Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 15, 1897, Image 3

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    Made and Merit Maintain the confidence
of the people In Hood's Sarsaparllla. 1 f a
medicine cares you when slclc; if it makes
wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond
fill question that medicine possesses merit.
ad (8
That is just the truth about Hood's Sar
nparllla. We know it possesses merit
because It cures, not once or twice or a
dre!, tIm.es' but ,n thousands and
thousands of cases. We know it cures,
fM ly' Pernla?ently, when all others
fall to do any good whatever. We repeat
Is the best-In fact the One True Blood Purlfler.
Hood's' Pills SETEST
Now that the great politloal oampaign
ia over and tbe winter season again with
tjb, all will want an adequate supply of
freBh and varied reading matter for the
long evenings. 'Cognizant of this the
1 3- 1 II- .
vjnaone iiau maae ciudowr arrangements
with a nnmhflr nf nerinrlinala anil tins
offers tbe following to all new and rene
al subscribers: '
The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate
WAPbtv OrOiTfinlan tl fin .! EA
.' . " 8. F. Examiner. I1.S0 S.7S
" , " . V. Tribune, 11.00 8.00
" ' Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25
. U. X' . VlllUIUVlO, fl.W.. 0. 19
ThrfoML-Weelr M V Wnrlri II 111 tt OK
Webfoot Planter, 60c 2.50
Leslie's Weekly, 14.00 5.00
News: At least nine thousand dollars
in gold has been taken oat of Canyon
mountain by "pooket canters" sinoe last
April, and daring the coming sammer
much more will be discovered. Dariog
tbe early sammer Qilobrist & Clark
loaded themselves with gold from that
source, and lately Brown & Cobb have
fonnd immense wealthy One nugget
discovered by them was worth $900 ao i
another 8600.
For aale About thirty tons of rye
hay, located about two and one-balf
miles of Hardman. Also 400 bo res of
good range, fenoed, to go with same.
Plenty of outside government range
near at hand. Shelter for 2.000 head of
sheep or large band of cattle. Good
bouse on plaoe. Call on Gazette offioe
for particulars. A rare chance to get
nay otieap. All eigne indioata a hard
winter and delays are dangerous. tf
Blue Mountain Eagle: Ed. Copner,
formerly a merohant of Lone Rock, Or.,
has gone into the. meroan tile business at
Sompter, Baker county, tbe terminus of
tbe Sumpter Valley railroad. Many
business men of Grant county, will
remember Mr. Copner, who has passed
through this oouotry several times
representing Portland wholesale houses.
Win. Dickson Lord has remodeled and
beautified his bouse in Heppner, and ia
carrying, tbeir mail free gratis to all the
sehoolma'amg between Heppner and
Eobo, watb a view to seoaring a house
keeper, Mr. Lord low owns a bind of
sheep, which be thinks of letting Maur
ioe Filzronurioe have in the spring to
run on tba sbans Fossil Journal
E. O. : Deputy Sheriff Frszier caught
the prisoners in tbe oounty jnil Sunday
attempting an escape. Tbey bad a file
and butcher knife. Frazier detected
them on Saturday and kept watob, walk
ing in on tbem Sunday as tbey were at
work. Eli Parr, Chas. Mason, W, D
Robbios and Lou Blevina were the four
in the scheme.
Perhaps the most interesting eight to
a traveler at any of the English public
schools is the names of "old boys" oarved
on wainscots and pillars. At Eton yon
are shown "U. Weleey," which is said
to be tbe way Arthur Wellealey, Duke of
Wellington, wrote bin nvme, and wbicb
ia cerla'nly the way he always pro
nonooid it. Pitt carved his name in
modest little italics. Charles James Fox
sprawled bis in bold capitals. Shelley's
name, near by, is a study. Each letter
is quite plainly, even boldly .formed, and
yet tbey buddle together ao nervously
that they eeem to Bbrink from being
seen. As you look at thtm you call to
mind the rate courage and independence
that rjodde Shelley refuse to be flagged at
Eton, and then bis pitiful plight when
the fag-mhBters got up "Shelley baits"
and hunted him through tbe streets of
tbe town. You can almost see before
you his pale cheeks and lustrous eyes
There are many other interesting things
about these carvings, which are described
by John Corbin in the current number
of Harper's Round Table, but bone bo
significant as this little record of bo
thoroughly the boy Shelley was father
of the man.
