u To) TO TMIS CUTIS IHI OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental ' GREAT UNION. NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA CATARRH W HAWT iaa LOCAL DISEASE an Is tin rH of cM m4 uda (Watatic ckart. It cm ke cared byapleaaant remedy which is applied di rectly into uie nostm. in quickly auaorbed It give relief at once, Ely's Cream Balm A Dismantle Monitor. I NEARLY SMOTHERED BYVIOLETS The monitor ha ngna, that took part in Admiral David l'ortcr a oomtMirameni Is Kknawledeed to be the mort thorough enre for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of ail remedies. It opens and elesnses tbe nasal passages. allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro tects the membrane from eolds, restores tbe senses of taste and smell. Price 60c. at DmeKists or by malL LY BKOTHJEE8, M Warren Street, New York THE if YORK THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 Pages a Week. 156 Papers a Tear. of Fort Fisher in Docemltcr, 184, now lies dismantled at a I'hiladeJphia wharf awaiting a pnnhawr who needs a coal barpe. Her armor has been stripped off and the r,pinmnr turret removed. The Saiifrns was one of the monitors that, casting anchor within range of Fort Fisher, opened fire upon it, and in little more tliun an hour demolished all but the bomb-proof portions of the fort. The attacking licet consisted of thirty-five regular cruisers, five Iron clads and a reserve of nineteen other vessels. According' to Gen. Grant it was "the mobt formidable armada ever collected lor concentration upon one piven point." The Saufrus was built flnrin;r the latter part of the war. In IS!' I nhe war, : old by the government to a 1'hiladclphia iirm, which made the purchase with the object of reselling to some tontii American state in need of a cccoi'd-hacd warship. The nego tiations fnile-l. ami the Kaujrus was then dismantled. ;i:e l.iul been built to last, for it was necessary to use dynamite in the v. ork of unshiatliing her hulL AND St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on 0. R. 4 N. Agent ta Heppner, r.r address W. H. HTJRLBTJRT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Oregon E. McNEluL, President and Manager, QUIOK TI3VII3 : xo San lranolsoo And all poinU In California, vU the Mt, Bhaata rout of th Southern Pacific Co The treat hichwar thronch California to all points Kaat and nonth. (Jrann Hoanio Kiiuti Of the Paolflo Coast. Pullman Hnffet Bleftpers. Beoond-olas Weepers . Attacked to eipress trains, affording superior aooomnodatione for senondlass passengers. for rates, tickets, slnepins oar ream-rations, eta,, call npon or address E. KOKHI.KR, Manarer, B. P. BOGIES, Asst. Gen. I. A P. Act. Portland, Oregon It stands first among "weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is praotically a daily at the low prioe of a weekly ; end its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state snd territory of the Union and foreign conn' tries will vouch tor the accuraoy apd fairness of its news oolnmns. It ia splendidly Illustrated and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living Amerioan and English authors, Con an DoyIiB, Jerome K. Jekomb, 8TANLEY WeYMAN, MABY E. WlLKINS, Anthony Hope, IIkkt Habte, Brandbb Matthbws, Eto. We offer this unrqanled newgpnper and Tbe Gazette together one year for $3.26. Tbe regularsnbscriptinn price of tbe two papers is $3 50. . The Only Chair Car Line To the east is the Union Paoific. East ern cities are reached via this line with fewer chanaes of oars tbaii via other lines Bates always the lowest. Tickets to or from points in the United States. Canada, or Europe for sale by R. W, Baxter, Gen. Agt., 135 3rd St., Portland. FEW KREF. CLIICAGO. IP SB -TO THE- Iwaote & SI. Paul R'y VIA THE CXION PACIFIC .SYSTEM. Through Pullman Palace Weeper. Foil rlat RlrMrs and Fro Hcclliilng Chair Cars DAILY to tblksgo. Many hours saved via thli lint to Eastern Point. STEAM HEAT. )WICMT P1NTSCH LIGHTS. HATltrl. It. II'. llAXTEIi, Gen. Agent, I'ortlund, Oregon, J. C. it ART, Agent, lleppntr, Oregon. iyU-f, PAUL