ThafiT Tired Feeling Make you seem "all broken up," with out life, ambition, energy or appetite It it often the forerunner of aerious 1U nesa, or the accompaniment of nervous troubles. It is a positive proof of thin, weak, impure blood: for, it the blood la rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, It im- and 50 cent bottles for sale by Oonser & iwns me ana energy to every nerve, Organ and tisane nf flin hrHir rm, necessity of taking Hood's Sarsaparilla F' ale-Abont birty on f '7 for that tired feeling is thprpfnw..f baJ located about two and one-balf to every one, and the good it will do you is equally beyond question. Remember The progressive ladies ot Weslfield, Ind issued a "Woman's Edition" ot the Westfield News, bearing date ot April 3 , 1896. The paper is filled with matter ol interest to women, and we notice the following from a correspondent, which the editors printed, realizing that it treats upon a matter of vital Importaooe to their sex: "The best remedy tor oroup, oolds and bronobitis that I have been able to find is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For family use it baa no equal. ' I gladly reoommend it." 25 miles ot Hardman. Also 400 aores of good ranRe, fenoed, to go with same. m vm n n neniy ot outside government range 5l jrtE&fc. aH i9k near Bl httD1' 8he'ter for 2'00ft nea1 of iiMnMllini! 8heep or lar8e bftDd of cattle- Good J tJ T0fJ tff 3- eSiJ bouse on plnoe. Call on Gazette' offioe tor particulars. A rare chance to get bay obeap. All signs iodioate a hard winter and delays are dangerous. tt Elder M. V. Howard was taken very ill on last Saturdry evening at the borne oi nis Dromer, Key. u. K. Howard, in hub ouy. mr. jaowara nag been in Heppoer about two weeks assisting in oaring for bis son, Prof. W. 0. Howard and Hv f Tt TTntsnrd him Wthnp Now that the great politloal oampaign ThB ...h. .,. iwh' to ... 4V. : :.u f, ..v " wUT.DOUDU., - w.uvci Oouu .K.u wuu BDd were ftl)le ( be down tQWn thji as, aw win want an adequate supply of Sarsaparilla Is the best-in fact the One Tree Blood Purifier. HnnH'c DIllc cure easy to take. 1 IUUU a fills easy to operate. 25 cents. k GOOD CLUBBING LIST. fresh and varied reading matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of this the Gazette has made clubbing arrangements with a number of periodicals and now offers the following to all new and renew al subscribers: The GAZETTE $2.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonlan, $1.60 $3.50 " B. F. Examiner, 1.50 8.75 " N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 8.00 " Inter-Ocean, $1,00 8.26 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75 Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25 Webfoot Planter, Me 2.50 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00 Here and There. Grand con oert. Heppner opera house. Wednesday evening Jan. 27. Admission 35, 25 and 15 cents. ' The Heppner Transfer Co., for sale. . has wood 87-tf. from Judge Bartholomew returned Portland Saturday morning. Drink the celebrated J. H. Cutter whiskey. On tap at Cbris Borohera. The Bedligbt people will treat you right, Call on them when in town. tf If yon want the best of everything, go to tbe Orange Front, Joseph Don't forget the dale of tbe grand oonoert at tbe opera house, Wednesday, Jan. 27. Art Shullz, ion of Fastor Bbultz, well known in Heppoer, is attending oollge at Salem. Harry Warren got borne last Friday morning from a breit visit to Oregon's metropolis. ( James Molotire made fioal proof on bis homestead before tbe county olerk on Friday. Bertha, the four-year-old daughter