5ilfIrgRIIf57jff irmai i a 11 a oil a uaa nag A SENATOR WILL BE CHOSEN. The Gazette considers that the senate has no right to Bay whether or not the house has been regularly organized. It is presumptuous for it to do other than to accept the concurrent resolution, offered by the house, that a committee of five, three representatives and two sena tors, be appointed to notify the governor that both houses are ready .for business and to receive any communication that be may desire to make. The legislature is all that it claims to be a legisla-J tive body. The supreme court is the judicial department, and should decide as to the constitutionality of legislative acts. Whether or not the senate acts favorably as to the organization of the house, a senator will be choBen to succeed Mr. Mitchell. Ourpeo. pie demand it They need two senators from Oregon to battle for the rights of our people and those of the Pacific coast. They need two republican senators, judging from the majority given McKinley last November. They want Mr. Mitchell to succeed himself, if the action of over half the legislature, all republicans, in binding viva voce caucus meatjs anything. Mr. Mitchell will bo re-elected. Any false presumption of the senate will not hinder the election of a senator, but it will stop legis lation. The house can and will act. It will redeem the promises made so far as that body is con cerned. It will pass remedial leg islation. But withSimonismdomi nating a minority who can, unfor tunatoly obstruct, the useless com missions with their greedy incum bents will bo retained. The state institutions will go in debt and pay interest for two years just because of Simo-popisrn. Our state wil retrograde from the blighting curso thrust upon it This we tnust endure as a punishment for permitting the kind of cattle that aie composing ttie opposition to become manters of any portion o ttolitical a (Tain. Hut the country is cippcuog uregou to elect a re publican senator to assist in per fectiog and punning legialntion in accord with tho SSL Iui platform The ftenate is so closo thkt shout Oregon fail to do its duly the good work of In t November might avail nothiug. Therefore let us a rejoice that despite the opposition of political guerrillM.uodor Messrs Simon and Ilourne, a senator 1 regularly chosen, ami will bo scstcL This state will continue to ln will represented by Benator Joliu II. Mitchell. Til K Oiegoiiiao's flight is strength rning the rnuso of Mitchell. THE REAL FIQHT. Populist U'lien gave th snap away last Sunday, regarding the 6ght now on, in Salem, when be stated that remedial legislation or whatnot, he and his followers pro posed to defeat Senator Mitchell, Ift come what may. It had been given out in the tiresome, populist declaration to the pi ess and peo ple that the opposition to a fair and honorable organization of the house were afraid that the repub licans could not be trusted, and that in order to prevent their doing so much fearful and everlasting damage, it was necessary for Mr. Simon, Mr. Bourne, Mr. U'Ken, et al., to use all influence to have no session. No one has ever regarded this lamentably lame excuse with any greater seriousness than to place it where it belongs. It is the utterance of poltroons who have deceived the people in their promises for reform legislation, and having done so by making a compact under suspicious circum stances with the corrupt Joe Si mon, a pronunciatnento is issued. Dust has been thrown at the eyes of the people but not in them. No one is deceived unless that is his wish. Mr. Simon has taken advantage of Bourne's inordinate ambition to he speaker to attempt the defeat of Mr. Mitchell, though it cost the people of this state their dearest wish that our legislature should meet promptly, repeal laws cre ating useless commissions aud pass ceded legislation looking to a more economical