"Cures talk "In favor Da Ol Hood's Sarsaparilla, f I OS tor no other medi- U Ctt I tr4. cine. Its great cures recorded in truthful, convincing language of grateful men and women, constitute its most effective ad vertising. Many of these cures are mar velous. They have won the confidence of the people; have given Hood's Sarsapa rilla the largest sales in the world, and have made necessary for its manufacture the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's Sarsaparilla is known by the cures it has made -cures of scrofula, salt rheum and ecrema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh -cures which prove Sarsaparilla is tne Dest-infactthe One.True Blood Purifier. Hrwl'e D.llc llver llls' easy to nOOCl S PHIS take, easy to operate. 25c, - A.GUUD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the greet political oaroDninn is over and the winter season again with us, al) will want an adequate supply of fresh and varied reading matter for the - long evenings. Cognizant of this the Gozettehas made clubbing arrangements with a number of periodicals and now .offers tbe following to all new and renew . al aubaoribera: The G Am'E $2.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonlan, (1.50 83.50 " 8. F. Examiner, fl. 50. 8.75 ' " N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 8.00 .'' Inter-Ocean, 11.00 8.25 '. " B. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World. il.00 H.2R Webfoot Planter, 60o 2 50 Leslie'! Weekly, $4.00 5.00 ' Here and There. Grand concert. ; Heppner opera boose. . Sutorday evening Jan. 30. Admission 85, 25 sud 15 cents. Pemember that olty election ooouri on Feb. 2. The Heppner Transfer Co., for aale. has wood 37-tf. Trot oat yonr s City election is Feb. 2. candidates. R. P. Hynd went down to Portland Saturday night. A little son of Frank Gilliam's is down lick with fever. Robert Large is very sick with conges tion of the longs. William Kingsbury is bere from Mon tana to buy cattle. A. W. Patterson returned home from Salem Sunday morning. Elbra 8waggart IiiufTering from se vere sttaok of 4be quinsy. Miss Bel ioa Coboe 11 over from Monu ment to remain a few weeks. Otis Patterson wuup from Salem Sat urday, returning on tbs night train. v Drink tbe -celebrated J. II. Cutter whiskey. On tap it Chris Botchers'. W. A'. Kirk and, wife arc on lbs sick list, bnt are reported to be Improving. Tbs Redligbt people will treat yon rigbt. Call oo them wbeo in town. tt If yon want tbs beat of verytbing, go to tbe Orange Front, Joseph Bibsr.Prop.tf Miss Mary Olsen, of Eight Mil, is quits sick at tbe boms of Geo. Vios in In this ciy. Elvs Coats, tbs 7iar-old daogbter of Gilbert Goata, of tlirdmao, la dowo sick wllb la grippe. Dr. Lsnaerbfri. the oculist, wall known in Oeppaar, talks of permanently locating lo Tbs Dalles. Dsn Pioe, who bat bao very tirloaily ill for asms tins at bis boms asar liar J nan, is reported better. Oeo. Ely waa op from Doaglai Satur day. Ds bas Jail retarosd from ao fi- laodid lit la tbs valley. Tbs dais for tbi iraurl bcotflt eoneert at tbs First Cbris tin. cborcb bis baao ebaoged to Batordiy sveoing, Jan. 90. Where's tbs man (bit aa.4 as would bate na mora aevtrs cold wilbr Ibis wlnUr T Bs's no good as a prophet. Jak Young canals tela laal sveoiog tut mad id oe fur W, W. Ilraeaoo't child rsa, abo are vary III wilb poesmonta. Royal Diamond, fan FtraJ Japan, on- eolorrd. Tbs bl Ta Ua r sold nrpDf. F. 0. Tboa)p.o Co leadrr. Join