Kjz&om Mo ii md TO THIS GIVES THB OHOICK Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORfHERN Ry. UNION. PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details oall on 0. R. k N. Agent ta Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. POETLAND. OBKQOR. E. McNEluL, President and Manager, San Franolsoo And all points in California, via the Mt. Bhasta route of the Southern Pacific Co Tha treat hUhway through California to all points (Mt and Month. Urand Hoenio Kouta Of the Paoi&o tkiaat. Pullman Hoflet HleeDers. Beoond-olaas Hleepers Attached to express trains, atfordin superior accommodations for Moond-olase passenger. For ratM, tiokete, sleeping oar rasnrratlons, tto oall npoa or address IL kOKHI.BR, Manager, K. P. ROOKBfl, Asst. Ben. F. V. agt., Portland. Oregon -TO TUB- VIA THE UNION PACIFIC .SYSTEM. Through Pullman false Sleepers. Toiirlit Weepers and fret Kec.llliliig Chair Cars DA1LI to tuuago. Many hours tared via Point. STEAM HEAT. this line to Eastern PINTSCH LIGHTS L.UW1CMT HATICN, It. W. HAXTKR, (7fn. Agnt, i'orUund, Vrrgon J. C. J! ART, Agmt, Htppntr, Ortgon harper in F.h 4 c lU tytv mmmrt f tkil feritJittt m.7 rrsj wiV it try Ar v tutktr imlrrnalifntl Jtmt. f fi si rav Iktu uti,tt ay iivsj Kit. JUtiJti lJu friu Orn nJ ejeri W4 Ikrrt wtll r TIIRCU A LOYAL TRAtTOt f ' tUitei, s t(fif ttf. y-1) ) -f , ft, 4 Sri i t rrfr f t"t A.l. mi rw I..M n-.Lu .r..e..,,, srskaf A mi Jt m htsToe.' Bjotttnnot llllltml n id !.. S.MS t ! 1 l ,.. a, a m fws l'a mme t rv It a ay .aa. fU f ' as .a nt tiM .t m tfft ef em' ll y"t Im lis?, mm4 fi m tsSMHrits fi., II pme mme. 0 ay a k w un a aw. a im imm HOMH Of THB WMIKT I BUI m roamati rasiv mMiin ths uh-ih tn sl t" s sisj an an turn nan s, srtAsT ? 14. !.. ms, V lhtMaslM S, ) o SwM.aa klwlktia i-T S- mi i 0 HCUta UaaTaSMS Cm Wm oi ft l-aw ST t M Saw $ A y "r . A sVssili I aMtfl s tr4i' S I ."iff ti in S lastw klrrsStM ImmUm ANNOUNCEMENTS CATARRH its LOCAL DISEASE and It the remit of eoldt and udden climstio changes. It can be cored by a pleaaant remedy which ii applied di rectly into the nostrils. Be in K quickly absorbed it gives relief at once. Ely's Cream Balm Is acknowledged to be the most thorough cure for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Bead and Hay Fever of all remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passrges, allays pain and Inflammation, heals the tores, pro tects the membrane from colds, restores the senses of taste and smell. Price 60c. at Druggists or by mail. ELI BKOTHEBS, M Warren Street, New York. THE THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 Pages a Week. 156 Papers a Tear. It stands first among "weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of oon tents. It is practically a daily at the low prioe of a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly Illustrated end amoDg its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a loot series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Con an Doylb, Jekomb E. Jbkomb, Stanley Wbymak, Mart E. Wilkins, Anthont Hope, Bhkt Habtb, Bbandbb Matthbws, Etc We offer this unequitled newspaper and The Gazette together one year for 83.25. The regular subscription price cf the two-papers is $3 50. CIIIOAGrO. Iwanlee & St. Paul R'y Glance at this Map Of th Chiragn. Milwaukee and nt, Paul Rail way and note Its connections wllh til transron tlnsnlal lines and Hi. Paul and 1 malia, and remember that Its trains are lighted with elec tricity and heated hy steam. It equipment Is iirb. Klegsnt Buffet, Library, Hinokliig and Sleeping ears, with free reclining chairs. Each sleeping ear berth hat an electee reading lamp, and Its dining ran are the bett In Die world. Other lines are longer than this, but none are shorter, and no other oners thesis luiurlout accommodations. Those are lufflcleiit reasons lor the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon Irket agent In srery railroad omcewlll give ynu further Information, or address C. J. EPDY, General Agent, J. W. CARRY, Trar, Pass. Agent, rntTttUD, OaiUOH. 