r - Of severest trial anil test prove in regard to Hood's Sarsaparilla Bst, Greatest Merit Secured by a peculiar Combina ( tion. Proportion and Process unknown to others which naturally and actually produces 2d, Greatest Cures Shown by thousands of honest, voluntary testimonials which naturally and actually produce 3d, Greatest Sales According to the statements of druggists all over the country. In these three points Hood's Sarsaparilla is peculiar to itself. rdO Sarsaparilla Is the best It is the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills MC5 A. GOOD CLUBBING LIST. : d's Now that the great political campaign is over sod the winter season again with n b, all will want an adequate supply of fresh and varied reading matter (or the long evenings. Cognizant of this the Gazette has made clubbing arrangements with a number of periodicals and now offers the following to all new and renew al subscribers : The GAZETTE J.2.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonlan, S1.50 .$3.50 " 8. F. Examiner, $1,50 3,75 " N. Y. Tribune, 11.00. 8.00 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2 50 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00 Here and There. The Heppner Transfer Co., bas wood for sale. 37-tf. - Bert Crinkshank, an Oregonian oan vasser, is in town today. R. F. Hynd returned home this morn ing from a week's visit in Portland. Drink the celebrated J. H. Cutter whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers'. Harry Myers is up from Blulock spending a few days with home folks. If you want the best of everything, go to the Orange Fron t, Joseph Biber.Prop.tf The Redlight people will treat you right. Gall on them when in town, tf From all reports Henry Heppner is having an exceptionally pleasant visit with relatives down at ban Francisoo Mark Heioermn and wife, of Baker City, are visiting E. YV. Rhea and wife, of this city. Mrs. Heioerman and Mrs Rhea are sisters. David Buker, ot lone, mad Anal prool on his homestead before Olerk Morrow yesterday, with B. F. King and W. T. King as witnesses. . . John Hiokey, who bas been very ill at the Pulace hotel with bilious fever for nearly a mouth past, is oow convalesoent and able again to leave bis room Mrs. J. W. Jenkins arrived from The Dalles on Sunday morning to joirr her husband, Elder J. W. Jenkins, pastor ot the Christian church at this plsoe. Mrs. 8 P. Oarrignes was hastily sum mooed t j Milton the latter part of last week, because of lbs serious illness ot her sister who resides at that place. Royal Diamond, Pan Fired Jspao, un colored. Tbe best 25o tea ever sold in Hepposr. P. 0. Thompson Co, tbe leader. tf Eagle: T. A. Rbea and Frank Araett cams over from Heppner Friday, de parting tbe same dy for tba John Day valley where tbey eipect to bay large band at cattle. Henry Blackmail earn op 00 this morning's tralo to visit tils (amity end cast bia ballot today, lis Co com direot from California, where be has spent lb iaal tf 0 days. Walla Walla C0100: Urn. Delia C. II. Cui. ot EHensborg . state president ot Eeetero Washington W. C.T.U., who bas been lbs inset ot Mrs. M. 8. IWrrv for a few days, left for ter bmne last evening. Eagle: Hemao Col ell, formerly resident of Morrow oonnty, is lo this oouolr, where be ripeoU to reei.le for the ben two years. Mr. Clil baa plaeer mine 00 Vinson eree, wbkb Ls lll work io tbe spring. Toiler Is groood b"g da;, an I ss it has been both elouJy and (air It Is very no ertala as to what klad of weelbar will bave. If s knew Jwt what boar Mr. Orooul Hog te.l bts vi.it nlgbt Uutr reed tba fetore. Tbo ooocert at tba opera booe 00 ftetordejr evening was wrj eneoneefal, Indeed, Urge and elieoiive eHiee kinf prvweel lo listen lo lbs program there prveeeled. Tb tneU of the entertainment are to be apple! 