(iiM1BB (Bfllt-lt p. ,, uagsSsF . ' t. ' .-.- ": - - . a-i-"'g-ii iHn saai n" """a ' 1 " ' ;-- 1. ..mm. i v s . . ( .K-Wil i'IWliHr.WiwIli.11'1'! 1-'ff,''wlayyM' fJ' I 7kr.-- VSIll'1 All ir ' ' l a.i trj)fjwniWMi.1 IMWiM l i ii 1 v 'F - t i ' f TO ' THB . :- - - V - . - . r ' GIVES THB CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental l';;vGREAT' NORfHERNKy. - UNION. PACIFIC RY. VIA. VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA LocalVisease and li the matt of eeWs and udden climatio chan. It can be enred by s pleasant remedy which it applied di rectly into the nostril. Be Inr quickly abeorbedltftoa relief at once, Ely's Cream Balm U acknowledged to be the, most thoronzh cure for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all remedies. It opens and cleanaea the nasal passrges, allay pain and inflammation, heal the sore, pro. tect the membrane from tolas, restores the sense of taste and smell. Price 60c. at Dnupista or by mail ELY BROTHERS, M WarrenStroet, New Yoifc THE THMCE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 Pages a Week. -156 Papers a Tear. AKD AHD St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fall details call on 0. K. & N. Agent (a Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. P0BTI1AND. UBiaOH. E. McNEluL, President and Manager. The Thirteen Bnperetl tloaw ..-r t It la said this stranrfo superstition extends away bade to the time of King Arthur. When the froo.l J.ritihh king founded the famous Count! Table, he requested Merlin, the enchanter, to ar range the seats. Merlin arranged one set to represent the' r.postles; twelre were for the faithful adherents of Jesus Christ and the thirteenth for the traitor Judas. The first were never occupied save by the knlgjits.iU:;tinyuished for their achievement, and when a death occurred among t'.icm the scat remained vacant until a J.niht, surpassing him in heroic and wnr-li'ie attainments, should be considered worthy to fill the place. If an unworthy knight songht the vacant chair he was repelled by some magic power. The thirteenth seat was never occupied but once. Th story goes that a h;iu;rhty and insolent Saracen knight Bat down upon it and was immediately swallowed. up by the earth. Ever after it was known as the ''perilous seat," nivl, brave as the cele brated knights of tliu i conn i lauie are said to have been, not one over had the courage to sit on the thirteenth chair, and the superstition against it still sur vive. Q0IOK T ITU 13 t Snn rTjroxiolsco And all point In California, via th Mt Bhast route of the Southern Pacific Co Th arant highway through California to all point East and South. Grand Boanlo Rout Of th Paoiflo Cot. Pullman Hnflet HlMper. Seoond-olasa Bleeper Attached tonpraa train, aflnrdin anperior aooomatodation for Moond-ela tiaaaanaera. For tat, ticket, deeping oar. reservations, to,, oall npon or addraae ft. KOKH1.KH, Meneer, I. P. BOOERfl, Asst. Osu. F. A P. Ait, Portland. Oreion It stands first among "weekly" papers Id else, freqnency. of publication sod freshness, variety and reliability of ood tents. It is praotically a daily at the low prioe of a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign conn tries will vouch for the aocuraoy and fairness of its news oolumns. It is splendidly illustrated and among its special features are a fine bnmor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Cohan Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome, Stanley Wbiman, Mary E. Wilkins, Anthony Dope, Bbet'Habte,' Brandeb MATTnifws, Eto. We offer this uncqaaled newspaper and Tbe Gazette together one year for $3.25. Tbe regnlarsubeoription prioe of tbe two papers is $3 50. : The Only Chair Car Line To the east is tbe Union Pacific. East- Am cities ars reached via this line with rnr nhanaes of cars tbsj via other lines Rates always tbe lowest. .Tiokets tn or from noints in the United States. Canada, or Europe for sale by R. W, Baxter. Gen. Agt... 135 3rd St., Portland, m iibs -TO THE- VIA THE CNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. ThroiiKh Pullman Tatars 8'epra. Tonrtat HlMMr and Fro Ueclltilni Chair Car DAILY uiCuliago. Many hoiira aatel via tlill lint to Kaatern Point. STEAM HEAT. LOWICNT PINTSCH LIGHTS MA.Tiea. It. II. ItAXTKR. Cm. Aarnt. Portland, Oregon J. C. HART, Agent, lleppner, Oregon Freaks Who Havo Boon Jo ned Together in Wedlock. On . Cowplo-- sraiTlea br Froxy wnue Thooaanda of .Mile Apart Some . f the Qneer Prank of Cnpid. 