Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 19, 1897, Image 4

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    TO TAB
Of Two Transcontinental
1 Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For (ull detail call on 0. S. ft N.
Agent ta Heppner, cr address
Gen. Fast. Aft.
Pobtland. Oregon.
E. McNElLL, President and Manager.
San Franolsco
And all points In California, via the lit, B Lasts
route of toe
Southern Pacific Co
The treat hisrhwnjr through California to all
points Kast and South. Grand Hoan la Ront
; Of the Paoifio Coast. Pullman Bnffet
Bleepers. Beoond-oUss Hleapsrs
Attached to express trains, affording snpsrlor
BWoomsaodationa for saoond-olaas passsngers.
For rates, tiokete, sleeping oar reservations,
eto,, oall npnn or address
. KOKHLKR, Manager, K. P. ROGERS, Asst.
Sen. t. A P. Aft.. Portland, Oregon
Through Pullman Pa I art Sleepers,
Tourist Hlseners and Free Reclining Chair
Cars DAILY to t'liltsgo.
Many hours saved via this line to Eastern
R. W. BAXTER, Gtn. Agent,
J'artluwl, Ortyon,
J. C, HART, Agent, Jleppner, Orttfon.
m mm
. 4 tf tkl fifty.hu numkrri f Hit ftritJual will eft wi'f A 4 it ivy h urn
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m in l a .uljs tif M Ummm 4jm Immi Km. SMasaa tkaa) lams Shs
is a
and It th result of eoWs uni
sudden climatic changss.
It can be cared by m pleasant
remedy which ia applied di
recti y Into the nostrils. Be
ing quickly atorbed it gives
relief at once.
Ely's Cream Balm
Is acknowledged to be the most thoroneh cure for
Masai Catarrh, Cold in Bead and Hay Fever of all
remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages,
allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro
tects the membrane from colds, restores the senses
of taste and smell. Price 60c. at DrneKlsts or by malt
ELY BKOTHEBS, M Warren Street, New York
18 Pages a Week. 156 Papers a Tear.
It standi first among "weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication and
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is praotically a daily at the low
price of a weekly ; and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries will vouch for the aocuraoy and
fairness of its news oolnmns.
It is splendidly Illustrated and among
its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashions for women and a long
series of stories by the greatest living
Amerioan and English authors,
Cohan Doylb, Jbiiome E. Jbkomh,
Starlit Wbyman, MabyE. Wilkinb,
Anthony Hope. Bbkt Habtk,
Bbandbb Matthkws, Eto.
We offer this uncqnaled newspaper
and The Oazette together one year for
$3.26. The regular subscription price of
the two papers is $3.50.
iwaiee & St. Paul R'y
Glance at this Map
Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and Rt. Paul Rail
way and note Its connections with all transcon
tinental lines and Ht. Paul and maha, and
remember that Its trains arc lighted with elec
tricity and heated by steam. Its equipment Is
uperb. Kligant Buffet, Library, Hmoklngand
Bleeping cars, with free reclining chairs. Kach
sleeping oar berth has an electilo reading lamp,
and Its dining oars ars tlis best In the world.
Other lines are longer than this, but none are
shorter, and no other offers the above luxurious
accommodations. Theessrs sufficient reasons
lor the popularity of "Ths Milwaukee." Coupon
Irket agents) In every railroad office will give
I on further Information, or address
C. J. EDDY, General Agent,
I. W. CABBY, Trav. Pass. Agent,
PuSTLAPB, Oasao.
tub paintko m:m:rt
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Wealth Out of s Poor Fi
There is a man in Alabama who, according-
to the New Orleans States,
takes life very easy for the simple rea
son that his farm extends up and down
the Louisville & Nashville railroad for
a distance of fifty or sixty miles. A
gTeat many persons will be disposed to
doubt this statement, but nevertheless
it is the truth. A short time ago the
old Alabama countryman was a victim
of impecuniosity because his farm was
so poor that the vats would not stay on
it, but one day the engineers of the
road came along and discovered that
his farm was nothing more than a vast
deposit of gravel, the very material
they desired to use as ballast for the
bed of the road. They endeavored to
buy the farm outright, but the old
countryman stubbornly refusing to
Bell the only home he had on earth it
was finally arranged to pay him a roy
alty on every car load of gravel taken
from his land. The royalty has made
him rich, and as the supply of gravel
is practically inexhaustible he will
soon be able to boast that his farm is
the largest in the world and extends
all the way from New Orleans to Louis
ville. The Only Chair Car Line
To the east is the Uni on Pacific. East
ern cities are reached via this line with
fewer obanaes of oars tbau via other
lines Rates always the lowest Tickets
to or from points in the United States.
Canada, or Europe fur sale by R. W,
Baxter, tien. Agt., 135 3rd at., f ortland.
The Nervous System Influenced by Dif
ferent Kinds of Sounds.
The old story that Saul when out of
temper used to summon David to play
the harp, and found the music to be a
sedative, may prove to be more than a
simple historic incident, for both Char
cot and Tarchanow have declared that
musical sounds are a remedial agency
in disease which no physician can af
ford to ignore, says the New York
Mr. War-thin, of Michigan, who has
given a great deal of thought to this sub
ject, anscrts that different kinds of
sounds are more effective than drugs in
the cure of disease. For instance, he
boldly assures us that the music of
Valkyrie will increase perspiration,
and, therefore, cure certain forms of
ailment caused by chocking its flow.
The operative energy its not the music
as such, but the peculiar vibrations
made by it. Tannhauser, on the other
hand, is a vibratory suorific and in
duces a serene state of mind and body.
M. Coriveaud, of Paris, asserts thnt
violin playing is at least a temporary
remedy for sciatica. lie adduces the in
stance of a patient who found almost
instant relief in that way and who suc
cessfully resorted to it whenever threat
ened with an attack.
Perhaps this iw an appeal to the im
agination, but wh.it matters it if the
patient is cured ? Perhaps, again, there
is a law hidden somewhere in the pile
of apparent impossibilities one which
will some time be discovered for our
iK-neflt. We never wnile with increduli
ty at anything In thewe wonder-working
The True Remedy.
W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, I1L,
Chief," says: "We won't keep boose
without Dr. Kiop;'g New Discovery for
Consumption, Oouifhs and Quids, Ex
perimented with many others, but never
got the true remedy until we need Dr.
King's New Discovery. No other remedy
oan take its plaoe in our borne, ai in it
we bave a oertsin and sure sure for
Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, eto."
It ia idle to experiment with other
remedies, even if they are urged on yon
as just aa good as Dr. King's New Dis
covery. Tbey are not as good, beoaase
tbia remedy lias a record of our- and
bee Ulna is guaranteed. It never (ails to
satisfy. Trial bottles free at Conser A
Brock's drug store.
W tf iuttmtticntl ftmt,
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A Son W IS. W SHMHa,
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A Great Physical Effort Is Necessary to
Produce the Full Effect.
Dr. Livingstone noted the odd re
semblance of the lion'a roar to that of
the ostrich, ays the Spectator. Mr.
Millais eays that though the roar
of the latter is not so loud, it haB ex
actly the same tone as that of the lion.
But the ostrich always roars his beet,
the lion very seldom. This is partly
because a "good" roar needs a great
physical effort. The whole interior and
muscles of mouth, throat, stomach and
abdomen are, for the moment, converted
into an organ of terrific sound, and the
sound does make the earth tremble or
appear to do so. Cut the attitude is
not that usually drawn. Unless he roars
lying down, when he puts his head up,
Jike a dog barking, tho lion "emits his
first moan in any position, then draws
in his neck and lowers ti is beau with
extended jaws, right down to hw fore
paws, as if about to be violently sick;
while at the same time the back is
arched and the vliole animal bears an
appearance of concentrated strain."
This is Capt. Millais' phonetic render
ing of the sound, taken when listening
to three lions roaring their best: "Moan
roa r r-o-a-r roar roar roar
runt grunt grunt grunt (dyinsr
Why lions roar, when it ought to pay
better to keep silent, is not yet ex
plained. Gen. Hamilton was convinced
that tigers hunting in company roar to
confuse and frighten the deer. Possi
bly the lion roars, when prowlinjf
around a camp, in the hope of causing
some of the draft animals to break
loose; at other times it appears to be a
form of conversation with others at a
Two Carious Reasons for Breaking Off
on Engagement Compact.
Many marriages are sometimes de
clared off for peculiar reasons, gen
erally insignificant, and quite as often
on account of the eccentricity of the
man as the woman. Only last month,
says the Detroit Free Press, a marriage
in New York high life arranged to take
place was canceled for a very peculiar
reason. The intended bride was a
young and handsome woman, noted
among her acquaintances for her dressy
proclivities. The bridegroom, on the
other hand, had by no means a strong
reputation for being well groomed.
At an important function to which
he escorted the young lady the tie which
he was wearing persisted in climbing
up over his collar. His fair companion,
after several times calling his atten
tion to the f act, left him and went home
In despair at witnessing the amusing
smiles of the other guest. Subse
quently s-he wrote breaking off the
mutch. She could never live happily
with a flovenly husband, she explained.
A Chienjro man of musical tastes
backed out of the matrimonial bnr-
pnin when he discovered at on evening
party given to celebrate the betrothal
thnt the voice of his future bride was of
Mich a pitch as precluded the possibil
ity of their ever singing duets together.
A llwthel of Brandled Chocolates Won't
Make fonr Olanaful.
"This action of the people prohibiting
the sule of whisky drops is laughable
to men In the business," said a manu
facturing con feet io tier, reports the New
York Journal. "Why, a man might
rut an entire humid of ordinary bran
dled chocolate without getting a pony
glitHsful of the pure spirit. Confec
tioner have a mixture of their own
for t his purpose, which I con assure you
contains a very atnnll proportion of
brandy less than an ounce to the gal
Ion. There la about the same propor
tion of spirit in it as there ia of grape
juice In a quart bottle of clarrt at a
cheap tabid d'hote.
"I learned my trade In England, and
I rememlicr that 30 years ago there wm
a howl over there against the sale of
brandy anapa. This ia a confection
very popular with achool children over
there, v-ry much the same aa peanut
brittle Is here, A parliamentary com
ml t toe Inquired into the matter and
discovered that a ton of brandy anaim
contained Iran than half a pint of pure
alcohol. The sale of anana waa not in
I erf Ted with."
ttno ktlad of Itnalaewa That Is Happily mm
I'rroearatly aoapwideol.
Where has the Jewelry auctioneer
tjotw? I'p to I hire years ago tlwir
over at least a down plnrra on the
South aide whrtt a gaudy display of
watches, diamonds aixl revolvers In
the windows railed attention loai-rarcc
ly Icmi loud aurlionrer within. He stood
on an rleatlim twhlml the counter; he
had "rapira" both Inalib" and outside
me place, and hla asmoroua tone stif
rlnginif all the time, lie walrlanl the
stream of ranrrs-ktr on the street and
"Iwi-Vnl the plnY' of the rApta-m. Ho
sold all manner of waichra, and he al
ways "ffnt the lrl of It."
As rule, aajathe ChlcsifoPoat. these
Mlesmen were etrellent aurtlooeeni
and knew all the wllew of their craft.
I'p to two jeara StfO some of Ihent
were atltl rutinlnf, but I her gradually
failed out, ami mvw there Is not one,
with the trifling eeeptln of a Haiur-
1r night tltriar In West Madlaon Mreet
They mual dn a fund tMialheaa, rtlirijr
itiantitlea of tiuiterlal at an etrelten!
t'Hre. Hut there was an end of all
thlnre In their line ami the jewelry auc
tion baa vanleJieii,
( fwrtwoatlo A 1 1 a avewt fa rilains la-
aVaro. of awfelawwta-llataoetev
I'rim-o Mat of Hstnru. who has re
. rntly lakes) up hla aUle In London m
a ( AOvWie prteal at tle t bur. h f ht.
IUn.ifa.-e, In Ion street, Int., Iiawl, to
the f.xirUi s.n of I'rtn.e tirorre. duke
f K.itny, ami brplte of the klrtf of
Atony, A)t tho w Vnth tinMprf
.11 A,lertter, When he la-rame a
rvt le fufnuillr ei)Oiti-ed m'A t?
titfhto Ut Q throne to whi h hl fs'hrr
s heir. I'rmr Mat ta only I jearo of
- and he quitted the t-ertiun army to
ruler a uaiaselerv A few lsrar".
Ilia oVtertntnataiaB to retire frm the
world ami ta ents Iks leihwJ I
a' l 10 t due ta an tin'iirianaleal -!'
meet ke rnlMAibd fiof Prtnreaa
l'e-1'WA wf ea hleswlsf llulstria. !y pis
iitialraty he ha tri set 'i!af
M4t the par l tn st f d Ilia f
the rheer raia. ta fcis ttaf
tNl th nvislnt cm bi II rod ! b IK
1,el',rnrrTln. of wotklrsrmeet't
1 lult. alto, bed to Ike toil ask an. was!
"I e.'tie inwi( Voaj hot M prior,
t ut s'a'i-1 a rwwk. J im wvtker
Mojave Religions Beliefs.
The Mojaves believe that all wno
die and are not cremated are turned
into owls, and when they hear the dis
mal screech of one of the above
named creatures of the night they tell
you that it is the spirit of some dead
Mojave who has returned to advise
his people to submit to the ordeal of
fire. When one of the tribe dies his
relatives and immediate friends do
not eat salt or wash themselves for
four days. Their heaven is "White
Mountain;" they know nothing of hell
nor any place of punishment except
liiemia, the place where unincin-
erated warriors are transformed into
Via the Union Pacific System
Baggage is cheoked through from Port-
and to d estination. The specialties of
tbe Union Paoittc are unexcelled track
and equipment, union depots, fast lime,
through oars, steam beat, Pintscb light
nd oourteoos treatment to passengers.
For rates aud information apply to R.
W. Baxter, Gen. Atft. U. P. system, Port
land, Oregon.
Send your name for a Souvenir
of the Works of Eugene Field,
Cb Eugene Ticli monument Souvenir
The most beautiful Art Production of the cen
tury. "A small bench of ths most frairsnt of bios.
sesss fatsorta tram the broad acres ot Kageno field's
fmim of Lot." contains a selection ot the most
beautiful of the poems of Eugene Field. Hand
somely illustrated by thiity-uve of the world's
nment Fund. Bat for tbs aobl contributions of ths
great srtlsts this book coold sot bavo been maaafac
tared for I7.00. For sale at book stores, or sent
F 'repaid on receipt of $1.10. The love offerlngto
heChild's Poet Laureate, published by the Com
mittee to create a fund to build the Monument
and to care for the family of the beloved poet.
tugene rieia Monument souvenir Fund,
So Mhim Stmt, Chicago, XB
f Tsins yisia
tY DtslCNs,
Anyone sendtn- a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention Is
probably patentable. Communications strictly
confidential. Oldest aneucy for iwurlng patent
In America. We have a Washington omce.
Patents taken through llunn A Co. reoelva
peelal noUoe in the
beautifully Illustrated, lanrest circulation of
any solentlflo Journal, weekly, terms 3.UU a yeari
11.50 six mouths. Hpeolmen copies and HAnn
Booa on Fatints sent free. Address
361 Broadway, Mew York.
lADlitS ME1 j
TH CHROIVJCIJS ranks wUA ho fnaisst
aowsoaDara la Um (Jiattad aula.
THK UHltONICLK has do aq Ml on thsraeta
loom. 11 toads au ta ability, entarprtse aad news,
TUB OHKONIOUfH Tatacraphsa Beporta are
tho latest and most reliable, It Local Mews lb
fullast asd Meiast, sod II AattsarUI from IA
ablaal pans ta tbs suontry.
TUKCItUOtSIOLK bualravobaoavaodalrra
wlU bo, ths friend and ahamptoa of th paopss as
acalnat aombl nations. oUaaaa. snuniinu aa
omnwaslonaof any kind. ItwIU b UidopaBdAat
ui veryuiBA' aeulrsi la "sj
Tb rbrMtel tloiUloa.
By Mali. rato tmU.
Only $6.70 aVtar.
The Weekly Chronicle
Hi tad ITedlj b it rttirj.
$1.50 a k
llat4la puiiasK U aay eaxt af Ik Clu4
OfcsiaA a 4 Suae
TWt WKKKt ct'VICH U mim
4 mS sumiJias WaaSiy a ia mm I IA
SMrtA SSMS eaoraianr SaSawaa. a lalo
tS0waa.at tJOaealiayo s4 ilaawej laavWM
!: aasia.4 Asfteaitarei laravMl
do you want the
Reversible Map?
Tbi Ur.tci Sutfi, Dos!&!oa cl
Ctct U tni Nortbera Mixico
of tho World
oi- lit a oTitt-n ttic
I ill p
4 ft a4 UH tb Mta a
Weekly ( r.rtanlU IW Oom To
I"1 prpH mm Mj 4 rf
Airatw "
1. It. 4 VOCHO,
T. A. Blocam, H. C, the Great Chemist and
Scientist, Will Bend, .Free, Three Bottles of
ilia Newly Discovered Remedies to Hnfferers.
Editor Gazette : I have discovered
a reliable oure for Consumption and all
Bronchial, Throat and Lung Diseases,
Qeneral Decline. Loss of Flesh aud all
Conditions of Wasting Away. By its
timely use thousands of apparently
hopeless oases have been oured. 80
proof-positive am I of its power tn cure,
that to make its merits known, I will
send, free, to any afflicted reader of your
paper, three bottles of my Newly Dis
oovered Remedies upon reoeipt of Ex
press and Postoffioe address. T. A.
8LOCUM, M.O.,98 PioeStreet.New Tork.
when writing the doctor, mention tbla paper.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat-!
eat business conducted for ModcrstC Fit.
uunurribin wrrv.i i w . u . . -
and we can secure patent IA less tims tiisn those
rmnf A fron) Wajihinirtno.
Send model, drawing or photo., witn oesenp-i
tion. we aavise, u patentable or not, ires 01
charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured,
a D.uau, How to Obtain Patents." with
cost of same in the U. S. and. foreign countries
sent ire. Address,
Oee. Patent Orncc, Washinoton. d.
Cummings & Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A
Q., C. M. & St. P., C. dt A., P. Ft. W. St U., ;
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
HATES Ota.oo PR 13 AY
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
4J -w- . -sr ew v-wr
To persons who served in the wars of the United States of to their "
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You It
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican W ars
on whom you depended for support 7
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new-
law are entitled to an Increase
to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present .
your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from tho ;
time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour.
f7Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advlct.
i,") No Fee unless successful. ' ' '
S The Press Claims Company :
I'KILIP W. AVIRETT, General Minifer, ' 1
$ 618 P 5treet, WASHINGTON, D. C
if. 1.T!tt Company U controlled
f ! ixitiers in Ikt United States, and it
TF5TT mlT iIS cficr
Attorneys at Iqv,
All buslne attended to ia prompt sod satisfaotory
manner. Notariea Pablie end Oollectors.
BEPPNER, : t i ; t
Columbia River and Pusct Sound Naviffatioo Do
Leaving Aider Htreet Ik. TortUnd. for AsUrla. Ilwaeo, Long Bh, Ocoa
Park and Nabcotla. Direol onoeetioa with Ilwaeo atoaaert aad rail
road ; also at Toosg't Bay with 8abora RaiutMd.
Lmv Portland 7 A. ht. Dally, sicept Buoday. Uavoi AstorlA I P. at. tHUy, icey4 taaday.
Laavca Portland P. II iHlly, esrent Sunday. Matuntay Burnt, II r. at. Imvos Astoria Dal It a '
at ii A. hi.. Slept Sunday and sloo.lay. Sunday Blbt,1 t. M. ' "
Pnrtl.iKl ami runs dlr-n to 1. Tu-oHsy sod Tbura4ar at t A. at. ftetaMay- 1 M.
Uvm tloaco wo.luo.lay and frt4y at I k A, St. On aa4ay aliklaT I Tk.
Ete CW.(4 i. Eiita. Dtitiulioi M Boifj Fret tf Ezpe&ac
Pot Aafsty, Speed, Comfort, rleasur. Travel o la TsUpbooA BalUy OaUert and Oroaa W.ta,
It: Essie; Institute
It to Advertisers ;it si j;rcat fina nd.il sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business vc must sell it.
The Patterson Publishing Co.
-.-T V
Is known to most persons.
They Illustrate that gnater quantity ia
' ' Not always most to b desired.
the cards express th bBBeial -
As compared with any previously kaowai
Klpana Tabulea : Prie, so t a fees
Or druffista, or by matt.
BIPAMS CHEMICAL CO., 1 0 Mrwei ti., Hf
WANTED-AN 101.. v
ffirTtr!SS; i
BVSS CO., Patent Attorners, WaaklllgsuB,
D. C for their f00 prtt offer.
The regular subscription price ot tho
Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and tha
regular price of th "Weekly Orepjiiiaa
is S1.S0. Any one subscribing for .th
Gazette and paying for one year im
advonoe can set both the Gazette And '
Weekly Orenonian for 93.60. All old sub- i
so fibers payfnir their subscription's for .
one year in advanoe will be entitled i
the nam.
Niw Fbkd Yabd. Wm. Gordon haa
opened np the feed yard next door t
tbe Gazette office, and now solicits
share of your patronage. 'Billy is right
at home at Ibis '' business, and youf
horses will be well looked after. Prices t
reasonable. Bay and grain forsale. tf
-r-w-A -sr-a. m w m ar -ar-A m wk-arA
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of pension. The government Owes it
by nearly one fAouAsmt leading Mow. '
ouarantttd by (Arm. -
For the Ouro o
Liquor, Opium ui Tobacco Habits
It la VoraM at SaWsa, Ort,
TU Mott Dtmntifml Tr tntUOxut
Call at Ik asiorra a srleata
WrkroMBdoouaA. TrssMSMat aelvsMaaA si
.OF ...
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j ,'! M tl trf IaWI."
rseo- f
asa A f riw mi IS.
aVtal tMtttkikk