ol Wayne Huston, of Eight Mile, is report ed to be very til with pneumonia, morning. On Wednesday evening, Jan 27, grand oonoert will be given in tbe opera bouse under the auspices of the First Christian church ot this city, for tbe purpose of purchasing ao organ tor tbe new oburch edifice. Prioe of admission bas been placed at a very reasonable fignre, and tbe best talent ot the oity will be represented iu tbo program. Eagle: E. N. Orookett, of tbis oity, wbo is attending tbe Marion-Simms Medical college, of St. Louis, has been honored by tbe faoulty ot tbat instita tion by the appointment ot assistant demonstrator of anatomy. Tbis is an honor not enjoyed by but few undergra d nates, and a position to which Mr. Crockett is no doubt justly entitled Eagle: Walt Thompson, proprietor of the neppner-oionumeot stage line was in the oity Sunday on business. He in forms tbe Eagle that tbe roads are now in shape and tbat tbe stage coaches will again be run over the line. Tbe road between Toll Rook and Monument bas been the worst tor tbe past month known for years. Fos8ii;Journal: Tbe Baptist Sentinel states tbat lief. J. T. Moore, formerly ot Mitchell, died two weeks ago in Texas, ot typhoid fever. Mr. Moore will be remembered here as tbe Baptist preach, er wbo held a revival meeting and deliv ered several A. P. A.lootnres in Fossil. Allen H. Crocker, auditor of Walla Walla county, Wash. , died at his home in tbe' city ot Walla Walla on last Sat urday afternoon of Brigbts diaease, age 47 years. He was an honored and highly respeoted citizen of tbat community. Now is tbe time to get tbe Weekly Oregooian. tbe greatest newspaper of the West. Wilb the (lar,tu, both strict ly in advance, one year, 3.5U. No better combination of newspaper can be made in tbe state. Walt. Thompson runs stags between The "Bee," Swarmed. Open installations and banquets haye been very much in evidence in Heppner tbis winter, and tbe past week furnished its share. On Friday evening at K. ot hall, Heppner Tent, Knights of the Macoabees, gave an open installation and banquet, which might properly be oalled the social event ot the season. These people have a reputation as royal enter tainers everywhere, and Heppner Tent is not behind tbe best ot them. A good program arranged for tbe occasion was rendered as follows: Opening ode by members of Heppner Tent. Address of welcome, W. L. Sui ng. Solo, Miss Ada Bartlelt, Solo aud chorus, M. B. Galloway, Mies Maggie Adkios, Miss Florence Crit tenden and W. L. Saling. Piano solo, Mrs. H. W. Bartholomew. Comic eoug, Prof. Josef Mueller. Solo, Mrs. Wm. P. Dutton. Duet, the Misses Swaggart. Oomic song, Frank McFarland. Overture, "Martha," Heppner orobea- tra. Interspersed with tbe program, the in stallation by Deputy Sup. Com. W. L. Saling of the following offioers, took plaoe: Commander, S. W. Meadows; Lieutenant Oom.,Bruoe Kelley; Fioanoe Keeper, A. I. Jones; Reoord Keeper, S, Leezer; Physician, D. J. MoFaul; Master-at- Arms, M. B. Galloway .Sargent, Qeo. Shipley; 1st Master of tbe Guards, Otto Freidnob; 2.1 Master of tbe Guards, J. J. Adkins; Sentinel, L. M. Summer field ; Pioket, Pbil Bloebm. Tables were spread and a banquet served to more than 200 of tbe Maccabees and their guests. Tbis was followed by a grtnd oake walk, which was partici pated in by a large camber of those present, tbe prize, a handsome coke, be- iug oarried off by S. P. Uarrigues and Mrs. J. J. Roberts. After tbis music and dancing was indulged in for about two hours. Heppner Tent is in a prosperous and growing condition. Has been in exist enoe about two years and now bas