Here and There. -
Jaok Mills is back from Portland.
Mary McSwords ia among those siok.
Ike Basey is down sick with the grip.
Tbe Heppner Transfer Co., bas wood
for sale. 37-tf,
Blanks and printing at the Gazette's
home ranch.
Plenty of chattel mortgages at the
Gazette offioe.
Harry Warred went down to Portland
on Tuesday night
The family of Nat Hale, of Lexinton
are on tbe siok list.
Mrs. Bradley is again very ill at ber
borne at the Palace hotel.
The infant ion of Charley Miller, of
. Rhea creek, ia quite nok.
Drink tbe celebrated J. H. Cotter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Boroheri'.
The Redlighl people will treat yon
right. Call oo them when in town, tf
If yon want tba beet of everything, go
to tbe Orange Front, Joseph Biber.Prop.tf
Hazel, tbe little daughter of Mr. and
Mr. Frank Gilliam ia aiok with pneu
monla. '
Hon. Henry Blaokmao oame op from
Portland Wednesday morning, returning
last eight.
Bantord J. Cramer, ot 8aa Francisco,
a knight ot tbe grip, was in Heppner
Wednesday. '
Plenty ot advertising apaoe to aell at
the Gazette shop. Rate made known
oo application.
Prioe Floreooe returned from visit
with bia little daughters at Pendlttoo
oo WedneedsT morning.
Mr. Fry, lady who home ia at
Lone Book, is io Heppner at present to
reoeiva medical treatment.
Matt Motgrova, wbo repreeeatt a Tort
land wholesale boose, ia ia towo today
interviewing oar merchants.
Tboe. Murrey Spenoer, traveling tor
berdwara dealer ot Kt. Loubvwaa doing
boa see la DecpotT Wednesday.
Mr. and Mr. Artbar Minor departed
for Portland laat evening on trip ot
bailee and pie ae a re tor a fa dayt.
Royal Diamond, Ten Fired Jspao. on
colored. Tbe best 2So tea aver sold lo
HroDoer. P. C. Tbompton Co- the
leader. tt
Jaa. Carty, ot Batter ereek, wbo ba
been sick la tbla city tor sometime, ba
ao far recovered a to ba able lo return
to bit bom.
Dr. J. A, rUUeodotfer ot Arlington
wee married at LewUtoa Idaho, oa JX
&Hb to Mie Nellie Remloftoo, former
ly ot A rl ic too.
T. M s EIdr Jeokrca wrol lo Hood
Riva this aftertooa. aod will b(la a
a aarlaa ot relitfiooe meetieg at thai
plaea Ibta eteoiog.
Jub D. Hiekey u qoit aertooely 111
al tb raise boleL Daa llcKteu, wbo
ia alo elck at lb m place, I reported
lo b aligblly Improviog.
Mra. T. II. BUUe I Mrioneiy III at
ber bomaio tbla ell. bo ber attending
nhvaUtao. Dt. UrMworde, report that
ebole slowly Improvleg.
J. II. Ilper, of Uiioitoo. I4 X
taiks of wheat laat week at 70 pf
bo.bel mlkh k lb fcltth-t prk U!
tbl for ttyti
T. A. Rhea returned Wednesday morn
ing from Rossl'ind and other points in
British Columbia. He reports Hosaland
as a booming mining town ot about 7000
at the present time and large numbers
of people arriving there every day. Tom
expeots soon to return to that city where
he will engage in tbe butchering business.
At a meeting of tbe stockholders ot
tbe First National Bank of Heppner on
Tuesdity last, tbe following offioors were
elected for tbe ensuning year: C. A.
Rbea, president; T. A. Rhea, vice presi
dent; Geo. Coneer, cashier; 8. W.
Spenoer, assistant cashier.
Foesil Journal: Jas. Harvey oame
over from Heppner Christmas to spend
tbe holidays witb friends here. Mr. Har
vey is agent for the Paoiflu Nursery Co.,
ot Tangent, Linn oounty, witb head
quarters at Heppner. He will canvass
tbe Jubn Day oouotry in tbe spring.
No. 1 wheat is bringing 75 cents a
bushel at Heppner today, and poorer
grades are celling in proportion. This
is a good prioe, bat it coming a little
to lata for moet of onr farmers have dis
posed of tbeir crops,
Gid Hatt and Charley Jooe are aa
aociated together down at Charley'
old plaoe in the tonaorial business.
Call on them aod get your whisker
pushed In.
I'bill Oobn, manager ot Heppner'
warehouse, will pay tba blgbest market
price for bides, fore, sheep pells, eto.
Bring your biJes to bim. tt
Exposure to Disease
Does not neoessarily mean the con
traotion of disease provided tbe system
is in vigorous oondition, with the blood
pure and all the organs io healthy
cation When In such a condition con
tagion is readily resisted and tbe disease
germs can dud no lodgment. Hood's
Sarsaparilla is the best medicine to build
np tbe system beoause it makes pure
rich blood, and pure blood is the basis
of good health: In cold weather it is
especially neocessary to keep up the
health tone beoause tbe body is subject
to greater exposure and more liable to
disease. Hood's Sarasparilla is tbe
safeguard of health.
of the County Court of tbe State of Oregon
for the County of Morrow, to me directed, com-
manAintw ...A tn I UI'D nn thA ffOOOB and Cnttli
of the delinquent taxpayen named on the de
linquent tax roll tor saia coumj j
ltl. 1892, 1893, 1894 and 1895, thereto attached,
and none be found, then upon the real property
as aet forth and described in tbe aula, delinquent
tax rolls, or to much thereof aa snau mum? whs
amount of taxei charged therein, together with
cost and expenses. I have duly levied, having
been unable to find any goods or chattels belong
ing to the respective delinquents hereinafter na
med upon the following described pieces or par
cels of land as set forth in said tax lists, lying
and being in said Morrow uoumy, nmw) ui
Oregon, described and assessed as follows:
Andrews, C L lot 5, blk 16 In Stanbery's.
ti 1 1 . i 1 1 , . , 1 1 1 Tn ... mum nr nKiiuufli.
Tkt 1HW4 ' t
El rick, Samuel lots 5 and . blk 2. Castle
Rock; tax 1H93, 43 cts, 1894,12.50 ......
Garrcd, Ulysses lots 3, 4 and 16, blk 2,
castle koch; tax inaj.o-xj, oin, j ...
Rem Otto lots 5 and 6, blk 3, . Castle
Rock : tax 1 893, 43c, 1894, sue
Shippey, J B lots 7 and 8, blk 2, Castle
KOCK ; lax ism, lac, io;, ouu . . . . . . .
worthlngton, M V lots i ana z. wtu,.
Castle Rock; tax 1893 43c, 1894 1.00. . . .
Parrish. David J lots 15, 16 and 17, blk 11,
Mr. Vom.in aridlHnn tn UenDner: tax
1893 83c, 1894 fl. 72 2 55
Northern r acinc History jo, low j,
6, 10 feet off east part lot 2, blk 2; lot 1,
Viiu ii Mt vrnnn addition to Hepp
ner; tax 1893 69c, 1894 3.45 4 14
D..1,.,... Wm'VWU nlwnil t.n 0 n r '7 '
tax 1893 $2.60, 1894 Jl 06 66
Paton w a nv.u nf rpo 4. t.n 1 n. r26: tax
1893 $3 26, 1894 $4.06 '32
Clark, W 8 NW'K and of NE, sec 16,
to1n.r27: tax 1893 14 ;89. 1894, 6.30. . . 1119
Rmmfll T v. N Wu nl sec 28. tD 2 n. r 24:
tax 1893 3.26, 1894 3.60 86
Bramel, Mrs A C 8 of NEH of sec 16, tp
2 n, r24; tax 1893 1.S0, 18'J4 1.80....... 8 10
Chaplain, Daniel BE of NEM and
of 8E and N14 of 8WH and lots 2, 5
and 4, see 19, tp 5 n, r 27, except that
portion conveyed to the O. R. & N.
company for rightof way, also 8WH of
N w of sec aj, tp o d, r w i
J6.03. 1894. f810 .....
Welch, OD8WH of and NKSWH
OI sec 24, tp 4 S, r w, tax ios a.io, itw
Leatherman, David, Estate of, 8EH of
8E!4 of sec 13 and Wi 01 sec n.
8 62
2 93
1 40
1 43
Mining Cable Burned.
Wm, Itambo was in this city last Fri
day aod informed tbe Eagle that hi
oabio near his plaoer mine at Susan
ville hal been burned in which be suf
fered a loss ot from 8300 to S400. Many
mining tools, hydraulic hose, eto, were
in the building fit the time, aud all
A Cbioamaa named Cjiiaos Hoey was
arrested charged witb firing tbe building
aod bad hie beiriog Monday before
Judge Pearson, but ws discharged, tba
evidence being only ciroumstantial. No
motive is known for tbe burning ot tbe
building unless it is tbe result of some
spite work on tbe part of some one.
14 13
tp 4 s, r 26 and 8WU of NW of see 16,
5 s. r 27, BW OI rw aim nirui
sec 19. tp 4 s, r 27 ; tax 1895 10 12
Ttolipr w I M'U am 2. to 4 a. r24: tax
1893 tt.89, 1894 15.76 ii 1W
Cantweu, Moses, ine neirs oi, nn m
kv i ar.n k nt Hn u ni hhc as. iu a 1. 1
24 : tax 1892. 10 12. 1893 14 . 89. 189 1 17.07, 22 08
Kreigh, P 8 EV4 of N and NE)4 of
r 2tf fiMt:tilx 1R93 3 26
Mi Arthur Mm M .T N VVU of sec 24. tD 1
rffl: tax 18!H w
McCatley, a m M NEJi of 8W)4 and lots J
and 4, sec 30 tp 1 u, r 24; tax 1894
lflnv KllpnUSWU nl inn 36. tD3 s. r24:
tax 1894 5 76
atroltin Samuel RWU HOC. 23. tD 2n.r
27: tax 1894 w
Wllllmnann. Flnvlrl NWU of See 34. tD 1
n. r25: tax 1893 3.26. 1894. tt.06 7 82
SturUpu F.lworH HK.U nf sen 30. tD 1 u. r
'24; tax 1893 4.u; usm, .i.w "
MnKlmmpv. J W SEU of sec 24. tD 1 D. r
'iti; taX 1H93$4.8'.I, lB'.M S4.UO "a
Pickel. William of sec 8, tp 1 s, r 23;
tax 1893 $3 26, 1894 8.10 11 36
Borden, Alfred J MM of SW and 8W
ofSW!- ec30, tpln, r26; tax 1894.... 3 84
Rnwkftr. Wm N WW of sec 14. tD 1 U. r 25:
tax 1894 4 80
numnhell. OfiO W NEW sec4. tD 1 n. r 25
tax 1894 4 06
Whitman, H D 8W! of sec 12 and NWM
nf .." 13 tn 2 a. r 2:1: tax 1893 14.66. 1894
123.52..... ..... 28 18
Dlplinrann. W W HWli sec 11. tD 1 I. r 25:
tax 1893 4.06. 1K.I4 13.60 7 66
rriii. ij.wr.Mwfl .1 NWU of NEU see
84. tD 2 a. r 25: tax 1893 81c, 1894 $2.16. . 2 97
Tjviiipv. Mairirln NWVi nf NEU aildNM
of NW.'-i sec 4, tp 1 s, r 24; tax 1H94 8 30
Wilklns, Alonzo 8 W of NE'4 and
N W'4 of sec 36, tp l n, r as; tax ibv
1 89. 1894 5.40
Malloy, Frank BE)4 of sec 30, tp 1 n, r 26;
tax iw.'4
M arris, J II BF.V and NW4 sec 36, tp2
Tell Bin to Hove Oa.
The Oorvalli Times goe after a char
acter that is well known in this oity. 1 1
"Move on" is tbe order polioemso his
in tbe ear of the person who stop for a
minute on busy thoroughfare in New
York Oity. Tbe order nnexpeoted and
strange gratea on tbe feeling of tbe ver
dant visitor to the great oity, there is
menace to the possible oriminal io tbe
qniet command "move on."
Tbe arrival in town of young Sid Moore,
sometimes known as "Kid Moore,
transDlred Friday, and it calls to mind
tbe mystic "move on." Oaoe a bright
sturdy boy, oapableof good things "Kid"
Moore has become a disgraoe to tbe raoe.
Wherever he goes verdancy with a taste
for gambling is roped in" and robbed, aod
all tbe wiles that opium-soaked brains
can praotice for ill-gotteu gaina are re
sorted to. Once tried at Pendleton on a
oharge ot murder, repeatedly driven out
of various towns for his meanness, this
"Kid" Moore is literally without a spot
on earth to go where he is welooma.
-During bis year of absence his ways
bave not meuded. Soaroely three hours
after hie arrival io town, be began bis
old methods for procuring opium, and it
allowed to remain, tbe art to whioh he
will stoop to get tbe drug are only to be
measured by his opportunity, for will
ingnees be will not laok.
"Move on" is the legend that should
be whispered to "Kid" Moore. Oor
vallis is not big enough for bia sort, and
until he betters bis ways, all the world
should say to bim "move on."
Tbe Times is wrong on the opium
proposition. He uses nothing stronger
than morphine and cooaine.'
is the
very best
Blackwell's Genuine
Ton wUl find one coupon inside each 1 ounce bag and two coupons Inside taeb 4 ounce bag.
Boy a bag, read the coupon and sea how to get your share of 25O,000 la presents.
Thar la Nothing ao Good.
There ia notbiug just aa good as Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, so demand it and do
not permit tbe dealer to aell you some
substitute. He will not claim there is
anything better, but in order to make
more profit be may claim something elae
to be just a good. Ton want Dr. King's
New Disoovery because you know it to
be iiife aud reliable, and gnaranteed to
do good or money refunded. Fur
Coughs, Cold, Consumption and for all
affeotion of Tbioat, Chest sod Lungs,
there is nothing so good a is Dr. Kitig'i
New Discovery. Trial bottle free at
Conner k. Brock's. Kegnlar size CO
cent aod SI 00.
10 29
8 66
7 10
4 06
8 18
Persons who are troubled with indi
gestion will be interested in the experi
ence of Wm. H. Penn, chief clerk in tbe
railway mail servioe at Des Moines,
Iowa, wbo writes: "It glvee me pleas
ure to testify to tbe merit of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrbcoa Rem
edy. For two years I have suffered
from indigestion, and am subject to fre
quent seveie attaoks o( pain in tbe
eromaob and bowels. One or two dose
ot this remedy never fail to give perteot
relief." Prioe 25 and 60 oents; sold by
Conser k Brock.
Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop
Guests will find the best of accom
modations in every reBpect
The Trouble is Over!
We Mean the Election. But that
Makes no Difference With
n. T lT: tax lWli
Reese, Walter I- N 4 of NS. sec 20, tp 2 n,
r tax IKM :i 31, iMt fi n
Petrle, Henry BWfc seo 14, tp 2 n, r2t;
Ui 1KH.
Kraser, Wm 8W'i sec 16, tp 3 n, r 2S; tax
! 14 OH, IHM U lf
California, Idaho and Oregon Btaire Co,
commencing; at itie nr. corner oi mi i",
blk 3, orlidnal town ot Heppner, run
ning west b leec, annul I leei, eaai m
feet, north 41 to place of beginulnK;
Ui WH 19 S2
Decker, O W NEH of sec , tp U D of r 28
e; lax iwki a-i Jl. ihmi i '
n,l on WMliiala.Y. tha 10th day of February,
lrSTJ, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day,
at the court house In aalit county and state, I
will sell the above described real Mtate at pub
lic auction to the blithest bidder for cash, sub
ject to redemption, to satisfy said warrants.
costs and accruing coats. .