Dieky and Dsn MrKw.ua. wbo bavs bees alek fur a lima al lbs Tal aea botsl with eaitimioia, are much Ulier. Dr. P. B. MrSworJa waa pallid to Iea ttatnMi to allasd Mr. J Wowlef f . wbs Is sofNrtsc from aa attack of plsaritf aa4 la grippa, Rmmtf lbs jrio4 W!l rneM eomMrff at ll.e epeia hone a tr.la aunts. Jaa eH Twkte wiU U M sals al Onsr A Brora's. rr.f. vT.G. Howard ps rapid! fr trlsg fmta .la rit se-a IHhi -4 kop to b ! t da ll) is lbs sabol tvtm. Jos Mua aid '. ( l'J. aaM.J ibroasb la ln M Fr4 j 9 foals lo U'P"- 'P'- " larasborUy wilb tribt fr i 17 EeW THs laiti4 Ana a al lb l-tara as taaief aa Ills al reel aad are ff.t aieg to IUi la M -re sw nWra. Ti n! raptlly greslrf la talai fo. lbs It Tbe progressive ladies of Westfield. It)d, issued a "Woman's Edition"of the Westfield News, bearing date of April 3, 1896. The paper is filled with matter ol interest to women, and we notice tbe following from a correspondent, which tbe editors printed, realizing that it treats upon a matter of vital Impirtaooe to tbeir sex: "Tbe best remedy for croup, colds and bronohitis that I have been able to rind is Oharnhnrliiin'R Congh Remedy. For family nse it has no equal. I gladly reoommend it.'f 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Oonser & Brook. B. F. Hevland returned the last of tbe week from a six weeks' visit with friends and relatives at different points in tbe valley. He says times are getting better down there and business is beginning to look up. He found buyers offering to contract 10 cents a pound for next sea son's bop crop and 75 oeota per bushel for wheat, so be thinks that the pros pects are pretty bright for farmers dowo that way. Cat Robinson, of Lone Rock, bud bis thumb of the right band bitten off near tbe tirst joint on 8otu day last by a dog. ' He, with some others, was en gaged in a cayote obase when tbe doss got to fighting. In attempting to separ ate them he was bitten as above men tioned. Mr. liobiuBon al once came to Heppner and bad tbe wounded member dressed by Dr. Hunlook. EJ. Baling bad tbe second toe on eaob foot amputated last bafurday. . The op eration was perlormed by Drs. McFaul, Swinburne and Hun!ouk, and at last re port Ed. was getting along exceptionally well. Because of tbeir shape those toes bad caused Ed. considerable pain, so it is safe to say that be will not mourn tbe loss. Tbe time has been definitely settled for the dedication of Ibe new Christian oburob in tbis oity. J?lie first Lord's day in February has been fixed upon and all arrangements arebeiog made ac cordingly. Friends of tbe cburob are asked to keep this in mind and all are urged to be prose ut on this occasion. Oregouinn: Mr. Henry Blaokman, collect r of internal revenue for tbis dis trict, has reoeived a leave uf absence tor 10 days from tbe department, and left issi mgnt ror aan rrancisoo. lie goes n a delegate of Portland lodge, No. 416, I. O. B. B, to atteud the grand lodge session of tbat order in Sho Frauoisco. Tbe Heppner Lodge of Elks will be or unized tomorrow afternoon at tbe E. of ball, and in tbe evening a banquet will be tendered tbe visitors at tbe Pal ace botel. fortlaud, Ibe Dalles, Pen dleton, Walla Walla aud Baker City will be represented by delegations. Mm. 1-bho Large, wbo has been ill tor o long, is greatly improved at present and able to enjoy three meals a day with ber family at tbe table. This is good news for ber many irienda, wbo earn estly bope for ber ultimate