'S ROUND RC.MARKAHLC TWENTY-PART TMH PAIVTI O W W BT 4 J tl ..XN i ..-e fmfltli.-m, fj I to . . ... . (money prizes xc A y JmS y M MMM S, Um9 Si i Sa.ak d.;Ul m4 rMt tJj'W f s) .. ft iO h tenj is) I W tmfttlit, JumJ t n.t frttt tfUtt tin uUn 4-4 ftrmr l,, l.'ftnlrj it r'i 1 1 eft Arises! f !, J - ,,,,,, T ,,, aVsasTTal ft , AtrfjrX A'.f'. thlf n m,mmtig tmt tft.nl if.i si . t try I A YHg MTt r Tw titr otri ft.t S ., arst tit ll tl - as ... , J.. h . . f.aii t,it ,ri ass !. ( y ca lmm f atust a Attntwr ftfixir:Tm -rw rf St Smm fi a VoS a'ta t. a ttif t fi a .Nu -a.l,W t- '. kt .7f. Vses sa ' U I W s. V 3 smtf em' sfW fie tfi emj f'" ' tiyt' AaiW ) MI t al?t IV A m H atM la-H set s4 THE ARTIST'S CORNER. Greek sculptors often used eyes of glass or crystal in the faces of their statues. The oldest existing statue is one of wood, admirably modeled, colored and with eyes of crystal. It is of a man named Ra-em-ke, an Egyptian, and dating from about B. C. 4000. The early representations of Christ in painting-were purposely devoid of all attraction; in the-eighth century Adrian I. decreed that Christ should be represented as beautiful as possible. In the Vatican at Rome there is a marble statue with natural eyelashes, the only one with this peculiarity in the world. It represents Ariadne sleeping on the island of Naxos at the moment she was deserted by Theseus. In modeling the horse for his eques trian statue of Gen. Grant, for the Union League club, of Brooklyn, the sculptor, Wi'liam Ortlway Partridge, has had casts made from a living charger kept at his country home in Milton, Mass., where he is at work. The Only Chair Car Line To the east is the Uni on Pacific. East ern cities are reached via this line with fewer changes of oars tbaj via other lines Rates always the lowest. Tiokets to or from points in the United States. Ob d ad , or Europe for sale by R. W, Baxter, Gen. Agt., 135 3rd St., Portland. riOW CHILDREN ARE SPOILED. The Young Mother Fosters Ugly Trait by Injudicious Management. The dangers that cluster about the. untried feet of the young mother begin from the very first dawning of her babe'a intelligence. Long before she dreams of his knowing anything or re ceiving mental impressions, the seeds are sowing for good or ill in his char acter. I have watched the growth of j wt.etla that, with the lightest touch. might huve been Hipped away from the tender soil, but time passed by and the intruder nourished apace. Get control of your child during the first three years and you are sure of him. If the habit of obedience and deference is firmly rooted then he will never fail you in after years when he has slipped the aprou leash. The trouble is too often with the parents. The mother herself fosters uply traits by injudicious nianngcment. Her baby ref uhkh to kiss her. She makes lielieve to cry ubout it and thus gives a lesson that will soon have him crying for what he wants. He bumps his head and she whips the door or whatever it was that hurt him, thim teaching him to In; combative nnd spiteful. What is it that makes nearly all children liars and many of them thieves? They are trained to be ho by the unconscious fin gers that point the way. The mother promises anything, everything to keep pence and avoid a combat with the little creature, who even now is beyond her control. She does not fulfill these promises and the child beennvea her judji-p. Never tell a lie to a child, or in nny way dot-rive him, if you would hope to gel the proper influence. Do not rob him of the happiness of supreme trust in you. It will cling to him through life. Ladies' Home Companion. Homethiag to Drpeaa on. Mr. Jame Jours, of tbe drug Arm of Junes A Hon, Gowdnn, Ills., in speaking of Dr. King's New Duoovery, says that Inst winter Ms wife was attacked witb La Grippe, and ber oase grew so serions that physicians at Cowden and Paoa Oould do nothing for ber. II seemed to develop into Hasty Consumption. Hev ing Dr. King's New Discovery q store, and selling lots of it, be took bottle home, and to the surprise of sll she be gun to get better from first dose, and half doseo dollar bottle oared ber sound and well. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Uonghs and Colds is guar snleed to do this good work. Try It Free trial bottles at Coosor & Brook Drug Store. TABLE SFRIALS TNfl ROCK OP TUB UO aw, te w s i.i aawaie I r 4 mi ; A mttmr "4a ifi.-w, 9ii,isi SsJVS ' mtlffuj A. ( fni .V ffft. a. s Swsf nfJitm r' tfrt , Ai Awi e, , ' mtmf frm. UTrasBv rm!APart a s e sssit a i SOS - - a, i a. aiMtuejaC cavaiRV tnaBnri s ..i.e. a, st isr-a taasa st ss'tvasM a st A. Ms 1 u- -i AM n kmm fv ax mmm FOR 1897- AN EXPENSIVE DINNER. It Cost at the Bate of Seven Hundred Dol lars m Plate. "History of the cuisine fairly teems with descriptions of costly meals," re marked a resident of Brooklyn recent ly to a writer for the Washington Star. "We read how that profligate Uelio gabalus, the Roman emperor, had a single dish on his table once that cost two hundred thousand dollars, and how another Roman, Aelin Verus, gave a supper to a dozen cronies that cost a quarter of a million dollars. Then Vitellius, still another Roman and an emperor, likewise entertained his brother at a little smack that used up a couple of hundred thousand; but these were ancient fellows, who had nightingales' tongues and humming birds' brains and similar marvelous dainties. Coming down to modern days and plain, ordinary, everyday ham and eggs, I ate a supper once in this very town that cost a friend of mine four teen hundred dollars. A gentleman named Parker kept an establishment devoted to entertaining gentlemen at sundry games of chance. One night the friend I speak of and myself were killing an evening here together, when we conceived the idea that a visit to Parker's would be just the thing. We put it into execution at once. ' I have never gambled in my life, and my friend has not done it since. We went upstairs and entered the room just as supper was announced. My friend did not want to eat anything, but I was hungry, and when some plausible ras cal of a dealer told me that there was broiled Smithfield ham flanked with pullets' eggs as a sort of Bide issue to the otherwise gorgeous feast I broke for the supper room, despite my com panion's pleadings. Of course he fol lowed me when he found his protesta tions were useless, and we enjoyed the feed immensely. When we camo out my friend pulled out a twenty-dollar bill and said he would play a turn or two to pay for our supper. I begged him in turn not to do it, but he was as obdurate as I had been. He lost his 'twenty-dollar bill and tried to get it back. . In two hours fourteen hundred dollurs were gone glimmering. I have never felt so downright hungry since that a slight request from a mere ac quaintance cannot koep me away from a dead-head feed." THE "WAGO OWANHAN." Mysterious Light That Hang In West Virginia Canyon. An old-time West Virginia wonder is ugain causing quite a discussion among the reading and thinking peo ple of Wyoming and adjoining coun ties. The "wonder" referred to is the mysterious light which has been known since times almost prehistoric rta the 'Wago Ownnhan." This pbenouienul light, says the St. Iouis Republic, appears to emanate Vom a certain ot on the precipitous sklca of the great Pat Weas cunyon. It casts its ghostly abecn ncroes the waters of the river, lighting the sur rpumlicgH not with a "sickly, pale. white light," but with a phosphorescent glow of sufficient brightness to make the reading of a newspaper or