
and respectfully request you to stand
firm in your determination n it to allow
an iirgi.niz'ifioii of the house, unless it
oririiniz on a reform basis, and with
positive asiiirai oe of euaid men t of needed
"In fact if the. benevolent and penal
Institution! of the state will not suff.'r
by a failure to pass an appropriation
hill, tben we bops tbat yon DO VODR
SENT HOME WIl'IIOlll' Illl'.ut
R l HITS."
The aliovepetitinii mas sent to Populist
Repn-selitatives Sflimi Itlllie and llowser
Is-I week j'lt b.f ire the 'M ruemlieri
tried to sIT ct an orgsnizalmn. Copies
of Ihe petition wers sent to setersl
points in ihe county, but tbe f elilion
wat onlv circulated at Jacksonville aod
MtNlforJ. At Jacksonville 24 aamea
wsrt secured aod at Me.lford HO oamet.
At Jseksonvills tbt pelitioo waa clron
latsd by J. R. Wiok, special deputy
abend onder Hberiff lUroet. Tba tight
of a tuUervirot court boost altacbtt
presenting tba pslitioo gt tba thing
dead away oa tbt laot of It, and Bro.
Wick secorsd only a few Datata, maey
prorolosot denioarata and eitiatot gta
erslly tsfuilng to sign II.
A top? of tbt putiMoa wat rtetived la
AsblaoJ br Dopoty Ounoty Atst T.
W. Ilryant. with a letter from Deputy
Hbt'ilT E. K. Hmltb al JsrksooilU, rt-
unestiog that asmet bt Immediately at
curej and tbt pttillna frwardd tu Hairs
t tbt fvsnleg mail, llrtenl aubtaittM
tbt petitioa la prominent Asbltod pnpa
lists, d-ro rrls aod silver repuhhesns,
ineiadiaa ltbt TsjI.k, JaJgt W. N.
La. key and CspL M T. Fgcleetoa. Tbt
vsrt fart of Hit tbleg tuggeeled Itself to
very t Ihsl saw II and Ibal petltum
noser rre. ld a tigaatar ta Asbland
and eoly sod a deeper frllo of die-g-it
at the pledge hresking tonrl txito
..rnnsU at Js.k ooville a4 lbtr (rse.
A pelltioa wt rlrm!ste. Iter Tbnra
day by a Mr. Th.-o (o. of PortUnd,
bowse one i.f J.e Hiun't I'leods ta
tbe leal legislature, king Krrelila- '
!. II Id nhli.. k. m UII..H !
. I t.Milliitf wntk at Irsn l and deettiB.
Keoalor llilet.ell, nf la olhr Wfds In
Join the gang who art lldiag np tbe
legleleiare la Ihe interret i f tbe Himoa.
lnrne-p.'pilit e-mi ini.a. The pe
lllloa Was s gne-l br s nniter nf rvpnb.
Itesos, I'.ili.ls an I .Inn Kfsls, eh , la
qtvlsarw, ak Mr. Mfi!l Id Mrtt Ihe
animal para.le, ami iotbii. ill pledget ms.le I.. ) .t sliitien't lest
left un.l..n.. to urt them. !. t ah.t.1 -a t ie ,), as a tepie
( Al M-lf-rd the pnihm wat Mtef re
jee.ved. tl W
j Jeffret't partner, sa l 0aal Treaeuref
Lie diet di I eerry e petHloa ar-ao I
l.n.Mvee, l.ei.ee lb eal-4 f Ihe ptt
i. el q nle e- m k In evi.nee
ll.e ptp.m ess riifil'd If K. K.
