MITCHELL IS CHOSEN. At tbe meeting of the senatorial I caucus last night at Salem Mr. Mitchell was chosen as senator to succeed himself. The caucus is a binding one and the vote whs taken viva voce. Mitchell is chosen and will be elected on the first ballot. The opposition to Mr. Mitchell, including Simon republicans, pops, detns and nondescripts have en deavored to defeat Mr. Mitchell by forcing Mr, Bourne's candidacy and endeavoring to prevent the or ganization of the house unless Mr. Bourne is chosen. By the selec tion of Davis, of Umatilla, a nonde script, aa temporary chairman, Bourne is preventing the organi zation of the house, and in this he has the support of Simon. The house will be organized, however, and Mr. Mitchell will be chosen From word received from the in accordance with the expressed seat of conflict this morning we wishes of the people of our great are enabled to announce that Sena- commonwealth. tor Mitfthflll'd rA-filfifitinn is nhan. Simonism has cost this state lutely assured. This information much' H bas ruined the republi- lf!p!IM1lHE615lUlgSl1fMfl my, mi iDliaol SfgS7) OJL! r7TST!l aHgaii2a 76 Years And Old Vigorous Veteran ot me Late War Ms One More Name to the List ol Striking Cures Dy PlnK nils in Michigan.' An Old-Fashioned, Large Family of Thirteen Children. MR, MITCHELL WILL WIN. is as follows: can party again and again. Now the Deonle are callnd nnnn in naxt State Capitol, Salem, Or., J an. the bills. Until the house orean- 15. Gazette, Heppner, Or.: Mit- izes no business can be done. An chell gets 46 votes in caucus. No outraged constituency will be heard niu.. .:n from later on. him on joint ballot. Patterson. THE OREQONIAN REBUKED. The recent bank failure in Chi cago develops enough recklessness, crookedness and conspiracy to bring about an investigation that would fix responsibility on all con- cerned in it, bnd properly distri The efforts of the Oregonian to connect Senator Mitchell with Mr. Bourne's candidacy for speaker is bute punishment to those who have but a sample of its unwanted and violated the law. It was a fight nnnallfid.fnr imfhirnfiBH. Whnn between two big cliques for control tit. t ifi ti. ui: of a railroad that no bank monev . .... ... y. . should have been interested in, party all political relations between for the reason that it was a honm those gentlemen ceased at once, experiment The comptroller of because Mr. Mitchell is a republi- the currency seems to have been nan. Thft Orarrrininn VnAiv it,;- dilatory and inefficient in euardinc --e :.r. i ill-,... very well but it desired to beat "VnVf n V t. Mr. Mitchell by prejudicing his ha(j lone before the crash bv uch candidacy. It could not defeat energetio action as would have him fairly, that it well knew, and stopped the conspiracy at an earl ier date; and as for tba bank o h . . ' BWUMU1V1B I , , I. . , and knaves was resorted to, but "V. TtZZ' " J nappuy wuuoui euect air. Mil- crowti who. to cobble the railroad. chell cannot be beaten, having a I conspired to wreck the bank, the v. clear majority of the legislature too buouiu be snarplv looked after and nearly fifty republicans in cau- D l?e '?w omcers ot .tne govern . wlo ..pporteJ Urn in that y Lt"taZ?tl caucus which mot last night rottenness and reckless criminality iur. iuucuea cannot do beaten, in me wnoie matter. Commercial bpfftUBO hfi in tliA lnmrnl mini wliita I U6V18W, of Ulfl tinnriln. TliA Ornrrnninn Vina boon rebuked in this as it has been . Tnoron Mr. Brown was not in the rant It has dronnod down cnosen in tlio house caucus for . .. . - I . , .. . lower in tuesculo of measure than """V I)r,,ve, miasm, me llm vnriout criminal Mia la.i.i wont fonniihiblo candidate outside Let it bo buried beyond all human 01 iMn "'"B,o wo bad Jj votes to rocall. I'.rowu's 11. Mr. Jliown received tins in the face of the fact that I . . 