administration of flairs. It is a fact that a majority of the republican members of both louses, being also a majority of all members, together with the votes f other gentlemen who have not affiliated heretofore with the repub- ican party, render the election of Mr. Mitchell to succeed himself an absolute certainty, but be this as it may, the regular republicans do not make this the price of securing the organization. The majority have and are now anxious to meet their recalcitrant colleagues the Simo-pop-ienegades in a fair and open contest, in accordance with the spirit of our constitution, and the constitution of the United States, to settle all matters apper taming to legislation and to the election of a senator. To this end thirty-one honorable members have perfected the house organiza tion and are ready to do business. It is not known at this date what Mr. Simon desires to do with the remainder the obstinate minority but the Gazette is in touch with the people and their verdict is unanimously unfavorable and de nunciatory. "They wou't do a thing to them." Miracles in Medicine. The Wonderful Progress Made Within the Past Few Years. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCl'IT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the Comity of Morrow. William lVnlaiMl, Plaintiff, VI. William Doonan ai d Mary J. IJoonan. Defendants. To William Doonan, o:e of defendants herein: In the name of theHlate of Oregon: You are Diseases That Our Mothers moonlit Incurable Now Gored Dy Paine's Celery Compound. i If .or will real the Hnlcru Ratentaiia you run understand tl real tituation at Halein. Krrr At. Iho uolia com amnions. IlisluCA Utfttlou. Thi it tti .rarer t our twl& .'arliaao hip U lt n'tht of in this iiiattr Soul i.f the tu-tatari of 0r gou'a Iilfttur6 huhl lx till rrr with tlii frt that pull rtpitiioo it tucfo dint'-roua to twin key with tli0 a l-tut-aav. Tufcdrl't coiitriwtod by 8pio to ulxlna I'ub amount to about $.) to ftrry rititva of Cuba, an In raa c.f Hpain'a mfW4 Cuban ill I roru,ll. to foot thi bill it is f tr r j ail It is difficult, almost impossible, to overestimate tbe importance of recent advances in medioine and surgery. In surgery there is tbe application ot tbe X ray in determining complicated frdotares. In medioine tbere is tbe eernm-treat-ment for germ diseases, and more im portant still, the extended nee of Faioe's celery compound in tbe treatment ot the many diseases that arise from a faulty or impairediervoua system. . Tbii olass of ailments causes more suf fering and earlier deaths than all others, and that is why so muoh publio promi nence was at onoe given to Paine's cel ery compound when its disoovery was first annonooed by Prof. Phelps, of Dartmouth oollege. Tbe rapid and sure way that Paine's celery compound cures neuralgia, rheu matism and nervous debility is marvel ous even in tbe eyes ot this wonder working quarter ot tbe oentury. Ancietit miracles were contrary to nat ural laws, whereas the remarkable power of Paine's oelery oomponod to make peo ple well, comes from a better under standing of tbe natural onuses ot disease. That wonderful set of nerves known as tbe "sympathetic nervous system," that knits eveiy part of tbe body together and harmonizes all, is understood today as never before. Many persons are not aware that auy such Derves exist. They do not know that nothing goes on iu any part of tbe body that every other part does not instantly "know ot." The closeness ot this sympathy is familiarly illustrated by headaohes, indigestion , rheumatism, neuralgia, 'to. Abont every case of sleeplessness, nervousupss and dyspepsia is a "sympathetic strike" by brain, nerves or stomach, induced by tbe lowering ot tbe general health. People who think to get rid of these troubles by some medioine that disre gards the general health ot the bidy are on tbe wrong track. In getting such