'h. . Il.eef, te ettife aaote lithe
' . ... , .... . . i-MU'O te Ihsl m, wane anj ibe
0tslie- Ibe ..le In Ike ll.tr of ' ..... ,, .... ,
, le. fib It.al ef Mf UeJIey. Al Mel
tv r.oe. vw w'Mtw ma'im wui
Washinqton, Feb. 2. If Jobo Ball is
really behind that sensational protest
against tbe Nicaragua Canal bill, made
toSeoretary Olney by tbe minister of
tbe greater republic of Central America,
aod sent to the aenate by Secretary
Olney, John Bull has made a break by
showing his hand too soon. Of oourse
the protest, by showing that tbe govern
ment of Nioaraguu already regards the
canal oompany as having forfeited all
the ooDoesaions granted it by that gov
erument, will kill the present Nicaragua
Canal bill, but it will also go much fur
ther. It may kill the arbitration treaty
recently negotiated between tbe United
States and Oreat Britain. It bas been
openly chanted on tbe floor of tbe senate
that EngliHh diplomaoy was working
through the combination of those three
little Central Amerioan republics to put
England io a position where it could
either control or have a share in con
trolling the Nicaragua ship canal. This
may or may not be true, but so long as
there are grounds for suspicion, there
will be danger that the arbitration
treaty will be rej cte.l by the senate. If
tbere is one polioy upon which the sen
ate is praotioslly a unit, it is tbat the
Nicaragua Caoal shall, if ever oompleted,
be controlled by the Uuited States, and
it it be shown that this question might
bave to be submitted to arbitration with
me casting vote in the bands or a
European monaroh.then good bye to the
arbitration treaty. Tbe senators wbo
have openly protested against tbe j nblic
olamor for immediate ratifloi.tiou of the
treaty, on the ground tbat it was too in.
portaot a mattur to bd hurriedly acted
upon, regard this Nicaragua oau.il inci
dent as a vindication of their position.
Seoretary Oiuey, however, dotsu't take
that view of it, and would not have been
so prompt in seudiug that protest to t
senate bad he supposed that it would
cause additional delay in toting on Ihe
Some of his colleagues are inclined to
poke fun at Senator PefTr because of
the petition from Kansas popnliuls
against inc eas i g the salaries of serin
tors and representatives and extending
tbe term of tbe president, he has pre
seuted since he whs defeated, and an u
confederate elided to be his Biiruets
Tbere inn't the slightest probability thai
the hill to increase the salaries of sena
tors and repie"eotntive8 will even he
seriously considered, but Henator 1V1T - r
is jocularly scouted of holding baok
those petitions until he knew ho would
have to leave the senate.
The refusal to eppoint a womnti to a
vacant $1,'00 olerkaliip in the war de
partment, lor which sIih bad paa.-d a
very itiPX'iilt examination and was the
only one eligible under civil ei-rv re
rules, is likely to he mad the sul ject of
a cnngri tsi'inal icvestiiialiiin. The ex
amination rrquire.I that the applii.tit
should be able to translate into English
military works in French, German, Hal
Ian and Npanish ; to do t)pewritlng in
all of these lsngrages; ti do proof
reading and prepare manuscript for the
prss; to he fxmilinr with hhrnry nietli-.!-,
ratal'igiiing, Indexing, etc ; a'so to
he tested in the nse of lbs English lan
guage and literary o mp.mitiii. Mm
Maud Slslnaker, of Washing'..!!, 1). ('.,
a the only one elm was able to ps-s
the examination, but the ar department
ri fuses Io appoint her to the position hi-
csneshe is a woman.
So mil. h bas been written shout the
Is. k of dignity on the psrt of I'x liepte-
sentative "llillt" Mhskii, of Illinois. !e
as Uet r lisno-d by the legiklaliire
a Henator l'elmer't successor, that bis
frieodt art rightfully beginning to pro
test. Mr. Mstnn It popular la Washing
too. lit it mao of flu instino's, and
II It merely bit lovt for a good atory and
hearty Isogh traits of Llacnlj that
bavt raosed bin to be called undigni
fied. Out of tht Illloois representatives
gives tbia piotura of bira tbat will bt at
noct recognised by all who know blm:
"Heltons of tbt real ieet gentlemen I
ever knew to do a favor for a friend.
Trnublt dorse't eonnt eitb Ihlly M o
wben aekrd to render a aemee by any
oat bo bat a claim oa bit g 4 will. 1
have teea thai trait of tut aatart rl'ro
pllfled a hundred time. Tbert It a big
heartedttee aod sunny dispoeiiioo atxi.it
lbs oiso thai attracts all who arelhroea
lain bit ennpeny. lit will nuke a awd
senator, eve If be d e lark la tmveo
ll.mtlit) aed olb digoily."
Tbe vareorv io Ibt tenalt from IVU-
aro It g iog It taiaee a flgtl al Ibe
prweol teeslon. M'betl.ef tt will be t
three rref-l flght ta )t Io be trilled.
