j -.- K ,;, ' " ' "u " " ," .. . , , .... uiihtw r ; ..Hm,,-.,!,,- .jxu,yti,---,wi-- !CJ-. , . . , a TO THE arvss THE CHOICE :0f Two Transcontinental ' GREAT UNION, NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AMD , , AMD St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details oall on 0. R. k N. Agent ta Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. FobtiiAnd, Oregon. E. McNEIlL, President and Manager. QUZOS TI3VTH I San Franoisoo And all point In California, Tla the lit. Hhaat roots of the Southern Pacific Co The mat hiehway through California to all point East and Sooth. Grand Howie Route ' ( th Paoino Coast. Pullinae Bnitet Hleepera. Heeond-clas Bleeper Attacked to express trains, aflordjnf superior aoBommodaUsns f or aeeund-elas passenger. For eate. tiokeU, sleeping oar reservations, Ul. oall npan or address K EOKHI.IK, Manager, E. T. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. r. P. Aft. Portland, Oregon -TO THK- VIA THE UNION PACIFIC .SYSTEM. Thronsh Pullman Palace Sleepers. Tourist Hleepera and Free Reclining Chair barsiAti.1 miiuiuiko. Many hnurt saved via this line to Eastern Point. STEAM HEAT. PINTSCH LIGHTS. LOWITHT HAT1CM, It. W. BAXTER, Gen. Agrnt, I'orllawl, Vrtyon. J. C. IIART, Agent, Heppner, Ortyon. E.H TICKETS ' ' nmmhn lUt ffritJU! m-ili effn m-ilk e itery h int fmm tf fim f ikfH amlkon n ittn Mtw. JhiiJti lit Vis Vff,r, THRriJ A I AVil TDllTnD " A sMy iw .! sf Ull Sy Jurta aass Ceist rsrt-m mwwnsina t tsiiBaMs aj v a . i't. Vw 1 1 r'vrwi M'4IS. . - 5- sVb-..tJ1. ... c i imti.np,u i rtittnwic Rovwoofi Ull ttN III IUIIMI e t t r mm I i, st. A a ihmi tkt l atm fat kMItt 111 S M i4 B' , S ItlSS m yt tf w yv,, ,-.,'. 4 Jf 4 n-f , t ft v A ' frii. II t ft. l HtWri Lwti4i Pviw st n ttriH T w n si 4 V.IMIwl w (a a '-R m ml IANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 189Tj CATARRH LOCAL DISEASE! y.3 nd i th rttull rf eoM ane I I o? V sudden clinurtio chang. It can been red by a pleasant remedy which. i applied di recUy Into the nostrils. Be In quickly absorbed it givei relief atones, Ely's Cream Balm ia acknowledged to be the moat thorough core for Masai Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all remedies. It open and cleanse the nasal passages, allays pain and Inflammation, heals the sores, pro tects the membrane from colds, restores the senses Of taste and smell. Price 60c. at Drneelste or by mail. ELX BUOTHBBS, M Warren Street, New y ors THE THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 Pages a Week. 156 Papers a Tear. It stands first among "weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is praotically a daily at the low prioe of a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of Jhe Union and foreign conn tries will vouch for the aecuraoy and fairness of its news oolamns. It is splendidly illustrated and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of Btories by the greatest living Amerioan Bnd English authors, CONAN DOYLB, JEROME K. JbrOMB, Stanlbi Wbyman, MabyE. Wilkinb, Anthony Hopb, Bbkt Habtb, Bbanobb Matthews, Etc We offer this nnequaled newspaper and The Gazette together one year for $3.25. The regular subscription prioe of the two papers is $3 50. CHICAGO. milwaukee & St. Paul R'y tAPOU Glance at this Map Of th Chtrafto, Milwaukee and fit. Paul Rail way and note It connections with all transcon tinental lines and Bt. Paul and malia, and remember that It trains are United with elec tricity and heated by steam. Its equipment Is iiperb. Elegant Buffet, Library, Hmoklti and Sleeping cars, with free raollnliif chairs. Each sleeping car berth ha an eluctrie rending lamp, and It dining cart ar the best In the world. Other lines are longer than this, but nonesr