r Tortlani Library PAPER The... Heppner Gazette OFFICIAL The... Heppner Gazette NEVER ROBBED A HENROOST HELPS THE WIDOWS AND ORPHANS Advertise in it and do business. It has some of its own. L FOURTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1897. WEEKLY rJ0.734r ) 8EMI-WEEKLY DO 511' : SEMl WEEKLY GAZETTE. rUBLISHID Tuesdays and Fridays . BT THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON. Editor Business Manager AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON, J Dec. 17. 1HU6. Notice Is hereby Klven that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before E. L. Freeland, U. 8. Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on February, 6th, 18U, viz: HARRISON COMMINGS, Hd. E. No. 2862, for the NW54 NW 8ec 27, NV4 NE)aiid8WNE!Sec28, Tp5 8, R25E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou and cultivation , said land, viz: Charles H. Bullis, James H. Wyland, Joseph Bannister, Walter Bennett, all of Hardraan, Oregon. JA8. F. MOORE, 603-13. Register. At M.K) per year. $1.25 for six months, 75 cts. tor three monens, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIB PAPER is kept on tile at E. C. Dake's L Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants Exohangs, San Franoisoo, California, where oou raots for advertising can be made tor it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:05 p. in. daily, except Sunday. Arrives 4:55 a. m. daily, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc tion 2:19a. m.: east bound 12:51 a. m. . Freight trains leave Heppner Junction going east at 10:43 a. m. and 8:45 p. m. ; going west, 5:30 p. m. ana o.to a. m. AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, Xj Dec. 21. 1896. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on February 1, 1897, viz : DVVID BAKER, Hd. E. No. 5981, for the 6W)4 Bee 33, Tp 1 B, R 24 E.WM.. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Benjamin F. King, William I . King, James . Hamblct, Thomas J. Willhelm, all of lone, Orogon. - JAM. v. MUOKE, 603-13. Register. United States Officials. - President G rover Cleveland V ice-President Ad ai Stevenson Hecretarv of State... i Kichard S. Olney Secretary of Treasury ..John G. Carlisle Secretary of Interior E..K. Francis Moretary of War Daniel B. Minioiit Seoretaryef Navy,.,.. Hilaty A.Herbert Post.iati -doneral William L. Wilson Attorney-General i... .". .Judson Harmon Secretary o( Agrioliltnni.. .... J. Sterling Morton 1 ' Stat of Oregon. tlovarnnr... ...'.W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. R. Kinoaid Treasnrer Phil. IHetechan Snpt. Publio Instruction W. M. Irwin Attorney General... C. M. ldleraau u ' 1 G. W. MoBride '"a 13. H. Mitchell . - - ( llinirer Hermann """"'" I W. 11. Ellis Printer W. 11. Leeds ( R. S. Bean, 9anrema Jadzsa F. A. Moore. (C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney..... 11. Morrow County Officials. ' Joint Senator A, W. Oowan Representative. J. N. Hrown CrontyJndge A. G. Hartholomew '' Commlminners . It. Howard J W RaoknO.. " Clerk J.W.Morrow " Sheriff R. L. 'atlock " Trmanrer Frank (Jilliam J. f . Will I " Snrreyor.- J. W. noroor School Bup't Jay W. Shipley ' Coroner B. K. Vnogiian -f MitpvHKB mei ovsvmxa. rfjo... Thorn. Morgan n......ii i ... M. H. Horner. E. J. Hlnnnm. Frank Roger. Geo, Conner, Frank riilUan irihli, Milwir. Ksonrder.'. J.F.,-M1!00!5 " r-... E. L. Freeland MMhl A. A. Roberts Precinct Officer. l.tfinfi)ia Pmm W. E. Kichanlaon n.thl. N. B. Whet-tone Called Btatea Land Officer. riAT.l.KJI. OB. J. t. Moore Riwtetar LaHiM Beoeiver i. a Aiiinl. na. n v wtlnn Rarir J. H. Kobbina Receiver ) 0X1X7 OOX3CTI3C. JUWUNB POST , NO. IL O. k. R. MteUat Lntnirum, Or., the last Retard? of erh amnio. AU veterans are inviwn in i"n. i-Tu. dao. W. Smith. Adlolant. If CommaniU. D. J. McFaul, M. D OaIICIC Ar Mrs. h. Welch's Residence. Ktlht telephone eonnectlon with the Palace Hotel. liaiW Bam o( fleppuer Notice of Intention. Notice of Intention. Notice of Intention. Land Ofpick at Thk Dali.ks, Orkoom", December 2(ith 