The totuatiltee nn eleeiHaa b n l rt
p -rted 'B Ihe pellltntu f t'.i'.ni' l D.if.iit
trt bate III pilMltlt l r Ihe re.
pOed; the eredeo title of M'. A-l-lw-ke,
tv, elslm bae le flwlr l by hi..
lot the iMsware I. . lslo.ee .Urg L.I
of Oregon, for the County of Morrow.
William 1'enland, Plaintiff,
Wil lam Doonsn si d Mary
J. lineman. Defendants.
To wnuani Doonaii, one of defendant herein:
In the name of the Hate ot oreicnn: louare
hereb- required to appear and answer or other
wise plead Io the complaint ti 1 d airainityou In
the above entitled suit on or before the next
regular term of of tbe above entitled court, to
wit: Tho First Day of March, 1897,
and if yon fail so to answer or otherwise plead,
for want i hereof, the plaintiff will talce judg
ment acainut you for the sum of five hundred
and niiietv-one snd 13-100 dollars, together with
l-terest thereon at the rate of ten per centpei
annum from the loth dav o' October, W5 unii!
paid, and for t e mm of fifty dollars attorney!
fe. and for hl coats and disbursement In thh
suit; and the court shall decree that the morte
ted hv the fnlri William Doonan and
Maiy J. Poonan to plaintiffhererein, dated the
12th, dav of April, 18U4, upon the lollowine des
cribed real eBtate, to-wlt: The east half of the
northeast quarter of seetinn 28 and the south
east quarter of section 2H and the south half of
the southeast quarter and th south half
of the southwest quarter of section twenty
seven, all In township one sotr h of range 27 east
of the Willamette meridian, be foreclosed,
and the said real property sold and the proceeds
of Btich sale to he anplled to the payment to
plaintiff of the above named sums of money;
that all of the defendants, and all persons claim
ing through or under them, or any of thein,
shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all
rlL.ht tltis. estate, interest and lien at law and
in equity, and all equity of redemption, in and
to, aim upon everv pariot sain rem progeny.
This Summons is published pursuant to an
order of Hon. Htetiheu A. Lowell. Judge of the
above entitled court, made at chambers, Pendle
ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, on the i;n aa
of January, 1897. El. 1.18 & LYONS,
0UH-aU. AHonieys lur rmiunu.
of Oregon for the ounty of Morrow,
A Woolery, Plaintiff,
Samuel E. Walker Defendant.
To Samuel E. Walker. Defendant.
In the name of tne State ot Oregon: You are
hereby required to Hppear and answer the pom
plaint filed against you lu the above entitled
cause on or before the first day of tne next
regular terra of tho above entitled court, to-wit:
March the first, D.97;
and If you fall to answer for want thereof, the
plaintiff will tak" Judgment agal"St you lor tne
sum, One Huimreu sixty aim on-iou uonars
with interest ther on at the rate ot ten per cent
rer annum from the 11th day of Oct. Kor
the sum of ine Hundred Twenty-five and 20-100
Dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate 01
eight pr cent per annum from the 11th day of
Oet. ISM: for the sum of twenty-five dollar at
torney' fee ani for hi".'. "St and disbursement".
This Summons U served bv publication pur
suant to an order nf Stephen A. ixiwell, Judge of
tne above entitled court, mBde on tne 2htn ua
of Dec, im. J- N BROWN.
605 17. Attorney for Plalntllt.
Consisting of
Tables, Chairs, Rookers, Bedroom Suites, Bedsteads, Book
Oases, Lounges, Sofas, Hprmg Mattresses, Wool Mattresses,
Parlor Suits, Center Tables, eto., eto. Brussels Carpets, Wool
Carpets, Mattings, Sideboards, Mirrors, Hat Baoks, Hanging
Lumps, Portieres, Pillows, Blankets, Stoves, etc., eto.
All the above Goods are Placed on Sale at
Half Value or Less.
Will be Sold Regardless of Cost.
Fix np your homes at once with Stylish Furniture,
while this opportunity is offered.
Our Sale on General Merchandise
Still Continues.
of U'ckihi for Wnrrnw C-iunty,
J. W. Whallev and Win r.
Mulr, partners iloinir busi
ness as Whallcy A. Mulr,
James W. Swezea, Pefendiiut.