hortar, and no other ofler thealiove luxurlom aenommndatlotii. These are sufficient reasoiii lorth popularity of'The Mllwauk-e.H Coiixin Irketsgenl In every railroad office will glv you (urllicr liiloriuaUon, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, 1. W.CAHir, Trav. Pas. Agent, PoaTLanD, Oainois, 'S ROUND RCMARKABLn TWCNTY-PART nnwri a .' nu rumi i u 1'i.m.Ri i Sbv I. 1. y tiaa SOMB OP TrtO (NORT I'BIAU Till ' siKIIM 7 w U MINNESOTA,. O f . A MILsVAUK ES U 6,TT V X -:' JAHrSITS tOUS'n TABLR .n, l in imh.nKm 4mh, 4-$ r in friw, f lht tUiMl,Hti 4mJM u tllt : il.-ry ,,-iIiIi.hi, ijooo; Amtttmr (monuy prizes Wmn am fr JJm ft 4 luKnfn.-m trisj k unj in mittn.it A f lit tlm. &tmj t m.1 J.t fnwmkil tin mUn aW rrJ mil iKt rftrt. f nff f tC .'"'f-wW Lul Tki nV ttfUm tf . FREE BOOKS OOKS r i r, n k. ul r.-r 4 As It A RTF FX HM'Sfl T fwtl wit or tnr ., ou Wtr s . sail n in ta a a t s m m i i . rtsn so st .i-sa -m 1 a,e.ss - t tlliMt.niM St wvm snwi a a, .ta a - r a.frW t'f" 'ml. a ta A 4) kttrtMft VrH" 7 V ' 16 J,-r i.mttftnJ mi 4 I i A"4 ) Illfll A tStMtlt .kii.,. bs PICTURESQUE ABUSE. ' Aa Irish Orator Who Became DeeUUdlj Personal In HI Remark. Congressmen "before the war" wen somewhat accustomed to the exchange frf nnnftrllllinAnt.Fff InrwvHA'.A - 1 j luiijjuuu iuv yet- haps no American legislators were evei so practiced in vituperation as ...the members of the much-lamented, van ished Irish parliament on College green. Somehow they contrive to keep on friendly private terms while treat ing one another to most picturesque, abuse. On one occasion, says the Chicago News, pointing a quivering finger across the house at his opponent, one Thaddy Burke concluded with these words: "And every mimber of the honorable gintleman's famille is benayth eon timpt from the white-lived hound that is shivering on the flure to the painted hag that is grinning in the gallery." "How did you know that his sister was in the gallery?" whispered a com rade as the orator sat down. "Shure, didn't Thaddy himself tell me she was going to be prisint when we were coming down to tke bouse after dinner?" The Only Chair Car Line To the east is the Union Pacific East ern cities are reaobed via this line with fewer changes of oars tbaa via other lines Rates always the lowest. Tickets to or from points in the United . States. Canada, or Europe for sale by R. W, Baxter, Gen. Agt., 135 3rd St., Portland. ABOUT Irit "S.LOPPER." HI Researches In tbe Uarbage Recep tacles and Ills Find. "That man is a slopper," remarked a polioe officer to a Washington Star writer a few mornings since, "and he and his class give us any amount of trouble. If he stole we could reach him by law, but as he only finds we can not easily reach him." In further ex planation he said: "A slopper is a man who searches through the garbage cans ia the alleys in the rrtir of hotels, board ing houses and private houses. Some search for. spoons, knives and forks that are thrown into the garbage recep tacles by careless servants, for it to a fact that there are more silver spoons und knives and forks thrown away" with the garbage than are stolen by servants, though the contrary is gen erally believed. The slopper is gener ally an hour or so ahead of the garbage collector and he is often more regular and careful in his rounds than the gar bage roan. " 'By industry we thrive,' as the line in the copy-books used to contain, and by industry on a good west end route, especially one which takes in a num ber of boarding houses or hotels, a slop per can find enough tableware to pay the expenses of his tour. Often he makes a rich find. Very frequently he has permission to 'slop' the can from the owners of the house themselves, for he tells them