restoration to perfeot health. Died Near Hardman. Or., on Wedues day, Jan. 20, 18'JG, of enterio oatarrb, or wbat is oommouly called typbod ma aria, Anna, tbs 6 year-old daughter of John U. Juhoson. The remains wers interred la tbe Harduaao cemetery on Thursday. Jas. Thompson reoeived tbe painful news yesterday of Ibe death of bit father Wm, Tbompioo, wbioli coourred early yeetrrday morning. James left last night for Ontario, Canada, bis parents1 boms. Us will maks tbs trip in five days. Eislern Oregon ii being visited by an other cold wave. Tbe ground Is oovered wilb about two iuobes of snow, and laat oigbt tbe thermometer registered two below ro. However, tbia oold wifs will out likely be of ssy great length J. J. Hams. Oilliam A Bulk's tin nsr, nas been coonuea io dis room tor several days with so attack of btliona fever. Us a able lo be abuot tow yselardav and today, bowaver, and well oo tbe way to rsrovsry. Ulp along a good eiass by bcylng ticket tor tbs grsnd boor Si concert at the opera boose oo Batarday sveoing Tbs prooeeds go toward porebaaing ao o'guo for Ihoaiwcharcb. llrvf srati HSctota. Dr. McFaul was called lo sta Mrs Braes ltaios, of Eigbt M'W, on da lsl week sad foood ber lo be very sort uoaly ill. Uowever, from later rrports it Is loaroed Ibat lbs lady Is mtt k im proved. T. M : Quite a aamUrof Dalit Elks art carry tog Ibtir furry eosts sod polUb log lblr Sottas preparatory lo etUed log Ibt ioatttoiioe of lbs Mt al H'i'P ettjO!! WVloM.Uy aibl. Artbar Mmr and aite rtaro4 b'-roe ' litis noreisf from a two wek vttit wi'b fhdt and rUlif al I'oMlaod saJ s Koitbsvaa. Wb. I'tek rporli a vf j t)lal a.'iio. Tlit prel S ) I l "f tt m io i'l tf ali ef I h e-lalf r . IWpnri Irmn Chitiiia litit IhM this U lut e-Ul ? i,i4 lbt la jftara. ry llpp-f ltrtl 1-tweok for Beware 01 the Knife. Mr. Lincoln Nelson, of Marshfield, Mo., writes: "For six years I have been a sufferer from a scrofulous affection of the glands of my neck, and all efforts of physicians in Washington, D. C, Springfield, 111., and St. Louis failed to reduce the enlargement. After six months' constant treatment here, my physician urged me to submit to a re moval of the gland. At this critical mo ment a friend recommended S.S.S., and laying aside a deep-rooted preju dice against all patent medicines, 1 be gan its nse. Before I had used one bot tle the enlargement began to disappear, and now it is entirely gone, though I am not through with my second bottle yet. Had I only used your S.S.S. long ago, I would have escaped years of misery and saved over $150." This experience is like that of all who suffer with deep-seated blood troubles. The doctors can do no good, and even their resorts to the knife prove either fruitless or fatal. S.S.S. is the only real blood remedy; it gets at the root of the disease and forces it out perma nently. S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable) A Real Blood Remedy. is a blood remedy for real blood troubles; it cures the most obstinate cases of Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheumatism, etc., which other so-called blood reme dies fail to touch. S.S.S. gets at the root of the disease and forces it out per manently. Valuable books will be sent free to any address by the fawift Specific Co., At lanta, Ga. THE MAKING OF A PRESIDENT. On Wednesday last Nora Matlock celebrated ber 12th birthday, and a pleasant party for tbe little folks was given in bet honor at tbe borne