131 ii 5'H"a'i77fg1 ifgglfa Bla' wt Qli2iaa if mitf HOUSE ORGANIZES. As will be seen from a dispatch sent from Salem, the Oregon house of representatives, acting on con stitutional law, as construed by the U. S. supreme court, and advo cated by most of the eminent law yers of our land, met in their hall yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and perfected an organization, more tnan a majority participating. This is following the course of our national house of representatives and senate at the beginning of the rebellion, and is in accord with numerous decisions of Btate su preme tribunals, so that the legal ity of the election of a senator and the passage of laws is not ques tioned. Senators Hoar and Thurs ton are among those who are well known as sound judges of law who have advised the action taken by our Oregon solons. What the minority will do is not known, but if they do not come in and partici pate m the workings of the body their places will be declared va cant This unholy fight, backed by Joe Simon, is a disgrace to the state of Oregon. If every republi can, yea, we will be broad in this application, if every taxpayer has not now had enough of Simonism, the Gazette is unable to imagine what on earth would disgust him. Bourne's ambition for speaker, coupled with Joo Simon's greed for corruption and boBsism, has cost this state thousands of dollars, but there is some consolation in knowing that by this act both have swept themselves into politi cal ruin from which they will nover recover, and the people of our state have been taught a valu able loHBOB. It is a woll known fact that the ueeloHS comumaious, as repre sented by pruHout iucumbotU, bavo been in sympathy aud have worknd to continue this holdup that no BOHsin of the lcgialature could I hold. By this, usoloss commiHsions that the peoplo tWire aholiahod would be continued fur another two years, and others whoHO tenure of oftice was acci dentally continued two years ago, to the preaont timo, will bo role- gated to private life. Thus ends a digrcful chapter in Oregon's history. That our su preme court will uphold the con stitutionality of all acts is not doubted. I ! WOVl.lt SACRIFICE ANYTHING. At this particular juncture, fol lowing the election of a republican president, it is foocntially neces sary that lolh homos should m in accord with the admibUtratioo The Louse is largely republican but the sonata is very cloorv, and this accounts for the anilely n presMnl by members of the senate that a republican senator 1 elected from Oregon. On this tot alone may rent the fate of legislation for which the joplrt of this nation liars decided. It is sitremely necivMtary that a republican -i-a- tr l-o rbowo from this ta. an. that Senator Mitchell socwd Llm lf. I'auallj republicans rijaxt that pu!iU and deuvicraU should pjae republican lunMurea, but it is Dt aocatomej to b thrultlej and held tip as a thief holds op t traveler on lie lii;ba, by its ou erpe, tf supptwndty Its on. It 1 an uu usual thing that any grrat bunder of rrpulltratia, or io flueocw of that character, is directed against its own, tut this condition MUU lo Off g.n. What Is the ob. ,mI? To 4 rprtottA tli i"rr re man mum onwos u thorn U f tuoft ItopoiLtic than that of th republican rty. To do this our fiiiid, th. rcriy, aro ap all 1. 