Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 29, 1897, Image 1

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    Portland Library
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- . ' ."- . I
i i $ . I .
The... ( 7iPs 7f trVtw
'r'wwttetjfar own.
Advertise in it and do
C l' MKLTllO. 784 (
t ;
f -
. 1 FCBU8H1D ;.
'Tuesdays and Fridays
". . Editor
Business Manager
AttltO par yaw. 1.25 for i months, 75 ot.
'or thrM monins, strictly in advance. .
Advertising Rates Made Known on
-L-xi (Application:
THIS PAPKR is kept on file at E.C. Hake's
Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchant
Exchanjrs, Han Francisco, California, where oou
raot for advertising can be made for it.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 10:05 p. m. dally, except
.Sunday. Arrives 4:55 a. m. daily, except Mon
day. West bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc
tion 3:19 a. m. ; east bound 12:51 a. m.
-Freight trains leave Heppner Junction going
. east at 10:48 a, m. and 8:45 p. m.) going west, 5:S0
p. m. and 6.45 a. IP. -
" United States Officials. v. .
President.. G rover Cleveland
Vina-1'rssldent Ad ai Stevenson
Heoretary of ritate. ........ Kichard 8. Olney
feomtary of Tieaanry.. .John G. Carlisle
' Secretary of interior E. K. Francis
secretary of War. Daniel 8. Laruont
rjeeretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert
Postinaster-Oeneral William L. Wilson
- Attorney-General Judson Harmon
ttecrotary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton
State of Oregon. . :
Secretary of State
Boot, Puhlio lnstraction
Attorney General
....W. P. Lord
.11. K. Kineald
.Phil. Metsehan
...... M. Irwin
C. M. Idleman
id. W.
J J. H.
W. R. E
Congrsiimen .
I Dinger Hermann
W. R. Ellis
. w. a. Leeds
in. 8. Mean.
V. A. Moore,
a U. Waiver
Sap rem, Jndcea
Blxth JtdlcW District. .
Oirenit Jndt Stephen A, Lowell
Proaeonting Attorney H. i .,
. , Morrow Coant Official, t
olnt Benator A, W. Gowan
UspreaflntatiTS). J. N. Bnrwn
llonntjr Judge A. G. Bartholomew
' Comraiiwioners J. it. Howard
3. W. Beckett.
" Clerk. J. W. Morrow
" Sheriff E. L. at look
" Treamrer Frank Gilliam
- Asmmot J. t". Willis
" 8arvn;or. J. W, Homor
... - bo boot Bup't Jay W. Hhiplsy
J Oxroner... U. V. Tnghan
BirrHiB tow ornoca.
layot Thoa. Morgan
0"nnlimsm 8. Horner, E. J.
Hlonnm, Frank Rovers, Geo. Conaer, Frank
Gilliam, Arthur Minor, . . .. .
Kaoorder .F. J. Hal iK)k
rraNi ...K. L. Freeland
Marshal A. A. Kuberta
lud of Die Peaoa...... W. K. lUrlianlnon
CvaaUblo. N. 8. WheUtoue
Ualted Btatra La4 Orheera.
na riAi.l.Ka. osu
1. 1. door.. KetrlstM
A.8.Bi Baova
t.4 AaAttDBL OS.
f.F. Wllso.. Resrlets
, H. Kobbina HKivr
O. A. B.
Meaia ai LailDgtnn. Or., tba laa KatcmUr of
rk oxmiik. All ssaaran an) Invited U iota.
C. Bvma, Gao. W . Halm.
AdjaUnt. tf - ('tnaMuuW.
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
At Mrs. H. Welch's. Residence.
Klgh t telephone eon nectlon with
Ilia Pats HuUL
national BaaK oi Mwi
FrssrieU " Caakler.
Ud on FarorabJs) Tanc. ,
First National Bank
or HErrsER
C. A. MhKA,
T. A. MtA.
. W. tCMCCN,
Vl ProalslaeH
Ast't CM
TruVj i Gr.tnl lUdic; Eikoi
Oa all part ot ri o14
Bought and Sold.
ColtrtWns 4 all aal
r mailt i Tuna.
aa4 sjMIWM Fva. Msjv 00.
Ontario-I5arns Staae Lice
H A. Vs:L'.iAM$. f of.
!? Hr !allf ai p. m4 mr.
rt4 at (t.u m 12 hwa.
Sholo Fnro $7. CO.
Hound Trip $10 00
nunss cAsros
Idm af aewesl r-
as v .tf ,
. m.
I a. I" '' . f Mae-l. 4
Notice of Intention.