1 t . a a Xfirnrr , . it- :.. I'jaMiorn wroL'ou aid not Btnui .U..k,..l.k.U ... ... .W HO IB HO , , . b,v. null luo uupmmu Kl)11(, to Mri ,k,I)HOU from ouf at)(J DOW8 it tioil. H lit in tlin nvm.t il-at H.o 8traikht reiiublifans can organize ueo. u. x eiikins was ro-elocted nir. r.rown will havo a forniulab e United Ktates snnator from Cali-1 inmition as a legislator. The (Ja- foruia on Tuesday last zone w proud of Mm and glad to I antf I,., I . I, ..III. f . ... ..i is wbibt imiiuiiil; iiir the atatu'a interests sido by side If bL'in to look like Dulmid ialith Mr. I'm-iihou. his fortunate ,L,f.(A.l fii .i. rival. Mr. lirown is always with m.u ..i,:uf ... rn,lJ ,,u no panwao in T, , tnattors apprUiointf to tho coin wcu uuimj. I mon Intori'Ml nr all AnoI'T aO()0(MX) ailvor .loltara -1 m ..... ... u..,. u iri.- iiik loruaud curonic e is tnak . - , . 1u7Y, ingwhat we upHe it coUHiders a 1,1 u" 11 uooHn i mate moiv.rv inii;.,,, !., til arrniiiiit itn.lw wiuiouuiinraiau nanuiui or suuy. .MitchHI, but it ban no weight ; . from this jntint of view it looks of carrying Orpgou elcloral tot Mr. Chronichi your "(irand Old to Wanhiugton, lie lxiog the choice lt'ullicau" that you are prating of our prcni.h-utial doctors for this h about i rather antiiuatid ImjM.rtant duty. 'ur tr from this progniwivA sinit nun juu w:u aurriy im uiiu piMiiotisl by sonni Hon. John II. OHIO nhowt a .tplly cli'au reo- Mitchell returned to the V. H. sen- ord in tho linn f r.ila ,wlwr 'ii'r mt years, l or dent. In li ho traiidporbsl 2",7'.I,IkW aweng( r, and had but four emH)s kilbvL From the Courier-Herald, Saginaw, Mich. Vim has now over ft) Lomo li'ni TeLirles io daily UV The ervico is reMirt4 m trnt holly satmfartory, lot tho chances ars for daily improrenioot i As Kenalor Mitchell is a ir tnan none ran y li Uttight his y ibtii th lionnrbU Ixmltiou if elocUvL Com to thick c( it lbs rich ars lii pj'potteota. Baker City lleiublican. Ilrrtrti nxrxT and reform Las !) l-eo th rry of lbs po T l"jr ar not doing tnurb rrtrenrb bit nl rrf. r tnintc at Salem. Oioal lri, dliver n. Mm rl'Tli.l t nn iha n. U cf Oce iti ia the I'cUUtur ars bow rhi;d ia (Ulrurtib ths very tit.ik they er itilroJe.! ta & A yet Ut h.iUM Lm failed to trciiU4 f r luit)e, all l-erauM few ard Md-J.ell tnea b4 a.. I to itit la to defeat tl, l.l.cs f the fnj nty. This is i tissue an I thei f.lUas art g hi ! Lr t-f it bfl sWttMa titM tvl aril atis. man that a miod ticket mi earnestly at the. Jura election as lil White, of tho Chronicle. Ihiseluah admit '.Mitchell Itepult. lieati," etc, apMars very Uma ami inapproprialA Wlnta is very cheap man. Ill SISI-M i Wing pushed riht alontiio thrt utatn senate and tnauv bills ars Mng intrinlueeiL Ths houao aliould aU be soooniphali. ing some good work, but at preiot It seems to l Uhi ruiirh "divided aaiuat Uelr to do an I In oa et eept draw psy her it is not -if. Inn lu recetveil. Ths lection of a I . K aerjator ia lodee.1 an im (xtrtabt ttifttter, but tther thine of (Treat iuiniUoc to this Ute al oeM attentum. This fare now tenjt n.