00 I bo pan-bM pnoe of at orgae for lie new 'borer. The wife of m old at MoHa4 J fododed to frieMen br wetoard bee. Iwnl few vt, a, bi ty errejieg bereeir to a frlgbffel a;t-'H a.d obo ,rt ytf to.Uet entered b 4 f She said ! O I"B setiolebral l) : "Com ilk I am tt det.l- ll reply im, 'JT.slHhof bek;l'etof tlet. lo law. I tearful oor -it Jam -a tVea. of tb.S tlfy. Ukeo Vr..n Jat. Ilerib'4.re lea H'Of J.. ... k t . I W ha trraet-1 i tsj ttnm fteeBeive aad plregl S) uf drafe aad I Hji f. Mr. IWrtb.t' 4epsyta4 otik tm that evenieg Nt lUkef die to pUee aim lo kJs o( In, fattw, obo livee lfcfe s I M e,t,,rwl to 1-e e ll 4t. Tbe atao'e eett' r wee e-easekiag IWfel lo t-b-.t 1. U boo la Me f-gM tslU io!f h'trfUI. heieg The progressive ladies of Westfield, Ind issued a "Woman's Edition" of the Westfield News, bearing date of April 3, 1896. The paper is filled with matter of interest to women, vid we notice the following from a correspondent, which the editors printed, realizing that it treatB upon a matter ot vital Importance to their sex: "Tbe best remedy for croup, oolds and bronobitis tbat I have been able to find, is Chamberlain's Congh Remedy. For family use it has no equal. I gladly reoommend it." 25 and 50 oent bottles tor Bale by Conser & Brock. The Oazette is in reoeipt of" a com munication from Senator Qowao this morning in wmcn be states tbat every thing looks exceptionally bright (or the re-eleotiou o( Senator J. H. Mitohell. Senator Gowan intends to loyally sup port Senator Mitohell aod not be in the IpbbI swerved by a baud-full of "rumps," "revolutionists" and "obstructionists," and in return he will be given tbe glad hand by his constituents. Some one has figured out the ononpa- tion of tbe members of the legislature and reports us follows: There are 31 farmers, 2 horticulturists, 1 stockraiser, 2 oaunerymerj,5manufuctarers, 1 banker, 2 capitaliets. 3 teachers. 11 merchants. 1 oondiictor, 1 surveyor, 17 lawyers, 4 doctors, 1 brewer, 2 ministers and 1 elder. Tbe author of this micbt change bis slate and class about 30 ot tbem as do nothings. J. N. Brown arrived from 8alem Sat urday st d spent tbe day interviewing his constituents. It must have oertainly been a eouroe of Bt least some little sat isfaction to find that bis course so far was so generally endorsed by ell, and es pecially by those who materially assisted in h's election- Be returned to tbe seat of war on the evening train.' Elder W. F. Oowdeu, general evangel ist "for the Christian, cburob in the Northwest, arrived fromTaooma on Sun day morning and is preaching nightly at the new ohurcb . Ser vioes begin promptly at 7 o'clock and the public is cordially invited to attend. Subjjcts pertaining to man's eternal welfare will be dis cussed. OF INTEREST TO SHEEPMEN. Cancer Of the Face. Mrs. Laura E. Mims.of Smithville.Ga., says: "A small pimple cf a strawberry color appeared on my cheek; it soon began to grow rapidly, notwithstand ing all efforts to check it. My eye became terribly inflamed, and was so swollen that for quite a while I -could not see. The doctors said I had Cancer of the most malicnant SJN type, and after ex hansting their efforts without doing me IVt?" any good, thev erave the case as hopeless. When in formed that my father had died from the same disease, they said I must die, as hereditary Cancer was incurable. "At this crisis, I was advised to try S.S.S., and In a short while the Cancer began to discharge and continued to do so for three months, then it began to heal. I continued the medicine a while iu this state, or for any person outside of longer until the Cancer disappeared en- tbis state to move or drive sheep, horses, "rely- ln "as several years ago and . - ..1 . . . there has been no return of the disease." ur uaiuc iuiu iuib Biaif, ior ub purpose A Y"- f f )t V-v 4 of pasturing or herding suoh sheen. r. IJC31 JDIOOQ IVClTimV I r ! LI J 3! 1 ... The following bill wbiob baa been in troduced by our joint senator, Mr. Gowan, is published at tbe request ot our senator and representative, as tbey desire to know tbe wishes of onr stock men as to whether they desire its pass age. Tbe Washington legislature bas introduced a similar bill, whiob, it it should pass, would work a hardship on many stookmen of Wasco county, and should it beoorae a law the latter people served uotioe tbat they would retulinte by having a similar bill passed by Ore guu's legislature. However, fiig is probably not the bixtory o( the origins- iiou 01 iur. uowau's bill which reads as follows: ' "B itenuoted by tho L gialativa As sembly of the state ot Oregon: Suction 1. It shall be unlawful (or any person owning any sheep, horses, or oattle, or for bis agent, or for any person buviog any sheep, horses, or cattle ia charge, in any county in this state, or for any person outside 01 this state to move or drive such sheep into any other oonnty bersbip of 35 ot tbe principal residents of tbe place, and Ibis number will soon be increased by several who oonld not at tend tbe organization ot No. 358, by which nomber it will be officially known. The visitors arrived in Heppner Wed nesday morning, and met with a most cordial reception from tbe citizens. Owing to tbe brief time allowed them, little time was lost in organization of tbe Heppner herd of Elks. Ore gon bas now more Elk lodges than any other state in the Union, Heppner mak ing tbe ninth, and this month the tenth will be instituted at Albany. Mo't of these lodges bave been organized by D. Solis Cohen, deputy grand exalted ruler, whose record in advancing tbe interests of the order has met with special nrpro bntion of tbe grand lodge officials. It is beio,7 suggested tbat a reunion ot Oregon Elks be beld in Portland in the near future, find, should it take place, it 'will provo a great success. t Suoh n eveiit will bring hundreds of visitors to Portland, aod when they come tbe Inoal Elks will see tbat all are well oared for. W bet her such reunion will take place be fore the Minneapolis convention next July, has not been definitely settled, but, oome when it may, It will prove a snooess. Oregonian. f iT """3 ' To Be IpTirfg i- Given Away I Is ''l83(3ijfiH m I this 'ear in valuable J I Mi . t j , J 1 '1 articles to smokers of S t w mW-m Blackwe I's 5 The Best g SmoklngTobacco Made i Blood ls Lire It is the medium which carries to every nerve, musole, organ and fibre, its nourishment and strength. If tbe blood is pure, riob and bealtbyyou will be well: if impurH, disease will soon overtake you. Hood's Sarsaparilla bas power to keep yon in health by making your blood neb and pure. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, biliousness. 