a book possible on the darkest night. Aceord- lug to some invefrtigntors of the "Wago Owauhnn" the light doe not rmanat' from any spot on the canyon' side, but hangs out over the river, like a luminoua cloud or fog. This apiHnra to have been the case at the time when Prof. Tohlun nnd fr. I. K. Christian the latter of Oeeanft, W. Va. visited the Kt. On the l.'iUi and 10th of last February an exiicdition, henled by Mr. Christian, again visited the "Wago Owanhttn. Snow was falling mpidly at the time, and Mr. ChrUttuinrays that every flake, when it reached a height of about SOi) feet above the water, "would bin- out with dazzling bright nem" and remain luminous until it reached the aurfaee A scientific investigation of the phe nomenon will be made. SETTLED IN NOVA SCOTIA. ColMlsti Aasarleaas Who Karl Thalr llosao la aasda. Mod Msny loyalist, imrtioulnrly front New Kogland, had fled to Nova Scotia before the chme of the war, and arttled i.n the a I ml w iM-rti Uie city of nt. John now aland. Thl rave one olijective Milnt, at any rate, sstya Martmllan' Moainr, to the much largrr U'twl of i i Ira who at Uie ira- were forced t- H-rk new b mica at attnrt Holler; and in a alnjrle )ar the new aetilrntrnt ftrrw to smile 11. OK) soul. Mrn of all i'Iiiivs flixknl there, offlrrra and ! ilirra, rlprwynira and laviyera, farmer, nipvhaniea and mrrrliont. They were r-eiurally mueh sUve the avrmire of unlinary etiiraota, both In cbarsn lrr, riliK-ation ami hilriliifninr: but all, or nearly alt, were equally ilratltul ami fur ceil a iM-tin the .ltle of life afresh. , year later Nrw r.rtuww U k via f- aealrd from Nma Keolia, rnlownl witb a ooum-U aiul kntne aaaruibty, and th iei.lt.il luutrd lo the frriil aiu at I rrlrriron. The Ural rouiirll Inrltnlrtl many rlb known New t'tigland laiirer, such, a I'uinam. iti.l,.w. Allrn ami WillaH. it liit lihk.l. sUt, a late Judge of I lie snpn-tit court of ,r York, anothrr d titie'ii hr.l tawff of ihai rolooy. nt.il arsrraj or'iirra of the loyal rrft- Hwota. lU.tJ, tbr Nrw Yolk atvl Ihe Iffnaa brarrti of the lilnaoti. Arts of the wralihir.t on. ni Influe-ntlat fantil.ea In nloaa AmerK-a, erv hre rvprnt..aj. lot hi day are crmsple. uotia la i j-r ( ana.as. A slswlsa Ma44lt tmmmt. Tlvrw w er a frval roany -.(.! rom- lag nl aHntis; ' ly al lbs toniaw of the wlaw l.'al.M laa W Naaaur. lby ere ( all I ana prooU", ty any mean 1 be bri'lat fra.t w aa -rr. la toe Uf fn-til rw 0-ain: uraa tit (fi b, anj oil K had a fifhl to ralsf arrs welnttt heartily, t'om sum plenlifully mHlrl, I "it I K lwr tkt twiur of rs k day wiml.l m aflrf sitvt, w Ur n, tks da's wnrk twiri itoae, all ll lnilr. (noil OnUl-l trotn). T h l.ti.l. s-norn was mtilmual- It fril, rt r.ittrjtalulali.'ri ml f w .elw ilk) U-nt er . fl OMina' WWW ef k Itorw In tins' frw-aJsi trttt drrtdeslly lit bh( llnwr lant flar la lt.at rnnnt tws aianavll. As air of in lrHa ai4 aa : of lte froat, K Ml al h a4 f iks onf ui.ie jnli f-f tr tanoatn. lnfHsuHia 'll aa , tm II td lo re sjixter r a Kar-, t lIsillitM aramt a air. II wr4 I h l rr4 wrval rwt frM lh IkrtHif of tap.le sw ran Wt rot fft ta tilr) ! tU Si. at? ar.( naaM. Ik w tftr f' os) ! Ik Hii-l'tay a a ! W alua.) S lv fa W Wt f ft.. I b lr ut f . TT Betrayed By a Chew of Tobacco. The other night a shop on one of tha boulevards in Paris was broken into, and a strong box was found in the morning wrenched open and with the contents missing. At first it was thought that the burglar had left no trace, but on a careful examination of the floor a piece of chewed tobacco was discovered. This caused suspicion to rest on a former employe who was giv en to using tobacco in that particular way. He was found and convicted. In order to understand this incident Americans should recollect that the accomplishment of tobacco-chewing in not a general one in Eurooej. Via the Union Pacific System ' Baggage is