K. I HIAllltll!
S0717 Sheriff of Morrow Co., Oregon.
The Artisans Install.
List Saturday evening Heppner As
sembly No. 48, United Artisans, installed
tbe following officers:
B. 0. Wills, M. A.; J. W. Horner,
Bnpt.; J. D. Brown, Insp. ; R. P. Hynd,
Seo'y. ; F. Q. Thomas, Treas.; N. J.
Mvers. S. C: M. B. Galloway. J. 0.; B.
A. Emerson, warden.
Tbe Hnpreme Assembly ot tbl looiety
waa organized In Portland, Oregon, ovei
two year ago and bas bad a most nour
ishing growth, being now the moet popa-
ar benefioiary order of tbe Northwest.
The local assembly bold an open meet-
incr on Saturday. Jane 16tb. wben an in
teresting program will be rendered and
tbe aerial good things lo eat win oe pro
vided. G. M. Uoane. of Uardman, dep
uty organizer, will be present and will
ad dre" tbe assembly on "Lite Insurance
in tbe Uoited Artisan."
Wbo never let politics interfere with business. At the
same old stand, next door to M. Lichtenthal's.
Tbe Whole Htory
Of the great Bale attained and great
cures aooompllshed by Hoou'a Sarsa
parilla is quickly told. It purities and
enrk'hr the blood, tone tb stomach
and givea strength aod vigor. Disease
cannot enter tbe system fortified by tha
riob red blood which come by taking
liood's raraparilla.
Hood' Pill oure nausea, siok head
ache, indigestion, billiouaxrsa. All
druggist. 25o.
A Very Pleauat Party.
Ia answer to lovlteliooa leaned by Mr.
and Mrs. W. P. Dulton and Mie Elite-
belli Matlock, a large numler of tbeir
friend gathered at "Alfalfa Lawn," tba
suburban horn of Mr. and Mr. Dottoe
oo Wednesday evening last. Tba first
boor of lb volng were passed io
playlpg progressive wbist aod resulted
ia prize bolng woo a follow : First
prize, Mr. J. W. Morrow and Mr.Pbill
Ouhn: cooeoUtioo prize. Uis Mabel
Le'ier and Mr. J. W. Morrow. At tb
cine of (he card playing aa eioelUot
aed appetizing luoeh wa rved aod
moeli appreolaled by tb guesU. Tb
remainder of tb vnlaf was tpeot io
eorlal game and maio.
Tbnea proeeot weres Mr. aed Mr.
Herbert Dartbolomaw, Mr. eol Mra. F,
IC Mertbolomew. Mr. aod Mra. J. W.
M rfft'W, Mr. and Mr. E. R. Iti'bnp, Mr.
aod Mr A. Minor, Mr. aod Mra. (Jen.
O'oser, Mr. and Mra II. Itlacknao, Mr.
t.d Mra, S. W. 8j oer, Mr. and Mr.
J. C. lUrt, Mr. aod Mr. Phill Oho,
Mr. and Mr. O. K. Famieorib, Mr.
and Mr. Frank McFarlaod, Mr J. N.
KM.r, Miwt Ad Jjne, Kile Mioof,
AJ Mionr, Malxl Lr, Ada ItaitUtl,
Lull Fartisworiti, Mesr T. H Lyoo.
II F. Uyod, Al Lint), Frank l'lms
aod W. K Irwin.
Care for Ulpbtberla.
Tb fkientiflo American give this
reoeipe, whioh tbe whole world ought to
know: At tb first apperaooe ot dipth
eria in tb throat of a child mkn the
room clorie, th-tu take tin cup aod poor
loloit sqasnity of tr aod turpeulica,
equal parte. Then stir tbe oooteot witb
a red bot iron, so aa to fill tbe room ilb
fumes, Tba little patient, on inhalmg
tb fumea. will oough no aod spit out
tb membrtoeoa matter and tb dipth
eri will pee oot. Tb fame of tb
tar aod turpeotioe looeeo tb matter Id
lb tbrot. affording tb relief that has
baffle J lb skill of physicians.