ho is on the lookout for struy pieces of meat, etc., which he sells lo those who have dogs to feed. Some sloppt-.rs are hoireyt enough to return any silverware, they may find for the dog-meat privilege, but it is a terrible temptation to many and one they can not or do not at times wlUurtand." Did You Ev Try Eleotrio Bitten at a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medioioe bat been found to be particularly adapted to th relief and care of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence In diving strength and tone to the organt. II you have Lots of Appetite, Constipa tion, Ueadache, Fainting Hpelli, or are Nervous, Hleeplees, Kioilsble, Melan choly, or troubled with Dizr.y 8 pel It, r.ieomo in tiers is the medicine joo need. Health and Strength are guaran teed by Us use. Fifty cents and $1.00 at Cunter t Brock' drug store. 1 TABLE i tutktr inlrmtuml , at W tftrt W Ary , A 2 SERIALS au.. s,.y- .. . . W nii Ktrva up ine inm A Skt " SU ttw 1 SIMM F aUftt turns AM APianorsrt t srvoiy t a arsaas ;, , 4. v A. p C'Lj'itr', -ft vi 1 n swv a-I... J 0 1 m tt nut r.ii t . I mi , ttas f a v m 4 ., rIO. CAvAlatT CNAtlU iuii'hi sil sti.-4a tass at smtw , ti it mmm mam is i. sai. .. T. W. Hi r MOONBLINK. A Pecallsr Blindness Caused by Sleeping In the Moonlight. Three cases of "moonblink" occurred on the British steamship Acanthus, which reached Philadelphia the other day. After the low-lying hills fringing the shores of Batavia faded from view on the afternoon of July 14 for 80 days her crew of 60 officers and seamen saw no land, sighted no vessel and encoun tered no storm. Among the crew are three Beamen who, during the run across the Indian ocean, suffered terri bly from sudden blindness at night, the result of that strange disease of the eyes prevalent in the tropics, and known to sailors as "moonblink." One bright, moonlight night, while the Acanthus was steaming across the In dian ocean, one of them finding his berth 5a the forecastle too uncomforta bly hot, went out and lay upon the deck. The moon was nearing her full and shone almost directly overhead. When the watch was changed at mid night he was awakened and was horri fied to find himself blind. At first the captain thought the man might be shamming to avoid going on duty, but an. investigation was made, and it was found that he could not see, although his eyes were wide open. The calamity was at once diagnosed as a cobo of "moonblink" and the captain cau tioned his men against running such risks." When day began to break sight began to return, and by sunrise he could see as well as if nothing unusual had hapicned. All of that day the case formed the chief topic of conver sation and when night came two more men determined to test the effect of the moon. After a two hours' nap in the full glare of the moon both men were awakened totally blind. An order from the captain prevented any further ex perimenting in that line during the rest of the voyage. MANY STILL SPEAK GAELIC. By No Means an Extinct Language In Spite of Its Position Here. A new appointment has been made from Water ford to the chair of profes sor of G.ielic in Maynooth college, Ire land. The new apjjointee is a member ot the. Gaelic league of Dublin, and was the first editor of the Archaeolog ical JoiwuaJ, of Waterford. The opin ion is very general that Gaelic is an extinot language, or one nearly ex tinct, and the labors of the Gaelic so ciety, iu New York to revive its use have lent some color to that opinion. .Vevnr.theless, as figures show, the 'laelic tonguo is most tenacious, and, according to the last reports, is spoken. :hough not exclusively, by 1,000,000 persons in the Uritish Isles 000,000 In irclatid, 350,000 in Wales and 220,000 