-l.s .1 Halem aliouU end at one, and the tan pUyirg at it Riven a rhaore to r r I ic tn soro of I In vrry ei- lN'i.t prt'tniM- tu-l ta lhi eop before election. If Viusr tr.t is not good, uliv ilt'ii't oti think water? It is ihrajHT ami Utter for )u than fHH.r tea. If it is goo!, your Morn .nil is gl.iil t. gd it; t!oei its ut.rk Uttrr. Stiif'i'ns He si U gMiI tea at i!nHr' iin .uka ,:es. A few years Bgo a wave of La Grippe 1 swept over tbe laud and brought thous ands of its violims to the grave. Otheia who escaped the fate lived on in sorrow and suffering, broken is health and spirit. Terrible as was tbe disease, its after effects were yet more appalling, as it sought out tbe weaknesses of tbe consti tution and left thousands shattered wrecks of their former selves. A few days ago a Courier-Herald representa tive, while at tbe thriving little town ot Akron, Mioh., met John L. Smith, a vet eran ot the industrial army, on whose aged head tbe disease bad fallen, and he beard him tell bow be bad suffered and what bad given bira relief. We can do no better than quote bis own words, wbioh are as follows : "About seven years ago I was taken down with tbe 'Grip,' and it fastened on me very bard, for about half tbe winter t was So bad that I oould not leave the boose. I was chilly all the time, and oould not get warm. I felt as if I was frozen solid, and oould only breathe with great difficulty. This oondition alternated with sweat ing spells of great violence. There was an almost continuous pain, and it would sboot from odo part of my body to an other, with great suddenness, and oause me intense suffering. Sometimes it was in my hips, then In my legs, and again it would go to my bead sod pain me in tbe eyes. It was so intense that it even affeoted my sight. "I OHlled in medical assitance, bnt tbis was fruitless, as I received no benefit from physicians. From then on I tried various preparations that were reoom mended to me, but they did me no good, and my condition was as bad and pain tul as it was before I tried tbem. "Finally, I saw an advertisement of Dr. Williams' Pink rills for Pale People, ami I read with muob interest of the wonderful oures that they bad efleoted in so many oases, I bad tried so many proprietary preparations that I had no faitb io it, but tried it, as I bad so many other things, to se it they were ot any use. "0ns day when I was fueling a bad as usuul, I got a box of Pink Pills, and shortly before going to bed X took one pill. I cannot tell you what a surprised man I wss next tnurning. Then I put on my shoes with ease, a thing that I bad not duos for forty years. A little while aftr tbis I was so well that I drove to liny City, Mioh., a dietauoe of twenty-three miles, sad was not at all tired wbeu I got there. "I am now seventy-six years of as and unusually aotivs for s meo of my years I work ou my forty-acre farm sod ex pwienoe to trouble from tbe work. I waul Ui say a good word for Pink Pills, as they helped me where all else did do good whatever. Hioos my illness and core a noniber ot my neighbors have need tbem, and say that tbsy have been grratly bcorQlrd." Mrs. Hmitb, the veteran's wife, who sal near by, confirmsJ lbs words that her habaol had spoken sod added btr Itwtiaiooy to the good tbat ths pilla bad been to the family. The worthy are old and rtepecteJ restdetits of Toe- cola county, where they havo lived fot thirljr yearv. sir Hinllb is a slurJy pla sm, n. I cleared op a SO aero farm sear Akron. II yet lives there, ear- routul4 by twelve of bio IbirWea child rra. Thanks to Pink Pills, l.s has iroet