ToJiime V. we.ea. Deiendsnt
In the name of the Sta'e of nrenn: You arc
h rehv reiiiiii"l to niienr and answer the com
plaint tiled iicnt mt vim in the above entitled
cause on n- heinrn the llrst .lay of the next
reKUlur term nf sai l court, to-Hit:
The first day of March. 1W;
and if you fail si. to answer, fur want thereof
the iilaint tls will hike Judvtiient aeatnst y.ni
for the sum of One lluinli'.l and Twenty-live
Dollars, with Interest th reon at the rateol
eiuht per cent je-r imuum from the llttt .taxol
AprM. l-''tl and lor llHui'coitsanildlnlnirnctuuut
ill tills t.etloil.
This s Mil ul ini l serve I hy pilhllciltion t.nr-
suant to i.u older ol ,-tenb n A. I.ou.11. J mliri'
of the above entitled eoiiit inadu on the lnth
day of lulv. I xi
V AI.I.KY Mllll and J. X. BUOWX.
.'sli t; Attorne lor l';alnt lie.
Farmers at A distance should call soon
thereby Retting a better selection
Mi tie Matter fttli Hani ?
Notbirjg, except that he hnn just discovered tbat at the
Odd Ccmbiantiou Store of
I of "reiion rr viorn.w County.
I'. C ThniiiMMiu, Platntln", t
J. B Sperrv, Pcfendnnt.
To J B. Sta-r v. fii't.'i.dsiit:
In the nsmei.f the Htaleol Oreson: Yon sr
herebv rennlred to mumr and answer the entn
nlaliit filed against vmi In Ihe shove entitled
s.-ttoii on or !te'ni the next rt'Kular t';rin of
Ihe alnivc e milled court, lo w It:
March 1st, 1697,
ml If von fall to answer lor want thereof, Ihe
uhi utllt wilt 'nke nlk'nienl siraliist vou lor llir
i ol fort, tour and Iki dollars and lulerest
thereon at the rate of let. per eul p"r atiiiuui
tro.n Mnv II. Kit: ,.r tint sum nl eighty one
an. I It I'll Hollars and Interest Ihensin from
lauunr, InH; (ortlie nn of llilrtv nine ami
;,l tis,,,iMrs mil Interest tbere., u at ll.e rate
eltfl.t i-r .-enl iH-r a'liiun. from .'rtolier 1st.
I 4 Oir Ihe uni ol Ittty ilollars attnruets tees
an I for the tints au-1 dlsliuneliients of this
I his umtllons Is served ...mil Jon l.t tiuhlti a
tloll loirsit-ut Io an or-ler ol Hip Hot, lephell
.t,,l, Ju,li.'e ot Hie i'e entitle. court
ma e el entered In Id a. lion mi the I III. da)
ol Jiinuarv. .i;.
'.is yt Allornets l..r I'lslntllT.
I the liest plane, to buy "alt, SiiRsr, Soap, Sardines, 8ncks, Suspenders,
Hewina Machines, Shotguns, or Haws. Complete lines of Uroceries or
Hardware. Satisfaotioa Guaranteed.
He lis anything In tMi line that you may desire snd you can depend on It you get a good
article when Mat guarantees it.
Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty.
I ol lin-cnti lor th Comity nl Morrow.
L t. tkarl.ltou, flsllillfl,
Sam net K Wter. rtefendsnt.
In Mm iir I It Mslkvr. N-Imtat.t
In ll.s nam nf th Slals ol ro' Vnn sr
hervhy re.ilrel Io apinf and a.isr nr othr
1st I'lmd In Ihe mmplalnl Slr.1 sfslnst you In
IhsalmsrsnlHIift srtii.n nn or twloro ths Srsl
day nt Ihe nrit w-ulf term of In sbovs nU
llrd court, U ll
The First Day ef March, 1897,
and It von tall la answer or other lae plnet,
lor siant iherd. th dstllA lll lata l'e1
manl aaalnst ynn lor tha a.i-n ol lrty tlollart
Kth. r taitft Inures! theraon from lha 7'lh
day nl April. I" St lha rata nl ten lr aanl par
annum nmil aiid. ami lor lha lutthrr .irn ml
nna hnndnfl and Inlrtr Sta.lollara allh li.tar
eal iherwin al ll ria ol a prt rani bar snnnm
Imm iha 1,'in rtat n( tk.lf, Iss. nmil pi4
anil (or tha um of Sfiean .lollara atlnn,a (esa
ml l.,r ait cost snd .llsi.aisamai.U lu this
1 hla immnnt Is aarvM hf Bnhllra'lnn vr
tta'.l In an nrttrr nl Str,han A. Irftaall, Jt.'laa
nl lha ai-eia anttts ruurt, ds on th 1 1 Ik
dai fl Jsnnarf, lvT.
run a ivo
Ins A A"-r at I InT l-.aU.lilT
Do You V.int a Rijr ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
l.t) . tti An- YmnnNmlnf n .Snrlill..
ii&Mkk! . Horse ?