0IIOAQO. Milwaukee & SI. Paul R'y a- strr? s- HEGISTERED MAIL. Many Clerk Bundle and Verify Each Package. Tn the New York post office, when a letter is presented for registration it is inspected by the receiving clerk to as certain whether it is in good condition, firmly sealed, properly addressed and sufficiently prepaid, and that the name 'of the sender has been Indorsed on it. These requirement be ing met, the clerk records the letter in a book composed of alternate thin and thick leaves, a manifold copy of the en try being obtained by means of a sheet of carbon paper placed between the two. The thin sheets are perforated In ob long sections for ready separation, and constitute the receipts issued to the public. Kach receipt bears a distinct number In a series running from one to one hundred thousand, nnd every letter registered has the number of the receipt issued for it indorsed on its face. The condition of the letter envelope is now Inspected by another clerk, and if perfect, the imprint of a hand stamp la impressed across the edge of the flap to betray any tampering. These preiimlnariesbeingcompleted, a card known as tne return receipt in prepared and attached to the letter by means of a rubber band. On one side of the card appear the number, date of mailing, name of addressee, and desti nation of the letter; on the other, the name and full address of the sender, to whom the receipted card will be re turned when the letter has ben deliv ered. - In Its numerienl order the letter passes to a separating clerk, and with titf others, composing an even lOO.Isdis- Glance at this Map Of th Chicago, Milwaukee and ft. Paul Rail way and nut It connection! with all traimon tlncntal line and HI Taul and maha, and remember that It tralmir lltilitud wllhlee triclty and healed byateam. It equipment It superb. Kloaul Buflet, Library, Hinoklnn and Sleeping ear, with frc recllnluc rhalra. Eaoh deeplna ear berth ha an electro reading lamp, and It dining ear are th brat In th world. Other line are longer than this, but none art shorter, ami no other often thabo luiuriout accommodation. Ther uftlcteiit rraaon lor th popularity of "Th Milwaukee," Coupon k ktgenta la every railroad ofllc will girt foil further Information, or addrra C. J. IDDY, General Agent, ;. W. CAREY, Trar. I'ua. Agent, roTLD, Oanon Honrthing to DrpeaS oa. Mr. James Jones, of tbs drag firm of Jones k Hon, Oowden, Ills., in speaking of Dr. King's New Disaovsry, says that laat winter his wife was attacked with La Grippe, and bar ess grew to aerions that pbytiolane at Oowden and t'soa ooold do nothing far her. It swmd to develop into Hty (Jonsnmption. list ing Dr. King's New iWorery in store, and selling lots of it, bs took m bolt I e home, and to tho surprise of all shs be gan to get better from first doaa, aod half dnieu dollar lxitleour-l bar so and and 1L Dr. King's New Dioovtrf for ConfiimptkiBj, Conghs and Colds is guar anteed to do ths good work. Try It. Kreo trial bottles at Coosor A Brook's Drag Htor. HARPER'S : ROUND SV TABLE f.H ef Ike tt lwe mumhert tkil ferinJual mil ffm frith ity h ime amlkee ef inttrmitimal tme. rttuUi ef 0 tm the etutkert fitm rV .'