t The... Heppner Gazette OFFICIAL PULP. Eli NEVER ROBBED A HENR0C8T The... fi5 TH widows Heppner Gazette AND 0RPHAHS It has some of Us own. Advertise in it and do business. FOURTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1897. J WEEKLY WO. 7P5J I SEMI-WEEKLY NO 5131 w - r -a, i . e i 1 Ebsbsbbmbs SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY HE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, A., W. PATTERSON. Editor Business Manager Ar $3.50 per year. r-1.2!i for kit months, 75 eta. 'or three momns, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. 'PHI8 FAPKR is kept on tile at E. C. JJake's t- Advertising Agency, 64 and AS Merchants Gxchangs, San Fraucisoo, California, where oou raots for advertising oan be made for it. 0. R. & N. local card. Train leaves Heppner 10:05 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Arrives 4:55 a. m. daily, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc tion 2:19a. m.; east bound 12:51 a. in. Freight trains leave Heppner Junction going east at 10:43 a. m. and 8:45 p. m.; going west, 5:30 p, m. and 6.45 a. m. OFFICIAL DIBECTORTT. United States Officials. Prntirlent Qrover Cleveland V ion-President Ad'ai Stevenson Secretary of State Kichard 8. Olney Secretary of Treasury... John G. Carlisle Beortry of Interior E. K. Francis rlwretary of War Daniel 8. Lamont (Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert Posttnantar-Genr-ral Willinm L. Wnson Attnrney-Oeneral Jmixon Harmon Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Pocretaryot State H. K. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. IHetsohan Bopt. Publio Instruction (1. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman Benator. I 9 YE tt?2SSff JO. W.Mor JJ. H. MiU J Hirgor Hern Congressmen ..... Printer Supreme Judges. I Dinger Hermann ( W. K. . W. I W. It. Ellis W. H. Leeds ( It. 8. 1 .If. a. ( C. K. It. 8. Bean. Moore. . Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Oircnit Jndge Stephen A. Lowell I'rotnonting Attornoy II. ... , Morrow County Official. Joint Senator A, W. Gowan Hnnresent&tive. J. Brown I'i'nnijr Jndge A. G. Hnrtliolomew ' Commliwinners ). it. llowanl J. W. buokett. " Clerk J. W. Morrow " Sheriff K. L. Matlock " Treasnrer Frank Gilliam " Aseemnr J. f. Willi " Surveyor J. W. Hornor School Bup't Jay W. Shipley ' Coroner U. F. Vt-Dglian . BEPPMB TOWH OFFICER.. .layor .Tone. Morgan P I'ltir.ilman 8. 8. Horner. K. J. Hlonnrn, Frank Kognrs, Geo. Connor, Frank Uilliam, Arthur Minor. Hui-f.nt..r r. J. Ilallnok rriuftitror K. L. FrawUnd Sl.u-stuU .A. A. Kuban " Prreinet Offlserr. Jn.tlc of I ha Ptuw W. K. Kiohanlson Constable N. 8. Whetetone Called Slate Land Officeni. THS DALLES. OH. J. t. Moor "Winter A. 8. BiMrs lteoeiver L.A OKAIIOB. OS, B.F, Wilson Riwlxter J. H. Kobbirw Iteoeiver X3BET BOCIETIE8. KAWLINS POST, NO. 11. G. A. R. Mrts at Lexington. Or., the last Saturday of acn monin. au nwrsoi srs mTiim in pun. C C. H.KKi. Gbo. W.Hhith. AdlaUnl, tf Comuiaodar. D. J. McFaul, M. D. officio ( At Mrs. H. Welch's Residence. Sight telephone connection with the 1'alare Hotel. ol ffl. I'KNLANO, EO. H. BISHOP. rrealdeaL Caahler. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS CO ELECTIONS llfttl on Favorable Term. EXCHANGE ROUGH! & SOLD HEITNER. If OKEOON First National Bank OF II FITS EK C.A. RHCA. - President T. A. RHEA, Via President GCO. W. CONS CM, Cashier S. W. SPCNCKft, Asa't Cashier Tntsjdj i General Eidi.f, Eci-M EXOHANG3S Oa ail parts ol Ihe world Bought and Sold. ColtartUms eiads on all eslnta oa raaauaalde Tn. Surflos end aotlvt tad PtnlM, IS.OOOOO, Ontario-liurns Sfanc Line A, M l BORHS-GHHYOK STHBEUHE M A vVV.'AVJ, Pop OSTAhUUlVnSH t) Ilufne tUtlf 6 p. m, an.l ar ritra tl UUri la 42 boir. Sinqlo Fore 87.DO. Hound Trip $10.00 tW1rt twitt I, ls ft fmA. tlVUSS CASYOS tt t'f s4 Sv.w4f tmm4 ai i i itr tH Ht r ka f fa. tm .s ttia t "liwtii awl .e 41 Kv Hatlonal BanK mw Notice of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON, Dec. 17. 