18iW. OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention t make final proof in support of his claim, and thai said proof will be made be fore the County clerk of Morrow Co., Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on February 15th. 1897, viz: WILSON" RICHARDSON, lid. E. No. 4543, for the SEJi Sec 5, Tp 8 S, R 24 K, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said laud, viz: Thomas P. Graham, Charles M. Hastings, Luther Huston, Andrew M. Peterson, all of Kight Mile, Oregon. J as. t. Miiimt, ao-io Register. Notice of Intention. Land Office at La Grande, Orkhon, December 23. 1896. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ll following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clers of Morrow CountV Oreg on, at Heppner, Oregon, on February 3, 1897, viz: JAMES AYEKa H. E. No. 5279 for the N4 8FW Sec. 23 and Ntf 8WH Sec 24, Tp 1 N , R 27 E WT M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation 01, Mid land, viz : John Hark or, Isaac Vincent, Charles M. Long, oregoir. McClure's Magazine For 1897 SEVEN GREAT SERIALS A New Life of Grant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of Grant ever published. (Begins In December.) Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished- (Begins in May.) Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better 1 fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative bistoiy of this period from his recollections and correspondence. ' Portraits of 6reat Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series of portraits it is intended to publlrn special biographical stuaies unaer me general uue 01 makers or THE umojn from Washington to Lincoln. Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. . ', Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary talei.t for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him a place beside Poe and Gaboriau. TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN MACLAREN. All the fiction that he will write during: the eomina: vear. with the exception of two contributions to ano'her publication which were engaged from hint long ago, will appear 111 MCCLURE s maoazink. . JOEL CHANDLER HAKKIS. A series of new animal stories in the same field as the "Brer Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmbleflnger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Cuptains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McCLUBK's all of the short stories lie win write during me coming year. OCTAVE THANET ispreparing for the Maqazins a series of short stories in which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete In Itself. Anthony Hope Bret H arte Robert Ban- Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell will all have stories in McClurf.'s for the coming year. These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McCldbs's Maoazini for 1897, the subscription priee 01 wnicn is oniy One Dollar a Year The new volume begins w ith November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York." GOLD BUT NO FOOD. Highest of all in Leavening Pown. Latest U.S. Gov't Report mnainrn George W I'earsou. all of Galloway. B. P. WILSON. Register. Timber Culture Final Proof. Notice for Pablication. TJNiTito Statu Land Ornrg, The Dalles. Omron. Jan. 1H. 1IW. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WKHLF.Y T. McNabb.of Lexington. Oregon, has filed notice ol Intention to make final proof before I Joseph L. Gibson. U. 8. Com. at his olllce In Lexington, Oregon, nn Wednesday, the tmh day I of March. 1H!I7. on limber culttireappllratlon No. I 2li'l4, for the NK4 of section No. SI, In Township I No, z south, Range Na24 east. He names as wltncmes: Thomas L. Pnrman and Vauduvere L. Cnlley, of Eight Mlle.Oregou. Milton K. Morgan aim ueuzo A uioen.ni lone, UD'SOD. JAB. r, HIMIKB,, IV Register. Of Education ; HOW tO Get It ' (TC A A For JJlJ.uu Mfttitm DHPHBRLLELED NOTICE OF INTENTION. 