paper The... NEVER ROBBED A Advertise ,? i arid do ; I H business. ' OFFICIAL The;.. Heppner Gazette fM rf WIDOWS AND ORPHANS ..- If Jias ome 0 ia own., FOURTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1897. WEEKLY NO. 738 1. 1 SEMI-WEEKLY NO 610 i X I I- s i J.1 ) SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. OBUSH1D Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY: OTl PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON. . ' Editor Business Manager At 13.50 per year. 1.2 for aii months, 75 ots. tor three mourns, strictly in advanoe. . Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. - THUS PAPKB ii kept on tile at E. C. Dake'a Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 85 Merchants Ejxonangs, oan r nrauiauu, vjtuiiuiuio, wuwvvvu' raoU for advertising can be made lor it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. t ,: i f Train leaves Heppner 10:05 p. m. daily, except Sunday . Arrives 4:55 a. m. daily, except Mou- Jest bound passenjrer leaves Heppner Junc tion 2:19 a. m. ; east bound 12:51 a. m. Freight trains leave Heppner Junction going east at 10:43 a. m. and 6:45 p. m.; going west, 6:a0 p. m. and 4-45 a. m. , Timber Culture, Final Proof. - Notice for Publication. s TJniteo States Land Office. The Dulles. Oregon, Dec. 1, 1896. TkTOTNTE IS HEREBY UIVJiN THAT RICH- iN ard W. Kohison. of Eicht Mile, Oregon, has filed notice of intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at his office in Ueponer Oregon, on Saturday the lfith day of January, 1897, on timber culture application No. 2 no, tor tne rt , oi section no. za, in lown shlp So. 3 south, range No. 24 east. He names as witnesses: John W. Allstntt, Charles lngraham John S. Ingrahain, Aaron 8. Haines, all ol tlgnt Mile, Oregon. 498-5 9 - . . JAS. F. MOOKE, Register. THERE ARE NO EXCUSES NOT TO USE ST. JACOBS OIL,op A PROHPT AND CERTAIN CURE NO ONE REFUSES. 4. e . Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OKEGON, 1J Dec. 3, 1896. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed no tice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Joseph L. Gibson, U. 8. Com., at Lexington, Oregon, on January 29, 1897, via: i . JUSTUS A, MILLKK, Hd. E. No. 5182, for the NE Sec 31, Tp 1 N, R 26 E, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation nf. said land, vis: Olin 8. Hodsdon, William Browning. Edward F. Browning, Jeff Evans, all of Lexington, Or. J A3. F. MOORE, 499-509 Register. omCX-A-X. XHRBCTOXVXV United Btates Officials.' tt President Grover Cleveland ice-l'reaident Ail ai Stevenson Secretary of State. . , . Richard 8. Olney Secretary of Treaanry : ....John G. ("srlisle Beorntary of Interior K. K. Francis Secretary of War... Daniel S. laniont Secretary ol Navy!, wi. ... . . . .H ilary A. Hnrbert Postuvuter-dooeral., ...j, .... William L. Wilson Attorney -General J ndnon Harmon Secretary ef Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. Governor y,-W J:1'0?! Beoretarrot State Tl. R. Kincaid Treasurer.. ., Bnpt. Public instruction. .,. Attorney General '. Senator Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON, J Den. 17. 