1896. Notice is hereby eiven that the following-named settler has Sled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made Deiore ft. u rreetana. u. . uommisstoner, at Heppner, Oregon, on February, flth, 18K7, viz : HARRISON CUMMINQS, Hd. E. No. 2W4. for the NWV4 NWU Sen 27. Su. NEH and 8w NE5 Sec 28, Tp 5 8, R 25 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Churles H. I! ill lis. James H. Wvlnnrt .Tnaonh Bannister, Walter Bennett, all of Hardmau, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE, o-i. Register. Notice of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, Dec. XI. 1896. Notice is hnrehv riven that the following named settler has filed notice of nis lmenuon to mane tlnal proof in support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, countv clerk, at Hennupr. Oregon, ou February 1, 1897, viz : , DWID BAKER, Hd. E. No. 5981, for the SWX Sec SI, Tp 1 S, R 24 E, W M. He names the follnwlncr witnesses to nrnvA his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Benjamin F. King, William T. King, James M. Hamblet, Thomas J. Willhelm. all of lone, Oregon. JAS. F.MOORE. 503-13. Register. Notice of Intention. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, December 2dth lHllfl. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named Bottler has filed notice of his intention t make final, proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Morrow Co., Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on February 15th. 1897, viz: WILSON RICHARDSON, Hd. E. No. 4543, for the 8EJ4 Sec 6, Tp 8 8, R 24 IS, W M. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Thomas P. Uraham, Charles M. Hastings, Luther Huston, Andrew M. Peterson, all of Fight Mile, Otegon. . JAS. F. MOORE, 505-15 Register. Notice of Intention. Land Office at La Grande, Oreoon, December 24, 1896. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clorn of Morrow bounty, Oreg on, at Heppner, Oregon, ou February 3, 1897, viz: JAMES AYERS H. E. No. 527!) for the NH BFW Sec. 23 and 8W4 8eo 24, Tp 1 N, K 27 E W H. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of. said land, vis : John Barker, Isaac Vincent. Charles M. Long, George W. Pearson, all of Galloway, Oregon. 504 1). B. F. WILSON, Register. Timber Culture Final Proof. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon. Jan. Id. 1W7. NOTICE ID HEKF.HY GIVEN THAT WESLEY T. McNaltb. of Lextneton. Oreiron. has tllisil notice of intention to make final proof before Joseph I.. Gibson, V. S. Com. at his ntbee in Lexington. Oregon, on Wednesday, the loth day of Murh,lM!7. on timber culture application No. tM, (or the NEt of section No. 31, in Township I'", imii:i. Italian 4 HM,. - - . . . He name as witnesses: Thomas L. Dorm an and Vandevere L. Collev. of Eight 'iie,Orevii. Milton K. Morgan and Memo A. Olden, ol lone, wprimn. , jas. r. ii'iimr., -19 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. r AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OREGON I J Jan. 14, IN. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of her Intention to make final proof In support of herrlalin, and that said proof will lie piade M-iorej. n. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Uarch 2nd, 1897, vis: ECN1CK BROWN, 11.1. E. No. 421, for the NW!4, sec. 29, Tp. 1 B, R 24 E, W. M. Hhe nami the following witnesses to prove nerronuniioua residence uixjil ana eu llvatlon oi. sai.i lauii, vis: John W. Cox. Andrew R. G rover. Walter 8. Rnilth an 1 Chill Wilson, all of I"e. Oiegon. ih JAS. r. MUUKl, Register. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. VOT1CKI8 niRKPY GIVEN BY Til It UN 11 denlgiind awls nee of (. D. Fall and W. P. Fll. Insolvent debtors, that aald asalgnre has ftle.1 his final arrouot as such aaalirtier lih the Clerk of the CI mull Court, ol t lie Malonf Oregon, lor Morrow t.'oiiuty, anil said final aorount will Im heard and imuwI upon l.r the Judux of aal.l Court, on the first day of March, Iw7, at 10 o i l. k. A. M.. o( ntld dy, or as soon thrrllrr as aal.l t o.irt ran hoar an1 pm upon the sain. mim inisantB aay m iwrfmiw. iirai. 4UBVI4. OK). COSHER. Asdrrrea. kTOCt BRANDS. While yva av roar sobaorl pU paid a frm taa kaap soar brand la frMcrf eaarsta. Pntw. p. ()., Happiwr. O Hnrs, P B t. Uft noalilasi ostua. same oa left alp. 4tutpia, H.. Hantman. (r.-If.iM bnutdad "! oa Hht hip. tU bntanWI ibm sama. A bfanda ( I oa aonaa riaht ttilahi sa'tia aaa a orann oa riarii abuahMr, ea4 est ua sd Maht aar. Conk, A. J..Ioa.O. H a. (Dua riitsknal 4r. ( attl. aamaoa rtht tipi aar saak jur avy vb ml 1 in tiit ta rmsu IlonabMa. W. M . IMIwt. fV.-C.lll. KIIm rtM iUra-(.i la aaca aari ami. It U a wo aip. Kir. Rra.TVMuIaa.nr.-HaraM twandad Ff na l-'t alMialdar, eatUa BaoM ua UfUiip. aula ia nai.i aar. Flnranaa, L. A., ntrar. ff. Callls, LF aa rtaht hipi aaraaa 9 triia bar aadar aa rtaht Hanr. Httw. (r H r m tiraadil a J oa IM Ml iaUW: ' braid-d J an 'Wti kip. alan aa4wtn la ft aar. Uane la om awsatf. .4i. Falls. Uaa.nr.-Nnaaa.atrlaT HT MiKai eallla. aaav. Ml alp, aada aaif smp ia r- aunt a w aar Ja, M,a, Haprr. ft -H iwa htmuM MI haft kip aaula an. a4 arsp ri aari aar utapa oa rit Kaa.nartaa4W.fi.. VmM faimi. Or -I t. aaUa oa ntl s4 Uft eVVaa, awailow tmk la W fl aar aa4 aatar mnp la fthl aar. Hwasa braad aa haft sMialW. iiwipa la Oraat mult lofW, IX naia. Of.- I. oa Uft .I a awm arup mn4 ai.llt aai rtM aar. IIm ana braa4 oa kaft saxliilar. Haaaa (nwl aaatt, Laahav.J W Hat.pa ( - IIm Waa41 I. A na Urt aotl.lar, aatita aaota aa UTt kip, arallta rw r..t aya. Ihraa aiiia la t.M aar. Mia., tsanar, naa nr.-4atAa, M D aa niM btp, aataa M a aartssmaiaar. M". av N, W,ar, Of -H mm, M I a aiwatl U. .aula aaaaaaa kt kip. . ., t, w . Ifcala. I i h'U ua af aVwtta? ra. i. asaia wa rtM l.ti.. 4'iM.ai. Har4aa.Ur.-tdrasipMi IT" awajla., -. i tl . l lf.4aa. JR . a aamiart aatiia, aaax aa lar an , aa "... w. ia aaf. rar t. W . jipaar. fa-- It aav JO ra.aM.iaa. piua, aa MM lis. "l-"T t. H. t-t tr. f. - I all t M W aanp ..S7 .i.t a aaW,, Wf1 rw . aaaja ( aa lafl aaaxkWr ar. 4 - liaaa IM ahna! aa.lia I mm Ul H W, Htaar In.- aail aHal T k ... a a n M . aa rw -M BT i. umial aa -i ana aap WXtaaaXs. t , w.Vt IK) J aa r.atj a.. i a- I W aa tiaM k.a a4 M k ".4 -atl a. Karp ta u.-a aaa) I mm Wanted-in Idea rS CM,.1,"" i" ,fcf ' " aa.'a a ...... .. aa a i . ftM a 9 ta a .aa .ear I a tl t aft kip aasaa WavW4 McClure SEVEN A New Life of Grant by Hamlin Garland Rudy&rd Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of, Stevenson's still unpublished , (Begins in Way.) Charles A.Dana. "Recollections of War Time." years of the Civil War practically a member fitted than any other man living to give an recollections and correspondence. Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them or portraits it is intended to pnblirh special biographical studies under the general title of MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under Stories of Adventure. A serial by CON AN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary talent for mystery and ingenuity which have. a place beside Poe and Gaboriau. TEN FAMOUS WRITERS tAN MACLAREN, All the fiction that lie will w. vu.ibi LU....11MIB w nuu-ner fuuiiua,biou appear in McClcrk'8 Magazine. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new Rabbit" aud the "Little Mr. Thlmbleflnger" RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kinllnsr will contribute to McCr.ti'a all of the short stories he will write during OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Maoazinr a series of short stories In which the same uimmuiui B win appear, auiiouga eacn win Anthony Hop Bret Hart Frank R. Stockton Stanlty Weyman will all have stories in McClure's for the These are only a small fraction of the great and koji, toe BuuBcripuou price oi wnicn is only One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. A Campaign Of Education flow to Get it UMPRRflLLELED OFFER summate skill, ft , Such a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be In every home. Vj The subscription price of Leslie's is 4 per annum. We make the unparalloled oner of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- Weekly one year for only $5.00. No such ofler was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made '( again. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday Lj (tit, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness. "i Remit by postal order or check to the GAZETTE, $ Heppner, Oregon, nf The WEEKLY MONTHLY Outlook Pullie Every alrsy 13 Astor Place New York TU Outlook will lie la 1J7, M II baa brro dorln fanb of He larcty srren yaars, a Uisior o( Oar Ova Time. Ia its fsrmus elll.rlal drparlmrala Tbr Oallonk gtvee a eumpaet retlaw of Iha world's ffngraaa; tl folloea ilbrarr all lbs laportaot fjbllanthrorle and ia. doalrial moramaoU t( lb day j taa a mtnplrie drpartmrtit of rrllglous aewe; da an as eaqeb spare is lb totaraala r Ibe boma; rers aorreat literetare; farelsbre rbaarfal lib'a-lalk abnnt met and things: and, lo ehart, alms loglr (rash lulofnaik"0, ortgiotl olwarraiion, end fraennabla pounainmeot. f'ftibieg with Iba Bfl; Biflb volume. Ibe patx-r still aaanme Iba ragnlsr raaga sloesif, wbicb will a.M ffeally Mr eifttrtiifore aed atlrai tiaoM. The 0'i(b k U (.ablwl.rd avart Halnr Cfiy ten Uaoae a ar, Tbe fiisl u la rseb raaaio Is aa tlniraad M.at or N'en.brr, aoaiaitiiaf abnl tap-eat ftsuy paM aa Iba rif litisrr lair, tngaibrr lib laff ar.B.baf of M turea. The t-ti. Tl.a O.lll.a k la Ib'ae dollars a year la alvenee, ot Urn tba a rat. I a d.t . Head I or a Sjiu-a r aal tilira rd t.ielos M Tbe Oalkmk, 13 Aslr Tlsv-j, N.e y C,. far aal. Oae kealrad aa l a lly mt re d I I laa l, a!a f Ur; Iba Kraaal , erii aa ejal-r aae'i'Ma . q a.iabig leu, AJI.aa: Ci rri I'a-at , b'tlf Nrib Yskltas, Mtasb. Magazine For 1897 GREAT SERIALS The first authoritative and adequate Life of , , t , ( , , Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better authoritative histoiy of this period from his . unpublished. In connection with this series the editor's direction. In the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him write during the coming year, with the exception wuicu were engagcu irom mm long ago, will animal 'stories In the same field aa the "Brer stories. the coming year. oe complete in liseii. Robert Barr Clark Rusaall coming year. Important features of McClure's Magazine for M.OO To be educated one must read the beet literature. The beat literature is expensive. Leslie's Illustrate . Weekly, Published at 110 Fifth Avenue, New York, Is full of the best things Its illustrations are superb; Its stories charming; and Iti literary departments are edited with con PL ill Onbo, roanajfrr of Uipiiner't warehouse, will pay Ibe blgbrat mttket price for bidee, fare, sheep pells, ele. Brio if yoor bides to bin. If Old Halt and Charley Jooe are aa sorHaled togalber down at Charley's old place in Ibe toosorial bnsiaess. Call on them and get Jour whiaJteis pushed In. e Now la tba time to get tbe Weekly Ofetfonian, ibe greatest newspaper of the Weal. With tUOay.tla,b)tb strict j In aJrsnra, oos year, 1.1.50. No better envbtnallon uf dss papers aaabe made 'a tbe stale. Welt. Tboinpeon runs stage betwean IleppDer and Moniimanl, arriving every day irpt btundsy and fearing every dsy eiffpl Huodsy. Hburteal aadobeap ast mote to Uie Is tenor. Cunawr A Brnek, scan la. F. I. H Illabrip. snrveeeor to Tbe Me Fsrlaod Mareaollle Co., is still on deck, giving gre bargaia ia all lines. Tbe stuck meal chased ant, and it Is sur prising bow cheap things are. Call oa I bam. Frsek MeFarlaad. ealaamaa. llrppfiar 10 IVudlalon Via Ilrpperr- Robn Htage Litis, feraoae deeirnas of vtalling I'aadlalna en save time and money Ly taking Una rente, by aa qaainling lb agaule the pravla evew lag tbe atag will make conaaolioa wttb 2 a 'clock train at rbo for 1'eedlaton Offine el liiy Irog btore. W. D. Id, I'mpftator. Through trains ea Ibe O. II A N. will run via. I'matila. Walla Wslla aad iVadMno. Tbmugb ehrapere, 8rsl aad eed tlaaw, will rua la .aaetira hq tbe I'a'ra rartflu, tbe ama aa barsle f.ifa. A Ibrongb fi'l nlaae lrtf rrt. land It Pp"kee. e.aariiag wild Iba rut elaae el! It ft I'aal, aad a b...igti