"Merit Ulka" the n Intrinsic value of T Q H IfO Hood's Sarsaparllla. ' B C&I iitt Merit in medicine means the power to cure. Hood's 8arsaparilla possesses actual and unequalled curative power and there fore it has true merit. When you buy Hood's Sarsaparllla, and take it according to directions, to purify your blood, or cure any of the many blood diseases, you re morally certain to receive benefit. The power to cure is there. You are not trying an experiment. It will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drive out the germs of disease, strengthen the nerves and build up the whole system. THE HOUSK IS ORGANIZED. James Stuart Freeman, a well known printer, and (or a long time employed on the OregODian, died at the home of his Bentoa is Choaea Permanent Chairman and uncle,' J. M. Freeman, Jaoaarj 12th. in ' tB PPR Dd simonites are Downed, Portland. Deceased was a member of Multnomah Typographical Union. No. Capitol. Salem. Jan. 20. 1897, 63. Tbe funeral took rjlaca Thnrmlnv Oazette: Hunan nrfraniz?!? with ma. from 303 North Twenty. third street, enys jirity. Can be no doabt as to legality, the Oregonian. Mr. Freeman, abont No resistance offered. Cratke, of Clat- ten years ago, worked for the East Ore- sop and Misener, of Crook, democrats, gouian and will be remembered by many stand by organization. Patterson. people in Pendleton. JE. O. Mr. Free- The above telegram waa reoeived by man. was in Heppner awhile during the the Gnzstte abont 4:30 yesterday even past summer aud spent some time in the in?. Other advioes from Salem were to mountains near this oity in tbe hope the effeot that Benson bad been chosen Sarsaparilla Is the best, in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. that hie health might be benefited. Tbe progressive ladies of Westfield, lad., issued a "Womau's Edition" of the Westfield News, bearing date of April 3, 1896. The paper is filled with matter of interest to women, and we notioe tbe following from a correspondent, which the editors priuted, realizing that it treats upon a matter of vital Importauoe to Hood's Pills Do not purge, pain or gripe. All druggists. 28c A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the great political campaign is over and the winter season again with ns, all will want an adequate supply of fresh and varied reading matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of this the Gazette has made clubbing arrangements with a number of periodicals and now offers tbe following to all new and renew al s'nbsoribers: The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, 1.50.... , .... $8.50 " ; 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 3.75 ' N. Y, Tribune, $1.00. 8.00 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00.... ' 8.25 V. 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 3.75 Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 50c. 2.50 Leille't Weekly, $4.00 5.00 Here and There. , Grand coDoert. Heppner opera house. Saturday evening Jan. 30. Admission 80, 25 end 15 cents. Tbe Heppner Transfer Co., baa wood Jot Bale. 37-tf, Joe Gibson was up from Lexington yesterday, Dr. B. F. Vaughan returned from Sa lem this morning. Drink tbe celebrated J. H, Cutter whiskey. On tap at Chris Borohers', Mrs. Sam Donaldson and daughter, of Fossil, are visiting relatives in this 'city The Kediigut people will treat you right. Gall on them when in town. tf If yon want tbe beet of everything, go to the Orange Front, Joseph Biber.Prop.tf The meetings oonducted by Elder . Miller at tbe Baptist churob still con 't in tie. Heppoer'e oity election will be on band soon. Trot out your candidates, it . j on have any . Ortn Brians, ion of Mrs. B. F. Taoghan. who baa beeo very aiok for a week or more, is convalescing. Mrs. Pry Wilson came over from Mooument yesterday and is vlsitiog ber lister, Mrs. Julia Bradley. Jos Msateraon waa over from Mono meat tbe first of tbe week and took oat a load of freight yesterday, permanent chairman and it is now ex peoted that the house will prooeed to the regular order of business without further hindrance from the obstruction ists. We also reoe'ved this morning an other dispatoh wbioh we give below: Salem. Jan. 22, 1897. Gazette: Joe Simon, Barkley, Bourne, their sex: "The best remedy for Bna e,8nt 0tn8r populists beia a caucus croup, oolds and bronchitis that I have ln ,De 86nate cnamoer last night for tbe been able to flod is Chamberlain's POT0860' delaying organization. Simon Cough Remedy. For family use it has is out witu the PPul"s oan't suo- no equal. I gladlv reoommend it." 25 oaea senator Mitooeii is growing in and fiO nanr hnUl inr u h finn.oi. strength and has more Brook. Hon. T. T. Geer, meseenger of tbe Oregon eleotoral oollege to the president of the United States senate, left Saturday afternoon for Washington, D. C, carry ing tbe result of tbe vote of Oregon's eleotors in his pooket, and he will per sooftlly deliver tbe paokage to Vice- President A. E. Stevenson. Mr. Geer will remain in Washington until Mo Kinley and Hobart have been inaugu rated into their high offices, returning to bis home near Salem about tbe last of March. For sale About thirty tons of rye bay, looated about two and one-balf miles of Hardman. Also 400 acres of good raoge, fenoed, to go with same. Plenty of outside government range near at hand. Shelter for 2,000 head of or large band of cattle. Good bouse on plaoe. Call on Gazette office for particulars. A rare chance to get bay cheap. All signs indicate a hard winter and delays are dangerous. tf John B. Lash, who has been Pendle- tou's city recorder for tbe past six years, was arreeted on Wednesday morning and is now held to answer to tbe charge of being a defaulter. He is said to be short in his accounts with the city over $2000 and tbe investigation has not ended yet. Mr. Lash bas been a very popular officer and bis present digraoe falls not lightly on his family and nu merous friend. Our old friend and former Morrow oonnty boy; Frank H. Snow, bas gone into the newspaper business again on bis own acooont, having bought out tbe Petalumtan, a paper published at Pets lnm, Calif. We wish Frank suocess in abuudance, and kuow that it rustle will make business tor a newspaper, be will succeed . Supt. J. W. Bhlpley retarned home from Portland on Weduesday morning. He left Mrs. Hbipley in Portland noder the physician's ore, but reports thai she it rapidly Improving. While Oelow Mr. Shipley attended the state tvaoher a meeting at Salem where he says Be Dad a pleasant as well as profitable time. Word reoeived (mm Salem yesterday announced that Cbaa. Johnson wai much improved. Ills (ever b id broken and be is cow thought to be out of dan ger. Mr. Jobnsoo bai been liok at Sa lem tor about five weeki and for a time it wai feared ha oould not get well. Tbe new Chriftiaa cburoh building Is votes than he needs. Patterson. The following, taken from tne Balem Statesman, constitute the grounds upon whjoh tbe organization was effected: A reporter of the Statesman oalled for Senator Mitchell last evening and in quired if be was willing to express an opinion as to the constitutional power of tbe house to organize and transao, business with a less number present and qualified than two-tbirda of the mem bers elected to tbe bouse. He answered as follows: ''While it is perhaps a delicate thing for me to state an oipinion, oonsi Jering tbe positiou I bold as the nominee of the republican) for Uuited States sena tor, I regard tbe question as one absolu tely free from doubt, and as having been well settled by numerous legislative and judicial adjudications. I am clearly of tbe opinion that a majority of those elected to the house have a perfect right to organize the bouse permanently, and that snob h iuse, when so organized, provided there are present two-thirds of tbe number aotuiilly present aud duly qualified, wbeather a majority or more than a m:j irity, have a perfect right to transact any and all legislative Dusiaess pertaining to the bouse of representa tives. In order that I might be fortified in this opinion by tbe very highest au thority in tbe Uoited States on this sub ject, I yesterday wired H -o Gjo. F Hoar, chairman of the judioiary commit tee of the United States senate, aud I herewith hand yon oooins of my tele gram to Senator Hoar, and of bis ans wer to me. It will be seen Senator Hoar, oonfirms tbe view I have stated." "8alem, Or., Jan. 19, 1897. "Hon. G. F. Hoar, Ohalrmin Jndioi ary committee, U. S. Senate, Washing ton D. C.: "Tbe constitution of tbe state ot Ore goo provides as follows: .' "First: "Tbst senate shall consist of thirty, and bouse ot representatives of sixty m-mberst.' ( "Seoond: Tw'i-thirJi ot each home shall oonstitnte a quram t d bnlnsi, but a smaller number uiay moot adjourn from dav to day aud compel the attendance of absent member.' "Query: Can the home organize per manently, a mnj rity only beiug preteut, gtitntionally valid, at least twenty-four bemg present. Two-thirds of the thirty- five being all the lawfully qualified members will then make a quorum. Tbia dootrine was settled in tbe national sen ate and bouse during tbe rebellion, and has been acted npon in those bodies ever sinoe. I have given this opinion to Senator Mitohell. Gno F. Hoab." "In further confirmation of the cor rectness of the oonstruotion I place upon tbe constitutional provisions ot our state, I beg to band you the following diipatob, voluntarily and without any request from me sent this evening by Senator Thurston, of Nebraska, one of tbe emi nent lawyers ot tbe nation, and late ohairman of the republican national convention at St. Louis:" " Washington, D. O , Jan. 20, 1897. "Hon. J. H. Mitchell, Salem, Oregon: "Strongly advise organization bouse with members ready. Eleot speaker. Notify senate and governor ot organiza tion. Jointly with senate agree on time ot voting for senator. If bolting mem bers hang out, appoint oommittee, in vestigate, report reason for their action, deolare seats vaoant. No doubt about legality such oourse believe suob action would bring absentees in quickly. "John M. Thubston." "In view, therefore, of the decision of this acknowledged authority on such subjects, to wbioh both parties have ap pealed, it would seem there ought not to be any further hesitation upoo the perl ot the house of representatives in pro ceeding to business." WHAT OUB EXCHANGES SAT. The Oregonian but smooth or two ago oalled Jonathan Bourne a aooundrel, and the free silverites anarchists. Now it is like peas in a pod with the whole lot. It indorses their action in holding' up the state, and lays tbe house is not organized beoause the parties who want to organize it intend to do so on a boodle basis. That Jonathan Bourne, Joe Si mon, the populists, tbe demoorata, the free silver republicans, the Oregonian and its "anarchists'' all want it organ ized on an economical basis. Is tbia true? Is it true that the legislators the OregODian urged the people to vote for are all thieves, and the other fellows all saints? Tbe Oregonian, like an os trich, bas stnok its bead in the sand and imagines it is bidden, being unaware that the larger portion ot its anatomy ia plainly visible. Tbe Dalles Chronicle. Tbe thing to do, geutlemen ot the leg islature, is to make a record of oommon sense, industry, frugality and dispatoh in handling the business with which you have been intrusted. But yon are not doing it. Telegram. Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Buoklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King'e New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy io action and are Tbe legislative entanglement is the natural fruit of duplioity in politioa. Unscrupulous methods, long pursued, are met by irregular and arbitrary ao lion. Oregonian. A frank ooofesBion is good for tbe eoul; and sinoe the Oregonian is tbe duly BOtnated agent of duplioity and un scrupulous methnds.it gives as pleasure to repnnt tbe deathbed repentanoe ot tbe old sinner. Salem Statesman. The plaoe to carry tbe deadlook is within the legislature and not by the subterfuge of playing hide-and-seek be' bind the hatraok whenever there ia a? particularly effootive in the oure of Con- indication ot a quorum being present in I i rw T3I . 1t. I lha Kull rf aarraaiwt a t maal I hlctA tav nit stiDation ana sick aeaanone. ror aiu- i .!..OTou,.,,.. i I l ihhbiimii J ' This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. Blackwell's Genuine BULL DURHAM Ton will And one coupon Inside each 1 ounce bac and two coupons Inside tech 4 ounce bag. Buy a uag, reoa lae coupon ana see now to get our autre of 1250,000 la present. mm Hotel Palace .....HEPPNER, OREGON Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop Guests will find the best of accom modations iu every respect. laria and Liver troubles that have been proved invaluable. Tbey are guaran teed to be perfectly free from every deleterious eubstanoe an.i to be purely vegetable. Tbey do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorating tbe system. Begular size 25a. per box. Sold by Couser & Brock, druggists. Those who resort to this triok are not doing what tbey were elected to do. Unless de tained by aickness or other unavoidable oause their plaoe is in tbe legislature, where tbey were commissioned to go, and where everybody has a reasonable riaht to expect tbem to be. La Ciraode Cbroniole. A Cure for Lame Bark. "My daughter, when recovering from an attack of fever, was a great sufferer from pain iu tbe back and bips," writea Louden Urover, ot Wardis, K.y. "After using qite a number of remedies with- Uow to Care all Skin Diseases." No internal medicine required. Cures out any benefit ehe tried one bottle of etter. eczema, iloh, all eruptions on the Chamberlain a Pain Balm, and it has fnoe, bands, nose, so., leaving ine sain dear, white and healthy. Its great bead ing and curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your drug gist for Swayne's Ointment. "biven entire relief." Chamberlain's Pain Balm is also a oertain oure for rheumatism. Sold by Conser & Brock Timber Culture Final Proof. Notice for Pablicatloa. United Atatrs Land Orru., NOTICK IB HEREBY OIVKN "THAT WKhLrY T. MpNanb.ol Lexlimton. Oresnn. he tiled notice of Intention to make final proof before Joaeph L. (ilbeon, U. H. Com. at nil office In Lexington, Oregon, on Wedneeday, the loth day nf March, lttri.nn timber culture eppllcntion No. w:t4, for the nk4 o Motion no. at, in lownimp Dorman end Vandevere L. Colter, of Eight Mile, Oregon. Milum n. Morgan ana Memo a. oiuen.ot lone, Ormon. t-I9 j as. r. A Pleasant Farty. Last Monday evening a very pUasao t little party was givo at tbe reiidanoe ot Mr. aud Mrs Otis Patterson in honor ot A. W. Patterson, wbo was home from Salem oo a ahort visit and ba friends ...I. hi- kin, I No. 1 iiiith. Kanne No. 24 eaut. ..on iui. uvr"' - - Hi,lamei Mwlte..e.: Thomas I. surprise An exaeiieni auppor waa served at 630, after wbioh the oompauy playe I whist and other sooial games no til 920, when Mr. Patterson was com pelled to take bis departure in ordt'r to oatch ihe outgoing traiu on bis return to Salem. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Wo, Duan, Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Bartholomew, Mr. and Mrs. (Jo. Con ser, Mr ami Mrs. U. W. mrwioiomew, Mrs. P. B. MaSrord and Messrs. A. V7. Patterson, T. It. Lyons a id Josef Muel ler. The Trouble is Over! We Mean the Election. But that Makes no Difference With T 1. R HOWARD Who never lets politios id tor (ere with business. At the same old stand, next door to M. Lichtenthal's. MMHK. KegUtor. Till le Your ixrtuulty. SHERIFFS SALE BY VfRTl'E OF A WARRANT IRHt'ED OVT nf the County Court of the HtnW of Oregon for the County of Morrow, to me directed, com mending me to levy on the goods and chattels of the delinquent taxpayeri named on the de linquent tax roll for eld county for the yeare Iwil, imt, lain, UM and 1HW, thereto attached, and none be found then upon the real iimrerty a ii't forth atnt dcacrllied in theaald delltiii'iit Ui rolla, or ao much thereof shall aatlily the amount of taxea charged therein, together with coati and expeuao. I have duly levied, having been unable to find any gmula or chattel! belong ing to the respective dt'liiiiiiciit hereinafter na tiled upon lite following acrlled piece or par- crii of lana aa art iiirm in aaitl tot una, lyim and sucb bouse elect a senator and law fally do other legislative business pro- On rweipt of ten cents , cnidi or atmis, and ilng " "' ..r.'rYiI.wa" .. ... a ..nn. n..n em,,iei.m ami will rw vided two-tbirds of such maioritv are ........ . , .n.t.- n t.f. uee BOlweil BDQ Wli rwumra irou r-j ....... .--k-"- - - - immi niiumr m.iTiii nnn ,imj nm v.... Anrtrew, c , ), , W gtanberfa Portland on Wedneaday morning. Lee la much improved in health. Tbe data for tba grand benefit oonoert ot Iba First Christian cburob baa beao changed to Saturday evening, Jan. 30. J as. Ilaffer and wife departed for Port- rsadv for dedication the last Huoday ot this mooth. Elder W. F. Cowden, ot T acorn a, will bave cbare ot tbe deJioa tory ceremonies. 0iofl to tha special religious services wbioh are bing held oigbtlv ia this City, I the W. a T. U bave ludetlailely post poned tbeir publio temoereooe meeting, land oo Wedneaday evening wber Mrs. annnoaced to take place on tha eveolog llsger goes to reoeive medioal treatment, of January 2oib. Ben L. Lei and, ot Murphy k LclaniL merchants at Monnmeot, came in yes terday to look attar aome bosloeaa mat ters. Tbia offloe aekoowlcdgrs a pleasant call this afternoon from Mrs. Oeo. Oooser. aed Mrs. P. B. McS Words. Gall again ladies. Royal Diamond, ran Fired Japan, on- eolor ed. Tba beat 25a tea ever sold In Ueppner. P. O. Tbotrpeoa Oo tba leatlera. It Tba FJki ara eipeoted to be In Depp. Ileorv Vaoderpnol, aooompaoiod by bis bmtbar and siatr and ber baabaod. arrived from Yamhill eounty Wedaeaday mornluir. llenrr haa been absent in tba valley lor soma time visiting bis rela lives. presentf Thirty-ona republicans and four demoorata, being all the demt- orais In lbs boose, thirty Bf in all, ara now present in lbs b' OS ready to organ ise; wbila nlneleeo populists, being all tba populist members ot tba bouse, and six bolting republicans refuse to come In and be swora. While wa believe tha bouse haa a perfeot right to permanently orgeniie provide! thirty-two or more members are present, and Ibat two-thirds of mob members atll constitute a quotum to enable tbe bonis not only to eleot a senator, but traoect any and all (Ely's Crmm Iinli.i) sn!ciant to demon- strata the grcnt rt.cctt or tua tvnieay. ELY nnoT!ii;i:ft, tU Warren H., Krw York City. Bev. John Reld, Jr.. f fir. FallsMont, reootumeuded Ely'i ( ream ItaUu lo me. 1 can smpiiaxtte hi it( innit, 'it ie rl. Ufa cure for ralnrrh If nml an direct !." Itev. Frmnci V. I'.xJi. TaaUir Oulraipres. CburcU, llulcna, Mont F-ly'sTroam Palm Is the ckttovladged I vL,knt.ilL'uiJnCn.V,ultmMi ears loc raiarrn ana oou'aina do mrrcnry nor any iujuriiws drug. J"rio, 60 eeota. addilltiiin to the town of lIcDimer. lai lwH a a El rick, Samuel lot 5 and bik s. Casus Koca; tat I'M I. 4.1 cU, Ixllt, ti Ml Oarred. Ulyaaea lota S. 4 and IS, tilt t Caatle KiM'k ; tax lw, t. INtH, 7V .. Rem otto lota IV and . big I, Caatle Rock; UI irwa. 4tc, 1, ttf Shlpey, J B loU 7 ami a. blk t, CaMla Rin g; tax tr, imh, mtc Now la the time to get tbe Weekly eialttve business, yet iu orler to Oregonian, Ihe greatest newspaper ot bi, dolion. tbe roi .nti it . tl' a U. Ilk Ika lldaollA hnlh all !.. I ' Ilia n Mb n IIU 1 1 J at g aajt'i arMiivv- . . . , , . , . annvwM I;"nad..oce.oo. year, 1-1.60. No better b.v. been patiently w.UU., In the bop. combination of oeaipatwra eaobe made "I secorlng tbe preawooe ot two thirds , The Tklr4 Heaaa. Front The DalleaChroulcls. Tbe "Third Home" organised at Bales a few nights agu with Mr. Iloltnao, a Morlblttgton. M V lota I and I. blk II, t'aalleHockj UlMMtV, e4 It .. rarrlnk. iMvld J lot . IS and 17, blk II, Ml Vermin add It Ion lo Heppner: tax t . lo feet oil aaat Part hit 1. blk T. hK I. blk II. Ml. Vernon addition lo Hupp. tier; tax Iwn "e. I"4 II 4i Bremer. WmJ Kt d t S, lp 111,1; Ul ll ii, w tit r.xep, w it ft i of ec M, tp I n. r ; tag IM 1 40 n l a I 41 Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's Furnishings, etc. T. R. HOWARD, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. THE PALACE HOTEL 1JAK, J. C. BOEOI rlHSRS, Prop. . - Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. On ml 1 1 . I'M It 11 Clark. W and WU of SY'i. aee !, Ip I a. r 7; lax pw M.w. Itw aa.w . Bramel. Til N W t of n a tp b, I 34; lax tl iel fi fi 'a tbe elate, A suroriee Darly waa given M. D. tlat- loway last evening at bla photograph gallery, a large a a to ber ot the young tMoble ontnint In oo mm witn a man. tier la fall force on wedoeeasy neii ruey report naving naa a gowi wbea tbe new lodge will be Instituted at B,t- Tnompeon rooa stage between this nlaee. I Heppner and Honamant, arriving every IWmember tbe grand beoafll oonoert . ' ,IHtl,llllit. Hbortoat andebeap- eonwofl at the opera boneeoa Satorday Mi tooi u, tbe latanor. Oooaar A evening, Jan. 80. Tickets 11 be for llroek, ag enia. eeJe at Ooeser A Brork'a. ti,,. in(i etiarley Jnaee are ae- J. M. Fisher, a form-r resident of Ibis social! toghr down at Charley e I CI til DIXKia ID IO HJHIl !- Mu-mw-, of all tbe nxmbere elected to the hoots before organising. -Aay euggMiion or aovioe yoo are rilling to give for Oa bere will be great ly appreciated. John II. Urn am.u" Waablngtoa, D. t, Jee. 13. 1J7. "lion. J l.n II Mitchell. Halem. Oregon "I tblnk two-thirds of number actually qualified niske a good eoaalitntkma) quofoni. If only thirty flee qualify tbey may organise aod lawfully do baa I- 1 attorney. io the epe.k.fe ebair, Valy eesaiaa was bad. A OOta- Chaplain, iHinlel ef.14 of hay and N'i on credential, wa, appolnl.4 'UlJ. TpWTX ".! livaly Dlttee that wonl l not agrux, and Oils Patler- sis.of Heppner, tnyU a speech all tbe tame O'lUn. Thete were mey g od tbioga perpetrate I, among I hem wae one from the speaker. One member waa oo hie feet enveral linvw. claiming for re- ogoltioe, and falllog to gel It, finally yelled out, "Mr. Mpeaker, I rU for In form a Una. " I ol man laeiaotly rtvng- t u 4 14 at 1 tl it a at I 10 Main Street, HCPPNCR, OREGON You Should all See It. Con)e in at Once. GILLIAM & BISBEE. The Lancashire Insurance Co. ! MANCIIICMTICM) ICNUUANII . W riTTERSnx. AGKNT. ' - " couoly.bot nbo is new eol In sbeep- ralslag over near Weieer, Idaho, arrived ia Heppner yesterday awe log, Dora-At 1eiinftoo. Or, oo We-lnee day. Jan. 13, lt7, to the wife of Jerry rbtlllpe, o e. Jerry le improving aed bltallimaro leoovery le looked for, Chorea eervicet will be dimlad nreteg aod evtelog ia Ibe M. & rhnreb rV.oib. ieaae of tbe laabiilty of (be fU lo eeadaH Ibe eervir. Call on Ihets aod get your atlekers pushed le. " I'htll O.ha. manag-f of llepimer'a srehnnM, will y lh blabwl markM l.nre for bl.lea, tor atiep twlit, , Hi mg tottr tut lee to bias. " ki..l l.tn ...in. ' I'TK. 1 1 Mfn a t x.e. nan. Soe.,,o, .Da priori,.!. KV 0frwrn,u,o. As be n.e-lt II 10 lied in national boneo and eebeU ie I larger qneilitia. than any nna In tba lime of the reUalll n. leiaK I will oprxinit a oo mantle, of t.. ,-fi . m ii I to lk blT mil lo lb. e..a rooia ao i I .-i, ..... ..k.x Tk. f.. ... k.nl Bl..lh.l l.ll I... " - - - I" I may elale IU4 I am ihl evening lo reciit nf a eenmd tlwpaeit froin Hena- Ir ll.iar, and from aticb II e n IIkw bt a'e agae. In Ibe rgi!aiive hold ap fr a e w,U t b'-ort. Te HeM Wag ta fare lHee to to eeUhheb beallb. Tore, lcb W-4 mesas g.irKl beal'U. Ilond'e (r M ppn , t,i anlei Hrpills is Ike oae tree blood ixjrt. flar. It Inoee 00 tbe wbote tltWm, E. rta-loe oat over from I (tM Ma. atrgtb and eaoM flleat file! Ilrklag Plleo. Hmpt-ime: Monlore; tnletiaa lleblng and tlngliig : ro't at llhl; wore by ....1.1.1. If mltmmA Li Atdllttlu Irtm ap, lt.ro.ikb ousol tbeir oMorneye. ap- (fm f,,B b m4 nltmtm. pe.lej sla t m lb asm b h aolU'flty I io imie very are. Moarae'e Oitit Tbe i"1! l Hchlng atxt tiHMwiiag, TeadlHt.0 Tueaday aed teld eeftt lo ik. Vf t? rboerh in Ibe elaf. after blob be rtlerae4 borne ea tbe evenleg Irate. W. J. Ktrklaed. ef ladetwa-Uoee, Ur aa ia Ueppner over yeief dy looking of!., eoeiaaoe mtiurs. Tile of0a no k.nllw a lileftMkt sail ft tbe SB w rm - -w V geotlemaa a.kaeea Bel r.iOenee and Lai a to dl- apar. ? ofhef modiwa. b4 .ch O reoord of wondeffal earee aa Ho4 harUla. lUJ e Tilie ara tba tet after d.aaee pttlt aet lige.in. tr-at eoa.lipa- ll'0. fo'ilooieg la Iba dlepalcb Jol rec4 frotn H-oaUf II ir, obicb epeake for Itaelf." M'neltingliO,D CJ..J.0 i, Ufl. II .a. J -bo II. Mm Utl, K,lw. Orejoo: "I bve seat Iba following di.palrb le C A tvdpb in feepne. to bis loitilrv; deal alcra'too. an I in tonal e me Iba ltinvf. At drais'tete, or by mail, tnr M erliU. 1'hila.leJpl.ia. xirilon xini'iiol tn th. . KAN, cninpanr lor rtehluf nay. elan eWlt nf M i M ear jn. tp t a, r U; Ul p.m. i"4. lu nel.h, II KeWta rrf NW, and NUPWH oi arc n, id i a, i mi ut iww s im II W Iethormen, lald. R.taUl nf kkt nf l of are lan1 nf n, Ip4a.randte 4 a W . rf la. Ip . r . ewt nl and kg jkO w l lu 4 a. r C. Ul l .... K.t-r w H(,rl, litiiM.kl ivu i m. ih in t ei'la.ll, '. 1h. tlelnj rf. W 14 nf el.1. .d r't f kh " M a, ip i i r l lax io It. l- II a. -rt r of. Kr-lrh. r V-i attta and atteaf iand ''' J,IiIb, r pwt u ii , . . Mrlftt.uf. Mr M 4 a, ol M 14, ta I IS, Ul l-H Mr-f n M ak'f Wand lot t and t lp I a. I H, Ua l"t Kin. rur a 't of m s r i. i ti; to w Mraibtn Mul e-e 9, It) t a, I lal nillUnvMi. la.M KWi, nf aw H, l n, I r. lal bm 1 . H. u . U'tr H-learH Iti, mt mm at, tf I U. t H lai lli! Iml ii .... Mr kto,ar J O fm 14, lal. f . lai l.'iltx lt .. e1.a. iltd t nf H and nf n tp I a I a. Ul lH lUnk" Win a a nf m 14. 1.1 i,f O, Ul ! IH. hwayne A H.hi, '-'X',1' Um - " a. r-i WktiiMn II II ul m 17 and ta II, t 1 1, t , Ul ivi t na, 4 i i r "It Sa a tun!inj Un that, nWm !l!it etrrpfjfi, the? iurtin "If Oreg t,o e..ii(qtwm tro.i.l. boae faa are iLnrrnua to hr -Ith, Sme ,f reprev.oLtite. tball ! i.f t lly tAtt-m art attu!v twvmtwl." I'h n..n WW Ww nw II, l I . f ft, Ul la.. n. ffm ... f aiiKi.. I a lilt nf H ee. it if 1 1 r I. Ul IM Tr la l ly.....; ) a I J(t ,w. 11,1, I t a-d at H. ta 14 and Schilliitr's I'd! mans: SXto- -vt lave uVcn yuur numcy Tn J (nvsrfrtnilo(f''eof M eorgkral anJ 4jK;fit it f'lf en. ttne (wTalion eam ireiily t atl-n toial du. . apa f tt.nr. anl . W well as vc know how to. I. ro' a,' , or pro'tde a le naottenr and that lf ulalur may I !( imuiUf to ly, Whuh ttna Imea) d'ttin, aad further prr.vi II, at t.o Ibtr.U tf eaelt b'. a'fJI it. alitula lnniii to do ti-i n.aat. . . . " I .1 .1. I IM . f i.. I thai Iwotbude -r tl..(iniln. ica IXI.IUSC VOU IIKC it not ncauc it iictl -A'. Y. Ihr!l Yes; some not all. Hut that isn't the tniint You U.lqllr ntalifl.l na'tvilcr i.f eneb hN aa r4 lab net, )i mrn, al- liiiqb a ! fjnn,lf (l.aa a iy bate 4lfl"l. 4 a N-na r)o,tr IUn f-lf Your irrcKicr pays your ...trf .1 a. 1 i ri.-M.m, t i.,.. t . . 11 11 ia 11 ia nt 1 4 1st ia lot I n a I M t at 1 is fat t r H ft I ax a u t I at a Otwato A !) Too W-I flalfe to lr "' I t', BTfu knll It t.a4M fOn r:r-ir-r..T:.. m-.ncv tact if you don't vrjr?z2Xz!!zr- a, aiui oil rix i.i- 1 - - 1 " ---.-. 'LUhlarao, tVwea, and -'leely . ..... ...1 tl la , ,.,,...-, il I! aitair.ni vw r " " I'ficwSj raie f b I. fvl aalo by Cvteef A C"f IV. - '' like then. (.isnined t ge M ' low foil lnlel f'fann t j iJ ff , IU. ; aeli'Mi uf I ta aktjuity ef Ibe tlnrlr Bra I la off (, r or eWlmg a mtlnf, tif ttkef r(Mlatte bae.aeoe, ml ler eon . i aim.., a nt ar an , nn- a I, I , I II, U4 wl i . 1 . tn ) .. fai.t er M w . ia 1 a, 1 1. Im U- au.it. j a) rn4 aa', mm av.1. n f t,i !! tt.-m. tt uil nvi i4 i. ,lt a. f ,'. imt i , lax i 14 Nine n-.,i Mia I. ir 1 a, im. r. .. n,t,i,i n. u i" Il m 14 It .a 1 aMita i t.a,Mi iiti i , m.xm 1 mt tn ft k l wl l-e In, t ; t n.f -1 M Ht-v. Inn nu e m eKiia it na a --i ..in 41 an ainin nf U,,Ni.i., ua !! It a tm 11 m t iJ w a In . 0 f I e ui mn . at a tl lad nn tawlai !. Mnn 4at nf rna I.f .1 .1.. . . . . ... . .. A H u . A . antn I 1,-a, ta. . tw. ha u. kl.hl t- tmst, aW r 1 tm Mrii"i fc' aairfUf eea4 aita. 1- l iia timtm. f U Hittrg. M If aaawiff ef sire ta. fr you. 'I he ulwlcsoinc tra U alai the licNt-tatin: .Sir- ',..' ,itI nrru .ri.' at iMti aa la nit ta ,M ing s )o ai tjrutcrb in fc. ...... 4. ..-..i...u A t fc if fm0tf tYn ff Wnrlrt VI I p -sWlTH u mm : FILLS Youro JOU2sTJ3 to 'i.'iiko Km. Leaves No Constipation, -.,txa Core. t, os well ot all Itillioot,ea. Hi s lUa lacli. aaj Malaria. Tbe oale otia)riavai.o pill In lbs wotlit. HUl If all i1eH.ta or it by mail ao reM of anee, f, ar,U p-f U I. i llfc.VI IhH Mt lMOAl, CO . Haa fraaeleeo, Cat. etr.it pan Kt a Kirel- I V I I ( W II1 I Mral al Lt me Kala, vl 1 1 JlUlIilie French Cook, and White l abor only, employed. Good Rooms and Excellent Service Whir (1 The GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH,