tot' OFFICIAL sii-f The... NEVER ROBBED A HENROOST PAPER HeDDner The... HELPS THE WIDOWS Heppner Gazette orphans Gazette Advertise in it and do business. It has some of its own. 1 . . - - ) - aftaaaaB mm FOURTEENTH YEAR SEM I WEEKLY GAZETTE. FUBURHKD Tuesdays and Fridays BY ' M PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON. Editor Business Manager At. S.50 per year. l.2S for six months, 75 cts. ur lurwj muDini, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. .- T'HIB PAPKR is kent on rila at R. C. I )!'. .; - Advertising Agenoy, 84 and 85 Merchant nzcnangs. Ban vranoisoo, California, where cou rgfets tor advertising can be made tor it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:05 p. ra. dallv, except 8unday. Arrives 4:55 a. m. duily, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc tion 2:19a. m.; east bound 12:51 a. in. Freight trains leave Heppner Junction going east at 10:411 a. m. and 8:45 p. m.; going west, 6:a0 p. m. and 6.45 a. m. Cnlted States Officials. President.. ,Gmvr Hevnlaud Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson Beo-atary of State.. Itioliard 8. Olney Secretary of Treasury John G. Carlisle Beoretary of Interior K. H Francis Secretary of War Daniel B. turnout Beoretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert Poatinaster-fteneral William L. Wt son Attorney-General J ndsnn Hnrmon tJuoretaryof Agriculture J. Starling Mortou State of Oregon. Uovernor..... W. P. Lord goomtaryof Bute H. K. Kincald Tree-rarer p,ll. Melanlmn Hnpt. Puhho Instrnction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Id'eman oouatora i- J'ride I J. H. Mitchell Congressman i H'mror Hurmann vongreasmen w K m.m Printer W. H. Leeds ( R. 8. Ban. Supreme Judges J. V. A. Moore, C K. WolveKon Sixth Judicial District. Cironit Judge Stephen A. Lowell Attorney 11. . Morrow Count Offldala. Joint Ranetnr A, W. Gowan Heureaentative. J. V. Brown ;.K)D(.y Judge A. G. Bartholomew Oin-mlMionnrs J. II. Howard J. W. Beckett. " tiler J.W.Morrow " Sheriff P. L. fetlock Treasurer Frank Gilliam Assessor J. r'. Willi. " Surveyor... J. W. Horuor Hnhoot Bup't Jay W. Hhiply " Coroner U. F. VuUghau BBPPRIB TOWH OFFICER. -btoi. , ThM. Morgan C "inniltneu f. B. Horner, K. J. Wonnm, Frank Hone, Geo. Conaer, Frank Gilliam, Arjmr Minor. Ileoonler F. J. Hallnnk Trewarar h. L. Fnwlend Marshal A. A. KoberU Proeiaet Ofllcera. Juatin of the Peaoa W. K. Hinhardaon fonatabls N. H. WheUtuue Halted HUtes Und OIHtwra. TBI DALLES, 0. J. P. Moor Kegistor A. 8. Biggs KaoaiTor LA O RAH 1)1, OB. B. F, Wilaon fUgWr J. H. Kobbins lloolr B03BaT eoozxrrzxs. HAWUN9 POHT, NO. IL O. A. H. Mt al Lexington, Or., the Uot fUtnrday of art. month. All straos are Invited to lorn. O'C. Honn, Geo, W. Bmitn. Adiotaot, tl CoinmaoiUr. D. J. McFaul, M. D. OI'HICIC I At Mrs. h. Welch's Residence. Might trlephnns ronnertlon llh lbs Pilars Hotel. I BanR ol wi, picsLAwn. r.n. r. pikuop. Pria1al. Caahler. TRINUCTS 1 GENERAL BiNklNG BUSINESS COLI-KOTIONS MJ oo Forbl TortM. EXCHANGE BOUGHT i SOLD UKITNEtU If ORF.(M)N First National Bank op HErrsEK C.A.RHCA, Prleit T. A. RMCA. Vie PrUsM CtO. W. CONttH. Cshlf S. W. SPCNCCN, AM'tCHtr Tiua-lj i Gf&cnl Bslitj hrjx EXCHAKGK 0 all pans ol tkt stwld Bought .ind Sold. CulUrll-ittS .) ia l snlut on INrptiM s4 a4rM4 fM is. Hi nd on, Oatario-j'urDS Siajc tine V M l ElS-GflHIOliSISSEUaElnl M . V1-.IAWJ. P-dp 0STAU0BV11SS Ies Bnha !UHy m r. m. aad ar rive al (HUrie a 42 hoar. S'-iqlo Faro $7 00. Hound Trip SI 0 00 f sfn" frwl r ats fmf -a4. itunss-cAsros mh l.nt't' f tt e.r r.s ,tia-t'-i i,. n,,i M.r a. a ti- - av. iii e4 las sas . Notice of Intention. Land Office at The Uali.ks, Oregon, December 2th 18H6. ; NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention t mHknfiniil nroof 1n his eMm, and tha' said proof will be made be fore the County i lerk of Morrow Co.. Oregon, aw ukjijjuoi, iruii un reoruary loin. 13'J7, viz: WILSON RICHARDSON. Hd E. No. 4513, for the 8EJ4 Seo 5, Tp 8 S, R 21 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ui, ruiu iftmi, v iz: Thomas P. Urah&m. Dmrln. at iii., Luther Huston, Andrew M. Peterson, all of r-iKiii nine, uregou. JAS. F. MOORE, -i5 Kegister. Notice of Intention. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon. Nm. . Peoember 2, 1898. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that aald proof will be made be fore the County Cler of Morrow Countv, Oreg on, at Heppner, Oregon, ou February' 3, 1897. viz: JAMES AYER8 I ?,'? ? - 5279 ,or the 81 f o- 23 and Ntf 8WI4 gee 24, Tp 1 N.RJJKWM.- ' He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said laud viz : John Barker, Isaac Vlni'ent. Charles M. Long, Georire W. Pearson, all of Gallowav. Oregon. 504 11. B. K. WILS.jN, Register. Timber Culture Final Proof. f Notice fur Publication. Unitro Ptatrs Land Office, The Dalles. Oregon. Jan. 18. 1897. NOTICE IS HEKKBY G1VKN THAT WKHLEY T. McNabb. of Lexington. Oregon, has filed notice ot intention to make final proof before Joseph L. Gibson, U. H, Com. at his oHIre in Lexiuguii. Oregon, on Wednesday, the 10th day of March. 18'7.ou limber culture application 2'j: for the N E( of section No. Si, in Township Jo. 2 south. Range No 21 east. He names as witness: Ihomas L. Porman and Vandevere L. Cnttey, of Eight Mile, Oregon, Milton K. Morgan and Menzo A Olden, ot lone, Oreiton. JAS. IT. MOORE, 9-19 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. T AND OFFICE AT THE DA LLHS, OREGON, 1.4 Jan. It, lsikj. Notice is l erebv given that the following-named settler has filed notice of her intention to make llnal proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County clerk, at Heppner. Oregon, ou March 2nd, 1897, viz: EUN1CK BROWN, HdV ENo. 42.T6, for the NWli, sec. 29, Tp. 1 S, R fhe names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said laud, viz: Joftn W. Cox, Andrew B. Grover, Walter 8. Smith an Chilt Wilson, all of lo e. O'eeon. 6W-1 JAS. r. MOOKE. Register. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN BY THE UN dersigued asHignee of G D Fell and W. p. Ml, Insolvent debtors, that aald assignee ha. filed hi. till.! al' a. ail..!. . I. ,lerk of the Circuit Court, ol the State of Oregon, tor Morrow Countv, and said final account will be hetrd and passed u on by the Judge of said Court, ou tbe fimt day of March, IMI7, at HI o'clock. A. M., of nld day, or as khiii theresfter mm Mu uiii.i-au iitatraini pnM upon ir-sssnie. iHlted this lh riav nt tlinmlwiF IMUit OKO. CONSER. AHlctwa. SUMMONS. fN THE CIRCUIT CGI'RT OP THE 8TATE 1 of Oregon for Morrow County. P. C. Thompson, Plalnllir, vs. J. B. Srry. B. C. Hperrv, Perry- Snyder and the Oregon Rail- ' Mad and Navlgstlou Com- pany, defrndanls To J. H Siierry and . 0 Rperrv, defendants: In the name of the Htate of Ore on: You are hen-tif re.iiilrcd to appear and anaaer theenm plalnt filed against you In the above entitled cannon or before the nt dsy of the next regular term ot tbe above entitled court, to-wit: March 1st. 1897. snd If vnu fall to answer lor want thereof, the plaintiff will take Judgment against you for tbe inn of lure hundred twa-ity tive and la 10' dollars sod I Me irt thereon at the rale of ten per cent per annum from January IK il, snd the a mnl flllv dollsrs atlornrva Im iicnn certain promissory not ami to forvrlnee the morlg ge given by you Insecure ths payment nl said note npnn the following rral rirrty sit- unini mi Morrow i nuniy. pui. Ol Oregon. Sn stlt: Ihe north half of tha mirihumat murb-i Slid the north half of the nnrihwnst quarter of sertlim twenty nine In township throe south of rsgetwentyalx K. W. M .and lot theeosia snd dl'lKiraemeiira-'f this suit. Thh suinmoot Is rH upon yon by publics tl'.n ht order ol Hon Mi-nhrn A Iji.II n,l. of lbs alv entitled court, mads slid riilrrcl in Mlil suit on the I llh lsy n Jsnnsrv. Wn, KoN 4k, V&. Atturnes lor I'la ttR. Tor maxim. While