25 cents. Q. A. B. and Relief Corps Installation. Rawlins post, Q. A. R., No. 31, and Relief Corps No. 23 installed their offi cers HaturJay ofterooon to this oily. Before installation the oorpa served din ner to ths post and iuvitel guests in tbe Odd Fellows ball, sbont 100 persons heiog present all of whom were noam moos in reporting a pleasant time. Tba following officers were installed 'tor tbe ensuing terra: Commander, O. O. Fa qos; 8. V. O , A. J. Stevenson; J. V. C, N. 8. Whetatoo-jQ M , R. J. Hdl; sur geon, L. F. Shipley; chaplain, J. C. Ball; O. D , a J. Lagae; O. O., T. W. Owens; S. M O Il.Colviu; A. M.S., J. 8. Booth by. The oorps Instill 1 tbe following: President, Eruilie Kelly: S. V. P., Chris tina Hill; J. V. P., M. Bartholomew; treasnrer, Mtry K Mm tb; soretary, Mattie S nea 1; oonduolor, Alio Ola- cock; assistant conductor, Nellie Willis; guard. Heooab Hiavrosoo; assistant guard, Agnes Rush. horses, or cattle upon the publio lands, or upon any laud owned by any person other tban tbe owner of such sheep. horses, or cattle, or bis agent, or tbe per son having tbem in oharge, without the permission ot the owner of soid land; and any person violating the provisions of tb is section shall be guilty of a mis demeanor; provided, nevertheless, that any person, who, in good faith, shall drive any sheep, horses, or oattle from any county io this state, into any other country, or from any place outside of this state into this state, for the purpose ot transporting tbe same to market or to some permanent place of destination, without intent to evade this Aot.tbe owner having previously reported snob iutended removal and its purpose to the assessor of tbe county from whioh said sheep, horses, or oattle are to be re moved, it it is in this state, and also re ported suoh intended removal and its purpose to tbe assessor of any county in this state Into wbiob or through wbioh said sheep, horses, or cattle are to bs re moved, may pasture or herd such sheep upon the land of any person, by th per mission ot such person, and not other wise, or upon the publio lands for suoh time as may be neoessarily oonsumed io stops or rests between stages, while said sheep, horses, or cattle are being so driven to thmr plaoe ot destination, said time not to exceed two weeks in auv oounty. Seotiou 2. Any persons violating the provisions ot this Act shall, npoo oufl- viotion thereof, be punched by a flue of not less tban ooe bnndred nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars; and the sheriff of tbe oounty in whioh suoh oon- viotion shall take place shall bave power to remove suoh sheep, borses, or cattle (root esid county at tbe expense of tb owner of suoh abeep, bones, or oattle, or his agent, or tbe person having them lb charge, sod said sheriff is hereby given a lien upon said sheep, horses, or oattle to recover s lid expense. Section 3. Courts of justices of the peace are hereby given concurrent juris diction of ofTenaia against the provisions of this Aot." Cancer is a blood disease, and onlv a blood remedy will enre it. S. S. S. guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real uiuuu remcuy, ana never iaiis 10 per manently cure Cancer, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism or any other disease of the blood. Send for our books on Cancer and Blood Diseases, mailed free to any address. -Swift Specific Co. Atlanta, Ga. KIND WOUDS. Front tbe Elks Who Visited Heppner Last Wednesday A Good Time the Unani mous Keport. The Elks who visited Heppner, leav ing here Tuesday night, arrived home Thursday morning. There were twenty tour ot them from this oity, six or seven from Portland aud Astoria, and quite a number from Walla Walla. The in