Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 02, 1897, Image 2

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4 'V
KT 9''l ; ilW lWS WQf
Dnstin. He haa not really warmed
bis chair since arriving at the cap
ital, but occasionally may be seen
dodging around the corridors like
Bancho'a ghost If Morrow coun
ty was compelled to change from
Representative Brown to a man
like Dastin, in the matter of a rep
resentative, God pity us. No
greater misfortune could be visited
upon us. Our representative is
doing his duty; Dustin is not, and,
further, will not. - The Gazette
shall oppose any combination that
joins fliorrow witu a populist
county in the matter of represen
tation in the legislature.
While the enemies of Senator
Mitchell are load in their claims
that he is beaten, it is almost ab
solutely certain that he will be
chosen to succeed himself at the
joint convention on Wednesday of
this week. It is well known that
if he is thus chosen he will be
seated by the U. S. Benate. Sen
ator Mitchell is the choice of a
majority of the Oregon legislature,
and if he was a candidate before
the people would win by an over
whelming majority. The will of
the people cannot and will not be
The fight against Seuator Mitch
ell has been one of the most bitter
ever experienced in the west, and
for absolute dishonesty caps the
climax of all, the Robertson out
rage in the Indiana legislature
some years ago appearing as a
little spot upon the political hori
boq as compared with it. It this
country of free institutions it is
supposed that majorities rule, but
Oregon has set aside this principle
of liberty through a pack of polit
ical renegades, aye knaves. In all
respects this outrage has no par
allel. But the Gazette', readers
will be glad to hear that dospite
all, Mr. Mitchell's friends are sure
of the re-election of tha senator.
McKinley is now rapidly mak
ing selections for his cabinet. Up
to date he has selected John Sher
man, of Ohio, for secretary of state;
Lyman J. Gage, of Illinois, secre
tary of the Treasury; Russell A,
Alger, of Michigan, secretary of
war; James Wilson, of Iowa, sec
retary of agriculture. Charles G
Dawes, of Chicago, has also receiv
ed the appointment of controller of
the currency to succeed Eckels.
Tbe Evening Telegram kindly
suggests that the legislature should
either sing this week or get off the
perch. The probabilities are that
there will be Borne humming be
fore the week is over, even though
melody should be entirely lacking.
Take Paine s Celery Com
pound if You Need a
True Remedy.
Do Not Allow a Salesman
Palm off Any Substitute.
Health is too Precious to Listen to
the Preaching of Quacks.
Paine's Celery Compound Makes the Sick
Well Again.
ol Oregon, for the County of Morrow.
William Peuland, Plaintiff,
William Doonan ai d Mary
J. Doonan. Defendants.
To William Doonan, one of defendant! herein:
In the name of the htate of Oregon: You are
hereby required to appear and answer or other
wise plead to the complaint flUd against you in
the above entitled suit on or before the next
regular term of of the above entitled court, to
wit: Th First Day of March, 1897,
and if you fall to to answer or otherwise plead,
for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judg
ment against you for the sura of five hundred
and ninety-one and 13-100 dollars, together with
rluterest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per
annum irom me vaa aay or uctoner, ltwo until
paid, and for the sum of fifty dollars atiorneyt
fee s and for his costs and disbursements in this
suit; and the court shall decree that the mortg
age executed by the said William Doonan and
Mary J. Doonan to plaintiff hererein, dated the
12th day'of April, WJ1, upon the following des
cribed real estate, to-wit: The east half of the
northeast quarter of section 28 and the south
east quarter of section 28 and the south half of
the southeast quarter and the south half
of the Bouthwest quarter of section twenty
seven, all in township one south of range '27 east
of the Willamette meridian, be foreclosed,
and the said real property sold and the proceeds
of such sale to be applied to the payment to
plaintiff of the above named sums of money;
that all of the defendants, and all persons claim
ing through or under them, or any of them,
shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all
right, title, estate, Interest and hen at law and
in equity, and all equity of redemption, in and
to, and upon every part of said real property.
This Summons is published pursuant to an
order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the
above entitled court, made atchambera, Pendle
ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, on the lath day
of January, 1897. ELLIS & LYONS,
ow-ai. Attorneys for Plaintiff.
A NUSfUEB of senatorial elections
occurred throughout the country
ast week. John C. Spooner was
elected in Wisconsin, John P.