a n. MlNNESOTASOy) j ; ) wf fe X i .. eiTV V V PKI O W A Glance at this Map Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and Ht. Paul Kail way and note Its connections with all transcon tinental lines and Bt Paul and maha, and remember that Its trains are Untiled with elec tricity and heated by steam. Its equipment Is superb. Klcnant HutTct, Library, 8uinklii and Sleeping cars, with free reclining chairs, Kaon sleeping car berth has an electro reading lamp, and It dining ears are tha heat In the world. Othor lines are longer than this, but mine are shorter, and no other offers the above luxurious accommodations. These are sufficient reasons lor Hi popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon li kct agent In every railroad oftU-s will glv you Inrtber Information, or addrras C. J. EDDY, Oeneral Agent, J. W.CASKY, TraT. Pas. Agent, roTLaiD, Oasuon. Home Pet Fancies or Horrors of Pronalnent reople of Moth Hemispheres. Most men are ashamed of their su perstitions, because they hate to be laughed at, yet we have known many to make fun of the weaknesses of others merely to keep their own courage up, says the New York Press. Nearly oil of the greatest men in history were the victims of a silly superstition. Marshal Saxe, wlio met and overthrew fled at the sight of a cat. Peer tlw Great dared not cross a bridge. Dr. Johnson would not enter ony door or passuge with his left foot first. Caerar was thrown into convulsions by the sound ci tininxipr. iueen iMizaocm could not lear to hear the name of Mary of Scotland mentioned. The word "death," or its French equivalent, would so disconcert Ttilleyrand as to unlit him for all business. If a hare crossed Montaigne's path he was miserable for a month, imagining all sorts of hor rors. Voltaire, the fearless mocker, shook with alarm on hearing rocks cawing on his left. Rousseau looked under his bed every night before retir ing. Lord Bryon succumbed before the weakest prejudice and was n victim of all the petty superstitions of hit day. Andrew Jackson cut off the tails of his hounds and buried them under the doorstep, believing this to be a sv.re means of keeping the pack from wan dering away. Washington would make n w ish and low nine times to the new moon.. Garfield, who looked in a glass all day, dared not come face to face with one In the dark. Wo might go on and nam hundred of almilur cases. Grent and small, old and young, wcuk nnd strong all hove their npersti- tioim. His BarffwCoanoUy HM Narrow Ksempa la Xew Torts. Miss Sadia Connolly, an actress, waa half Bmothered by tlhe sweet breath of violets the other night. She wa able to be out of the bed the next day to re ceive In person the congratulations of friend, though still nervoiw and upset over her extraordinary experience. When not on the road She has been at home In her snug flat at 1445 Second avenue, of whiah. her sister Julia is housekeeper. The two sisters live en tirely alone. Monday morning am ex pressman .lelivered ftt Miss Connolly's flat a huge box of violets shipped all the way from California in a bed. of moist moss. There were nearly 3,000 separate flowers. The penetrating odor filled the flats. Mira Connolly's bedroom has no means of ventilation except a door open ing into the front parlor and another communicating with her sister s bed room. The air being chilly tlve actress re tired in the midst of hor violets witih the windows all closed. The next morning her sister found her uueonscious. A physician who was promptly called brought her back to earth after having dumped the violets outdoors. These he said were partly responsible for thie youtig woman's condition. As they were cut flowers nnd In the process of decay they had added greatly to the carbonic acid in the room. " BIDDY'S HALF HOLIDAY. Most Wonderful Law Presented Before tha New Zealand House. The New Zealand house of repro sentatives has been doing some wonder ful things, and its latest achievement is a bill for a statutory half holiday for domestic servants, which has already re ceived its second reading. According to this proposal, every mistress is bound to turn her servants out of her house from three p. m. until ten p. m. one day in every week. If the servant is found employed at her ordinary work during the statutory half holiday, the mistress will be liable to a penalty of $25. If the servnnts return to their homes for food during the time men tioned, the mistress must wait en them or be mulcted to the same tune, but we take it, says the Westminster Gazette, that the mistress htm a legnl right to refuse admittance. The result will bp that, n large number of the servn"t in the town, being country girls Wicn out friends, will be driven to particle the ptrecta for tluse six hours of compul sory holiday. The humorous complete ness of this proposal will, wc are afraid, be fatal to it ehnncen of becoming law. A prominent lady politician has al ready avowed her preference for a statutory half holiday for overworked mothers of lnrge families who have no servants. The husband will then be compelled to remain nt home and minj bin house In the absence of hawife. A Novel Swindle. A novel kind of swindle was prac ticed in a German town the other day. A man struggling along under a heavy burden suddenly stumbled and crashed throus-h a plf.te glassf.tore window. The proprietor of the store demanded payment. The porter said he had no money. Fassers-by advised that he be searched. A thousand mark note was found on him, which, he said, belonged to his employer. The storekeeper, how ever, deducted one hundred marks for the value of hU window and handed nine hundred marks change to the porter, who went away swearing and protesting. A little later the store keeper discovered the thousand mark note was apurious. DREADED CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED- T. A. Blocam, M. C, the Great Chemist and Scientist, Will rn, frer, Three Bottle of Bis Newly Discovered Kerned its to Buffer rs. Editob Gazette : I have discovered a reliable on re (or Consumption and all Bronchial, TbroaV and Lung Diseases, General Decline, Loss of Flesh aDd all Conditions of Wasting Away. By its timely use thousands of apparently hopeless oases have been onred. Ho proof-positive am I of its power In cure, that to make its merits known, I will fend, free, to any sfflicted render of your paper, three bottles of my Newly Dis covered Remedies npoa receipt of Ex press and rostothoe address. 1. A. SLOCUM, M. C, 98 Pine 8treet,New York. When writing the doctor, mention this paper. Via tbe Union Pacific System Baggage is cheoked through from Port end to d estination. The specialties o the Uuioa Paoifl ) ere ncexoelled track and equipment, union depots, fast time through oars, steam beat, Piotscb light 8od courteous treatment to passengers. For rates aud information apply to R W. Baxter, Gen. Aijt. D. P. system, Port land, Oregon. Cend your name for a Souvenir ot the Works of Eugene Field, FIELDosFLOWERS tbt 68ne Tield monument Seiwenir The most beautiful Art Production of the cen tury. "A small bunch of the most fratraot of bios, soma gathered from tbe broad acres of Eugene Field's Farm of Love." Contains a selection of the most beautiful of the noems of Eueene Field. Hand- somelv illustrated by thirty-6ve of the world's greatest artists as their contribution to the Mon ument Fund. Bat for the nobis contribution! of tbs great artists this book could not hava been manufac tured fnrto.no. Forsnle at book stores, or sent prepaid on receipt of $t.io. The love offeringto thechild'a Poet I-aureate. oublished bv the Com. inittee to create a fund to build the Monument and to care for the family of the beloved poet. Eugene Field Monument Souvenir Fund, iHo ftloutue Street, Chicago, 111 5 Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat-J (eat business conducted for Moderate Fees, i Sour Orricc is OFPoaur, U, 8. Patent Office iand we can secure patent in less tune than, those f nmnl. (mm Wn.hinrrtnn. a oena moaci, crowing ur pnuiu., wilu uckjijj tioiu We advise, if patentable or not, free of' 5 charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. S