of tnny years of oacfoloeaa. Another en fferar ailh the sains malaJy was Ned Ut) mood, a proaperons an J lra.linc farmer, realdint; near Colombia ville, L(r Co, iliehliao. Bikio U a rrpitteatstiveol lb0uarlr lieraU Mr. lUymood said: "Thrt yaart ago I a I June, one nifbt I saffefeJ an attack of peratveta, tiroahl on, I think, by ovatwotk an J as as afUr ITc4 f Is (rtei. After a ok aay eo liiloo m so had that I saomioe4 S physician and Iitr4 hi about su nonihe, with hnl little relief. For some time I bad seen in the papers reported oures of oases similar to mine effeoted by Dr. Williams Pink Pills and thought I would try them. I bmght a box and continued their use with good results, I soon be gan to gain in strength and health and felt tbe good effect of tbe Pills. Tbey were the first things 4bat bad been able to give me relief. They have been of great benefit to me and I oan strongly reoommend tbem to ODyone Buffering from paralysis." SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, lor the Comity of Morrow. William I'euland, Plaintiff, v. William Doonan ar.d Mary J. Doonan, Defendant. To William Doonan, one of defendants herein: In the name of the Btute of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer or other wise plead to the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the next regular term of of the above entitled court, to wit: The First Day of March, 1897, and if yon fail so to answer or otherwise plead, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judg ment against you for the sum of five hundred and ninety-one and 13-100 dollars, together with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 15th day of October, 1895 until pain, ana lor tne sum ol tmv dollars attorneys fuAS.nH fnrhi.init. .nH rll.liiifiamanli In thin uit: and the court shall decree that the mortg age executed by the said William Doonan and Mary j. Doonan to plalntitt hererein, dated the 12th day of April, 1894, upon the following des- rinen real estate, to-wit: me east nan ot tne ortheast quarter of section 2K and the south east quarter of section 28 and the south half of the south half of the southeast quarter and the south half of the southwest quarter of Beetion 27,allintownshipone south of range 27 east of tne wiuamette meridian, oe lorecionea, and the said real property sold and the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment to planum oi tne aoove named sums ot money; hat all ot the defendants, and all persons clalra- l IhpAinrh unrU. IKam n am. nl ihnrn shall be forever barred and" foreclosed of all right, title, estate, interest and lien at law and n equity, and all equity of redemption, in and to, and upon every part of said real property. This SummonB is Dublished pursuant to an order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell. Judge of the above entitled court, made at chambers, Pendle ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, on the 13th day of January, 1897. ELLIS & LYONS, W8-ai. Attorneys lor Plaintiff. The case ot another veteran lias come to tbe attention of tbis paper aod it is ere given : When, in 1861, the fate of our Union hung trembling in the bul- ados, and President Lincoln issued his famous oall for volunteers to go to tbe front and fight for its preservation, an immediate response swept over the North like a tidal wave, and regiment fter regiment of brave boys in blue quickly sprang up from every quarter Unmindful ot tbe privations of a so). dier's life, and the horrors