1H96. Notice is hereby given that the follnwiiiir-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before E. L. Kreeland. U. 8. Commissioner, at Heppuer, Oregon, on February, btli, 1K9i, viz: 1 HARRISON CUMMING8, Hd. E.No.2KfiS,fortheNWU NW Sec 27, NV4 NEW aud 8 U NEW Sec 28, Tp 5 8. R 2ft E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Charles H. Bullls, James H. Wylanrt, Joseph Bannister, Walter Bennett, all of Hardman, Oregon. JA8. F. MOORE. M-13. Register. Congressmen Printer , ....Phil. Metsrhan ii. M. Irwin . ...C. H., Idleman G. W.McHride J J. H. HitcheU J Ringer Hermann w. n. EUis Supreme Judge. ''ft.' I lcF: W. U. Leeds B. Bean, A. Moore, E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Cirouit Judge Btephen A. Lowell I'roseeuring Attornoy H. . . i Morrow County Oflicials, Joint Senator... , A. W. Gnwan lUprasentativ. J. V Brown l! onVr Judge A. (. Bartholomew ' Comralseionw J. K. Howard m I'lgrk ...J.W.Morrow " Hheri'fi". K- ;allick T..nMr Frank Oilliaui i. J. ('.Willis HnrrTOT. J. Horaor Hohool Bup't Jay W. Hhipley llorooar B. . Vuuglian mvii mvi ovrinicnil. n .ii.... si. H. Unrnar. K. J. ij'F'infiiiiuwiuirs i. Prank Rocer. Geo. Concur, r ranir iMKnl r E. L. F"Mland MarhX..V.V.V.......... - M" Preeinet Offleen1. " . ., . .t. W If ItinWiIailB t Diunf oi una r wo " - - Conateble B.WheUion. railed States Land Officer 1. . Mnora rWieter A. 8. Biggs R Wilson Bltr j. H. bobbins.......... Notice of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, Dec. 21, 1896. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make nnai prooi in support oi bis claim, and that said proof will be madf before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on February 1, 1897, viz : DVVID BAKER, Hd E. No. 5981, for the 8W Sec 33, Tp 1 8, R 24 E, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Bcniamln F. King, William T. King, James M. H amulet, Thomas J. Wtllhelm, all of lone, Oregon. jab. r. smint, 503-13. Register. Notice of Intention. McClure's Magazin For 1897 SEVEN GREAT SERIALS A New Life of 6rant by Hamlin Gaiu.and The first authoritative and adequate Life of Graut ever published. (Begins in December.) Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In tJovember.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished (Begins in May. i ; ft . . iiiimMitinni nf w.r Timp " Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative history of this period from his recollections and correspondence. Portrays of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series of portraits it is intended to publirh special biographical studios under the general title of MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLK, in which he will use his extraordinary taint-1 lor invstery ana ingenuity wnicu nave, in me anoriui; uuuira owwc, gin... ...... a place beside Pue and Gaboriau. " TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN MACLAREN, All the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception ol two contributions to auoiher publication wnicn were engaged irom nun mug ago. win appear in McClubk's Magazine. joiti. cnisni.ltR ha it His. A series of new animal stories in the same field as the "Brer Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmblellnger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLTNO. Besides "Csptains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McCLUKK't all of the short stories he will write during tne coming year. OCTAVE TI1ANET is preparing for the Maoazins a series of short stories in which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete in itself. Anthony Hop Brot HarU Robert Barr Frnk R. Stockton Stanley weyman uiam nusi.u will all have stories In McCi.cse'1 for the coming year. These ere only a small fraction of the great and important features of McCldeb's Maoazinb for J897, tho subscription priee of which is only One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. I AND OFKICK AT LA GRANDE. OREGON, I I J Dec. H. W.W. Notice is hereliy given that the ollowing-nained settler has filed notice of I hiel mention to make flnal proof in support ol I hie claim, and that said proof will be made he-1 fore County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, I at Uoppner, Oregon, on January lft, wn, vis: , . , THOMAS M.I.NTIKE. R. No. 574. lor Uie BEU tkMi 1?, 1 p 1 8, R i E. W M. .. He names the following witness to prove I his contlunous residence uon and cultivation I ol, said land, tls; - 'Themai tiiinum. aieg uorneit. jamea sc Intlre aud James Johnson, all of Heppner, Or. B. r. WllMIN, 500-10. Register ...KsosivM r sxciin oeianicBj. ttAWLINS POST, NO. IL G.A.B. MaU ai LMintMi. Or., tha last fUtardaf of eh month. Ail veteran are tnviud to J.n. i-r u. Uao. W. HmTH. Adiutant. tf rommawUr. D.