tvmrtat slaapr I'orllaad to HI. I'aat, w II ran la e-aaante, auk Ibe (ir aal lMlbr ralleaf. if Far el-AHtt Ibtrty loae af rye asy, loaalad aia.at ! aad naa-fettl wnlaacf llarlmaa. A Urn 4l axirs af rl faaga, r.ta., 4 milk earn. IVely af aa'sala gavara aal raage s at ha. MtM iav f r 2.aj ba4 mi ebap of large ban! uf rattle, taajd Kooaa rm Iaa, (allot! (regatta tiffjaa f.r tliaa)ata A rara tbattr l-i a.l tar el.sa. AU airbs tad.aaia a ttar.l aialar aa l delays are daaa"rbia. If BRIGGS'- MULE HAS MYOPIA. Some Queer Mistakes He Make Around Ills Master's Barnyard. Stories have been told of hoi-ses 'vith snakes in their eyes and horses with "watch eyes," or an evil eye, a hlind eye, nnd a Vast amount of information has been printed about pink eye, but it is doubtful if any authentic history has been written of the peculiarities of the animal owned by CoK HaydocV Rrirj-ps, of New Jersey, whose banyan whiskers were recently described and illustrated. It is afflicted with myopia or near-isifrht-edness. , , : 1 fl reckon thit the reason fur it," sn.id Col. ftripsrs1, "is tha'tmy horse' Is ' n mewl. Can't see i fence till he gets his nose within three foot of ltf and. then he shies. Wistnkea the pig; -pen, for the burn an' tries to git in with the hogs. Stumbles over the pasture lonce and stubs his nose, which makes him kick. Drinks out o the. milk pail 'cause he thinks it's water, and gen'Ily makes, an all-round mewl fool of his snlf. - "Leastwise," added Col. Brings, "that wos the sitiwation up to three months ago, when an idee strikes me, wiiich I mentions to Maria that's Mrs. Briggs. 'Ef you need glasses to rend the newspapers,' says 1 to Maria, 'that mewl needs glasses to rxve whether he's eotin oats or sawdust,' and I got him fitted, an' he's got to like 'em so he won't stir a. peg without 'em." Col. Briggs spectacled mule is the wonder of all that section of New Jer sey oround Rcuttleville. The lenses are. octagonnl in slwpe and ore in heavy leather frames, which are strapped to the ride straps of the bridle, They fire so adjusted that the onima! gets a perfect vision while looking heod or Ridewnyg. When first put on they opened up such an unexpected vista that the mule backed Into a well and had to be hauled out with a derrick. But as soon as he got accustomed to them he broyed loud and long every time they were token off. "People kin laugh," said Col. Briggs, "but I don't keer. Ef I had a nearsight ed oyster and wanted to put rpees on him I'd do it, an let 'em laugh till they busted."-y. Y. Mall and Express. A Charitable President. ' The French president travels free on the railways during his official tour lo France; but when the return journey is concluded, it is said that his secretary calculates what it would have cost if paid for at regular rates, h!td this sum is handed over to be distributed among the poorest paid of the railway men. -MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. David Coulter, a Kansas prisoner charged with the murder of Edward Illston near Topcka, has invented a corn-husklng machine. The lord muyors of London during the past 20 years have collect a lit tle over 20,000,000 for clmrltablu ai.d benevolent tiri.oac. The California hetilth bonrd finds that In Ran .J oho the average duration of life ia alxiut 43 years, which la longerthun that of any other city In Uie United State. Five Uiys, all under 15 years of age, were arn-Hted at liuliaiuiKili for rob bing n grorcry, and one ronferiu'd tluit Ihty had formed the "Jliingnloo'Vlub, which met In an abandoned Uiil'llng to read novel em plan small depreda tions. A pn historic cave has la-en die covered in the department of tbr Dordognc by M. R. Ulviere, the walls of which are covrrvd with plrtiirra of ani mals t ut deep In Ihe r'k. Sotne of the drawings are burled under sinlngmltra, which proe tin if nutiqulty. They extend for at leaat 420 feci, which ia na fur as the eave hna tr-n rxplotH. An old man who Ihrre year ago went to Wnrwo county. Ore., nud lias sIimt worki'd around under tin-launrof John C'aniila ll, died Inat nitilli at Ihe home of Jntnra Klllolf, tirar Ihifur. and errs Ihrn were found on hi in In.lirat ing that be ass J, J. lturnl.rin.