in Scotland. , Though Knglish is the official lan- junge of all these countries, the pop- ilarity of Knglish increases slowly de- pit-e the disadvantage under whlcl hoe who use Gaelic labor, that of hnv- ir no established giammar and no ct'ogr.ttion, in an ofiicial way. Gaelic fulfill: the colloquial requirements of he fiHTncroand lisln'mw-n in thecoun- tipj reir.olc from the large cities, some what os the Basque language continues to be popular In the nortlurn province!' of Spain. In this country Gaelic has made Utile headway though many patriotic Irish men have by various methods endeav ored to nrfualiit other less patriotic with Its ailvntitngest. Mule the use of most Kuropean laniruagi's has olxnit doubled In TS yearn, five times ns many persons spruk l.nglish lis did Ln lb20. BIG ORDER FOR BEER. Japsnxs Mrrrbants Surprised by th Kins; of Cores. Juimne.sc tnerrhnnts of Cliemnlo, In th kingtltHu of Cores, were very much aurpriwd reeently when the king or- lered 30, MX) iKiltlea of teer in one lot. wy the San Franclaco Chronicle. Tlie entire Japnuese colony was not pre- ared for auch a sudiliii and extensive order of lieer and they put their headx together, wondering whetlier it was the cottrt or tlse tsmly guard of the king which luul iMltkwtly uevelMl surh a jrig&iitic tHirt. A ruble iw lintiw- il lately diKi4clMl to Japnn and the beer onliinsl to h f4itpa-d avt once, so that It niigUt W dcliviM-rd lo the rovol nutsier of I lie house i,n Our time. The U-er arrived prt'tnptly, suid at the emitc lime the rUiHUon of the eonuiidrum was given to the Jattuu-ee, for eluxmi rn Che anine il.tr liiiiin man-of-war atrlvnl thrre and the entire crew was ItttHed to be guestts of the king of t'oren, who I litis showed his grau tinle to the UiiKRinJia fur the ahsvlter asvord- ed hiui at the Itmuttan rmlsr during the reeeiit retolotionary disttirliotieea, Tlie 30 mir'nest mi Itoartl were very Treeably aiirprlaeil when hie royal hW'linnw stent SO.HOO iBittlea of envi J4uteae beer on lastrd that K lutl tautilrs er liuin euiwitfh I liquor Ui thnmnghly relrlrte the ituawr-Coreaa all HE WAS A SMART OOY. Meat mi le lUsstsf rtrupsjsd Usrt tram 111 at rail , ll tJ cVjaawtrd ae lukeA In th Wi em the ilirs uio n station of tbe All th evei.u "W nlir ill-thairerl rally cone morning, mu! was counting hi ettartge M a aratrh f"f iliTCd dime Atwl nl. Vela. A qtiorirr Ml frnn hi but-ks and rollol W"nT Use lifoTir) until It 1V-I ttisth-r u.p r 1 u-fm nhli-h form tlx tHlge saf the Utfortri There It lay In plain le, lit tuA fstlnalile as the gnttle apptro of prrUl. I la Warr aa Ue 4rtur o1 rmty, taaye U New York Mail and Y.x if. "I !'t rase alil the IJame rin,' b atkinl. -- tni 'em lo tmmj Ht It jus Itskke Bsf Hi sit kr that (JuaU Ihrrw, swwt I rn"t et H." " .. A (l.oae, tiiistrr," mUt (nee "if ry. fl rat r l, and U ,r our ttiun." Tt to a tvgajritxl tl Ut f.r a in v tnent ami k,H: t,o aU(-a. " lt rettirneil In ( tt.ltinta- w lib Bla fsorm MnrrVit f ep ubslsrly. In tt hens! bs twaI tun taf atli.g 1 1, erio 4 sWJ-.l h.m rurWMly. I'riw Ktw HiHlli the tsny Um st 11 meelt iab a.1 i-f iViro (i grurn It tl'f t!e tbe r.I of te ansntl.tig it Ihrusl.ng it,e V ItinMitti tt aasarrtns lr. wl lh aif1 ! tt g tim firmly ii tKo tH ein. Then M it' ft 1 W II it it -f-W-t t bo ttx -a 14 iW n arf, "Krp W wtasle ovt C t," aasi.l lh wma. "IVrj. troits) a -. h. ie ej -rn. an I ta U-M.V.I e train, fci tt wr-wtJ-r l sbsib I TU fsxvraf tb tor i sli,!U'; dmii'al. SOME FIRST THINGS. Thk first lucifcr match was struck in 1884. The first black-lead pencil was sharp ened in 1505. The first game of cricket, then known as club-ball, was played in 1300. The first kaleidoscope was invented by Sir David Brewster of Edinburg, in 