1A-W 'rri IV II III & irAi,i,r.p,,iir.tMf.ij J Jan. 14, IKrt. Notice la hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notlra of her intention to make hual proof In support nl her claim, and that said proof will lie made before J. W. Morrow. Comity Clerk, at Hrppuor, Oregon, on Man n gnu, imi, vis: EC NICK BROWN, Hd. (. No t. for Ihe NW, sec. 2, Tp. 1 8, R I n K, W. M. Khe names the following wltnemet In prove I her rontlnuoiia rtldrnce upon aud cultivation of, said Unit, viz: John W. Cox, Andrew B. O rover, Walter 8. Smith an Chllt M llaon, all of lot,. Oi .. fut-la J Art. y, mooKK. lu-glsier. To be educated one must read the beat literature. The best literature Is expensive. Leslle'a Illustrated Weakly, Published at 110 fifth Avenue, New York, Is full of the best things Its Illustrations are superb; Its stories charming; and Its literary departments are edited with con summate skill. Hiich a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be In every borne. The subscription price of Leslie's M per annum. We make the unparalleled oiler of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $5.00. No eurb offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made again. These two p;ra snake a most acceptable Christmas or birthday gilt, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kludnesa. Remit by postal order or cliei k to the 1 GAZETTE, ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. VOTintlU. lir.RKBY UIVKM BYTHK CM. ll denlKHfMl aaalirnre of U. 1. fell and W. V. tmU. Insolvent drbl4irs, that aald assignee has AIihI his final errutinl as aurh aMigiiee with ilie Clerk of Uit Circuit Court, nf the rUIofOrwnn. for Morrow Comitr. and aald final account will b heard and IHtanl iibnn ht III Jndr of aald Court, on Ihe Rnt dar of Manih, at 10 I o'rlia k, A. M , ol aald day. or as soon thereafter a aald Court ran ttrm and pass upon the same. IwUkI this itb da? ol Urnmbn, R. &u( It. OKU. CO.SKkH. Aaalgnee. -w-w -v 7 Experience of an Amateur rirate on the Chinese Coast. It has surely fallen to the lot of few men to come near starving to death in a land of plenty, with over $900 in gold in their pocket nay, by reason ol tnat very fact. I had shipped at Rangoon on board a steamer bound for btiangnai, savs a writer. When I signed she was flying Jardine'8 flag at the main, but I believed she carried the ensign of every nation and half the house flags of the world in her signal locker. An opium smuggler I was prepared to find her; that her chief business on thewaters was piracy of the vilest sort and unre deemed by a glint 'of romance came upon me certainly as a revelation. We attacked no ships, as far as I know, but, handled with marvelous skill and knowledge of the intricate coast navigation, she would run in after nightfall among the rocks and banks where one would expect a sampan to take the bottom, while shrieks, flames, the report of firearms and clash of steel would testify to the descent of my de lectable shipmates upon one or another of the numerous fishing villages which fringe the shores of the China sea. After four months' duress I struck a blow for liberty.- My little hoard of morphia jealously guarded toward this eventuality deepened the narco tism in which the whole crew lay stepped after a ghastly debauch as we rode at anchor, and, forsaking all my goods and chattels and seizing in lieu such moneys as I could find, I dropped into the dingey and pulled off, shoeless, hatless, arrayed only in a shirt, trousers and belt containing the above named sum (close on 200), hoping to reach a German gunboat which had been sight ed in the offing earlier in the day. But the night was thick and in less than an hour I found myself close in shore. The question of what to do was speedily settled by the boat capsizing among the breakers, leaving me no al ternative but to land,. Day was break ing and I lay till next morniog In a tomb cut above the roud in the hillside, and for the next three weeks I nearly perished for lack of uourishment, not daring to exhibit a gold pieces for I had no weap on and would certainly have been robbed and murdered., ; I would