of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Matlock in this city, in the evening. Tbe hours were passed in those innooent little games so full nf fun and joy to tbe juvn- ile heart nod at an appropriate time a delicate Innoheon wan served. Tbe young people all joined in wishing Miss Nor many happy retiirns of ber birth ay, aud departed for their homes feel- ioi that tbey bad spent a very pletHwt and enjoyable evening indeed. Those present were: Fay Bartholomew, Ei- tella Lalnnds, Willa Minor, Bxsnie Wells, Mabel Ayors, D)l Warraotb, Ber- tha Matlock, Aura Hale, Mary Matlook, Z ie Patterson, Willie Dutton, lleppie Blackmao, Elmer Wills, Ruby Wil's, Harry Brians, Ralph Binbop. Gusi Ayers. Jack Woodard, Fred Bartholo mew, Kalpb lhompson. Abe Wells, Freddie Elder, Wnneta Matlock, Hazel Morrow aud Edna Mallory. HE SOCIAL CIRCLE From the E. O. The result of the late presidential eleo tioo now having been officially declared by tbe meeting of tbe presidential elect ors in tbe various capitols of tbe arioui states of tbe United States, William Mo Kinley is now tbe legal successor of Grovec Cleveland. The coming together of the various eleotoral colleges were a "gentle reminder" to the partisans who shou'ed themselves blind and furious for McKiuley or Bryan tbat they were really voting fur several hundred men un known in tbe main to political fame or distinction, la conformity to constitutional re quirements these men, wbo were chosen electors by tbe voters among 70,000,000 people, met on Monday, January 12th, and elected William McKinley, of Ohio, president and Garret A. Hobart, of New Jersey, vice-president of tbe United States. McKinley aud Hobart reoeived tbe following eleotoral votes: Cali fornia, 8; Couneotiout, 6; Delaware, 3; Illinois, 24; Indiana, 15; Iowa,. 13; Kentucky, 12; Maine, 6; Maryland, 8; MussuohuBetts, 15; Michigan, 14; Minne sota, 9; New Hampshire, 4; New Jersey, .10; New York, 36; North Dakota, 3; Ohio, 23; Oregon, 4; Pennsylvania, 32; Rhode Island, 4; Vermont, 4; West Vir ginia, 6; Wisconsin, 12 total, 271. Mr. Bryan reoeived the following votes: Alabama, 11; Arkansas, 8 California, 1; Colorado, 4; Florida, 4; Georgia, 13; Idaho, 3; Kansas 10; Ken tucky, 1; Louisiana, 8; Mississippi, 9; Missouri, 17; Montana, 3; Nebraska, 8; Nevada, 3; North Carolina, 11; South Carolina, 9; 8 mth Dakota, 4; Teunessee, 12; Texas, 15; Utah, 3; Virginia, 12; Washington, 4; Wyoming, 3 total, 176 Mr. Sewall reoeived tbe same votes as Mr. Bryan exoept in tbe following states, wblob divided between Sewall and Wat- eon: -Arkunsas, Hewail, 0; vv Bison, s; Colorado, Sewall, 3; Watson, 1; Idaho, Sewall, 2; Watson, 1; Louisiana, Sewall, 4; Watson, 4; Missouri, Sewall, 13; Wat sun, 4; Montana, Sewall, 1; Watson, 2 Nebraska, Sewall, 4; Watson, 4; Nortb Carolina, Sewall, 5; Watson, 6; Utah Sewall, 1; Watson, 2; Wasbiugton, 8e wall, 2; Watson, 2; Wyoming, Sewall, 2 Watson, 1 total for Watson, 30; leaving Mr. Bewail 146 votes. Tbis required lormality having been lawfully conoluded it is cow in perfeot order for MoKinley to write bis inangu ml address and seleot tbe material for bis oabinet, and these duties are now re ceiviug bis earnest attention. SECOND DEATH LO88. (Jolted Artisans Pay Prompt j oa Beceipt of Death Proof. The seoond death loss ever incurred by tbe United Artisans was paid by Max M. Moorhead, d striot deputy for East ern Oregon and Washington, Friday. It was for $1000, sod paid to Mrs. Mary