a membership of over 70. Tbis was their first attempt in tbe way of an open enter tainment, but it was a good one and a de cided succes In every way. WHEKE LIES TBK BLAME. THE BELL TELEPHONE. At 12 m. Monday, Jan. 11th. Olerk From the Pendleton Tribune. Moody, a Simon republican, called tbe I Manager Fletober, of the Bine Moan- bouse of representatives to order a$ tain Telephone and Telegraph company, Salem. The echo of his gavel bad not once again furnishes the Tribune with reverberated before Berkley, a silver tbe information tbat there is "no fear knight, was recognized. He nominated now from the Bell monopoly." This Davis, of Umatilla, a Bourne republican, same information was furnished tbe to be temporary speaker. Moody, local papers of tbis oity over a year ago, "Those in favor of Representative Davis and there is no more truth in the state- Free Pilia. Send your address to H. E. Buoklen k Co., Chicago, aud get a free sample box ot Dr. King's New Life Fills. A trial will oouvioce you of their merits Ttwae pills are easy In aotiou and are particularly effective in tbe cure ot Con stipation aud Siok Headaobn. For Ma laria and Liver troubles that have been proved invaluable. They are guaran teed lu be perfectly free from every deleterious eubstanoe and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorating . the system. Begular size 25a, per box. Sold by Conner & Brock, druggists. Til Artisans Entertain. On last Saturday evening Heppner Atterubly of United Artisuns held ao open meeting to wLlob a few friends of lbs order bad been invited. The main will say aye, those opposed will say nay. Mr. Davis is unanimously chosen tem porary speaker." To properly under stand tbat eentenoe it must be read with great rapidity and without pause ot any kind. In return Moody was nominated for temporary clerk and solidly sup ported by tbe Bourne populists, and consequently elected to the position. This was tbe first public intimation ot the combination between the Simon and Bourne faotions. Thomas, of Multno mah, republican, moved tbe appointment ot a committee on credentials. The mo tion was carried- Davis then showed bis unfitness for a presiding offioer by setting at naught all parliamentary oourtesies and appointed the aforesaid Berkley chairman of euota oommittee. The other members are U'Ren, populist, Bilyeu, demoorat and Thomas and Stan ley, republicans. Tbe ohairman oalled tbe part of the oommittee favorable to bim to meet at tbe headquarters ot Bourne and not at tbe oapitol where such oommittees should meet. Thomas and Stanley bad muoh diffioulty in find ing tbem. Tbe oommittee took up a ooutest from Coos oounty. Nosier holds tbe certificate wbiob ought to admit bim, leaving the contest to be determined by tbe house after the committee on elec tions bas reported on tbe matter . Bark ley and Bilyeu would seat neither con testant, U'Ren would seat Huutley, populist, white Thomas aud Stanley would seat Nosier, wbo appears to have been regularly eleoted. Minority of tbe oommittee has filed a report. Tnis ma jority is Barkley and Bilyeu because Barkley is ohairman. Bothers is or can be no organization of tbe bonne. There is no house, no officers, no nothing. There is no authority to compel tbe at tendance ot members. Tbere oan be none till organization. So decides Da vis. Worse than tbis tbe populists, demo crats and Simon republicans will not at tend the Bessiou to make a quorum. Tbe republicans have a majority but not tbe two-thirds majority required by tbe stats constitution. It takes 40 members aud the republicans are short tbal number, ao the