of war, they shouldered their muukels and marched to the front to battle for their country. Among tbe first to answer the call was E. Q. Matthews, who enlisti-d as a mem ber of Company D, 103d Ohio Iufoutry and who fought bravely until tbe olose of tho great struggle. Mr. Matthews now lives wilb his wife aod family of six ohildren and grandchildren on bis farm near Akron, Tuscola county, Mich Whi'e in tbe ratks be contracted in tlammatory rheumatism and tbis devel oped into n trouble that remained with him for over thirty years. Ha flu ally became cared of it and to a representative ot tbe Courier Herald be spoke of bis oass as follows: During tbe lute war I was a mooiber ot Company D, 103d Ohio Infantry, and performed all tbe duties iooident to a soldier's life from 1HC2 to lSfiO. While at the (rout owing to tbe privations of our soldier life, I contracted intl imma- tory rheumatism, and this finally devel oped into a 'permanent form of rbeuma tism, that baa always troubled me since that time. Wheu I wss mustered out in 1HG5 I went back to Ohio to tbe place hero I enlisted and was laid up there In bed tor Vi weeks. I then got ont for a short time and wits again laid up lor long spell. Hiuoe then I have been victim of these attacks and I hoy hav laid ma up for niuoh of the lime. "My ease was Siso complicated by as vere kidney troublta aod other dipae tbat bi.fll.-d tbe best medical skill. I have tried many physicians and also proprietary articles of all kinds tbat wtrs said to be good for such tronbles as mine. Io my search for health I spent hundreds of dollars, but it seemed to Is all io vain, and nothing seemed to reach my trooble sod give me relief, about s year em a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and al though I bad so faith is tbem, I bought S box and began Io take tbem. After I bad legiio en ths third box s great change io my oondition began to appear, and my trouble for over thirty years' standing bogan to be cord. I look four boxes mors and then felt so well thai I discontinued their aee, "I am bow able to work on my farm aod have oo fear of the old trooble com ing Uek as loo as I can s-t a bx of Pink Pills. My ee was a rerOeulerly deopsealod one, of leg standing, an J s I want Io ltt others who are kl!!iet4 as I was. know thebrnrflt tbat lb link Pills for Pale TM'ple have bcn In ma." lr. Williams' Plat I'tlls fr Psle 1W pie are now givra to tbe foblisasaa on (allies blood builder and Brrve rrslofer, curing all forma of weakness artelng from a watry onnditkn of the t.h-od er stiattvrej bervrs. Tba pills are IJ by all doelere, or will be et pi.l co reet(l t frtre,fa) trill a baser en his fr t.'So (lUy are never a.. M In balk er by tbe inn), by addrmsing IV William' M.d. Co., rVbeneelady, N. T. What's the Matter With HaDoa ? Nothing, except that he has jnat discovered that at the Odd Combination Store of P. C. Thompson Co. Is the best place to buy Pall, Sugar, Soap, Sardines, Socks, Snspenders, Sewing Machines, Shotguns, or Saws. Complete lines of Groceries or Hardware. Satisfaction Guaranteed. .DONT FORGET THE PLACE OOTS AND SH0ES... THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS AT He has anything In this line that you may desire and you can depend on It you get a good article when Mat guarantees it. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES Old Stand, Main Street. Hopainno, specialty. SUMMONS. N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE ol Oresron for the 'ountv of Morrow. J. A. Woolery, Plaintiff, vs. Samuel E, Walker, Defendant. 