Gibbs, of Ukiab Assembly of Artisans, and was certificate N 2362. Tbe olaim was paid with a promptness whioh indi cates that business methods are being pursued by tbe bead offioera of the Arti san order. Tbe organization is only 25 months old, and his bad a growth of 3500 members. Tbe death loss waa paid by tbe supreme olerk immediately on tbe reoeipt of tbe proof of loss. Tbe su preme oflioers of tbe Artisans, wbioh is an Oregon institution, are John H. Mit chell, U. S. senator; C. B. Bellinger, United States district judge; O. S. Mo- Kenna, Franois I. McKenna, F S. Akin, P. L. Wills and Gao. W. Bates. Peouliar features and valutble oues possessed by tbe Order of Artisans are a reserve fond and tbe admission on equal terms of msu and women. " t t rEST with a big B. Blaokwell's Genuine Bull rS Durham la In a olaaa by Itself. You will find one J ' coupon inside each two ounce bag, and two cou pons inside each four ounce bag of Blackwell's Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco Buy a baft of thin celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a llstof valuable presents and how to get them. Sw s A Cure for Lame Back. 'My daughter, when recovering from ao attack of fever, was a great sufferer from pain in the baok and hips," writes Louden Grover, of Sardis, Ky. "After using q-Mte a number of remedies with out any benefit she tried one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and it has given entire relief." Chamberlain's Paiu Bulm is also a oertain oare for rheumatism. Sold by Conser A Brock. Cinnamon as an Antiseptic. That ''no living germ of disease can resist tbe antiseptio power of essenoe of oiunamon for more than a few hours" is the conclusion announoed by Mr. Cham berland as the result of prolonged re search and experiment. It is said to de sfroy microbes as effectively, it not as rapidly, as oorronive sublimate. Even the scent of it is fatal to miorobe, and Mr. Cbamberland says a deoootioo of cinnamon should be taken freely by per sons living io places affected by typhoid or cholera. Medioal Age, Hotel .1...HEPPNER, OREGON Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop Cuests will find the best of accom modations iD every respect. Satordsy, Jan. 231, was tbe birthday anniversary of another of onr promining young muses, Zie Patterson, sbs having reached the 14 b milestone. This occa sion was also made one of much n j do lug for llio little folks by a very pleasant party given in bondr of Miss Z al ber home io tbia oity on Saturday evening, about SO bring present. The eveuiug was spent 10 tnal nsppy manner known only to IliOMi of tender age. A floe blrtbdaj supper was served by Mrs Put terson and much erj yed by all. Mus Zie was ths recipient of many bice slid appropriate gi'tt of rcmetubr.mce fronj ber nura-nion young frit od Tin present wers: Mary McSworda, M.ibrl Ayers, Eliss, Ftv and Evs Bartholomew, Out Warmotb, Nora Matlock, Aurs Hals, Nellis WiUins, Edith Hsger. Bir ths FrUtoe, Oertrole Bihop, Emma Faroiworlh, Rertba Matlock, Mmi Dona, Willelta Lsr. Emu Li r, Lntia Hasinas Ruby Will. (lo, ge Phil. Hp. 0cr B.rg, Elmer Willi, Etrl Mo Kirlaod, llrppoer Bfickmao. Jack Wood ard, Furrenl and Harry llriini, lUlpb Hwmbnroe.OoMie A)ri,Orlo Vaagbao, OmaVIJ Crawford, HardJ Inno sod Nrtsno Bartholomew. Old People. Old people wbo require medioioe to regulate tbe bowels and kidneys will tlnd ibe true remedy in Ele:trio Hitters. This medioine does not stimulate sud oontains no whisky nor otber intoxioant, bnt acts si a tonio and alterative. It aots mildly on tbe stumaob and bowels, adding strength snd giving tons to the orgnus, tberetiy aiding mature 10 me performance of the functions, feieolrie Bitten 11 an excellent appetizer ana aids diueition. Old People rind it just ex- aotlv what tbey need. Prios UUy cents aud $1.00 per buttle at Consor k Brock's UrugStors. i Tetter, Salt-llheum and Eczema. The intense Itchine and smarting. Incl dent to these diseases, Is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently enred by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nippies, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes, ao cts. per dox. Dr. Cadv's Condition Powders, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood puiiner ana vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in nse to put a horse in prime condition. Price 25 cents per puck age. The Trouble is Over! x We Mean the Election. But that Makes no Difference With Ed. 11. Bishop, successor to Tbs Mo- Farland Mercantile Co., is still on deck, giving great bxrgnini iu all lines. Tbe stock must be olosed out, and it la sur prising how cheap things are. Call on them. Frank MoFarland, talesman. R HOWARD. Wbo never lets politics interfere with business. At tbs same old stand, next door to M. Lichtentbal's. Henry J. Dunn, of Goldendala, Waib., srrivtd in tbis city Ibis morning tor a brief visit with bis brother, Oooduotor Dunn. KerjuMioin: Tbe Elks luitituls a Indgs at Heppner next Wednredsy even ing. The ceremonies will be parliop ted io by a largs nnmber of Bsker City boys wearing antlers. Exobinge A first clan f723 organ will b exchanged for a good team of drlvlug horses and buggy, alio a fins Bnrdetl organ, for sals for til. Any oos interested sbold rail or writs to lbs Palaos bolel.Ueppner O'egoo. 1113 "1 ol Oo Hitordsy sveniag Ueorge Vlnana waa ftiven a plMbl lorpriM al tu bom of bis piresl la Ibis city, a Ban txr tit JH young frien Is being prtot. All rprt bsvieg bid a good lira. OKiitMZWIO WILL RK Krrw.Mizr.k 1 1 won Hvltmant ! IMr Hax al all HiwkU, Hal ililo ef w 111 riii. Oarrrib, Palm. Ji. 2. lT.-li tt: Tbs soala tried I fores fetolo- Una of lt.ptrr. Kimo I wt la litis. lit lbs rf o4 lb nrHii from lbs bon. Hi 0100 ta Llti. Tbs ttnoao will f.re rrcvgoitwo. I'arrsaua. ScIu'Uinr's Dc:t link in powilcr is only a little bet ter than two or three others; but Sciffl:r's lk:t tea twice as gfKiJ as usual tea. In cither case, your ro- ru rr.s !' ! uMo.ii ccr returns your money in TTTaT is1! ?"'xa swi YSr MSoXtat f f4t I .1 I i I M I sm lull MHa O- Mrl. II S"'' T tLt BI(UlMMI.tl"Wi rv mt TofH I IT, SHERIFF'S SALE. UY VIRTUE Of A WARRANT IHHFKD OUT ol tha Cminly Court ol the HUls ol Oregon lor the County ol Morrow, to me (ilrwtcil, com nimulliiir me to li'vjr 011 the kihxIi anil rhiitteli ol the ilellniiient Uxpuven nmet on the de- lliiiiieiit 1h roll lor uul roiiniy ior uie )' IH'H. IH'.l-J. lwi:l. iwil mul Ikh'i. thereto ftttnrlml. nl noim be Inuml then 11 Kin the reel roi erty ! lorth eml iIi'mtIIkhI hi thenehl ilelliiiirnt lai rolls, or nuii'li thereof hell aetlaly the mnouut i( lHea rharitHd therntn, toxHher w ith roeta nl eiiieiiKHi. I have iluljr levlnl, having lmn imalile to n no any (nHiaorrliailria nrioiiK Inr tothen-apn llva di'llnoiienu hreliialUir lie mini mum the lollowliKdrerrllMM ulereeor lar cell ol leim aa wi rorin in aam hi uaia. lyim ami beliK In aal1 Morrow ( onnty. HUM (1 Oreiou, ilrevrllMMl ami awaeed aa lolloea: a mt. Taa n1rr . C I. lot V hlk IS In Hlanliery I .l.l.lliinn to the lo n ol llrmmer. las m I r.lrlrk, MaimiH lola S ami a lilk t, CaatlS Kora ; ll ll, 4.1 rU, l4. 