-r. of lU-AlrfirHlgt., Col., whrrti lie nwurd lot) nerra of hind. There wna no .luna tion of hla rhatige of home and imine. Wile. Countou. Ihe To.hyt.a, baa eome into proinliirniv ai'tin, oxli.g In the rf-hl rvrlone In l'nrla. she hating rn4lrtr( in July a d.triirtlr storm In H itrnitH-r. Jlrr aiH-eeaa lad hrr toprr diet a tail hrr atarm lhal rhotild U aa lata the t"hama F.tvarea by fire frmn hearrn and Injur Ibe ( htirrh of the KtH riil Jli-arl on lop of .M mil ma rtr f.r Hrplrnila-r Jo. but tM.' dra-e not ewm to have eorna off yet. STEPPED IT Off. raaallar Shaaa af (ha Ia4 faaaaa j taa Maaaarlag rnini. ll is a MKnmooly ar-ii-i theory that a nine alpa three frel, and fuanr a Irael f land bas ln Vlrajirl off Inalaad of Miraaurrd with a thain. a)s U.r Washington Star. In Ihe wrat thry i.Ih Hate Ihe dllleultiea of aurtryi ,y hr land being dltldrd Inloaerliona, but In IVnna) Uenia mo. h of the prtitvrfy. a-;a-rally In Ihe mmiatalna. must eMll be laa r.la-d by nirtre and la.mals. In one of (he roonlira waalrrn J'r no) lee nta ere Iwi brothrra, on of whom la till ar.l bnk and t ha of hrr 1i.r1 Si.d fat Many ) rata apo thy Irtin Uaar-I a trn sf nn.i.nt.nlrKl.wl. It g r S In. If Mf.iare. Hry rlirMrd Ibe lalair t.f iiH-aanrinf It, nna etrpplngoff on slila, tba otbr Ibembrra'dr. Then hry f. it 0 Bl), a,,, tj U- Ufll until rarnly, Hn m l wa brn-ight t ra,,r a r-.na,.rrl, irert of land la. h l.nHhrr a-anre lhal ba knrw ll.a turaaortnitrnl to la- r hi arid I'l'd boa) It hi, Urft.li.l.a 1 a . aa It... f 1al..fs (i,a .1 , 4 ,r IJ loof ttvmnh irvH It,, fl-nr who ha a! rn a rl. ur. nnd l.a (ln gt rr.n, I f ft,a trlhae, tlra was a fxreal UupH, In w ha h thr J .1r C'-l li..ri,. r , !,.. I l'i-.ii survrying It was f..4 M i on iia wa a Ml ahd a baif Im.g o I t v.j h.ri,!,!; alita t.r balf a to Highesi of all b Leavening Pow MM aAC6O10JTEtY PURE THE WITCH HAZEL. tMt Plaint of the Year to Fat rorth IU " .'MtOaaoma. '-" ' This; peculiar plant, whh?h, Vamidst the reigning desolation of. winter puts,, forth' its' yellow blossoms," thrives on tbe. sand hills along' the eastern shore, of Lake Michigan, In this locality it ap pears to be the last to lurmsn reminders of summer be'fore'the faceof advancing winter, In September, while the leaves are 'still green,' some oi the bushes may be found 'putting 'forth 'flowers; late in October, when, entirely bare of leaves, other bushes, appear in the flush or bloom, the branches dressed in yeb law from end to end by the Crowded flowers; n month still later, frequent specimens still persist in, flower, and by the right combination of circum stances one mny ride in the gliding sleigh past bushes with o lingering glimmer of yellow. On Inst Thanksgiv ing, day I waded through snow knee deep to collect some flowering branches. In some' of the flowers'the stamens ap peared to lie immature, but the petals hod passed thejr brightest (Jay. About 18 inches of snow had fallen previously during the month, and the lowest re corded temperature In the vicinity wns 14 degrees Fahrenheit. In "Wood's Class Book of Botany" the flowering season stated is November to January. That may be Its season in lower lati tudes, but in this region its time in September to November. The embryo fruit remains apparently unchanged through the winter and until the follow ing spring is well advanced, ripening in the autiimn, when the earliest flowers are appearing. The witch hael scatters its seeds in nvpeculia,r way. The fruit consists of an oblonrj woody core about half an Inch in length, inclosing two hard nutlets somewhat fesembl'iip the seeds of an npple. The fxpnlslon of the" seeds may be witnessed by plnelnrr n branch with the ripened fruit on n table in a room. As the coac dries s strain results. and that causes a slight opening at the apex. The rupture of the case goes on very slowly for a number of hours or days, when the strain suddenly' over. contea