J Dec. 17, 1WI6. Notice is hereby given
that the following-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that satd proof will be made
before E. L. Kreeland. U. 8. Commissioner, at
Heppner, Oregon, on February, 6th, 1H97, viz:
Hd. E.No. 2S62,forthe NWK NW Pec 27, NW
NE!4 and 8v NE Bee 28, Tp 5 8, R 25 E.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Charles H. Bullis, James H. Wyland, Joseph
Bannister, Walter Bennett, all of Hardinan,
Oregon. .,. . J AS. F. MOORE,
503-13. ' Register.
t . -Notice of intention. '
Dec. 21, 1896. Notice is hereby given that
the following named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on February 1, 1897, vu :
Hd. E. No. 5981, for the SW)4 Bee 33, Tp 1 8, R 24
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: ,
Benjamin F. King, William T. King, James
M. H amble t, Thomas J. Willhelm, all of lone,
503-13.. Kcgtster.
Notice of Intention. - - '-
Land Officii at The Dai.lks, Okf.cion,
necemher lifith 1R!.
following-named settler has filed notice of
nis intention I ' make nnal proof ln-support of
his claim, and thai said proof will be made be
fore the County t;lerk of Morrow Co., Oregon,
at Heppner, Oregon, on February 15th. 1897, viz:
Hd. E. No. 4513, for the 8KJ4 See 5, Tp 8 S, R 24
IS, W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence noon and cultivation
oi, saia lana, viz:
Ihomas V. Oraham. Charles M. Hastings.
Luther Huston, Andrew M. i'etersnn, all of
Kight Mile, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE,
DUn-15 . . Register,
Notice of Intention. '
Land Orncs at La Grandk, Orboon.
December 21. 1896.
following-named settler has tiled notice
ot his intention to make nnal proof in support
oi nil claim, aim inaisam prooi will ne made be
fore the County Vlers of Morrow County, Oreg
on. at Heppner, Oregon, ou February S, 18U7,
H. E. No. 5270 for the VK SKV Pec. 23 and KM
8W Bee 24, Tp 1 N, K 27 K W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous resilience upon ana cultivation oi.
said Isnd. vis :
John Barker, Isaac Vincent. Charles M. Long,
uenrge nr. rearsou, an oi wannwiy, uregon.
ouvit. . B. r. niLSUN, tiegister.
Timber CultureFinal Proof.
Notice for Pablieattoa.
The Dalle. Oremn. Jan. Ill IH97
i.1 T. McNabb,ol Leamgton. Oregon, has filed
notice ol Intention to make Dual proof hvrore
JiKteph L. Glliaon, U. f. Com. at nla oDire in
leslnglon. Oreiton. on wedneadav. the Kith dav
of March. 17. nn timber eultiireappllcatlon No.
2WJ4, for the Mt4 nf section No. 34, in Township
mi. i fiiun. nange no. i easi.
He name as witnos.ee: Thomas L. Dnrman
and andevere L. 4'ollev. of Eight Mile, Oregon,
Milton R. Murgau and Monro A Olden. nt Ion.
Oregon. JAS. r. MOOHK.
9-19 Register.
I J Jan. 14. Iw. Notice Is herrhy given that
the following named settler has Hied notice of
her liiu-ntlou to make dual proof In support nl
herrlalm, and that said proof will Im me
heforeJ. Vt. Morrow. (4iinlv tierk. at Heiniuer.
wregou, un Jiarcn jnu, iswi, vis;
lid. E. No. tnt. lor tha NWU. sec. Sfl. Tn. 1 1, ft
U E. W. M.
Mie name tha fnllnwlna? wltneew tn smw
her ooiitlHiiom raaldenoa uwn and cultivation
oi, saii lana. vis: -
John W. Cos. Andrew ft. O rover. Welter I
smith an I Culll W lls.n, all nl lo.. 0era.
met is iX. r. MCHIHE. Keglstsr.
11 denlgued aaelgiM of (I. D. felt ed W. f.
f1l his Snal smranl as such aeelsnea with the
Clerk nf the I Irriill t ourt.o( Ih. Mele.,1 treon
lot Morrow ( otli.tv. and Mhl final amount all
ha heard and f '"I nnnn hy tha Judge nf said
ImtrX, na tha Srat day ! Marrh, at Id
o rlm k. A. M., ot aaMI day, or as thereafter
a Mi.i ( rairt ran hear and ! tk seme
l hi tea this svtn oar oi iieremir. Ma
It, OBO. CONHKK. Alienee
WhIU yoa aewfi twsrr subaorlptiua i4 yrt
as kaaw yoar braai la fraetrf eharg.
IVwa. F. O . KemM. f )r -ll.rfaea. F . Ufl
ekoaMari aalUa. mm oa left hie.
t am nMA kilo. I 'aula hmaiWt Ilia aeiae Al.
aeanita I 4 aa Mik rvrht ll.lahl eal aa
ew4 aa nakl hmuw, aad eat sfl mui t
C'ew.k. A. Jlaa.0r. Rnea. Kioa rlat,ieaiaJ
tar. I t U. aawemi rM hint ear BMik maaee
erwo an ten dm eput la nanu
Iknaleaa. W M . Iitll.f. fH-.-f atll. R t m
rim-M ..'W. twUrmJt la aaca V awrwa. H li
a Ian kta.