10 Hamuei K. walker. Defendant. In the name of the State of Oreewn: Yon are nereny required to appear ana answer the com plaint tiled against you in the above entitled cause on or before the first day of tne next regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit: March the first, 197; and If you fall to answer for want thereof, the plaintiit'will take judgment against you for the sum, One Hundred Sixty and 55-100 Dollars wun interest tnereon at tne rate of ten per cent per annum from the 11th day of Oct. 18116. For the sum of One Hundred Twenty-five and 20-100 uiuiarB, wun interest tnereon at tne rate oi ENGLISH BUSINESS OLLEGtfe PORTLAND OREGON eight per cent per annum from the 11th day of Oct. 1!I8: for the sum of twenty-five dollars at torney's fee and for his coBts and disbursements. i ins summons is served by publication pur suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of me aoove entitled court, made on tne zmn uay OI nee., 18'JO. J. IX. BKUVVW, 505-17. Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE JL of Oregon for Morrow County, . W. Whalley and Wm. T. ftiuir, partners doing busi ness as Whalley & Mulr, Plaintiffs, vs. James W. Hwezea, Defendant. 10 James W. Hwezea. Defendant. In the name of the Stale of Oregon: You are nureoy required to appear and answer the com plaint tiled against vou in the above entitled cause on or before the first day of tho next regular term oi said court, to-wit: The first day of March, 1897; and If you fall so to answer, for want thereof the plain tins will take judgment against you for the sum of One Hinmr.d and Twenty-five Dollars, with Interest th reon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 14th davof April, IhW and for thulrcosUanddlsburseineuts In this action. This summons Is served by publication pur suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court made on the 10th y of .1 WH 505-17 iSN 1 flWVM? " a-. 'Vi ye - nsrissrsswr1 Full English course. french and german. BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy. BOARDING DEPARTMENT'" LAMES Wm day of July, n HAi.Li LEY St Ml'IK and J. N, BROWN, Attorneys lor rialntlns. SUMMONS. TN TflE CIRCl'IT COURT Of THE STATE a ol Oregon fur Morrow County, P. C, Thompson, Plalutih, vs. i. B. ("perry. IMondnnt. To J. H. Swrry. DcfeinUnt: In the name of the State of Oregon: Ymi are hereby reoiilred to appear and answer the com plaint filed agninst you In the above entitled aetlon on or before tbe next regular torin of tne aoove entitled court, to-wit: March 1st, 1897, and If you fall to answer for want thereof, the I plalnllir will lake lodgment against you for the sum ol forty-four ami 2.vitm dollars and Interest I thereon at the rule of ten per cent per annum I from May II. n'i4; for the sum of eighty-one I ami is im miliars and intcront tnereon irom I January 'I. Iki.I: for tbe sum of thirtv-nlnr and M limdiillars and Interest thereon at the rale of I rigbt per rent per annum from October 1st, IH'I, for the sum of fifty dollars attorneys fea and fur the toils and disbursements of this I ai'iion. Thl summons Is served upon yon by publica tion piimimit to an oMer of the Hon. Stephen A. l.oell, bulge of Ibe almve entitled court. made and entered In said action on the I'ltli day I oi January, i. "ROWS A KKIiriF.i.n. M 30 Attorneys lor Plaintiff. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Uregon. These gentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney, Crook. Gilliam and other counties and can save money aud time In making these sections with traveling men. Prices In keeping with the times. THOMPSON" & BINNS, lew Turk Weekly 'Triune HVMUOSS. 1 til IR I IT Mil ST of IMS tTAtt ol turf . .4 lh I mtutf mf HUM, I. r l'U-a.'ill. id R tt.lM. tant Im w1 a I ff.ttit I it mt u iMfti ut itwfim erv Kl. utr.f fe n4 tt'r af m im k MM. i,ttl Sil af t m in lh !. etit4 a. mt 4m tj. S M io Mil t .i W m u4 ll ataxe mi rMi,V W It Tfca fire Oar Msrs, tT. II Ull W o MkM I . Iktw4 i . il- ll . I ). 4 - !. fw ii.m 9m m f 4- k.lh !! II. !... Irw l. , i U, M l l tea IK nt b-a ff '.( fml ! snili I -4 lh l ,tr. ,m m4 .i,.Maifcii, s,,..,4 vol, iif Ml llwlw. 1 1 W f i -l W IK t , 4, .. itkUl IWI -.. I a- ( im " w tn .. n, (it, ,., k II kJnat a4 4l.w)Mie ! tkx 1 h i , ta t If a-WiwHj fm 4 !. -.ik'M rmntt, SMk4 hm Ilia fill 4 1 1ia kit.- m r.ol. Norn t ta nrttsf miM at tat t j... ,wim.-)mh ii i . i r SVTICKOr ISTESTIOS. It omri t mt ntiiKnitmiii, 4 it 14, l a.4b akmb) l.. lhl ! I-.I, .!. MMl k mtmi Mb ( hmt inlmmtm m fee ll pt.m a S-il t I M fHmt. FOR Farmers and vmaoers, FOR Fatners and Mothers,' FOR Sons and Dauahters,' FOR All the Family. SUMMONS. 1 ! thr narriT toi-rt or thr mtf a of omnin lor Vnrmir I ounlr. I'. C Tbnmpeon, I'lalullff, . J. H. rtpxrry, a C. Hperrf, t'orry Hnvilar ami the lirraon Hall roail anil Navigation Cum MtiT. ilefenilania. To J. h huerrt and a C. Sperr. tfefendanls: I With triA rlnaa n IrtA PraaMantlal mmiuUii TI1T? TDIItltW In II. name ul ths NUU of Ore..n: Vou are I .v v.vv v. ..v.v-. vouioiaa auu wuuuilt, ran'JlS'rr;: ttl.'SK recognwM the fact that tha American peopla are now aniioua to gire t-uon or the Cmi lar ol the nt Uhnir tim to linmA ami rinainoaa IntAfAulcL Tn moat (Ma nAallM. regular term ol tbe alio entitled court, lU: I ' wmm. , March 1st. 1697. politics) will Lave far lea "pace and prominence, nntil another State or ffliVSiMtauw occaaion demands a renewal of the fight for the principle8 for Min ol h tlollarsaml Inlrmi therwun at the rl n tea rniii.lre.1 t...,ir n, .r,, Is PS) f L Tilt? TninilVP I.l.l , l-l! i il.. t . uibu 1 uu ,w4.u tmam ihuvidu ktwu tvm iuvvuiiuu ISJ IUO IOBCU m Jantiarr 1. iswt. and 1 i- !-- Ii.s .m.4 ariT dollar. .Hornet. I-., upoa . I UST, BDU WOO 111 greaMBV TlClOflOB. f ernl pr annum Irom January t. Isut. and ilieS iMof BflT l"llr .ItorneT. tea, uprm a reruin pmmlor note ant Io (,rrl th mori( (ion by vmi tmirurt III partnent n Mbl ii..i upon lb l..llcilii real trowrt .11- In Mormw t'minly, aula ol Ornn, lo an The north h.ll nl th north quarter I .n, IN iM'Mti half of lb nnrthet qnarler of linn laenly nine In loan.his llir aonih of I r-tiniy .is a, a. m , ani lot ibe eoeie and itl.i,iinmri,u af this .nil. .,oLVoh:7i;",:!..Ta,u .nstractiT-, entertaining and indiipenaalle to each member m in .no. nuiii roiiri. ma, l ni nir4 In Mll suit oa th l oh 'l.t nf t. aHD A HKIiri.D. Allornejt lot rialatlr). Ererj poaaible effort will be pat forth, and money freely spent .o make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, MlWu. e4 !' I4 ft4 all! w !.. i W M.4i. a ta !. al t""-a. oa a.nh a4. imt;, vt tl kit , W 1 r . MMve,aT I a, a It r M fc.a IK I -IWala a It wi. 1 sn a ,.. i, a 4,. iMa wmi m-i rtSMt.ta -I k t, ! a iwio. a M.:i a tm.lh I I kl.l I , n. M I . lha.. it. a. !;. ti... Ia ths itai t tr ar r tits mil 4 i i, i .niNi mt Hrr.aa t A I ,iu. eui f a h,i,l.i t a.f K', I ifc mm mi i mi wr - Imin a.4 1 r-i v. rt a'! fer u e1! t a-M ra I iii''. . lk ,a J, l K m . -( tmtm M I,U4 -.