the remaining resistance, com pleting the opening with a sharp snap ping sound and sending the reeds bounding about the room. The ens- splits nearly to the base, and its hp pearnnee afterward Is said to sui'ireat much the w ide-opened montli of a ser pent about to strike. Popular Science news. MUST OBEY HIS OWN LAW. Why tbe Bertaadee Mefaee) ta tall Ilia Boas a Vrtak. Because a man makes a lnr he may not always break It with Impunity. Ulrsm Clayton, who keeps the Brunch town hotel snd Is quite a well-known character, made a rule some time ago for the government of hid barroom, enya tbe 1'hlbulelphla Iteoord. He drelded that when a man went to sleep in his barroom thst was sufficient evident' that the man had had enough to drink. Upon awaking, therefore, the sleepy one was promptly n-fused any rnort liquor. The rule was rigidly In forced both by Clayton himself and by his brotncr-ln-lsw, w ho acta aa bartender One day recently, however, the rule proved to I a boomcring. Clayton wss sitting In his barroom, tt wss a very warm afternoon and the boat gradually dned off Into a eon lid Sleep. Rome lime laU r a customer eama In. Tie wore heavy boots and the noise of his entrance awakened Clsyton. Tbe latter sat up ami rubbed bis eyre. "Come an1 have eomefhin', HI," aal. I the customer Clayton Mood up against Ibe bar and sleepily railed for a brer. "Horry," eeiis Ihe bartender, "but you ran't have soy drink." "Whet!" yelled Clsyton, wh. was now thorongbly awake. "It gainst Ibe rules; you've been asleep," aaul the barb-mlrr. arrtoualy. He stu k In It, and hla boas rralirlug the Just Ire of It was obliged to give In. Tbe rule bss since been abolished. ItasaallMg la laala. Among! tbe Hindi ihrotighou na wnoia or imna there ia a hoiuiay celebration ta honor of Lakshml, Ihe tfodilree Of wealth and gvaal furl una, nbrrvon guiiilillug la unlveraally re. gnrdrd as a rrliglouaduty. Illaknown aa Ihe fralltal of Unit, end ou ll.alilay all rlaaara Indulge In ganirs of Uaru. w ith thrlla, folna, card, diee, rlc., ai.. Ihe future of tjie n.i Idual, wl.rthr gvaxl or bad. Is liHiked Uin sa s forrra.l of hla wraith or rrrrty durltig Ibe en suing yrar. 'J ba wntiw ft lake a m.at In Unas, li.lrrrat thai proreei i nga and. If fortunate, rjind ll lr wlnr.it fa In the port haae of awerl-rorsta Slid fruita, sa gifla lo all thrlr frlrhda and rrla lliitia, U) f.r Ihe eo.all rbildrea and flrrwofka for ll. la.ja. At llrl.atra. Ihlr a-irrH lUf, aa tiighl H'rKii l.ra, Slimll iartlirn fan., fnl With la'l. arr kln.llr.t, making the nutl'i fire of ery fuenalon, alar, trmple aad mlnarrt leil.tr. All Veaarta In the rlrrrar alo lll.mili.alrd; ao that Ha whole city . ntte blare of ligbl. BOUNT If SPIN'S f A LS. Halae lll rare a raa aa4 Laal Taae MaUa4 It. Ilalra fid lamntkra na l.'-'l neale and mi ta-ere In t. la 1tt.nly aaU an I iVila-ara ware killr-l 1 l a llirrraae of aral killing la dua 1.1 a Vfc et U rraw of I l.a U. nil), rt.atitg It aneihilUr. T h 1- ars hate Ut Mi ma . 'it by eitnaiie k.Jlitig. Why llrtta slaa.l'l I a l-xil. ly aral. ta 'U m, aajs I'd w Vk fun, l lhf w hi klM.a tt.at la a S I ,"'. )af a a l n-n. (UKMS t.lWyKtt lt of Rail, WkKk wn.) 1 - r. Latest TJ. S. Gov't Report B&rldng iake C,()G0,300 pounds saved by the illing of 1,062 seals in 1895. Most of the fish eaten ore coarse-grained, such i are usetl in baiting lobster pots ulnins. flounders, tomcods. etc. but. not a' few valuable fish, like herring, salmon ana mnekarel, are killed '. by these animals. luch difficulty is ex- jerienced bv seal' hunters in Keonrlnir all of the animals killed. ' Many badly wounded ones escape, and - probably more than 2,000 seals were killed during 1805.' : ' No one. knows exactly why bounties re paid on black bears. Thev are harm less animals, according to competentob scrvers, feeding on .beechnuts," wild fruits of various kinds, on carrion, and roots of nlants. seldom if over mnlpclim. fanners in any way.1' Maine pays Ave tioiinrs anu wew lork ten doUars a head for killing these jrood-natured creafures. . ' IT WAS