fro ap roar satMrriptiaa paid Bp rr. sas Imp fosir bmJ la traeal sWge. Rorg. P. tl.. Hmtmar. Ct - II in.. P ft . UM 4oqUlri MU, sasneoa taft hip. Ctiapla, H . HaHman, Or. llfWM bras'larl losrulil hlD. I allU hnuirWt lha m A tm.. brands ( I en hnrnm rieht thlghi sa-(i ska nraed o rtabt sboaldw. sod ant off anil & riaht aw. fWdi, A. J..lm Or. II n a. ffWMi rtgtit-ltasil tmt mtilm, same if, rtaht hint mmr mmih MM,. nfr efl tefl sod svlil in rig lit. IV'm. W. M .nJltm n. M R mi rtaki .i.U sa,tnw47k la moti aswi kunw, M U an left hip. Clr twaadsd ff.Y nn hl shoxkiar, a'.Ue Mrae am Wfthip. hole i right tar. Fln-wiws. L. A nptar. O.-4'altJa, LP e rtat h) hunni t Witk bat SUBdat s lalil -mm. Harrr Or ll.mas Imgutad H J tm tha h-ft .S.-.I.U: - UihUI a 2 ' aJa sndavtat la Ml aar. kanga . "He. ttr - St r. a, MeetaT a Tl -tllU. aam- an HVI hip, m4m hll I f mA n.iit g laft mmt 1 V., napao", ttv.-H ,Wai tfoiv IS. aa ! V.. a .miUmmuiI arta. Lat. ai aadar mltt mi ina rla.f IsatharlM.4 W.O. M..( ?arw. IV -H.m itila.e right and h1 a lat.swailo tm ia Wfi aw s4 "-' ri -p I tiiM aar, I.m an Wtan.l aa tan hnak'lar. lUaew la llraaf awatv Oflaa, H at. .- . a, hh) hit a ata luf m A anllt na rtg l aar, ll.a aM hraM MB lafl ehaiM. Mage U.n La'f. I W Mmv. lie - Maeaae h'se-t4 I. a4 a h-rl aSnldari aaOla aaaal aa lrt hla, wwijaaear rM .ya. thraa aiiia la r(M aftlkr.Un' MrtWlanUa, Srnn, m Maaaaar. Or -""mas SJ I M Ml atajl4a agia WMaiUaMK '"-' - . IV-g'a. k -.mi U aa M ta.i-iar. Miaiawn f. h.a. r-". t. . I IN . H,ax J sa l- aa-lla, saMI aa W kl. a-. I W , ne.Nesaa, JO a s-fl sa.aii4ar. aUa. y aa rtM hla, "'"' st Hm - rants W t a I- a .! a-4 . 4ian ta t-fl n r Jr'oo. I iii aw-lw ,, J . Man... n..H,a - awi4. MKib laul a l w , , a WM. 1 im st-4-t ha. aauta m aa aa4.t i h .a aa Wa, S. H l,.a. tl. .SJaaaaj fcaaM. 4 NT aa4 w edSa. a ... - . SMVM, W, J , I ..!-.. !.,, (.la, awm ..f-. f aa tfc, it.., -,, . - ' . r-w- ' ' r a T ra. aa - !. SVarg. ia Kmt aa4 , I ., Is ' '.nl.a) Wanted-fin Idea f " f f " r . a . "'" . ' s ex.. rU-n a a... ft. , fa a 0i h, aay HEPPNER, MORROW BM'ABiSMMaaaaa1aayi As sure as winter comes, comes STIFFNESS SORENESS As sure as - , . ,"iPiiT"M'VVV"BrVi1aOu' McGlure's Magazine For 1897 SEVEN GREAT SERIALS A Ne,. L,i,e ' Wf' Hammn Garland The first authoritative and adequate Life of Grant ever p bluhed. (Begins in December.) . Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, 'Vaptains Courageous." (Begun In November.) Bolem1.lioul(S Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Steveueou's still unpublished Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was forthreeof the most critical years fit the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probablv better fitted than any otber man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period from his reeollectioT s and correspondence. Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublinhed In connection with this series "JA'Sff"'1 'i'i?' ' P",)li,r,h ?-iAl biographical studies under the general title of . MAKLRS OF IHt UNION from Washington to Lincoln. Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. Stories of Adventure. A. serial by CO VAN DOYLK, in which he will use his extraordinary a i'llacV'besl'ie Pue Snd Gatoriau! WMCh hftVe' la ,he "Sh jrl0Clt U",B,W" "t0rl'' ive" hl7a TEN FAMOUS WRITERS - IAN M A CLARE N, All the Bctlon that he will writcdunng the coming year, with the exception appettrtn"lc from hlm lu"K a80"wi11 JOEL CIIANDI.EK HAIIHI- Aserles of new animal stories In the same field as the "Brer Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thimbleflnger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McCldbe's all of the short stories he will write during the coming year. OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Magazine a series of short stories In which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete In iueif. Anthony Hope Bret Harte Robert Barr Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell will all have stories in MiCluke's lor the coming year. These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McClure's Magazine for 1'J7, the subscription priee of which is only One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. A Campaign Of Education How to Get It rc nn For 3 JeUU UKPflBflttEtED ') suinmate skill. W Buc Pap"' ! a great popular U home. l The subscription price of Lealla'a "ake the unparalleled Oder ol ,( Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- m mi a a . . . 11 'A ! weekly one year No such offi-r was ever made before. LI Sgain. ThrU IWO tatuarl m.k. a U.l flit, aud a ill be eona'ant remlndrraol Remit br postal order or rhark to X GatY.w5J3rrxj5, y Ilcppncr, Oretron. The WEEKLY MONTHLY Outlook Pualltkaa Cvsry sVatafaty 13 Astor Place New York The OdH.K.k a ill ba la JO;, aa it bse brB (liirln? rach nl Ha laetiti attaa Vtata, Utato'T f (mr ) Tima. la i la vsikius editor al dfarlfaala Tbe OoUi-s (is a cm pact ravtati uf Ida aril's prufvaagj f.illoae libra's all il.s lenporlaut tliilanll,r.i ia ael in. (.natrlal aa,rnaols .( Ihe dsyj baa mmpltie JrpartrBat ( faliglooa aas; dolrS atnra spare la Iba Ititaraale nl be b'fti tvlt cerraal liUiaiare; ferttabee rhaarful Ishla-lslk ab.ul ma aid tilings: and, la eliM, atwa la give reli Ifcl-wrostl -a, rrig-iaal vslioa, atol faaeoaaUa attWr'aiatnakl. rgiat.iog lib lb Efit fl.fih ,Ui, Iba papaf al'l aasntM Iba frgnlaf Sta t'aei, ahica ill ad l (really lo t. isjveaaa aa4 aMrartiVaaaae Tbe Oalbakia faLilr4 every Hlrlt Cf'f lea iasaea a tear. Iba fl'st iaa U tsh saaa'fe la aa J'lotlraU I Meg-saiee Kaobar, avialaiairf abal laireaa ateat t-age aa Iba or Imsry iate, tng.ibt Pb a laga aa bar a t4rra, Ta fjifiaa ( Tha 0lnr la th 4 JUs la altsnea, ot Pa rat. I 4'f. 4 f-r a !. t -tj a f i -i.ii. 4 I '!, It. Oaib., II As' t'ia, Xee Ynt Ct'. COUNTY, OREGON, acobs Oil comes, U comes to CURE. Tha ailment goes. . MrMraArrVVS To bs educated one must read tha best literature. The best literature Is expensive. Leslle'a Illustrated Weekly, Published at 110 fifth Avenue, New York, It lull of the beat things.' Its Illustrations are superb; Its stories charming; am Its literary deriartmeiita .ra a.1li.d arltl, .nn educator. It should be In every 1 Is It na nnura. a copy ol lor only 55.00. Un such offer will avrr la aisda .n.i.l.kl. f'h. .... . I.i m. i. j. " . i . . - iiiiw wi ui I , ,i t. y tha l..r'. kin.ii.. tha Ibill 0bo. toaoagv ft Ileppoar's waralmnaa, will t.ay Iba blgb-al market prlfa for bld-a, fara, aLeep pu, ata linn yotir bi les to hia. if (ibl IIII aodl Charley Juriea are aa agUtaJ log-iber rlowo at Cbarlet'a ol, rilaoa In Iba lotiaorlal bnaioeaa. Call on I beta and get jonr bisters i p'l.beil la. a N .w ia Iba time to fat Iba Weekly Orcg-o titan, Iba raalat aeaspspaf of Ihe Meat. Wllb lbe(aMla,blb itnet If la ajrsnr-.ooe ear, 1 tti. No beiUr aotrbiimlPiti uf aeaspstnr r tea be tnaJe 'a Ibc alala. V.'s'l. Tl -inpaoa rnaa alaff halaa Hcpp .er at. I Xlntiatbanl, arrltrlnf aeary J.) ri t Monday and latnsT atery day eicepl Hunday, hlxif leal and sheep eat rnala to tba latertor. Omaar k l!rfk. egania. a K l. II lliatmp. eurvaasor la Tbe M r'e'lnd M-rrsnllla C . la slill m &tk, gltipf fraal batgsins la all Iteea. Tbe etork ajeei be ele4 aal, ao1 It la aar pf isiii bi rbaep things are. Call aa ib-iB. frssk VicFsrlsbd, ealesiasa. ll.roegb traiae aa iba O. fl 4 X. lll 'na tia. I'rr-eliila, Walla Walla ad feitdM'Ht. Tt.fouf b altapata. Oral aad around rlsas, t fq anoteelroe lib I'.e l'aln I'arifia. Iba asesa aa batetw 're A lUfiagb B'sl alaaa aleapaf fort land to p.ikaaa. enaaaHiaf allb Iba Iretflaaa) Slf o M, ,al. aad a liwiugb tuarUt sleeper farllaed l HI faal. II tea la e-ee4ta ailb lbs Uraat j.wtb'M ratlasf , If I- tele-Atmal Ibiny in a af t)e kst, baMled el, at te aad tee-esl tilaaof lU'dmaa Also 4 0 aorae ml '"I ea. f.ea l, lo ao Hb aaa.a. I'laal a( aaiakla r.arfeel reage aaat al I a4 N'a let f.n? (an b-a I al Ittp lf Urge tMad rajtl. I.. "a !, t all mi (.s-ia ofBea ' ' f aMwi.i.ra A rare t to g tas aiaaa. AU at a4iata a ba4 iatf aad delays are daafarwM, If FRIDAY, FEBRUARY " FUNERAL, OF A MONKEY. . A Butte City Evangelist Delivers aa Ora tion Over His Body. A monkey named Jocko, which was quite a character in the business cen tre of Butte City, died the other day and Kev. Mr. Rounder, who has a tab ernacle there, thought him worthy of a funeral oration. So the little body was placed in a casket and carried sol emnly out to the place of worship. Rev. Mr. Rounder mounted the platform and spoke as follows, according to the Ana conda Standard: ' " " ( "God Almighty gave ' mankind' ten commandments to show him how to live right. ' Jocko was never given any commandments, yet Jocko in his own' way managed to average up pretty well with the general run of mankind even without , any commandments. When Moses brought the ten com mandments down from the mountain there was one commandment which said: 'Thou shalt not' swear.' Yet, judging from what one hears at any time up and down the street, swear. Ing with the general of mankind has come to be considered a manly accom plishment, and the most fantastic swearer is the most popular man. , "Mankind was commanded: 'Thou shalt not kill,' yet every year murder becomes more frequent. Then there is another commandment Which man kind has revised so as to require only that women shall obey it. In these fin de sicclo days the offense is pro nounced to be no sin so far as man is concerned. , " 'Thou shalt not covet' was another command given to man. This does not apply to any who might desire that a pack of cards should be com posed of fifty-two kings and queens. "God did not help Jocko along by giving him any commands, so he did not know how to do right, but he seemed to do better than most people you meet. I must admit that Jocko used to steal whenever he got a chance, but he was never told by any body not to steal, and with all his stealing he never took any more than he wanted for his own use. He never robbed widows and orphans, and he died with nothing on earth but the hair on his hack. 1 ' ' "Jocko never bothered his head about whether Fred Ritchie's monkey was a heretic or not. Not knowing himself whether he was orthodox or not, he never wasted any time in try ing to make everybody else believe aa he did, except when he was after nuts. He made no pretenslona to religion and he was no hypocrite. Jocko waa not exactly civilized, but ha never had to take the Keeley cure; he never smoked cigarettes, he never chewed tobacco. Jocko never had a Ilible to guide him, but he never forgot a friend and he never betrayed a friend. "Ilia wornt fault was that he was a natural born thief, but he was born '.list way. He was never told by hia Creator not to steal, and if there la a Heaven for monkeys I think Jocko la going to hs closo tip to the throne with a iiever-fuiliag Mipply of nuts and lettuce, and enough ink to awitn In." NEW USE FOR CATS. II .re Is a Man Who titrarts Elertrleity to Hub a factory. "I had a large cork and bung factory In Grand avenue, and I needed power to run my machinery,'' writes a Mil waukecan in Harpcr'a Weekly. "Von know, of couraa, that there 1 an lm-, menae amount of stored up electricity In a cat The problem for Inventors has Wen to Invent a Way to extract it profitably. In the rear of my factory I count rue trd a otie-atory circular build ing, some aixty feet In dlaineU-r. On tbe floor of thla I ooiled a glaaa pipe alx luetic In diameter. Tba Brat coil ran around the outaide of tbe room, the rolls gradually growing smaller, till at last, In tbe center, it waa no larger than table. It gave me some thing like a mile of pipe. The top and aides of thla pipe were lined with rather stiff hair brushes, the bristles being a little mure than an Inch ia length. "At that