-ill. b a ,1 H, M 4 4 a . !. l it i,it -, t . 94 I ! tt. I f l.ilUlll, If I ! MI4 sii ; iii mi sale. Nftru u i urursYLivri that rDa i'l l-t lrl.i.,w . aril of i-iilna lol "I Hi I trnill I iHirl ol th 4l ol IM l..f M.irma I ..iiniT, 'nn.Ur lh mi Uiril, i4 la n llmlnl .,,. Hl.rvl time a lude nni and .Ww rnlm1 and ab-N In ami.) I i...el i.n lh t ,Uy ih M taiar. la (nr ni yii a '- f,iii!t and ! r'rank M a--r and Mry rW"r hi alK " Ha tw a and Ur ha ri, k hi all. .Irl. n Unl fbllrl.1 lh .!!. Ilfl did tmrmwf a t-.til 4n afaiii lh dfndanla frank H ai r and Mm, J an hi all. Ik ! t - I V alia lnlnnl lhrana ! IK rata ol ttl pf rn M annum Irnra lh M 4y 1 'I ! lh, itiniwf na ol at Intnr, t Im id lh and illiMinramU U,. and mhmhf It a, dorraad thai la ttnilit, dalod oa ll la r ol ltaio.h w ir,il. l.y aid Um at4 ''"- li' ll Io IK If.nltd (sMlmn l a and 1 1 II Mf ! to .1iiiS ir-" l M ialn( oirl, tmmi pi-umtl In tfinva, M,... 1.1 ail 1 H KiMlhaaal giiliW ol mii.ia 1ki,4, iaa la toan if. Taikol ', l.,,lt S 11 ni St 1). a.n -I r-naii h ia.f I, i, a iMMftf7r aa nnr,tF4 -a th afc ,la, ol taii aaa ! 4 ml a.. . i ,4 11. kw 1 II 4 M '"foa In IH mi Ik 1 .,.,!,!, t i . 4 ti..a I 1 .... -.-, d fca lta. hao4 1 Ifc I I'ai I t ,.l, . I I., ,hm atuflf mi M.MN.a ' If I I., aHf, aa. I ), tr.akl aolall ..! lha...M I ,1 im aalurlaf tk ,lt M ,,. Iv al f .. a It, alter k- 4 Ikal , lh. o a omtrl k..,a ia H l, nl Hiirif liaa ll i Ik. ,.! tin. rnmi tn. o. akkk lh a'd ,, ia a',a -! a kriaiM ralfatg aod Ut f u.o, ,,kf u . w io. o, ai r o lK"-a l OM ll.alMS da, n anla lata. Ifcaa ka-. ka-l mt - k... a od b (-I ...m-4 t te .. - L a to Ik kl.kaaa k-i 1 lM 14 la Saa-I IV ; f a a t nl wm H.cata. 4 l.alalwllfla,! sta I -a ad . I 9. "d la ,l af o f t t I, kttiii k a t, h,a t. I . .,t, Dara WeWsn"Tne Gazette" and "N. y. Weekly irane one year lor. 53.00. CANII A'Mrras ail Or r la i. -aivrcic. THE GAZETTE. Wm yonf nam and addraas aa s pwtal r.rd. sand It la Un W, aai TrtbaM OffV. M.a Totk t liy, a il a sample ropy ol ths ra lark Weekly Trlbans still be naiiad to t. Gl.00: $1.00 THE Weekly IinJteii OceaN. The Qrcate.t Prrublican Paper of the West. eSsrsrSSNNskkka 5 I T Is ihs mm is'aa.r sir. mmwcttnt Permhlkmg M4 p-b-1 X l..h4 Irnl,, io,1 (. . ,,,4 ,,,, M t-l r X J fvH tnfa.l f I ii aCairt ( anaihsiWstrttiirnat L.Ursiur. M-4J2 I " MoraHf Caa. a4 as fsm.lf is Wnboai a Ts. r at ( V Va lraI an I 'i rra J..).! a 1 oa I l-a.-ai iki aaid aft,a taiMHa4it,.i I m m ra oi,k I . I ki . a.-al a k aaa , ik Ik 1 I -w l .v, ... . ,, y , , . 14 a, t., ..tM. m I ,.-oi .. 4.. ..., I M, M 1. 1 t I ' " "" ! '" "W t t..1 ..-1 pmmm. ik w,-. ml I I - lawaf.a I eM4lNl aSailaf mtf',.k IKiltflaa oa a ilar afc l U 1a .,... 4 1. a... I a s.l. a'l ... ... ! 4 a i I i.. " a. a.. l .a'.f 1 f -i 1-a . i. .j a.., a... 4 I ... 1 . 1 ' I Mali-iU'.l kok, a I oaa aoa t4i ! .4 Ik. .. a. ... imt a tmm,t Ik. a,. ! !. ., . r. . - rrn l a, I laio) u, a. Sfl 4 a...h.l W a ol aa tq lutiiii )uiii SUM") of : : tt$ LUtrtry Calumnt art tqual 10 won of tat frc.f m.iatlntu A Ut Vouih't DepMrtmtrt It tht Until ol ft kind. ll Wis Ulk.r.eii'f im ,,( la4, , Wand tad . Ik.hoa. a4 stH l.aua. a a, I awfaa af Ik V" Ik, ad kaaag HXaM t aao.. M lot t.f .Maai a- .a. TTTj 14 saasvS t4 ta) Uky Hia,a ! aay aaaae. sr'nsfkkfrirM Tmt U'f i:4 la te:, it tit li'jt 0ti in IK Wafiir lil.,.. r-w. .r,,, k, , ,,,, Stataaf raa r ..4a. r ail , u . aor ' awil $m mtf ya A4eaa t RH I TK M Ot K 4t. tataaaav Xl laliasa, W aait. .