sti tution of tbe new lodge was completed about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, after wbioh a splendid banqnet was served, and tbe visitors left for borne at 10 o'clock. A Pullman sleeper was pro vided for the oocasioo, but some ot the boys did nut sleep much, owing to tbe fact that a few ot tbem too advantage of being oat in the sagebrush, to practice on tbe doxology. They report having had a fine time, and all are enthusiastic iu their praises ot Heppuer's hospitable people. Oa tbe way up tbe Georgia Minstrels went in the oar and entertained iba brethren until their ways parted at tbe Willows. Tbe Dalles Cbroniole. Heppner bas beermn tbe possession of a baud of jolly Elks today, and tbe pos session will be undisputed tbrongbout tonight and tomorrow, ending with the departure on the evening train ot tba delegation which oame up from Portland. This delegation oame on Tuesday night's train and arrived there tbis morning. Heppner charter member Elks bad msde elaborate preparations for tbe reception of their visitors, and will make tbem remember the hospitality of a town which has earned a reputation for being a first clcss eotertainer. Wednesday's East Oregonian. ham Tobacco The Best ; SmoklngTobacco Made ' You will find one coupon In side each 2-ounce bag, and two coupons inside each 4-ounce bag. liuynbag, read the coupon and see how to get your share. Hotel HEPPNER, OREGON Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop Guests will find the best of acoom tnodations in every respect Heppner Lodge, No. 258, B. P. O. E was duly instituted on Wednesday after noon and evening, by D. Solis Cohen, district deputy grand exalted rnler. Visitors were made to feel very much at borne, and they learned tbat Heppner is a royal toast. All the visit ing Elks left on the evening train for their homes. East Oregonian; 'How to Care all Bkln Diseases." Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No internal medicine required. Cures etter, eczema, itob, all eruptions on tbe faoe, bands, nose, &e., leaving tbe skin dear, white and healthy. Its great bead ing and curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your drug gist for Hwaynea Uintment. Backlea's Araks Halve. Tba Best Halve In tba world for Cnts, Brai, Mores, Ulcers, 8alt Kbsam, Favor Horea. Trtter. Chapped Hands, Cbilblaiua, Corns, and all Hkio Er op tions, and positively enrea Piles or no pay rtqairnL It ia guarantrot! lo give perfect atifotloo or money refunded. Price 25 cots pr boi. for sala by Co oner A Brork. A Cars for Bark. "My daughter, when recovering from ao attack of fever, was a great sufl rei from pain in tba brk aod bipa," write Li-iil'len Urover, of Hariln, Ky, "Aiior nsmg qnite a unmber of remedies lih- nnt any benefit she triad oue bottle lit CbatoberUiu'a Paio Balm, aod it bas Hiveo entire relief." Cbsmbrlain Pain Bala is also a certain core for rheanjatiam. fiold bv Conaer Brock. ftty Kleetloa. Tba city flection in progress tolr Is ortstiDg Iba oaael amount of Interest lo oar midst The voting plaoe Is la tbe rear of the firtmec's ball with 'A. 8 Married Al tbe retidenoe of Mr. aod Mrs. J. O. lis yes, la Ibis city on Hslur day evening, Jan. 90, 1Hii7. by IUv. J. W. Jenkins, Mise lloea Hayee lo Mr. Jobn T. Tarley, both ot Ibie county. TU Ceremony was performed In the preeeoce ot a few friends and relatives, after wbioh all' were sealed al tbe table an l partook of a sumptuous wedJing e upper. We can aJTonl to have D. Solis Cohen,district deputy greud ex alted ralerof tbe Benevolent sad Protec tive Order of Elks tor the state ot Ore gon, returned Ibis morning from Hepp ner, where be Instituted a new lodge yesterdity. Mr. Cobsu was eooompanied by quite a number of the Portland Elk, and before ths train reached Ueppuer tba psrly was joined by delegates from The D.illes, Cascades, Pendleton, Baker City aud Walla Walla. There were also Elks in the party represonting the lode at A Horn, Cuicngo end SeJa' ie, Mi. The good people ot Heppner, k nnwn tar and wide for Ibeir wbole-eoaled hospital ity, bad made great preparations for the event, and could not d ) ton muob to pro mote the pleasure and oomforl of tbe ir visitors. It was a day lung to be re membered in Uappoer, for tbe entire basiuese oororaaaity bootme idautiflsd with tbe great aoJ growing order o Elks. Altogether there were some 60 visitors preeent Ibe special Pullman reached Heppner at an early hoar ystidy morning. Upon Ibe arrival ot tbe tiaio Ibe reoep- tion committee ot tbe tab lodge w ae oa lised lo ritand greetiogs and warm and oor dial wllo-ma lo tbe city. Toe (oreooon wee given up lo Ibe eoteiteio tneul ut l'ie (nests, aad work was com menced eooo altar laoob, whioh was par taken of at be noon boar. Tbe Q hit work la tbe eeretn a? of ta- itiatloe wee in Ilia faeode of Henry 1). Teachers' Examination. NOTICE 18 HEREBY HIVES THAT FOR the nurponeof iiinklnKan examination nl all penuiui who may oiler themaelvea as canril' linit'H HIT -IIUIBI'I HIO WflB Ul till VUHIIVJ. (mute and life diplomas, the county school suDerititendeut thuruol will hold a public examination at the court house at Heppner, oM-ntii( Wednesday, Keti. loth, 1H'J7. Dated this Will day ot Jan. 1H-I7. 51i-li JAY W. RMIPI.KY, HcniNii Bupi.. Morrow uo. SHERIFFS SALE. The Trouble is Over! We Mean the Election. But that Makes no Difference With R HOWARD 1Y VIRTt'K Of A WARRANT MWHD OUT 1 of the County Court of the Mate nl Oregon Who never lets politics interfere with business. At the seme old stand, next door to M. Licbtenthal's. Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's Furnishings, etc. T. R. HOWARD, Main Street. Heppner, Oregon. (or the County of Morrow, to me directed, com nisnillns me to levy 011 the goods and r.hatuui nl the (iuiliiuent taia'nra iikiiici on uieo HiKiuent un roll for sold county for the rea wi, iwl, lhKl, 1mi and !', thereto attached, and none lie (omul then uin the real property as set lortli anil ilcacrllied 111 the said delliniuenl m rolls, or ao mm h there"! as shall sattaly the amount 01 taxee charged thendn, UiRether with cii'ls and exiwusvs. I have duly levied, having, 1 11 ntialile to lliiilaiiyKiMMlanrchatu-linriuiia'- tiisr to the ropecttva dclimiuctita heretnalter na nu-d upon the IhIIowImk dnacrllied pln'eanr mr- eels o( land as act lorth In said toa naia. lym and lielnK In said Marrow t utility, Mala (Jrftfun, d rllKI apd swii'ed m lolluas: tut. vat ?. THE PALACE HOTEL M All, J. 0. 130 RCEIK RS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars II 1 11 111 hi 1 110 itiw it ui lai'i'l'iif r i" I I 1 - - I. Hamiiel Into and hit t fastis I 1 1 1 1 a; tln, Uru. IM. li VI 1OT I III d, l lyaaee InU . 4 and IS, hlk 2, I 111 lie Rork: Ul ll, ', na4,7V ... I 1 I III I WUt I. .is and , blk I, Castle 1 fill k; lal lW,4le, l, ,w M J 11 1 y, Jl P.M 1 audi. blka,Caalle ... t, i,. pi r . . 1 1 m ena, n d. " arro aun bu. wiewn 1 ,, . 