Jones in Nevada, W. A. Harris in
Kansas, Joseph II. Earle in South
Carolina, Geo. Turner in Washing-
on And Heitfield in Iduho.
The National Editorial Associa'
tion meets at Gulvottton, Texas, on
February 17th, 1HD7.
Hoke Smith says Nryau'a At
Junta effort as a locturor was tha
nioHt comploto failure ho ever saw.
And lloko oiifjlit to know a coin-
jilolo failure when ho boch it, adds
A pardonio friend.
We need a Hon Hullor for gov
ernor of Oregon. A littlo stern
patriotism and loss catering to
law-breakera by the officials, would
be a idcsainp; to thia country.
Daker City Republican.
AccottbiNd to an exchange Mo-
Kinley will bo the third Method!
preaident of the United Btatea. O
the othera eight have Imon Kpia
copaleana, ait l'roabyteriana, two
I'nitcriaiia, one Chriatiau and one
Am predicted in the lftt hutue oi
the ()a.ctl lleitlii'ldj tliApopuliM
liuiniiioo for acnntor, ham electci
up in I khu 1uImi' difeat wit a
a crctt diKfippoiittiui'tit ti bin
in my fri.iiU but from a ((otitic!
Utidpiiit it una rorUiuly a cnvl
lUU.t ncL
Jt iHir (SiioiiOE TtiiMtt, of tW
ku, Haa tdiK-lod iMiator,ly a com
bioalion of fuaioiiiata, up in 'ah
iugtou laat Friday, tfpoktno Dow
baa the two eoiiaU.re and one of the
reprearntativpa. Why not invite
"Dude" LU to move over to
Hpokaue au 1 make it ooaqiaioua.
Hi a vote of wore than two to
one tbe Nevada Ipgialatare baa
paaMvt h bill fa rot log price
fihtiOi;. 1 he governor baa aigoi
the lill and it ia bow a law. Tbe
Ctrl-tt-Fitimrnin fight it eooq
Li cum off, and airily lUito an.
t'ar..ii ara actira apiraiita for the
ilum. .S'tnala ia a atata of u
grtt tr-.urN au I rno pirtaly
liiut (utile f..rrita capital rk'.id.
f h 'ii..r.
Tn E H -inrra I ill .i r aptlitn
tho Ut" aa l.i a.i,t-ra and rrpii.
l.Utit.'a about Jh,., It (a
Uuf tir In iiunjr rMc(4 For rf
ampin, M4uow au l (haul Man
! are Kiteo i.t. j iirit rprwn
latim. Firusft tia, i! u ta.it
tLU miubimli..o t i in, Jd lgin
turn that Grant aol llamry
Wtmv ttxthkg atlLetaudatf
There ia not a oitiznn in tbia atate o(
tbe narroweat oapaoity who cannot aee
that malice prompte the treaoheroni
dexterity of tbe editor of the Oregonlao
in making war npon all repablicaoa
whom be cannot rale through bn olam-
oroaa faotion. Bat the execution of bit
groei deaigot will fail, ai aaoh iatrigaee
and oppoaitlon to tbe will of the people
most always fail, to aooomplitib the viru
lent object of tbe vile heart of tbe editor
of tbe Oregoniao whose temerity bna
brought till rotten sheet to the very
verge of public oontempt for ita publicly
Oonfeaeed diehoneatv and deHitrtion of
Mr. F.llia during the lute coiiKrenMl'inttl
campaign which again brought the di-t
potiMiu of the Oregouinu to naught by
tha timely discovery of the people of the
true diameter of its eilitur.
The varnished color of hia goM nimi.c
nii tiillisoi, failing to convince the people,
ahow how foul waa hi oii(ii:i,m to
Mr. J'IIim for no one knew better than
did IIih editor ol tha Orcgotilnu llnit the
feat of Mr. Klli iuihIh certuiu tho elec
tion of Mr. Quinn,a pronounced aiUer
man, lfl to 1. It ia time for thia brute -
tMt, who deaervea not the name of
man , to find an end of lying, fraud and
deceit if be would poae aa the leader of
the republican party duriog the next
Campaign, wbiob be oow threaten! to do.
