Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 19, 1897, Image 1

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    gl1-wlv PAPER
The. ..Portland tAIMff? widows
I. has some of its own.
fl Heppper
I Gazette
B Advertise in it and do
I business.
( - WKKKLY 10. 7331
II ,;' ItFWfoil?
II '
SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. rmber Culture, Final Proof.
Tuesdays and Fridays
. . " Editor
Business Manager
Notice for Publication.
TJkited States Land Offics.
The Dalles. Oreeon, Dec. 1. 1896.
ard W. Bobison, of Eight Mile, Oregon,
has filed notice of intention to make final proof
before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at his office
in Heppner Oregon, on Saturday the Kith day
of January, 1KU7, on uinoer culture application
No. 2 65, for the N WH of section No. 25, in town
Bhlp No. 3 south, range No. 24 east.
He names as witnesses: John w. Allstntt,
Charles Ineraham John 8. Ingraham, Aaron
8. Haines, all of Eight Mile, Oregon.
4W4-D'y jab. jr. muja, Kegister.
Notice of Intention.
1 J Dm. 3. 1HM. Notice In herehv Driven
JtlillPrfiainn Rnfpn Made Known On that the following named settler has filed no
nauemsing naies maue nmwn un Mce of hi lntentfon to make final , ln su
port of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before Joseph L. Gibson, 1'. S. Com., at
Lexington, Oregon, on January 29, 1897, viz :
Hd . E. No. 5482, for the NEK Sec 31, TplN, R
26 E, W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, Bald land, viz:
Oiln H. Hodsdon, William Browning, Edward
F. Browning, Jeff Evans, all of Le .initton. Or.
- jas, F. MDURE,
499-509 - Register.
Notice of Intention.
At $3.50 per year. 11.25 for six months, 75 ot.
or three moncna, strictly in aavanoe.
TH18 PAPER is kept on file at
. L Advertising; Agency, 64 and
E. C. Dake's
tn AKenoy. o ana as meronann
.Exchange, Ban Franoisoo, California, where cou-
raots for advertising can be made tor it.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
McClure's Magazine
For 1897
A New Life of 6rant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of
Grant ever published. (Begins in December.)
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.)
Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished
(Begins ln May.)
Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical
years of the Clvu war practically a meinDer or Lincoln s uaoinet, ana is prpoaoiy ueiter
fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative hlstoiy of this period from his
recollections and correspondence.
Portraits of 6reat Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series
of portraits it Is intended to publirh special biographical studies under the general title of
MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln.
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction.
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CON AN DOYLK, in which he will use his extraordinary
talent for mystery and ingenuity wnicn have, in toe "tuienocK noime ". stones, given mm
Train leave Heppner 10:05 p. m. daily, except
Sunday. Arrives 4:03 a. m. aauy, except iuoii-dav.
West bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc
tion 2:19 a. m.: east bound 12:51 a. m.
Freight trains leave Heppner Junction going
east at 10:43 a. m. and 8:45 p. m. ; going west, 5:30
p. m. and .4o a. m.
a place beside Poe and Gaboriau.
United States Officials. ,
President .".w.Qrovar Cleveland
Vice-President ......... Ad ai Stevenson
Bnoraiarv of Btate Richard 8. Olnev
Bocretary of Treasury .. John H. Carlisle
Secretary of Interior ....E. R. Francis
Heoretarr of War Daniel B. jLaniont
Secretary of Navy Hilary A, Herbert
Postmaster-General.. William L. Wilson
Attorney-General . Judson Harmon
Secretary of Agriculture.... ..J. Sterling Morton
.' State of Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
mrewrf ul uiot. ....... t. ...... ... v luva.u
Treasurer Phil. Metsohan
Bout. Public Instruction. ii.M. Irwin
Attornav General C. M. ldleman
... ( G. W. MoBride
j .. M. nitobell
J Dinger Hermann
uumrwautau j w H Kl ,.
Printer W- Leeds
(B. a. Bean,
H :inmma Jntliraa Y. A. Moore,
O. E. Wolverton
8ixth Judicial District.
Oircnit Jude ....Stephen A. Lowell
rroeenutinr Attorney. 11,
Morrow County Officials.
'Joint Benator ........... A, W. Onwan
rtnuraaantativa. J. N. Brown
'"onnty Judge A. (i. Bartholomew
I Dec. 17. 1896. Notice is hereby given
that the following-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before E. L. Freeland, U. S. Commissioner, at
Heppner, Oregon, 011 February, 6th, IS!), viz:
Hd. E, No. 2862, for the N WW NW Sec 27, N
NEK and 8W4 NE Sec 28, Tp 5 8, R '25 E.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, vis:
Charles H. Bullls. James H. Wyland. Joseph
Bannister, Walter Bennett, all of Hardman,
Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE,
503-13. Register.