a d.u.ui r-r " How to Obtain Patents," with Jcost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Orr Patent Office, Washington. D. C. The eomparativevalue of these twoeards Is known to moat persons. They Illustrate that greater quantity la Not always moat to be desired. These cards express the beneficial qual ity of RipansTabules A compared with any previously known DYSPEPSIA CURB " Ripans Tabules : Price, so cents a boa. Of druggists, or by mail. . BIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 1 0 Sprues St., NX WANTED-AN IDEAoTmV thing to patent? Protect your ideas ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEft BURN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Wushiijgtoa, D. 0.. tor their $1,800 prize offer. , , , 4 Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable SO YEARS EXPERIENCE. Gault -House, CHICAGO, ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. 8. & Q., C. M. & St. P., C. dt A.. P. Ft. W. & C, and the C. Bt. L 41'. Railroads. rates tsa.oo IKR rAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sti., CCICASO. IXiXi. The regular subscription price of the Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 aud the regular price of the Weekly Oregonian is 81 .50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year i advance can get both tbe Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for 83.50. All old sub scribers paying their snbsoriDtions-fcr one year in advenoe win ne entitiea k the same. " Nkw Fbkd Yaed. Wm. Gordon hac opened up tbe feed yard next door to the Gazette office, and now solioits s Bhare of your patronage. Billy is right at home at Ibis busineef, end your horses will be well looked after. .Prioe reasonable. Bay and grain . forsale. t( mm j. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS, r" COPYRIGHTS Ac An rone uenfllrur eketoh and description may quickly- ascertain, free, whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communtcatlnna tiiTtly confidential. Oldest ajrency fornecuiing ptttent In America. We have m WaahinKton office. Patents Uken through Muun & Co. reoelTf pedal notice la the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation anrscienur tliOstx m Boo on Patents sent free. Address if sclentlno journal, weeklr, terms Stf.ui a reari .SO all months. Specimen copies and LLANO MUNN A CO., 361 Uroudwny, Mew York. Dr. SCIENTIFIC REASON GIVEN. Why the Eye of m Tainted Portrait Fol low the OlMMirvrr. Wollnston's curious diwovery was that by adding to each pair of eyes a nose directed to the ritfht or the left. tlie eyes lose their front direction, nnd look to the right or left, according to the direction of the nose. Hy mean of a flnp representing; the tower fear tiros In a different position, os Dr. olluton remarks, "a lout look of devout attrac tion in au upliftod countoiMHicc of in nuiaitive archness ill the leer of a CF THE 1& rfWli COAST 0 King's Naw Dlaeevary for Consumption. This it tbe best medioiue io lb world for all fnrma nt fflfincha and Golds and for Consumption. Eery bottle is guar- younger face turnod downward and ob- atiteed. It will ours snd not disappoint II baa no equal for Wboopiog Cougb, Asthma, 11 y Fever, rneumouia, Bron cbitts, La Grippe, Cold ia the Head and for Consumption. It is safe for all ages, pluHsaut to take, and, above all, a nr enre. It ia always well to take Dr. King's New Life Pills io connection witb Dr. King's New Discovery, as the? tegnlate and tons tbs stomach snd bowels. Ws guarantee perfect satisfac tion or return money. Free trial bottles at Oonssr A Brock's drag store, llegalar I sua 60 cents and $1.00. TT A TiT.r.T.'C TsHTTATli TADTE? niilvrEIV. J AUU11JJ LADLE t F,i. k ef Ik4 ttr ltt numhrt Mi rVnWiV U efrn vith a iteey r lemt tulhtr tt inltrnattsnal Um. Vrfrrn s Jim tf 0ulkn irt f itv hleu: HfuUt tit J'nu Ojjirt nd effrrt Kki Hun iti sV THnn REMARKABLE TWrNTY-PART SF.RIALS A LOYAL TBAITOt TUB PAIMTf.D M.itCWT TMB ROCK OC TUB UOtl lifiuely toward the opposite sido.' As by changing the direct lou of the lower features we change the