1814. The first tolerably accurate map of England was drawn by Charles Lilly in 1540. The first air balloon was constructed by a Jesuit, Francisco Mendoza, about 1620; the first fire balloon by Josef Monteofier. in 1782. Via the Dnion Pacific System Baggage is cheoked through from Port end to d estimation. Tbe specialties of tbe Union Pacific are - unexoelled track and equipment, nnion depots, fast time, through oars, steam beat, Pintscb light god oonrteoos treatment to passengers. For rates and information apply to R. W. Baxter, Gen. Agt. U. P. system, Port land, Oregon. Send your name for a Souvenir of the Work of Eugene Field, FIELDFLOWERS the ugcnc field monument Souvenir " The most beautiful Art Production of the cen tury. "A small bunch of the most frasrsat sf bios soms fathered from the broad acres of Eussns Field' Faro of Lore." Contains a selection of the most beautiful of the poems of Eugene Field. Hand somely illustrated by thirty-five of the world's greatest artists as their contribution to the Mon ument Fund, bat for the nobis contributions sf the treat artists this book could not bare been manufec tared for)7.oo. For sale at book stores, or sent prepaid on receipt of $i.io. The love ottering to the Child's Poet Laureate, published by the Com mittee to create a fund to build the Monument and to care for the family of the beloved poet. cugene rieia Monument souvenir Fund, i8o Moans Street, Ghlcaf, IM SO YEARS EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS DE3ICNB. nnpvDipuTs am quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest aeenoy for securing patents in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive special notice In the ' SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully illustrated, larsrest circulation fit irsoientinc iournal, weekly, terms 3.0U ayeari ..DUSIX months. HDAnlniAn imnlnimnrf lllun iooj( ON Patints sent free. Address MUNN A CO., 361 Uroadway, Mew York. ea OAI EADIi:5 WfEl, mmm THB OHROKICUt rank wltk tat tualsat aewsuapers la Hi Cnssad sHata. THK OHRON1CUI ba no eqaal ea th raent Coast. It taxis aU In ability, anMrprts sad sins. Till OHHONICUPM Tssssjrapht lupon art tha latest and moat rallabla, It Looal Mews lb fullaat and apt), aa4 lw Kdrsartaat n-eta tbe alilnst pons tn Wis euontry. THK) CHUONIOLB aas always beast, aad always will ba, th friend and ahamptoa f tn Beoei a aaint eombtnatlon. oUqo. eorporatluna, or ovprmskmaof any kind. ItwIU be la-Htmntsal la rarytbUif aoulral la Botalue, THE DAILY r Mat r reu. Oo!y$6.70aYcir. The Weekly Chronicle $1.50 a h tlas4i s aM ' k aar aass as? ta Castas) ftil. CMa tris h ke.ws S4 SM HllW W -k f tSliO'l SSIIH I -. prtm en any a Msw mt law ri t l ili saaiaw SM4 unaisl t Sr Ua I SM('tial tt'W (aaanaswask AMPLE COPIU BINT 'rUC. IHJ YOU WANT THK CHRONICLE Reversible Map? tllOWINit Tt Unite J Stti, Dscicioa e CiciJ inj KortWa Meiico lift ntm tls Q Aee tke 1 Map of tho World tw i it i oritrn at ml m4 fS e4 ( Ik' Mati e4 vtswhly UsesMstaler Oste T r-r.i J tMt Ni ft a4 rret r.tl fJjIHUlIk mm the Ckraalsls llalldta it frtm VJ-Jmnal tf MtiUh M. W. H. Weeke. who make a apocialty o( Epilepsy, ha witnoat .doubt treated sad car ed more cases than any living Physician; ki( success is astonishing. We have heard of case of so yeara' standing curea oy hint. He publishes a valnable work on this dis ease, whku be senas with larce bot tle of his absolute cure, free to any suffereny who may aend their P. O. and Express address. We advise any one wishing a cure to address Frof.W. B. FEESZ, T. J Cedar St, Jew York Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-! eat business conducted tor MoDtRATl nil. Oua Office is Opposite U, 8. ptint Orrict and we can secure patent m test tune