1, and tu t without r- ;raA, XZh Buos,, tU Oreg 6Un, and the latter's late enemy, Jonathan Bourne, are the chief promoters of this signal outrage of Oregon's true republicanism. The Oregon ian, that paper which has sought time and time again tq break up the republican party in this state, is mainly responsible for this last dastardly affair. They all have been helped by the heeiero and cheap political slaves who trotted out Nortbup last Bpring for the purpose of defeating Ellis in this congressional distiict and to dis rupt the party. People of Mor row county, citizens of Oregon, have you any respect for this kind of work? Do you believe in con tinuing in power such influences? The Gazette believes that your eyes are opened. God speed the day when Simon will be thoroughly relegated to the obscurity of his" musty down town law office. May the Oregonian's mortgage wipe its present pro moters into oblivion and may clean hands succeed to its management. Both will do anything for personal gain or for self aggrandizement. Both are nearly done for. May this final and lasting disgrace forced upon our state complete a good job well begun. lilts hi Malarial : and Typhoit eras Case GIted in Three Oaks. Michigan mat Will Interest Delicate Women. The Effects of the Fever Were Felt in the Weak est Spots. A WARNING TO MOTHERS. What can be more distressing than to see a girl drooping and fading in the springtime of youth? Instead of bright eyes, glowing, rosy cheeks, and an elas tic step, there are dull eyes, pale, sallow, or greeoisb complexion, and a laogaid ness of step that bespeak disease and an early death it proper treatment is not promptly resorted to and persisted in until the impoverished blood is enriched, and the functions of life become regular. Upon parents rests a great responsibility at the time their daughters are budding into womanhood. If your daughter is pale, complains of weakness, is "tired oat" nnnn. thtt Bliohf.Aar avarh'nn if aha la SENATOR TELLER was re-elected I troubled with headache, backaohe, or at Denver on Tuesday, practically Poin in tbe Bidei her temper is fitful without onnosition ani her "PPet'te poor, she is in a oondi- the development of that most dreaded of JOHN P. JOKES will be returned all diseases consumption. If you notice to the senate from Nevada, as he BDy of ,hese BymPom " i"e in n.Af;fl.ll. hoa D!f5 proouring something that will assist the ' . -.-j, uuu U.O. .J , that will enrioh the blood sod restore Our readers should subscribe for the Oregon Statesman, of Sa lem. It is the leading republican paper of the state. BOIES PENROSE is the nawlv health's rosea to the cheeks, bright eyes nlAfltnrl HAnntnr frnm Pnnavlvnni0 ugntness oi step so that danger of U 1 O 1 n I vw"nwll'fc,ul niiu jficujuiiuic uamu win UO OUUUOCUO UDUOWl VniUBIUU. hnaaaelarl Wia. enA r.,U,.. will insist on this, upon the approaoh of Tmc ()rernnin rWinnn. tn ia lue P6rwa 01 Pretty, and thus avoid all I nriannna nt Alaaaa a n l lUAn 1 ii . . . , r x Muvuq VI UIDDIIOO Ul CQ1IJ UDUOJ CF.CDCuv ua DiwutiUu . ouieui, At Tbree Oaks. Mioh.. thrfl 1 1 1 , t m i . t I ' ana win noi give tlie lacts as they woman with a most remarkable history really exist The following story is given in ber owu words Da Williams Mkdioink Go., Boheneo taJy, N. Y. Qeutlemea : "There is so much to say about my case I hardly know which would be thought the most important. Seven years ago I bad an attack of malarial fever, which turned to tflA tvnhniil AfkAPlhut r nav.p full na n .i .... I IDE ArKansas legislature U as well -my nervous system was completely chosen Senator James K. Jones to unstrung. Five years ago last Mroh I BUCCeod himself, lie was elected ,ultlne firsk ymptoms of rhenmatism bv an overwhelming maioritv. lhe DMt Msrotl 1 KfiPP bioh tnnfloular rheumatism. I became bet Don. J. N. Brown has prepared H.nk. Tt .Altl . . m. . ... numorous bills which he will in- Lip, and was then called aoiatioa I was troduce as Boon as the house is blistered several times without aoy re- ready for business, lie is a busy "PDl all ' that winter in bed man and is working diligontly for lha De" ,prl011 1 WM ,bla ,0 u 001 r j Ii;,!. i... i i.. a .. ....... u t .i -.