-J. McFaul, M. D. At Mrs. h. Welch's Residence. High! telephone connection wlta ttaa I'alaos Hotel. national M ol Mil Wl. Pf ULAXO. ED. k. BUUIOP. Prealdeat Caakler. TRiSSACn k GENERAL BASKING BUSINESS Notice of Intention. Laud Orrics at Tn Dam.ks, Osmok. Uttth I"'1. NOTK'F. I HEREBY tilVKN 1 II AT TDK fiiiiwing liaiiiel settlor has tiled notice of his tutciilloti I make final priKif In support ol hiscHlm, ami thai mm proo win mmnn im fore the County l Icrk of Morrow Co . nn-gon, at Heppner, Oregon on February 1Mb. Wi, vU: W I IX l.N RICH ARDiM'.N, lid. t. No. 1'43, for Ui HK! Mec &, Tp t 8, R 24 I K. W M. He names the following wltnoacs to prove I hta continuous rcaldenca upon and culttvattoii I . . a I ol, asia lauo, vis: Thomas r. Oraham. Charlee M Hastings. 1 HI her Huston. Andrew M. Prteraon, all oil KlKht Mlle,Orrgon. JAH. w. Mhrr, UsVU negiswr. Notict of Intention. Laid Orrirl at La Gimti. Oatoo. Immher U, pw. XTOTlfK IK flRRFRY CIVf.M THAT THF. i li.llowliii Mm-1 aetller liU filed tmtlr I of his IntonUon to make Snai ml la support of bis rUlra. and that said proof 111 n sikIi ! lore the t'ounly Clers of Morrow Comity. Ur- en, al Ueppnet, Oregoo, on rturuary i, iw, via: . J A UFA ATEKs II I. No VT for the N4 sfU ". 9 and KH (JW V, U , Tb I N. H t, w 54. Hi. naniMtlK-following wIIOmm to pen his enniinnoos mtdeneo apoa ana emulation . Mid land. VlB 1 Joka lMke, laaaa Viaeaal. CbarlM M. Grots W. I' parson, all of (i.ilor. unmi. A Camnai(rn Of. -Education - I How to Get it (PET A A For4J.vv aS saV -m.'V OIIPBRBLLELED O 11 J 01 To be educated one must read tho best literature. The best literature Is expensive. Ltslio's llluitrsted Weekly, l'ul.ll.he.1 at 110 rifth Avenue, New York, U full of the brat things. M Its HliittraUons are superli; It ri torie charming; and II literary . ... y-r nepanmeiiu ar roum wim -vu- I I CAME TO SEE A BICYCLE. Owned a Horse Ranch and Hla Business Was Kulned. "There goes one er th' goldarned things, George!" The speaker was a white-beoriled man fully 70 years of age find, from his appearance, evidently a fanner. The person addressed was a younger man, his high-heeled boots and red necktie also denoting the agriculturist. It was at the Morrison street bridge and just before Ave o'clock in the morn ing. The gnty night mist had not. yet lifted from tho river, but these tiwo men had risen from their bedn impelled by a curiosity to see a bicycle. "Yes, sir," answered the elder of the two, in response to a question, "we're out yere on this bridge ter see a bicycle critter neither of us has e.veo- seen afore. You see, we live In the moun tains back in Clatakanie, and bicycles don't come our way. "We come, up the river on the G. TV. Shaver, an' comin' up, George says for me: l op, aid yer ever see a oicycier an' I had to admit that I hadn't, altho' understand th' pesky things are plenty enough, judgin' from th' figures published in th' pnpers regard in' t h' output of th' factories buildin' them. But this is th' first tunc 1 ve bin tor town in nigh on 13 years, an' fer th' life of ine i kain't recollect seein' one of th' machines the.n. "So I jest asked th' purser where th' best place to catch sight of a bieyeln enrly in th mornin' was in Portland, an' he told me th bridge here ahead of th steamer. Well, 1 was that pes kered to see one that I routed George out so soon ns it was daylight, an' we've been standin on this bridge ever since wnitin.