than, tnose ramfll. frnm W.shtncrtnn. Send model, drawing- or photc, with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. , i A Pimsh LET, " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&COn Cummings 8c Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A Q., C. M. & St. P., C. A A., r. Ft. W. A U., and the C. St. L. A P. Railroads. - 1 RATES tta.oo PTCR DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts., CHIOAOO. XXjIj. (jll.CQ TM U. S. GOVERNMENT i D A VIMn A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wan on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new, law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes It. to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why Hot present' your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the : time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. f7"Write for taws and complete information. No Charge for advics. No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AV1RETT, fleoeral Msnaftr, . . '. .. 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. ' JT. R.Thlt Company U tontralled by marly on (Aotwoittf Uadinf smw papert in th Vnited States, and it guaranteed by IMem, t . Attorneys tit Law, All baaloeea attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN N ATI OH AT. HiSI Bmt.niiin QEFPNER, t t . WHITE COLLAR LINE. Slfaitn TELLT00N1 BAILEY Learlot AlJer Hlreet Dwk, Portlead, - i'MTOi nnianiiHiB mi tiwaow sTtsMUBeri SBO rmli- road; also at Toooi'i Bay with Seaeaore IWlroed. Leavsje Portland T A. M. Dally. im lun.Uy. Lea re Astoria 7 t. M. Dally, eieept Isadsy. TIATT.! V A rprwfnrs rrs Uevte Portia od ( P. M txaiy. sirvnt Matnaar, I U A. at., tlcei-t sun.lay aad Maoday. Sunday Blfkt, I f. at. OOBAN WAV13 Ltevse Portland sod ran dlrort to flwams, Tusaday and TnurwUy at I A at sVlurdav! I P tf Lses Uaaca WvluMdsy aad rr4y at? JO A. M. Oa rqmtay aifkt at t f. JsJ ' r U$$ Ckird li hhM Dtsliiilioi Eo!l Bcirla Fru tif Eipujt . for Safety, IpswA, Cuinliift, Maauur, Trtrel Us Ttpbo4, tUIWp fisUaftsiil Oekea Vave. h leek; Hi It to Advertisers .it .1 great finnncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. The Patterson Publishing Co, TheompartlvvaIofthreree Iskiiowntomcsjt pwraoji. ' They lllattrata that freataf qnaotlty le Not always most te b desired. The earde ex pre the beneficial eae. .r, Ripaas Tabtdes . AcomprdwlthWypTevloulykewo) DYSPEPSIA CURB atlpant tabula f Price, &e'ente fcee. Of drugfit, or by malk BIP4NS CHEMICAL CO t0feran4iu;V.Va WANTED-AN .DEArTmo'.im?!. D. 0.. for their flOO prise eft, ThS reijular ttbsenptioU piim k the Semi-Weekly Gasette- is $2.50 and the regular prioe of the " Weekly1 Orptiai is IJ1.50.' Any one nbseribin- or the Graxette and rpayine for " one iyeat 1 advance can eel both tbe: Gsixette' oi Weekly Oregon ian for $3.50. Ail old tub sortbers paying their aubioriptions for. one year in adranoe will be entitled W the same. ' Nbw Fikd Tabd. Wnv Gordon- bet opened np the feed - yard nextv door te the Gazette officer; and now solicits a share of your patronage. Billy is right at borne at ..this . business,; .and your horses will be well looked; after. Prioes reasonable, 'Hay and; grain " foreelei tf aUa HI II T IHMC i . I ' OKI 00 rv v vu ,iwi i.i GiTZffiT 1'D OCEAN WATt for A.Urrl. Ilwaeo,' Loer Beaeh. Oceta KstanlsT aliht. II P M fM.M i-. iwn. . For tha Ouro Ot Liquor. Opium ui Tobacco Habits II k) hwetsal 4 labiisv &mj, TU Jsfutf Bpamtiful Town 9 (JUCbe CH at th flsrstre lae 'tstrM-saje SutrUf HtUslUtL Ireatss t r.t a4 sare OUR STOCK XfOV . . . ;; SPACE IS. j TOO HEAVY :! AND WE y ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD fit. Snnnn lnviiTnftnri Tin ewa M. II. ste VtU. WBMMaat 9 tamat , , kU. CULT. uk UJlj