Tbla Is four Opportunity.
On receint of tell cents, crmh or stanapa,
rroerous snmtile will t mailed of the
moitt jiopulnr Cutnrrh and Hoy Fever Cure
(Kly'a Cream Hn'mi) Bntl'.oieut to demon
strate the great merit oi tue rvmeuy.
ELY imoTrir.153,
CO Wnricii tit., New York City.
Bov. John P.e!d. Jr.. 'f On nt F11,Mont.,
Mvimmemlcit V.Iv'm ( ream llftlm to me. I
can emphftiize Lis aUtcmi nt, '"It is a poal.
live cure fur cr.tr.rrh if naed ae directed."
Hev. Franci W. Timl. Taator Central Free.
Church, Helena, llout.
Elv'e Cream Pa!m I th acknowledged
cure lor ealarrn ana connnne no nwroury
nor any Injurious drug, rrioe, 60 cent.
Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's
Furnishings, etc.
iWaln Street. Heppner, Oregon.
Good we mean it; your THE PALACE HOTEL BAlt,
grocer pays your n.0uy C. BOKOIIERS, Prop.
bskhi( powdar
taralax aatracts
sad spices.
Schilling's Best.
For sale by
E. W. Rhea & Co.
The annual meeting of the stoekhoMert of
I Ui'
iMn. liouilar. January iSlh, A
W7 H T. w, A vaaa, Z?cratary,
the Hiinr I.Ik lit
rtelrt at in omrsj oi uia r,n.
Water FomiiiT will be I
pan, in Mr p
h. A. D. IHV7.
A ('are for Lena Hark.
"My dauRhler, wbeo recovering from
ao ettark of fever, waa a great offerer
from rain to tb beok and bin, write
txu leo (trover, of Herdl. Ky. "Alter
naiog q.mU a noroter nf remedie with
out any benefit she tried on bottle of
Cbaroberleiu' Palo Helm, and II bas
tfiveo entire relief." CbamberUio'a
t'ain Halm t alao a eerlain tore fori
rbeomattam. Sold bf Ctmsr llrock.i
uQl "JHUlG
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Our Holiday Display !
You Should all Sec It.
Con)e in at Once.
Main Street,
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
Through tram oo th O. R. A N. will
roo via. Umatilla, Walla Walla aod
I'mdlatuo. Through leerr, first aod
mood-eta, will run lo eooeeetlno itb
th t'nlf.o Prlflo, tb ame a hereto
fore. A through firal el elrepr I'oit-
land to Ppoksea, eoeorHieg wi'h tb
BrtelM lwr to Hi. I'aol, aod a
ihroogb tonrUt aleeper I'ofllaod to Hi.
I'aol. ill ran lo e enix-linn with It
Ore! Nottbrn railway . If
imrrm, oregox
I. W P1TTERS0N. AGKNT. n!Ltr-J-ULrirt
20,000 POUNDS
CoilHlHtlllfr of
-: WITI-I.
S'kle'e Areir felv
Tb IWt Hat lo the world f Cole,
nMa. H-.r.. Cleer. felt Hbe.
I Die iut i i" - iifaMM, rvre. tieer. ran
Uiek Mlhw aoJ V. Geatry. oodef M-e. Trtwr. Ct,.ri4 Head.
. " . ,J M.,k... A O.elrv fbilbUir., Cme, ead ail Hie I.rop-
th Bra 0m of M.lt A V Z' Um. .-Mif.ly eur Vt-
are aeeoelele-I loglbf lo IB b'tjf Mr rltir4. Il t fbll to
fltr.! ItU.i lirhlag fHM
Hrmpt-'ma: Mo etore: Inlenaa Hol ing
0l allMlag; Wl al nlghl; ntee by
eeraietiieg If alines to et,tinoe lum
ore form wbteb ofl.o blet eiid nicer aU
heeomie very Me ate. s llml
meat alope tbe Itrblng aed bllu.g.
b.ai alrtK, aod in m.l eaawe r-
moM lb Inmor. At Uin.gule. or t
mail, fiie fsieebt. lr. evayo A rVa,
rt,ii.w itii.
iMreel eettfali "t Monef r'n l-l
l'rleS3 rmtif tI. fat tT
1 oer h Brwk.