Fir. Hew. tVulaa. Or -NiraM a4ail fcl.1
nm l-ft aa Mae, eeUa aaaaa aa hmtmp.
e nl aa.
rWet L A, ntT. Or-4atUa. LF aa
4M (, leirii F with leaf aauta aa rtaks
J'", nerrf 11 . Or-flneaaa tnM
H i mm Uaa tUl efenaktee; eaW Iwaytal J mm
'iM his. alen ah eHS M hKt eu
ine, rails. lmm, 'V - W is. eieeeT
aft eevei eatil. mmmm mm rlaltl Ma,
ta nM a4 a.ut a keri eaa
eee, M ke. MeMaae. Or.M.tfi
Kkf mm WH hi eiiie mms a4 mm) 4 tef
lWk.4 W.a. Mmrnm Taeana 0 -I Las
aeatte a etei aa4 Ml ewW mmmiUwm fork Hi a ft
ae mmA e-W mm ta rM mm. IU
mad aa earl ehnanlee. la UraM aaaat
ttmnmm. an. t. Oe.-a t,a Wl ki
aa mmH. ea sw4 aviii mm nt ear. i
aa eevt eaMae4es
J W Maeef IS, - NeM mtmmSmA
I. m4 aa Ml aar, eaiiia e.a mm let
air, au aee nM ey. lana aas la ah)
a. ISaaw. wiaaea- w4 aNAa, P aa
nM mm a-a a efl -.Um.
M'tfyaa. N N. II !. m
aa ten mkm, mmttm atwe aa I
m -tfnewx. I
J . I U w , aeea. li aa Uf
i a...
eva- tm-ummmmm mm PiU h.a.
r.h- Ummmm. Maeaeaa.li.-aeM IF a
a. mytm,
r.e-.J If . lMieaa. Ik -M-vaai It mm
W es -ia, aMlAa, aaaM aa laf
M ae ta aa.
. M-v a fV.-kawa in
lasua. uaa new a.
a, -ret. . ! e. tie - I'aHAa W f a
. aa aa M a4 m-m.t-,t
teiaai I W I mm lar lbe
la... a. a, a. Hanaa li,.Maaa a
w' mm wa an le i ae aev a miei aa
Tnaa a, W 1 ! le,-. a iif
tee eaa I a., eaHM aae aa at
afc a4. ai hea aae
'-e. N. M. s -
H T aa. I a a ) e-.a ea. ,
ewaaa.aa W, I , bwni i ,
mmmm ae ) aa l fit aaiat,
- t W aa ra e-r rM
eS lae w Ian aar
Vantcd-ln Idea S5S
wi F
' "
ft a
Rheumatic, Neuralgic, Sciatic, LutnbagicJ
New Life of Grant by Hammn Garland The first authoritative and adequate Life ot
Grant ever published. (Begins in December.) .
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.) '
Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson' still unpublished
(Begins lu May.) ...
Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time."
years of the Civil War practically a member
. fitted than any other man living to give an
, recoiiecuo'is anu corresponnence.
Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them
oi portraits It 1 lnteinleil to pnbllrh special biographies 1 studies under the general title of
MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. .
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under
Stories Of Adventure. A serial by CON AN DOYLE, In which he will use his extraordinary
Ulei t for mystery and Ingenuity which have,
a piace oemue roe ana uaooriau. ; ,
IAN MACLAREN, All the fiction that he will
oi two contributions to ano her publication
appear lit allluhk s oiauazink.
JOEL CHANDLER HARKI.S. A series nf new
Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlinbleflnger"
RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides 'Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McCldm'i
an oi vne snon siones ne win write uunng
OCTAVE THANET Is preparing for the MAoazinb a scries of short stories in which the same
cnaraciers win appear, aiuiougn each wiji oe complete m itself. ,
Anthony Hop , Brit Hirts ' Robert Brr
Frank R. Stockton ,; SUnloy Weymon ' Clark Ruasoll
will all have stories in McClvki's for the coming year.
These are only a small fraction of the great and
ivji, uie suuscnpnou priee oi wnicn is only
One Dollar n ; Year
The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure Co., NewTork.
A Campaign
Of Education
How to Get It (P C nn
Mill in,
urn male ak I It.
Htn h a pair la a great popalar
Tb (tilacriptlon price of Laalla'a I II per annam.
W aiak th uoparallelad eBcr of Cory of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $5.00.
Ho such offer aa ever mad before. No surta offer a III ver be mad
again, The two paper aiak a auart aorwpUbla t'hrlelma or blrthdiy
tit, and will b onmianl reminder of th giver klndneas.