cheoked through from Port end to d eBtinntioD. The specialties of tbe Uuion Paoitlc are unexcelled track and equipment, union depots, fast time through oars, steam beat, Pintsch light od ooarteoas treatment to passengers. For rates and information apply to R W. Baxter. Gen. Agt. U. P. system, Port, land, Oregon. Send your name for a Souvenir of the Work of Eugene Field, FIELDFLOWERS tbe eueene field monument Souvenir The most beautiful Art Production of the ceth tury. "A mull bunch of the molt fragrant of blos soms lathered from tbe broad acres of Eugene Field's Firm of Love." Contains a selection of the most beautiful of the poems of Eugene Field. Hand somely illustrated by thirty-five of the world's greatest artists astheir contribution to the Mon ument Fund. Bat for tbe noble contributions of ths treat srtlsts this book conld not bare been usnufss tared forf7.oo. For sale at book stores, or sent prepaid on receipt of Ji.io. The love offering to theChild's Poet Laureate, published by the Com. mittee to create a fund to build the Monument and to care for the family of the beloved poet. tugeoe field Monument souvenir fund, too staarus street, tntoago, la 80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. trade Marks, DE8ICN8, OOPYRICHTS A.O. Anyone sendlns? a sketch and dnsertntlon dih quickly sscertaln, free, whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest sgencr forsecuring patent in America, we nave a w anninfri.no omce. Patents taken throuuh Muun A Co. reoe-iva special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of any scientific Journal, weekly, terms 13.0(1 a year 11.90 six months. Specimen copies and llAUD Book on Patents sent free. Address MUNN & CO., j 361 Broadway, Mew York. LEAD1HG PAPEH TUB CHROTICU ranks with th srsstsat aewsisprs la Uis Unltsd atata. TUB CHKONIUI.B has no onus! en the Paclfl Cosst, It leads sll In ability, sntarurtss and nsws. TIIK CHHOMCLK'S Tsisgrapnia Hsporu are ths latest and most MllaDls.lt local Nsws ths fullest and aplelest. and It awlltortal from Ut sblrnl psns Id ths country. TIIK Oil KON IOI.K has alwars been, and always will bs, the friend and champion of the peopla as asainat oombl nations, cliques, corporations, or oppressions of any kind. It will bs louepoudool la svsryUitnf nsutral la noUiluf. the: daily ur m i. r. a rM." Ooly$6.70aVcar. The Veekly Chronicle ft. Criilfl Wn'Jh t rci.17. $1.50 a fa (Imi4i siiisii l r fmn tM Pa4 tti i SHH SM StMW rtti vrtttr tm"vifia iw w .i mmh m-mt e-wwe aytjJS to ta SMt. a4'ry OS Mwmw. rf !! ai t a ii lftf w a.- a .t . to, lapmiam SAMrn.C CU1S SiNT 4E. Ml 'HI' wfSmi coast tJ-nc-tCiSj Ml VS.Mrsxvtrmi IK) you want tiik CHRONICLE Reversible Map? ttowiwrt Tit Utltfi Sutei, Desbba c! CiciJunl Kdftttra Mtzico lt t ssltiKi, Hap of tho World or iiik ot ii r n pttiK. 4 fg . , t Map We.alf I Ikewesit 1st f rt T, -Mia f-e a I i siMif a4 l rnm V.XJatrwila' MtMett Prof. W. H. Peeke, who makes a specialty or. EDileosv, , hat witnoi at doubt treated and cur ed more casea than any living Physician; hia success is astonishing. We have heard of case of so years' standing carta oy him. He publishes a valuable work on this dis ease, whicb. he sends .with a larcre bot tle of his absolute care, free to any sufferer who may send their P. O. and Express address. We advise anv one wishing a cure to address Prof.W. . FEEXE, F. 4 Cedar St., Hew York D 'A l Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-' rent bmmess conducted lor MoocnATC FEE. ,uun urrict I o urruai i w . r ' -and we can secure patent in less tuue than, those rrmn,A fmni Wn.hincrfnn- i Send model, drawing or photo., With desenp Jtion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of J charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. ( ( A Pammhlet, now to Ubtain ratentt," wun ost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries ent free. Address, D.A.SNOW&CO Opp. Patent Orricc, Washington, d. C. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q., C. M. & Bt. V., V. S A., f. r l. w. at u., and the C. Bt. L. & P. Railroads. RATB8 Iga.oo PRR 13 AY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts., CfllC-A-GI-O. XXjXu MS Cor 1tmu.s.qovernment 1 PAYING MILLIONS 1 A MONTH fvS To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their jx Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars (") on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED ' UNDER THE NEW LAW sN To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes It' fj) to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not preaent fi your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the 2 time you apply. Now is the accepted hour, v?) fj-Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advlcs. No Fee unless successful. t , The Press Claims Company Pi;iLlP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 P Street, WASHINQTON, D. C i(V Jf. B.TM Company U controlled fTA paptrt in (A rnlleiS SUUu, and is f , . . -a, -Sv av iVttoriiciys. nt Ilrtxva All bosineas attended to in prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL DANK BUILDING. BErPNER, i f t ; t WHITE COLLAR LINE. PAlnmhir. I)irAnnnl I tU 1111 I d 11 1' ill U Slraatn TELD'HONE, BAIL!.' Lios Aider R I reel Does, Fort lead, l'ark aod nsbeotta. Direel onoeelfjoa witb Ilwaeo steamers and rail- ' mad; also at Young's iiay witb Seasbora lUllroad. . , TZIXiXJPZXOlVB Uors rortlsnd T A st. Pally, etrer-t Snndaf. Uave Aitorla 1 1. at. Polly, tcst asjaday. baujEy oatzhiit Leste rortlsnd f. M lsllr. rwM Sunday, It. as A. M., ,seitaviMi Uta fntilaml aftd rnnsdlrwi to llaai Iifovso lloarw Wwlnaa-laf and FrWay til lit. M. On Satxtsf n If fit 4 1 r. H. Uxjt Cklfi Ii Riibd Dfiliulici U levin Frti tf Expense. Tot Solely, rJ. Cc.mf.iet, Pleasur. Tfl lb Insli It to Advertisers fice. You need it in nutter of luisinc? vc blej ule The comparative value of the twoeardla 1 known to most person. They illustrate that greater quantity la Not always most to b desired. ' . These card express the beneficial na- ityof ;-- ' ' RipansTabules As compsred with any previously ' DYSPEPSIA CURB ' - . Kl'pana Tabuls: Price, 30 a test'" Of druggists, or by mail. ' '' .. " BIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 SpmctnRT WANTED-AN IDEA Ko BURN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Wasliiflgtoa, ' D.C., for their $1,800 prize offer. The regular subscription prion of tbe Semi-Weekly Gazette is 92.60 and the regular price of the Weekly ' OreisouiaA is $1.60, Any one onbsoribiDg- tor the ' Gazette and paying for'; eM,'ytsfii')i advanoe can get both tbe Gazette ' ami ' -Weekly Oregonian for $3.50. All old sub, soribers paying their subscriptions tci one year in advanoe will be' entitled tbesam). '; '' New Fbkd Yard. Wm. Gordon has ' opened up tbe feed yard next doer-' to' tbe Gazette office, and nflw ' so'fidiVs ' "'i' share of your patronage, Billy' is right at home at this business,, tod you! horses will be well looked afteN Price reasonable. Bay sod grain- Jorsale if bt nearly- on Ihoutond leading tssie- guaranteed by Uiem. OREOON UkaW rS W U it aV I I M W u u 6ATZERT AND QCWX WAVE. for Astoria, Ilwaeo, Loaf Beeeh, Ooaaa AatuMay olsht. II P M. taa Astoria Dalit a aaci Monaay. aunday algal, 7 r, at, , Tneolay and ThurvUyal I A. M. atuHar-at I P. H. oa U Tstfnkona, rUJWy Uaturt sad Otwave Wst. ration. U ms.iv it vv For tho Curo oa Liquor, Opium tU Tobacco Habits II la lonK4 at Asia, Orsja, rW Mumi Dutiful Tow tM tU Ctxuf Call al ta (Ittrrrre Mrtrtlf eualAsatlaU. Ira tare. em tm. f1-Ues aivt4 OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD at .1 grcnt fin.inci.il sacri your business, and as a inuit r-11 it. srt r Al. tt ViH'Vft, -U". O. Ri.MM, la Hi ,MWv Tiik Pattekpon Pwhushinc Co.