1 - . ae Jodgee, and Jay Bblpley aod Albert )Oll try .Ul II.IVt)rh tnc tlnrae, -our. or rrtieeJ Mt; !i, Hloeotn as clerks. Tbe followinj eoml- nft,.r another (if Schllllltlf i m m t nest u;t, .ma your 1 . money uack u you tlont nees appear oa the ticket ae tbe eaedt dales tor the fariotis oftl : Mayor, (Ira Alien, Jattos Keilbley. fboe Morten, O. W. IUe and R U Wills; Connoltmeo. three to be elected, I. J Adklne, O. F- Paroseorih, M. Licbtea thai, W. L. Mal'ofy, Y- i. HUwm aoJ J. II. fiaiotis; feooi.l-r, Jae. Hart, H.J. hnMft and W. A. IUrarile..e; trrasor- er, 8. W. r.rljia. The tote aill nrob sbijr rot m as large ae anal, thongs II still be ftear lie TO mark. rWverel are eirvait Mfkiei not winaore, tol tbe Qaiette effere 00 laeee aad will ae e.oore Ibe reaull la Frvlai'e tavne. like any. Vour tea -trade for the next ten years is worth havin; Afcaini a r aa riMi r' 1 h CwBpMf tt Te'a la -vt 'i ytsn. On rwi4 f f Irw rm a, ea rtmin a nun.tti n..'.e )'.! I iswuted 4 iUt m--a input r l'i.l'fh rt lief I etr Cue ilJjr'e l'rw e 1'ai.Mi i,rcie.l lo eV strata II- grrnl s. U r ii !:. mi r. R. J-A,r.5!..r t;'-ra,W.M-t rmit. U.I '.. t'a I f e. I ro aui l 'ie I. n.rl. ' It Is a fV liit rc r (-.'..'ill tf a ! rrt4 1, r"l W. !. I aetMS 1-swuailK llWI lit KM, Sil(W riy'arr"i fa'w is tl. tf e.rW-l e-it f.r et'vk il a'iM M lwr7 in ijn-e dfj I'm. 60 eU, j h l aasfasnaM kit Tretel w oaaiber. lt t'eW-a rerifU syata rete He Iraiae lttrngbe t aa heal (res the sie, Ibie lag txt'i a'l 4 M a eare t.laet 1. 1 . tmfvl.l i. a'.-j l t.e Its ears 1 7 the rUI leJ I iaUfli IaiW akig lbe trMisjs.i al pif X I'aoeegere rarl t datlf H II fat Soall rr alinaa. II kt. 4 t trees ft W. TrHirr, lUti.Hhewm new! V n sia. Tba Intorte IU l.lng andamarilnf rr1- drtit V) lh-e dli e, Uloatantlr alUyed t-v applying t.tatiler lain e i'ya and hkln (Mhtiuent. Manr nr ld taaee have )ri rvrrtMneNilf rre. bv It. It I te )taltv efTlrVtil tr l hlrig .iiee and farirrlta rent"lv fif blfptee, rhatl banla. r MU lalna, frtsst Mtea attd ibrottlti a. .re ryra. it ta. -rr boi. Pf. r4)S feexiillMi 'w4Te, are J't what hnrm bete eties to Imk! ttil,ti'.. TiW t'ieI oitrT and VrHilfusai. 7V ai tn4 f-sr-l Itit mlt Ina arvt He list In t-t fni s b'lTM In ffltte wnxljie. iTtraj 1 rrnta pmt katf. J lant are-U, I'Sant Hi, aod It Is pertiepe aedle M ald Ibal the loiliaiaa gl Ibeir minay'i ortti of fe t rbere eareabro' J etiai. ler membere to put throngs Ibe mill, and Ibe work proeeded oitboal a btleh eelil Ibe laal pair ot antlers wag firmly sal e e e e fiompll al 7 o'elook the line uf in are b wee lalao lo Ike bai) lei tell, ne'e en elaborate epraal we lo wall ing. Ibe to rrnl eoulj bats done ere-lil lo n riiy of U eite ot for ileal. Ul ee ef.rjlt ig tbal ILe Moot episureaa palate roe. i eisti, aa4 wtao 0ed like ea!rr. la Ibe eaa uf reave and flow uf eoul Ibal Mkioad anna beeetifel ad dleeare otre dVliten J. Ibe toast pro gram (fvaat odb ae Ustrewei.lal elo by Joaef Meelier. Cira Alr.h Mf. I'atleraoa, flaw ! tlUl eldlsl rnler of ine tby wbe praiiel. ex II sabjiiB I an ad-lteae ul arloume bjr C K. llrdfield. e e e e lb ot, i,taia ml ial ul lb Ha'aea, a4 Ibie kiwiag l lire laletxee uf Ibe lwrr, eae be towl t-i rtre Utf," otf-b It.ll Mea,l, I'witlsa I's rail oa msgaate eel tiff evaneiloteft, eaS SIpMlad to IS s.a I to. Tbat aa g aevera U ,, Ihil', f I I e I ! al ne. b tie.a ai.4 leburwa ee eil'g lo "Tbe W" Ibal ae to be lb tit I i f tie Me. Mr. ("bee) mt 4 aaf I eaeli wf Ibe r)Be lire l-lga ee l Its I. IMlabie Uealrosfit reolie-l el IM beanie ff lea llf 1 '" Tt.rls)'s let graca. wnrthluctnn, M V lota I and 1 hlk It, Castle ha-k: tol l.a tv. lH ll IB ... I'srfl.h. evll J I. .Is l. IS and Ir. blk II, Mt. Vertinn ad lllliitl to Heppner: Ut twrt air. M Tl Northern I'ar ihr Hlslnry Co, lota I, taurl a. Ml leet nil east pert M 1. blk t. lot I, llk II. Ml. Vernun eildlllon lo llrpp- her: Us 11 c, mi II 41 Bremer. Wm;NW inl are a. In in.tV, las ll lli. IM14 isi ... t.trp. w it hc at, tp la, r ; us l"lVAIM IW , Clark, W H K W l and WU Nl",. ear la. In I a. r'JT: laa lmll.Mi. al. s si . Ilraiitel. Tl N n see , Ip J n, r 24; Us l"0 Hi, l- It an B'sm.l. Mu A T ) Kl!a nl are IS, Ip I a. r tl; Ul IMi II , !