12 darnel. I iyaara lola X. ami IB, blk t, Caalle H' k; Ul ftV, lV4, 7 w .. Rent otuiloli anci , blk a, Caalle K. k: taa Iwrt, 4. Iw. Chipper, i M lola J an.l ft. hlk 2, Castle Ho a ; lai I'M, m. iiw. aw . WorthiiiKtoii, M V Ma I ami t blk It, ( xila kora: U lot! 4V. let4li.ui .. ratrl.h. Iavt.i J lola l IS ami 17, blk II. Ml Vernon allltloti Ul Meppner; la "U Kit; MSI I 7'i SortliTii 1'a. llia lllatory Co, lola I, I ana I. to Iwt nS rul part lot . blk 2; lot I, blk II. Mt. Vrrnon a.l lltlon lu lli-pp. nrr; Ui I w ! H 4.'i Rremer, W m N W U nf err S, tp 1 O, r '? ; lai ! . 4 III ... Eai-p. v li ef i nl 14, Ip I n,f ; Ul Ivii at . -. t in Clark. W USUI, an.l ol NF.',. aer la. tp l a, t v. ui iiwih m. iM4 Bramel.Ta N W nf acne Ip I n, r 24; tat umtia. iii Hiamel. Mrs A e't ol r.l nf M IS, Ip 2 a. r 14, lal li II 91. ll. Chaplain, iaiill ef.', .. '( ul H.', ami Ki nl ew u ami I. a ami 4. era I tp . r fl. earriH thai pftftl.ifl ennvryiwl 14 tha ti. K 4H. rimnr lor rlfhl of waf, eleo of i tp i a, r i' . ui I-, l.L l4 l r. h. iW' nf W',eml 'aH l 14. Ip I a, I las l'4 i . it ll t Iaihi-rman. !M fiteta nl. eki nf r4 nf ae 1 1 ami t.' to M.a. !, Ip 4 a. r m ami t u of KI'.iiIk I. Ij.ae. f r. lnl an.l KVo Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's Furnishings, etc. T. R HOWARD, Main Street. Heppner, Oregon. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BOKOHKItS, Prop. a i aa.aaiaaaaa aiaa. a Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars l ti I n I 40 R I a I 43 1 M II IH 1 It II I S M I 10 II II 7 W W aw I tp t a. t r, , IMI ln . . . lUk-r w I i. Ip 4 a, r M. Ul i-a. ll Mi .lava 1 ; . .... lai. M-M. turn IIHia of. W'4 of 'IS . ip I I HUMitOS.H. f TUK na fT ! Rf TIIK STtTIt 1 ill i rn M lk ' '"il ! wiei'i I A. Mooter?, l-iaibtllT. .m. f a!lf flm1ei 1.. k. 1 a ti.frn'tnl. It IK Mi'i ! nl i-.n Vott aea k.l M.,..ll n 1MMI an a'. le mm pi.l I n,, Maii.t ?-m l the !. eutltwi ... m . n tel. In a Af M the Itflt alill4 Mirt, W it r ; in. ri naf al tke imn ' TV. Sral f " Maeak, a7 wl II l.ll an lo . f.i wanl Ikannf Ik. piaiutif alll bit 1 ai.. J UH ll.. .4 I (hit a.. a-l M .nani. anil iui.i. i ii. .....n ai io ' KM'i H.on i.. I .in 4t nf let the .-n trf Silt A'.i.ait. nniei t n4 1-4 lal full if youM ratlitr liac !nc othrr. i f ' Vr II V. kNA Uk ,4 . la uvea Mt. lt,er al . tki.4 frnea t'uriiK.4 if lls'y Uurk . laat V'Jjiali;. i l if ,i ... .. I V r:..ii. hh.I.i III' 1 l-- mv. v , .rrw-f. il m t'm Ui'Un A (tektrr.i a--i.ll ,.i.r la ll.e tv- 1 ttej.inea to Slaal. ! d . . ..i ii , . i . ie 1 1.. a, , ! . t a , - f) ,u lMhi rt.':i,,4 fut n.,u r..u a..,-r ,jf ir-,-ip-',IV" ,,,4.",,I.,.! -'"'V'l. wi.l IM tUUI aairkel ; t laf of pHlH m -aef lea M1a.fll, fells, el. ' Ptnlrif la ki sas elMef vo4SaI " ! to Ib'ne anl o- W fear la llrfl -o. I let.lie'f a I a n-fi4 II Iliialaf.f 1 hat i a lal4 I Jf4f sxi !,.a f.)l i Ti e 1 1 ;l baa Mi Saal too flfltef t re f l'.f in )) kl lea in til It - r !' fa"V I t lain4 to a W4'l l Il-v4l ea. l.i.U i lef wltvae '.! Ma pax a- e-a. 1 1 i Ua ii. 4 m It lb J l-f fanf l taru'wr 1- , , . . nJ . ... a.j...a a lifc ltt I 1. . .- If W TV4 M !Ww H '"W ' I 41 H M "' H "i I ( M 11 w , .