Notice of Intention.
IAN MACLAREN. All the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception
of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago, will
appear in McClurk's Maoazinc.
JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A scries of new animal stories ln the same field as the "Brer
Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thimblefinger" stories.
RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McCLOitl's
all of the short stories he will write during the coming year.
OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Maoazink a series of short stories in which the same
characters will appear, although each will be complete in itself.
Anthony Hop Bret Hart Robert Bare
Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russoil
will all have stories in McClure's for the coming year.
These are only a small fraction of the great and Important features of McClcre's Maqazims for
l97, the subscription priec 01 wnicn is oniy
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November. - Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure Co., New York.
Notice is hereby given that I
filed notice of
Com minsioners. ,
J. W. Beckett.
Hnrf eyor.
School Sup't...
J. U. Howard
.... J. W. Morrow
.,, E. L. Matlock
... Frank Gilliam
J. r Willis
.... J. W. Hornor
..Jar W. Shin '
,...B. F. Vaughan
H(S Town liinoim,
Major The. Morgan
n ...nll,on 8. H. Horner. K. J.
Hlnnntn. Frank Roeera. Geo. Conner, Frank
- flilliaMt Arilmr Mintw.
' u "7Jr' .1 VI. Hallock
r ""'"" E. L. Freeland
Marshal..'. A. A. Roberta
Jiutiee ef the Psaos W. K. Rjchanon
Conatabia. N. a. Wbatotone
Uilted States Land Offlears.
- nit.i.u. om.
1. 1. moor " '"l'
A. H Burn ItacMTer
B.F. Wilson -....rWlstor
J. H. Ruhbina IUokItm
Dec. 21. 1896.
the following named settler has
his intention to make final proof in support of I
nis claim, ana mat saia prooi win oe maue 1
beiore j. w. Morrow, county cierx, at ueppner,
Oregon, on renruary 1, 1w.1v. viz :
Hd. E. No. 5981, for the 8WV Sec 33, Tp 1 B, R 24
K, W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vis:
Ben lain In F. King, William T. King, James
M. Hamblet, Thomas J. Wtlllielm, all of lone,
503-13. Register.
Notice of Intention.
J Dec. H. 18! it;. Notice Is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make nnal prooi in support 01 1
his claim, and that said prooi will oe maue De-
fore County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon,
A Campaign
Of Education
How to Get it (TIT A A
Highest of all in Leavening Pow;r Latest U. S. Gov't Report
at Ueppuer, Oregon, on January 15, ls'J7, vli:
19, Tp 1 8, R 28
H. E. No. 6748, for the BE' Sec
E. W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
...... 1
01, saia land, vis;
Thomas Ollllllln. Alex Cornett. James Mo-
Intire and James Johnson, all of Heppner, Or.
. B. t.
Register I
axoatvr bocistxIesj.
O. A. B.
MMaatLaxlnitna.OrntU Ut fUtarday of
eh month. AU veteran are Invited to Join,
ivrnnoi. (lao. W. Hhitb.
Adlntant, tt Commandar.
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
At Mrs. H. Welch's Residence.
' ' Nlht trlepkon connection with
, the I'alace llolaL
Notice of Intention.
Land Orrics at Tmk Dali.rs, Orkoon,
Deremlior 2tith IWSt.
fnllnwlng liamwl settler has filed Initio of
his Intention t make dual proof In support of
hlsclaim, and thai said priMf will be made be
fore the County clerk of Morrow Co., Oregon,
at Heppner, Oregon, on February 15th. lsVi, vU:
Hd. E. No. 4543, for the mi Ben ft, Tp I 8, g 24
If. W M.
He name the following witnesses to prove I
his continuous residence upon ana cultivation!
ol, said lauil, vis:
1 .......... U flHkAM I'hB.IM M II..I1FI
I.nlher Hinrt'nn, Andrew M. Peterson, all ol I
KKht Mile, Oregon. J As. W. Mihikk,
ItXyM negisier.
Notice of Intention.
To be educated one must read
the best literature.
The best literature Is expensive.
Leslio's Illustrated
Published at 110 Fifth Avenue,
New York, Is full of the beet things.
Its Illustrations are superb; Its
stories charming; and Its literary
departments are edited with con
summate skill.
Buch s paper is a great popular educator. It should be In every
The subscription price of Losllo's Is f i per annum.
We make the unparalleled otter of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $5.00.
No such offer was ever made before. Ho snch offer will ever be made
again. These two papers make s most acceptable Christmas or birthday
gilt, and will be constant reminders of the liver's kindness.