-t. I11B pOOpie. , l,i.lAPA.I ao.in Thi. tlm.ll... kept the blisters sure for over two weeks, WILLIAM E. Mahon has boon bl1 I received no benefit nominated bv the renubheana of this 1 bad suteeo b.ils.oraom a Illinm- fr .nnfnr TI.a .n.lri.l ,Un ,imiUr' 00 ,b8 riht iiJ- 1 m I ; . " ; 7 . . . taru0 crooked .n.l bad to use a ugui in mai siaie uas neon a warm u9 ,heo w,,keJ. , ,a4iu gl)l , ht one, but it IS now settled, Mr. Ma-Ills better, but iu February treeum son being the unanimous choice of worse, aod my back gave out oompteWly the republicans in caucus and this " ,utlcoold not straighten. Thedoo-1 have s.eu me suff-r an.l koow just biw From the Press, Three Oaks, Mich. pain powders, aod I had to take four or five at night as I would awake nearly every hour in terrible pain. "A yeir agr last May I again com menced taking Pink Pills. I ould only lie on my right side and was so helpless that I could not turn or get up without being lifted. After I bad taken four or five boxes I could turn over on my left side. I then oommeoced to have some faith in the medicine, aod began to take three pills after eaoh meal. I did not have chills any more and my circulation was better. "After I had taken seven boxes I oould sit up. I gained right along after this, walked with the assistance of a oaue, aod io September threw that aside and have not used it since. I am not strong enough to do hard work, but can do light house work. I had also been a sufferer for sizteeu years with painful menstruation. Evary time I would have to lie dowa mist of the time, as it was impossible for me to stand. At last they nearly disappeared Every time thoy should oome I would oramp and would have to usa hut apoii oationa, aud would taka but si ngs, tea and every kaina ra nedv, but of no avail. After ming Pi ok Pills two months they oame on without aoy pain whatever. It haj been two years siuoe there had beau auy color. The dictor said it might be the titra of life, but as I was tw young, only thirty thre be thought it straage if.it was. Now I am just as anyone should be at those time.). "Another trouble I had was a weak stomaob from a child. Every little while t would have bad vomiting spells, con sequently the doctors found m-) a very hard patient lo treat. My physician said ha bad spent mire lima in studying toy case than that of aoy patient he ever bad. Several physicians adviited me to use an eleotric battery. We got one and I oseJ it for some time be ore I oom- menoed using the pills, and continued it (or awhile after I began using them, but found out I Oould get along as well without it aod just depended oa the pills. "When I commenced using them I was so discouraged that I bad given up the thought of ever being any batter, as after very attaok I was so luooh weaker and more helpless. It eoemi almost a mira cle to me that after trying so many rem a dies that your medicine should have helped me so much I oan now walk quite a distauoe without gettiog very lire, and the buuoh on my back is much smaller than it was. "I osn furnish pleuly of proof that theie statements a-e all true from friends wh o SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COCRT OF THE TATE of Oregon, for the County ot Morrow. William I'euliUKl, Plaintiff, Vi. William Doonan ai d Mary J. Doonan. Defendant. To William Doonan, one of defendants herein: In the name of the btate of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and antwer or other wise plead to the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the next regular term of of the above entitled court, to Wlt: The First Day of March, 1897, and if you fail so to answer or otherwise plead, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judg ment against you for the sum of five hundred and ninety-one and 13-100 dollars, together with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 15th day of October. 18H5 until paid, and for the sum of fifty dollars attorneys tees and for his costs and disbursements in this suit; and the court shall decree that the mortg age executed bv the said William Doonan and Mary J. Doonan to plaintiff hererein, dated the 12th day of April, 1894, upon the following des cribed real estate, to-wit: The east half of the northeast quarter of section '28 and the south east quarter of section 28 and the south half of the southeast quarter and the south half of the southwest quarter of section twenty seven, all in township one south of range 27 east of the Willamette meridian, be foreclosed, and the said real property sold and the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment to plaintiff of the above named sums of money; that all of the defendants, and all persons claim ing through or under them, or any of them, shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all right, title, eBtate, interest and lien at law and in equity, and all equity of redemption, in and to, ana upon every part ot sam real property. This Summons is Dublished pursuant to an order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made at chambers, Pendle ton, umauiia (jounty, uregon, on me lain aay of January, 1897. ELLIS & LYONS, ouh-zu. Attorneys tor riainnn. STORE SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for the 1 ountv of Morrow. J. A. Woolery, Plaintiff, vs. Samuel E. Walker, Defendant. To Samuel E. talker. Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com. Plaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before the first day of tne next regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit: March the first, 1897; and if you fail to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum. One Hundred Sixty and 65-100 Dollars with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 11th day of Oct. Vot the sum of One Hundred Twenty-five and 20-100 Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 11th day of uct. ikio: lor tne sum ot twenty-nve dollars at torney's fee and for his costs and disbursements. This Summons is served by publication pur suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowtst, Judge of the above entitled court, made on the 2lith day of Dec, 18UU. J. N. BROWN, 505-17. Attorney for Plaintiff. I mm BISHOP'S HBPPER, OREGON 20,000 POUNDS OF Consisting of Tables, Chairs, Hookers, Bedroom Suites, Bedsteads, Book Cases, Lounges, Sofas, Spring Mattresses, Wool Mattresses, Parlor Suits, Center Tables, etc., etc. Brussels Carpets, Wool Carpets, Mattings, Sideboards, Mirrors, Hat Backs, Hanging Lamps, Portieres, Pillows, Blankets, Stoves, etc., etc. All the above Goods are Placed on Sale at Half Value or Less. Will be SoldKegardless of Cost. Fix op your homes at once with Stylish Furniture, while this opportunity is offered. s, Our Sale on General Merchandise Still Continues. A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for forrow County, J. W. Whulley and Wm. T. Mulr, partners doing busi ness as Whalloy & Mulr, Plaintiffs, vs. James W. Swezea, Defendant. To James W. Swezea, Defendant In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com-1 piaini nied against you in tne anove entitled cause on or before the first day of the next regular term of suid court, to-wit: The first day of March, 1897; and If you fall so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiffs will take Judgment against you for the sum of One Hundrtd and Twenty-five Dollars, with Interest th reon at the rate of eight per rent per annum from the 14th dayof April, 1 and for theircosts and disbursement in this action. This summons is served by publication pur suant to an order of Stephen A. Unveil. Judge of the above entitled court made on the ltith day of July, WW. Yt II A 1.1. tV CI Ml IK ami J. N, SHOWS, 50.V17 Attorneys for i'laintlffi. Farmers at a distance should call soon thereby getting a better selection FRANK MGFflRLRND, MANAGER. Ms the Mate H Han 1 N THE CIRCUIT COI IIT OK THE STATE 1. of Oregon fur Morrow County. u. inoinpsou, nauiuii, ' B. Siierrr. Defendant To J. B. Hperry, Defendant: Iu the iiaiiie of the Htuteof Oregon: You are hereby reuutred to apnvar and answer the eom plaint II led against you in the above entitled nctloii on or helnre the next regular t'.'rm of me auove cimueu court, lu-wu: March 1st, 1897, nd If you fall to answer for want thereof, the plalutlir will take Judgment against you for the sum of forty-four and 2.V1U0 dollar and Interest thereon at the rale of ten tier cent ner annum from Mny II. lw.il; for lhe sum of eighty-one na mm annum ami interest tnereon irom anusry 2. Iwtt; for the sum of thlrtv-nlne and M IKidnllars and Interest therein at lha rate of eight per cent per annum from OrUilier 1st. licit, mr me sum oi uitv no an attorneys leet and for the costs aud disbursements of this attmti. This summons is served nnnn yon br public. linn punuant lo an order of the Hon Htephen lmvll, lodge nl the almva entitled ronrt. made and entered In said aetioti on the 1'lth dar oi jauuary, l jr.',. ROW.,l KKDFIKI.n, Attorneys for Plaintiff. insures his election. tor said it was lb. breaking dowo of Ibe boo. slraotur. of lb. vertebra. I was nearly double. When I became able to rp if I . i I "' " uvr iusi a usa wi lion. C. W. Fairbanks its neniUor strai.hleo. I oouU not sit and lean to HUCCPOtl VoorLoi'S on Tuomlriy. baok In a rocker. Tbsr. was largr Mi. lairbanks was teintHimry '"" " doB my back chairman of the aat renulilimn naJ "l ,,n1"' r me , .1 ,: , I "That fall I took two boi ol Titik . . . . , . . 1 1 "' bal beeaus. they did sot help me chairman or tho committee which Lt one. I .tnppl i.kiof them. Th. olliclalljf notihiHl rrcsulcnt McKin-lnut wluUr I was io bed, OompleUli ley of his nominati.m. helpless. 1 finally got so I oould doI sit up long enough lo bav. my bod ois le. I baj hills .v.ry oilil and my Td tlomacraU in the lM,a. ' "J ' 'k. lc all tb. lira. four in onmWr, bare refuaM to kl J ,0, M 0o"l,to, , , .. ., , ,. eJ if I commencd to Uiuh or ery iiiu.