- fer a bicycle man ter coce along." Then, turning to his compan ion, the old man said: "Well, if I did rout yer out kinder early, ye're the most interested, George." "Yer bet I am!" George replied; ami then the younger man went on to tell what the bicytjle had done for the horse raiser and farmer, lie boa a band of some COO horses on the range, and 90 acres of oats. Five yearn ago these horses would average $25 jier head un broken, and he received 60 cents per bushel for the oats not used In getting his horses in condition for market. To day the horses enn hardly be given awny, and his oats bring 31 centa. And this he ascribes to the bicycls. And io the two men sat, perched on the bridge railing, watching, as the morning grew on, the Increased num ber of bicyclists crowing the bridge and jiouring out their anathemas on that "goldarned thing," the silent steed. I'ortlund Telegram. Highest of all in Leavening Powr. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PUKE usual CniiiUam consolation. i-'iiiaily she quieted down enough to say : " "Tain't only thet he died. I know he's a heap better off.' " 'What is it, then?' "m, " 'We kain't hev no funeral.' ' "'No funeral? v ; ... " 'No. Sal's jess got back from th' sto', an' not a ya'd o' black hev they got. I never did 'tend no funeral 'thout black, an' I ain't goin' ter 'tend now. ! He kin git 'long ter be buried 'thout a funeral bctter'n I kin bemean mrse'f hnv'n oin' when I oin't got nothin' fit-ten to w'ar.' "And Jim was buried with no one present except hla mother.hls sister and me." ' . OLD-TIME SOUTHERN SPORT. Members of Hunting Clubs on Whom Big Fines Were Imposed. Among the sports of olden times the hunting clubs were prominent every where, says the Atlanta Constitution. In Camden county one of the most fa mous of clubhouses in this country was built at Bear Hammock and kept under the supervision of Gen. John Floyd. It was there that the Camden County Hunting club organized in 18112, held its meetings, made its rules and imposed its fines. The charter members of the club were Charles It. Floyd, Richard Floyd, Henry Floyd John Floyd, Ben Hopkins, J. II. Uil worth, James llolzendorf, John Holzendorf, Alexander Hodzendorf, I M; Nightingale, William lierrie and Henry du Uignon. Severul members joined afterward. The club dress wnM a scarlet jacket and black pantaloons and a fine of 500 copper caps waa im posed on Alexnder llolzendorf ui one meeting for not having on the reculit tion dress. No member was. to be ab sent from the meetings up Vkm by t;oiul excuse, and James HoUtrndorf was fined 1,000 copper co)s for one absent e. After the day's hunt, sometime wiMi the luck of 16 deer, an elegant dinner wss served before dispersing. The lfith rule, read: "Game Is con sidered by the club to be ilccr, bear, bogs, cows,bull, wildcats mid turkey." Wild cattle ami hogs abounded In 'he woods in those days, the latter living to an old age, which was toWl by the Caribbean bca aaid were wrecked. It was. a patch of sand just out of the water, bait you ought to see the flocks Of sea fowl that nestled on it. They had to move out of the way to give us ! room to stay there and that was about all they would do. Their nests were everywhere and there were eggs in : abundance. We ate about a barrel of them every day during the 12 days we were there. Some of us got off in a Ixm and went to San Juan, in , Nicaragua, where we gat a vessel to go after those we left on the reef. Thar, vessel w-as commanded by William Lawrence, of Baith, who was killed by a man named Wilkinson while be was a policeman, there. We tried to got to the reef, but bad weather stove in up so we Had to set. in iot .w leans, where we found the rest' of the men rescued by njiother vessel. But eggs" 4he old man's face took on a pe culiar expression. - THE CUPEY. A West WORDS BORN IN NEW YORK. tusks, sometimes eight to ten long. inches It should be In every iutnmal skill. fuch a paper 1 a great popular educator. f J bom. H Tb subscription pric of Leslie's l It V annum. W Ws mak the unparalleled offer ol a copy of X Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Seml- IVeeklyone year for only $5.00. Ko such offer was tt mad before. Ko nra offer srlll f be mad again. ThMM two papers aiek a most acrtUlM Christmas or birthday lift, and will be constant reminders of th giver's kindness. Remit by postal enter of cherk to tho I Tf 'if Heppner, Oregon. i s X ou 14. a. p. wioox, Kfnut. OOLLKOTIONS Had on Fiorabl. Tarn. iTora sra or. EXCHANGE BOUGHT h SOLD '7 I tVLTKLY The MONTHLY BEiTNHiJ If I 0IEOOS First5 National Bank HF.rrsER PrwtlelwM Vie PreHnt CasHlor Ass't Cash'oe CA. RHCA, T. A. RhCA. CCO. W. CONttR. Tnsadi I Getcnl Eulitj lvb KXCIIA.ISTG35: OS ail part pf lbs tt4 Bought an d Sold. fotlerltun mad all ss4U t immmMsI Trsa I Nr4 a4 dlrvtl frts. HlpHO 00, obw-rlptixa paid pro ml abarga. Mnra. r. (.. WP e. fr-!!, P I v Ml huaMft aaill. aM M toll kin. t hv il. H , HHn, (lr.-H"eaM bsaaAart '1 kin. I aula to WI the saiaaw '! bonda I J am hm nt,t ihWrai I Mv4as rKbt asxaaUw, Sod cat all S04 rWM aar. Cant. A J Or , If STHm rt4ttiawBl Hm. I !, mmem rtbi fcipi aaf aMfk nia I n a4l sfi aad sflit Mi rva'.t. lkw W . (ltnf n,,rmnU. I4a nai . Ww f.ok to aok sawi Iwiwa. H u mm mn toi. a iMMw, '! aaa ass MHu, kut t fwrM aaf. 4k hist wm t m saw nM 1 llrrt Imw, tl - W, n Iw4 H J aa It Ut li eattja to-4 J . insi. i arto la Mt aae. ksnti la M., Outlook Pvfclltked f very tiry 13 Astor Place New York Tb Ontlool - ill b- Is 1, it bit dnrlOst l H laly fari, llislrxy i,f Oor () Tiato. I it artoo -1aof dfparlsbsat Tt Ontario-lloiDS Siajc line trSr'ir a tmn-t a4 rW4 mi A M I mm to i toft -u tor. to BUBKS-GflHTDH STHSEUHE ass'Hr?. srM M . W '.L Mt, r p osTAhto-nvnsH faeeo lWw Uaitf M IV m. ktVi ar. rlrilHtWaiMliUtosi. Snqto Fore $7.00. Hound Trip SI 0.00 nunsscAsros' 8sin -alia. I Pat Ml i.nsi.rjis. f UT Iljalliinh ft w mre"! retto 4f lb 'jrrrrJZ- iia,s ir.r-t h mio -.iri inti. k. tisMM, i-mm hmr i i im itovla t uiiantt.r. pio aa io 11 a- I 4 .,,.. I a....Mn..ta ,Jt I ha datt baa Mktf mi, mm M IM fwu - I - ' " ' atol4.0 ., 1mr- Or I I, I rnptt d faf ttortit f fe'lgl-q sHMsawa MMi"i i.vs La ILm ltlMaala ol lk bm: ! twrreat litefaiara; rrauL tboaftti laWotatk abnol ma st-tt lbpf s: tad. b"fU l ft (fb laf'f ! , trlgmal bhrt4j, ai4 t4vrtM Ur"ait.r al. fWgtatiiaf with llx tflf OiffH -aaa, lb bapaf i:l Ik Mg alef I'i.esi-, wbiett w;l ail la M (i,wn t,4 alr arliel. Tie IMtU iV IalH ft N.'gr f.f'l ltd ! , la D'l la f.'U ' to an :efrii Mtt aa Hestl'f, , ."! lev M ki b lag it(f !''. T i'i -f Tt ln'! W !; J 4e la 4aka. l !'. e ! Jy, Ha4 W f to t f f ) THE DIGOE5T CAT. It I Thirty lawn-re Laaf aa4 Wlgbs Tiraatyl aar I'aaad. Jul loain "Tom" U the lirprrtrndiriir Mit t fif pi"' Ibe preslrsl dnsnrvtir rol In t!ii eiotld. I i!w!ii F.mtnnna, a fish ! oysder Irtilrf f Nrw Ynfk. la III rol'l nto rrmmir ! "loin. J Ins riant or rata A j'l Inrl.i s in Ivtifrth. fnaui In brsxl U Ike Uil (if h Ul. ila I f t lllffh nix! wrljrhrd Wl spring- 14 ioun.'. Tit I !, lol e rattier Ims raurl him to ilf.p a r juiil of fl' b, but ttaa nt liiitairnl tia k'altb "r I j.,n". Thnrti U l.lsrk atid li ir, and M intliT fK-r ilialljr innrkeil. II baa lo ni',if r if' of whit art.iinl ha tail. b n slia him lurtk lik f rl rotutla to a rawmsi. Mr, H,mini tiirfced up lln rat t ) pars tpo ltit walklbtr l"a rmUi ml, TliuDia) aa but stray klltoa l ben, an that til fd grw da fcwr larrsi irvrti nrl, n1 II I P"t k txrrn l,ri,r or or t krrediiy Us K4 any Ibihf lo drt Mb bis rlKimieM ftoto m0-, I -, a a. n it n.m-i mm, 'l siMi U. m..m, m.i mm mmtl I i W . lm,mm I , tmrnm IImM Sv.l.w. "U r. k.Bk, r.. 4 M'ssn , IMm Ui,- KusamlPa ft 4 tl , t ( Has ! - m. imft .. U... mmnim, mmmm imt .t. m Im art mmt J W . r .Nan ton I 4tos. ll rtM kto 1 - Ji-r-t W 41. tf-t l to. . I i a 4 fmtt aw k Vta.-. i laj la, - I ,-Ut a4 to.l I 4 a. 1r .n.iiJ. v. s mm imti ".'a TvM . Uaa av.ajM MrH Pa. 'i ... M . aa aft t ( I h. . Sla , "JL Ht -a k.i0,mm. . a. ' .... . tn mm , . m Sawia la llaf . Aa etl-S'X l-nrt ln tiu f I"-I1 far Uk r.-v l niM- waa Vl4 t rr.f. ItrwiM'IH In Tarla latoi. A . m I -at . i. r I in la.i"I fcinwir iilit BffarM au-e. ls,ii a fm Ifsr r,f mt-ttt . ai.d I ir tU'-fUtrr. V t.f lmt rk'b .(l'a- at' I'd nmm. f-M,r-a ri,. . I " 1,1 r .. .arrl 'l lr','i ,l.i, til nf lrftn IV' br,-"4 M . m m 1 1 Mrsir to ar.a a i... to low t far -f ar. r I has t f'l)f U;al U ! I. ? . rorterhaaM" Originated In Hurling Blip Itoaa" frtim the llalrh. New York city Is tho blitliphice of aeveriil rx invasion thul have bieu for liiinv jenr current all over the world I'hi e exprcHKiona are not the outcome f scholuily llioiight and ciillnre. Al though our profrSHiomil nu n have du tifully and gi ni roui'ly aided In the cir culation and cniiobletnent f neolii- ifVnia fon-lj'n iHirn. the apt yet m- .nulled offering of Ihe iiitliitored workman have held their own In lit erature aa well as In raeryilay SKech. while many labored reaulu f k-snied mind workers and would-le mind was ter nf wonU hrrve lived but long- nuuirb t le natnril. The worl "laiaa," which cam Into ifiinnmn or during the regime of Wil liam M.Tviecd. I a Hutch 1nii -maalef n the Imigmige lo which II lirlonf t Is much irard In romjKiallion, Thi nui'i-rtiian has Is a mnslrr eira-if . . a . I i-r, mi'l a prrarlirr la in uuirn uirrriy i linn ll biaa. Ilnly a f-w year flgo attention la-gap lo lie cl!-d lo the prraleicr of the a ni firna nf c In wbsl s Ihrp uns'dered lis clmlreat resident Inl part if the rlly. A newsfHiper rerlri ip turd the rrguin I lie "1 eihlrrlnln dia r i l." and aa aurh ll 1 ib'-lliM-d lo r .ruiwn fur a lung time lo i-nw, tatilh (be ii in. r t.-t.'l.-r t'!( will ' "M,v am 'iil.irlr ;o nlhrr lona B Ihry prri eore lll the eify In ibr'r m-lsble rhar- f Irrl.lll . IYrrr I I ha mmr plrro In tmlr nor a retiMiry api lo a ery dnrk llnl h" T lr r mnrli lanrri fit imnrn I d olber f.iit.liir "ririwii. The trl t I 'if Ib'tip; rine to Mrw York Sndur o-f, id rtrrm soon In ilrntaiid Ipevrraf eniiipp Ihe r harfrnen, IrtM'li' tirn ar-d 'f,plorritf n eiipff-d on ll 'lrr fronla on Ihf ral and rt sblr if Ihf rsty. (Nw literoer In ilitrllnr !p laamf f unions fur IHe porter ! - Id and hi tilarf gra'lusllr fainml lb' dslinrfion of bHnf Ih fwrlff hi firm lon. In eourwof line he sd'to'' II llf ff'!-l ot rtolrl In bl ".lll I'f" Sd !t rrftn l feuutallon hf tf ntohirsr Kla rnatoinera irk aot-ti a Ijiry rniil'l pt noaihera rl, Tli ralb-d II ' "poftrfosiaa Mk," Sto' by Ikal name par IW-tilarly r hnten rnl of lb slk airt of a atrer U known rTkrrf ttsria.r' Werlily, A rUNHRAL CUSTOM. WORDS PEOPLE SPEAK. Tta) In U4 Kloodl's to a m) -i-a ! Meat a '.-. !' C J all.. tot faaw.4 .. fc" III 13 - - (-. f. at al a I as, law a) B-ttm 4 laa aa to TtotWa) a M ! a I aarf . I Hi tret iu,l I Iuk4 a raon In bwmaa stotwfa Uat I bat nrf fltlro," aafl a Wlliat ailn.alfT lo ttaattti.ftoft Kaf ritf. "7 b riosil aa In lb nxMinUina nf Vl Irr'nla. and mffff tirs tomla-f of Wijr rhMfli a lbr. tto, In d d ln In I ha b of be b )! nd, bal itrl nal rar'bly fmiijfg stitli f..u f k. f h. lrn. l-aiir but lo, a fill a by 'ly frrrasi. "t'o a rbt t aetsd la) bastoa lo br ealon. l.w k I dd. rvaw hiff lltoff .(. la ln. to I a ih Mr " k b dl f o 11 s fTr t aa arepk-M. "Tk roi..f. al'..gk tl-..l; toad. aid ta'sntf lfn I avtod, ia-l early la l c' I saat I an, rvlara.sw la Ur a ft ., f'Mta-4 H-a ai4r la Ik rit rasa 1 toara. t lltod U owUl bsr aitb tb Tka Kdaratait I'srson Who Talk Kngilsh Well Csas About Two Thousand. Few M'fple renliaie Jiow limited are heir vocabularies, desiptte the many HMiusands of word In the Knglih Ian guugc, says the Ni-wr Y'ork Jotunnl. It is said that a pt rson of ioti generaMy getn along very comfortably with a vocabulary of less than .lifffrent words. On Uie olber liuinl. uneducated people mnnsge to rxpretr their Idraa all their liven wM h the use of but a few hundred words, ropcatlng one or two of these, bowever, a ftrrat many times, A recent eiperiment pro'ea bow apt our minds are to run In grooves. Twm-ly-flve men and tJ women eftwlmta in a jycholif7 claa were blddi n lowi it' down at f ii U spred 100 word, all chnr- p al rarMlom. They dkl ao. with the cu riona rrault that out of the total l, 0 tvonks tlirre were only 1,201 wbkb cc- enrred but once, S.nfxiof the rrnialmb't belnf repetitions of TJ word. f)f Hie IJSr writ ton only onre, T44 were el down by the men, rlnel &20 by The tnimen. Of tbe 351 ariirlra of drr f aitmeralrd. 221 were fottnd In the wom en's psprra, while of Ihe J17 arllrbw of food they claimed IW. dearly thry were tiH nea Women or thflr rari,f won 1, have In en wldrr. DAYS WEGE ONCE SHORT. Only Tfeeaa Haar la l-eagtfc la Ih l arly piagas of Ih at arid. Wbeti Iba esrtb waa Jrounif. aaya lr. tUII, thrt rtniixnt I'.riliali atniMnirf, It lurnrd oa lis i rapidly that It Itiaile .ne rimlrlf reolutlo tn In every threa hours! The earlb liiu.. then, aays lb HI. I..uis IU'pibl,i'. ainl ll spun aroond at Dial farful epml lin.bably for IhonaatoUof jrsi. TH sua rauaftt efrf-lnrreaalptf ltd'1 on Ihe surface of the prl iiid plmo I, and al last It txirtt la two. Hut th break waa twri la th ttiUMI f what had been the freak, a ift-rol knf plot of liquid mailer. It waa lo ooe acl , atid lis rffml waa lo Ihrww Ibe mailer frafiueal out Into . That ffstfn.eM k t on lurnlii?. and an f sdiiop.d Io'm a pi..!. W e H iUy and know It aa lh roonn. Tbe laffr p er alait kept tnrnlep oa It si l. and la Ik rarara of ( brea ato lb phrl rat, Kabiubk earth. TWamaltoy fr r eolavf Hat prrat ertgtoal f Iotas, I. i a brld In I'laa by lb at Ira. !mr af lb Urff'f. baa foli.f around tl.rai. i re nr, but baa ta gradually la il'U i f Iba d stanr ltaa H!f snd Ha fr try. lon ateoritra lli ta rtttasDy Ii kvrsra will pt fr aay IKat It eaaant la n ly lh fkabilaaU tif our pUuirt. Indian Tree That Grow from Tree Tops. The cupey, or, ns it is sarcastically called in the English possessions, "the p.ttomey," Is one of the most curious as it is certainly the most picturesque denizen of the virgin forests of the West Indinn island, says London Tid-' Hits. - It belongs to tho pumsitical fam ily of trees or plants, but, terrible to relate, it invariably with the bases: ingratitude destroys all life in the un fortunate tree that cherishes It in Its early growth. The seeds ore borne on the wiugs- of the wind, and deposited on the branches of other trees, when they burst into roots, which are dropped toward the ground all around the "nurse." tree. In time these rootSTesch the ground and etrike Into the soil. From this moment the roots grow stronger and stronger until they re semble a lot of rope ladders thrown over the tree. Next the parasite sends down a great cord, which twines round the trunk of the supporting tree, at first as though in loving embrace, but It grows tighter and tighter, eventually ktirangling its lK'ticfuctor out of exist ence. The "nurse" tree t hus killed rot to decay, and from the irr.mene fibrous root of the destroyer now springs a gretit trunk, which ritt.'s high Into the air. When the rupry is full grown it presents n ningnilli ent spiHiteie, for the orrd-)ike roots rine often to 60 or 60 feet, and supiwjrt in niidnir the vast tree it elf. tie oiufnrlulile tVblle Traveling ' lo cool weather. The Union I'aciflo system bests its trains Ihroimliooi by team heal from llie ( niiie, thus mak inif every pari of alt its ears pleasant and flonfiirUble. It also bulit Its ears by lbs oh brated l'iolsch Li.hl making Iheta brilliant at biul.t, FaaaDfra carried daily on th last mall. For sleeping oar reservations, ticket, or In formation, rail on or aJ.lres It. w. Halter. O-n. Agl, 135 Third Hb, Fort land, OreoD. CHANCES OP LONGEVITY. ATE A tJAHUlL Ue aUUS A DAY. IMystotal Mea MtoMSaat aa ! la 1 walae IsaySk "tn y sa pa?" we IM jrha I t,ns st ,rr-l up a "'lef 4o a lav k la a ltore ' r lb oil.- .laf. Ifa ao o-4 Ifast an isttas I W Jotsrt l. ! t siraifh'rtoed 41 S. ! N ip bk ' I. ssf h a to a b tl "I l ad a tfM tof lba '-, '!' sxay )( ri ba I a ' to..i.a fr I al f a. W M " isU.utu ru a f ! trta I-" '' ' ' -t ,m Y'lh b' ra I" tl real la l I'Hmary laadlilona hrre-aary I) a Laag ana llrallky Ufa. "llie prin.nry cotidiiion of longev ity," Ihe Mnlital Kioid rjnolra Mr. F. W. W M-m r tut miv I g. "ro Ihal the bmrt, lutiga ami Uigealive otp-iii. a Well aa the brisiin ahouhl I Ul(e. If thrne orgiu.a ure lurge Ihe Iruhk still la lung and Ihe hiiil.a . -li n ra t J vt-l T alwirt. Ihe r ill nprar tall in aiiting uji.I abort iu swuolii g. The will luttf a l"ig m d Muiii'wlial bay p.ilio nod alioit 1 lot bia.n will I ilraJy wntil. a t lnoli by l. ta.lii-a of Ihe t ar ling !. 1 h til ue hii-l or brow n bu I r e, a shew ing Ml li.trriliiaalon of I' p l" 1 1 a f.ii.rl,f iiida a! lull. 1 Iioalr U l iimT toll?''. 1t ni.d ii,l ralfa ltf luin'. A p'P' 'H'l l d Sin j I v'.iimr I iil,i t i ii.i.ll or f tl i IV. "In li p .f tn w ' biia l.i ttl x.l mh i. !, i.ii oi. If and bil af I ' -I ! I.- r t'.r 'l' a. Ik-rt l. Ii, or ii.. It I 1. 1, wu in ftaft.itg by l)i r, nif Imlure inaknt a r. p. . T..H l.i aa Ibe -nal ( Htosb'-H-r l-oir-i'y and tklrnd llie bfr tj Dm- pir .trr I n ,!. Anyone Im wmlr'a'an ' I ) " weak t.l.d iUii'-m.iis rwrl ( fe to f tsariHalanl f.rfuiii'd. ll ImWsu'h arr I Iba rVldren of ht lle rrnta mature toie-h to'-r aim sue lMsaily lax kaf I In U ir u i ' " Half pas , Tbf Is a .:et't bltJe aWary aVt a ajry -f dfuMiinrf a.Hiop la th Brflirp f'-m of a !r--r lalk',lif hMh I I !. On afire another bt to'-l a'-rul lil fl of If I b'd bars. Ier aftd Owy'd a! ln d Mrp; :! I,i I the Ul i ii of l. I-. i il i am ba lara, aa-l la'd to'! '".if n. U la ttwraka Ibf r4 d In Sim lii. r iih b m a 'ui nfi lh.. but ,n thry r tt lo aV I. m bal b'tol M.a I la and I. -d tbal r l'a L.I f r a I at In i-l i g I l a- I, ai.l lb !. Il lf-l 1 fci-.aj. t. i !,; . Ir- r.-a o. 1 -i g f.,t ai.r.t I ', r r'i nl ba au'l ! ' ' ' ! Maaral.1 W lai lava M f r f , , , , , ,, if.,. ,. In l' I ,i'.t . (.. t ,(, ! f b a lie t. r. . a .r. I lra. I -' t ' I i I'll' ' I, a ,. lif.a I I f a I a- I. . r ert., Ttok Ct.