CREAM. How the Walter Made the Aequalntanee of a Milk Inspector. "" "Peaches and'ercam, sir?" inquired the officious waiter, as he pointed it out on the coltee-stained bill of fare with his greasy finger. Ibe stout mnn with the curly hair stared in a stupid way at the spot indi cated and asked: "You tire sure they ore not dried peaches?" ; "Oh, yes; they are fine yellow peaches. sir."' "And renl cream?" "Yes, sir; nice thick cream." "Not milk, but cream, eh?" "Yes, sir; cream." "All right; bring me some." When the waiter returned he found the stout mnn with a lot of machinery In front of him.' There was something that looked like a glass pump, some thing else that looked like a compass, gloss tubes and rubber hose. The stout man picked up the cream and dropped a little into the compass. "That s the cream, sir," explained the waiter. "That isn't machine oil." "No, that's skimmed milk. 111 take all you've got of that," and the officious waiter made the acquaintance of In spector Dockery. Pan Francisco Tost BC Lawrence River. For seven yenre. tbe St. Lawrence river gradually decreases In depth ; then for seven yrnrn It gradually Increases in depth, tho difference In level being five feet. Why It does so no one has yet ilia covered. A Valuable Prescription. Editor Morrison of Wortbingtoo, Iod., "Bun," writes: "Too have a valuable prescription in Eloolrio IiitUrs, and I oan CDeerrony rroommenJ It for Const!, nation. 8irk Headache, and as a eanerat system tonic it baa no equal." Mrs. Aoala Htrhle, 20i5 Cottage Orova Ave., Chicago, was sll run down, Oould notes! nor oigeas looa, nsa a oacsacne woioa never left ber and felt tired aad weary, bnt all bottles of Electric Hitters restor. ea ner neeiio ana renewed ber strength. Prioe All nri. t a anil tl till flat a twin .1 Oonser A Brock's drag store. IS ONLY FIVE DLOCKS LONQ. Trolley Una la hlra Walrh rtperelas Hut iraa t ar. Tn Ihn ati-rugr Chiitigtinn a tndley line iitirtinacktiiily augratM gnt die lancea. Ilia cily la an big. Ilwlllaiir priae ninny, Ihcreforr, Ui h-arn that a line ail ma 1 !y In on-riition In the btial-ni-ss distrirf, Ihe rolling Stork of whit h runs a trifle b aa than five bhM'ka. Tills llir, siiW IheChrouii Ir.oprrslra on Cl.irk slni t nud simply runs fr.uu Wellington In Illinois alrvrt. Its roll if slot h ronalMa of one ear, and Its tqirrnlltre liirlnde one ron.l11rl.a7 and one itiotorninn. It la run for the (reinl lnrtlt of Houth Wstrr Sfrrrl turrrlinllts who lite on Ihe north Salr, but Is anfr to any ihiI one of Ihrar lorn in a tli'iiinn. know that anrh U Ibe r. Aa tr Ihr p nrrnl public not ene m rajin In Ihr thousand, know of lit r. lai. ii.-r, In. i.l. i.tfllljr, tiKi. the lin- a o r4tri to rrlaill Ihr frani hiar. "We give transfrra lo Ihe cable 'Ine giiil.g north," aal. I the rortdartnr abr akrd for In fr ma i hm, "but we din'k rarmfi r lo any oltirr rare " ''Have yott many jHirarrgra erb day?" "Yatj we're rroawlrd," he aald, wfha laugh. "rVimrllmre gt onr-thm again stx.thrr." A rftaaaaiaaal Raaafall. 1 he nil ph. inHi.raal rainfall record, rd In thr annate of tlh.o la, plara iai tha l.lhday of Augti.L l.. Mr. f4. II. M Miilan, w bo glea an Sc.gnt of Ibis rn.atkal. ihtwpponr, aa) a thai It st ir ttdr. mar an ara tf si Iraal nu aquar taih-a. The total arnoiat if w atrr w bli H Ml during ll 1 1 hours of rrripiteln was 'i Itirhra, air I of lhal quantity 4 1 larbre II In 4 , h.ttire. l.at la n'M ! a fall of si', tmhiai f rain In ao abort a spare of I, roe Will hrllrr Ul.'.ar St'sl Wlw-n Ihe tra-lrr la Iftfuffiird that tne Im h of rain mrana ?..') pt!..i,s Ut the arr. T hit In nn quantity of walrr will weigh S'.n't a uiHla. of .t tonal A I ertaaMr. Ia4aa4. "t d'.n't era. ati)thiig mi w'.ar alamt II. . S iinan," ee tl.a ,..l..r In the li, uar .nil aa he t . In fn.i t of tl.a laet 1 hair. "laia'l Jt, la-Wad r r(a-ala. I !. MisnC f a. ..ftif ..I! j, r ra lll ) t we raji l d i l.ta hint on I hta 1.1M .r.rat, lla'a the yitaf rnn )-el Warding In ri,U a l.wj.a wh't r.f talks lt I wba be'a Sa,t fwl.ftg "-I'.ifaS.iT.n.re. BSWIBteaf r1