( H.1.1 rhaplsln, Itanlel aK' .( NfV and NU ul el", and Snl eWVaud la's I. I and I. aee l. I, I t, I P, irM that portion ennveyral lo the . HAN. romny lor rljMol aay. elan KM a o( kl l aee i, tp h B, f 17, Ul I'U, f. Ml, IU Welth. H ItaWi nl nH end X't aW4 r,l s-e 14, Ip 4 a, r J; Ul lettill Ja, l tl l Ixalhrrmaa. I Nit Id R.UW nf ekS n( ki. nl M Hand nl AK'a. aw 74, Ip 4 a. Mtwl a .4 I ' , l ee I. oi j x n and nit4 id 4 a. r n. ui i ... ..lr. H HU M, ip 4 a. ,t4. I 4J IU II 7 n It. Main Street, HCPPNCR, OREGON. You Should all Sec Con)e in at Once. GILLIAM & BISBEE. "' The Lancashire Insurance Co. .e I IO I Ce IWf ANOIIKHTICHi ICNUIMNII k W PATTEUSnX. AGKXT. ? . writ ip , ir,i kel ll to lM ll SB laMi I'. f'eolaeil, .. Ihe IIHte nl. W '4 nl el a .d 4 a . ee n. Ip Is f n Ui i .'.. im ii i li a, im ur. kr. i,H. r a anl J . and H rri Js-r , tpl a, t ,M al US ! MrrihHr. Mre tl J al It. Ip I a, t A. Us l4 14 an,, aaa M Hr,nlaen-I Me 1 end I nrsi tf Is IN. las l-4 ki. rii.ai'( ul aw asiais.t Jl. US 11 ....... aixttoA xawl sH , tf ta. r US 1m4 Wlillafaim. atl nf aer 14, tp I a, . ua l I1 s ni 1 1 ia ata'ley. I'laerd H nl , Ip a, I : Ul lt H "T .ari II. fclaarr 4 ep b aw it, Ip I a. r Us ! 4 aa l4 It Mrs .i-l l a 4 ad a nl m m a Ip a IP ua a4 lUaler t m ft nl see 14. Ip I B. f ft. ui l4 , la.l i.H.lM t MUHlli I a. I Pi lelMll x.4 w II la f. asv, lH ai al Ii n ii. ip ia, r . It! W l-i. ... tw e , a. M. ip , r is. Wis l , SN l ,. f U.fHw.i B) tof a P eei e I M. u ism s ibm i it ,. .., Ummtiw 4 ak'a a I 4 4 s, p i s in m na r , is I a. 41. Ua leal ,. . f ar ali- e, rati tm "t ' i f ai'.te. Aft. 115 tb ' rU rotu (U4 d tel feeuanae. i la.l, U'efe V. Alw) t?ij tt. ft a ie " H ; i a a m m a B m m4 m Ip fie ih a a" M. l M ex tJ.lp I a. I Ul I "4 H.rria t 44 r l4 e'4 aw K, Ip B I I US " k'- S.irtl j , l a ga, Ip I a. r t, i. ! I A. im. i it 4ite M.uri f mm It. Ip I . l Us I p.. . .a Mt,., Ul .l ll l.nlll I 1., Ub, Iwhm Maf ! u. II 4 M 4 e. 4- I K .l I lr. . wl M". In f a a aa i i4 s 1st -. H It . p ar M I-. f lf . II III 1 1 IS II 10 41 1 n I I m I s ta T B t la M 4 ll t ler is I t at t a e 14 E : WITH BBS : BM Youro I JOUK i) lo TitknMOin. Jl'.,el..l L.I.. I i J . I S - - - - - ' -, ... i s,f . i a a tp I, a nf f If P.O. K, oba ti4ed) llappivar leal j a uiia ihi ! I . . -. .,., irii4,4h't W lal; 1 1 lka j v1 la ll.a s'lti Ii I i. t (k. n ai4 .r t tv a f a ! Nil t4 I. Is la thai I. ae, IK4IM ) trtve Ibeiedet eauraiag.b gU.y etl'.el b lt.i 11141 laf p-lgea'fl vet I e 1 " i Leaves No Constipation, vl Ceree It. ae well ae alt tulmaanea. ptir k lfalel,a aed Malaria. Tbe nr.lv r'HniariBis itll In Ibe wnrid. rtoll by ail ,utt"'m "f ei If ex all an refill 1 lie, X. rnU br Uil. HUM let Ml IHCal. Ol , Hao r raeeiaeio, Cel. rCIOW MANAOUMIOaVlM CITY HOTEL, a. I re nch Cook, art! While Labor only, tmptoyrd. Good Rooms and Excellent Service V,rf n rn yrl I ireU t'laM Meal al ,iir ( I'.abeav e e e t HI im isi.f 1 - ite.il 4 -! as e-e esav 4 f fc j es. 4..e be aVia-avakaM 4 I I It I. Tlt. Tho GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASrii