Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 29, 1897, Image 2

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J Pit
Ueitfied has received the cau-
CU8 Domination of the populists for
senator of Idaho. This will proba
bly defeat Dubois.
Lyman J. Gage, of Chicago,' will
probably be the next secretary of
the treasury. This selection would
give general satisfaction. . .
Bryan, while down in Texas,
made one of his characteristic
speeches before the legislature of
that state last Wednesday.
Senator Squire is " hardly a
creditable figurehead in the Wash
ington senatorial contest He
should withdraw and go home
while his credit is good.
The Oregoman still persists in
misrepresenting the fight on in
Salem. One would think that the
regular republicans were very bad
people, if any credence could be
given the Oregonian reports from
Salem. They are a fabric of lies,
and each succeeding day: new lies
are being told, each vying with
the other in its immensity.
The regular republicans have
always insisted upon doing busi
ness, and these, aided by two demo
crats, brougnt about the present
organization. Simon,' the tyrant
that he is, ruled that the senate
could not receive any communica
tion from the house, thus setting
himself up a bigger man than the
supreme court of our state. It is
. useless to comment upon this
man's disposition to do damnable
things. He is not known by some,
but sooner or later his acquaintance
is made. lie is a cool headed
calculating individual who will
scruole at nothing to gain his ends,
lie will not commit a crime be
cause he is too much of a coward,
but the Qazette believes that he
would sanction anything.
Headers of the Oregonian re
momber with what vigor that
paper persecuted Jonathan Bourne
last summer, bncauso as a silver
man he was Hecrptary of the repub
lican central committee. They will
remember that Bourne was car
tooned as a terrible free silver
moimtor who ought not be at large,
Mr. Simon, Mr. Mallory, the Oreg-
onian and many others were so
afraid that the paity would be con
taminated by Mr. bourne's pres
ence in the republican party and
as tho secretary of its state com
mitten. Mr. Simon was loud in
las demands that Bourne should
resign so that Oregon could have a
great "sound money" victory. Mr.
Ilourne, true to his convictions, re
signed his place as secretary and
left the republican party to sup
port Mr. Bryan. All faction! went
to work, aud among the individual
supporters none did more than
Fonstor John II. Mitchell, to carry
Oregon for McKioloy. It was car-
rieil by a handsome majority.
Havo thetto pucmiea of Jonathan
jtourtiA remained utitl his option-
rule? Ilnm the interests of "aoum
luoncy" kept tlicni from flirting
with llourno? Ye god, no. The
riuiiiiinbli', ininirallo h)ocrite
never had a principle that they
would nut betray. Protection and
"Hound uiouey" .mint wait while
they woik "hand in glove" with
Ilourue, the ixipulidln, a few demo.
rrats and a few so-called republic
aim. No notice i taken of the
fact that if Oregon should ti
elect a senator great damage might
be done, for UouIUcm Oregon ran
give the needed republican senator,
Nothing appeals to tho man whose
blackened political record is a di
grace to Oregon, eicrpt his owo
pornonul and arlflith doire. lie
iNilted the party last Jnue; he ia
worse than a jiopulist now. The
taunted republicanism, O, where
is it?
However, the little tiirkster wil
not defeat the will of the wpl
Mr. Mitchell friend are loyal an
hi will l rliooni. They know ful
wi ll tint there in tin principle !.
Mill t!i d.fpvful eoitxe U-ing
i-is'n-ti-1 at Kaleni, and that the rep-
t iitnlj.tim t,f Or ruiiino au
U i'.k are al-nurd and iueicunabt
i nr haitii .-MniontnMi Mill con
linuen ! ttmit fitly the tire a
It girt in a recent issue a little
trap which the tiiorgreU pot op
lot the republicans but the latter
.rtueiH, to fall into it
Wnr rnm the senate) rrognljtet
the houae i,r tiot, this dure. 6ot
Linder the aeltK-tioti cf t United
BtaUe equator, much, aa gimon
like to at it rtanlt ifc.l ti;,
The Salem Statesman has right
ly earned tbe reputation of being
the leading republican paper of
Oregon. It has quite a list in
Heppner. It' deserves to have
more readers. ,
Those representatives who' are
now daily answering blank as their
names are called, will also find
themselves blanks when they re
turn to their constituents. It is
safe to say that they will never
have another opportunity of an-
wering a roll call in the Oregon
i cicis-iiim mmmi
The Gazette believes that Sena
tor John H. Mitchell will be elect
ed to succeed himself next Wednes
day. He cannot be beaten and if
chosen will have no difficulty in
being seated. The will of the peo
ple cannot be overridden.
The Arlington Record's position
in the matter of building a new
court house is well taken. Gilliam
county is leported to be out of
debt and our neighbor's economical
policy is certainly very commend
able. Morrow county would be in
much better condition at present if
its officials for soveral years past
had adopted this "get out of debt
and Bty out" policy.
He Makes Some Reflections on the Benefits of the
Sport and tells of its Dangers.
From the Press, Vtica, N. Y.
paper in wbiob a good deal of spaoe wai
taken by an article in relation to Dr.
Williams Pink Pills. I did not at that
time know what they were supposed to
core. I sbonld have paid no attention
to tbe article had I not caught the name
of a lady whom I knew. Beading, I
(onnd that she, in similar oiroumstanoes,
bad been greatly benefited by tbe nse of
Fink Fills, and knowing her aa I did I
bad no doubt of the truth of tbe 6(8 le
nient tbat aha bad authorized.
"The first box was not gone before I saw
a change, and the third bad not been
finished before all signs of my rheumatic
troubles were gone to Btay.
''I say 'gone to stay,' for tbonah there
baa been every opportunity for a return
of tbe trouble, I have Dot felt tbe first
twiuge of it. 1 have wheeled thousands
of miles and never before with so little
discomfort. I have bad some of tbe
most severe tests of strength and endur
aqee, and have come through them with
out an ache. For example, one after
noon I road seveoty mites, preached tbat
night and made fifty miles of tbe hardest
kjind of road before noon tbe next day
Tho (if ateKt Mmiarrti
Is a fit subjeot for pity if be is trou'iled
with dyspepsia, while his poorest sub
jeot who digests properly may bs envied
by a prince thus ulllmted. The dyspep
tic of every olime aud nation owe a debt
of gratitude to Hosteller's Htomaeh
Hitters, wbiob rescues them from one of
tbe most obstinate and troublesome
complaints against wbiob medical skill
a directed. Oo this continent, Id
Europe and tbs tropios, this sterling
remedy is pre eminently and justly pop
alar, not only as a stomachio, but also
as a means of preventing and curing
malarial, rheumatic, kidney, bilioua and
nervous disorders. It improves SDDrtite
and sleep, hastens oonvaleeoence and the
acquisition of vigor after exhausting
maladies', and coanteraota the infirmities
of age. A wioeglasaful taken before re
tiring baa a tendsocv to promote tras
quil, bealtb yielding sleep, a boon much
coveted by nervous invalids.
While tbe Oregonian isdohtiog Sena
tor Mitchell's republioanlam all republt
can napers outside nf Portland that p it
ereaanv ability, ieilUnneor atendtni.et
press the utmost cuitl I vice la Mr. Mitch
ell's republicanism and tirn lt re elect
Ion. UilUboro llatohel.
What's the matter with I lies people,
anyway T The enemies of Mouetor Mitob
ell nam do person as bis opponent.
is well knnwo that Oorb-tt la lbs mm
Itiastalsl tbat ha will epnl fliM
(XX) to secure MiMinll'ssrat Nil wonder
lb Hrtotla oppose Mr. Milohell.-Port
land Mercory.
Beaaliiv Mitchell de booor to Ore-
goo la lb balls of oongr.ea, aej lb
people of Oregoo desire la retain blm
there. Will lb mtmber of lb legists
tort rarry out lb demands of Iheir eoe
slitnenls an 1 Uot blm, or will Ibey al
lw tb.ms.lvee to be lutlu.oo.4 by lb
Oregixiias), and Uurb.it, a wealthy
eapereeiaete4 pulilieal Inrksler, ebose
sapeilie4 papers are keeping Ms asm
coast sally Ulor lbs legislature. po
0 for J Tribune.
I of Oregon, lor the County of Morrow.
William Peuland, Plaintiff,
William Doonan ai d Mary
J. Doonan. Defendants.
To William Doonan, one of defendants herein:
In the name of the State of Oregon: You are
berete required to appear and ainwer or other
wine plead to the complaint fll-d agalnstyou in
the above entitled suit on or before the next
regular term of of the above entitled court, to
wit: The First Day of March, 1897,
and if vou fail o to answer or otherwise plead.
for want thereof, the Dlaintiff will take judg
ment agal nut you for the sum of five hundred
and ninety-one and 13-100 dollars, together with
interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per
annum from the loth day of October. 18!5 until
paid, ana lor t e sum oi nity aoiiars attorney
ees ana tor nis costs ana aisDursemenis in mi
uit : and the court shall decree that the morte
ge executed by the raid William Doonan and
lary J. Doonan to planum nererem, dated tne
2th dav of Auril. lK'Jl. upon the following des
cribed real estate, to-wlt: The east half of the
northeast quarter ot section 28 and tne somn
east quarter of section 28 and the south half of
the southeast quarter and the south half
of the southwest quarter of section twenty-
seven, all in township one south of range 27 east
of the Willamette meridian, be foreclosed,
and the said real property sold and the proceeds
of such sale to be applied to the payment to
piamurt ot tne above named sums oi money;
that all of the defendants, and all persons claim
ing through or under them, or any of them,
shall be forever burred and foreclosed of all
right, title, estate. Interest and lien at law and
in equity, and all equity of redemption, in and
to, ana upon every part oi saia real property.
This Summons is Dublisbed pursuant to an
order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the
above entitled court, made at chambers, Pendle
ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, on the 13th day
of January, 1897. EI, LIB & LYONS,
oun-a). . Attorneys lor f laintitt.
Tbe Rev. Wm, P. F. Ferguson, whose
pioture we give ab ve, will not be un
familiar by eight to many readers. &
young man, he has etill bad an extend
ed experience as foreign missionary,
teacher, editor, lecturer and pastor tbat
has given him a wide acquaintance in
many parts'of tbe oountry.
In an interview a few days ago he
"In the early Bummer of '94 I went
upon a tour through Canada on my
heel. My ronte was from Utioa to
Cape Viooent thenoe by steamer to
Kingston, and from there along the
north sbore of the lake to Toronto and
around to Niagara Falls. I arrived at
Oipe Vincent at 5 o'olook, having rid
den against a strong bead wind all day.
After a delightful sail through tbe
Tbounand Islands, I stepped on sbore
in tbat quaint old olty ot Kingston. A
alight shower bad tallea and the st recti
were damp, so tbat wisdom would have
dictated that I, leg.weary as I was,
should have kppt in doors, but so anx
ious was I to see tbe old city tbat Ispent
the whole evening in tbe streets.
"Five o'olock the nex t morning brought
a very nnweloome disoovery. I was lsme
In both ankles and knee. Tbe bead
wind and tbe damp streets had proved
an unfortunate combination. I gave.
however, little thought lo it, supposing
it would wear off in a few hours, and the
first flush of sunlight saw me apeeding
oat Ibe splendid road tbat leads towsrd
"Night overtook me al a little village
near Port Uope.bnl found me etill lame.
1 rested tbe next day, and Ibe next, but
it was too late; the mischief was done.
I rode a good many miles during thereat
of tbe sesson, but never a day and eel
dora mile without pain.
"Tbe winter earns and I pot away my
wheel, saring 'uow I shall get well,' but
to my dissppointmsnt I grew worse.
Home days my knees almoet forbade
walking and my ankle would Dot per
mit me to wear ahoee. At times I suf
fered severe pain, ao eevere as to make
study a praotioal impossibility, ysl II
mast be understood Inst I oojcealed Ibe
condition ot afUlrs aa far ae possible.
"From being local Hi trouble begao to
spread slightly and tny atxisly Increased.
I consulted two pbrsioiaos and followed
tlirif vioellsnt advice, hot without result.
tin th winter passed. Ooedajln Msrcb
I hsppened to laks In my band e news-
Another instance was a 'Century run,'
tbe last forty miles of which were made
in' a downpour of rain through rand and
"You shou'd think I would reoom
mend tbem toothers? Well, I have, and
have bad the pleasure of seeing very
good results in a number of inatanoe
Yes, I should feel tbat I was neglecting
a duty if I failed to suggest Pink Pills
to any friend whom I knew to be suffer
ing from rheumatism.
rna rnHBTTKun cuonon is whites
BOBO, or WHIfliI BIT. WM. ritlCH'HOH
ia rASToa.
"No, that is not tbe only disease they
core. I personally koow of a number of
oorea from other troubles, bat I bsve
oeded them only for that, though
would be but fair to add tbat my general
bealtb bae been boiler this summer tbso
ever before Id my life "
Dr. Williams' fink fills cootai
an ine eiemeote necessary lo give
new lite and richness to Ibe blond
end reetore shattered cervee. They
are sld in boxes (never In loose
lorro, by tbe doiea or hundred) at W
cents a bot, or six boxes for 12.50
and may be bad of ell druggist
or direotly by mail from Dr. Will
iams' Medicine Company, Hohenectady,
N. Y.
20,000 POUNDS OF
of Oregon for the ounty of Morrow.
A. Woolery, Plaintiff,
Samuel E. Walker. Defendant.
lo Kamuel E. Walker, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oreron: You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
cause on or before the first day of tne next
regular terra oi tne above entitled court, to-wlt:
March the first, 197;
and if you fait to answer for want thereof, the
plalntilt will take Judgment against yon for the
sum, One Hundred Sixty and 65-100 Dollars
with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent
per annum from the 11th day of Oct. 1K96. Kor
the sum of One Hundred Twenty-five and 20-100
Dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate of
eight per cent per annum from the llfhdayof
Oct. 1WH1: for the sum of twenty-five dollars at
torney's fee and for hlwists and disbursements.
1 his Summons is served bv nubl cation our-
uant to an order of Steohen A. Lowell. Juriire of
the above entitled court, made on the 'Jiith dav
of Dec, 1KW. J.N.BROWN,
606-17. Attorney for Plaintiff.
Consisting of
Tables, Chairs, Bookers, Bedroom Suites, Bedsteads, Book
Cases, Lounges, Sofas, 8pnng Mattresses, Wool Mattresses,
Parlor Suits, Center Tables, etc., etc. Brussels Carpets, Wool
Carpets, Mattings, Sideboards, Mirrors, Hat Racks, Hanging
Lamps, Portieres, Pillows, Blankets, Stoves, etc., eto.
All the above Goods are Placed on Sale at
Half Value or Less.
Will be SoldEegardless of Cost.
Fix np your homes at once with Stylish Furniture,
while this opportunity is offered.
Our Sale on General Merchandise
Still Continues.
of Oregon for Morrow County.
J. W. Wh.illey and Wm. T
Muir, partners doing busi
ness as Whalley & Muir,
James W. Swezea, Defendant.
lo James W. Mwpzpr. Dtfpndmit
In the name of the ritaie of Oregon: You in '
nereoy required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
cause on or before the ttrst day of the next
regular terra oi saii court, to-wlt:
The first day of March, 1897;
and If you fail so to answer, for want thereof
the plaluttH's will take Judgment against you
for the sum of One Hundr d aud Twenty-five
Dollars, with interest th reoli at the rate of
eight per cent pr annum from the 14th dayof
April, MSi and for theircosta and disbursements
In thts action.
This summons is serve ! bv Dublicatlnn Pur
suant to an order of tttcpheii A. IxiwhII. Judge
of the shove entitled court made on the liith
day of July, fsi.
H Al-l.h V Ml'IK and 1. N, BROWN,
1305-17 . Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Farmers at a distance should oall soon,
thereby getting a better selection.
of Oreiron fur Morrow Cnuntv.
P. C. Thoinpsou, PlalntllT,
J. B. Rpcrrv, Defendant
ioj. B. Hpcriy, Defendant:
111 Ilia nainn lif th HtjitMof Orevnnr Ymi r.
hereby reiiuired to apiwar and answer the eoin-
piaini nieu againat you In the above entitled
ru tlon on or twinre the next regular term of
the atiove entitled court, to-wlt:
Merch lat, 1897,
and If you fall So answer for want thereof, the
I'miiiiiii win 'e juiigineni avHiust you in" ins
"mi wi iitiv ifMir sun z-iiai dollars and Interval
therenn at the rats of ten per pent r annum
from Mnv 14. Ii 4: for tha siitn nf lirhiv.mi
H. m i,. , HMuara mini interest tnereon from
January 1, lU: for the sum of tlilrtv-nln ami
."d liaidnllaraand Intereat thereon at the rate of
right per rent per annum from OrUitmr lat,
lw, lor the an tn i( Ally dnllara attorneys t-es
and for the coals and dlsburseniruu of this
Thla summons Is served noon yon by publica
tion puraiisnt to an oritt of tha Hon Htephea
A. liwell, Judgs nf I lie alxiv entitled rouit,
mad and en I.-red In Mid at-tlou on tbs 1 Ith 4ar
ol January, K'7.
W-- Attorneys lor PlaJutltT.
Jortty ot the people ol tbe stats. La
(trande Osictle.
line ia constrained te coaelads that
tbe Orettouiao la auttnaUd by Its old
tiro, personal animosity toward Mr.
alitohell, rather Ihea by aoy (.ar o( bis
aidiBc tree silver's oa'U4tsCorvallis Qa-letu.
Del evr and atnive all U the deeire o
the poptihsls thalq.i rrpahliraq aeastor
be etxwea. It le ! y eertale tbat tbe
rblieant eso hats emtnd of the brtt
I'. H. aeeaK ard lb fsilare la eWl
bsr.ia Ofttf isi rosy (irtU dnu
e'bln4i.f thl body. Thou ne tanf
U-j'ulsli.ia, aotfiretM y r-f f n. bat the
sn d'flnraey .ill iil p tb d.1,1.
The fise sdfsr dsmatf iee will still
bae sii nsee for hlii.. liuurae te
Ihnr t.. e t)(ee"S. (tie a riffatl
bd lap ell ales tee he. The wont te
txoe toJitiJual rtahliens bl eUarly
aa lenlaalnitf Ib.silasOoa.ar ailoia
lb-aMlveta b tt.d b enaitlll
re.- IlilUUif j laJrpe.Ht.
Cvery sUr, eUlber repeMteae,
daiworrat er pnpeltal, ehe rfass te
lake tils awal, eheeU be aUl4 ae tel.
anee Albaey Hsral.i,
sly re elWtlef Ur Milsb.11 te tbe l'eils4
RtasMj eate Ibe eaie IsftaJalereeill
fytaply vttq Ibe WifKeepft grtll fea-
The d.uwfratie aod pnpqlisl nssbere
of the lower boose who beve beta eh
eeelioc th.malvM la ordf le prsvsat
oraoiiiiosj will find whew they come
lolxk lr pnpnlar appreval ef Ib.lf
ennree tbal thsy trill (t Ibe worst el it.
Whi-lll bave la rarry Ibe btaase?
Tboee ebo are i their eeale reeJt bw
bttaiB.se or Ihnsie whi are playieff blis
aed-Ma T iVaid-e this thse le a grow.
Ing eespieit tbat tbe Malls of "eaesw
er eo wa(ee" ie Im1b( ady provided
! fraia the ontm seeks ot Onrb.lt
ee 4 Itoerea, Aruxbst Mailer thai eaa
' be iplalee4 aeay ie Ibe frt lhal
UiUn' tb. populist Ual-r of the bes,
ts b itt n Min wnb i H rea. This
..f ialf ta ron-ti leennd.me tbe enere.
that lb p -poli.ts Ijsvs tla. - tjsttratid.
I nr. tl Rta ilia, tm.w ajjajaw sj m m
!. W.Uh. . ( WM I I
sytl, ltv.1 (leMKaa. snaMlilas- III
pHaM.fWra Ste fct ail Srxwiiia am.
Ik. sar r-ila t. SavM .MS Mvals Ifwatliaa,
Costs nothing to find out
whether Shilling t Beit
ls ttia4 a'la
Sa.r.. MrSI
SvS 4 Sa-a
arc gooJ enough (or you.
L W. fHi( ft (jj.
MoClufj's Uaaaiine for F.breary will
contain sea poem by Hn lyar J Kiplio.
illestrated by Uliv.r II r for J. Hiosslb.
palitio.ttoe ot Kipling's esw biik ol
poena. "Tbe 8ev.e 8aa,H tbere Is a spe
el.l iet.rswl la blta ae poet, aal pw
liealarty as tbe pool el tut .
MiOare'e Uagaaiee ttr F.breary will
bave piper bv U. J. W. !4ta, oa "Tb.
aJakleg ol the Bibl.,' (iviag a p'pui.r
aooaal of the prlooip! maoii script
(ilh fe aimihsw) from abUb tbe IJ hi.
ae we bow bave it le dwte4, aad a J.
eertpttua (with isnsrotu lllaalratHins)
ol the f.ejiias Oifori raiv.rsity l',s.,
be Inbtsw ere prd re. br Ib.militoa,
with Ibe B wt art sv.r a.iiusvsd la be ik
mskiag, and la evsy ka.ee tone-
Every stcmaa baa bataral tirtaiiy ta
ee b eihr ,me fereiab their
brae. Tj ea'ufy Ibie The lilies'
II tu J mrcal will pttUssb dmleg tb.
' lnUrt.tr ph iifpiie m.s id a
kua.lravj it,, an-i rMf, eWtfel
aod ewliirlsUle be le An.a.
Tbas. a ill shisr te l stail lb. e .irM.
Ii', flltieg aud far.MSIsg f parl-ita,
dreeing nai, ball. reptMe, taiaie,
a iling. diale. 1-4 end balb fir.,..
kltrbana, pnrrb, flsfSta, l Ta
Hi. evw it ha f. cf .irlUal
I I" a .S .vswy hasksar r lna
Bisssf. It sil prswel tt.ee s4 Ibe tn
loitMe sf tvxsnawf a-Hl'ru t.t wbb
er. I il a.l f.r.aa'J na tmat.it
ee last. m.I al r-spti.;t
ss all etpeew.
ntt rilMt twkla f aas
KssrV'Sfc.: Unar.; tats IWrisg
at etingteg i tsx-s. at aigbi; aasee by
emetcfciar I' )UmA ls. laaa
ererra akleh rflae tie. I aod sIkmiU
eeoiaieg sy s. fU.a. i,
" be Hrl.i.g ..J t'f'l..,. ! 1"" ''I :.'' J"
Male elr.tloa, aad n sat es-e r- j i7i7tZXl7Z4 -
141, ft Si f ate.
IP'ifwps, I tWtt.
I if thr rurriT rot'T op the mT
a oi uregon lor Morrow County.
P.C. Thompson, I'laintlrT,
I. B. Sprry, . C. f perry, perry
Hntiler and the Oregon Half
road and Navigation Cum.
pany, defendanla.
To J. B Hperry od a, C. Siwrrr, defendanla:
in Hi. nam nf tha Htate of Orason: You are
hereby reoiilred lo appear and ana.ef the com
plaint nle.1 avalnat you In lh abov. entitled
raiiaenn or nelor. th. tin I dav ol Ih net!
rr.uiar term oi th. al-.i. siitltlol court, leelt
March let. 1697.
and If yon fall to answer lor want tharenf, Mia
plaintiff US Jndgment aaalnat you lor trie
aiim nf Hire. huiMlnal twenty Bv. and la I'"
oVtilartaiMt Inlereal thereon al Ih. rate nf tea
rr rem per annum lrm January J. Ush, Sn4
the a m ol ally dollars attorneys law, usnn a
certain pmmlaaory note and In lorerliaw lha
mnrig.ta siren by jrnu Maerureth. payiiienlnf
aald noi upon Ih lollowlng real jtmiwrly site
Malawi in sliwenw County. htal of Orefon. Uv
II Th. north ball ol lb northern quarter
and Ih north ball of th. northwevt iiaiter nf
aarllon twenty ntn In Inwnarilp Ihre sixill) o
raslwniy sis , W. M , and hit lb con. aud
dlai,iireaieiil f Ihla suit
Thl a'lmmona la aM en1 npnn yna by puhllr.
Hon hyoMer ol Hon aiephen A l4wIt. ndt
nf Ih ahm. .milled ronri, maul and nlr4
la Said suit on the I iih 1ay ol Jsnnarr ! ').
BK"WN a kKDsirt.o.
IIJl AMoriwys Inr I lamtltl.
What s the Matter 111 Hanna ?
NothiDg, except ihat be has just discovered that at tbe
Odd Combination Store of
P. O. Thompson Co.
Is the best plaoe to bay Halt, 8ugar, Soap, SBrdiDes, 8ocks, Snspenders,
Sewing Maobines, Shotgnns, or Saws. Complete lines of Groceries or
Hardware. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Ho has anything In this Una that you may desire and yon ran depend on It you get a good
article when Mat sua ran Iocs tie.
Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty.
""I aaSaaasaaasi
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
"S T- w T e- .
rut up Your I cam !
Arc You in Need of a Saddle
Morse ?'
All tbee can be procured at Thompson A Hinna, Ixwcr Main Street,
Heppner, Oregon.
The, tentlemen ar wall acquainted with Orant, llarny. Crook. Cillllata and other fountlae
snd ran aar nonay and Uui In uiaklug tbaas sn tlmis ith traveling men.
r rices In seeping wlia lb. tlmae.
Xrxa-Tavcxir. nxmrzn.
IS Tlltt rlHi'l'IT rofKT Of TH t iTTt
ol lter" . lha t .-Mnty of Mafm..
U, f tkattdaon, rialnll,
sonnet R WISe, tie'ra-Lnt
tu taxauel K . a aer. telendal
In ih nam e4 Ih aii of rreMi- wnae
herehy rei'ilM to itr and anawef or other
la p e-t to ih en,n,..alMl Sled a(alne4 fan la
tha al-xa llile.l !... j of tteiue Ik ael
tar ol the oeil re4,af term at th .bot. m
tea) rum I, lo all
The Fleet Oey af Meraa, 1897,
aod If M tall a . M KtlwtsW y.le.l.
w wnl lh.re.-l, Ih .tl li taae !
wl MaiuM e a IM lw.-i ol loriy Smlif
l..(i.. oil. inierra ihero trmo th ; Ik I
,4 fU law al Ih ral n teo y rol ar
m.naa until pol.l ,,.M Ik .irth na 4
on hin.lit and Ihirlr St4oltni ottbtMaet' j
ew Ihee.on al Ike ral ol p- rent far aaaoaa )
iT,.m lha l.ia 4mf of l,f
Hi' Tril
Farmers and Viliaocrs, :
Fathers Mothers,
Sons andDaiiQliters,
nil the Family.
With tha cKim of tb rreai.lrutial cntopaigo TIIH TRIBUNE
'" ajnill Sbl. i eou.a.i.. f. .1 II . I l . S ! - . ,
a.,1 ih. a-.-, ol lib. .I.Ulae.n.e,k.l'l-k,-'" " AttJrncaq prxipie r bOW km tott 0 my
Vtli.IVZTrT,!m tiu54 U horo tto.ioew uUrrU Ta tM.tlLi,ema,tion,
:l;?;r".r;:';."' M NUh,1 ocraamr, .Irmamle a renewal ,.f ih, f)fiht tor lU prindpU for
attVl'.wVl'i. kifb Till: TIlintNK haa lalare, from tU iunri.tt.in Ui tha rre.v.r.t
I fir ns, t tr i..t sr r tne sratt
ol i io i -oy H M arrwa,
t a W.,ry. I
raaaill li'lrl re4ai.
1mI oUal
t Ih. Mm ol lha aa.sa ol imaj-w to) a
r ee,, ,ln4 to r-1- d e
' S.J aie4 fa) I - ' ol.l4
.ee o keW Iko aW 4t e4 the ajtl
f'f.t lr m4 Mm? .. Ml.4 rami to il
T t Ssy W atas-a, !?
M f S.II SM So . Sn ! ll.eao.at
h S.ai.i.a out tela , ,.m4 ,M k-
.-T " "!
i.t.Hi.aiia a.t ! i.i ia.. a. to
t--m m . 4.-1 al-.net a Sml aJ ana aia
Jay. artil wo Ita crraU.1 victorira.
Ktrrf t.il,le efTrt will I ptit ff tb, an.I m.u- ffr.. t.Dt
p make THE WEEKLY 1 lUIifNK ravmirrt.tt j a
National Family Newspaper.
toUieat.ejr, loatroi tite, rolrrtaiuin an 1 In !i.riaal.la l.tearh tuomUr
We furnish "The Gazette" and "N. y. Weekly
Trlhune" one Year lor $3.00.
. . m-m r- I i a a .,.4 V o,. ton.a) an.
al e "tele's. br - - i i..i i
IS, l.llaS A M. I ' ' am. -.4 en, na n a o.a
a414 all Ortar. to
l?W AIIVANfi:.
r"' S4 mm a .rl aaeil II to A o. ... -
r .at;, a-4 a m t,m , U,,H ,u H z-