gladly have thrown away all but one piece, but there was no single small coin In the turn total, and the re sult would have been the same. Though a good wnlker st that age (I had made a record of 20 miles not long before and could cover 300 a week without a blis ter) I accomplished no more than 200 miles in 22 doyii traveling only by ight and biding In tombs or ditches II day, often rushing back to my last deserted lair in terror of the advancing sun when no suitable place of conceal ment hove lu sight. uith pndtly and plantains unatchetl precariously here and there I managed to exist during those awful weeks. Chan-Chan Is not regarded a a terres- rial paradise by those EuroiM'ons whom fate malign tins compelled to sojourn there, but Walballa was never hailed with greater ecstacy by the world-worn pilgrim than wan that ce Mini sink by ruyaelf. Toward the 0th dny the smell of ment cooking ! solutely overcome meone morning, and, I the peril of my life, I emerged into he light of day, and laid f.donloua bands and teeth on what I believed was a rt of a baked rat, in the temn- rary abaence of the legitimate landlord thereof. London Standard. ABSOLUTELY PURE WEEKLY The MONTHLY Wl. FINLAND, ED. Preataeat. E. BIHHOF. Caahlee. TRAXSAtTS i GESEa.lt BiXMSG BCSKCS COLLECTIONS Made oa Favorable Term. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD IIEPFN ER. tf OREGON First ; National Bank or HF.rrNER C. A. RHCA, T. A. Rhca. OCO. W. CONMN, S. W. SPCNCIft. . rVeeHent Vlee PVeeHeM CaeNlee Aaa'l Cashier TrtmHi i CesenI Bwlit Iv'im. KXCHA.ilS'GlS i all parts of the ot4- Bought and Sold. Cottar Uo BMwte ait H"H oa rsMnneble Tsnae. arla e4 dlrVt4 ProAl, t-JljOuaaa, (klaiio-fa fe Line M I BUBMS-CBHYOHSTHSEUKE H A. W-lltaMS, PqV osTAhionuns'ii tere Pm If at 4 fx e4 ar. tivea l (joUrte la ti uneta. Sf'jgle Foro $7. CO. Hound Trip 310.00 Bunss-CAsrvs Turt bra xim. While re aee roar eebsorlBtioa paU4 ap yr aaa kaep fomt brand la freeof ebarf. IWm. P. ()., lMMar, OrHonaa, F B be left abliW aaltia. same tm Uft alp. (ttanln. H- tUrHaua, Or.-HHai tmuxWd kin. I Miilm nfibti1 Ihm Hilta. AW jlL "k.?1.L,!2 ";"t.TV 13 Astor Place rlabl ear. Cemk. A. i,.tiana.Or-HnMe.tnaa rlM stool Aar. I tU, aMoaoa rr'l laitx ear aMra etaat erp o n and aaui la rtM. D.malaM. W. M .Ulk. Or. (aKla. n Dna rlctii ila.swailrti-fu(k ia eara eari sMiraae, B I lft kip. rtr. Rra. nnaaiacOr. IfonM brand-t tl.l ne lt shoaUar, caxUe aauae aa MUua. aula la nahl aw. flnrma, L. A Hriiat, Or.-4'aille. LP ne rihi bipi k in I iiii bar aa.W aa rlakl Outlook Publishes! Every Saturday New York Jnaaa. llarTT. Ilappaw, tlv H iwas KtaUl H Jh U Wl h.nl.W! r'tU bntAmt J mi nM kip. el uMil ia Uft aw. la XirM aoBiir. Jnhrtm. rli(. Iaav Or I ia. vtwIaTn" n ptia. aatil. aaoa ftM kip. eailav k.f uc la m aulit a kn m I'via. W ha, ttmpi. tr It iiase hndA hi mm Im kip MtaaMa4 4 larl skti aa"W mXnpm a Um t aiafearW4 W.fi Wnaat Tavatia. Ov.-I I. ailMne nir' a4 Ui arM. mki f"h la I. f i a4 nr W la '! . Hm mm. Iww.4 aa Wrft akwtar. kaaae la Untl suaalv na. SMavaaa. PaV.Of.-S) I, a l1 k M mmtt. f-i s4 Sflil fWM m. II murnrn kao4 urn iaft ehuat-Ww. Iiimi VMHltV. lkf . I W MafHuw l - M'MM ktioM .a4 a I"1 AxiMl Mil mymm mm l't kip. aauia iM rM f, Urmi aie ka rM p, k tori lwttar. 0 rwt.i iwp, mm UfS 4m'4m Mdf U mmjm tm U1 k, . llMkknMllllH.MI'tMllih a-" HaHwt.l tt, -ll.mM I P e anH. l'ir-. J H . tar - . . )t trna mi Ml rmu.m. mm mm imi kip. pwW kti ia mw , Hm.m t. W . Hnpap, IV. W-aaS. SO W mmmtkAmt. ( alUa, l mm nM Itlp. wt P l. t-n . iw - r.cu UM a. mmmf -t .M a4 I'faM la a fm. V4., I I ( XlM MLllI lt-,mm.t,m , Hr.m, I m - M-m-mmx mm t ftfc.M'4 pwii m lf a-Mi4 TM h t-Siiim - n4 mmrm) t kt kt In w - Mrtia am mm mm a( 'k inswWiaM. Ik r.i .. H. M. lmm (-mmm WwU4 mmmmmim mm l'l mt.'m ml mmm mmmm kwaiS WmUmv-t. , I . I. !. m k piana mmr W mm m1 tlimt4i WW Hmrmm mmmwmm i Ht rtffl.1 Mp mA a4 k- j m m4 mmt, hmmm as K'tmmm mm.4 t mmffim rmm fa The Ootlook will ha la 107. aa it baa been ditrlasT eb o( He laeett ? are, History of Oar 0a Time. Is lie serkma