Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 29, 1897, Image 3

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mtL7m B
With Hood's Sarsapa-
rma," Bales Talk," and qip
buow mat this medi- B sMg,
., cine has enjoyed public confidence and
patronage to a greater extent than accord
ed any other proprietary medicine. This
is simply because it possesses greater
merit and produces greater cures than
any other. It is not what we say, bu!
what Hood's Sarsoparilla does, that tel!
. the story. All advertisements of Hood'
Carsaparilla, like Hood's Samparilla i
self, are honest. We have never deceive
the public, and this with its superior
medicinal merit, is why the people hi;
abiding confidence in it, and buy ,: , . .
Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mn
run- are the ly pills to t?
1x00(1 S PUIS with Hood's Sarsapam .
" mm xsssaas m
Now that th ,. nnl,tin.l Too Can be Well
is over und fh. -f. ; When yur ld is pore, rioh and nonr-
OB, all will want bo adequate supply of blood is tbe vital fluid, and when it is
fresh and varied reading matter for the Pr 'bin and impure yon must either
long evenings. Cognizant of this the 8uffer .'rom Bome distressing disease or
will arrive in the oity Sunday mornina
and will preach both morning and even
ing in the new church and he will preaob
leaoh evening daring the week at 7
o'olock. Sunday school and AndAnvnp
will be held at tbe church at tbe regular
The progressive ladies of Westfield.
Ind, issued a "Woman's Editioo"of tbe
Westfield News, bearing date of April 3,
1896. The paper is filled with matter of
interest to women, and we notice the
following irom a correspondent, which
the editors printed, realizing that it
rreatsupon a matter of vital importance
to their sex: "Tbe best remedy for
oronp, oolds and bronobitis that I have
been able to find is Chamberlain's
Oongh Remedy. For family use it bas
no equal. I gladly reoommend it." 25
and 50 oent bottles for sale by Conser &
Brock. . .
Next Tuesday is city eleotion anil as
yet but little politioal gossip bas been
indulged in. Tbe Gazette is not in re
ceipt of any announcements and conse
quently has no official authority to men
tion any candidates. As yet no aotive
aspirants for tbe oouooil have been
heard of, though a number of possibili
ties have been mentioned.
Gazette bas made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers tbe following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
GAZETTE 2.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonlan, fl.50 . .... $3.50
" , 8. F. Examiner, $1.50... 8.75
N. Y, Tribune. 11.00 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25
" 8. F, Chronicle, $1.50 8.75
. Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 60o 2 50
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 6.00
Here and There.
you will easily fall a victim to sudden
Chun bps, exposure, or overwork. Keep
your blood pure with Hood's Sarsaparil
la and be well. '
Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner
pill; assist digestion, cure headache. 25
Grand cod cert
Heppner opera house.
Saturday evening Jan. 30.
Admission 35, 25 and 15 oents.
T. J. Matlock is reported to be ill.
H. W. Bartholomew is on tbe sioklist.
Tbe Heppner Transfer Co., bas wood
for sale. 37-tf.
Alfred Rnaoh, a knight of the grip,
pent Thursday in Heppner.
J. A. Woolery came up from lone
Wednesday to be create ! au Elk.
Regular services will be condaoted ia
tbe M. . ohurcb, South, next Sunday.
If you want tbe best of everything, go
to tbe Orange Frout, Joseph Biber.Prop.tf
Jas. Hager and wife returned bome
from Portland last Wednesday morning.
Tbe Redlight people will treat you
right. Call on them when in towo. tf
Prof. W. O. Howard expeots to gam
take charge of bis sohool next Monday
Drink the celebrated J. H. Cotter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Boroheri.
Miss Smith, of Pendleton , It the guett
of ber lister, Mrs. R. C. Howard, of tblt
Rev. J. W. Jenkins waa a passenger
op from The Dulles on yesterday moro-
iog's train.
Ben Sinshimer, the well knows com
merciel man, is Interviewing the Hepp
ner merchants today.
Too eao'l afford to mite tbe conoert
tomorrow evening. The program will
be fall of good things.
Tbe Degree of Honor held e brief so
cial session following tbeir lodge session
last Wsdnesdsy e -going.
Est. M. 7. Howard, father of Prof.
Howerd, of tb;s city, depart! last evsn
log for bis boms in Spokane.
IL V. Gates, prrsidsat of tbe Heppner
Light and Water Co, departed for bis
boms in Uillsboro last Tuesday evsoiDg
Tbs visiting Elks sll spoks very highly
of tbe msooer ia which tbe- were re
ceived and eaUrtaioeJ last Wedossday.
Ut yoor tiokets tor tbs grsnd boeflt
concert st tbe opera hones tomorrow
evening of Oooser k Brock. Price 83
Royal Diamond, Tan Fired Jspsa, an-
colored. The best 25 tea ever sold li
lUnmiar. P. O. Tbowpeoo Co. tbs
leader. It
Fred Cock departed for Portland last
Taesdsy evening where be expects to
intaJ a fw weeks visiting with old
City el-MbHi oil Too lay. Bring
out yoor esndMaUs. AU aeeeptaeeee
eboulJ L fllsJ br tomorrow evening If
IliUI Oobo, msseg-r of H'Htr'
wsrebnaee, will ff the bl.beet sf set
pric for bW-e. fere. sneep pens,
bring yoor blJee to bias.
It.ncn.r bilk are new tmverej aitk
alwottfltelsebeeolsnoe. r mm pre.
mi mnMrmiM aa nctKt snilf for
sUigbing will he sff tJi.
Itwk MaibweMl V. Oeetrv, nntf
lb firm asms af Ma'bsea A Oesirv,
aa ...a. .ia 1 trig-ether Is lfc bvher
business trt w Head, twe 4.rs
nalbof the poet.fflee. lbf "! a
A man olaiminif to represent a Cbioago
tailoring establishment was in Arlington
this week soliciting orders. He required
the immediate payment of one dollar
upon taking the order, tbe balanoe when
the goods were delivered. Quite a num
ber of persons in Heppner invested in
suits on the same layout a little over a
year ego and are still waiting for tbs
delivery of tbe goods, and should this
gentleman come to Heppner be would no
doubt receive s very oordial reception.
Millions of Cook Buoks Given Away.
Thore is one large house in this coun
try that has taken business on its turn
and means to ride in on tbe rising tide.
Alive to the sigos of better times and to
tbe best interests of the people, they are
now circulating amuog families a value-
ble publication known as The Charles A.
Vogeler Company's Cookery Book and
Book of Comfort and Health, which on
tains very choice information on the
subject of cooking. Receipts tor tbe
preparation of goo J, substantial and
dainty dishes, prepared especially tor it
by a leading authority, will ba found in
its pages. Much care bas been taken In
its preparation aod distribution, with
tbe hope tbst it will be just tbe thing
heeded tor housekeepers, aod just tbe
tbing nee led also for tbe care of tbe
health and boaseholl. As a Cookery
Book it will bs invaluable to keep on
band for refereice.
It also contains full Informttioa ia re
tfrd to tbe great remains of Ibis house,
hich provide against bo lily ailments,
aspsoially the Master Care tor Psios sod
Aobee,8t. Jacob Oil.
To givs sums Ides of tue Isbtr aod ex
pense of this output, more than 2tX) tons
of psper have been osJ in its public
tion, and at tbs rste of 100,000 a day, it
bas taken several months tor the issn
Tbe book can bs bad of druggists
everywhere, or by enoloeiug a 2j stsmp
to tbe Charles A. Vogeler Company,
Ballimoae, Md.
Baker City Republican: Several of
onr local 'Best People on Earth" left on
tbe train Ibis svsning fur Heppner to be
present at the Institution of tbs ns
lodge of Elks In tbst eir wbicb occurs
tomorrow evening. Tbe boys go pre
pared for a good time end tbst tbey will
bsva it goes without asyiog. Among
Ibose going are Exalted Ruler Was.
Hojitb, A. Renberger, Net Cooper and
J. T. Donnelly.
upon by this congress. Besides, it
would not be good policy to have a va
cancy in the ohaitm inship of the com
mittee on foreign relations at this time,
as there is no certainty that tbe senate,
as at present composed, would a1 low the
republicans to name his suooassor.
Tba republican steering odmmittee of
tbe senate ha given the Nicaragua Cxoal
bill the right of way in tbe senate. A
similar bill bis passed the eeu ate several
times, aod there is little doubt that this
one will pass, bat its ob.an.ee tor getting
consideration in the house is not coqiM
ered especially goad.
Senator Gear bas reported bis bill to
the senate for the appointment of a com
mission to be composed of three num
bers of the cabinet to determine upon a
just and equitable settlement of tha in
debtedness of the Pauifto railroads to the
government, together with a aonnimona
report fro no the committee on Paoifio
railroads, of wbiob he is obairm io, iaita
favor. Tbe fte of tbe bill ia dependent
upon favorable aotlon by tbe house on a
similar bill, as it would be a mere waste
of time for the senate to piss it until as
sured of the attitude of tbe house.
Meanwhile the legal olBiera of tbe gov
ernment are getting ready to apply to
the oourts or an order foreclosing the
Col. Fred D. Grant, representing the
Army of tbe Tennessee, and Geo. 8. B.
Lee, of Mississippi, representing tbe
confederate veterans' association, m lie
a joint argument before tbe bouse oom
mittee on rules for tbe settiug ap'irt of a
dny for tbe consideration by the bouse
of the bill for the purchase of ground
around Vioksburg, in order that future
generations may see the battle ground
and study the maneuvers made by Geu
Grant, which resulted in the onpture of
what as known as the Gibraltar of the
Confederacy Gen.' Grant's first really
great military achievement. Speaker
Reed, who is chairman of that oomra it
tee, told tbe gentlemen that ioasmuoh as
tbe bill carried an appropriation, It oould
not be considered from a sentimental
standpoint-alone, and that the oominittee
could not at tbe time make a positiye
Tbe return of Hon. Thomas C. Piatt
to the senate by th) New York legisla
ture, recalls tbe remarks made by bim
self and Senator Conkliog, when tbey re
signed from the senate. Mr. Conkling
said: ''This ends me so far us pohtios
are concerned. I shall never again al
low tbe use of my name in connection
with any politioal offioe. I am doLe tor
all time with tbe game of politics." Mr.
Piatt said: "I will re-enter politics at
this very moment and stay in until 1 die
maybe to get even with certain perfid
ious scoundrels who have deoeived us,
and maybe to go baok to the senate of
tbe Doited States."
Before passing tbe Oklahoma tree
homesteads bill, tbs senate ameuded it
by making its provisions apply to all
homesteads on lands acquired from tbs
Indians, and tbe amended bill ia now ia
tbe bands of tbe house oommittes on
public lands. So far as oso be learned,
tbe reports of an attempt to kill tbe bill
in committee have no better foundation
than guess work.
The republican members of the bouse
ways sod means committee are making
progress on ths osw tariff bill, but it is
not probable that tbe bill oan be oim
pleted before abont tbe first of April,
even with tbe m at diligent work. At
tempts wbioli bsvs ben made to givs
any schedule of the bill al this tims srs
simply silly. Chairman Dmgley biinutlf
would not try to do it.
Heppner Lodge Duly Organ
ized With a Good List of
Charter Members.
Tbe institution
of Heppner Lodge,
No. 358, Benevo
lent Protective Or
der of Elks, Wed
nesday, was cer
tainly one ot the
greatest fraternal
events the oity. has
ever witnessed. In
fact the town was
fairly captured by a very large band of
exceptionally jolly Elks. Tbe visiting
party, 3t in number, oame up in the spe
cial Pullman sleeper, "Mooida," with
Tom Bowman, one of tbe company's
most popular employes, in charge.. They
represented the different cities of Ore
gon as follows:
Portland D. Solis Cohen, D. D. G.
E K. ; Won. H. Meade, A ti. Colby, H.
D. Griffin, W. H. Street.
The Drilles Geo. W. Crossfleld, J. 8.
Fish. E. Jaoobsoo, H. W. Frerioh, T. J.
Seufert, T. J. Driver, J. H. Blakeney, Al.
Bettioger, Dr. D. Sid Jail, J. A. Crossen,
A. M. Kelsay, A. Keller. R. H. Lons
dale, W. H. Wilson, F. E. Sum ners, W.
A. Johnston, P. Dad off, Ed. Williams,
Grant Mays, G. W. Phelps, W. L Brad
sbaw, C. L. Schmidt, G. A. Ferguson.
Baker City Wm. Smith, J. T. Don!
nelly. A. Neoberger, Nat Cooper.
Walla Walla H. 0. Gregg.
Astoria A. P. Bradbury. '
Tbe lodge was duly instituted during
tbe afternoon, after wbiob tbe following
officers were installed by District Deputy
Grand Exalted Ruler D. Solis Cobeo:
Exalted ruler, A. W. Pattereoo ; esteemed
leading koight, W. E. Brook; esteemed
loyal knight, E. L. Freeland; esteemed
leotnring knight, Dr. E. R. Swiubuine;
secretary, S. W. Spencer; treasurer,
Frank Gilliam; tyler, Abe I. Jones;
obaplain, E. J.Stooam; guard, Geo. Con
ser; organist, Joset Mueller; trustees, hi
U Matlock. 8. P. Garrigues and B. F.
Heppner Lodge bas a charter mem
bership of 35, at follows :
A. W. Patterson, W. E. Brook, Pbill
Oobo, 8. W. Spencer, E. W. Rbes, Wm
Dunn, W. R. Irwin, E. L Freeland, J
W. Morrow, 8. P. Girrigudt, J. A. Pat
teraon, G. W. Conser, Frank R iberts, E
L. Matlock, E. J. Sloeum, Frank Gilliam
J oo. J. Harris, E. R Swinburo, T. R.
Lyons, Abs I. Jones, B. F, Veoghao,
Ji A. Woolery, P. O. Brg; j'sef Muel
ler, Harry Dunn, i. O. Borobers, John
Horuor, Lsslie Matlock, I. Hones, R. O.
Wills, A. M. 8 loo a in. E. II. Slooum,
Henry Blaokmsu, J. N. Bmwd and R F.
titiortly after 7 in the evening ths
siting aod local Elks repiired t tbe
banquet hall at tbe Ploe, wbere all
looked boras over ooe of tbe ovist elab
orate spreads ever seen ia th oiy. Tue
room was appropriately dsojrated as
were also tbe tables. Ia all tbe service
Griffin: Greeting to baby lodge. Put
one through for as. ; '
Joseph MoKia. '
R. W. MrroHKiiL.
Bsker City, Or., Jan. 27. D. Solis
Cohen : Tbe mother lodge ot the juris
diction greets ber youngest obild.
M. 1h Tiohnik, E. R.
Baker City, Or., Jan. 27. D. Solis
Cohen: Baker City Lodge, No. 838,
doffs its oap and senda greeting to tbe
baby lodge. Our big four are perfectly
harmless. G. B. Small,
Esteemed Leading Knight.
Depot Eugene, Or., Jan. 27, D. Solis
Cohen: Eugene Lodge, wbiob attains
its majority by tbe birth of Heppner
Lodge, sends its sincere congratulations
to tbe new baby. J. L. Pagb, E. R.
Portland, Or., Jan 27. D. Solis Cohen:
Greeting to tbe baby, tbrioe welcome to
tbe herd; may your horns grow and mul
tiply till all the bills are peopled with
your kind. .
Loyal Hall and Lbotcrinoi Troubles.
Portland, Or., Jan. 27. D. SolisCohen,
. D. B. . P. O. E. : Portland Lodge
sends greeting to tbe new kid. An in
orease ia the family should always be an
occasion for rejoicing,' especially when
tbe parents are in snoh good oondition
pbysioally, financially and mentally as
the B. P. O. Elks. -
Alfred R. Ookerman,
Secretary No. 142.
The following is tbe elaborate menu
as served by tbe boBtess, Mrs. Bradley
Eastern Oysters Raw.
Young Pig, with sweet potstoea
. Turkey, with cranberry sauos
Tongue ' Ham
Potatoes, oream mashed, brown potatoes
Frenob peas Sweet corn
Mince pie, ooooanut pie, English plan
padding, brandy sauoe, coooanut
cake, chocolate cake, pound cake,
Oregon cream cheese.
Orsnges, bananas Assorted nuts
Frenob oandiea.
Reialing Reinart Yin Brut
Coffee and cigars.
jHV -Ml.
.Uflik irswj ja it
Tow will find one eoapon
Inside each two oanu bag,
and two coupons Inilde each
four onnee bag of Black
wall's Durham. Bay a bag
of this celebrated tobacco
and read tbe coupon which
gives a list of valuable pree
d how to get them.
Slot el
Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop
Guests will find the best ot accom
modations in every respect.
The Trouble is Over!
We Mean the Election. But that
Makes no Difference With
Teachers' Examination.
(he pur pom of making an examination of
all persona who may oner themaelTe aa caiml
datea (or teai-hera of tbe achoolaol thla county
I rttate and Ills diplomas, the county school
superintendent thereol will hold a public
examination at the court house at Heppner,
opentni; Wednesday, l. 10th, IW7.
Dated tblt Win day of Jan. 1W7.
Who never lets politics interfere witb business. At tbs
same old stand, next door to M. Lichteotbal's.
School Bupt, Morrow Co.
harklra'a A re Ira Hair.
Tbe llat Salve in the world for Cuts.
BruUee, Mores, Ulcers, Halt Rnenm,
Fever Horrs. Trtter, Cbapped Hands,
Cbilbuius, Corns, aod all Hkia Lrap-
nous, and poaitttelr cores files or oo
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
oerlrai saliafactioe or money refunded.
Price 25 rents er txi. For sale by
Cooser k brock.
H reepie.
Old people wbo require tnedieine to
regulate tbe bowels and kidneys will
find lbs true Muted la LUv Irto Hitters.
Tbls medietas dors not silmalale and
ouotsiiis no wbniv nor otber lotoiieenl,
but acta as a tenia aod alterative. It
acts tnildiy on tba stoesscb and bowels.
adding strena-tb and giving lne to the
organs, thereof ki.img nature in toe
tvorfor manes of the ruoelrs. t.ieeirte
llil tors is sa eirwllsal epptisr and aids
dla-et.,o. Old i'eople Mod tl lost !
ely what tbey aeJ. IVtce fifty rente
sad II tW per buttle at Cooaor k ikock's
Urai Mo'S.
wvmvirni M.
S mm
uiin.MS. Js 2-J Corito!alies
bare been showsrel opu rWeator bir
man tier be reiareel to Wsebinntaa
an J a l ths MaiU ansucol tbst
bo bl derUed to boome eoeretart of
state nedef trNJeot MiK)alf, aa-l
wofratuUMnes have ! bet wlrvl to
Miv MaKiolejao bie eureess la et
tins so able sad si I a
Sen era's Medal.
In tbe poawKir'ion of Uie I!rd Jsckrt
club of Cnt)Mii(!iilri la a n n'ul tahich.
the ttirtiiUrs of the rluti til rvr. n-n
(jlvrn tli famous Hrnrcs th'rf by
tJwiriT Wali!nr'"n. Oibrr f.;is have
frrqiirntly qurttlotuHl tlic atilbrptiri'y
of t' rrlip. morh t the ;n!if nnii'Htof
the CsiiBiiil.iir'ians. who aux i I that I'e
cltima to rrirrt are Leyind thuilit
Mtnls alniont rtai-t dupKratr of li'-d
Jnrkrt's, tSry adult, wrrr- prrwtilrd
In othrr I ml la lie of Mule (limit the time
vlrn IIpJ Jiirkrl rrcrUed hi. bill II
rue la li"tlnpuiln-d from nil the rot
Im-at'se c n tin rrm trr tbrrrtare II
stars Instead of IS. sod trmsinwl In tbe
bands of a sinrle fam'lv from the lime
of the rblrrs drsth ontil IT lircame
tbe prneriy of Its prrwnt owners,
A Mls4 VeHlri.
A Irtdim lry tbe othrr ,Uy Irrmirli
in the folkmlftf ilfcldnllv tiiixrd rf-
tlirt! "We flrnt the firi.hrr not ruilty
end that be a.tmlltrd his fn'At throurb
liMirsn.-e, ar d we slrotf!y rerxitomrnd
bim to merry." -
I ot the CoiinlT Court ol ths Hlete of Oreson
lor tne tHiunty ol Morrow, to me uirerteii, rom
mending me to levy on ths goods and chattels
ot the dullnuuent tainevnrs uamed on thede-
lliMiient tax roll lor Mll rounty lor the yea's
IMil. Itn. list and lx. thereto atisrheit.
and none be found then upon the reel property
ax ict forth and de'rlhed ill the asld dellniiinit
lax Mils, or en much thereof as shall ssllily the
amount of Isxes charged therein, (aether with
roata and expenses. I hsve duly levied, having
been unable to Snd any goods orrhattela he long
ing to the respective dr!liHiienta hereinafter es
mnl Uin the following drrlliet pieces or par
cels of land aa set forth In said lex Hals, lying
and lielng In said Morrow County, Mats of
Oregon, dvsarllied aod aaacased aa foilowa:
aMT. Til.
tbe followint: program roved very in
teresting and It was rsg-rsltsd tbat tbe
arrival of train time broajbt it to a best
Instrnmentsl aolo Joeef Uueller
"lint Uue Vienna."
Welcome a E Itedflsld
U.l,.O.E...U.rloiUGUsn.U.D.U E R
Hong Utrl Wented,".... Josef Moeller
Our lleby Elk W. U. Witsoe
Uur Absent Urotbers...W. L. Bradsbew
Freuob Chauipagns 8oog. . JoW Mueller
tqjires Usury U OrllTla
The Ueppoar H.ys Dr. V. HtJ lall
Hwilavrlsnd Hong. With WarbUog
Josef Mueller
Prate rnlty Wm. Hnilb, E. It
lbs U)S Wm. Meade
Song Jieef Mueller
I'ol M Off at Wuffslo."
Tbe vteltora departed oa tba evening
train wltb asughl but tbe kindest of
feelings for lbs sirs os si J nembare of
Ueppner Dntge, No. Sv'el, IS. I. O. E
h X; ux tie. IH. aos
Worlhlnglon, M V W''a I and I his II,
t uils Hm i : lax fu 4 la. iu li isi ...
farrlah. Itavl.l J Ms l I anS 17. blk II,
Mt Vernnn addlilon to IUp.nef. tal
m air. IWI ll 71
Northern Parlor lllttory Co, lots I, Sand
S, Hi feet od eeet part M 1. blk 1, ! I,
t.lk II, Ml Vernon BO'llllmi to II r pp.
net: tax lain . mH till
brewer, W m au .rf er a, p I n, r r ;
tai l"i li oi. IM Sua ...
Kaiep. xii er ol wKlpla, tia, ux
IMJ 11 M. ! Slug
Clark. W N t aivt of K. see IS,
te I a. r 77: tax wm H.w. m. t mi .
camel, T k N f ar W, Ip I a, r 21;
Ux ad Li s. 'I tiao ...
Riamel, Mrs A C ',' IV nf sm IS, Ip
la. rst: tax la4l au rill
rhaplaln, ienla e'.,f
ul eK't and aws4 lei
r ,, exce
Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's
Furnishings, etc.
Main Street. Heppner, Oregon.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Holiday Display !
You Should all See It.
Con)e in at Once.
rta and HU
and la's L 1
pArtloe) eonrefed to the l. It 4 n.
snd . see Is, Ip S a.
.t that
I u
4 It
u,, TiiK Lancasiurk Insuranck Co.
LI filTlfUUX. IbDT. OiiaoMhelleallntliaWorlrl
Mela Street,
r.nf lor right nf asy. also a nt
as , nl are el. Ip a m. f Tit tag l,
an m. t"H a. iS
Wehh. baW ol WW1, and '
i sm it, ip a, I , mi iw i ja, i4
ItM - -
Iahermaa). IM. V.UIe el. Sk of
e.s olMli and k't f Via. a Jt.
Ip . m and aa w d '.ju
ti.s t rs. of ha a a ad kw4
l V ar is tp s. I n. tax
Ip ( a. I . tag
btsseerrts nf slats. Tbe f'rst btet
eae Interest of tbe Staelrf Will Wei-
poUeS tbe eel.Oli iO of rVnalor HWeriass I
Ilela a!0g go1 f ttt Ibis Ire p. U 1. 1 puit, Wsuae ,is well
tkkM for the grsa4 r-aefit ewocett at r'm ks a gssrssl ihsl.
ll.a opers bo'iee ( HslaiJsf avealag. b,i, t,. f.i, p.j,f ,af lbs M.
Tbe prr-ee. ga towsfl erebeiag aa iq.iBi.trejHe sill be 0'nt end ttt'f
o'gaa f r lb aswrbarvb. lUa.ftal. 4m.,.t (t eill be tiag I wttb tbe
SS rants. dtelorblug slesn.st ol Jrw-it wll
Tbe aoaaal meeiiog of Ibe Heppner maietaia the nghts of eitiiaas
abl hoard fr tbs psp- f levfiag sta.1. jsM as Ms taieal rlt
1st to raa tbe erbwl lv the eotsg pft.t Aefiet st bsss, Ml II will
fear wee kU li.ie s'hca at tbe p, g. p e.r argcea f poiilusl fi-H,
xMfi bxis with eklmsu. k. Wflgbt trB 4.sira. stl hraaUea r-f bl
Sn4 flak 3. J. It'btS pfaaeat AHr as eel ail l tbe IHs.ti f esp.tsl.
a..lersl'le ataeoaaiea a sevsa ssttl tal Tbe rseaar ets of the MK B)lf a-t-
see vt... Tbe l.t Itsl tr was fjleea roioi.t,sle w.il be t8 ! eat ae
' ajtr.'-s . ese Ibisg e-sll kve asle Usl sUsia-r
O.l.g is IHe iJ.btb'f of lb- to Ik. e-.u.tf ibve lb. cWo
koaa-f.pt.ulba.-l lb. 4-t eail-a .4 If Wf S t U e-er.lsr. of tieia Mr.
MoCMWlel,u..HbMrut. ) rHs.rs.sa s fa. S..'Nl a. "
I. J. 11 I-. Tllx. RV. kv4si..nl a ,.,ixee,
"'"I !- er -sw
JaT m t .44 ssiksail ft Jf ! t ! f
-f , g , -x .w-vws-t aj - - a. I
tbrtatisa rift m ia !'.
3. H. fistt aa4 E. Jssnlisoa vere lbs
j eihers uf l rt
H. C. Ois-, e-l.toraf lbs Walla Walls
ln'-l.. tiruiliernf Mrs Oils reiMea,
eepreattlbe Walls Welle be 1.
Jo lgs Vs4ebs, W. II. Wlieos aal
W, A. Julmxtoa, well kea to Hpa
ear, tea. Vers S...g Ibe lllee d.lS-
Heary P. Or.ffls le eerl.lely aa all
fata ftsliB. aa-t it bas alosia.l ssas elilraf IS ll.a to if a rrej
. ,. . , . , ... . . . , , v. j. . .
et eea entire relet.- inisoHKiitriiiMisMWI tswe. i ue mil an
l'aa lUlej IS alao a eertsie ears lit I
rbeatnaltsa. eVM br C3nstr at llrnrl
A t ees Iter bases Rark
"Mr dansb'ee. abes reevriBg feme
a alia. S r? fever, as a greal aaff far
from tala la tbe barb aad He." xmles
la lea lrrivar. af MadS. Kf. "AHef
naiae aaita a aaasrase ar reiaadtea ellb-
,,f m any beaefil she rle4 leae te!lle af
tf t l . ' -
i x oxnir"a e
' rise entire
! af evgress, as be IS 4ai'r aeMag east et-eea
ttt4la ttHttl etirb t-i W.tais t 1 Ha. frasl llrF.i'.asi. s!.via.
keo l ira.
m . , rvtfeel, reprexwatiag Ibe I'sxufie
I t'lk .ne I I.a 1'a.i lakt atelsiifa
Wli.TlS l!)C USC Ol ICa II . reialse. crxef a ilay ll.st tes mgbl
get erssleUe ailb aft tbe Wta.
I rV.tisO b-xt.thetririlaxpstf O'sal
fiallej II ler. Is seftelalf verf p"pals
ai.g lbs t. ks. lies l pat aal
as vary esm!y rer4e-t. an I si si -as
era all U h sr b tbst b ess t
a ta4 aj s ebatr.
Tba ff.iW.ale leWgrswe Mtj Vers
reeawj bf Mr Obaxi al xrtkar a
bars Wtaeaf eveajisg H Ia4sts
tbst Ibe iKlb of Itefrpaer "f as
ell leeea bf ell "Sfearare af tba boess"
is f reg-a :
Ties l!t.e, Or. 3. TI.- 3. A. C'f.e
Set; It See see IbeSB jsl lei I lb Ifcat
Ve S t, flert. C fMBSt4rf
rsffisl, 0, la. ST. Ljttff p
iwi si as im at s
t'sie. ll. N'M. tKa Heirs 4, t4
liyMlliynlMg tf i . f
H tax tk ia IS isei tl a. mI; art.
K'iH. r s aaia sad hxv e4
ew and SVf elSKsjsf m St, la I a.
f V Mel lex !-
MrSnhor. Mn M , H, al a M. I
a I ni ui ih
M'Xr, aaM S r o I V t Ms 1
swt I aee as l.tx. IN. tax I
Ktg rueasaau at ssa ax, letg.tMi
lax l 4
ai,,,b.n aeeteel S W see at, le I a. f
i; tel let .
Ullilema Ini4 it aee M, t I
, ui i at l. a, as
Ste'ter. S-la.M n M at, le a, r
ssxtamrie; !! la ....
fe). kie.r t m agw m er h, l I a. r
(. lexieaiSta He l aa
rdea .lrA J pfttetsa ae4 eXT
.! wt l.i IS xas ISM
twe . m m h a af see is, I a, r .
tal IM ....
teeii. tees W a a sea , la I a, I W,
klia, KltitwM'Mii .M saw
e It. le I .. t . ass last at. I"t
Hsra. 7 eS gee II. to I S,r li
es iwia. iet
el Keeele aef is H ,
m mm awr X, ip I . at. let is
SM fMX. I en 1 1
a, UtMH af
. I S If la. leH U, ISM t, M
you don't have fun drinking
&uits llcst h full of
fun "liuh and grow Cit"
Money luck if you don't
like it at grtKicrs' in puck-
SlM.ee a '
as sd
tf I a. f it. tea "t
SSagsea S. I p I B. I P.
T a
IS 111
a ox
at is
Vourtj IiOUK I) ( Tnko MOm.
' X
f f t tttabc saraeae t Tba Ms
fs'la. I Merearllle f" . e Sli'l ee,
ttt.eg yreal ba galea ia aM I'Sea, Ibe
atrk Seael etaa1 aal. Sl M as HI-
liters see I all aa
M', af aw
Si a. i-rt a,
a ...... grsas
Vaa t a) sr sad aa SX,
a I lei le-t
feka.ee. si s I X) ,4 af aiSlill.
I . Ml In. I a, let l II t
r' M.a,f Xk e III. I S.I H.
sal lew
r asy, smi IS, to a. r IV. Sss
ta It as, i wm It e ,111
lt"ii ItasesM ,e-.e atta,
eeml-t e lae X I aetal m4 m,
X S X. a4 ee e af g.M sa. eaa
tf ea at laat, aaalS tl k4 aaeX SX
XM kw It a sav) at seglaaleg ,
tel MBS
pease II S XI , a a. I I, , a( gX
e te. ia X 1 s laes X i am
IMa,4aaltl iMiat stif f,M,
lee, at Ik. Lm. .a. taa..ea a. - - a.
at la ea nee fa el aaaaf saM Stale
ti'l a S ttte ela,e 4a.eat teal aata el as.
a ,.t!a ta -. Sieaael W44aT X aaa aa
ar. sa laWba Sw aataell SaS aseSta.
, e-s Sad Satag eal'S
t t atlTlarg
i tf IT ftnf aj ! xerajre.
Lecuvcs No Constipation. ,wv
fares M, aa aell ae all lllllsaaeeaea. H. Iles-taebe ee l Mslafia. Tbe ealf
txamaTxata attt Is) tba an,i,. by ail dagg... ... ae, I y tasil aa
reoaiiltef prlaa, sat,! f U . IlilMI-ct M t Ml I, 1 1 .
flea I raeetean, t'svl.
ssrgf sa
" I. J. 1TYEIS "-."rr...::
Wbrratn-jeao K't l ifsU M'l'V I I af rI Is I
neMMH.Wt.rH, if !UI. Ul 1 1 IM M l'ili.
Trench Cook, and White Ubor only, employed.
i" Good Foomsand Excellent Service
Tho GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year lor