-i pumiuii in iHiurne. uirec- eooj gp Uon and Mmous iKNtaiem. I heyl "I was aleosuhjoot to sever, pales io are in the houae aiul there to stay mi D' '" Dck bieb nal. me Dearly an.l il.t ImairiMSL Ilntnner.ls rl"U. Sbd Would bav. SflllS wb.O It . ... eemd aeir 1 wer. lalliog and would all tiiht lint ilitlivnr na from Ki I. . ---' ....... I tiooto. oneoDerlans. Tb. DKbto wr mooism ftutl ixipulisra. Ikiltt cn- ' ". as I oid not sinu, I Utote a tU too toagh t. n,. 1 w - ordinary citizen. helpless I was when I cotaneuoej osiog your meJIalue. I bav. used in all thirty two bote. I am perfectly willing to tell what baa helped me and ba. recommended your pill, to several per eoos wbo are now using Ibem. I do Dot beliefs I would ba. been all, now bad it ool been for Dr. WiMiams' fink Pills and am very thankful that there is sui-h a ruesioioe, for tbey bav. helped me when everything elee failsxl. IUt.otrully, Mas. J. 8. FbowsaA Kworn aod sooaoribed to befur. at. this lath day or Oolober, A. D.. 1J3. Dwiuht Wmu, Notary Pablic IWrrten Coooly, Michigan Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Ouotaio all tb. Irioooli beotsry to give sew life and riobue to IU. blood aod restore .bat tared Brv. Tby sr. sold Is bk. (of er la Ikm. form, by lb. ds o or hoodie.) ) at SO oeola a Ui, or sn bnie. tot tlM, and nay b bad of all drag gist, or d Irerlly by mail from lr. Will lain Mxllrtn. Company, noheorclojy ?l T Ike (il sWarvk Is a til slii for ptly it he la lroaM. lib tlisipeie, wbil. bio tmnreat .ob 8UMUOS8. n Tim i iw i tr rtii sr or iiistt 1 iini.ni l. lh .mils nl tlntruw. i. c i.m., risn.ns. Id Mntwl K. , llrlUnl jeet who d'gMt. prierly may b. ! I ,h M' lix , hr.t n-uulnl V t'MI d lut,t at Hl.r lor a prior, lima arniclfHl. The d;pp w rml m m, nimrian.i tM iitiM tm u im . .lint. an. o !. o. a debt thm ,M .. ,HU 4 gratimd. to aaltr'i Hltnia-b Mimiii, utii tMlera, wbicb radars lbm from an. of Th. Tlrot D.v of Mor.lt, 1697, tb. most lUlmal aod trwablsxki ma 1 " t''" lll la a Mk.(slw tlat. . , . , . ..... K sl lhn4, kialnliS alll US I !( SnmplaiaU agaiaai wbteh tnaJieal skill a..i (.i...i .. i... if. .i i... Is dm t.l. Oa this vobtieaeL la .li': At'.T'rJrT. 'i.' " Eorop. sad tb. treples, Iku) eUrlieg " r' i ' 4 , , . . . ,. UlMt ..M. Hill lt.1.1 ratoajy Is pr. awioaaily aiij jawly fmp- ik.n.... i ........ ..is t, sl.r.a..lmlyaa a at...b.e. bat .Uo VMJZ:Z.Z?r a. a tn.ait. c4 prevatiUag at I roitpg K' im 4tirawi.ie la s. malarial, rb.ameiMi, tuinay, bilioas end I ..- u i - r- u.a.KJf. ii IwproiM appain. M tht ,,,,, ,.,,,,..( ,,, ssla ih lua so l alaap, kaii ..aiaate and lb ''. ' aiaUHlos) of vigor aitat fibaasbngl w mala4aa, an roaaiwaU I lie lafirmiiiae I age. A oiaa!aaful Uk twl.f. la- Mrlag ba. a landaory lo proW"( Ire qui, beaitb i4-li.g alaap, a mneU mvI, f aarvpaa latallU. fin a i'i li.-.uis 1.4 Haii.i.0 SnTtl'K VF IXTFSTlo.W I ami t rri. s r tns ril a iat 4 l U a kn l t.a lll . . ... '". a.l am U aM-U rTar4 Ii IU. entjaly rnwti d isW -... i w i..f, ..... Mn,lrM ill ward ba.Uiag a !? rri mom ol (o.l.. h Mill wiibio a year. a Man k , la. , U i lt t oaowo. Pal lb OfWIt dlj 0H SwOSiJaf It I II I V l.A M tM V aax . ta. I a, 0 f l.t . . - J 1 1. ii,. ..ill l... m a uU atog wtlk K il.iiKtU t4 '" - .. t batog tb. oatf ewwoiy la II.. eteW iib- j i.. tMw a o.w a ..I . - I "!. I I kill ita. . "4 l.a lhoMt oalaeowit W J aM s t m ,s. i. M'Miiosa. p tms tiRi-t irnirar vr Tim rt a nn ua my N.Hra, t A. WwUty, rialnllS, Sa.mt.el a Wslkr. Ivlr. I..l laaaaiaal O. Walsr. llvivtaiiL la lha Mat ol lha Mala ul Im SO Ktvi. ti.iirM in avar sm ha rm .1IhI Sin) lr.M ms la lha iim, anlillaH rawa at hrl..a lha m !! .4 lha lll wrfaj ul lha ala.lt ai.UUaJ rmiil, a II