diseases as neuralgia and rhenraaiism out ot tbe system Paine's oelery com -pound prooeeds at onoe to restore a nor mal appetite and regulate tbe nerves, as tbe foundation for bnilding up tbe health and vigor. . It regulates tbe bowels without delay, and sees to it that the poisonous ho. mora are given a ready outlet. On this basis ot purified blood and regulated nerves tbe permanent onre of every form of blood diseases, sur:h as erz.'ma, salt rbcum, bad oomplexion, is now ensured by this really wonderful remedy. If tbe reader ot this is not in perfect health let bim simply try a first bottle of Paine's oeley oompound and carefully note tbe results. anv of our dpar contemporaries bold up in organization. This is all " . L. : . i a i t . . lucre is in ii, nmi iutin pretensions or attempting to foroe up pledges for eoon nray is ii mere subterfuge employed to runes the real situation. Of oonrse tbe matter of electing a sen ator is bo importnot one, but it is ton remote in its oooieqnenoes to be allowed to stand in tbe way of needful leitisln tiou for tbe state and tbe opportunity to cut off some of tbe useless ooromissions and extravagant expenditures demmded by the people of all parties. La Qraude Chronicle (Dem). making huge errors and monumen tal asses of themselves, he is apt to say so plainly. Now the editor of the Gazette has a wonderful amount of respect for Mr. White because of personal relations which will not be mentioned here, and he would have overlooked any little mistake made by our friend. But that ever alert and irrepressible devil of ours will tell the truth if we are not at hand to stop him. The "riot act" has been duly read to our imp of darkness and we insisted that he must not be all eyes and ears. With this apology we hope that our friend will be satisfied and return at once to his normal condition. Dad temper makes wrinkles. Tbe senatorial oanens at Salem was an nforraal one, but 40 members of the as sembly answered as their namts were ailed and eaoh and every response was John H. Mitchell. It was harmonius and in that caucus Mr. Mitchell received the largest number of votes ever rant in Oregon (or any candidate for United Htates senator at a caucus and was de clared tbe nominee for United Htates senator. Tbe Observer believes that. aving received the nomination honestly and fairly. Mr. Mitchell is now fully eu- titled to re-election. Moro Observer. The Noaton library has 028,000 volumes, with 13,000 aepnrate edi. tiona of Hhakenpearn'a worki. It stands second to the Congrpnnioiml library at Waahington in the n um bo r of lU volumes. Till city of Stockholm has in use 11,000 telephone, or one to every twenty citizena. It leads every city of the world in tele, uhonea, and a Swedish "hello" is tho moat-usM word in Stockholm. i i We are pleased to note the on largement of the Arlington Hoc ord. lira Maxwell is making a good paper and tbe tuines men ot Arlington are coming to his a, intanco in the way of advertising In a very euUtantial manner. Morrow county is not in sym pathy with the hold-up of the legislature. It is not . a partisan affair. It is a business proposi tion. A majority of the legislature have been from the very beginning of the session on Jan. 15th in favor of meeting and organizing. It has desired to meet fairly on the open field aud in a decent, honorable contest elect officers. Failing to do bo, the house, acting under the best advice of our nation, baa regularly organized and now stands ready to do the business that the HH)ple have entrusted to it This hold-up is I evolutionary, and is a shameful dingraco to our state. Hut it has done one good thing, for Si moii if. m and the so-called re formers have shown their true colors. They will be trusted no longer. Principle la greater than partisanship, and the Gazette is glad that our people ao consider it THE Gazette would like to see