way the matter now stands Simon and Bourne are holding up the organiza tion. Tbe populists say they will go in it tbe republicans will get all their members in. By tbis, they refer to tbe Simon republicans. Tnose worthies oau't attend tbe session till "Simon says thumbs up." Riddle, a Simon republi can, was Mmou a oanaiaaie lor speaker. The majority of tbe republicans favored Benaon and be received tbe cations Domination. The people who are holding op tbe or ganization are: Barkley, silver rep., Marion; Bayer, Simoo rep., Multuotn.ib; Bilyeu, Utm., Lane: Bourne, pup., Alultuomab; Buck- ment now than there was at that time. While the Tribune should like very much to know tbat there is nothing to fear from tbe Bell monopoly, and tbat investors in tbe local oompany are now to be guaranteed immunity from the possibility of being involved in a law suit with tbe Bell company, yet our own information npon tbe subject will not permit us, in the interest of intending investors, to give indorsement to tbe published statements in the local col umns ot yesterday's Tribune. As we understand it, there has been no final settlement of the suit now pending in the supreme oourt ot tbe United States over tbe expiration of the Bell telephone patents, and npon tbe settlement of wbich depends tbe right ot any one to muke 'phones and sell tbem. Tbe peo ple of Heppner, Baker Oity, Canyon City and Pendleton who have been held baok by tbe Bell oompany may have tbe same tear now on account ot infringe ments tbat they bave bad in tbe past. The mere fact than an eastern firm en gaged in tbe manufacture and sale ot telephones offering to give 8100 for tbe privilege of defending a suit brought by tbe Bell Telephone oompany on the Ber liner patent against dealers or mors of tbeir telephones is no guarantee against loss on tbe part of Btookboldera in the telephoue oompany using the Hunoiog telephone. . The loss to this section of the chantry in a business way in tbe long drawn out effort to establish a telephone line inde pendent of tbe Bell oompany Is already far iu excess ot tbe benefit to be derived from a lower telephone rate. When the ouse now pending in tbe su preme court is finally settled the Tribune will make mention ot it. Y0VJ r, ."1 111. HAVI .7 Nothing BUT THE GENUINE You will find one coupon Inside each two ounce bag and two coupons Inside each fourouncebagofBlackweU's Durham. Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a Hut of valuable presents and bow to get them. ' -wWiPiyf- i ftiiilSI iyVIU If I-Iotel HEPPNER, OREGON Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop GueBts will find the best of accom modations in every respect. Ed. R. Bishop, suocessor to Tbe Mo- Farland Mercantile Co., is atill on deck, giving great bargains in all lines. The stock most be olosed out, and it is sur prising bow cheap things are. Call on them. Frank MoFsrland, salesman. The Trouble is Over! We Mean the Election. But that Makes no Difference With Notice. The annual meeting of the stockholder oi I OreKon, Monday, January &U7-14 i. the Heppner Unlit and Water company will be I held at the ottiee ol the company In Heppner, ary 2rm, A. v. iwi. I. W. AY Bus, Secretary. R HOWARD Timber Culture Final Proof. Notice for Publication. The Pallet. Oreeon. Jan. 16. 