editorial dprtm8U The Oollook f tfe oomraet retta "t the rld'a tf(ifrpa: It fullnae with rare all the Impoiiatl liitaotlimtla inj id daatrtal raovmoie r( the darj bae fiCnpleie drplmrit (jf reliafiaoa ps; JDtr4 ssoeb apare to lb tulreli I the h"( fvie pqrreal huralnrr; faraibe i beafCal tabla-lala about inea and llilots: and, la short, aims la live frsab kliirmata, trlgioal obaartatloa, ao iaariiatl Pblvralotnaat. rlioaiaf lib the 8M ftiflh aalaae, I be fteper a til hMnma Ihe rva'ar mate line an, atirti a ill aM faatlr to He 4i tae mt-4 ailrattiteoMaa. Tb Oailokla Mile4 every M.t lr Cf'7 lo lata a Thm first lo la tmem ajMalb kt aa l:!olra'4 Mef siias S soit-r, (Kialairilrif abunt tmwmmt raaai pmgmm mm Ibe fif.lii.aff lsw, fibf Mb a leffa anfaWr rf p f n r, Tba fie nf The (il..k ks Ihree 4 Hare ar In a ttanea, u 1'Mlhmi sl a day. Hrmi f .r e wiaa e pi ae ! i,l-if at ,4 ( t.r mm to Tba Oelpr s, It At"f tnarw, htm Tmk Ct. PUT FISH IN HI3 MILK. Crael Trvatmeat of llaaest "redd" U'llara hj Two til Joker. Teddy" O'llara, Imtt lu r aud milk man of I .a (oinirr, with hie foiintaina f mirth and tx-amlng fair, In In the city again In It lug In the night, luiya the Seattle T.inr-. "i'addy" ia a char u ti-r, an oi igiiiul Irlluw, and Ukuown 10 rirrjoi.e in Hliagil coiinly, also to niiMt all of the old-tlmrra of Hrattle lie likea to la-II ktorica, Imt here la one that anotlirr fellow told on him: The ilut;p of milkman lu Ia Conner are In a lurf meanure n-garderl flume of a i iilillc M-rtanl, ami If the Milkmen la rrr km-jxTted ff watpfliifj liia milk a I ulilic Nnmlal U the fault. O'l'nra a rnnl;nnally annoyed ly Mime of Ma rutimi-ra In llielr liaotfr- lug way errualiig him of arll'tig wa Irr'd milk, fine of tlirtn dn tared he f miM iiroe tlw milk waa waferrd, ami a war-r waa i'ili1.ly rbi alth two of lh mnt iioir "Jiiahera" In 1heeiiif nninity. The ne mnrninr Tadily' wee more rirv fi.l ll-r. a rr, aud irate his rnalntu rr alft"-' pure rrram. Ilia remieril " nn ahort-lMed, boeter, for In the .rrrnre t t Ma Wt lady ruatnnirr. aa hp fmurpd Out Ihe rah Puid. bat hni Id gllda out of (he raa Into the mraaiir ltt Ihrvp mall 1'iifri pound ;iir'l ftlitiim. f I'llara a iffstly iTillril aid hi tul"m-r r'ua4ly alnriiml. fi WHfn IimmI and rg 1111 l.e lid I wti "j,Md." ami. lo aol. lanllalf the h rt .,ri, m nts aaij II, al if hf did walr lua milk a lilll h ae nt r" I'v f f u'tir-r la ib Pb. aa II. at ni'. firtly ii lair,) dteplay fffiiilnal nf .mtf , f . al atarllmf ak. At VarlltfHirb Iki'im- Irwr la mure rrfrrnony. tally Mrakida?. Ihaa at Kandr Inrtiam, mitiilr ff prrvaala f rrald ji.ur arrnal or oVpeflure, aiwl llirr ara twrnalty tarn araala s'aoil ifg ouIhI jrmr rw loor wl ynm) pre apatite; in Ih lww. and man lhi.d lb f4..f of ptpf y rinal at nej lime. U-Ml-ixl.''! (ItlkiMll rmmmmrn " ii..,Mi iii iti.. lit i a s i w. II tw In. f tmmt rr? mmt r "m .in' ft ' -. '' a ... r... ... Off aa a4 f,,t. t Hmtm. tltppf a trmi'rnUtm via Upym,t rbme l4r. I'sraxpe eVifM f tbsiliaf IVadtabTKi aaa Hmm e4 aMf ! Wliaf llie rt. I'ris qqftict.xa I ha a4ule the f eta a M s4afa aill fnu'lvi ailb 1 'tll tfaft ai rl. ff r. a W ll. t i Tha Isilkk lafawa l'iyt,.h la i-.k.a l y 4'.'i,'i"0 tr x.tia In lb I'.ril.ab Iy t.M.lial.ty ;..4ii ,f r-.'.ii liil.al.HanU IK I , .! Hsi. hr tjiftf In t'e'ia le. I f a..i la Aaairalla. tf J,T ." Wrmt In.l ana. ami by .l,Mi in I'llia end filr rr.i'sb r.lrtil, ilif.ir lh Wal f b frflteb ! ataktriy f- let tnrf THE BATTLE OF , WATERLOO. If Grouchy Had rrevented Prussian Junc tion with English- ; Napoleon woulif have won the battle of VVaverloo had. Grouchy prevented tJie junction of the Prussians with the Eng lish army .because he would not have had to fight two battles at once. ' FeW per sons reajjzc that the so-called battle of Waterloo was in reality a double battle, somewhat like Jena and Auerstadt. Napoleon ' fought one battle' at Water loo against the English, - On the arrival of the Prussians he was forced to go in person toward Planchenhoit and there fight another battle against