lleppner'a business men wake up and make a hustle for business through the columns of the local papr. Gentlemen we are do charity iiiatitiitioii, but we would like a rhanee to dj a little bu-tocM for you ; that's bat we are here for. The fuiotiita over in Wabiug. "Haw la Car all Skis Ila Htisiily apply "Ha-atna'a Ointin.nl. No Internal indlrins rtiirL Cure lr. rrMn, lien, all arapllnn od tba fw, liaoiU, DiNHs AS., leaving tht skin clear, while and ti.althy. lla grat b.a.1 lug and rurally powers ara imaaaaarHj l' tin iithrr rrroedv. Ask your drag giat fur naaytia s Uiotmvot wi at cm iv ium.m u. Th ilrliiortallO and twipoIl tnamhare of Iba lowtr ttouae wbo bare baao ah- aontlng Uiinlvj la order to pravra orgauilun will Bo.1 ha they ea la liMik tor popular arp'ovatpf thir anaraa Ibat they "HI I't Iba wo rat of I." On nt Iba lalrtt things is a Bisaifoto slgnaJ t'jr a natr ot p,t a'l, WUrtaf Ibal they will rrii.t iirg-atiisalktn oslil Ibav have .a I U.lg-a t trluadlal Irsialalmo and Ibal lbv will bull oat "wage or r' ', Tl.ia i allcUp Itap. lalti ton Votid far 19 different nn'0 on flrt pl If t r.l.tr d.. no m th first tmltnt fr aenator last ' all lu ..aanjtMi.H.a win buM ovat Toraday. Senator <iir received j '4 '' ifr-t-rtali. but thrc ot, but his friends claim that this U l.o teat w( bia strength and that be wilt come out all right Due woman, Mrs. Ilv lrt was totisl for, rec'Wirg mie Tota. "X mint divided agaiett iUe can't Un L" Ilia la an eicit 1 fotrtU !Kio at Halrtn it is 1 leg d'lunnstratod that a Si !! liou.a isn't even Uka its teat This U the new Oreg 10 ifti n, sats ao itLa:)gs Ma. Write, of the IVttlao.l CbrooIcK has bad jrmptom. It lKks like liver troubla. The editor of tbe Gax-U la well known and bia name appear at all times oo tbe drat page t this paper. It U toot A. W, Talteraoo; it U B"t I uiara f.w.Wt I M.lab.U UmiM liillff I atfaraoo. Oerasionally the kia aWibm. aal it Jttil takrt rbarg, and if b CuJa ' H ? altaa is lrai tbe Ibal foul r4'til will a-i t 1 act Ida taili. M" ill ll.cn bat In faff tbablan.tr Tli't at' afa q tUlr aU ra I) f r btlaM ft ! bo art .Ur in 4 hi. I and acta Ul iuJ iba bat r-k IWaiJo tbi Ibara la a roaiu( ampta K'a Ibal Iba Saalltf ut "wagra of a ag'a" la blug amt'f trovklal for troaj Iba l'.tatJ earta at CutHall aa4 tkraa A snalWf ibal raaa.H ha tlplalaad aaay la Iba faat Ibal U"Ka, Iba ppa Iilla4rr4 Iba la Wb-acbblag lib i Kicnaa. T bit of Haalt la ( l ent)4n.a Iba eara Ibal Iba pitle bate Itkaa. Tba aboU If lh f Iba tilatlitU Ibal Ura sra aab ttUa la Iba lfta herebv required to appear ami aiiiwer or other wine plead to the complaint fill d hkhIiihI you in the aixive entitlet suit on or before the next regular term of of the above entitled court, to ff it: The First Day of March, 1897, and If you fail o to answer or otherwise plead, tor want mereoi, ine piaintlti win take jung ment against you for the sum of fire hundred and ninety-one and 13-100 dollars, together with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 15th day of October, lH'Jo until Mia, ana lor t e sum ot ntty dollars attorneys :ees and for his costs and disbursements iu this suit; and the court sIihII decree that the mortg age executed by the f aid William Doonan and Mary j. Doonan to plaintili hererein. dated the 12th day of April. lM. upon the following des cribed real estate, to-wit: The east half of the norineast quarter ot section las and the south east quarter of section 2H and the south half of the southeast quarter and the Bouth half of the southwest quarter of section twenty seven, all in township one south of range 27 east of the Willamette meridian, be foreclosed, and the said real property sold and the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment to iiainuu ot me anove naraea sums ot money; hat all of the defendants, and all Dersons claim ing through or under them, or any of them, shall be forever burred and foreclosed of all right, title, estate, interest and lien at law and in equity, and all equity of redemption, in and to, und upon every part of said real property. This Summons is published pursuant to an order of Hon. Htenhen A. Lowell. Judue of the above entitled court, made at chambers, Pendle ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, on the Mhday of January, 18S7. ELLIS & LYONS, ouM-ai. Attorneys for flalutltt. SALE a.AT.. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COL'RT OF THE STATE of Oregon for the ounty of Morrow. J. A. Woolery, riaintlir. vs. Samuel E. Walker. Defendant. To Samuel E. Walker, Defendant. In the name of the 8tate of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before the first day of tne next regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit: March the first, 197; and If you fall to answer for want thereof, the plalntitt'will take judgment againBt you for the sum, One Hundred Sixty and 65-100 Dollars with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the Uth day of Oct. 18U6. Kor the sum of one Hundred Twenty-five and 20-11)0 Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the llthdayof urn. ircm: ior me sum oi iwenry-nve aotiars at torney's fee and for his costs and disbursements. This Summons is served by publication pur suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made on the 2tith day ui I'eiT., myu. j. n. umivvn, 605-17. Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE X of Oregon for Morrow County, J. W. Whalley and Wm. T. Muir, partners doing busi ness as Whalley & Muir. I'luiutill's, vs, James W. Swezea. Defendant. To James W. Swezea, Defendant In the name of the Stale of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plalut filed against you In the above entitled cause on or belore the first day of the next regular term of said court, to-wit: The first day of March, 1897 ; and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plain tills will take judgment against you for the sum of One Htiiidr d and Twenty-five Dollars, with interest th reon at the rate of eight per cent pi t annum from the 14th dayof April, lH'.Hl and for theiruostsnnddisbursementi in this action. This summons is served by publication pur suant to an order of Stephen a. Lowell. Judge of the above entitled court made on the loth day of July, Iww. WIIALLKY & Ml IKand J. N, BROWN. 505-17 Attorneys lor I'laintlll's. BISHOP'S STORE HBPPERi OREGON 20,000 POUNDS OE HO 11 FUNK, Consisting of Tables, CbairB, Bookers, Bedroom Suites, Bedsteads, Book Cafes, Lounges, Sofas, 8prnm Mattresses, Wool Mattresses, Parlor 8nits, Center Tables, eto., eta. Brussels Carpets, Wool Carpets, Mattings, Sideboards, Mirrors, Hat Backs, Hanging Lamps, Portieres, Pillows, Blankets, Stoves, etc., etc All the above Goods are Placed on Sale at Half Value or Less. Will be Sold Kegardless of Cost. Fix up your homes at once with Stylish Furniture, wbile Ibis opportunity is offered. Our Sale on General Merchandise Still Continues. A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. Farmers at a distance should call sooo, thereby Betting a better selection. FRANK MGF flRLflND, MANAGER. Tbe upper bouse of tba legislature is to be commended for its prompt organi zation and attention to the peoole's biiM rjrss. HI. Helens Mist. The lover bouse oonid ntva Dtwn organized quite as iromptly if that body bad proposed to put on. ot Joa Simon's creature iu the spefcker s cbair- Dot h-cmuae the tan- jority objected, Joa joins tba populists in a hold up. llillaboro Independent. Not a member of tba Oregon bouse of representative who la in any way re sponsible for the prcaeot bold np should aver be returned or recognised politi oally Weston Leader (Deui). SUMMONS. IN T1IK CIKfTIT OOCKT OK THE 8TATE of Oregon for Morrow County. P. C. Thompson, l'laintiir, vs. 1. B. Ppcrry, Defendant. To