1R07, NOTICE IS HEKKBY GIVEN THATWKHLEY T. MrNahb.o! Lexington, Oregon, hat filed notice o! Intention to make final proof before Jotuuh L. Itlhaon. U. 8. Com. at till office In lxliiKtin, Oregon, fin Wednesday, the loth day of March. ln. on limber culture application No. 2WI4, for the NKiof lection No. 81, lu Towmhlp No Jtouth, Range No. 34 cant. He nainea aa wltnenaea: Thomai L. Dormao ant Va!iffivrA I.. PfiftM. nf Riuht M ll. f lmirfin. Milton K. Morgan and Menzo A. Olden, ot Ions, Oregon. JAS. K. MM)KE. 1MB Kegliter. Wbo never lets politics interfere with business. At tbe same old stand, next door to M. Lichtenthal's. objool of tbe meeting was to give lbs man, pop., Coos; Craig, silver rep , Mar ti. --.I M..nn AMorner Redfield went over to Pen- d ' D, M d .'leaving evert dleton Friday evening where be baa ome business before tbe circuit oourt. E. L. F reel and returned Saturday from a brief visit at Salem where be witnessed Iba opening of tbe legislature. It "old sport" aod tbe editor of tbe society onlumn are "not dead but sleeo th," resurrection will certainly ooour coo. , day exoent Sunday. Hbortest ami obeap- wt route to tbe interior. Cousr k Brook, agents. Gid Uatt and Charley Jones are as ociated together down at Cbsrley'i old plaoe in tb tonsorial bnalons. Call on tbem aod get your whiskers pushed Id. Fbill Oobo, manager of Ileppner's warebonse, will pay tbe blgbaet market TV -J T). t?l t T.r,.- "wvtTr """. , aiw7Miiuuu,. r Bring your bides to bim. ' eciored. Tbe best vsm tea ever soia id . Bsppnsr. r. U Tbompsoo Von Ipe Caar Urowlk B-a.o.4. leaucm. " Vnr ..... hi,,,, Matifwk A.B.NUe.of Wslla Walla, tnanofao- bM Wn lroobU! b, , WB0WO0 0r tarsr aod dealer in mooamenta and WM,f gromtl on bU ,B blp 0 bM beadstooea, U In nsppner rostUng after ,offrtd , f nt uftj eoooyaoce aed baslness. Inoorveoieooe from It ol late aod as a Tbsmsmbersof tbe family of J. D. .naequraoe be dtoided to bave it re Ball, ot Oooeeberry, wbo bave recently moved. Mr. Matlock is now coufloed lo ' beed quite lick, are reporteJ a Improv- bia room tbe Ter kioe bUl la Fort- lag rapidly t present. Rlcbard W. Robioeoa made Baal proof on bis timber oallnrs before Clerk Mor row Betarday afterooot., with Jobo R. iDgrabaa aod AlsMt aa it- laod as Ilia revolt of tbe torgieal opere lioa performed oa blca last Friday by Pre. WLUr, LHtlrOeld and Coolloa. lie is getting along nicely aod will Is able to flora borne la a f ds)a. Viewers and aortsyors appoint! at tbe recent saioo of tbe Oraol eoooty court lo attsod to tbe proposed road from Wsterrsaa 111 lo tutors! tbe Haystack ted Oepposr. E. O.: Mrs. 1. E. Uallock. mother of.tlooMr 0. HaJloek, rvtomed lo bar ' boms la Urppaer Saturday eight, ribs ba b la readletoa fUitlog bet - to aeveial weeta. E.O.: IUf. W. E. Tutala sal U Walla Walla today aa4 from !. goea Ibis evoaleg to Ilpv. to eoa daet rattHooa aervloaa, rrtaralaf to fteta Wed need y orelng. 1.0.) C. K. lUlfltl 1 earns ovar from HappMt ftalarday to atwad roirt. aftr bleb be will Mara li bte horn la IJrptr. Mr. lUdtUld a-iil Mmala ta raitoa fr sometims Utfi. Utek llsibewaaad V. aly, ao lr tbaflrmkame U Maibs A Ueuy, aaMueteWd tof'lH la tw baftx bwiaM la Iba !. ! d "f aoatb of Ibe .8la. Ty "eit a all. f. O. AraHl, ol M'XiUoe, at la llr ir la Ny taiile M ehipt bm raegaa la blut. U U'( ssoibvr ol raills tnm lb la part el 4 t-wr tut tf pfe l' d la U ritkL t4s a areata a" TU IWat Halve Ui ll.s mo,4 fu Cal, Braia-a, Hora. t'lawa. Hall R ", I rvtar It, Ttw-, C"fcart4 lld. CaQ UaaT Onrtae, e4 all rtlla tnr fa tank la lk Htsa la a dsagrioos dwraae. It may Irad directly to oaaatBplioa. Catarrh ie canted bv Itopare blmxl, aod tbe trne ay to rots it la by pnnfiing the blood. Hoods Hafaprilla eora ralarrb Iweauaa It removes Iba eanae of It ty par If y log lb blood. Tbonaaa la toaiify tbal iby bave bveo cort-l by Hood s riarsaparilla Hood's Fills are puraly veiffl.bU aad de Dl purrye. pa la gripe, all