.. JoiJi iKe frtu Offtrt W erri ef etki lift mil Ar TMRHIl A LOYAL TRAITOR t SMI W tell Wit ) iutm M rie4itl rate mwittH,i iitl a.ua Im, t a . RCMARKAIJLn TWENTY-PART SHRIALS TMB PAIWTTO W srUT TUB KOCK OP THfi UON a , i Sf la. I , b a BLwJWt aoMn or tub MtoHT i biau tnt v Stat Py Ium I Sy tm. a rm V &. Si im wahMttek V hltw t.W Wsi-.m m mi4 M CpEE books ?rSii P. W h.mJ tm Ml ' A a.M mm mm .m- mmmM KmMmmi r 0 . t Ll. k msttmt it frWSL A ,Ih ' " I a-. i Ma l vstm am m rPT v Tm m fi m. . -m . ,Va at . m V t. Tl ,tl -V L -I ty .Mi. J i . 1 . I 6 II I a re( Mava ImiI4 M Mm (illi t ttMtlM tf line tUtfl, It At Sin J' J SI .-.'. . .Ar ,f.lU, I IV Oil . Amht "A tCtf9 ,mfr. tt " ,, ,,, ''" !! ZrJt: i MONEY PRIZESj HvTX 4.'!Ul rw ft'nl tr iatM, ,m sA tt4 l tm multntl a f tm lie emfin,m. .Wai 4 tm.e fe fs nkil tm uiin tmj rrm d.'i He tft't. 'i f ill Srm4 if ef er lfAv itB t4 flt li t Tl" wi.7 nflu mt tfre el tt . 'V eft laiWd ifitui el tv Ik te, W fne Kti e I, J ) ! litem A- 7 w 4 t 4 Q4 rtujic nnwioni imb in tv or far ot-i ottg utriAiv rwutAi"trwv t IlilK'.m.ri ihiiimis . (, w t The conventional idea of a wedding doea not agree with the tastes of eome people, and occasionally very eccentric and .. sometimes. romantic marriage ceremonies are solemnized. Men and women entirely opposite in disposition nnd character frequently unite in the holy bonds of matrimony sometimes much to their mutual regret, lnis peculiar fact, it would seem, also ap plies to oddities of humnn noaire. In many of th traveling shows the freak who help to draw money from the pub lic intermarry, and it is not an unusual thing1 to find the fat man wedded tothe skeleton woman, and the tattooed man to the bearded lady. Mrs, Hunnnh Battersby, who at one t ime toured thecountry as a fat woman, was married to a Pennsylvania man, and it is stated as a curious fact that no sooner were they married than she be gan to lose flesh and he to pain it. His weight increased so rapidly that he soon took to exhibitinc himself as a fat mnn. An exception to this rule of contrast, however, was Col. Glover, the giant, who stood six feet seven Inches. Ue was wedded to Martha Peabody, the Ameri can giantess. Several years ago, when they nppeared in public together, they used to receive as much as $750 a week. The Italian consular agent at Cin cinnati performed the most peculiar marriage ceremony on record. The 7100m was a well-to-do resident of the Ohio city and his bride lived in Italy. The contracting parties were thousands of miles npart when the wedding wiu performed, the marriage being by proxy. The consul filled in a blank certificate,- which he forwarded to au thorities in Italy, who in the presence if the parish priest exhibited it before he blide, who affixed her signature, x-cepting it ns her action. The mar riage was perfectly binding. very similar ceremony was per formed some time ago. The affair took place by proxy, nnd Miss Maple was married by a clergyman in New York to 1 man who nt the time of the marriage lay dying in a Texas town. The bride groom wtis represented In the cere mony by the bride's cousin, who mn the neecKsary responses and signature is h's proxy. The two lovers had been 'ngnged for a long time, and Miss MapU wished to liear the name of her be trothed evrn though she could do so only as a widow. .The all-important ring Is sometime 'orgottcn, and In more than one1 cne the door key of the church has had to do luty, but it Is not often thit portionso? the marriage service are omitted. In 1 southern town, however, a little while igo, after the party had left the church 't was discovered thnt the clergyman !iad forgotten the words, "with this ring I thee- wed, etc., thus relieving the bridegroom of the most serious inrt of his obligation, and the fall 'iride was minus a wedding ring. In dead of witting down to a tirenkfnst th arty hurried buck to the church ant' acre thus practically married twice li one day. Cupid ran amuck some time ngi imonir the old folk of a (icorgia town n old soldier, 7H year of nge, led to th iltnr nu aged damsel who had aern 7 iiiliiiiu'rH. There werf thre brides