Remit by (natal order or chat k 10
Heppner, Orocon.
Tt. -
Publlsksd ry fUtarday
l3Astor Place
few York
Tk Oall-enl altl U la I)?, m II baa
beao durieg aaaa o( a la laaalf faa
ar, a Uislner of Oar Oa-a Tltaaa. la
ila tartnaa aJib.rial dvparlneal T
Oalkwtk five enif at rsliea nf lb
aarld' softaaat f"lloat ailbrar
all ltr;-itaBl rLilt,ihmt.ia 4 ra
ioMttmi atneeitieal f It, tiayj baa a
e.Bi!ete Wptaeti nf raliftoo aas,
le'He Bb aaara U I ha tntareal of
lb b'r fiea aqfraal lileiaiarv;
fraiL t baarfnl llj!a-ltk ahnnl na
! Il.ings: aail, la fai. ) io (iv
free te.msiua, trlfiaal oleatrtatwa,
a l rsaanriaMa eaWrtalnRtaal.
la a la ahh Ik th t.fih tnlaata,
tb kapaf will aasara Ita legaler Mta
ia wkn-a a til a41 f rralli la i
t ! aaa a 4 aUrai liaa. lb
Oalaa k la taMan4 Alai4
gfts a aaaa a far, Taa 4 laaaa
la raaa saaaia ! aa l'ati M.sl aa
Xasaoae. frlaiki( aeal laaaaa laaa
Wit aa laa Wlmeff eaa, taelt
lll laf arr set fwllrM,
TVa ariaa at Th fNlhe.k la Ik.aa
44iea a e la Meaaaa, aa lea IHaa '
H4 ! a t-ta .f ill .e4(a-
4 fr ataaa U Ibe 0.ll.., .l Ae' av
e, tl t.
For 1897
Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical
of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probablv better
authoritative history of this period from his
unpublished. In connection with this series
the editor's direction. .
in the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him
write diirlna the comlna vear. with the excentlnn
which yere engaged from him long ago, will
... ' - .
animal stories In the same field as tho "Brer
tne coining year, .
Important features of McClcri's MaoaIINS for
To l educated on must read
th beat literature.
The best literature I expensive.
Laalla'a llluttratod
Published at 110 fifth Aronua.
New York, Is full of the Imt tbl
, v.
ilng. M
Us 'Illustrations art superb
stories charming; and Its literary
department are edited with eon-
It should ba In vary
Old llatl and Charley Jooe art aa
KioisUsl InfMbar down at Cbtrlaf'a
olj plana in Iba lonaorial bualaaa.
Call oa Itivta aod cl four whiaiari
ptisbad la.
Xu la Iba lima to gat lb Waeklf
Uiotfiioiaa, Iba great eat lipiMf of
lb Weal. With tb0eHta,hotb afriol
If In .1an(,oti tear, 3 tfl Ho betlaf
fK)rr.blolh.n uf Bparer eak Ua nada
Wall. Tbjiiipoo rua le batwaaa
Heppner aad Monuraaiil, arrlrtrif vr j
da ic(4 MotiH; aad laavtaf avert
da lo I HoaJar. Hbor laal aad abaap-
a4 rniia It Iba Ialartar. O0aar A
llrok. afef,i. a
llei poef I'aadlaloa fla llrpoar
F.ebo Hlaaa lAom. l'araoaa deelrna of
vtalliag I'vadlaloa taa f lima aad
ruouey l laklaf tlika mala, Ht M
)ilBlia Iba MeU Iba pratlno a-
laa Iba pimgm will aak maaaatHaa vMb
S hVIocIi irata at F. bo tef I'eaJlaioa
Oftaa al Oiiy lertf l.ra. W. l,
Tbmacb iraiaa aa Iba O. IL A M. will
raa ta. raillla, Walia Walla aad
r4le4. 1 bf'tngb (lee yf, fifal aad
Mkead Haa. aill ran le aaaM-a alib
IHa t'alf.a I'm ifia, Iba aaa aa bara
for. A Ibrteagb 8rl elaas alaeper Poll
land t Faekaaa, oaaft' ailb taa
Aral rlaaa ateata lo M. I'aal, aad I
li'ttofb larpl alee per I'artJaad la HI
feat, a. II raa la a-aaartma wilb Iba
(Ireal S-albaea filasf if
rf ia-ateual Ibiny tv af rye
h, )taled l.al laa aad eaa-kalf
IBileai.f HaeJaoaa. A laa fill aM tef
ral faa. feaaad, N a Mb earn .
I ei if aa'sM firvraataal f
l bead. Raa laa fa list) bad al
b'F laT baad i4 aatHa fr- 4
J ' aa laaa.
'-e HMa!era
Call net OelMla i.fS'e,
A rare ibeaw In H
III '.! Al ibe iel.eal a
aiakr a J delay ara Uaeeva
An In tores ting Operation That
Requires Muoh Patlenoe.
A Specially Constructed Organ I Also
Necessary tor the rurpoee Soma
of the. Alia Employed In
th Luon. ;
Probably not one refider in 1,000 qver
heard of ; a 'blrd organ" or saw
one. They are m'ude only in France,
and are imported to this country
in small iiumberB, as dealers in mu
sical boxes have few calls for them,
and generally send for them only upon
orders from customers. .They are
made solely for teaching tunes to
canaries and bullfinches. A wooden
box about a foot square contains a
large roller covered with pasteboard
upon which brass pins are set accord
ing to. the system used in preparing
the rolls of music boxes. Beneath the
roller is a small pair of bellows, and in
the back of the. box is set & row of ten
metal pipes about the size of a long
lead pencil. ' When the crank on the
outside of the box is rapidly turned
wind is foroed into the pipes, lis the
valves open when the metal tongue be
longing to each is struck by a pin on the
roller. The music is therefore pro
duced on the principle of u set of
Pan's pipes, and is very shrill and high,
yet sweet and full.
The' ten note produced by tha ten
pipes range from middle (3 in the Btaff
to B, above, or an Octave and three notes.
1 hat is, the bird music is written in the
octave used in theniusifal notation
for the human Voice, but properly,
would be written in on octave higher
w hen comparing the voice of ft eunajry
with the voice of asoptuuo. However,
the quality of the tones differ to greatt
ly that the shrill, clear pipe pf the bird
makes ita voice sound as If it were
pitched much higher than is really tha
cuse. ... 1 ii '
. The "bird organ" is pitched In exact
ly the same toue and key as the voice
of the canary, or perhups this is put
ting .the cart before the horse, for the
bird ' strikes faultlessly the key and
tone of the pijies. It is more nccurate
to say, after all, that on the hand the
orgnna ore pitched to bo with the ca
nary's voice, a the result of the ex
perience of the builders, and that tha
canary shows wonderful, power of im
itation in fulling in w ith the tone qual
ities ot its toucher. If one note in the
organ is off the key In the slihtcat do
pel tho biid takes the same tone1, iivd
!. I . 1 .. ....... ......... I,
II l um c it-.ii na nun immc eivii; n
will always curry the blemish; in the
liurinony, All of I lie airs used in tlnac
i.rguus are written In tint keys of (1,
.ne sharp, or in (, und as they hute
only the range of leu notes, Irtiin (i
to II, It la very difficult to adapt nuiiiy
tunes to tho limitations of eanujj-
There is a dealer kai inutile Ikixos on
liiilgfe avenue alio sells "hird organs"
nml w rite music for the ciu.sry lem-li-
ft. lie Jiiim u tlniwrr liileil tritti mini-
ii eriil music which lie lin r im cl (or
iinc in tl:r "liinl oiyTux." iinJ l.e slv
puts ttim s fo order i n thi; rolleia, lis
liii liinl orgnna wh it h pipe a rt Tr-
toire of arAfii airs, with "Mulligan
Cuartls," "Yankea )Klle," "A Dream
of Lot," Lucy (iiaj," "Down Went
MHilnty." and "You ( au't l'lsy in Mj
Ycrd,m all on oua roller.'
"One I une Is all that a man trlr-s to
Irut li a rausry,M he , "and ha will
lievrr let the bird bear more than that
me. He Vn the bird In a iiilt-l room
while lie la leaching it and ilm-su'l Irl it
hear the solee of another bltrl. A ra
nnryl lif.iin la not teiy imd beget
hi loukit (d Ihi'liuiry lanfflrd it br bivt
liuira thnn I lie an me old lumv I liaia
htwrd of liirda that nmld whistle leio
aire, bul Iheac arr very rate, and it la
a riaky iin.li-rlukiiig. For whin a
Nrd lawnrklng ou the aevnxl luue
lie la likely In art hilled with
Ibe Aral, ami I bra all your Iniublr'a
srt.iM! fir iwlbinir. D'a ainiply a etir
lion uf lima ami pnliriira. You' Jul
Kt tn liy the I one nn I lie ortfsii aa
nfln aa yon frl a i haii'-e; I he luore
llw t-aiirr; you ll sftiii'l awsy lor ln
nr lUn ttnetitlia, or loag-er, trhaa fur
Sis nntn I ha.
"If haa tha lurk to re a Hrlglil
t.irl, Itr ll e-jiii i iit.iu ilia tuna in
Uirra fiMenth. Al first he'll slnf laxtiet
Ibie" bnra, ihrti fuller and siarl o.i
affain. W lirfl le lis I'-all.e.l tl.e air all
Ibe aa f brifli bia it is weak ami
rnrrtfaia, '"'l " F'l a'roniir ainl
rtwira rtiifwlral all tha I nn, When
aire j.m ka II up )uur Irouhlr are oer
It 'a simply a tueiur ( luna ami ra
Ilea thru, t'a all Dub In r-tt.iiif a
Lr.tfM bul allh a r-e-l rar, ami Iba
aareleel alnr may turn mil a feulura
a k Iralrvnl ahrll, Iblilftnrhea aia ' e.
r u lent h, hill ibef ara eo atmrt be.
II. el Iba mult araararrely aurth I l.e
Irmil.l. A raster iJI keep bia sol.a
i,al riet-tMrry fsr fighl or tea years,
aad l.e in aar .a aaevteet knoala in
Iba .f bl."
The (.ertrian ttaiara and ea of
miit ffk b in PkI tireaefnj In Iba
IrainlrtaT -t canartee, and yearly all
t.f I la m. turn. W. i s-.li.ler la ritiisMlel
Ma Mt lv n eiiMeel 1 (iimn
T1. N.aa ba .UJ fl i i ajr
ftiea til aie ail uu. Thera ai n y
raiiae lad H'rW la a rral r.ly, bat
hoe. trenre. uauanal I ten Iba rtln. alia?
of raaareea, and Iba altirf Irii.rer'a lr
refna tr aelilr "l.l r I f ffsi.s" and aril
!r mum.t fnf Ik'ae I tl'e ,rean ea
Th 'e fafftiehed la ef y .r la, !
aevraila. ft', aea, rasa aad
jiaer ara f'ile.1 nil. IUI the adlr
ba ret aa easy leek a M K kli lm'alkr.a
f key aad frr. aad rasa all lk k
fSiftt la lb. li'iie fsi,MS. fere.
lcr.I!y a rtelrrif !! f'if al aif
aK,-b I be adefrftf 1 vrv.r rAtw. a
'lele.J Iba Snral ra.r .f ll
eenery. sa l I 4.l f in n4 eeil.'ee.
I7 1'iUI ll "MeM, ae4 ll.ema"
I . l'f ih aeeteal al eaeieal air
fnf a afy Wt la UirUL aad aari
!( lt 1 ail l.rf '; ti kheavor.
ei'i (Highest' of afl la tlkvenmg FcWXatest tT, & Govi Report
s - I
THE ERRING" ''boi.wii.Mii.
Acquitted, Ha Is round at His Old Way
. . , , Again. t ., ,,,..1'!'
A curious romance of burglary and
filial affection Is told in the French .
newspapers, says the New York Jour
nal. ' It has generally been, supposed to
be almost impossible to escape from the
French penal settlement at "Cayenne,
r.nd the perils to be confronted in the
forests both from animals and natives,
not to talk of starvation, appalled the.
convicts to -Such ari extent, that they
never even thought of , attempting
ilight. This theory has'just received a
severe shock, the description of no less
than 30 recently escaped convicts hav
ing beien circulated to the police by the
minister of the interior. ,
One. or "two have already been cap
tured in France. Among these is a cer
tain Petitjenn, who is accused of new
misdeeds. Petitjean escaped from
Guiana some time 8gorfor no other rec
kon, he said, than to come and embrace
his old mother, who lives at Hagnolet,
lie was arrested, but in deference to
public opinion, which was ijnnressed by
his tiiinl affection, he was set at liberty
and allowed to remfl in in France.
A short time ago a robbery took place
nn the lloulevard Diderot, in Tpris, and
by tracing back the stolen goods four
persons were sweated They were all
carrying knives, kmicklediiHtcraand re
volvers, and mnde a most) desperate
fight for their liberty". ' Once in prison,
however, they, eon fewWT they belonged
to a large gang whose ehe, wa Petit
Jean! Hence the latter's arrest, '
Tb Method Uaaally Employed la taklaa
tha Wild Bird. ..
One of the methods' by which wild
turkeys are taken by native hunters, lis
described in "Hunting ami Mulling In
Florida," by Mr. C. D. t'oiy, curator of
the department of ornithology in .the
Field Columbian museum, Chicago,
certainly does little credit to the intel
ligence of the turkeya.'
A plaev ia found where turkeys ore
numeroua. torn ia scattered about,
and If that ia eaten, more ia placed in
(Ida manner for a week or two, until
they become, accustomed to going there
for food. Then small logs are Inld,
forming a square box about six or eight
Inches In height; possibly two log on
each aide, one above the other. Inside
ia placed the corn, and (he turkey
enter It readily, oa I he obstruction is
not sufficient to excite their fears.
The next night another log In added,
ratting the nox a little higher, per
uana a foot or so, anil thia proeeas goes
on until the smnll lop form a rone-
klinnrd box, narrowing at the ton, h nv-
lisg aa oprnlng by which they run enter
at the tn.