the Prus sian army.lcaving to Ney the conduct oi the troops at Waterloo, It is a well known maxim in war that a very great or decisive victory cannot be gained un less one commander makes , a serious blunder, of which the other takes im mediate advantage. It is very evident that the fact of the emperor's having to fight two battles at once, instead of concentrating his attention on one nlone,- enormously increased the posm bility of a mistake. Moreover, Na poleon did not have the able lieutenants f his former campaigns. Dessaix, Klo- ber, Lannea, and Bessiers were deud, Massena and Macdonald had taken the oath of allegiance to the Bourbons, and Murat had split with the emperor. Napoleon's personal attention was, therefore, imperative. To Grouchy lone all blame must be attributed, for, had he prevented the union of the Prussians with the English, the em peror would have had to fight only one battle at time, and coultl have givn his entire personal attention to that one hat tile. In the second place, Napoleon would not have been forced to Ilfht with 71, 947 men nga'.nst two arm im numbering about 125,000 nearly tw to one against him. Ue woslil hnvc hud 71,- 047 good soldlcra pitted ngnlnst a raw. undisciplined army of 67,f01 men under the duke of Wellington, which wns not only Inferior In mere numbers, but fur Inferior in morale and ex oerienee. The chances would have been greatly in fu for of the French. Then, too, the French army was commanded by the acknowledged masters of modern war fare, whose brilliant auccrttsca at Hivoll, Marengo, AiiHtcrlitz, Jena Fried- land, Wngrinn, the Borodjiui, and Dres den hod da.led the whole world. I'utU then NaMileou had never been defeated in any great battle except lelpsle, am the rrench were strong in tint coiifidenif of the emperor'a anccciw, Two of the best w riters on 1lw Water loo campaign Shaw-Kenm-dy and Hi- bourne, both Knglmliiiicn concur In paying that, hud Grouchy kept tin rriiHKiim away, the i;rigllhli army would have bcn badly ln aten. Thin view la also held by the a Meat writer of all, Mr. nopea. I'nlted Service Review, It WHAT Wottld A ULLION MCANS. Thansarid Take Nearly Ten , Yeara to Count It, The following reniarkable calculation on the length of trme which it would lake a person tocount 1,000,000,000 re cently appeared in an issue of an Eng lish periodical: What is a billion? The reply is very simple. In England a billion is a million times a million.' (1,000,000,000,000). Thia is quickly written, ! and quicker still pro nounced. But no man is able to count it. You will count 100 or 170 a minute. But let us suppose that you go up at hfgh as 200 a minute; hour after hour. At that rate you would count 12,000 an hour; 288,000 a day, or 105.- 120,000 in a year. Let us suppose now; that Adam, at the beginning of his ex- stence.had begun to count, and had con tinued to do bo and was counting still. Had such a thing been possible, he would not yet have finished' the task of counting a billion! To count a bil lion would require a person to count "00 n minute for a per;od of 0,512 years, 542 days, 5 hours and 20 minutes, provid--ing he should count continuously. But suppose we allow the counter 12 hours daily for rest, eating and sleeping. Then he would need 18,025 years, 319 days, 10 hours and 45 minutes in which to com- letethetuRk! A Raspberry Ice Cream. The most delicious ice creams are those flavored with fruit juicea or fruit pulps. They do not usually contain eggs; therefore, they are more like a slicrlet than a regular Ice cream, ex cept t hat milk or cream or part of both are substituted for the water used In a aherU't. Raspberry cream la one. of the most delightful of these light creams. Boil two uunrtaof raspberries with a pint of sugar for ten niinutee. Ptruin oil the juiee and squeeze the pulp out of the rruoplierry. Add It slowly to a pint of hoiking milk. Freeze thin mix ture. When It is cooled, and Just before. It Is ready to puck away, id a pint of creoin beaten to a stiff froth. Pack the cream away for three hours and it w ill lie rrndy to serve. A delicate white cuke, flavored with bitter almond, is an excellent accompaniment to thia cream. A cream inner or an equal quan tity of chopjH'd pineapple, cooked In a lint of sugar and ssrained, or of M'ficlicM, niny Imi un-il. Strain the pine apple or Ihe -nchc through a puree Rieve that, will allow all tho fruit pulp to pase through. . 