time Milwaukee waa over run with rata. It waa Impoaallile to sleep nig-Ms, I put a nolle In the pa per that I would pay ln rnU a dufra fur prime rata, delivered at my factory. I got hlity dorcn the Aral day and stored them la tha baaemrlit uf the powrr-iMiua. Tbe moUir operated tbua: Mac in In tha outer end of tha glaaa pip an Imitation rat mad of rabbrr and pr..lrl by a small Into rlor atorage Italtrry, I would then ad just a t at Immediately twblnd it. The ruLhrr rat would start off at a lerrifla ratf-lt waa ma.l togo through tbe mile of Inliinif In from two tilhraa mln-titn--id I Iwral. of citiraa. followed tu rloll'.ly. Hiluklitif I'iratell lll.ltpati Sti litis I lb run (fliou I tha entirr ili.tanrg. Ornlletnen. It waa r' itlug t Witch a bislf'iy, erU ral whip el-tut tboae spiral, with Iho itirrhanU al rat al-.ut foot a'it a-l and golrg 111 a cannon Ull. 1 he rat a be. k and aldra rl-d aifaln.t tit a and brr eWlrl. ily was Dm etfrartad. Willi g. ainrage battery, and by arnding a rat through ery flva Itiinutea, georrsUd emmgb lrtrl II r t orrat my entire pistil. Ila'bl tnr fa lory and aril fwrr Ui Tun fceitl.lerrlnjr paaarnrr eUvabara nd amail i,nrl,inry. It also lha yowl imi i,f lb rat and gradually Iba rily !y am tilet At Ilia and of a evrekj a rat evnild la faugbt and tlaM avaia" T-tiar, IMIi.ltlMHsta) a ex! fj aamav. The InUbaa Killing and smart log H-d-nt lo tliaaa diaaaa., ks ItistaoUr a i lay ad y af flylng Uln a Ky aod Inntntatit, Many vary lavl raa have laii irrnana nfly rnrad by H. It ia dqa;if fn. Vnt tf It' I. log dkr aa4 ferorlta tanwdy f. a alM Vw, Pbarrt-d barwU, rLni.Ulna. fnwt lltaa aivl tbr.e aora yag. Urtarb,g, t. tmjt rawdlllaw reVr, are J'isl what bora orU wla la !ad diiini. T-tti. btaaj fntrtfWf aad rwiifngw. Tlr arw 1x4 f.l twl .a.li4 i'a arvt Its ) lo ,a to a b traa U frinta vUU'i. I'lhty U 5,' 1897. f,. Highest of all in iJeavening Pown. Latest U.S. Gov't Report ,- r- oitjQ al .vJ.a-.-i v..r - .:: , r.- J :t i AFTER THE WARS." Wab has cost France 8,000,000 lives In this century. . .' ' i-i . , The first steam vessel to engage in a naval battle was operated y the Span ish ini the Don Corlos civil war of 1836. ,'There. are 57,179 federal graves in the seven national cemeteries lin Ten nessee, and there- are pcrhape the bones of many hundreds lying beneath the sod whose' resting places are for gotten and unknown. ., -,;,); J t ' : 1 A number of distinguished! New Yorkers have invited Senator John B. Gordon,, one of Lee's -right hand gen erals, to deliver a lecture on; the clos ing days of the confederacy, giving a personal estimate of Lee and Grant. Francis Marion's sword may bo seen In the capitol at Columbia, S. C. It has parted company with its sheath, a part ol the Ivory hilt is gone, and the blade is badly rust-eaten. . The clerks in the office of the secretary of. state slice watermelons with it! ' , . . Lord Roberts' services in India are to be commemorated by an equestrian statue on the Mailnr, at Calcutta. Al ready between :i,()(H) and 4,000 has been subscribed by t'.m native princes and personal friends, and it is thought that the fund will reach a large amount. ' ' ' WOMEN WOTH KNOWING. Mns. Bradlky-J! aiitin I i the owner of the crown onee belonging to Marie Antoinette. Thiu i ) n velvet , cap with the insignia of ro; alty emblazoned upon it in preclotiji Kt.ines. Miss Cliii ;.!) lm , ondowed two eota at tho llabies' nheltcr in New York. Let the bedit :il way be used for the two most nnlt'teroittiTir; children, ia the only command which accom panies her gift, i ( . i. . Mrs. CiiAirNCKV, !.(. Hcp'iW, who took an active Interest in all subjeuta re garding the training of children, waa alwaya Inexorably upxvied to fairy tales. Khe baUcvetl Jn wimnly written histories and instructive games. The youngest tclr-trruph operator In America is little Kti;!ir:t, the live-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Dunn, of West Point, (in. 