TUi tnt 4t 4 M.rrk, low: nl It tma (all an ta anaavt, 1.4 an lhaw.4 SUMMONS. Nothing, except that he has just discovered that at the Odd Combination Store of P. C. Thompson Co. Is the best plaoe to buy Rait, Sugar, Soap, Sardines, Socks, Suspenders, Sewing Machines, Shotguns, or Saws. Complete lines ot Groceries or Hardware. Satisfaction Guaranteed. .DONT FORGET THE PLACE HOOTS AND SHOES D 0 THC PLACCTOOCTTHCM IS AT Me has anything tn this line that you may desire and yon can depend on tt you get a good article when Mat guaraulees IU SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES Old Stand, Main Street. R. pairing Sp.ololty. SUMMONS. M tiik narfiT cocrt op thb btatb ol Onuon for Morrow Count. I'. C. Thmiiwon, I'lolutirr, J. B. Sparry, a. C. f-rry. Parry anjniar an.l ina iirry.in Kail Mad and Navigation Coin lany, didpnilaiita. To J. B. Htwrry and S. C. SWrrv, drfrndanla: n lha nama of lha Mlata ol Orr.iin' Von ara hrvli rr.i.irad I" afaar aud ansarr lha rm I'lalnt fllr.1 aolnsl you In the altnvt anlltlad rausann or llora lha lint day ol lha tint rvtular Icrin ol the ! cntltlnl court, to-wlt: March 1st. 1897. and If ton fall to aniwrr for want thalwit, Iht .laliillfT alll Usa jiidnmrnt acalnat yoa lor lha sum of tnraa hundml laanijr Ba and la Id) dollars and Intrrral tharaon at tha rata nl laa par rani wr annum from January a. I MX. aod ihas mtrf Slty dollars attorneys fn. upon a rarlaln intmlury nota and lo lorarl.aw lha mi.ri. (Iran hy Ton kiaariirvlha paymanl oil aald n..l i-.n lh lolloalnt raal rn.arly tit- iaia.1 In Morrow County, aula of Oregon, lo an Tha north hall ol lha northeast quarter and lhe l.orlh half of ll.a norihaat quarter of n lion tarettly nine In township Ihrea anlh of raxfelaenty ! K. . M , aud lot lbs coals and dl.ixiraeaiei.la ol this s.iil. 1 his summons Is aeried upon yon hy ixil.llrav II..0 hyunlar of Hon aienhen A taioell. Intlaa ol lha ahoe anlllle.1 eouH. ma-la and etilrred In said SUll on U. Hlh day nl ian.iary lav, hk.jsn a aroriri.ii, . 71. Atlrue)i lor naiBllS. S2M f.1 ; 'I !-Vt7El I jt r.i All tb 086 can be procured at Thompaon & Binns, Lower Main Street, lleppner, Uregon. Thea renllrmen ara wall oranalnted wild Orant, Harney, Cmnk. Ollllan and other con tie. and ran sara money and ttins In making thaas auctions with lratllng man. Prlres In keeping with tha times. THOMPSON & BINNS, z-XTT-jca-rAautar. zxjcrrxrjcja. sn Kitirrs SALE. Vni tt iirRravntvr THT rsnva i 1 an, hy virtue of a writ of eterullo leaned nui M the i irrMll I tHirt Uha Male nt lifaat a .n Morrow I ...inly. iii.Trr lha era! there.4, and la tne dlrwieil and delUetot aiaHi a loda a.eol and d". fee ran le red and entered In aai'l Court on the th day ,4 (tri.lrit.lvr. lat, la la.orol f lira ft Hern aa .llld. an. afalnat f tank II eVoeaand Mary I lene. h la all.-. I..it a. heart, h and a. heart, h Hia alle. aa len.lania ahenhy lhe a.ainMS .Ikl nrmar a rr.... ,Wna aa..al lha il'leiulanis fraxt II a.,,. an I Mart j a..a- hta wile. I. lhe ia "I t ."I IV alth Inlerrat lhere.Hl al lhe rata .4 fll.l ft ri.l (! annual Irons lhe e day of January la ll.e .irhe a nl ll .al At hwnry raa. , .d lhe rxeta a. dlaSuamenta la.r.1 al litm awl ahetvl.r II oaa 4 rar-l lhal lhe a....rfa Ur-l i.n ll.e aa aay nl I ""' ! .,1.-1 aald laal named ,lrl.,wU.,ls In the nanla4 laeeaSmenl I a. ent ly II aaatftwl w r-.ali4 tau lha h.l'oat. s lhe . 