J. B. Blurry. Defendant: . In the iiaiue of the Htatoofv Oregon: You are hereby required to anpvar and answer the com Plaint filed against you in the above entitled ai'tlon on or belore the next regular t'.Tin of uie anove eniitiea court, to-wit: March 1st, 1897, and If ynu fall to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment airnlnat ynu for the sum of forty-four ami 2-isl dollars and Interest thereon at the rate of tun per cent per annum from Mav II, liil; for the sum of eighty ou and 1h IKI dollars and Interest thereon from January '2. Ih'U; for the sum of tlilrtv nlne and M ModoUare and Interest thereon at the rate of pi gin per cent per milium Iroin Itetnber 1st, Ik4, for the suin of lllty dollars attorneys tees and for the coats and disbursement ot this etlnii. This summons la served upon vnu br nubllea tlnn pursuant to an order of the Hon Mtephrn A. Miwrll. lodge of the atmva entitled murt. made ami entered Iu said action on the i:ith day ui rfauiiary, imt. HKUWN A REPrlKl.O, -JO Attorneys for Plaintiff. m A senatorial flubt does make queer bed fellows, aa it la no witnessed at Salem, where Himon. Hoorna and U ll'i bava formed a trlpi la alllanra to bold op tba legislature and prevent tba re election of Senator Mitchell With all their ot siructiva taollo Mr. Mitobell' chance ara yet good for ra-alaolion, tbongh they have beao ab'e to poatpooa tba balloting lor another week. Ufegon titty r.nier prle. No Ungnage that w eao eomaand la atroug aaougb to (I press oar contempt torsuab lawless aod bigb banded t ro oaedingt oo tba part of every man far- lioi paling, wbatavar bia political deaig aatloo. Wbaoavat UgialaUn put. bia party fealty, or woraa, bia faaltj to soma poliiioiao, atwva tba doty ba owea bis state and rooetiloeota, bia acfioa honUI meet lliaopprohriuai it deaarvea. rliito- main Journal. Una scans Iba aJilor ial e latnos of tbe Or gonlso io tsio for wor I of dsoum t atioo of tba oolorloua laglslativa "bold op" now sToiog oo at Iba atata rapllol. Is It poeeibla Mr. Sootl'a brain baa luel its ciiiinltig. er bis vitriol lo pea aoy of il sareastio firaa. Hufrti po mT Appareeliy Iba (Wintaa b a ''nig at" In the legislative k1 Hla Wtat rid. SUMMONS. H TUB CIHrriT COI KT OK T1IK STATE oi iin-goii lor Morrow Lountv. I'. C. Thoinuwin, I'laliiUrf, va, B. Sprry, S. C. Hperry, Perry Snyder and the Oregon Hall- road and Navigation Coin- panr, defendanla. . H. Hperry and S. C. Sperrr, defendant: TJ In the ham ot t ie Hiatal uf Onumi: Vnu ara nerehy miiilrrd In appear and answer the ro plaint niwl against ynu In th above vntlllrd rauwon or neiora ins nr nay ol Ilia netl regular term ol th atniv tntllled court, to-wit March 1st. 1897. and If f nu tall to answer lor want thereof, th plaintiff will Us ludameiit aralnat ton lor the sum ol thrra hiindml twenty Sva and Is lol nniiaraann mirreai i Hereon al Ina rat ol lea for rem per annum Iroin January 1. IKK. and lhs rool fifty dollars attornets fnpa. upon rvrlain pmniluoty nut and In Inrwlns Ihe nion given iy you loswiir In payment ol aai.i not nMin Ih lulliiwim real pn,rly sll nainl In Morrnw ( nunir. hlaU n llr.ron. In. II th north hall nf lh n.irihMt iiartt-r and lh nnrlh ballot lb nnrihamt quarier of M-llon Iweuly nine In township Ihre ohiIH nl raxgelwonty all IC. W, M , and tor lheu and illii.iiwmnili n this Bull. Ihl ntnmotit lsr.rel upno vnn by (Mibllra. lion I.f oHer ol Hon tttltrn A lxw ell India ol lh al entitled tvmrt. nl and roterxl in salil (nil on the I tth day nf January. )';, RKoMM A- KrUt-lH l. I . Allorney lor I'la nil It Efafj eua of Iba tnaoibaraof Iba bate lalur aaa alreUd lo r! g".Kj for lb elela, aaj II aonld baa trl cted or edit an Iba deaxioralie an J popolisl naibis bad lh alappa4 lotu IM breeca aad boa the warring rpub i ao abat a aoMa adnll l-giiator vugbt it ba. S a soo (lVa). ritrs! hMl Ivhlag l l H)bjiiim: Motatara; inteo Itrl ir.g and aliugiOg : aM al eilgbl, h artaU'tiitg- If alioaa.1 Iu awaiiaa lum ot f..ita wl icb t.fl.u bt'i atl iil.