mniilrn, wlume age reipeclively cr M, CH and TO. Th'-y were all spinsler Die beet man, who was 75, brough the mniltinrd ages up to 42.1 year. An miiiMiul kind of marriage wa i Irbrated In New York recently. Thl was between a couple txitb deaf an lumb. They held prayer books whll 1 friend iolnted out the diffrrer usagea lit the service as they yei pokeii by the clergyman, and the made the ruatomary response in th deaf and dumb alphabet. An ingenious couple onc concelvi. he Idea of being married by phono raph. In the place where the brsle friMiin reaUlid he and the mlnleter wen tvrr I he marriage aertUw, and he recites he projier reajionie) Into the Inatru mem. 1 he phonograph a aent t tni tiidv, ahe willingly supplying lit re itiiMie "I ill and "I do" In the prea 1 nr of her iwator. h then pro iimineed the pair unlteil In matrimony No explanation l gneu of Imw Ihry go iter the difficulty of Ihe ring. well-known anttimpnloglot. In de rriblng varkiua marriage ruatnma, re fer 10 a alrangw ort of ay niltnllrwl mar 1 luge tthtrh la aiipMM-l to ha urig n a let I In India. It la a marring will tree, iitanta, animal and lnaiuuial object. If am one prtiprMM- to enlei iiiin union which k n"l la aeeord pure with tr'l.litiel Idea, It U be. ' rd that III lurk whU h I sure to fo! tuw may te aertel by a marriage rl ihia I11 rut. th nil emmMefjiirttrs- Iwleg Imrne l.y iheubjrrt rhM-o. la vsrlout trgUrn girl inn! mil tnsrrv t-furr l.rr rl-M-.l ai.ler, but Ihe (l.ftl.ully . iiirmime br I be rldeat daaghtey mar- tine the lrarrh nf tree. Then th wedding f Ihe jounger iksiightef hia Mfely hw eelrbraie.1 HuTIo l.prr' how oscrfirriTUNTiD. Held Hla Ground. ' According to a local paper, Lancaster, Pa., had a visitor who believes in stand ing np for his- rights as a pedestrian. He was a commercial drummer, ano was making for a railroad station when he encountered a hack standing on the street crossing. He refused tx walk around the vehicle, and called tc some passers-by to send him a police man that the way mjt be cleared No bluecoat appeared, so he .checker his grip at the station and returned t the crossing, declaring that he wouh linger there until the carriage wai moved. He did so. too, though it tool him an hour and a half in all, and h missed his train. Via the Onion Pacific System Baggage is checked through from Port end to d estination. The apeciallies o the Union Pacific are nnexoelled track and equipment, anion depots, fast time through oars, steam heat, Pintscb light and oonrteona treatmeut to passengers. For rates aud information apply to R W. Baxter, Gen. Agt. U. P. system, Port land, Oregon. rii5 fm VJUmnat tf fs Prof. W. K. reeks, who makes a specialty of baa wttBi boat RoileDST. doubt treated and cur ed more cases than any living Physician; hi access i astonishing. Wa have heard of cases OC to years' standing cirso oj him. Ha publishes a valuable work on this dis ease, which he sends with lares bot tle ot hU absolute cure, free to any suffererf who may ena tneir f. u. ana express aaaress. We advise anv one wishing a cure to addresa ProI.W. H. PZEtE, 7. 9., 4 Cedar St., Sew York I V -T J w tmrnftj V - ' Bend your riame for a Souvenir ot the Work of Eageoe Field, FELDeFLOWERS the 8n TUld monument Souvenir The most beautliut Art Production of the cea turv. "A ansll bnncb of th most frairaat ef bias- Mms fathered from the broad acres of Eugene Field's farm of Lore." Contains a selection of the most beautiful of the poems of Eugene Field. Hand somely Illustrated by thirty-five of the world' greatest artists as their contribution to the Mon ument Fund. But for the noble coatribntloos of the great artist this book coold not hare beea maonfac lured lor J7.00. -For sale at book store, or sent prepaid on receipt of $1.10. The love offering to thechild's Poet Laureate, published by the Com mittee tocrentea fund to build the Monument and to care for tbe family of the beloved poet. Eugene Field Monument Souvenir Fund, iso Moucoe Street, Chicago, III Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat- ent business conducted for MOOCRATC fits. Oua OfficihOppositi; U, 8. Patcmt Office and we can secure patent in leu tuu than those mn fnm W..hinotml Seaa mraci, Brewing ur pituiu., wi.u vot.y- Vft advise, it patentable or not, tree 01 tlnn. pharott. Our f e not an till natent is secured. I a bihmiut. " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of sam in th U. S. and (oreiga countries sent tree. Aaaress, . " SNOW&CO. ' Office, Cu minings & Fall, PROPRIETORS. !'' Of the Old Reliable in A ivini J Opr. Patint Office, Washinqton, D. C. TheomparatlvWTaluofthtwaafls Is known te) moat persons. They Illustrate that gratr quantity Is Not always most to b deird- The card xpre th bnBclal tX r'tty of ; ,. 1 RipansTabules 4s compared with any prevlouly known DYSPEPSIA CURB ; r ''J- ' ' .V '"' RipanTbulest Prie, 50 nta a ben, . or druggurt, or by maU. IPANS CHEMICAL CO-10 Sprues R.Y. WANTED-AN IDEA oTmpi BUKN Ca, Patent Attorneys, Washington. D.O., for their $1,800 prla ?., ..... Gault House s4 BO YIAH8 EXPERIENCE. x y im" CHICAGO, ILL.. ' Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. Q C. M. & 8t. P., V. S A., r. n. w. t;., and the C. St. L. & P. Railroad. RATES ea.oo PBH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton St., The regular sobsonption prion of tbs Semi-Weekly Gasette is $2.60 and tbs regular prioe of the Weekly Oregonisn is $1.60. Any one subscribing for tbs Gazette, and, paying for one yesr in adranoe can get both the Osteite and Weekly Oregonian for $3.60. All old snfc sonbers paying their snbeorintions fcr onn year in advance will be entitled to theeamo. : 1 "- - " , . . ; 1 Nbw Fbsd Tabd. Wm; Gwdon has opened up tbe feed yard next door tn the Gazette office, and. now solicits a share of your patronage. Billy is right at home at this v business and yonf horses will be well looked af ten Prices reasonable. Bay and grain ' forsale. tf TRAD! MARKS DESIGNS, OOPVRIOHTS AO. Anyone sending sketeh and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention la probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest ajrency forsecurtng patent In America. We have a Washlnirton office. Patents taken through Munu Co. reoalvs special notice in th SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, laraest circulation of any scientific Journal, weekly, terms S3.IKI a yeari I 1.60 six months. Hpeolmrn copies and iLkMtt oux ON Patsnts aent free. Addraaa MUNN A CO., , 301 Broadway, Mew Verk. 1 TMU. S. GbVERNMENT.I IS MILLIONS PAYING A MONTH )1 LEA OillG mvll OF THE fil! cTficcoast' THR CltnONICI.E ranks with Ut (ntl ewsisr In th Unit Htatea. THK IMlllOMCI.IC baa ao equal on th Facia t'oafli, II leails all tn ability, onterprtse and new. TIIK CllltOMCt.K'H Tlriile IteporU ar Ihe lauwt and most reliable. II Ijh-U New Ui rti li-sl ami aplelesi. and IU twlitorlal from the abli-at pans In the country. TIIKCIlltONinLK has alwars been. and always will he, the f'lenil and eliamploo of the nn,M as axiiist unmuiiiailon. clli.u-a corporations, ef Oit-f-ion. uf any kind. II will tit lu4vn-mlaal b evarytlilng nsolrai I aollilu. . 9 i -1 mi -. i 1 t -m b. r.i rv. p kh 1 r- To persons who served in the wars oi the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive s pension ? Hd You a relative in tho War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wan on whom you depended for support ? . ,.... t THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW . To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under ths new; law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it to you and Is willing; and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? ' Your pension dates from tho time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. . gT-Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice No Fee unless successful. , , ' 7 The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manater, 618 P Street, WASHINQTON, D. C. "jr. S.-mt Company U tmtrolUd by naarly tnt Ihtmttmd leading jMjwr in (A United malm, mnd it murvmled by IAm, TFSTTiTTa-lES c& Attorneys tit IQW. EEPPNER, All bosioena attended to iu a prompt and eetisfaetory msnner. Notariea Fablio and Collectors. - OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDINQ. 1 1 1 : . 1 OBEOOX 11 E51SHI.3 1 1 vi m gallon Co If i 1 I I Iff at y-i t - rxr- tba (Kr..i.. KalMla, THE. DAILY r r Mat. r. u. Oa!y$6.70a'fJ?. WHITE COLLAR LINE. ivcr and Pneet Sound Navi SlttKn TEUTQOXEa BAILEY 61TZERT AND OCEAN WAVE. Leering Aldsr Hlrswl IX-ek, Portlaod, for Atr!a, Ilwaoo, Long Baaetw Ooa i'eik and Aabeottn, Ihrt oonoeotion witn IIwsoo slaaoisrsj and rail road ; elo at Young's Bay with (teasbora IUilrovl. TZIZiBPXZOlM'B Uares Portland 1k.1t. Dally, tcwy4 "uadsy. Uaie Astoria 7 f. U. IX4Iy, icyt gaaday. XIA.ZZaJO'V -VTH3J3rT I Leare Portland f. M. Iallf . tr.p Snnday. KalaMaf alitbl. II P. M. Imtm A (tori Daily t at A. at., tsiwpt Haaday and Monday. Sanday blfht, T r. at. OOMAIST WAVH are fnrlland sad ran tlrH la flwaen, Turolay and. TaBfaday al A. M SaluMsy'al P. . Uars llaacw Vednea.lay and Frldaf all JA.il. On Suoaay alataltr. M. Et Cklf. b Biibii Dtstiu'im EoSl BtiAfi Fiti cf Ltpesst fo ai4y, saw4. Com Inrt, rleaaura, Trl oa U Tll'pkona, Sajlsr Oaturt and Oraaa Wats. MmUAs gkaat In lb klsslwHf Tag TMa. TUer Is an em f tiny In Yf ttK aiwlvty. IK tixrw iliuiinutir a raMTw-l e4 enin ! Ihayl tM ravo aav tiw im ar )" ) 1,4U U.lr, tut. al' llnw maul f. ttilniiMi ,rw.Vi istws sWIIghl in Ifc Mlntaliwv !) krwrw Ui4 ihef Srw an arttlViaJ rsairl. TVtw la in lawwtim an s.ilJKnal tteni4 saatirvly In tt el unlit. nf th iAirnala, TIW tmiw k an - brawW sf flehi.eg ! ? tw iW Ha.1 tnarw arnt in rrrif th liliM - Tha Weekly Chronicls ri Cr:il ilh4sfn l7. S1.50 a la It: E::!:j Ululs For tho Curo Oa' Liquor. Opium ui Tobacco Habits II Is km at Baieaa, Orwn, -TU V4 lUatfl Tow tm tU CM Call al IM O.larr Say parvw-alaj tnrtit aaaHnlll, T real a, sal pel. ate aa4 Mrs (lsMi iw.m a-. aw J iu riu4 , a Mtsal w.ia Tit llt f IH -tan I k iw aetiii IMI ...a -., w , ,.. ,... la us eH f tw. r- at ra . an" I .. a. a I fmrm I - ten., a. w (... .4 aW aUMI'lt CJI.S .-it frt.t. 1K VOU WtNT Tin: CHRONICLE :;j;:jri l?ovP?ihlP Man? mHnm IM ff-w-. Nr.-). lljIUlulUiU AllUll t iM all stisg te-m nr ft h dwarfg A a. 'a I . . . a a a I, A SM - n mi mr mvmii IM Waaart US a......,. raai I , .' i v sa, ,a tm ...a, s- IM Mll.lf SM N't4IMI.I I SM. , Sft If t .- tf tn' l f(t ai.lvwW ""'. wUt ff .waW ef . .TewAr. 0 tm It '?, t'4 ft t m-t ,rft trm..imi-f tmt lA . I.tpfrntrl As I ft tmj f"" 1' ( ' ) tii .- a. .a , I ,,.! rAwn At TrvMi trcir . I'.-lltiiKIKSI ? .aa. y M l. a, I .... a a. - IUUI ea aMa riiaTimsC cAiy tt.ti at ai m. t ta tasia ta.tntaa.aa, at nt a Aa.tl rWa, a ftmt. narta t ttt.fi-. t. w tmrtt tmm a aaarr vt airaataU ttt a a-afa I hall K la Ik ri'j ma a in tf-m m .5-t lfc (.! ast-natk-wi!t. flit SWSJv.l k a g.aitti Tb t-w aewtanrat In ! a,,a-. k taken f-wa Its era at kef kwn a two tWwar M and It try M b Wkjin tay a.lHtet It fd nk) a tari Waa,ran tf ain a. aal-y, tkWl4 -t ttulh, M tm K tw'.'y tfWn II . a wrtala ( akfKn In mtt"t f.wwt !. i. tWNf Tbt C is; led S'ttn, Doxision ( Ciith a ! Kartbi-a Mciico lite oik ailliK, a th Map of tho World ' " niat nrttrrt mt'. OUR STOCK i - ... SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers .it .1 prc-it financial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a n4 tJ e t fH in M n-4 tt I ki U f ( T, ' 1 . At. tt .1- ViMWfS, i ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 1897 ika aienal' 4,tar TM I-! t r ! Uaey 4lf-. TVl tm) matter of business vc must sell it. ias rtana al a't A tmt a gMW- lH rw ii f rtil- i l n.w. k tm-em) ...at TlIE pATTIiRSON PuiiUSlUNG Co. rt.aS ta,! I ah SaaJ, mv saa