1 alll lake Iwlfmenl ataluel lea lor Ihes.ia, nl I lahly a.a an. J l a iM an wiih I d rti real .t. ir1y In w.on.w I msi. laterm Ihewa al lha rata ol lea 11 ! , I "r.M.. l- a It lhe K.vlhaeal UoeMer nl l.a lha l.ia oay c( l a ! Is. I ti..a Thirty laa In Tueneh-a tklknl "a al IM. .I.o.aia. altwuey r, t4 kl kat wtead 4i.lM.ia.nwrt.ta 1 hia eiaama la eeraed I y iH,t,'i - hf t-uh katl ta t-tt aoanl l an oe-l.t .4 e. ,i.h i, l ia .A ll.e a-'. atl. I1 ruwrt, e-a ta na lhe .a day al ljaa.t, taaa. J a M.). -. AtWMoet h4 rialtif. Assiasrrs notice. Nonet ta tttaWylm r or tut t dt.aa.1 aaa.sneani l .l , f yell w,i.ail .i.i,n ((.el aa.d aaa f.ua. I. aa ou( kw Sai awnl aa h aaai(.na a .th lha I la' k ul lhe I trt ..It I .M.K Ml lb atale -l l aU.Mti.aian.ni, aMaai lSnal anaiM a i i k kaatra) aa4 Suiai I arena at lha lu.l(a a I , na lha alay nl Hank. !. al k a k k U . M aa. I 4a a aa a Ihareariee as a.-l . .. .aa h a-. I saaa lea saaaa. Ia4 that a. h 4ay .a a a KkJ i'Sa aaatfani Vt alle Hill im Op Inwai tH((.0 We.lnee.laf ayea.ag oeil detwarke-t am lb. kigkt lialo haieas .( ba i at taftdaa. at 10. tayaUiJ. kaf bkt tov4te 1. lao, l'l a. J jhtiaojo. II i' k Malbaw. aa 1 V. It.aliy, an !! ). Arm tame iaf Malbtaa A Oaairy, aa ala- W.elt.er to lit. tehaf tiwaibea. la ll.e Mf Stead, to. d t.rs a. lh 4 Iba fai.l.fBaw, Tl . o.nmI a ta tf. laenty Sie laal nl k IHaiaeala er. die.. enlalolKt ! a. raa. ahkrh arl(a-a a aa ne.na ia ft a MS .lay at Inw.a.af a, al la-e 14 .4 a- S It .4 ll.e ttn-.r-la n k.nlaaa a ll.e ewra tK , ,B, , m ... inn.-ty I eb',. ha f.ar .and and lha a.-1 fal N.4MII n.l .a h, at,, ,i i M.n.a t ranlt. In aatla( aai I .t-leaanl aad al r.nw i-......e i a hi. na aalnr-lay lhe h lay tj i. t, 1" al I a r I k la lha e'tor- a.. .a ,. thai 4a. al n ln.nl .l-.rt aat lha en,tl h.ntaa In lhe , it, n le wet Itrrwoa. sell a! lha r(M, tt li.lrr.es a .1 aetata efcwh lha a 4 .I. ' ta..ta a4 ail r -.na la.wlng an4 an tlalal hy lbnn.f n an ley tha-a. m aay r4 '.. ha I fn he I ah ,la, .4 ajaaalave laaa. na eone Ihen ka-a a a-1 n now ka.e In a4 aa lhat..a rtaa.nw.1 tawi sn.n,tt. an-1 r Ka'l lh.4. al y-mr Wi, k Ike k.haH III Irt Mtata In ha a I lhe ana. lb-n a4 a. . . aa aau ha ka. a, i-.u. ia aaitata. amea-e-w m - tine, al aant el Iin4 IhM m 4a r ul ts, .r.S,. .a, I I, allu.l. aat I'. Phe-lfel al at.na na.lt.Haax far Bale ( katt.1iel an I anly s.m dna.t.4 leal. M a!sr heap, tb. Hraeavl Una tlleaaa aafle tnaa ll.llly t. taaixkia laa. A 4 Iran: Cut f!0 lkv , l III aWta faaissa, Wota. Do You Want .i Rifr ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? . crfiii Arc You in Need of a Saddle H orse TIIK iw York M y Trilune FOIt Farmers and Vlllaoers, FOlt Fathers and Homers, I'OIt Sons and Dauohters, von All the Famllo. With the cIom of the rrfsitlfttial campaign TUE TRIBUNE rrcognixiMi the (act tbat the American people are no anxious to gift tleir tim ta liorn arv.1 loiDra Intereala. To inrt this) oonJiUoo, politico will bave far leas space aoj prorainfbce, sotil aooller Bute or av . O a Jk.a Aa. . . national occaaion Urmanas a renowai of iLe Cgbt fur tts principut fur l.ich Till TUIliUNK Lm lalwrinl frritn iU locrplion to tha proet ijay, atxl won its grralot fictoriro. I'.rnry iNiitle flTtrt ill txi pat forth, a&J rooorj frrtlj sprnt o to.li.TltK WKKKI.Y TUII'.U.NEprw-rraiootU- National Family Newspaper, intfitiui, iualrmlit, fnlrrlaiuing arxl in.liprnallo tooach nnWr We lurnlsh "The Gazette" and "N. y. Weekly TrlOune" one Year lor $3.00. CAMll 444 na. ail Oy-tee to IM AltVANCK, THE GAZETTE. rte f n waasa aa4 a-tleaaa n. t fal .aa4 aaaJ M ka Oaa W kea Ttka.a- r.ffeav laa ta f . a aaasrm a,r al kM ea .ask aa t titka tki lay SMaM to taw.