aref gists Tbe FrWeary aoiabtr of TailttiM ta lioluea as oae Wore la Ki Oaintval aad bia rsva's. rktae ff a iaiot olJ i;l arc Hluatrauj frata eofiaoe ra oa the u of tbe U la Tbue. Tans, at (be r ul pt t4fi of rV-bil-Wf't "D'e Carl"." lb- draM wre esadaby Iegaio. daigd ffta J1 uU palndtigs aad prints aa .labia fiew Uiat ..l. fi txjr, t -im but a fcltK-f faature 4 ll.e eerr-al te ofT-lMt. Its Fanalaa dfaauss1 f "rtslawve' .U.' by Felil. Ta, UtxMtlf ant Jalitk, as !! as lbs a.i!iy diia by irl, !, IVa yaans sad Marxvl rVara, alt b IU ltpr4 t m'f baa l ai 1 a la, and bring lbs Art a pabl 6 la diravt aab a Hb las b- laraa lau. We bete avf fa aattltlg kaa U"nf It S IM rotr I'! alts fabttaba-J allb ft txaary Im'nw. vinlora ao opportunity to learn some thing about Ibia new beneficiary organ! ztlion, as its objects, aims and benefits were to be brought forth and explained in a poial manner. Tbis organisation bas as one ot i's tenets Ibe advancement and upbuildiug ot Its members both from a scoial aod Hterary standout, aod ad mitt women In Ibe enjoyment of all tbe privileges aod benefits of the order oo equal terms with tbe men. On Ibiaonos sioo Ibe following program was rendered: United Arliaans grand marob. Address, Prof. J. IX Drown. Vooal duet, Miss Crittenden and Mr. Sallog. lUcitatioo, Miss Conies. Piaoo enlo. Ilis. J. D Brown. Addreea oa "," by a M. (logos, of IJardmse, orgaoisnr of lbs Hulled Artisans. 8la, Miae Ada Bartlelt. Reading, Jaa. Uart. Debate, "IUeolved, tbal man la tbe arrhltrct aod bnlljerof bis oo fortune." Afllrmalive, M. II. Oa'.loway, Abo Jonea and Jaa Uart; negative, Itobl. II rod. John Uoroor aod Brara Kally. Vaster Crawlira, Urv B. W. Hpaoceraod Frank McFarland ac!el aa Jidgea, aad after aelgbiag Caralally Iba points brought forth oa bolb eld, gave Iba deeisiia to tbe afflfmative. Follow lug Ibe debate aa oysior sapper was served aod roorb rt J )t l by all. A slxrl lime was spent afir anpper la a social way, aad all pro- nnnned Ibe evening sunoeaa This was aa informal effort oa lbs part of llepiner Aawtnbty, ao atiempl beinf atada la Iba dtrteia of a Urge he&aoet, yet Iba benihera did well aad S ik no 'I'd Very admirably la avtabliablng a r pal !() aa eoyal eetriara. Vie hpe lo tbe aaeo.bly grvw aad pruaper, '.Ha ion; Davis, Simuo rep., Muliuomab; Dus tin, pop.. Grant; Emery, bimetuliat, Yam hill; Uill, bimetalist, Yambill; Oralke, dein., Clatsop; OuilJ, bimetaliat, lam bill; Hill, biuiuu rep Muliuomab; Uow ser, pop., Jaoktoo; Jones, Biiuon rep., Wasco; Krase, pop., Clackamas; Lee, dvmH Folk; Maxwell, Himon rep., Mull nomab; MoAlister, pop , Union; Misener; dem., Crook; Mankera, pop., Ltun; Ogle pop, Clackamas; Fovey, BImoo rep., SHERIFFS SALE. BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT IHHUKD OITT of the ('i)iinlT Court of the Htats of Oregon for the County of Morrow, to me directed, com mamlliiK me to levy on the gooli and chatteli of the delluiiient taipayera named on thsde llniiieiit tn roll for tnld county for the yi'uri Ix'.il, IH'.U, lMia, lfl and 1h''i. (hereto attarhetl, and none be found then uHn the real prxnerty aatot forth and deM-rtlied in theialddelln(iient tax Milt, or KimiK'h thereof u almll aatlafy the amount of taxea charred therein, together with conta aud exeiia-a. I have duly levied, having tmeu unable to llndany rooili or chatteli belong, lug Ui the reapectlva di'lliiqiienu hereinafter na me t upon the following dear rllxxl ptcreaor par cell ol land aa at forth In laid Ui Una. lying and being In aald Morrow Conntv, HiaUj ol Oregon, described and minted a lollowa: AHT. TAX. Andrewa, C L lot A, hlk 1 In Btanbery I addilltlon to tl,a town of Henimer. lat IKH I ElrlcK. Hamuel tola & aud bit I CaaUs K' : Ul IMKL CU, IH4, $2 NO Oarreil, l lytaea lola 1, and IS, bis t. Cattle Kot k ,. . u , I i:aaue not a ; uii i, ane, nan, jati ... Mallnomah; Sobmidtlem, pop. Jackson, Rall( m. i,.u and , bin t, caaile Smllb, pop. Lion; Bvindetu. pop , Cl.t- Hh;.'r" 'V iTZ. i! caatii sop; U'Ken. pop., Clackamas; Wbitaker, pop., Benton; Yoakum, pop., Baker, Tbs republicans bave a majority. Tbe right lo organise tbe bouse belongs lo tbem. It tby surraudsr Ibat right tbeir constituents will bol l tbem aa In- oompetent tf not cowardly. There U a fast difftfreuo between Iba polioy of Iba republioao parly and tbal ot Iba popolia I party and It tbe republican represent.. Uvea sorreoder lo Iba populItU, demo crals aud 8imu republicans a luaioo of uncertain tugredieots, Ibe mto, wbo laal sammer spent time, money and ef fort lo slool reoublioaua, will aot be sal- laQtd with sorb aurreuder. Tbe nuove s a fair statement of Ibe bouae flgbl. Tbe Mlowlng qooatloa now preaeola lalf: IX Iba vonetlla enla, regard lees of twliiira, of Ibe above rrpreeeiite'lves endoraa Ibe coarse Ibey aie piiremagr II not, apeak oul In a loa ibal will. be beard even al Paleni. Km k: Ul l"l, 41 . i'X. Mto Worthlngum, M V hila I and 1 blk 11, Cattle Kork: Ui lM V, iwuli ii ... Pirri.a. limvtii J lota l IS and 17, blk II, Ml. Vernon addltloa lo llrppuer: tax l-'ClMr, law! l rt Nnrihera I'aHne Hlatiiry Co, lota I, (an4 , 10 I art oil Mt part lot 1, blk 1; lot I, blk II, Ml. Vernon addition to Hepp ner; Ui imn ww, n i m Bremer. Wm'N Vilwil, Ip 1 B.I 27; Ui l"'Hio. 14 ta gnu-p. tu erofoM. lpln,rJ;Ul Iku at , iwt i( Clark. W H a l and ot N eee l, Ip I n, r TT; Ul il M.. !, . . Brainel. Tk N of ae m, Ip 1 a, r Jl; Ui l U 3. t4 M an niarnel. Mra A t: H', ,,( Nf of aee IS, Ip in.iM; ui i si i. i lio Chaplain, lianlel ef.ff NKta and H ul ef.'. and N'-tol MWta and leia and . m- la, Ip t a, 1 1,. eicvpt that portloa nmoH to the . HAN. lor rtghtnf way, alao SW nf h v of aw m, ip A a, r V i ut i, a a i. M 10 h. (IlieWoltiaatid IU KWSj of - it. ip t a, I m; ua Pi It , im .... laHiiherman, lavld, K.UIa nf, SRI n er. iA ae U and f.'i of r . 71, Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's purnishings, etc. T. R. HOWARD, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. THE PALACE HOTEL BAH, J. C. BOEOH3CES, Prop. i it,nssi mm m msmmmM iwn mmmm mm Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars I SI IN 1 40 I s I a it M T It It M I 10 I fare all Dfcla Hueeeea." Himply etply "Nwarne'e Ofnlmenl." No internal medletne rUTlr l. Unree eitar, eestina, Heb, all erapiioita ea lb fM, beo'le. a'w, ae., leaviog tbe ekla clear, wblU and bea'.lhy. I W great bea Ing ad enraltve anwera are pnaaeea1 by ao remedy. Atk yoar ding gut rr rtaaioe s UmtniMil. Al Mar, 14 la m4 r.rll rd. . Tlmrslay, Jaa. H, Tb't la tear i.(-tlMj. (n rwlldcf tB rbt, rt.tb of alan. a tenxrutia l am l-e niaiM-a ut toe i l I'tiiuUr rta-rti and Hay letef t ur IJf'a I n i 1 I'ai) andeieiil to dac- twain t'.ix' t ex M l-f Ui roxnly. I li'H III : iti Vmmi It, Stw Tuk Ctly &v. Jobaltetd. Jr .f r,e.i ra ta, Moot , raoiiKimen-lr Uj'a I ream J ta lo loa. ran rt. U- to. H.l u.. i.l. It Ua t-i tle t'ire I r i-atxrfli II a4 aaitre tie. franrU W, I'ml Teef Ortfal reaa. ( barek, ll4wia, klobk fly's Crwira rIm la Iba araanwUdl ears far ralarrb and b'iM xi umtt lw ar.y la,arVsdn g I'rtne, 60 ertl talba trmm faeaMaia. Weeley Conpfuo, aba reatded ta Iba vMiaily of I'srs (IUaem tail I, 414 If la. r A and a "f H'. ul ete la, 11. a. r n, aw a H e H ani a 1 m W aee I. In a. IT7. Ul If .. .. Iki-r. a I (, i, i i a, r M. Ua )( 1 1 l :a t M.ra. Iha II. Ira ol. i4 ol er.1, r , M v-i y p i a r H. Ui l"l, ta II, ln U aa. IM 7 ut kr.lrh, V M V(4'4 aWh end hkaul a Hand W wl aw at, lei a, t IM mmmt lal MMJllao anj I. I I a. t i Ut l-t M.i tS.,. m M Xrtorawttend brla and I In I a. f M. Ut ki. riieasait of a as tat a. f It. ut et an.iu.n. aamoal S la mm St, tp t a, r V,. lal " aiUUm.n. wrd H ol e K IP I U.K.. ui ii, lH, na au. Mh r of -r a., i I a, f It Utawl7 K'l. ! .. .... M' tlnnwr 4 W a( 14 w it, Ip I a, I ui (I ta. I" l a r,4m AilfA J ttM and t .,i w m iu r at ui W HilaiM.lill.l; Our Holiday Display ! You Should all See It. Con)e in at Once. GILLIAAl & BISBEE. Mala Sleaat, HIPPNCR, OREGON. The Lancashire Insurance Co. oie f wiwoii icea-nc it icnokanii i. W PiTTKRSflS, AGKNT. !!J!JJ jwrirt ,m Kfaax i.i a. rnV kaalef Ul I'M r,HR.n, H II t ul IJti.d Wte t4 mm li, l. I a. I ui ! It aa, l4 I.I . t-t.rH, WW IWMll, tptt ir.. ut i" 't. mm i w. . - Hf7, U-a r.tbel h IW.e, f ikia ni, oa ttelota-laf nf last week In da a aa ' riUat laua) fe H)Sil"M, oetnfe; InletMMi UUt aal eiea f ; a.-1 m afbi; ttit fcy etairnua' If all" a to enaiiaae lam ore bwta wtx-k t,ftea bd and ' a U j nat.a i... ( t $ n4 hm,Ug, Cbial eaaaw t i mmt4 ealMfeete'ea a t"! .. Ihe ltav'e. Al dtiee, f bf rWMita tea - b"l F sale l y ' ral. 1' etfcla. 11. waine A !.., Oaaer.trw4. jla.WW 4 Waa anairtrd M Ut, (!liaa I, Tf" traell, II. i .nf l al.f, im na'ine Tt (lsll eiarU Its a. -a I (raltielta ati witta II a )ttt cirj(le hug life aaJ ptaM, lets W tkaela I 4a.r la Ibaiik ail mf frteada and egl.b"re a bn a4 kullr rendered a stS" diHnf IM lee f enf eelf al belated wile, T" i.n la I bia hf-if of Inal aad beatntl Will er t'aUfalif rwnsl-l. H C f atrn tara allocs of tmearooa a. l-raewaa a U ml X I ears id as ard lai a wife 10 tii inrn I la I .. !loa (mi !, ane rif Wely (enjm, wan eae ai-n efl with jiaeaaf ula al It.a s wie lime, (Ma awar a Fitlay let I. 1 .a faaiM af eaeh were laUrreJ la Iba 11 trdrnaa e n.ef y ft flttred. ll la arane-l b 4l aad la h h 1 - m, n kt Saat Chcijeuc mean it; your money lack if you don't like Mi. fmrn 'injs tat. . W. IllKlIU Ol tlV M Itll I V-, Ut IM tlr. I OH II I I ... r Mullen of k f.4 l' M a'4 mm- 4. la I t W. Ut ! i tii.a, amom, a al and -,oiok to a, i it, ua l'i i to ih . m II..... I '.... SI Mmm at. la I a. I , Ut l4 kta'Dt. ) M ! td a' e M,lp at;. Ut ut I a t " ' I a, I r. Ui iox I a, I oh i il f.i... It.i.r, to U la I a, I M. Ill wl ...... ,H,l,ii, l. tel t.. li aa il In . (m. ' -i.m I ui.1 m4 itm at.ln, mt lh ar ol .A u, 111 ol, t. ! wl M-root, too oi. t Imm, aia l rnrnM a .i II W fc o al OMioolbS, uiioi is m lo-.M il Moil I.La.4 I ut l I - at I"t ll 1 tl Mxl .-i. ! li.. luih Ami i4 !" ol al ! I. h f l l. a a o ol ol4 4a .1 i k. . '.-, in o. H Kt , ouu. I i.i a.1 li mtwm 4. roi mmmtm .1 owW- u t... lo Ilk I.HH l- .O.I. p i rioii. o.iy a aeaoa. ot oi hi a ea. t t. wt C aril of -. ta, Wa II 11 tla 10 I) IS a B at let is let 1 tv l s t I at t w) I at m u t as in ! ft irn M r I a li W I -lAvrn-i mm : BIEII : PIS ! Lcnvc No Constipation, wv Cares It, as well as ail lUllmaaatwa, Huk lleadseba aad Malaria. Tba only mNeiiBTiaLa iill la Iba wrlL Hold by all ilmt t . rf aot. I l.t trail aa rer. M U oi toe. f, sr.U tr Ui. I KI.M lrt MKIilCAl. U . It a a freeeiM, Cat. Wbr o fan i?et a 1'iraU Claaa MnaJ at Living lUUa NUW MANAOI5MI5XT! I, 3. 1TYKIS ------TtoS." CITY HOTEL, Trench Cook, aivJ White Ut or only, tmptoytfJ. Good Foomsand Excellent Service rjTho GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year for CASH.