All thesa can be procured at Thoroixton A Itinns, Ixwe r Main Street,
lleppoer, Uregon.
Thaaa aanllaman arc wall arnnalnla.1 with I. rant. Ilamav. Cm. f.Hllam and other countla
and cas aar nunay au4 Urn In waktn tbaaa an Hon lUi Iratallng uieti.
I'riraa In kaejiing ih U, tl.naa.
uvraTaiiiT. nsrrirxn.
K TMf. flSrllT ICRT Of THK eUU
I t.1 ..t tha I ..a 1,1 Ol Moftnaj,
4, A WiuiafT. I .al.illU.
ssmni I If s s- f"dail
la a,.,al R le,. irvn.lanl.
In lha ima at li.a sta'a ssl tnn Van sea
harvt.f sv-itnM ! a-al sd SMSsf ra e.
lal. S'a-I ala " I" lha ,'. alllla4
,a-aa .-n n ha..sa l.a Seal Nt, nl lha aatl
af lalsa nl tha Stsrsa St.'la. ram If. Io II
TV. Seal 4.1 nl Mtlk, !
Vbil. Iilri4l AlUoajr , ,i,.,., ,.,-,ni..l i.,.h. I " e -n" I -' . l--r
. I " w - .1.1. a . I '.I . .m Ml.k
I ..'. . i ... .! al tha aa'a wl la aan al
ai.nnsa l...sa la I ,-th a)s i.l l.l aj u lha
s- ms ', 4 as aitnu) laat a J luf a
rsa. a-s-l is.raa.ta
1 Ki .-......s m if fc il Watt-n f-.r
li,lh,ssii..nl mrm A ll
a-..t ..n n.
,t,.f4lwtiM 1st J M'i
ii, . risist
r.JJit rix I. II. ff Hawaii. too .. f",,. ! In.-1
ja tii in Vastiirigfon, ia trr dia
rrcct Io toir ulu tai.c.a In Let
.l jnt t in tisilint! llm fiirsl SI sloe
at this tim tut ol." of lirr listin .
00 Iim l tli ctt out t f tlm f
j slating tbat ti thotii.Lt I'rrsi
ilfbt l lctrlati I ottgtit, .H-forn te
tiricjt ffifa i fTit-i', t. rrj !ac toft
njn tL) I lift. til. Mi tone (Vim.
f,4 I It i rt Ihsl ('. nnt J tg
(V"a np ! oi 1 . .ft
nr. ,,-....- ... . . 1 w, ,,.,.1,.4 fc.l msn le
laklnif sorb a Ulara.l le (' l.t.hl fnl ln tbllaat.
.ntiit's I'si al ll.ie iiaiitfa'ar lima ),. U '! I il'
A H l ! irT
II !'. tl''" "! f etel.
and ll.no l-l Mr. Knl'. lb all
a i Wltl rUlin t lis tstari
al-la. bt lb I'l har I'gials'nra eill ha
loa,la4 lh. atrak. SllJ I faaanl-!, tost,
I ) tisaatof !', Ilia ('las. la.,, I tlam-!!
Mr Mit'til is r. t in m.u l.t J iaaU. i
Mb ta b oi I I, a lan gnan, as I
iwlalla eii'B ba a In n.li'e
lh Hi i'it'lal In lb-lr il.agifrln j
(tr.waa.l.aa si fU'sm Ua,.- b 4a
ll he I laa.tnws-l Ilial Hres'ff Mils bail Is,
sUoJ.Sg la lb if lagtalah a el.aa J
a halM ls ) lrt ! fof al
i-ll a ltisn. if ad iljiiAa moj aJ u. !. a i.n. gi.i I li ie!
arli tl.ici, aa that rail I av.ti. !. " I I 4aa..f.io!
flislif-L Al.tortllbU Mf.flMrla.,. I"'' 1H.l...r,..;
, , b a ailsttu I asat.-a li ! ( 114
a. at .ma tin,- t-r, aniiout t. t. ,,, .,, ,n 1Uf ,., , ( :
al 't Hi .1. t-.-. tinncn . aulli.it. ei agl 1.1 l gi.i. i i. .. ,.