'Thec'nild has been about tint oftee a great deal and quickly picked up the Morse alphabet. She can call up other op erator, and receive inesMigea with remarkable acctiruev. PERSONAL POINTERS. Rom one, whose identity I a secret, haa made llev. Fr. II. A. Adam, of the Church of tho Redeemer In New York, the recipient of a life income of 81,000 a year. Groiuir Davis, a Indian, who has lived in IwiMoti for a number of years, ha l-en nclse I with a yearn ing for hi nutive c;iet;t , :ctd lm com menced a tramp hnv'.t t i the ground of the tribe at (HilLiwii. Me. CAIT. II A lilt Y ItAirvilir. who I to command Lieut. I'fary"-. ore tie explor ing kblp, I only twenty-nine year of age, but he ban Im-cii lifl.-ii yeara at aea and mlea bl;;h na a navigator. He ia the ynunge'.t of four I.Mihrra, all of whom are contain. Ma, K. I). Iwiaia. .f New Haven, Conn., Ia ao fund of railroud traveling that he traveU one liuri''.re and fifty eight mile a day. Lvery day, fur el days In tba week, be J etrue) a from hla borne to New York city, where be la engaged iu busiue. and return at night. ' newspaper" nStcs. Or tba world's fair nutuhr of Ihe Youth's Com n Un ;.Vi.o rj ooplea wrra sold lo the Unit two week. Toft fl rat hrMLHpurH-r pulilUbrd la the world we Iba Roman Act Inuriia. ( IL C Tbe flrt one ulll .bed la Kng land, the Mrreuriua Aulieita, after- wards tha Oifor.1. then I.n.lon (i talba, was raUblUhed In January, I04X Tub nawspawni of India are pub lished la many languae. and It la aald that Umm n tl.r i.atlva kenguaa arenxit widely r.r.ulale. and r-ad, In proportion Utl(e niituln r of rrpue prinlad. than la Iba raaa anywhere eiaa la lha vtorld. Ttt nldrat new .tnta-r In Iba World la aald to Iba lirii .h I'rvu, which waa Oral laaaml in IWI and baa Juat rt la bra ll lu T.iA l..r tlwUv Tl.rre years later tha loidon tt.-aaara., b. Ing published at inf .r.i on 4taal of the great lgun In l.i..oii, tCriNlTI3M5. f atsl. Comf'itl in lha rotwrvla. faswio: I on,( ii-,a lmlUUoa.a- Herbert prhtr. T-wmt: A mi n wlro fall to d; feiae lb Inleml b f. I In bltnarlC l'a k MMT! A Kwlal b.rl andeg Iba laa.t of little w..4a in tmler to make Mr appear tail t. o ra- hapblr. A Mas llstta on a iiftis llrga: A ataeeilful frarli.ia of human,!?, fow-tfall dotnlaalrd by lft head y jhara. wrativa atm -la ,f t. ,i, ara i.l.j-. t . i , ir... f,,. laiaal.h. , , . i 1M-,rr eay a-rtna rim ... . , ,. ; ar aetw. eiiilaw. i- i : . . , iasaasBrwa, ua-'tifa i . . , , .Arrjll. Mirk ee4 V. liaalry, aatf It. trot,t if M'ka A (ltr, aa aaa,allad lngatb la I ha fcatba I Iba aa alead. I 4rw ""h of lb a jd fSa. Tbf o!it ! If. ( WEEKLT rfO. 7SS ) SEMI-WEKKLY NO 5141 infmniM( PURE ' CRUEL" SPORT IN CHlLl? "Barro," the Dangdrout National rastlma. In Which Fine Horsemen Participate. The national pastime of Chili is the 'barro," which is played by th huas cos, or Chilian horsemen, who are splendid' riders; 'At every wayside drinking shop there is a range Of posts supporting a long rail, to which the horses are tethered, Whenever a few huascos meet a wager for -drinks is sure to be put up. Then sides are chosen, and the leaders first take their places on horseback side by side, each with his horse's chest close up to the bar. The others mount ' and range thomselves on each side in the same position. Then the game begins. The object of each side, acoording to Lon don Tid-lJits, is to force its way along to tho further end of the bar against the opposition 6f the other party. Each ; closes sideways with ; all his might aud digs his hutfe rowels into his horse's sides to keep h 's chest close to the bar until they drop blood and the cruel bits nro jerked viciously. Yells of excitement and rage break from the players as the pressure in creases, and their lugs are crushed be tween the hordes. The spectators are equally excited. Even tho horses seem to talce an intelligent part iu thb strug gle, and a well-truhied mount will frequently oust u rival from his place. Progress along tho bur i.t, however, very Blow, and whe n there nr a as many as thirty or forty picked players a side a whole day may bo spent without the contest being decided. Horses ' and men both suffer severely, legs are crushed and broken, nnd at the end of the struggle the riders have to be helped from their saddles, and their clothing has often to bo cut from the swollen flesh. Unless a limb be bro ken, the tough horseman is little worse. A duy or two on his bock and pure olive oil restore him to strength and suppleturs. ;,.