Corn la placed in the boi, ami a few
kernels lending to ii, aa usual, and (he
turkeys, mounting the laat big, drop In
and eat up the corn. And now thrv are
caught, Tha oienlng ka aa narrow thai,
although a turkey raa easily . jump
ilt. n through It with chmed wlnra. II
cannot Jump out again, with ita wing
Ilea a Waasaa
Had taa taa
The woman lawyer abunmrd a pika of
lirlefe drmn iwfura th Judge, act-ory
hi f to the New York Herald, and aald;
"I move to dierharg (lie pHaoner on
the ground that Iba jtroarrutlon have
mil prornl Ibelr raw. ami that the eel
(Irnt-e la Irrele.aul and Itnmalrrlal."
"Motion granted," aaid Iba Judg.
"No mora dastardly outrage naa er
prria-irateil.' Isrgan Iba lawyer, "than
Ilia Inearrrratlnn of Ihla, my Innorenl
Ileal. Ila h enrard In tlie purauit
of hi daily a un, when lb strong
aria of Iba law rVarvnded ntaio him.
"Madam." aald Iba Imlfa, "l,r not
already Isild yoa that yrr motion wa
granu-d? 1 1 prevmer la diarharre)
-e wsa a men without guile," nm
liBOT'l I he tair oiuisarlof. "Jls; aura
rtr. Ma fan.lly a la-at beruuld. lie
a a lt Iba mbl of hi faJnily e.rt le
a bra a mlntnn of the law fill-red and
drmandevl bia Imaie.bata Inparnrra
"I riaia already derldrd In you
isvor. lnaum, aa have Wi. you
Hra." draw l Iba I X 1e. - ba(
iriflte do fnn aaalT"
"KUai tnntm rVa I want. Indd T" rrie
Ike aotnaa lawyer, bar faea laabiag l
a rrlmeeiei b-i. . "W by, 1 want in arsrua
lliisraae. I eland on my rv.aet twtional
r'fbl a a a-msn l bait U laal
word, and I ron to b'f It." , .
Aad aha del.
Hail iaeaey laeael' Maeeaf fas tlaW
laaa af Haaeaa iMrtrlea
T be barrww trig a a aoNtea frrn m. 1
iUm thai a tmauiiu baa ta-a taAea)
'! M Itertfifilabirw, A feaUetna
iLli.t al liar ley, lijetoa. arlu ! a
l,wdrti J-a thai on a rfet ataaln?
ba ennui.U'e. Ila. fern, km I eel ia
bia Uel batalvf.
Aa 1 1'giiaba.aa kt alaays lraa, ai
II aeeia a' "! aa;flnwia la add Iket
Ita a. i-f larley grappled lib. Ilea
rrealMfa i(ila batxleet, aar ay4 bia
ksad HtiUI II aaa amier e.,1 )vi..m. Wa
aael , a rl lef lie Ii fta of 4rtiaaT
d a .e In I bea iWyv tla Oaya.
! i t. ) . ai.i b ei.tM.
Ua'ery. a I' fl .linni' (St. I duly ks
Ui arita tfl k'S fcraepajat atd lell aiaail
It 7S tbi apti,,i tl a asteiaial la.l
tha fea.lera ff IU H.ii .l i tletaM ara la.
,. l,la- f a7 Iba ot !! I.ria ae
f atb 7 I Maa tf b.'l'y k. I '!-,J
in'' far countries.' Xuiong other places
he bad visited' the famous1 city1 'of New
Jersey, and in' the trahsmisaissippian
capital bod met and coped with, the
mosquito in its lair. " ,
Thus he Is tible to identify his quarry
and lay , before the" British public a
harrowing picture of the animal's dis
tinguishing traita. ' ' '
"The specimen caught,"' he writes,
"has every characberisttc of the for
eign, mosquito," especially the New
Jersey variety. I believe they have
been brought to England with timber,
for in New Jersey the logs of timber,
which, aire -usually carried down' the
l ivers,-, have, on them mosquito eggs
gathered from the surface of the wa
ter, where they breed, and bo in this
manner are-transported to Europe,
W here the sunshine hatches them, and
they fly away," ,.. ., ..
It now remains only to unite the
English people! aa one man against the
nvader. Hence this suggestion:
"Let every person carefully examine
his bedroom window in the morning
and kill them, aeby so doing they would
be prevented . laying their eggs' and
breeding. Now is the time to act to
prevent them spreading. 1 They may
easily be known by their resemblance
to gnats, but having a long truik ar
prol)ocls, and by making a humming
noise when ' approaching the' face' or
hanilB of a person." ' "
Accompanying thia slogan is a dia
gram what has been called the busi
ness end of the mosquito, which may
be wed for further identification of tho
dreaded foe, should he be encountered
unawares. N. Y. Herald. '
Evading th Uul. .