i')r, ll.ci j r sa.ifi f,, !,rr ,st I lis l ! I I 1 tl a
ll I.S laH.j kilt, , Uit liiiasl , I I
I.Vn I . . 1 I.. I , t.., I I. e'4l Kg.'.-) I H'1 a I1 )
Ilaaait, at,. I It.al , . ui.J t..t tii
crf it wat I U t aM AtJ
I la 4 J.ra.o, ts nt.ll f Iri I
W It Jsel. . b as-n
y. y .itb. tUi-nit h iff.
It I. I''bf. rss,tt.a fait a la Ue.
J H M t. g. -rrial J'l nl t ahai.J
W A. II -II. ilt-i
w ; tit-i'i', rtiiiir iiU
t'bas M I
A M I ' i ! jitnf
As-bn ila--e
m H fetl', e aolf "l
llamt I t
Tha lar,''h of llfa nt Im ldrra..r. t j
laatatiitig ttaagara Tb tnaj '! t.f
la & fr -os lesgs If.,, ,!, tl,a rnst
h lltilrl If I f t, fr aaaln- ( I .a
Mania t'ftgh t'uro iVna-l ll"-. I
Ta rers s'l oi l ..". t.s rl n
tl .lar,l a'Sa, rva..ilf an' (ilea, .-a
itaa.l .rti'r aril? I.W ill's Vt ii,-:, !s
,.. tug I. 4 ' n 'm trngf la
eti.a eiilai a (' ...r A w. tk
, sl I a it I . t .
V" 1:
I r urn. t in t t I r ,..n
I 1 I"'
.... .a I- , 1 a.t:. ha teba
nrf 1. ts-1 t a - ai , la S'-rrs-si
. 4 . .s S'l t-a as- I , at. I lai a.a la
I 1-- tt '.! 41' 1 -
!, an Us" M, . si.
Dial l ! kTf.
It I ' .
New York Weekly
Farmers and Viiiaocrs,
I eb ' 1 il I r"Hs i, k I at.i.l
Mr. Mnrtil a I a sj n', I lb U a
i,llii l1 I 11 te I r a-t,t U '
1 1' I i
I. I. Ja h
II U .
tl tV.'s
srin t.l tag
.1 II H-l
ll'i l I'M
k I. I Us, a.
Iu! C-1.
nn n
t .-
t VI
, r ,kr
. a 1 ,sir.sa
a t r ll-,..
i-g 1 1 ,a r
1, l h. e
,t K
f ta ll ,
... .- j
f.rr'.r C'U'l. f tt rto-f
kja-xa I .
.I ... .-l. If If.aa- , , f. i M,, s ,
la s - a.,....
kal SaM . . . .. ... (a
f 33-
, T II I I , tt
Ft) It
All tlic Family.
With tli cl.tacf tha Trraitlfbtial rinj'a!i,'a THK TIUIU'E
tf.eia the fart that tb Afafriraa nj I are bo ai tdm in ur
thpir Iim t I.OIU a. .taira lulnffsl. Tu ti)-- (hi o-o lilr,0
..tilirs i!l toat far l aj.av ai,d j r-'tniiir ti, ut.iil ai..iLr htat or
Salitihal orraion dr-mat) ! a ftaal if l, fl.'i.t f .f , j jf,rif.ra fof
isirb tiii: Tium m: i.. tst-.fr 1 1 m n. it..,, !( ,n f., u, , ,r.,a
day, ati.l tr if jji'-al'-ai !ti. .
ltn j.-asll-r!T ft ! I-fit fl!!), at, Ui t fff , U ,.fci
it n.ai TiiK wi.t Kt.Y inn I'm; tr.rn1itir,,.! ,
National Family Newspaper,
,B!-t!;fi. tf,ri!i, ft'rrlaitirg at. I ir 'i.p; fc.aft.r
1 Wc lurnlsti "TUc Gazcitc" aod "N. y. Wcckln
, TrlDonc" 00c Year lor $3.00.
l'Aall I AliVAM'i;,
n a a
-4 .
f a l i- i
.,..... s - I a ! ' i
, I j? ! 4,i I - a
. ...a j . . ,
I , -.. a , ms a ., i', v t