1. Tribune. HOW HE GOT HIS ZITHER. A Mleaourlaa sXin Abroad for aa Inetra aurat with runny Rteulle. A musical lnnt Turnout dialer telle good atory at the rxiene of a musical Ik' liiclindl and wtiaUliy rranlrntf th little Miawiurl Iomii of Hermann, aayi the St, IOUia (Jolie-Ilrniix-tat, twtu time ago he waited a fine cither am nrarvhrd the hx-al market for one that wxnild suit him. The time hr aiH-nt si of siifl'.cirtit alue to tiny fur all or til nary Instrument, and trt lie did not aui-cenl in gvltlng auylhing that quit i.iil.afled him. t'oiitlilent I hut thrrewn nothing In thia country ihnt would an atarr, he wrote to Luru-an dcalrra, and flnnlly ordered one that be though would go alli ed of anything ever nren In thia ant-lion. Ilia frlenda were all laTiatrd and ataal rd the arrival of tha lntnim nt In I ansJiana eipefianey. It rarrtf a few data ego. and the fuii-kagp was earr ful ly ojienrd In Ihe pre-tn of half a iltt'n admiring friend, The rlllr j auly, Ihrre was nn mistaking thai, but ii a rloarr examination Mure a tha maker'a alamp lii'k-lililr .lm-r, nn Ihr frame, and it rrad: "Waablngton. M' I'. 8. A.." a tir!irliUiriiig town of lli-riiisnn. 1 h gentlrinan m'phi bavr paved I VI, In addillun l Ihe espreM and import rliBrgra, and bare atiudid all Ihe waiting whlib be had In rn dtiro, link ba on 1. 1 hftrr bare bnn aaii.flril. The Mh-r la an rsprnalve InrnnirM and (tiflirull to liianiifariure, brliig rry drliral ami r-'ilrtna lh tt of lua Ifflal au-l rl akillful of workriirri. but .Irak r aey It aa a farl thai Ibe rwan tifmlurrra ut this n.tint ry rust th l-rmt tmmm .l.. on IliP lliarkrl. There ar Imi il.rr fjruirirs In ll,, a MMtftiry. on In this elate an I in Ihe eaat. Tbir tlriin-nu pre Isfp-. Ijr '.U in r'kr'fie, a-Hi, .f tlirm ii,out lli(f l,rart.lt. ail Own art.t wrH to tl.K rimntry al ftrmm ! r tnl, al wbal liry alto'ild he. I U m-m If p J i.ftp Utm. but lh llertnann r"'')'ltian taanul a Just where II ine la. BEWARE OF SOFT-SHELL CRAOS. fefallar Tarte to He Krf ardd by Tboae Wke Kat Tama. "lliere la no danger In rating soft tin-1 led cralis,? obacrvrd au epicure, "if they are freah, but they are iMtiaon If they are not. They should be well sea soned, and an extra lot of ja-pja-r put on them as a precaution, rx-r tally if the weather la very hot when they are eaten, or if they are eaten shortly be fore one re Urea. II la the hal.lt of many I name to eat eofl-ahrilcd rnsba at high I lime, I do Dot know but that tbey tanta better then. It ia aoitims hat dan geroua to many to drink milk after rat ing rralia. Milk aeema to develop the folia! that follows rating aoft-ahrlled eralta with aome jwrsoiis. "Atiirtlirr thing that aJioirW la re loriiilaiTd, and that la that a ahsrp tliuml.-niti.rni will kill aoft-ahrllrlil i-raba, and een the hartl ahrlled rrU at times, t'nlnei the aoft-ahrllnl rrah bad Wn rtHiknl Uf.tre Dm tl.uinlrr .'orm, I think the safer plan would 1 lo det-llna U eat II. I nder a'l olhr coiiditloos llirrr at no dertgrr la strtak- lug of tli"iu, for I di not ihitik an) "ii wtrild be criminal rmrtiffti t eia.k a lead rral, bard or Soft ehrll. Th" roT way lo kill a rrab is lo throw Imn Into a kettle of boiling walrr. I kaow that potoe i.i.le Lbiak tbia eiurl, Imt ll I Jio more cruel than lo piali Uirnt with a twdle or kill Ibnn w It cliUrforta, aa I bate k men n aojrte extra arnaitltp la-rvtiia to do." lie Copjfortal.le While Traveliac Id cool weather. The Union TaciOo yatem testa Ha traioi Ihrooghooi by steam beat from tba engine, tbua mak ing every pari ol all Ha care pleasant and oomforlabla. It also ligbla itt cara by tba celebrated I'iolaob Light making Ibetn brilliant at bight. Paeeeogera carried dally on tha laat mall. For ' sleeping ear reeervationa, tickets, or la. roimatioo, call on er addreea 11. W. Baiter, Ueo. Agt 135 Third at. Port land, Oregon. BRITISH COLUMBIA. tsfadaai Sllr4 af Fsf. The t'.rv lly af ln eagl and aimilet bif Is nf .ry la well km. an, but Ibe f f iiipie of a a si wI.kW rfati d WOtrfrd in hr I,, Hm , hi,ll, f alMfwa ll, f.dl.rw it f it r k a ),).- tarkrly In the dtily ro'nl: bar. fT rlissin.i Ml, f.mr .;r'.e' fi, Y .t.Mii' f', II k'a ta of f..1a. IS Us la ml grv-iao and t'i r ma as t f a mnn.i-m mt rehliita, p.arm .la si.l sq'iirreie At la BCAU DRUMMtLL. ' Oraee ml a raa Iaa4t aa4 tia I'.ngliah eiaHore to Tilly -aur rWull-a but litgf aal iaTml Ibelr earatatily, turn lo 'Srn, mhrrm lie ibe banr of an t.tif ll.l.mart who baa l f I Nhlnd an In,, nxifial rvputalUni aa ft dandy and a II. leasts l!rumit.l, aftr bat lug tn Ihrn filrnd ff I be nn rtr'nl, died In l."rly. a frtr'tia I m Wile. I lor n in IJfs. Irrovga tran lritrimll waa 'Slid al J Wm, wlirfe he tna-U a fi.f nun al e..ff,li, mutilme f rrt a i.i I fwtldwme aestoeaa la rirMt lie went lo Uwt (irtel mirr (rtfof.l, for a rara. II waa .ff t,U d with a oorottfi ry by lite f lr of W aire to lb 1mb lleuara, and ff a4t yeara nf.)H lb friendship of .riiKe. w ho waa ailrrwerd lrrr V. Al laat tbey ri...rUd. I.ii t -lei" Urnrna.'ll b'Nl blsoea In My uiil.l rn,l,l.i,g !.,( tna.1 him fW Ihe .ii,'ry. la 110 be a aia nl4 Itnli.b tHaul al t a. la il,'o-e ibwkt fwinl bun, al la Ia. I li. i sti. Into 141a.m. Ilia spirit mntmA lo hm mm i fmrn. and In l. f ! BBMOed yaa of lr.iW:tiy, end ll at Ike A.jl-.ia nf Ihe IWa aatur, ( an. In Marb. tttrt i a (Iraeral IV ar ll May II (allwl a ll-Mllfal t IMrenraa. RMiit,;iig .-iiieriiy, the provliiee irf I'ritihli ( iilitinl. a nwy 1 rnll.-d a bran ti ful w Ihli-ri There ar" on the ei al th thrlili (f rilira of Vao outer (hy the w ut , iiiici.nit r ia on tlir iiiallilnndl and V rtmlilrr. tmlil nrn'lig la Uihgile nbtjed In the Kootennv d atr'et, tlw evil of Niiim ino !a rttnuU.-l V wurteil, and llirre la furmiiig akmg Ihe masaliy l.li' l, of I lit- jit r I'raiM-r. ('atinerlea HI il in m l'a Sl I'f.llrl brre uli'l tt-erf nlmig the f rr tmr ki yet. W itb all thia. a b (,'h ard roggnl sir the It.otllilailia, .it .In .p 'f fon-ata and ai diftiriill the t.i-l. of milking ro'l or rail e a. tlml t r0l4tl.lv a rif.ilpinlie jftrtion of thia I fa ill fill protlnrr Will lol g remain eOt. r-.l wild ir.ant red smuk fire and plnri nod iiihntMtrd only l)' the wolf, lfir pint rai'lr. The Innn w l.f Is not f.rtv. lo il. a-n. ft fi h trnr'a t rp fof rl-nre, and le fnlid nf the 0 n ar "T a.ri. will joIk ah'v Hud In iil'ili I uliimiiia a f.n gri.inl i- iii inn In ram b ng r tryit'g to i Irtir a f..r-i fnrm. but ihe writrr would hot rrvi-nillirlnl 11 aa a flrld f r K t-Tul agrlrullii'al emigration, when a tuaii has rrj an.all liwaiia arid tmif b'e rtgl.l arm to dVnd i, aa It gfto-ia!! Nkesfoiirjeare imf Wwrw loelearetroltrb l-tr-d to kerp lhre or futif calle, while If Jon ffiw grain ramwil yH II to the tnark-t ffiftl the htl'h faarm. Y"T llaf tn.ilt fther, t tm at.ol or arilat. It la an "raHhly mm," and f.e w h a man ihf la entitle epll alnnt thia ntt-!y Ix.ftb land wkifb otire it eMrre hfurl isnrnrrU drttrb out Pil'e. 1'ilffh itiial. h. (JaMa'S 7nw t ,i rww.a4asa fine .liii.p f.alnr uf ll.e ii'l .ur ltf U Ihe k'-ii'a wMh b'f nw a ban 'I of a nn riwl n- With all ber iil'f-a) bm gtamh l-l !fn. be plde many o(.r rlei.f anl ilrar frW-nd. emit ae. In lb lMr r.. Tmpfa repie. Taia rf raea l. enre la w(ll.-..lf l Isfp la she U, ae al .frteai. In riifiril In br H rk. land men. Vft It. riwl lBt. lag bur br i.)iy r r.rd waa li.at wriilfo .t ll, f . nf Wsle many yre aft ar"im itg b'.a nta ll.aHii frin ifv.Ul aMih.wilf et-d r,,i,,,. ,rn. atl.f WafMir-e t,m tg f mX fll., si, ! tl.al ah maid atr ii trwit n al: apa bint, )l!mb ' W"nt I r t f.lf . la f im II w h i f I f miftn'i I Itaii k At I 14 a.4ti IL W ia&3-i4a If tkM-m mmZ mm shmw4 aa aniift vftMaaj. r i' -