Tbia living dead maa of tbe Oregooian
aaem to antioipata with tnaliuoaal
pleaaure Ibe approaotilog ttat campaign
in wbloh be aarU tbe right to deter
mine tbe qualification of all ramlidalee
from eorooer to goverwor. Thia bit of
arroganc. la the refinement of tha loao
laoee of the editor of tbe Oregooian and
daaervee Ibal antwar from the people of
thia etale which bia true character will
Invoke. The editor of the Oregooian ie
a lmoniahed that if be deeirea to pert
oat the friendship and Ilia natural mel
odj of hi amiabla thieve whom ba will
tamp with hi authentication ! a
amtahlecandiilatea (.if the vatlouacmcea
In this at he will d.i well to have lhir
'h.'l"i;ti'li tskrll lief.ira the ttny of
rli'Clhio forth day f.ill.mlng they will
mcl reaon.hl hull final lot fel llir.inb
a t-iii tlifi-slilng uactntie.
One )tii(iiin la n llli'.l. at lf it, f.
The Wonderful Prescription That Results From
the Life Work of America's Greatest Phy
sician, Investigator and Practitioner.
There ia one direction, aa Dr. Gaorga
F. Hhrady, Amerioa's first Burgeon, dis
tinctly says, in whiob people seem to
need enlightenment at present more
thi.n they have for many years past.
"This is tbe rational appreciation of
tbe dnager of quackery and fke cares."
Dr. Shrady'a Article in tbe New York
World of Dec. 27 should ba read by
every man and woman who ia ever in
clined to listen to tbenoosenioal,buttoo
often plausible, rambling of traders ia
patent medicines.
When Prof. Edward E. Phelps. M. D.,
L. L. D., of Dartmouth college, after a
long life of study in the most recent
scientific investigation of diaea.ee, evolve
tbe marvelous formula of Paine's oelery
compound when after the closest poasi-
ble observance by tbe best praotitiooers
it is found that this greatest remedy of
oar generation not only does all, but even
accomplishes more than tbe modeatdoo-
tor the giant among meo that be baa
proved to be more than be waa willing:
at Bret to claim when thousands of suf
ferers in every walk of life, suffitrera
from the ailments that ooma from over
work, duruoged digestive orgnna, iut
puire.l nervous systems, too poor or too
rich living, inatteutiou to hygienic laws,
bave been absolutely reatorej to health
by Paine's celery compound, after vainly
trying every other possible remedy, and
brtiug dosed by well meaning but in
competent so-called physioiana.
When this is token into coosidoration,
and at tbe same time we find hosts of
people etill willing to be led astray by
the hundred and one nostrums which ir
responsible traders try to foiel npon
them on the pretext that these prepara
tions are "as good as Paine's celery
oompound" (but really because they
make a big profit on suoh preparations),
it is time for every one who detests
fraud, to warn his neighbors, and take
tbe warning to himself, that when be
goes to get a bottle of Paiue's oelery
compound be must not be wheedled into
taking some other remedy.
Paine's oelery compound makes ps ple
well. These other thing work harm.
Paine's oelery oompound is not a pat
ent medicine. Its formula is given freely
to everv physician.
These trashy stuffs tbat yoo are asked
to buy are made up of ingredients tbat
should never be takeo into a aiok stomach.
Toose ordioary nervines, tonics And
sarsaparillas are no more to be oompareJ
wnn tains a oelery compound than
glimmering candle is to be comrared
wun tne wonderful modem search light
If a persoa needs a trae oerve tool a. i
real blood porifler, a reliable dinretio,
mi wui restore streo ft h, renew vitality,
regulate the kidueya, liver and bowela,
ana mate one well, let that parson try
bis or ber first bottle of Paine's oelery
nompouna ana mug the wonderful re
hold-up in tbe houwe In order to defeat
Mitohell. Where aucb men can got
their inllueooe no one on earth can tell.
If Kimoiiiem ia not forever buried in tbia
etiitit, the republican party had Juat as
well bang np the fiddle and the bow. It
aannot hope to rontione in power with
such unprincipled men as ita wonld-bei
leader. Long Creek Kagla.
Ohio still bold lb offloial reeord.
Three of Ler senators resigned to acoepl
cabinet poattiona, Oorwio, Cliaa and
Hhermao, Garfield was the only maa
who was one and tha tama time con
gressman, senator-elect and president
elect. Portland Tribune.
I'IImI flleat lirklag Pile.
Hymptoma: Moisture; lntnae lloblng
and aiingiog; met at night; wore, by
scralrhieg' If allowed to eoiilina ton
or form which often bleed and ulcerate
tM-ooruiog very aore. Hwayne's Oint
ment e1H. tha llihing and bleeding,
beala olcerattoa, and m most ease, re
niovea tbe tumnra. Atdinggiata, or by
mail, for Morula. IH. h.ajn A How,
I hila..-l( l.ia.
I'aiaial AmaVala
WlnU atieropling to ri 1 a bucking
bora out at llardraaa laat Huodav. tha
the vtitorof lb t)re..i.in in a lfai.c- ,. j ayHI f o0 ti lt Charley For
tha etale campaign which be .rrms "e breaking hi left leg abava Ida
aml..ii I . tnaotf.ir.t with ti. char.c- j ku rMfB ,,ut14 al onem
It Ihi eiif f r a d.tr aaj abea atnat
letMiS rain. Thia lutiMwIer it rrpubtl
raiiim I thoroughly rltx l by hi
own rMifeealiios of deeettion, and be ewn
BO ! pM'pasal tit d ! lam ander
tbe laah of lha Oreg oniaa wbirb haa out
lived (to aaefalne. and ha aa ternw ia
Ms threat, for thar I an txwea of
greater aeoM I baa lha b xiila oppol
lion of tha ethhit of lha Oregonlsa h.e
J-alou prejaJirea raaka him the aa-ral
aaj taUoaal lapeeaoaaUoa ol that
fallea spirit whu h sheM la. aevatwlgtily
f Iba mjlMi of blaek ieapaiv rather
tha rva lha rlgttteoM maadalea of
Weavaw, WhiaiuObaty tlalrhet
five linh' from tows) hi bora, fall wills
him, rendering him eeeeaaetnne. In
this rnnditiua he wa fjond sooi tinie
afterward, waea h waa also bad If
rbllled. U waa broaghl U "a In.
of Oreeon for the ountv of Morrow.
i. A. Woolery, Plaintiff,
Samuel E. Walker, Defendant.
To Samuel E. Walker. Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oreirnn: Ynn arc
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed aeainst you in the above entitled
cause on or before the first day of tne next
regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit
March the flrBt, 1897;
and If you fall to answer for want thereof, the
plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the
sum, One Hundred Sixty and Bo-100 Dollars
with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent
per annum from the 11th day of Oct. For
the sum of One Hundred Twenty-five and 20-100
miliars, wun interest mereon at tne rate ol
eight per cent per annum from the 11th day of
wm. io;m: lormesuinot iwenty-nve dollars at'
torney's fee and for his costs and disbursements.
1 his Summons li served bv publication nur-
suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of
me aDove enuueu court, maoe on tne 2ith day
505-17. Attorney for i-lalntilf.
20,000 POUNDS OF
u m m ma
Consisting of
Tables, Obairs, Rookere, Bedroom Suites, Bedsteads, Book
Oases, Lounges, Sofas, Spriiioj Mattresses, Wool Mattresses,
Parlor Suits, Center Tables, etc, etc Brussels Carpets, Wool
Carpets, Mattings, Sideboards, Mirrors, Hat Backs, Hanging
Lamps, Portieres, Pillows, Blaukets, Stoves, etc., etc
All the above Goods are Placed on Sale at
Half Value or Less.
Will be Sold Regardless of Cost.
Fix np your homes at once with Stylish Furniture,
while this opportunity is offered.
Our Sale on General Merchandise
Still Continues.
a ot Oregon lor Morrow Countv.
J. W. Whalley and Wm. T.
Mulr, partners doing busi
ness as Whalley & Muir,
James W. Swezea, Defendant.
10 James VV. Bwezea. DHfnndiint
III the name nf thA ritntA nt llrpirnn- Vn .ra
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against you in the above entitled
cause on or before the first day of the next
regular term oi said court, lo-wlt:
The first day of March, 1897;
and If you fail so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiffs will take lodgment against you
for the sum of One Hundred and Twenty-five
Dollars, with Interest th renn at the rate of
eight per cent per annum from the Hth dayof
April, 1M and lor theirooats and disbursements
In this action.
This summons Is served by publication pur
suant to an order nf Stephen A. 1-owell. Judge
of the above entitled court made ou the llith
day of July. 1H.
505-17 Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Farmers at a distance should call soon,
thereby getting a better seleotion.
What s the Matter With Hanna ?
A Joyful Oceanian to the People of
I'ortloa nf Para.
In the liti(r ooiiMtal ihiwrt of Peru,
t hich ia aonie 2,(H) milca In length.
but only I'-O mllm liroiul at ita wiilowt
pnrt, th" rivrra, MaJ. A. F. Sears r-aya,
diMipiM-wr in the lry srsNin and b pin
to flow afniln In February or March
w hen ruin falls in the CordilleraH. One
of the moat lmiortant.of thrwc rivers ia
the riura, the rrturn of hone water is
welcomed with prrat rejolrlnpa by the
Inhabitants of ita bank a. Atmut the
time whem "the rumlnfr of th river"
ia rxprrtal, awys the Vouth'a Compan
ion, eager imiuirlea aa to th? proffrma
of the water are put to all persona ybo
rlinnr to ronwt from the brail of tbe
valley, em! when the wwter approach
the low n of I'lura proreaavion po out to
inert It, anil eamrt Ita firnt trkklins;
ttmin hmn the dry river-bed wlib
iniihie ami flrrworka. At the ouukirta
of the city thiHiaandaof eple grrri It
arrhal. The tallry of the I'lura l aaid
ly Ma). Hi'M to proiluce evrellent eot
ton, altttuuitb lu Mmll.llilirs In thia
rvprri are not well detcloprd for lack
of avktrniaU irripwtUwi. Once In a
perhal of front fle U arven year rain
fella upon the nautal plain, w hrreiimn,
wilb liinffir iiUknra, (frawi and flow,
in eover it, and rattle brnwae In It
turra, but In a frw week everything
wlihrns and drwilation reigns one
iiMirv un the twrrrn aatMla.
of Hregiin fur Morrow County.
P. C. Thompson, 1'lalntlir,
J. B. Hixrry, Defendant
To J. B. SHjrry, Dafetnlant:
III tha naiii of the Htate of Oregon: You are
hereby rvfiuired to appar and answer the com
plaint tllud against ynu to tint above entitled
action on or beloie the next regular term of
the above entitled court, to-wit:
March 1st, 1897,
and If you fall to answer for want thereof, the
plaintiff will take judgment aimlnst you for the
sum of forty-four and iVloo dollars and Interest
thereon at the rule of tun cr cent Hr anuuin
from May II, iwM; for tha sum of eighty-one
an.l 1H Ino dollars and Interest thereon from
January 2. for the sum of Ihlrlv-nlne ami
SI HKidol lara and Interest thereon at the rate of
eigni er cent per aiiiioin from (letnlwr 1st,
lM't. for the sum nf tlftv dollars iilnrni-ri du
and for the coats and disbursements of this
This summons la served npon ynn h publica
tion pursuant to an urdernf the lino, htephen
A. Lowell, luoirn of Ilia alMiva siilltlit i nurl
made and entered III said action on Ilia i.ith d,.
ui niliiarjr, i;ri.
Aturneysfor l-UlntlfT.
Haw a
f wmttf Umtm Ma4 Ike llatvl
IMtrtal Pay I p.
rnuiitr) curat at a n rlam I ah d'i
hiHrl, haiig drvad f p kH ket.
wrirt Ut ttte rh-rk art'! Iwunlrd h lit a
IM n.'tn to I put In the aife, ay i
t'otitie ftitw. Aakinir Iff It net i!at
llerpner taa, aed waa aooa watovaj h M ibunlerutHk wiwa U.e fune
la aoaetoanM a ad U ww rapi.llt - t onary la wbrnn he bawl jrivrn the
eoterlnf fnxa Iba aelt. IV. Haa rt'nry nlly denied aoy renlleeil.w
loB was saaaaxanej t llardmaa whara' Uie matter. Whereupon Uie e.un-
he f.mad Mr. FarUwa la rata a baJ I "J a lawyer
roadiitnft, M Iba lrjor4 Baaibar waa
vrf tatif swotew. Ilawtver aa dit
rihi p.-ii.U fr tba aatteet aaj
alii vieil bin at aia tucnnreaw,
(Hi thins atial lb Oreg ntilaa w are
aoitipell4 la lralr, a. that I it aa
SioUeey. Two ) ao aMliaa
t.w b4 f. it aav eh-'wl tha Ulle
fra lb fepublK) e.'4 w Vl pre
lnl !UthH ! Id,k; aol tut
II I iit.ly twll i f e'tiiOi.Uli . I f
!! rutfs tf lb Ii.iwmi ab i im
veal tag aw itg-sun i l lb . ai I
lint f reetilln III le i i f Mi!r .1,,
V, i. i ui .