One of the regulations at the new;
CongreaKlonal library tn AYaHhlngton ia
that visitor must I'urry no porcela into
tlsn building. So says Use Post, of that
city, end then goes on tnrelutaan aunis-
Ing occurreiM: A ratlsrr tall, brood
rhouldered young woman arrived attha
door of the library, having In her bond
a neat brow n pn,er package. "No bun-
(Ilea are nlowed insiika tlie building,
mid tht. attendant. "Y'ou tniart leave. It
here till you coma out," Tlse yoiwig
womnn objeetetl. Tlie man sold It w a i
(he rule. The young woman said Itw a-
alisiird. The man was firm. Ila must
oliev ordt-rs. The young woman he;-
tiiltl; then alio undid the pnreel, hung
fcevenil iulra of blin k hone over her arm,
handed the nuu the paper, and aaid:
"1 licit-, yon may keep that until (
come out,"
, , t "
Ha (ioatfortabla While Trarrliag ' . .i
Id cool weather. The Ualon Paciflo
lyatem haata its Iraioa Ibroaghoal by
attain beal from tb engine, (bug nak
tag-every par! ol all ita ears, pleaaaat
and oroforUbla. It alao light ttt eara
by tht palebrated 1'ialaob Light makiog
tbem brilliant at night. Paaaaocara
carried daily on tha fast mall. For
leaping car raaervallooa, licketa, or lo
fairoatloa, eall aa or addrt II. W.
Haiiar, (Jan. All, 135 Third Bl Port
land, Oregon.
Aa lalarasllag I'raHleea leaelaad by Sf arl
lea tailfaralaaa.
Jerry I.ynrh baa finally learned Ibe
funnel Irirk. He look It In two thmra
una on on evening and th othrr tha
nr. Tin senator aauntereil up to the
lUihrtulnn i tub the other day ami saw
I wo or I h re of 1 h ) on ngrr mrtnlsr ra a I
lemptllig a rtw fel, ami bewalrhed
tbem with iiil. rrsl. One of Ibrm. ay
th Han I'rnria New lllrr, aturk
a funnel In (hlop.f bia troiianra, threw
hi bead bai k, placed a SQ-ernt pieee on
hi f.irv-hrad and (ri.vl bo drop Ilia Ih4
funnel (y alow ly hrarrllig hie bead.
Utey all lia.l falkrd Jerry lnLt-d on
trying it. iIhiuiiIi all bad trtrd .i
I i w ,i. la hi in from altrme: ing a fral t
lifflr-nlt f"f Ihi-m. Tb funnel wa
(land la lha wsUtbun.l nf bia
iroia. r and l.e threw bm k bis head ly
rarvir lb mln on M spnnl brow.
t IImI Jnnrtur a pllrber nf le w a'er
MM erupt led Inln Die f.irtirl, n, by lb
tlmf Jerry rot ltiroirh lUmlrg lb
(okaira had tan'iehrd. Tli arnalr'a
Wertir Impioted a itb dry raiment an I
th hat! iiirfl.l al lb eluti be started In
In alius a couple of frirmla tb funnrl
"II. Ibl war." re .lalnd. "yori
ftp I fti f uniii I In lb top nf ynurpea
hatha, si. Idea Ihnra jour bead l k,
an, ami --anni !"
Agaia Jerry was f..rrei torkange bt
ralnnni, ami i la rait l.nnaT iewl
what l.e kmra ale.ul lb funael IrVrk.
On what rmund." aakl lha aourl,
"doew Iba iUfa-r bia tlesruand
frr lien1iig bia aanT"
"fN Uav arms ml raplWal Iba t"t
llotirr'a abirny, "that Imi waa avteon
ailev ttn h rertia, abd wra
ke4bliaia, gaia bins Ui bama of J.4.n
Wesk-y, II mew w labaa In l.a II legal
ly p.nfed It R"f ttill.ana, an ba
tan J"in Iba llaptiata iletly an I wlUt
Out aMraraung vt,a a0leol."-lkl-ragn
tkB a I aiaeaa ,fr iiva Iba In
lel'istre I aapHtnrv .y it, .)-' ),'
l lb arteral prvislaaa, wr.ilea ntifc
,ri.'e Ink, lb ni rn. i. g nnr, All raf
e.aa f ink ar i.,i,rr. i ij,, ,.4
ik oleemeala frv-taj tb'lr eat, w lb
lb l- l ut bat" af raaki ail ut y-a
f C b f., w .Ibmil earei.l are 1 eib d
la ( f.l..f .!.. ,, t l.,,f b.e f.
oa dJ , ill h , !, 1 fx.) ..,ae u,e f
pfty, Jay ut- n ?-.- l Intirtrata
t jafftrin f . 1 a,,
I 1