-il bwemiBg ry aota. Haayaa'a Cut-lu-ol alupa tba lloblng aad balipg, beat a !? at Ma, aud la tonl aawa iw a M Iba lurowr. Al tiiagaula, ar by as il, t fkJtaota. lr. w)e. A Hua, I'bilahMpbta. OJGLISHanoBUSINESS OLLEG PORTLAND ORfGON Full English course. FRENCH AND GERMAN. BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, shorthand, Telegraphy. MrCIHC DErARTrtEMT'LA6IES DOOTSAND SHOES D .mva THC PLACC TO GCTTHEM IS AT r. TT O TTTTftTV HAT.lfii lie has anything In this line that ynu may desire and ynu can depend on It you get a good article when Mat guarantee lt SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES Old Stand, Main Straat. Repairing Specialty. f M t t . Ft fr' " - , f '. '7e. vi vs-. I Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle H orse All tbcae can be procured at Thompson & Binna, Ixwer Main Street, ueppner, uregon. Tlinw tstitlemen are wall acquainted with Oranl. Marnev. Crook nilllam anl mhu and can aav tnoiiay and Urn In making that sac lion tb traveling ait a. frier In keeping with th time. TElOMLSOlSr Ss BTN2STS, 11115: ik York My Tribune l'OU SIlFliirrSSALK. V"Ttr i iirRrnviiivrx tiut t snr il a i.. ,t tlrtne nt a 1t "1 .Hlnn laauail mn ol that Ifrmi l ..iirl I ha lal n I raa. lot Vl.nrnw I ..iinty, nmlef ll.a ami hara4 an. In an .tr-t, atxl .rllr. mm lu! inail an.f .1 rr raolr1 an.l ttiea In saUl limn nil lha oil, .lay SV-I.Umla-r. av. I Tax.ful riiiaa iim a .l,.iliT ao4 aaim rank II sv.-"rai..1 Mary J krnrt, kia I I.Mila a, I t, Ii , .haatl. h lilltll. a ilcten-lania a haivHy ll.a ali.liit .t. imiti a iHiai qrm afal lh l'lvilaU resn H bi I kali J IWura hla alia. I,x tha I'll" nl I I IY allh Inlrraa4 lharwia al lha rat H al.hl - ri. rf aniiimi Ihoa lh a 4a IJa inalT lM Ilia .,,'h,.f sum nl lit. al Hwt sn-l lh fala ihl .l'in.manla Uta. al S.I f au I h'tl.y II irraa. thai H. m.ttfa tala-1 Ik h day nl I" r.ill . aaUl lall H ..) nrlrn.lrnla In Hi ..mlf. laiaalmvul I a. ail IiIUmiimIu llalnti ui.,H tt L.l ..m tariH4 fl .."iiy la Mitttu raii ... iia.-t i t. .h T. hni , rtxHvcniifa tba) fact tltat tL Arorricao pvti ra no pa i I ( I .i l a i.l.mHu i . . . ' !.. .!. ..na iw a--f In. k .t..ra aaa j tbir llfTja lO linm) atij tidinra IrjKrp.la Trt maw. I I t.i. I l - I I . .1 . a . a , . . . ' "- . puiiiica win Data lar iaa mc til trimiiif trtv nhlil anotfinr Ktaia M m w " ' " ' - " a '' a ' wJ Farmers and Vliiaoers, Fattiers and Mothers. Sons aidi)ayolitcrs, l'OK All the Family. With tbi clu of th rrrai.lcbtial campaign THE TKIUl'NK am but toglrf I. it .1 II I., (W M M -. p M lh -.'! M M In II t nf II. a Yo t t.A-trn !e for the nci t;u u-.irs h worth having. Vc want it Try all five flavors of Sthiitinfs licit tea, and get your money Kick (of your j;nxcr) on thoc that )ou don't like, a tfcte a r.ai aa f raanaia f4 1 kiMI -r '--. i.i,.i.-.i..4..i liirh rilh H.IHtNK tiaa laNtrcl frnj tU irvr in it, traiil .i.i4.iM.it, it. aii nr., it ih. 1 Jhy, atiil ro it crl'at tirlorii". ., .( lhal al tha ln.nl ,,m nf luraaH j t t m r.:-;r..'.? ::zzji':z:rL:zrz;l ! , Lr ,r "",,,,, rfT,,rt ! rul f',r,b. f th p-t r:rrlrz::i'zrm s 1 10 wi:em. iiuhune prmir.bu National Family Newspaper, aathx lav, Ih.ai. nn Ik. Ih nay nf I sa In, a. a h-l h . I.a a. I. a Wi 1 tn a' iinM tji r-.a ,t awl t a-ar ir .nJ al ui ,lm ...in a a It. kl.l j m -a -- .11.11 i. aiuiM tw m4 aant asa.. , iDKiaaUOjt, .Dalroctir, f o'.rr laifjlDfl arxl io !tt -Da,l,a o awli rnantwr i-n'l Mii IX 4f M t--'f t4 1 aiaaa aaa aaa U inn . tOt ' "1.4 V.n, ,.ly.l-.( (Hta lrJ a4 -lr " 4nJJ i laa I. f. . rlxp , Ilia roa l l", alha jr1f Ml ia iMrl ImaaaMp tan, Xi l f. fta Fa-, i Wg lurnlsn "Tne Gazette" and "N. y. Weeklu 1 1 iuuhg unt, ytdi lur so.uu. CAMM l"nl 4I Oft In IM AIIVANl'l!, THE GAZETTE. 't -i -MfT I Tl a. . ratU U aj kTrA.