Tbe ingTei llie f Wetllld,
led, taJ a "Womaa'e Edittoa" lb.
Wm.lH.l.l N.ee, Uerleg dale of Ajftl S,
laletHl to Wot. 4 W MwM Itet
f.dlowleg I rum a eorrwlet, wbb
the eitr oriaM. r!1!1 Ikel W
treats ef i'J Iwre
U l!ir ei: "Th b rm-!y f
eap, ntl4 and bx-ft'bilM 11 I
hea all tt Bit t C1aMMi'
PU a l..f U Cfl. K.1f. t Urn, H
. . -i .-i -i.l .J tb. w,.ei v eiil. I 'Vf r.e . I'." T
boeinast la lb !. O"or"
nl i L. Buainffiesv Tbf eliii a
V,. I. I ha lima to !t 10 Werkly
rv...,,.n. ike ralMi evlPr of
th. VTIlb lh.(W"t.bli rriel
ly ta4tatMaar.l-lB0. ? IXH-
aowbtaalK of aepr U -
I a tba ui
lad A. U HibolBw dtrtJ
Iat eveateg (or rudlead tb liitU
l,ildra UUmpn to srule IVt-fylo ot
lbs alaro, t'l boa she tar4 of t
lb ladf bmiim of lb -''; eroia)
r. lain wilt out lb rl.ll! I
F. It t!Ub(p, sn-x.-'r to The Me-
farlar, I M'reai.lll Co., le elill on 6-r.
glveg ar! t.rln tn all lies.. The
tnrk mn.t 1 elswl ot, and II I eor-
(ri.ii,g hw eli.ap Ibint arsv. Call on
lbM. rreak Slcr .rlae l, tal'.oiao.
la fare ell Okie lt "
Htit.lf atllr "Haetae'e OiLlm!.
N'i Inl.rtial tnadicio reiirnl Core
tt.r, rri'int, llb, all .ret. !. aa lb
feea, be I., . ., leevleg lb ekia
Uar. UIU hllby, lUfr.elUed
In ead roreliv -nfre are . t
hr kn o'.m ir.-1. Ak .oerdrag
I wl 1 h .' ( )!. I.
Tal.Ue. Cbalr. Itoeker. IWdroom Hollo, lUdeUttv?, Hook
(as, fotiege. Hifsa, Bpnog Uatlreee., Wo. IfaltreeeM,
I'erlor Holle, Ool.r Tehle. el , eta, IJr ooa 1 CarrU, Wod
CrpH. Malting. Hi..ifds, Mirrors, Hat lUcke, UaDglag
Um, rortlare. I'lllow. Dlaak.U, Hlo, etc, to.
All the nhovc Goods are Placed on Sale at
Half Value or Less.
Will he Sold Regardless of Cost.
I'll op f or hnnM at mre wiib Hirllab Portlier,
tile Ihl oi p..rmuil t biTertwt.
Youro to Take MSiii.
Leaves No Constipation, wv.
Core It, a well a all Hllllooanoee, Hirk Ileadeeb aad Malaria. Tb ealf
0iBtroaTaai.a pill lo lb world. Hold by all drnfgt.ts or twtil by ai ee
rerwiit of trie. woU ft Imt. IllKMlnM MKDIUAL IX) .
Haa Kraaelaoo, C'al.
Our Sale on General Merchandise
Still Continues.
I a-e
Plenty of them
Gazctto Office.
at the
Vilw tott can Kot a Fir.U fUTV llOTIr.
CIm Ml it fairing lUtrt. Vll 1 All1 lJlJf
French Cook, and White Labor only, Employed.
Good Foomsand Excellent Service
Tho GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year for CASH.
I ttmk. t