-. Work of the fish C'uininlsalon. During the fishing season of lWrt the United Mates fish commission, which busiea itself solely with the propaga tion of edible 1Kb In tho water all over the country, stocking river with specie new to tho region, distribute tot? fglfs and young flh. to the lnke and keacoasts, and working in a vast namlwrof way to the one end, dis tributed a total of ii()n,.Mu,4n'j eggs, fry and yearling of all kinds of fish. The largest operation were In aliud. Of this llsh fry, l.Otm.iMK) year ling and S.OOO.OlK) egg were ilUtrib Oted. Cod I the fish most distributed next to ahad, and of whlteflsh, lake trout, pike, perch, salmon, flatfish and lobster the distribution uf rffgft, fry and yearling wa away up in the million of eaeh, every state and terri tory getting share. The work of the coinnilaalon, which I of mi great Im portance and substantia! value to the whole people, b done quietly, ia a thor ough buaineaa way, without parade of any kind, and the cotnmlaaion 1 by no fnt ans a widely known department of the government. . A Valuable Preaoriptloii.i Editor Morrison of Worlblolon, lad., Hub," rites: Y, l(., . ysluabla uieectipliot. to Eleeirie riiiura, aodl eaa elrrt fully r.oummeod II for Const! . stion, Hit k lies iacbe, abd a a general 'jsieta tonic M ,sg to tqaal." Mrs Aenie Ktthle, VUi Cottage Gate At., Lb icago, waa all tea dowo. eon Id not rat nor digest oo,, lad a bscksrh a bleb ol left bar and fell tired and weary, bat u botilee of .Irfllrle III Hart reet.r ed brr health and teeeaad brr rtreeglb. I'tKwMoaMa.odllOO. (lei a boll I al Uiuaer A Uf'ffc ' t rag store. iMg-IMataara nai M.g. Wiating rtp".Hl..n of greal length r not nnu.uul f.-slitr.-. of l,n winter ' la Holland. A popular feat Is to visit In one day ll.e e levi n town of I'riea bwtd. an arrrrgate) of eighty miles. H laaa.aaaary lo bate r'i le. praetlrally rl. ari f snow, a full m.-.u. brljfkt sky and pleniv of pr.-viou prac tic. W. J. II, Muit.r. of llaarlrw, erctiiitLfid 1 1, la j-airttry a few dia lers ago In thirteen hours, of tthtvn irfi mug and fif y flva mitiulea were r..nuir.r.. n re.tmg and nourUhinff . Another r.-m r'..s'ile fml l,i sksta from Tha llairue to lvtiwardea In Holland. Its dKllnrtlve rlnlm to no toriety I dti lo lha tni Hy of rmaa. Inf Iba .U)., r , b. !i l.otily aw. slid afw-r an r. rpii..i.ily wvrra ffrat It la on rvt.d Il.s I on a II. In-l.-rt lUlnder delivrrrd la on tie), during Ihe winter of I Tnr . a letter Irons William IV. lo hi mother al Tba IIiue aad returned. 1 ) i. Uaewia Vaguely UrtUd ,y lha pl.legiualle asuios aa f.rrty b.rar walk- W, Kia.ptnana mad a similar jouraay ta'w tareatly with Imt.-rtetil state papar In lfta kxiar. A llatOI. Al lb a inarluta In lu-rtln ib la a biffrrlUa hm habit ere thou I aa aurreel a th.- of the ..! of hie dla lenl rlsllv II gl ap eight la lb BMthiug-. u.r a balk, aad "P lth.Htt hesitation. Tl Iwa but lill I grwapleUd ha lake rmp at, afl wkkk he rata w !. of bread witai IrankfartaaaaafaagiM arwoked Itaailmrg lef, all of wkkeH k snolslvna Willi m la of we lea haar. Ali.t.p,av h Ukea a U.wl of am.)i, wlih rie ar.d j-io. and a wiag of thUkeo, as hi knife 4 f.wtg aad hi aafain, bat whan h think Ibat hi keara tr eM oWrvlag kit he d:s' Is li.a l.i.a.iMam af rivllU ratbia aad fUag hi mania lata la bowl, If to fie evalsaee af lb atk aacboly fat Uast ta otula ga Va L