tun iia4.. iwit a lu....) Muts money for? To
fr w tbat uVi lli.i l,i ' pet vrtnnl tliitiktv
n I :l Ika elli!1 Ui'.-., !! ia . ... , ' . .
lt..UI.. - J.!.-. .f l.wea. j U.U S UOH)-KKk
9 SO M
t ( -r a-4ttiatwt
Ik i ,h to mnm tt4t aanwrMMM.
JlU H moo, Ik wti!ta -lf
II. ,'' !eaa Ot cf In i.
a wa M aataU atM pet. 1 4
the ! , p-4 a .if lb a.
baa rf a I'. H. -, ew Utw IW
I Mil l
I- , Uh A (a.
"t.rt another C 20 Dolr, aaid Ihe law
ter, "arwt a. aevmpMiel t) a fr ".(.
l-ak lu the hotel. Alir'e the
Irtk t ) r tti'vke. Kty It was
a ik-fert of tusWrnir). AOr txite It !
l arhl tmtvWMnnt. I I the r
mI (M la Ue ewtiee of )cr
frtend act r'fne !. k M tiw "
Ibe Ititaklte.! ror! l lervrd If
orm(fcrwi to the Very lelitf.
.,- sua4 the Uwjee, -f ImH,
l e t tle rlef k at-4 ai dw t"f jur
t . Know tng tttol )iMtr tr en t
mi hi in reiw it be w ,ll sre fn Ism I
h arw. we. 1 lew take ynir 'Mind
Hith ! wt ai , fpreh the rl--vk.
k h ra ld 1 fie that til at and
t three w aa ni w 1 1 1--t.t y-ir r- t
,f I He aeK note h i be fiucml
. n m that al.
M fuae l- mwJete!y titr.tm:
W. Wit h Its the frati fUwt in) of the
Mrj snail.
oi r'gon for Morrow Conatr.
P.C, Thnmpaou, I'lalntlff,
J. B. fnriy, K C. Brerr. Perry
Buy. ler and lha orrvon Kail-
and Mavtaallou Com-
panT, nefandanla
J. R. Knerry and . C. anerrv. ilefrndanta:
n th llama ot lha Hlato nf llnumi' Vnola
herrbf reiiilreil biappmr and answer th ennt
plaiut Dlv) avalnsl you In the alaiva rntltleil
rausron or lirfora lha flrai day of th nril
regular teriaoi thealwv entlllnl court, to-w It
March 1t. 1897.
and If on tall tnanawrr tor want thereof, lh
plaintiff will Use judgment against ynn lor th
sum nf Ihiwe hundred twvtily ttf and lain
dollar ami Inletrai theiwon at th rate fit lea
per eent per annum Imin January t. IWK. and
Ihea mol flltf dollars atUtrneia Imw. mama
eertaln promtswiry nnl and Ui forerlna th
othirig, except that he has just discovered tbat at tbe
Odd Combination Store of
P. C. Thompson Co.
Is the best plooe to buy Halt, Sugar, Soap, SardiDes, Socks, Snspenders,'
Sewing Maobines, Shotguns, or Saws. Complete Hoes of Groceries or
Hardware. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
He has aiiylhlng In this line that yon may desire and you pan depend on it you get a good
article when Mat guarantees it ...
Old Stand, Main Straat. Repairing a Specialty.
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
AH these can be procured at ThompHon A Binna, Lower Mnin Street,
Ueppner, Oregon.
These cntlemn are well aequalnled with Orant Harney, front. Ollllam and olhsr conn tic
and can aav money and tlm la making these section with traveling men.
Price la keeping with th times.
tnoria (Iran by t.tu lo mm-or th payment of
said imt upon II. Ml. real nrofwrty all-
,, niirniw loiiniy. suu nl urearnn, to
ll in. noria naif ol th. nnnhft auarinr
awl IN norm half of lb. north ant quarter ol
m tlmi tnty nlnv In toiaiialilp three south l
ra'(eiainy III w . M , anil lor til CO 1 a lid
d I'hiirapniriiui of Oils suit.