Keailt by postal order or check to the
Heppner, Oregon.
national BauK
of flew.
- ; rreaUest. Oaakler.
Lard Orru s at La OsakT'S. Osshok.
following named settler has filed notice
of his Intention to make flnal broof In support
nt hlaelBtm arid that Bald nronf will lie tnaile be
fore the Cminty Clers of Morrow County, Ore. I WttKLY
H t. No. f.r for the N'4 HfW Has. S3 and It hi
HWI, H) 24. Tp I ,! M.
I He namea the following wlln. are to pmve his
eniiilniioiis realdenos spon and cultivation of.
said land, vis t
John Harkar, laaae Vincent, rbarlee M. Lone,
tie..r W. I'amraun, all ot (tallnwav, iretm,
804 14.
M. r. WILMON, Rrgialar.
Mads on Ftrorabls Terms.
CrrUkKTV finlir.TIT CHI T. WUUawweliepti
I r w
First National Bank
of ii Errs eu
GEO. W. CONttft,
S. w. sriNCi".
a PrwslalsMt
Vise) Frwslslsftt
a Cashier
Ass t Cs.hlsr
Tmsirtf i Gtcenl Idty Bai'-ta.
Oa all parts el the world
Bought and Sold.
OolWrttotis saadeosj all M"
f-aariasMe TerssSv
Sorplue and aadlvvM rrosia. Hl.wiO oo.
Ootario-l'oros Staic lioc
k. f l
H . vV'UliMl, P'Of.
yostrbrejal la freeof aSiarfe.
Burs. t. O., HaftaMr, Or B rsss, Pits left
hooUlars eaUa. aaiua as lft kip.
( aa(iln. H , Uardmaa, (r. Hnraaa HrajiVH
1 urn titH kip. Mtia braawUd Ue aama. Aau
beaads I oa knraas rmi llitaki ea'Ua aaa a
brand nm rtskt eboeUlar, eod eat off aad
C x,k A. JIa.Ov.-Hra STtoa rltrbl knal
itar, aiW, aaaiaaa right topi ear stark
emp S tart a4 svlil la nahb
IVaulaaa. W M .(talUewaa. f.-'a(lla Ipsa
rtsM a, twaiWr Juck is aaasj mr lnnrssa. k U
a tart kip.
rtf, rV. IVlM. rw.-tlanaa W4a4 ft.Y
na Ian eHoaiMar, eatua Saaae ess satlkip. awta
la risal sm.
U. A, RarMiar. O.-4'aMla. LP a
riaht h l aseaaa I WMk bar Baxta rlalel
Jaaast llarrr, ttfaaar. tar - W iwss ejeaswlad
aa"la fca J a
fukllked Every Aat.rday
13 Astor Place New York
favre Dnros Daily al A p. m. aa l a
rtvaa tl OMsireS to 3 bosjrt.
Si'ialo Faro $7. CO.
Hound Trip $10.00
fW Tr-e rtM T Me pf sea4
tivnss cAsros
at r ' -
ita la aVa, '"! a4
M kaft aa. Haasr la
Mia tba laA avoaWW
rteM btp. aiaa aaaarail
mmvm swair.
inka. Palis. Iaa. V - W .... s. eUT
left atifta' ela aaWa rM kits Sadas kajl
aa a ) a.wl ani a sari aw
laner. M Hwi". 4Sfltta-s Iwaadael
RM mm laTt lua MIltatMtM ST laTl
aari aaAar aV aa IM fWM
li.UMf .1 mnm Tarawa r -I I. a
aula na ric aa4 lati la. eaMra fwk la m fl
ar a4 .fca a. Ms tl4 aw. Huraat am
hnw4 a ctawp, Haaae la ureal amsnt.
Um, SHaaaa. 0.- I, mm Ml kip
aaHta, ana. a 4 ai.lil . H'at
Saaw Was4 a seft afcuaktat. Haa
UH.J w ktat-aar lie - MeaM Wad4
. a4 4 mm IWt ah.ail.Wl t-tlm al aa a
Kip, HUM aaf aM aya. aM el,ta IS M
St ikne, tint, hat. VW -4 ffri, M O
rWM a.B, k-aa. M a left 1al lav,
ISiaaaa IS M . H m a i. Oe - W iaia. M )
na tafl atvalkla. eaMla aa lafl kr.
". J f.. It-e'aa iw i I i mm l a Uf
Jhaila i eayula Ma. mm r i a.
fvl taaw. IiHi.Hi, Haetaa IP na
.a! Ue.
ir-. i ILleiaita I' -NMaJI a.
xal a U Ha,, Mlaw. W fct.
mt-Am, m .a aJ aw.
i W . n - saw, o as
woa. ii rtM kl.
t a. Swam, a - rwte V a
Mi ke aa a4T 'M a4 s 4at la aT4 paw.
Tbs Oatlook will b la W7, as it has
bras durlof each u U Iwrotp-savpa
tesrs, Uistorf o( Our 0a Tim la
its vsrloo editorial drparlmeola Tbs
Outlook gts otepeet res lew of lbs
erld'i farofraaa; II follow wilhrtra
tl lbs Isoporiaet kilaolliropls ii4 is
d as trial Bo Tames la of lbs day j baa s
com pie ta deparimeot of rUtoos peas;
datotrs ssaeb spars to lbs Iniavwals of
lbs bom j reviews ssrraal lHfir:
fomtsbas cbaorful labla-lalk Stmot rua
asd Uiln: sad. la short, alms to lva
freeb Iblofraallos, rlnnJ iibaarrelkia,
asd reaauoabls aoUrtainmast.
pf In&le. lth tba fihr Biftb tolasst,
lb psr w ill s am a tbs frfuUf maaa
iitiesi, bib aUI a id ftoatli la lie
S 4 tnierwe asd atlrS)raoa, lb
Onll.x k Is fystlUI.eJ pvaff Hal-flay
f fly (so Uwuea a I ear. Tbs first laess
la Serb maU Is as Ulasiratr l If s. at.ae
Narttwr, (Uitilaf aboallalreM asy
!- aa It nrtiaarr Uo, W
itk a laffs aatalatr of rffaa.
Tie rtl Ti e Oalluvk Is lbre
44!ars a tear la klvanaa, of ! Ihaa a
rt a dy.
Heed lay a (awimaa svpf aa I ill taf r al-
rd fPa4(te to Tb Oaiiak, II Aeic4
r.a, New Ttk Crf.
Mr. Jaaaa Had tw I'aaMs la Se Tbasa
Darlaf m la( kaarchv
Giairvr Vaalilnrliu Joni'a, rcjlmrd
ireDtlrinan, aa aad, Trry sod. lie iss
a culnliiiliirr vtbrn be lunl work to do,
aars Hanger's Itotunl Tsl-U, but, oa be
rxiireaars it:
"I)rm tlrre while trash bsb jti Into
iks trade, au' imiw las iftit no work to
do." Hut tbla stas not vliat risila him
sad. "Ilia vera li(,n be said, "sm out
tautb tia-in.
"Wbofs 1b natttrr, CrorprsT in
quired his frirud.
"Why, Ias irot a little? tmifiry flit itat
laat Mi, and ! went round to artlle
da bills lea owrsl."
"Plda'l ywi atlnd to It all ylffbtr'
"iMr'a ii stran-w trt of Ik IV
balrher b sens out, an b pitxry b
wtis out, on)' every otw l at4i to
ay WH. out, an' dm vria('d do but
Iihw dat Bwinr'."
"Veil, that aa unlorlty.and ran mi
lake; but still you sbnd y mr P'l
IhtrBt rta. a let hf OnuM tbrf weio
irras tli!r lalrwa."
Tpraa ) r rlalma! ah. dat a d
IfnnM. Uhm lea pot Vsnv f'l'ttvl
rtj ora tit itrrn sa stlltn Hi prra d"Ve
rlalma, an sus ! r.nil.ln t ni km, ilr
di aa Used tnr."
The Darky Thought That the New Yorker
M aa Very Inconsiderate.
A Wall street man tells this story:
"I was making the trl from New Or
leans to Memphis in April by a Missis
sippi river steamboat. On the first day
out from New Orleans I felt the need of
the barber's services and learning that
the Memphis Bellei was tonsorially
equipped I sought out that office. I
found a single barber in charge, a
rather pompous, tall person of color
with flowing Dundreary whiskers. He
was engaged In doing nothing at all
with that grace of execution peculiar to
the southern darky. I seated myself
in his chair and was soon wrapped in
thought upon some business I had be
gun in Ne w Orleans. . The barber began,
his work leisurely, the while carrying
on a one-sided flow p' ".k to which I
replied in monosyllv . T .
"The day was wanL ind I was almost
dozing away under the soft splashes of
his brush when another customer
entered. He was a nervous, fidgety sort
of man and as there were no newspa
pers in the room he amused himself in
looking at a few prints hung on the
walls, the attraction of ' which : soon.
palled upon him. Then he walked to
the door and looked down the ' deck
where a group of roustabouts were en
gaged in the game of craps. Figaro
had by this time completed the lather
ing of one side of my face and roused me
by turning my head around. I inti
mated that life was short, and I didn't
care about passing too much of it in be.
ing shaved. He was evidently disgusted
with my taciturnity and replied with
great dignity, bub with no haste eithe
of speech or action; 'Cert'nly, sah, cer-fnly.'
"The stranger's curiosity had been
aroused by the gambling going on out
side, which was as usual accompanied
by the 'come sevens!' and shrieks of
'craps' which attend that game.
" 'What game is that, barber?1 : he
demanded of Dundreary. He of the
whiskers made one or two artistic plays
of his brush over my chin and answered :'
" 'Lah, Gawd, mister, ain't yer ever
seen that game? That's craps. Every
body plnys it 'round this country.'
"The stranger admitted he had seen
It played before in the wharves and
streets, but said ho had not discovered
any mental light from his observations.
A running exchange of queries and ex
planations followed between barber and
stranger, during which a not over keen
razor had begun Its course down my
ight cheek. Both parties to the col
loquy were getting interested and I was
getting bored.
"The nervous stranger appeared
somewhat obtuse, or, perhaps, the ver
nacular of the barber was inadequate
to convey the- full meaning of tlm
terhniral details of craps. At any rate,
be pn-aaed for further information. My
face had by thai tlma been cleared of
beard aa to my chin and part of aiy
chrek. Fifteen minutes had been con
umed in the process and my natienre
was becoming threadbare.
"The bnrber had exhausted his powers
of description and, turning to the
stranger, he said:
'Well, aah, ef you really want to
know bow to shoot craps I kin abow
you,' and placing the razor on tba shalf
he ojienrd a dra'ver and withdrew a
pair of greasy-looking dice. Tbep be
stepped over to a table and Wgmi to
give a practli-al etpoaition of the mj
trrirsof the game. This was too tnurh.
'Herri' I tried, raising myself in tba
rhnlr. 'Finiah up this job before) you
get to crap shouting.'
t'ertalnly, sah,' ha replied to me
hd turning to the stranger ha added:
One rtilnnt) an' I'll ahow you.'
It only took a few tnlntitrs to ronv
plete bis work on ms and aa I put on
my runt be and the stranger prta-reded
with the game. As I Ml the nnn I
could hrar him miitrln about tba
'hurry aonra a-oil la In ao,' it ia still
ion tlnya -fora gel, to Mem phi a.'
N. Y. Hun.
i; v v
willingness' to 'lituLc .uu inc tiis-
covery of the murders. He is even sus
pected of having intended to turn the
vessel over to the Cuban insurgents.1
What mitflt have been the astonishment
of the pilot on going on board to find
the vessel in "charge of the ""colored
steward nnd a-Harvard sophomore pas
senger, the mate in irons, and the bodies
of the three murdered persona towing
astern in the small boat! " That last
touch is characteristic. The survivors
did not d are throw the bodies overbooird
because they were needed as evidence
to protect themselves as well as to con
vict the guilty; their superstitious no
tions were appalled at the' notion of
keeping the bodies on board the ves
sel; so they compromised by towing
them astern.
Undoubtedly the Herbert Fuller
tragedy will form the plot of many a
future sea novel. But no' romancer'
could have afforded to invent so extraor
dinary a tala. He would have been
laughed at on account of the inherent
improbability - of his Incidents. The
murders might have passed muster, but
the Harvard' student and the colored
steward in their extraordinary i role
would have ' been pronounced simply
impossible. Buffalo Courier. ,
We May Boon Ita Able te Carry OaUons
of Coffee.
In the forward march of science, na
ture's methodsarebeingclosely Imitated
in the laboratories ot the synthetical
chemist who has already been able to
make 'an artificial quinine which con
tains most of the therapeutical proper
ties of the real article.' Two ticvninn
cheiiiiKta working in Berlin have jui-t
produced an artificially prepared cui-.
feiiie, the alkaloid to which loth tea
and coffee owe their refmhit g sti'nn
luting and analgesic proper! lev.
As miiy be readily iniiigini !, says the
Cincinnati Knqulrer, th iroM's by
which t his has been done in e.'.ert il'ing'y
elalxmite and costly, but the ilihouMr-
ers are not without hope that they will
be able to simplify nnd chrnprn it so ns
to bring it within the region ( practical
economics, aa has been done with many
of the coal-tar preparations wh'eh,
though now exceedingly the up, vere
very expensive when first produced.
Kliotild the anticipation of these two
gentlemen lie realized a cup of ten or
coffee w ill resolve itself into a qucHtlon
of minute ielleta; one of the alkaloid.
one of suecliurine, and one of a highly
concentrated jollk, which will only
need to lie put Into a cup of Ixiliing
water to ho an efficient substitute for
the real article.
of English. She speaks German, alto
gether." "She has not much the better of my
l'nnn," I Teplied. '"He Is a Frenchman,
and can neither speak English nor Ger
man ; but I guess if they get married
they soon will be able to "Understai.d
each other."
Custer went further into the partic
ulars of my scheme.- I told -him who
the man was and my reasons for think
ing that he would be willing to marry
the German woman, children and all.
That afternoon Custer went on horse
back over to Jarvis' ranwh, laid the mat
ter before him, and to his surprise and
gratification Peter jumped at the
chance. "You go back to town and
make the arrangements," said Jorvis,
'and I'll hitch up and drive over this
evening and have the job done at once."
"All right," said Custer, "but don't
forget to put a couple of extra, seats In
the wagon for the young ones."
"llow many dw you say mere werev
asked' J or via.
"Only six. Now, don't spend too
much time sprucing up( because I'll
have everything ready before you can
reach town if you go for the horses at
As Custer left the farm the old man
shouted: "GooiV-by. You will have to
ride lively If you beat me to town. My
horses are not driven for a bride very
often, and they can stand it to get over
the ground at a rapid pace for once in
their Uvea."
Sure enough) Custer had hardly time
to break the news to the widow,
through an interpreter, before the
dualling Frenchman came tearing
through the streets like mad, and
reined his panting horses up In front
of Custera store. Before leaving Seat
tle that day Custer had taken, the pre
caution to secure the necessary license.
with the understanding that it could
lie returned If not used.. A preacher
was called In, the bride sod groom were
Introduced, and made maa and wife.
in almost the same breath, and half an
hour later Mr. and Mrs. Jar-vis and the
six little onea were comfortably seated
In tli big lumlier wagon, bound for
the Jarvia hotneirticod oa Cellar river, as
happy aa clams at high tide Seattle
arf a aa
. ft M la. Oe - N
a4al-t .- .1 a..
SelafW, W. J , ai,-a-i
.... f w mm ' e aa.
e.ie jw aa e -
e-.a a4 a a . leei w
tw i fyaaa a a ,
t.. , a , F aWa a4 tm 1 CJ a I I fS
w . aa a nm awe aaesliaetiaa y ' III
I ' r' N. ..waafciSi a. w tr m. I I W
SB "! a4 m km mmm t) mrmtm "
Prewett sey If ( k t, ,i. kw
fWa.. aa I S . Saw- a - N-waa SS I I I II
a as.-, a.. a-lU I mm mS mm-m..m, I I mmJ I
Twaw St ST SUaaw l a. j aeaj f I I I
laei ahHuw, rnpmmm, awua sws aa laft ImS II I I I
a 1 U U
! ef fanlaaa. Ma., tfasat fa
Pva4la Ike rrwsilMilM law
t'iffil-lv who iwla Main baa
diffrrroi at.iry !! Ull ren hie return of j
l a rirism In pllia rlitnka. aar '
I le rm Yrk Pun, The hsitijWii
but a. t,. I by a ll kex.an
traxl.r r aattian. Ma Save that mhrn
l aVl f ar a !r tW al a I' ar'l n t h I.
I wee e'ea u lh'l fa-fii. ab b be I
l.f.'l.iitf In II l ot ll le, no wf.l. h aef
a fiiHr tf w aw-f attd aeral tumbler,
f l a ! rha ra.
fter ttmf is'-ta aa a rlawidellef, srltb
fl nreitly I alf a dwra yaa lniryre
f,n r a mil W r ftirta-d. mrr,
f '4 fnat, but t w.r earn nwl th
taraera, wl.l. h war wnr Irmiial. on t
l!;a I ny Ufae., l'r.m lnwf
uc m t,lV ) ; trmm mm.thrt. fmi f rve
H.'.'t.rt. j n, I i l.tirttrvs . ly (
't iM'' I w.th a rah trf a..ie mvm bf
t'ttmM t,-fnmr ia 14 rwm alv
Tl- Ml lFl!e Iti la m'tff wis lkl
I l.a rJ. Wnl et-ea airarwt 1 1 K'drl
(a f a ! ,t f l-i"' wmM f l
.rf'a I l.le', 1. 1 w af th a ail
ft la lr.fll tl trial; ! fweca
k4 ! f . P'aaa tvt't f Ik a ft-
aianllag ksary af Ska A
Karkeallaa MHkarl Pallae.
Tbeara baa rvrr brra a faorlW aceua
with rofiianrer fr dra-rat oriiira
rira and tragic rrlrnra. Tliia baa lon
duo to th sa-eluaintl V blrh it tfTrra
and also, prba, to Uia trsvliUona of
pirnry wbirh baiia about It. Tberawaa
a Urna when the Una f d era area tain
brtweaa lb pi rale Mid Uia aarefui
marltwr aa not vary sbarily drawn,
and tba lata l'rblir Mulford, who
grew up In a wsfarloer Ue o ami ba.1
atra ar-rved on abiptaiard Iwfnra Ua
trisat, ww wytsta an artiel ruaintain-
lor Uial tba MatkaMS wblrh Still , r
vail brlaee-n ti PnmmlrT and tba rtvw
of a ship are a rli of tlw daa akr
all aeafarlrtsr dm-a wera larartiraJly pt
faU, I'rawihly a JneW r plana' !
of iha barah treaiient a abirh aa. lore
are aubjertevl amilil I fteufw! la U.e
arbitrary autWiy bkh law aixl rtw
I nn nrwaxfclly IrSlna Ufaia aatilpfmsa-
lf, fur It la alnwat an as loan that tin
tewiririad ea er aJ aye lals to tj nan
ny- U.al retlilrf but la k of auttway.
Hy (.re tenia awry ttian frtitn WMualt g
It. At ail ei,u. Ua rea-trr f a a
hte tertje to n.eet lllhaa
STla .f ny4rrWMialy dark eWda. a til
Ik raW ul lha niartna rvrfurhlta nf
a f-asar re rraJw a It tt 1-kaMy tef
a luaj rfima, al I If i4 m fenr rally neiti
nalw and riinralinaf trMarlr,
,1 tt alfify of Ilea Aoietuss lavrVevi.
li n tertrt l ull, ahirii tna Nr)
lra bate Iwe-n rvwsiUy Ulliag. beeer.
la aa tract, ally etafU if aa mJf
felsd ty P le.rna.al or Kuawll. Tba
aftwrn i.f a I iaa often atarmsTb
bv) saurdefwl l-y lha flea, a ho I w-
w tba eaawl, aixl t a ania
as j lx llwt et ,f baa yabd
K .raw la l'il.a;ler tftiMl U eap
lain, aa la lb ra of Ik a..-aiy. V Ml
al t eW tally Wi U aaalal fear
taraa tt le rra nSj taakfit Hat llfflartt
P.W-r la iKal It ita p ata) l.l let
( f"i'elp a Wt fct;:.t Uea rav
.!, .a a Sal tl. sawwwj taata.
H etk trairat II tn st-'-
! )! w f j tyl' j i Jla
a Wky Johant ('outit Not Pal the
era Waiter tke Uonr,
The lady who liven at the family bofr-l
on the North side wns dressing for din
ner. She was not exjiecting cotiiiony
Just at that moment and waa eoiiiewlint
atartllng to tbr rye. In no rye was
there aava bera. Huddenly ahe we
rotiaed fmm a eontrmplatlon of her
rharma in tba mirror by a kmark.
"Korne one la rapping again," aba niut-
trn-d. "Kverylxaly In this hotel areins
to have a bantmrr out,"
Then ia a rlrar, bird-like voloa she
"It's Johnnie," aaM avoir.
Johnnie waa the rad fared laiy wMh
the iwlnatablng head who brought up
lea t(r and tlilnra.
"What la It, Johnnie r aakrd tbe lady
"I bava a rani." replkd lb page.
Tut II under I ho door," aald the
charming rueel-
"I cau'L" said Jobnnlet "Hi on
And lb elrvator fell to tba tawrnnt
wltb a prratr rah.
aimple Kaonsh.
Frleml Why la it that your son rldca
to biwlucas In a cab and you alwaya go
on a bus?
Old Mnn Well, be has a rich fafclter,
nnd I have not LomVrm TltrHita.
Jl foeifortable While Traveller,
In oool weather. Tba Union raciflo
system heats ita Iraina Ihroaihool by
steam beat from Hi angina, Ibua task,
log avery part of all ita eara pleasant
and oomforlsble. It also lights Ita eara
by tba celebrated liaison Light making
them brilliant al night. Paaaang ara
carrlad daily on tba laat mall.. For
sleeping oar reservations, tickets, of In-
formation, call on or address 11. W.
Baiter, Uen. Agt, 133 Third aim l'ort
land, Oregon. '
Ifaaey la Stall.
rsrUlan rUuraiit krepr-a mil aUi-
tl fMinry with tbrir buttrr. Tba gltr
It an asf-evat I" taste and fa war an I
rnakea tk itiferiof tmtu-r mnre jaJst-
It aa Ma saa t tUSrts teat a Itaka4
4 Paiaa.
( Tarlra ('saw, U ttular aU ra-
kwr al Ib-nUeti, ran to U l'avla
lrflifroer tfti'V, brr I vtaa rnt
ployl. aial rt4atl a vary and atory, 1U
aaad thai a Lrrtnafi wiaman wlUi alt
rhlldrra bawl arr11 la ! m frtJfi
tha old rwitttry a few da; s ta-fura on
bar way to ftearaaU Ut )otn bT biM
haral, ul on bar artHal In KataJ
ftad . ar-twtt tbat fcy liuakatxl bad Is
kill-l la Ita tniaaa Ml ta la-M
rb rould im1 iak a fd (ef lf Halt
aay aaa etitterait naiy or frM..l
( wwr aald tha la of b-bl'W bl
M 1.I kr lninlia aaata. si thai
b bl rten to fwatlia to arvair Uf
ta ra,aly t laka eara of kar tniil ah
aa In a aw4Un la ear fr bralf and
family, M ha ha had Bnstherl b
etsy M tarrwd W Mt and a a ad a bat I
aniild adtlaa,
Jatia awl bia raixh. wills ltity nf
rn fiar U, ti.U'trve to r..p Is er'l
.liaif 4 sntlsi fif taM b 4rtak and
tit ffir tln.i4f fiaesi s kara aw.
Info my tt,lt 1 1 V a PaaH, and I f
"l aawr, cl. y ai I atlt.ll ' ef kVw
anil r.'lr snalliautait aa a J
lll f UaI.Vea V
"May. I sla alt;t idffin f,"
laat imlf. "VI Mt ra aaat !'
Wt fwarr a rnaa M Is ait l.il lfa.
alia Ka ly laatad af th 4atls i f
! kiia1 a Ifc.a tk laat fVny days
! lhal. tl i ii Hmk T 1 '
learaa tthara Saoriamea Have llaralv
Set era lllatwa from IllrO.
tlsnie Killnl in full flight baa a mo-tiii-iilum
lliuli nrru a Ita long way some
times. Umdon Field rrlalra a-vrrl In
at oners . her the bird hair bit the
aMiriaman. In on re frrorge Mon
ti era was aliiaitlng in tba wim.U of leing
f aland nhrti s groune.ilrhen by Iw-airrs
mine fW luff abHirr ' ami high up. lie
hot at It, and then, with lha other
barret, f!rr at atmihir bird. Jual ae
bf via alMiut luwrrihg bl gun after
the -rolid shot be rerelied a libra on
the bd that kaorkrd hlin artitf
raa. The gruoa flrat bit bad tumlile.
Bpntnol bla bnul.
Iliat same a f lt timwi a wbealman
H'l.nsT alour hear tha Una of banter
a.lniiiliiif Hi aivnrry did not Jwne a
big l.l k null till It fi-atlirra brualird
hi la-ad. Ilia bliak rah hl tx-rn
kill--.! nd had nearly hit blni In falling
Hi lU'lfniiiton vtilum on abiniUng
tla how Hi 11 ( liartea la-aji aa
krwa ke tail al lb battery by grouw
It bad shot, A a'roer bat nlaklity
eatrtl bun front wrMtua injury.
American huntrr ha bal almiUr
ra.rten'. A snan a riding along
In a ims Mini lira ago, arvaidipg
t'l I'nfeat and Mfralli, alien annwtlilfig
bit bint on lb head a lh eiMtnrb bare
la mal klrrl l r, An una.un.. d
prt(itlf M in? Ilniirh lit M had
bit hi in fair. U ay the i.ird ilil i.ol turn
kl I aa ro'i. h a ni).i ry aa tit fart
lhal afrllr' wairtirne fly ere.it
bout t..l'S atnl ar killed In m 4"ltHf,
ra4 af a f aMIaai' list
la red hat rf a rs ! I al nail Mns
hmm i" in f ilean kiiiif y for any t
r.l Iheif ry tloari. l for
of.'.i r II tl ptai.fiil rll iil
li.aae i.ff.fn. , tt t,e he nvarntla
aod lo kl I'luUr i hnirh al !:, rl
(ay f.a ta a lfi i.f i.flt. (,
Irf frtm rbaiularlaii, at Ih lal
ttoan In tl. ro ll and aa ia l. I '1
enitllrra nt t tt Pa ta fftir.t. Ind-ad,
tw ft f!ill hat Vt I fa St tty
alep ft. in lb itx'O.ti.1 I I. rt.o
li ia. a of ! ta r.. li ir f lit. .
bat 'a I'liMie riiil') . wl a ka ail
I otrr and d''t lin t titwlf iw," i f
-aVr4 la Ik elt.l t f ; ' al Ira.l
It lit lat ltltal la .Ih-att ft.ar. In Ha.
fy IH tf af b ! fal if b
la ,i rt ta to Irf.tr. U. '. as f. ty
i.i n ,: M a !- b ri'. 1 1 l
') .. fr'- 1 l U'-' t: '" ".