1XTJ. JiIo TO THB GIVES THE CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AMD AND St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fall detail! call on 0. R. & N. Agent ta Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. PORTLAND. ObKOON. E. McNElLL, President and Manager. QUICK TIIVEIE. I Sol it. Xiranoisoo And all point In California, via the Mt. Bhaata rout of tii Southern Pacific Co Th treat hiarhwa throngh California to all point East and Sonth. Grand Bornilo Roota Of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Hnffet Bleever. Bacond-class Weepers Attached to aipreaa train, affording superior accommodations for aenond-claa paasetiKer. For rate, ticket, slenpiuf oar reservation, tc call oion or addntea K. KOKHl.KR, Manager, X. P. ROQEK8, Aaat. Gen. F. A P. Agt.. Portland, Oregon -TO TII in OAiTmiinmi mmm VIA THE CXIM PACIFIC ilSTtSl Through Pullman Palace HW-r. Tourist Hleeper and Proa Kccllulng Chair vara vail I sui.uiiaK. Many h nira aaved via thli lino to Kaatern Point. STEAM HEAT. PINTSCH LIGHTS. LOWICHT HATKMi R. W. 1IAXTF.R, (Jen. Agent, I'ortUind, Oregon. J. C. HART, Agent, Heppner, Oregon. jlH A " ' f Iki, VnW.V-f trV rfm wi7 ,tv h urntt 9 a r tt iktu tutktrt art tutn Maw. HinJ,, iL, V if. TMRnn A LOYAL THAITOR A ttwy " Wo t mi Br itmm MaM a"i ran' rowwrwniv las, i imw Sim, t a a. ' at Ik itmpHhtm, SfnJ ,tf, st 1 ftW ? A.j.1,1 a, -t mmt 0 a-w..-, "WVawa tka a Ml MoaHC ftoyrfcMMi H.t M t , i . .. , .1M - y, , I. n . . a. a a mmm t r MiMlAMD hi wTlw Twri.. til roll l A i... a,.,M V tfU - M)i W mm mm.m Wwt t8-A n. v-Lt biMTaMi Pm wmf WaiaPUia Tf r tl iSi J W M BMW (Si 1 laT" m I JWW a t ft ,f tW, 1 p.f. fr. f.-, ,m,t UI , ,V ,.,4 -.kUf lU ft, mj ml,m S r tm A, ,. ,.f, mmm,Kf tmt .,mit,.J t .mj -., ( tm, J p !. . iM ffa, llhirw. M Ml Ifotaill. Ma VA. ,we iai r vh mmt ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR CATARRH Ua LOCAL DISEASE and is IK mult of cold and (widen climatic change. It can be cured by a pleasant remedy whicb ia applied di rectly into the nostrils. Be ing quickly abaorbed it give relief at once. Ely's Cream Balm ia acknowledged to be the most thorough cure for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay J-ever of all remedies. It opens and cleanses the nrisalpAssres, allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro tects the membrane from colds, restores the sense of taste and smell. Price 60c. at Dnisrelst or by mail. ELY BKOTiiKRS, U Warren Street, New York THE YORK WOULD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 Pages a Week. 156 Papers a Tear. It stands first among "weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It Is prnotically a daily at the low price of a weekly; Bnd its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries will vouch for tbe aocuraoy and fairness of its news oolumns. It is splendidly Illustrated and among its special features are b fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living Amerioan and English authors, Conan Doyle, Jerome K. Jbromb, Stanley Weyman, Mauy E. Wilkinb, Anthony Hope, Biibt Habtb, Bhandhb Matthbws, Etc We ofl'er this uneqnnled newspaper and Tbe Gazette together one year for .25. The regular subscription price of tbe two papers ia $3.50. Glance at this Map Of the Ohlrairo, Milwaukee and Ht. Paul Rail way and note Its rmintTtiiini 1 1 li all trniiarnti tliiental linen and Ht. Paul and ' maha, and remember that It trains are lighted with elec tricity and ncHlcd by strain, it equipment I iiHrn. r.ii'Kam linnet, Library, Plunking and Klrrnltlff ears, with fr rmdhilnir .-hulr. Ir.,.1, elreplng oar berth lias an cUvliic rending lamp, ami ua liming car are lb best In tl, world. Other line are lunger than thla, hut mine are shorter, and no other ohVra Ihealtov luiurlou aocnmmndatlniia. Thnwim anftlrlioit .... lor the popularity of"Th Milwaukee." roiiMiii n swiiia in every railroad nnica will gv you further Information, or addrca C. i. EDDY, (lencral Agent, J. W.CAKKY. Trav. Paa. Ageut, PnaTLAUD, Oksuom. - - - - i - RCMARKAIILH TWr.NTV-PART TMU fAIVTru IH MKT A M-- ml t IW4 9) !!.. fOV)R OP TMr snoHT M HI At Tn MiiM-trMn .,. t'tr ..r atas aw Itauaa , It .. OIIIOAQO. IililwauKEe & St. Paul if b I PA0L MlNNE80TAwO rff , A frsfc "SJ 0 W A '-C V" ItAKrF.tTS fiOt'.VP TAM.F. f'.n, A- if, i.knlWi mh, . tl mt Jf fn .tn.,t rtn mUn imj ,fr If. fft l::m t.titJ ?. J-l,, w,t 1 1- .. ... i,. i t. f a i -VVyiXa I IIAKri A'S Ml XP 74Hfr U i' ti ! II . thi: ihtv or fi! vmvi ton a. " ' ,'! a. a . a t i rASUtia AlTttOAIV kritaltriflltHw ' '" "t ti i mu a.a.t t., A DILEMMA. I fain would limp d lines attune Into the climbing crescent moon ; Bail her as "Luna calm, serene," And eulogize her "ailvcry tieen;" I might the "a. lent stars ' exalt W.th comments upon heaven vault; But when I come to thlnlj it o'er. It's all been done so well before. . To sylvan and sequestered haunts I might repair and tune mjr chauut To mounts n, fountati, rook or rill. To dale and vain, to brook and hill. I might i ng of the rose s blush, ' Or praise the l:nnet and tho thrush; Yea, that I would, but what a bore IV all been done so weil before. I might become a nvsunthrope. Forego the chitrrus of joy and hope. Assume a pessimist c jose, Compare life to a withered rose. With morbid cynicism sigh And all the charms of life deny, Hut think of the dyspeptic o jri'.s It's all been done so well before. Of Cupid I might Ring anew; But rhymes for ''love" arc. ohl so few; And every Slrephon now:id:iys To his own Phyllis tunes his lays. Besides, all bards, the worst and beat, Have their ideas of love expressed. O, grant me, Muses, I Implore A subject never used before. -Harry II. Smith, In America. The Only Chair Car Line To tbe east ia tbe Uni on Pacific. East ern cities are reached via this line with fewer changes of oars tbaj via other lines Rates always tbe lowest. Tickets to or from points in tbe United States. Caoada, or Europe fur sale by R. W, Baxter, Uen. Agt., 135 3rd St., Portland. HARD ON CATS. A French Government Commissioner Cen sure tho Coucluvt of OfOciiil Cats. Tliie French government haa just had occasion to uppoint a commission to inquire into the grievances of the ev.ts in its employ. Tlieir report ia an amus ing exhibition of official stupidity, and will rousa a righteous iiwlig-pation in the boRom of nil friends of the ustul mouser. It appears that cats are kept in some of the French military ning-nzines to keep down the surplus populntion of rats ami mice. Their food is vegmlttcd liy ministerial decree aooordiiig' to cir eitiiistnriccs, and at present there is a regulation in force authorizing' an ex penditure of 2'2 centimes per oat per diem. But this floes not seem enough, ns the unfortunate governmental cata have grown extremely thin, so at last the ministry appointed Rpecialists to inquire into the matter. These have gravely reported that "the cms of the army are very slow to accustom them solver to the dieit prescribed by tliep'ov ernrrent circulnr. Thus they seldom eat bread, and never lap up greasy wa ter unlexs ttctimlly driven, thereto by pangs of hunger, so tliat tlliey n red lug off or else nlrandoning the military nmg azines." Th Greedy Crorodlle. The moment tbut a young crocodile breitlts Its nhell it In to nil intent and !tirpone n h netlvc as it is at any time luring lis life. It will make straight or the water, even If it lie out of sight aii-' si good distrtnee off, and it will pur nir its prey with eagerness rtnd ngllity dtirinir the first hour of its fre exist ence Th Trua Ramady. VV. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, Uln Chief," says: "We won't keep house without Dr. King's New Discovery for (Jiitianmptioo, Coughs and Colds. Ei- perimenteil witb many others, but never got the true remedy until we need Dr, King's New Discovery. No other remedy onn take its place iu. our home, as in it we have a certain and aura curt for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Ctmgb, etc" It ia Idle to eiperiuieut with other remedies, even if they art urged on yoo a iiial a gooil m Dr. Kloff'g New Dia- euvery. Tbey ara not as good, beaaoas tuts remedy lias a rrrnnl of eureaaod besides ia guaranteed. It sever fails to atiafy. Trial free at Cooaar k Uhh k's drog slor. 1 "aTV T T" r .aW , imlfTy,,oml hmt 4 a. ,i. L . r.-r . -m 'r mtit rt SHRIALS TMfi SOCK OP TMfl I ww A ml aw i.i mt nm utas, 7 44. A4Mff St,H4 AN ta..jni i a,f antT y tmmm a, ax.aa T. w. 111,1. m , tut mi rrJ 4,1 Ht tnt. fe. I, aua t,fUii tm ft . ' . . ' . ;'. .L.,mtm A " l. '' ' ,2, , . , . j , . ,, W irr, mrt mttr nmt ritwTAisatrwtt la ! .,it (ftii M'a. . an . rWttlWt. lAVAItV CHAHull J t aiiiki ... It IIMI (till . l atarasa-aa J I ' a NO PLACE LIKE HOME. Conveniences of City Hotel Did Not Ap peal to the Htranger. A weather-beaten old man mt in the office of a Michigan avenue hotel and watched with curious eyes the pnn orama of life as it unfolded before him. Turning to a chance acquaintance, he said: "I've been on the plains mor'n 40 years and this is the first visit I've mode east in all that time. They do things mighty dif'rent here from what they do vihar I came from." "In what way?" -taa "Oh, in lota o waya." "'aaaum "For instance?" "Wall, take this 'er hotel. I never saw no hotel run like this on the plairs." "What's the matter with it?" "Oh, nothin', only that clerk makes me tired; he's so durned polite. Just listen to him. " 'Front! take that card to No. 3,428, answer goes to the tall gentleman with silk hat. " 'Front! take that card to No. 2,743, answer goes to that gentleman with the gold eyeglasses. " Yes, sir; train goes 10:30. " 'No, sir; sorry, but we haven't a room left with two beds in it. 'I'm sure I can't sav, sir; perhaps you'll find it in this directory.' "That s the way that feller goes it from mornin' to night. It's 'No, sir,' and 'Yes, sir,' and 'Thank you,' and Tm sorry, and it's bows, and scrapes, and smiles, and honey till it makes me sick." "You do things differently out on the plains?" "Well, I should smile. The landlord generally runs the bar, and most of the respectable gueet is in the barroom; but if one of the boys should happen to want to see another of the boys he ist simply asks fer him 'thovtt no fool card racket. Then he goes Hnd sets down to wait fer him, and this is the kind of talk the ktndlord gits off: 'Here! you, Bill, cavoort up to num ber ten, an' teJl that limping son of a gun that a squash-nosed galoot down in the barroom wants to see him. Sny! knock down the door of No. 5, if the red-headed rooster don't oper it, and tell him I said there was o cock-eyed gent down yer ns was watting to rcc him, and I'm not going to send for h.'m n second time. Savy? Now, get amove on you, or I'll bust your crust! 'What s that, stranger? Want to know when the age goes? Well, look- ahere, now, do I look like, n walk:n' almanack? Why in thunder don't ou ask the utage driver? Thar he is. over in the corner that mildewed coyote playin' poker with Pigeon-toed Ike. "Whats that you want? A room with two beds? Just let me give yon a pointei- you don't get nary bed ,ere to-night; they re all full. You can sleep on the floor, if you'll behave youn-e If like a gentleman, and not. kiel:. " 'Whnrdoes Alkali Joneslivc .'Darned if I know, strangrr. He cmps Ik re 'liout twict a yeHr, gets his kin full of tanglefoot like n little lvnn.ril d tiicll drives off toward the soulhwn r. May by Humpy the Holiocan tell yer that's him playing pwdeo with the Pint In jun.' " As the weather-beaten stranger rnn- cluded his description he n!gVd ile.-p- ly. Tlmr s no p!tce like home, be if ever ao tough "ind woclly--t bar's no place like home!" Chicago Times-Her ald. CIVIC PRIDE. lla Was Driving for t lilrago anil Ha Laid Claim to the hole Koad. It happened the other day iu one of the iihmiI ariatocratic diKtricts of the North .ide. One of the vehicle was a hitiidaonie carriage, occupied by a swrl! young matron, and driven by tbe haugL- lieat of English coachmen, while the other was an extremely mi1m nut itul wagon belonging to the street cleaning department, and engineered by a non deaerlpt individual of llitiernlan line age. The agon waa in such position that it blocked the ad ranee of the carriage, and the coachman, leaning forward. I-nt his haughty gate on the driver and id: "Aw, ay, me man, turn out tbrrr. will you?" There was no reply, and the individual AMreiM-d gajed far into vaeaney. The nrrk of the coachman grew purple, and there vtaa some arrity in hia loueaaa hr railed again: "liiaay.old fellow. Jual turn aaiilr and let up, ill your Again I here vtaa no reply, and the oc cupant f the carriage ram to the rra- ctie. leaning out of the window, viih a conquering milt, she aald: "My g"i nian, kindly turn out and allow ua to !; you arv blorklng the way." But I lie man on I lie ear t gave no alga of bearing r.ny more than might the statu oLfirn. (iratil under timilar ron ditlotia. lie alo rrmaind liumnvablr filially the laily gate the order to turn mil ami go around the other way. Aa I he carriage disappeared the helper ap- proaehrd I ha ran. "What waa the awell way In' to jc I'atr ba aaked. Then lha a4iln apukei "They wa wanlln' n to turn out," ha aald, "but Olm driilo' for the rtly of Chieagn, Ol am, and Ol II not turn out f.ranny "BO!" hleago Tribune. Aa atwaaanlnU ttfe. Gala hniatgraM rereMly applaral lo !. W hAiig-Wnalla lUiter. of lha Ulna I.lghl lAlaj-m !, f.r aoma prruniary aataialarww. "I )aa kaln' da hit." rvpll I'trxm lUtier. "I baa ut B'rrt my -ore ole BiwW.' "ilul yer tra 4J mu.!.tr aaya yr ivvn" iw BMrr.n Hay her." "Wall, den. f lltn' t nfT.n fev my -or la um.VW, what' itr ua cvh aa tntUak-r lik m 1 r i la." Ir tuaka It ah.U out?" Tetaa K,fif. a44 Haaaly f tears. Ir. Tr n-r' fau.tua fl .f m) ta Ihrvwa I r.1,. I he Ur,rr.n a tarvlHn fiat .y Ibe i f..t manera c tlie 1. 1 artftct, ! a (he I t, ift.Wt, hi .a.,l.al gr In., H h a i!y t reitlly Irrrj Ir.l a ral a nUe fal fl..l after r"'r fi'itty rj ,niha. n at k far. a tun l.'t r-r. ttil I I he kra he tm rvivit) ,. rrv-i ur l.iirga ytTm., ta i ra litll). s4 ah l trll t w. trey aaaanal f. anai Ut lUla.a frvm f.-. f.. aa-arri WM-all.. al Ifc ttmt ,.f mm, f lima tW-at r-t-ta.ty f ',.., ftnt ta .1 .1 ''v tt f.fvat fr.m a et- lla f. la., an. al, tm aa titg aa aiy i iu i,,tw 4 it. " a.il daring li e f )la w Uaiai. IWt f.i, t,f iall Th pli wa aawttia to W r lifaly W.Vfa, aM tka taancl, , ef lf ty ft M ;, Tho Fynii of Iceland. Iz "Purchas, His Pil.-jr;mase," a rare old-time book, very few copies of arhich are now in c:i:.tenc.e. the fol lowing account i:i frivon of the "pig mies" of Iceland: -Th ;r nr.; tuso I'ig miessorvery little meua.ul .vouienher who rcpreNcnt tie :n 4 p.-rfoat shape of men, but they :u-j l::: '.ry to the ut most joynts of i'io finr thii mayles having beanl:; d'Av.i to" the knees; but, although they br.vc the shape of a man, yet they have Kule sense or under standing, nor distinct ; speech, but make a kind of hissing after tho manner of leese." Via the Dnlon Pacific System Baggage is oheoked through from Port and trj d estinatlon. The specialties of the Union Paoific ore unexcelled track and equipment, union depots, fast lime, throngh oars, steam heat, Pintseh light and courteous treatment to pasaeogera. For rates aud information apply to R. W. Baxter, Gen. Agt. U. P. system, Port land, Oregon. Send your name for a Souvenir oi the Work ol Eugene Field, HELDeFLOWERS tbe u8cnTicia monument Souccnir The most beautiful Art Production of the ecu. tury. "A small bonch of the most fragrant af bio. soma latbered from tbe Dread acrea of Eugene Field' Farm of Love." Contains a selection of the most beautiful of the poems of Eugene Field. Hand somely illustrated by thirty-five of the world's greatest artists as their contribution to the Mon ument Fund. Bat for the noble contributions of th great artists this book could not have been manufac tared forJ7.oo. For sale at book stores, or sent prepaid on receipt of ii.io. The love ofTerinato the Child's Poet Laureate, published by the Com. mittee to create a fund to build the Monument and to care for tbe family of the beloved poet. tugene ricia Monument souvenir Fund, illo Mourns Street, Chicago, IU 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. mm TRADE MARKS DES1CNS, COPYRIGHTS. Am. Anyone aendlng a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention ia probably patentable. Conimunlcatlona strictly conflnentlal. Oldnst asency forsecurliiu patents in America. We have a Wahinirton oBlce. Patents tHken through Mmm A Co. receiva pecial notice in the M SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of anv scientific Journal, weekly, terms H.lll a year: ll.SU six months. Specimen copies and llAalD Boon o.N Pathnts sent free. Addren MUNN A CO., i 361 Broadway, New York. MM EAD.HG mm COST' TH CHBOTIfl.K rank with Ik gnataat aeweiapra la lh TJaltad atata. TUB CHRONICLE ha Doaqoalon thaPaeta Coast. It kwla all in ability, ntsrpns and aaara TUB OHHONICLK'M Talafrapnla rUporta ar th lauat and moat rallahl. It Lnnal News ti fu'lnt and snlclrai. and Iu JMttorlaU troat U ablt-st pane In th Country. THKCII HONICI.K baaalwarsboaiS.andaKrar wlli ba, th frtand and ebamploa of th paopl aa aitatnat eomblnallona. cllqur. corporation, of l.Mlons of any kind. It wlU ba ladeBaadaat la evuyUiluf aauiral ta mm sssaaaaa sgaafi rmtrnrn- Tka (kraMlrla ItalMlaa THE DAILY r Matt. rMian ratal. Only$6.70aVear. The Weekly Chronicle Ii faiUi f tt'alj h III Cctfrj. $1.50 a Teat UMt4l a illaa n V mmf tmr mt IK CIU4 NHaa ial4 ttvB, TTafrt V C"H"Ji't R. if- m,mm a4 aaat , I aa . mmm, mmm la (aa 4, r-tmtmrr a mt mt I ..mmmtmmm mt nan a al at,i ,, ttmrn. Wlaa mtmmmt . mm !, aviaa AMin.1 CUPIlf IHT tHml. IK) YOU WANT Till; chronicle: Reversible Map? aliowiKit Tb UaitfJ SuIm, Dosbloa cf CicU ir.J Nor.isra Haico Q A4 ta I Hap of tho World OPf TttM fttttKn !tjK. IPi aw4 a4 t.e tka t.f a4 Wawkly t Keowl. I fa 0a Taaaa, !" yaal4 m Hmp lai rasa AM aaa M. II. ttm VHttwri, m JaOkjj'faMi DREADED CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED. T. A. Bloeom, M. V.., the Great Chemist and Scientist, Will Bead, Free, Thrte Bottles of Bis Newly Discovered Remedies to Haffrrera. Editob Gazetts : I have discovered a reliable cure for Consumption and all Bronohinl, Throat and Lnng Diseases, Qeneral Decline, Lose of Flesh and all Conditions of Wasting Away. By its timely use thousands of apparently hopeless oases have been cured. Ho proof-positive am I of its power to onre, that to make its merits known, I will send, free, to any afflicted reader of yonr paper, three bottles of my Newly Dis covered Remedies upon reoeipt of Ex press and Poatoffioe address. T. A. 8 LOCUM, M. 0, 98 Pine Street.New York When writing the doctor, mention this paper. A Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-' ent business conducted lor Moderate Fees. Our Office ia Opposite. U. 8. patent Office and we can secure patent, ia less time tnaa those remote from Washington- Send model, drawing or photo,, with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not. free of charge. Our fee not due till patent la secured. , A Pamphlet," How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S, and foreign, countries sent UGB, Auurcsa, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opr. Patent Office, Washington. D. C. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. dt Q., C. M. & 8t. P., C. A A., P. Kt. W. dt C, and the C. St. L. & P. Railroad. RATES a.oo PKW IAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bt., CSICAO-O, ILL. TMU. S. GOVERNMENT PAVING MILLIONS A MONTH I To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their . Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a ' relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars I on whom you depended for support ? 1 I THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED 1 UNDER THE NEW LAW . To receive 1 pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new ' law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it ) to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from tha . time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. 1 trWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. J No Fee unless successful. I The Press Claims Company ) PfillP W. AVIRETT, General Manarer, ) 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. K. HThlt Company it cmlrnlM fcy nearly on fAoutand teadfnf twir- ! Doners fa I Km Vnlltd Hlttrm anil tm imnrnmUmA hmi Immmrn Attorneys tit Xnw, All busloasa altanded to manner. Notaries OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDINO, QErPNER, 1 WHITE COLLAR LINE. n 1 1 lvs - . . w iflium 10 Kirnponri VwmA VnnnH u IB 111 III I T I .m ill 111 11 1 - - - Slfiaffi TFiEl'DONE, BAHET 6ATZERT 1XD OCEAS WAVL Leaving Alder Sirtal Deck. Torilaod, for AaUvla, Ilaaoo. Loaa Baaek. fWs IVk and Nabclta. Dtraet sono'eetio. .lib iliaJK .id raiir road; also at Toong's Bay atiib Saaabors lUilroad. X 33 Za 33 X XX O rX XI ltm Portland T A. H. Pally, t.cvpt Sunday. Lmvm Atlurla P. ht. Patly, (iral fciM,,. BAILEY OV.TOISUXl.l' Uava PortSand is PJI Illjr a.ind.v. a.M.f airht. 11 p. m. I.tm A.tt. Dai It a alt U AV M.,icst4auadaf aad M-iadaf. auudaf alfbl. f. fct, ' , OOMAM' WAVH lMvaarrllaiMlaMrtin4lrr4tolw. T ! aad TaurMar al A M S.H.M.. .1 1 a as U.,- .M V,la.U, and r,td.r at aV iT Sa iatu, SiJrVi ' ' fae CWlti to RiibiJ IVjIkiSki &a!i Bfv! Fw tf Eipfs far AaMr. Pft. Cohort, Plnm. Tra.rt oa tka T.hoaa. kaltef Oalaart a ad Orwaa m Keeley Instituto mm iTN n ' It to Advertisers at .1 great financial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we mu5t sell it. Tm; Patterson Puhuihing Co. oV Theeomparetivevaluaeftheaatvroeat i Is known to moat persona. They llluatrata that greater quantity la -j Mot always most to ba desired. , j .-. , The card expreaa th bnficUl a.aat- Ityof - . , i RlpansTabutes As compared with any prevloualy knowa DYSPEPSIA CURB a ' " . ' ' Ripan Tabula ! Price, 50 cants a boa, j Of druggiats, or by mail. BIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Sprues .,(!. ' WANTFD-AN IDEASU'". thing to patent? Protect your ideas t; ther may orinK you weauu. unw "uu" "?r" BURN fc Ca, Habsnt Attorneys, Waahimtosv, D. C for their 1100 prize offer. The regular subscription prion of tha Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and tha regular prioe of the Weekly Oregonian ; is 91.50. Any one subscribing for th , r Gazette and paying for on year ia f advance can get both tbe Gazette and , Weekly Oregonian for $3.50. All old sub. ; sonbers paying their snbscriotions fer i one year in advance will be entitled tr tbeaama. -i Nbw Fbed Yabd. Wm. Gordon, hal . nncnajl nn tlia, 9t.mA mmwA Mwfr Anm l. the Gazette office, and bow solicits -share of your patronage. Billy is right j at borne at tbia business, and yont , horses will be well looked after., Prioei reasonable. Bar and grain forsale. tf in a prompt and aatiafaotoir Public and Collectors. OEE00X 1 rt t it u f rwwsv a1'l 1 a. 1, For tho Curo o Liquor. Opium iU Tobacco Habits II Is karaM m uitm, Ott.a. rks MM ttttutiut Town tm fJU CVxu! Call at Ik Oairrra aatea Saa aatki. OUR STOCK OF a . . : SPACE IS TOO ni-AVY i AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD 1 V U'lnintirtn I a n in v Uii 111