1 bis snmmoiis Is teiimt upon yon by public
Hon by or.lr id Hon. Mphn A Uieell. Juilg
ot lb abot nlllM raoirt, tns.t and rnlarrd
In aald suit on lb Hth day of Jsnnsry. I.e.
IUI A ktliKlltt.li.
VW X. Attorneys lor rbvnUfi.
ily Ita
H TH K rllHt IT rnt iiT nf Tilt STATE
1 ol litrtmi l.rf th I Mintjr ol Nnrrua.
I. I-. hl Ik.u, M.liilill.
amil f. W. trf thrndant.
t namiwl a. k.f irlvi.tal
la in Mm of lb tai ol irtn: Yow ae
hetrht r Milrr. toai pmr and aiMr or olir
ta t-inl U ih eiilnt Sunt sfalmi y.t In
lhiniitid m IIimi o at bm ir S nri
d nl I he ! reulr Iflia ol th abase UU
Uteu(irt, lo all.
The rieat Day ef Marsh, 1697,
an4 If yoa tail la ansa o olhrl ld,
1.4 nt lnn, h tl)tl aT .III tab ).!(
aaxtl alnl yo !., lb mm ol forty itolUt
l.rihr alia Inlml ibrrona IraM In Mk
nt April, f. ai th rat. at lea per rv.it pmt
omll rai l ! th Ixlthrr mum mi
an hHk4t ami tklrlf dollan) a ltd Inur
ol IblM ! thHIi'l S r nil Mt tsnaia
IZTuXLjVZVZi tta fact that tha Aroarican pwof,e .r now aoibua to give
mm tmlm and llbraaul la Ibis
1 hi. mft'i tm m-t. t-y tmliik-aiina s.
KMI-WMlrl ml m. A. loll, Jo.tga
ml th ... uiln ti.lt, bm-I mm t. Ilth
4 d M .if . !:,
rt t.1 4 Wrtim,
All. ; M I 4KI,
Farmers and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers.
Sons and Dauotiters,
nil tne Family.
With lha cloMi of tha rrrat.lrbtial campaign THE TRIBUNE
I t ti t tm i tt i nt t r tmi .rata
" ' M I- N I " Ol ttfM.,
a w. -?, i Ki iim,
ml t , .i M,.l,.
t amiw4 a, lt.4t.
la h m ' m " i .A 0,41 Y tM an
h.i'f ru.,it. l.f.ta m4 mnmf tr m
..! mmmt't I , th ., nlll,.
' mn a Wt tha Sat Ami n4 tSia 01
rS'.l lnl of tac aaiv tlia, OJM,tl, 4SI
IVatnitSsynt Um-m. I:
M M il to a M t IHaant
" a'""" ..I, -l w.invl iaa
aaj "4 t l-iM!H.it atlh
i 'k, ,i. . 1 i., a
1 . 1 1
a.- -f I I " '.'1,1 J'l.L, J " f ta. aJ
ihaiats,Ks fM taaX tS f 1 ...-,. a a. 4 fc,ljl.
faryw- rTTT trm1 " H " ' tv aa
' flll i-lt ti A , laa. . J a . 1
M M 1 I A!e.i II 1 1,
their .tiro to horaa and buirjraa lolerfata. To meet thia condition.
prIttioat will have far leaa apart ana prominence, ut.til another Slata or
National occasion demand a rnwal of tha fight for tha principle for
which TIIUTIUHUNE haa labored from lUsDeptim to tha prraanl
day, anil woo ita grcatoat irtnrii .
Kof f tNMMitl affort will ln put forth, and rnonr-y frrrly apmit
lo ts.ka THE WEEKLY IKIftUNK pra.i.rainntJy a
National Family Newspaper,
lnti eating, .oitrttrtiT-, cnlrrtaioicg and inli.prnaali?) to each nirtiiUt
We lurnlsh "Tne Gazette" and "N. y. WccKlu
Tribune" one Year lor $3.00.
A M at a ' l O' l-is ai
WM' af a"v 4 a4 tr. (.a. I H a H la f. W hkat 11t a raa a.
lltliy .-d .-,....1r r4lb. lak Wt y tittnh l',l t r. tm fmt
1 T"