dim t Ion of the eyes, snys Notes and Queries, so by changing our position, the eyeof Ihe jKirtrait apparently follows iui. If a vertlonl line I drawn through Uie tip of the nose and half way tn-tween the eyes, there will lie the aatne breadth of head, of chock, of chin and of n k on enrh side of this middle line, and nrb Iris will be In the middle of the whole eye. If we nov move to one Me, the apiarrnt horizontal breadth of every Hrt of the head and faoe will lie dl- TIIK niBONICt.B ranks with lb TUt aroaiMrwrs In tha United HtalM. TIIK t:ilHiNlOI.R ban bo equal on th ran tie t'iMKt. It leiwlaall In ability, enterprise and news. TIIK C.JIIUIMCI.K' Tlrtlilo lUHirta are the lalmt and imiat rellaiile, lu Lorn Km Uie fu lfl and aiiirlrss. and Its Kdiwirtnls fnnn tbe aiilfst pens In thu e mutrr. TMKrilltoNICl.K tins at wars been, and alwar will l. the irlmid and ohamplon of Ih no,4e as asain.t onmbl net Ions. nltqu.'S. ntr)Miratniia, nr uMraainia of any Kind II will be liideiMmJual Ik everlUluf u.uual In notiilns. 1 TM U.S. GOVERNMENT t 1 PAYING MILLIONS 1 1 A MONTH . I i To persons who served in the wars of tha United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars f () on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW )2 To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new 7 law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it W fnS to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present fg) your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the 7 time vouanolv. Now Is the accepted hour. jT-Write for laws snd complete information. No Charge for sdvice UV No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company S PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, f) 618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. $ y. B.Thb Company U contrnlltd by warty cm thousand hading new- pajiert in Ihe Vniltd Hiatal, Stat?-, and i guaranteed by them. pirn A Itsry M W M r 4 Mil A IVf IW Iswt f IkM Mww-a ! s Hat ft saf 4RkJ W tf MwaiAl IaiM Msviss $ minified, but the parts on earn me 01 A'? n rTTr;-;; "XTV the middle line w III I diminished equal. ;k-J- f jj tv Iv. anilatanvrKialtlon.liowrteroblliii'e, I U" vH..VS th.wr will w the same breadth of fme 'tL ' )f on eaoh aide of the mkldle line, and the P f-".' Irla will W in the center of the whole .;( f- l f W 3 I ( J of the- eyeball. m that, tw-lnif on a flat if ' ? 1 1 P 'H'll .nrfaoe, the Iris will I soon in front of A; , b , f If the picture or ol.Uuurly. J LJl jvj; 1$ I 2 3 I $i K K li Attorneys nt Io.w, All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries I'oblic and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BCILDINQ. BEPPNER. t t j t OREGON rriti. ra.rt.-a nnonMom ft, i a. i m.mm Im, t! a a. fiOMP. OT TMB SltOHT SI HI ALA TMK ar ata KM ft, w u I vh wHHHrmo i. Si 4m. U,.ia lHi.e M- A k A N C U4rt L. Alw. tMM ( W tl NawS AH tiairan aT ruT a, Im. a areas CHICAGO HORSES AT LUNCHEON I Ma ' rallhfal Vrrata aaalale lltsa ta Taking a llartivd Mnsl iHiwatwwa. Km the hrr of thta rlty taku HCMf lit at i taa I6l ii m a imnm thitt ,ii, A A JmJrJ 41 ,i;t: M?'r,.-mf.nti. , iv' ; A mUmr 'Ac 'iHS I MONEY PRIZES I '-""''V Pt,M irmffl tern J w tit'JUrt 4m J tmr eJJ'itt .w a isi'fc a kirn ) unj is) ver mjlrrnl tt ft in lit avit. XnJ 41 tmt t fn,4Uit immUn U ftJ U IV rfm. w tir J i r t-S Mm n i 1 iv in in 1 w I a itmhin Iii'ATi nnn j i iiiiu nun 111111111 it UUllllllMliv luivi inva a v IUUI1 lunrhwi downtown. I.rry i.uamoa- i . if 1 1 man knows what thU nwsna, Ue hur . - p p 7,v T- tW t.H Uken In tin- hort hour alH . h'Z . J f 4 I I iwx.rt ewry ttav. when t.uainow l aban- V ''tH'i'ft 'f?A t 1 dowsl Ion rmiugli rmit the dw -v J "lj f m y atmrl ion f a plorr of lr or a aandw lob. T Ktrrytxftty Am It, it Is a fair IW JZ. TT bni f.T t ftft tfrmr A fmr tl.'m l'ltj lltrt I til, Tki 4lt ttfltimi erne efer f t'Tt Hti. Ik tfrt im.M1 i'H'iri tut, I ir, .", J tt htti rm. , 41 J 0 fit) I4T- - - ' . . .' W A' v arf I... T " mw 1j ,,., ,i,.-m, h UAKrfKS A'l.V Ttfllt 1 . WU ve, mmj h mi Jf S itnawr . if tm' ifi4l . mkt,i 41 mtltmf It pn. wMa 1 trmm t t-m a ft aawtMM ii4tM) titaTiraiC fantNiMiOS l'MIi.li-l a, . t ... ..am hmmm i m--t at. ., fl , t IIWM riaiMlAMt HtrTlWit I talMWftlS Tri wtt or twr sns otn ft, . ft H,, ft. M . M . I . aait m sat. . .ii.it.. a, av . ft- m lit t- ft. m Mil ! f AWW Al rcH 1 1 .Ti '".. vas , .m ft, sm. t H.. ft. ... a tt.tatftt t. u..,. Utimast riTHTAwwtta Mill ... I ts t .. . a ft. . . I rWatOVK (AvAlT (MASta n.iKMt . ttiii taiaata at.itttitw St twtwt A ml I 4 . -ft l t . t . 'mi. ft l .-?, 44 J,w 4 nmf ,,ft itmtMmnmf emt ! f-t.t S atsrta t Ms'Mii . , .' 'M t 4 A Mr (Jrw tl ,1.4 ii It I 4mJ ., I.Sw f-tt, tmt . fftuk.. m . 1st i V V . . i" I :.'f , (' ! aafW M ii A J UNNOUNCEMENTS FOR 189H oiui ft trie otnrr, anja inr ('hnwiU-k. This mttie hsftt Spi-IWmi to the flittf which piJla the rah or the hraty draft .rM a tiftrtt aa fprlifhtrra. At the nnrtn hour on anv of the Wrwnimn alrwia the ntawnant rn ran thew faithful ta-a.l with UtmrUlfa drpffi'l Inif frtwn thrlr hrw.U iilrlly munrh- I ln their data or CK n wllh r-ry ilrniw of l.fcllw. It titalra fw dlfferrrK to llw hntmm that U twwalrar I h rnri g tm Ihrm In thw aw .f ukita They ar as ralktua on Ihla ftwl-rt ft tfcrir ttiaa- icr. maay of w hm I art aittif? on Ui wnw or .Ijacrtil ai.lrwalk wllh tiniwiil tt. tftly tlraimjilei Ihw luiw hotwt which lhwlfV fwickc! In i)m rrttntiii a. l la all In a I'Mime, . Ih t1ilctf hrtf w ha rrnr.t thmt t titil rat when tie ess, ail h"t tw Inn rllrular alwxit It. Ilenc t lay k i car tok and munrh saT with 4arl4)r.y. Ml frtft Tww ri nl milk. ! eP V tiwI a.tt, ll.pt ulilrt'lu of 4f, ftnir err. y u ""s ; j pinrlt t4 awl I. Half r)wmrl wf ria hmn-n. IWI ll InWi lU )'W. A.I.I rilk. lt at ft""". fl..r r. m hltra. ltrflrly. IW-I kf. f. ikrH,lntrt. Try la 7 h l" l.fj k wlik Kwvwi . S. t. ! Idrr. A Wty f.tf Ike ftlt 4 nkmnii kas twa utg fttawsl la rtt!ll$kik. It lit kw.1 ft.rty I fast . a4 twf wi3 t nwra ftw k -Vtaftkr.wta Tkal tla.e ll'fa Me." It fT"l aay tkal lkww aral".t t'l e-t I I klr- ta f ... b t f.tnl atnta ti'.t!bHa, a4 tbt Th flir.nl. ! l'aHll. THE! DAIL.Y llf r I al l. Oii!y$6.70ak WHITE COLLAR LINE. n in i it lnrt)At Aiinl Mni'i U( 1 1. v v rv- vuiiw a i 'a i (av u u Sltiacrs TEEFBQXE, BAILEY G1TZFJIT AND OCEiS WAVE. Leavioa Alder 8 tree I Uok, Portland, for AMorl. Ilwaoo, Lon Deseb, Uoese Park sod bctta. ihreot oonnectioo witb Ilwaoo steamers aoa rail road; also at Young's lis witb 8easbors Ililroal. TUXiXIPnOlVXl Leave Portland tl.ll, Dally, eitvpl Hun.laf. Uarn Asttirla 7 P. M. Pallr. sirepl Muiulay, DAIIjIIY OATSRBIIT rortlanit P M . iHtlljr. etntt Sumter. ftVurtley filieht II P. M. Iwvee Astoria Pally a at A. M.,srcpt aunda; ana Montiajr. auiiuaj Biu, i r. . OODAN WAVH Uate rnrtlsmt anrt runs itlrerl to liwatNi. TuetaT and Tburwlaf at A. M. SalnHaT at I P. M. t llaara WrliiHtlar en.l rrviar el 7 JV A. m. ua ui.iay nif ni at r. as. h&'j Cbcvltd is r.iih4 PfjliutiM M Balti Free if Eiptn for rWrtf, Swwl. Comfort, I'lcaaur. Travel 00 lh Tolf phone, Ralley 0lrt sn4 Oreaa W.. The kA Chronic! Tj Cr U it Vri J, h Ci (ti,lrj. $1.50 a fa Ila4i MMit f. fth I'ft'Ut ft..- It'Wt TTia Wt,t ("IwlllllA St fcfl awl m , 'f ia saw awwt pfmtm t.i r r at in w I ' se. t0 mm .,.. a, 'i. I -m ftMIK't !,.. t. . I .. kartivW SAMrUt CJt'ifS S.MT F.t. do you want Tin: CHRONICLE -Reveisible Map? it, i -wsa Tha Ur.il'- Sut?i. Ponhleo cf Cicidi ar.J Keribrn Mcxic For tho Curo o Liquor, Opium isi Tobacco Habits It la lri4 al :rm, OtrHs, Th4 JusC Beautiful Tovn on (As CWI Call al lh O.ISTT ) ftor rrrtilr ttrtroiiB4attai. 1 rMtsteal f rtrst a4 cars tot, v UN ta Map of tho World tN TIIH ttllt lt'l' ft. 4 M atl fii l Mw a4 4 fell thftwu'i t Oa T. t e-,l I ftl t . aat I'af St.ftftw Al. II .1- V. , ft . ' aw ! lunwratlk OUR STOCK OF a a a SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at .1 rcat financial sacri fice. ' 011 need it in your ..miners, and as a matter of business wc must sell it. HM f IH W 1 m Ummm f l !, .at 1 1 W ksft a k"t.. f Vat arw k a-tw s M WwraUatJ. ta'y fern klrel rf wkwk ar H fN Tin: 1'attlkso.n rtiu.isniNG Co.