-.hwv.jih ' !"" !.. ow at tp i. af t m ) !t..u larMNi flea. Jt P.be,e. ' i. , a ihI ofto'es) aokaowa j 1 mm' I fT I ..... -iv. t... a.. -... i- .. .i-t . to , , , m in , IVSkaea. pnrva, VieM., r. 4 " . 71 i. - I ImI Ia lal I 'l I O 11 fl 11 1 1 ll a-S n H--4 . i.-e a 4 ...Mkl.irfliMwi .JTT, ,f.t pt.iV , ia,ie !i it tin o.. l.ii I M I U 14 ziy ""sktx WJ .. ' - I- I a -I ! I ' I bllMaine. " ' ; t we a. a .W, aaeav a M((,n..H M K'H ,n.ii,.4.i'liiertM r f- !!? ,r'' , ..... h. x- e4 I I I - ... ... a .4.:,.., a I... . , . " a- ' - a... ..ai.ii .1 ll Is aa lia) Ii . ... ' . U tm I I I fiZ M ,.. . .--.'i, mm v lie p 4. i4.r mtt "l "arata zxztiJiTJ. j, ''-r!;..rar n"' :r.r:-jr-,!:iriiio .,,- , t , ,,,., iFneaSS H - M ". 1 ifn-.f M .... w , 4i .- ..,. , pt4ll Meete,Mv taaf A teM. jt.lUe.iaee. I 1 e 1 l a a teee mm Bmm a laauv i.i. nla lf ,..!.! l. .1 u.a po. 1 kl. annntn. W er.4 .. .t t aa k "I A U-e.n. itr rrf.l....MI'H ri .ft. "a fib I IH I If I r I'f IMP IT ATS 1 nf pull .e , i I ,...1. a. 1a Tnr 1 1 ''' 1. 1 i mm t.l K !. 4.ai.l 1 . ,L ..1 a a ... IW.I....1...I I., ll.. M n4 lea ot .mtr"m t k. . , t.A b. at .f ai aa n. wfc.1 k.aa I u. n. 1 .i-l '-4 ar.l. ( l lh .l. wll.4 mm mt mrim" 1114 4. ..I 174. t-.l fwHk. Ufa. mt I4.e m'm ewl lil . I. m e II TM fleil Oat af Maeah, 19T, 4 II ,e tail 4a eea lea ! w ik I I ei.l ! . my I ...l-aa mm l -e m-,-m 4 ' k.. -t en ..k.'. Ik--. I' w. Ik. ie 4 ! I a4 I et w fm' ...i b.. I . m IK. i.fihi. I. l..l'. M ef'. at.J P'a Va "I aa 14 las l, i It lnl. l-rtl; K"'.h. P a t4nf ai. ami hkw nf m ami MNf'a ie eKaf a jt, tp I a. r n mm ui ii Hrfil.f. Mra Mi ktt,a4 aa Jt, Ip I a i r. . 1. 1 i"4 M- ai.f, am M PK't a aaian-l U 1 ail I mmt a In I a f J4. lai ll Kie K- a ol ee at, Ipl a. r I. las l4 .. . II..H..B. aval lV. M 2S Ip ta, r taa I" x a liiltna..n. Iwikl t , i i,lp I n. , las l"i Ii pi 14. II m aia'arr. I ImH a, re) w aj, tp I a, r M ui I" l"l I'SI M kl-a-.f J alMe.T 14, Ip I a, f r i.i ixitm imi ii a a.-!. Aitil I e st a.4 l a a. b I I a a tat ! S..f M , 4 mm 14. Ip I a, r . ua i'i . . , i ... i-i- W ht m 4. P I a. r j; la. l'l a ii i.x.n. M Ii a v i. a. tla'. I a .4 aw u, ip I a, r . las k i (at. l"l l. ...a-. WW t) II. tp I I, I 35. ai iii.i'4,i'i)i f .ii .1. la I.. i ' 4 mw aa ii tela I U I an a leaa 1 1 t I..-.. W..,.. H M , at 4 P ' ,4 I a. w I I, I I I II III l"l W a i i M It a-4 la.l o u 0 4A a a e. , wiw m. Ip 1 a. f M. tat 4 I . 'a..t ara4a n ip I ., U . l-4 )." J at ! . eo-1 ', e- at. I It lat !! k iii I )'. mm aa. Ip I a. a lf I -t mt mm tat leal I' A. le4 II 14 rtn ll. m, 11 aai li.lp I r w. t Ul I. . !. I..i Ii m. imn It ( a. ....... a i.k-a4 tmmmm aa.f. -s a-....t.a al 1 1 1 .-.-...a wl Mai U, S.-a I w t'-al tna n iMfii te m. mm an a..ik ti W aaaa a mil k 41 U mim ml b.'.i.Ma I I in l 1 K 1 I V, I H i I J la t 4 I r. I i m i I at s II Out id iday Jisplay Y C Male) Straat, HtPPNCR, OREGON, u Should all Sec It. n)c in at Once. GILLIAM & BISBEE. Tiik Lancashire Insurance Co. ! IM ANCIIICMTICM, ICNOkANII I. W fATTF.RSOX. AGKNT. ! "" - I t : WITH fiiiiss ; nnm : m Vcmro HOUKD in Tnko'Kiu. Lcnve3 No Constipation, wwa f'ttrri i, i well as all I'-llUoOeneee), Ho k lleaarlia iat Malaria. Tt fblp 'Hri-r rtaia toll In ila (!. HoU hj all ftfofdiaia ft e. . tl a leee ftnf fle, rle.Urlfo. I KIM ll Ml" I !(!. CO . Haa ltaaplaeet, C'al. M5W AlaiVXVCIeMICX'r I CITY HOTEL, Trench Cook, and White Labor only. Employed. Good Rooms and Excellent Service Tho GAZETTE, $2.50 A Ycnr for CASH. W,rr oa est grt FirsU l laa Maal tt Ltrii g UaUa.