Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 15, 1897, Image 1

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Portland Library
Heppner ' '
Gaiette HENR00ST ' :
' 'Advertise in it and do
The... titO'stnftwrDows
' 'II ' has some 6f its ? own.
' I. , , TMXK.VT'tlO. Wil
, ' - - -' ' 'rTjBUSHgD
Tuesdays and Fridays
- " Editor
Business Manager
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Omcs,
The Dalles, Oreeon, Dec. 1. 1896.
ard W. Kobtson. of Eiaht Mile. Oregon.
has tiled notice of intention to make final proof
before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at his office
in Heppner Oregon, on Saturday the 16th day
of January,' 1897, on timber culture application
mo. 'i &, tor tne nwoi section no. s, in town
ship No. 8 south, range No, 24 east.
He names as witnesses: John W. AllstnR,
Charles Incraham John 8. Ingraham. Aaron
8. Haines, all of Eight Mile, Oregon.
49H-&K) jab. jr. MOUKE, Register.
At tl.lSO per year, $1.25 for six months, 75 ot.
tor three momna, strictly in advance.
Aduertising, Sates Made Known on
THI8 PAPKR is kept on file at E.C. Dake'a
Advertising Agenoy, M and 65 Merchants
Exchange, Ban firancisoo, California, where oou
: raots for advertising oan be made for it.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
' Train leaves Heppner 10:05 p, in. daily, except
Sunday. Arrives 4:55 a. m. dally, exoept Mon-
' Westbound passenger leaves Heppner Juno
tlfln 2:19a. m. ; east bound 12:51 a. m.
; . 'Freight trains leave Heppner Janctioh fcolng
east M 10:43 a. m. and 8:46 p. m. ; going wejt, 5:it0
T.W. and 6.45 a.m.
Notice of Intention.
U Dec. 3. 18. ' Notice IS hereby arlven
that the following named settler has filed no
tice of his intention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will be
uiaue oeiure josepn L. uioson, u. . Jom at
Lexington, Oregon, on January 29, 1897, viz:
Hd. E. No. 6482, for the NE) See 81, Tp 1 N, R
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, vte :
Olln 8. Hodsdon, William Browning, Edward
F. Browning, Jeff Evans, all of Lennsrton. Or.
J AO, If. MUOttiS,
499-509 - Register,
r. j; . V , United States Officials.
" Proajdent . Grovor Cleveland
-Yice-Preoldent Adiai Stevenson
Reoretary of State..... .... . ..Kiohard 8. Olney
-Secretary of Treasury... ..,John G. Carlisle
Beeretary of Interior........ .... E. K. Francis
Secretary of War ..Daniel H, lamont
,8eeretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert
Postmaster-General William L. Wilson
Attorney-General .....Judaon Harmon
Beoretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton
" State of Oregon.
Uovarnor..... .......... W, P. Lord
Hsoretary of State H. It. Kinoaid
Treasurer .... Phil. Metoohan
Bnpt. Publio Instruction Ai. M. Irwin
attorney General. i.C. M., Idleman
H..i. (G. W. MoBride
8enato ?J. H. Mitchell
; Oonmen.... .ATT''
Printer W. H. Leeds
!R. S.- Bean,
V. A. Moore,
C. E. Wolver
, 81xth Judicial District. .
Circuit fndge Stephen A. Lowell
rroseear.ing attorney a
Morrow County Ofitcists.
Joint Senator -
i onnty J udge. A.
J. W. Beckett.
School Bup't..
.. A, W. Gowan
...J. N. Brown
G. Bartholomew
... J. 11. Howard
3. W. Morrow
....E. L. Matlock
.... Frank Gilliam
J. r. Willis
..... J. W, Hornor
...Jay W. Shipley
.....B. F. Vaughau
hu Town omoxiis,
Thoe. Morgan
iVoanlliiMMi ft. fL Horner. R. J.
Sloonm, Frank Rogers, Geo. Conser, Frank
flilliam Arthnr Uinftf. , . .
Keoordar Fv,,M,U!,K,!5
rrmanrer K. L. Freeland
Mr.l,.i A. A. Boberte
Preemet OfBeere.
Jnatlnanfthe fmam...:.'. W. K. Kichanlson
ConsUble A N. 8. WheUtone
j ' United Btmtri Und Offlean.
f ) i . . .
J. t. Meore.... i.. RNtlWr
A.H Biggs ....
B.F, Wilson...
J. H. Bobbins.
LA Oiasdi, on.
.. Uaosivot
: o. a. b. ' . '
Meete at Lexington, Or the Uot (UtanUy of
hwd month. All veteraus ere inviun co ynu.
" tt '" Comiaaoilar,
Timber Culture, Final Proof.
A Thumbscrew Torture to the BIGGEST NERVE Is
St. Jacobs Oil
It turns back theecrew.It unwinds the twist. IT SOOTHES. IT CURES,
Notice of Intention.
Dec. 17. 1896. Notice is i hereby given
that the following-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
peiore c.. u rreeiana, u. s. uommissioner, at
iieppner, uregon, on v eDruary, btn, 1897, viz:
Hd. E. No. 2862, for the NWV N W", 8ec 27, NW
NEVandSMiNEU Sec 28. Tp 5 8, R25E.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, vis:
chanei u. Bums, James H. wyland, josepn
Bannister, Walter Bennett, all of Hardman,
uregon. jab. r. muuke,
OU3-13. Register.
Notice of Intention.
Dec. 21. 1896. Notice is hereby given thai
the following named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof In support ol
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before I. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner,
uregon, on r eDruary i, ibuv, vis :
Hd. E. No. 5981. for the BWK 8eo 83. To 1 B. R 24
K, W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
nis continuous riaouce upon ana cultivation
of said land, viz:
Beniamin r. King, William T. King, jamel
M. Harablet, Thomas J. Wlllhelm, all of lone,
503-13. Register.
New Life of erant by Hami.tn Garland The first authoritative and adeuuate Life of
urani ever puDiianea. (Begins in Lieeemoer.) .. ..
Rudyard Kipling's firtt American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.)
Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished
(Begins in May.) . , ... . , , , .
Charles A. Dana. - "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical
years ol the civil war practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better
fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative history of this period from his
recollections and correspondence. .
Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series
of portraits it Is intended to publirh special biographical studies under the general title of
MAKiiKS ui tu.e, ujniun irom wasiiington to Lincoln.
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction.
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, In which he will use his extraordinary
talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes stories, given him
a piace Desiae roe ana uauonuu.
of two contributions to another publication which were engaged Irom him long ago, will
appear iu McClurk's Magazine.
JOEL CHANDLER HAKRIB. A series of new animal stories in the same field as the "Brer
Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Tblmbleflnger" stories.
RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McCldri's
au oi tne snort stories ne win write during the coming year.
OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Maoazinx a series of short stories in which the same
cnaracters win appear, aituougn eacn will be complete in itseii.
Anthony Hop ' Brsit Harts) Robert Barr
Frank R. Stockton Stanley Wtymin Clark Russell
will all have stories in McClcre'b for the coming year.
These are enly a small fraction of the great and important features of McCluri's Magazine for
ma, me suuscripuon priee oi wnicn is only
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S.'McClure Co., New York.
Notice of Intention.
lJ Dec. 8, IKSXi. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice of I
his intention to make final proof In support of I
nis cinun, ann mat tain prooi win be mane Be
fore Jounty Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, I
at Uoppuer, Uregon, on January 15, 1897, viz:
H. E. No. 6748, for the BK' Sec 1, 1 p 1 8, R
E. WM.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon asd cultivation 1
oi, brio latin, vis;
Thomas Ulltillln, Alex Cornett, James Mc-
Intire aud James Johuson, all of Heppner, Or.
A Campaign
Of Education
B. F.
D.J. McFaul, M. D.
At Mus. H. Welch's Residence,
Night telephone oofineetlon With
the Palace UoteL
Prealdest. . Cask lor.
U4 on FsTormbla Tarma.
First National Bank
T. A. Hmca, i
Ceo. W. CON.ru,
8. vv.6rr.NCt"..
" President
Visa PresleUM
- CasMer
- Aaa't Csshlae
Notice of Intention.
La wd Orrirs at Tns Dau.rr, Orrooh,
Deermlier 2ith lH'H.
1 1 following-name.! settler has filed notice ol I
his inututlon t make final proof in support ol
niscinim, ana inai saiq priMii win ce inane te
fore the County Clerk ol Morrow Co., Oregon, I
at Heppner, Oregon, oa February l.Mh. IM1, vis:
Hd. R. No. Ml, for the 8K' Dee 5, Tp I B, R 24
tt. W M.
He names the following witnesses in prove I
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of. said land, vis:
Thomas V. Graham, rharles M. Hastings, I
Luther Huston, Andrew M. fsteraon. all oil
Eisht Mile. Oregon. JAB. f. mhkk.
&US-U - - .. Register.
How to Get It
To be educated one must read
tiie best literature.
The best literature Is expensive.
Leslie's Illustrated
Published at 110 rifth Avenue,
New York, Is full of the beat things.
Its Illustrations are superb; Ha
stories charming; and Its literary
departments are edited with oon-
Nottct of Intention.
Lamb Orrtcs at La (irahpr, Ossoow.
lv followtng.namft ei'ttlvr has fllwt nntlrr I
of his Intontion to make final inf In support
of his tlalia, and thalsuM proof will madebe-
lore the County Clers of Morrow County, on-g-
mi, at Ilsjipoer, Orrgoa, on rebrnary a, Iwl,
H R. No. 'r for the N mku Hoc and H
HUvhvN.TliI N.HrllHM.
H namveth following wltnixxee to prove bis
entitlnaoes rraUleaoe Bpoa and cultivation ul.
said land, vts ;
John Rarlwr, Isaae Vlnreot. Char Irs M. Long,
(tmrge w. I'aarson, all ol (,iioav, iirnron.
4t4 14. B. r. ntUoS, Rlstar.
summate skill.
such a paper is a great popular educator. It should be In every '-V
borne. j "Kf
The sibecription price of Laslla'a is 14 per annua. Q
. m.k. Iha ann.p.ll.11 ntf.r nf Ann. nf JlI
7V w - -r
, Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi-'
W tsfnt,i.. re Art -rA
snijr vii ycai iui winy jjvu j
Vo surb offer was ever made bfore. ho sued offer will ever be snads JJ
aain. i nn iw. pipvn naif mm irceHwiii i nrmirai gr uiriawy j
gut, ana win tx ronsiani reminders Of the giver s tludu
Rentt by poetal order or check lo the
' Iloppncr, Oregon.
Imsnis i Ge&enl Etiiij Baiista.
3a an parte ol the worll-
"Bought and Sold.
CnUertlsns made oa all points e
. r iinslile Terats.
afptas and a4lrtd4 Pmata, lit. WW 00.
Ontario-Rorns Staac Line
mt nuret Dally at A p. m. an J af-
rtfes si Ocune la A3 (mars,
Si'ialo Fore $7.00.
Round Trip $10.00
ffg.TliroHglstfsM r-K"-
stock tun PS.
While yos aaep roar eabearlpUoa paid ep yes
aaa keep poar bratid ta creeal eher.
rtrrg. P.O., rtannMe. Hv-H usse, f B c left
siwmhlan eMIM. same am trntx alp.
Ckapht, H.. Hardmaa. Or.-Hmw hraAd
) oa right blp, I aula brawM the wm, A Uw
brand 44 aw bmM Dalit Ihtgtii mum aaa s
orafMi am ngnt weiw, aaa m es na
imM. A JLeaajOe'Bora,fcte4i rlgMsttessl
ar. (tua, aamana rtgtit kipt ear ssark auar
Imp UQ tatt kttS eeUI ak na-
lawlfceB. W. M . ftaltewav. Or, ('atiU. a Pa
rl.M trim .nbw4af k ta esnb east bunas, H U
a laft lus,
fly Rr.rWMgtaa,nr. Rnraas brandad KM
na ih aaoalda, eattie aaate ua tafUup. but
I nehi ear.
rinratHia, L. A- fUpiiaer, Or-TattJa. LF ae
einM r'p; biirna f witb bar aaoW aa nM
i.haa. Barry, Hatea. tr -W.iw braadad
rilns IM 11 "! n4 J na
nt4 atsw tiaa aa4r4w4 ta Mi M, Maaga la
irtw enay.
Utrs. MIS. lee, tV -W r,.m. a4rtTat
laft auRat nMila. aamaoai Hgat ata, savta bait
WP la n" Mi atti4 A wn mt
R anas. M ib. Htir. e.- in na bwM
Kb I a apt hip aaiu same and rruw ot ar
an aatar aWa a Ua rtM
aaibartaad W. r tni Tarana. Or.-I U-f
! a n.M a4 l-ft awt-a. eaaiWw t t ia W ft
a. a4 Btvw a ta rt . H iw
braad as hart bnataiar. baasa ta UtaaS aoaatt
laaa. fiaaa. at.Or.- Le W1 bit
aa aattta, a4 atiii a rla a. H
awaa traa4 wa tr aaoaw. tiaoaa loaaa
laatif , W Hta. Iw-NflM ba44
I. a4 t Km Un a,utri oika m a ri
bia, nuiiHw nb4 are. (bras etna ta riM
M.anS, tta-ar. naaaa. rw i allM, M 0
flatl Wp) wa m -a SStaaMay.
Mnrjpaa, a NU P)apta, 4 -rt-Ma. H )
aa wwaiTa pmim aaaai lan atp.
"Wrtt. J W IkafW, 111 ; h. turn U M laf
gtu-at-W- alu aanta rht
A utaaana, Har4aiaa.li . - lloaaai If OS
m-t. J M . Ilfeaa. 4tv. -NMaa. I
" 4 aataTI aSaHi aanay aai. ) tat blp.
S-w aM ia ara aar,
baa. J t , W.aaat, O Na-aaa. IO a
Mt atiiiialitw. latM, (IN nM be
Pvbllsksd Every Saturday
13 Astor Place New York
W kia. r
Or. - .! W r aa
aad aAa ta Ml ra,
,. tr ,,'',-rrj,n',Ttiii
, p.. .. rtiwM el 1st"1"
ptaiat Si Mf.
mm m I
. . i a u u i u it
A aalaf aaa la aa Ml tt.aaktar
1M A W. Hwaaa III laaS 1
abnaulM. b li aaHM awa aa ar ,p
ik mmt la an
bM4 i
i , i --va
. ,.a J W aa Uki k a M r . CJa 1 tl ll'" l"H
ta itavrv aad
IVnM, H M . !, 0-H-aa baaaA
Hy mm aw -m4 aa k"l alaiaM a awra br-
yliH Hail. W.J, Haaaa I a , Imfl
ia mt aat. bate
Tbe Oollook a ill ba la TI, aa It bat
beeo dartnf sob f IU lasety terea
ft, Oistorf Oar 0a Tlmea. Ia
i la var trios adiior'al J.perlsnasle Tbe
Uatlonk ft aon(set reslaw ff las
tU't tfpr" ! follows witbcare
alt iba inportatt tbllabthro( enJ ia
dnalrtal mifafBata of lbs dayi baa l
mtetyMf drpartmetit tf fsllgious Dt as;
davotre gsnrb spare bo lbs Ifilartefs ol
lb b ns rsvtaas aarresl lllMaiaie;
fomfbsa cbrftll laMe-lalk stMit as
sad Iblage: sad, ta abort, alma to tie
ffisb llortalat ortgioai obaareeta,
and feaaonttla attlarialntn.sl.
tVflt)i)lC (lb Ml ff'7 A. fib tolataa,
Iba fyt HI aastiaie Iba rilar tns ga
ting t'l, ahirb a ill s U 't!f li II
eMM.lr a4 ailf rliT.oaaa. Tbe
()i) 1 la jeMt-UrJ tver; HaUi !
r.f j lo lasnas lef. Tb fl-sl laaqe
la task toofcitj la aa IflustraU i M t-e:.
Xateher, laihlef abetillaknaM tnesi
pagae aa lbs Kf ItUSff ieatae, iogallw
Hb a lr aagftbar af f.! uraa.
Tba fisi Tl. Ottlo k Is ISfaa
4 .Hare a faa q tv ee, a Uaa Ibaa a
Mil dy.
M.aJ of a ! aa vpi sad tllaatfab-
Uslr.l, llilllf
riaaa, ss 1ml C.ir.
LFrLbl Ur HitiaaktS.
Kafarea4 tap Has t kaaga4
tfcra.il af Us4M Iaa
Tbe iDttaulinif order hs now U so
long In titM-rslion Ibst our U able lo ft
Its tirartit bl resuHs, st all fvrtile ao far
as ixiti'lon la ronr-rrtiril, says Iba Ixa
ilon s. Tb sr really err- rntisrk
able, rla 11 t mm a point of view sot
Ukrly to Us InitiM-ilialely labrn.
The suirrinry of the li tTrUir Is
fottn. )lie Oiisara tbf 1,11 lr, Itlcl ta Dil
s i it a Uiat moril eUnit aoiiult kly anl
tnixle strn-ta and tboroucfifares trs),
and. It mst m admtitri, nniar. Most
of lhM tli'js were rtiiPffrrU, sml, Wlri(f
of nosipr rlalilo eslur.atd ri.l sbly of
feO rlrarl rfrflfipd ownnstiim tbe
rnaarj ukkly la a wbtilisalr si; into
lbs Irlbal rbamlirra, It.bm le rbl tf
ibem, but at HI otr towns lbs whits
irrrirr witb tbe -)! ma, kings la si, II In
I be atr-ru'lstiL.
(In t,r otlarr band, brre la bnwa w
bit Iba Irb and lb fVotrb. Tb
are seyrl pretty pure; 11 j kr p rslh.r
to Ibrmaelves. sftrr lb tTa"f tif tha
,roilfir ,a!a, hilt In a cuujila (if tears
tiKrfrli(n si;i Saarrl, Itatlf, SImI Im.
el.m will m o-irrui. Aeit is. Ilir b.rd
litll- Alrtlrrn. with b a mg r1y.
Shoft rg and IHit(rarf ,d tuarklpp
if Mark sbd rrty and tr.ii.tsr l, tmlit
Ibe etreet, stxl Iba IrUb lerrbrr batft
slvnit, va-lal trtd fn'f f 'linf.
Tbe sra turth -TU-t)l la Ibalr own
waf, but, for ail Ihal.i.tie rnlaara Ibe
sharp, iiWh eltalitr if Ilia fi fi-rrirr.
ftirn aa s tni.frr ir avittr.) Urlprr).
tret la bis a. li links U-ly all ilorpy
lislllira, ejr,a!jr filelil Sb-f balrt.l
f.f rata.
Trifles Which Aid In Keeping; Women's
races Fair to View. .
A well-knowo Writet says: "A wom
an's gospel is io be lovely in mind
and Txdy."
We ail know that loveliness of mind
is reflected in the expression of the face
hid eyes, but as it cannot affect the
texture or color of the skin, I will give
you a few recipes for developing and
enhancing the beauty of one, while
you alone can cultivate the loveliness
of the other.
Fineness of the akin; daintiness of
the body and roainess of the complex-i
ion depend almost entirely upon bath
ing, as a means both of obtaining and
retaining them. ' A cold bath is a good
tonic and nerve bracer, but it neither
cleanses nor beautifies the skin to any
extent' , Nor should delicate girla tr
women think of indulging in it unless
80 advised by their physician. The tem
perature of a' beautifying bath should
be from 70 to 75 degrees, and it should
be of daily occtlrrenee. Ordinary' wa
ter, that is, water neither particularly
hard nor soft, is not sufficiently cleans
ing to the skin, and a French firm has
lately introduced dainty bags contain
ing almond-meal, oatmeal and orris
root to be placed in the water a ' few
moments before the bath is ready. This
renders the water Very milky, sua has
a wonderfully softening and ' whiten
ing effect. Baths in which milk, bran
or etarcb. ha been placed are found to
refine or whiten the coarsest, rddest
skin, if perSitrtently used. Softness and
firmness of skin may be obtained by tbe
use of a simple unguent made famous
by the Greek and Itoman women, who
centuries atro set ua tbe example of
perfect personal cleanliness as the road
to beauty. The following can be made
with very little trouble, and it i de
lightfully exhilarating aftef UiebaMv:
Hest white vinegar, erne pint; ltfae-
mary, rue, camphor and lavender (of
each), two drachms. Let the herbs
soak in the vinegar for several hours,
then strain. Bub thoroughly all over
the body and a delicious comfortable
feeling and a dainty perfume will re
main with one all day long.
There are many LttJe skin, troubles
whloh are both pemisteni aivd trouble
some, and vex one's very soul by ap
pearing on the face. A greasy skin may
arise from various cauaes, but generally
from lack of cleanlineas or debility of
the skin. Only an astringent has any
effect upon It, and a Very simple, entire
ly harmless one may be made from one
pint of tosownter, half a pint of white
wine virtegar and a few drojat of es
sence of rase. This lotion may be ap
plied with a piece of soft linen or a very
fine sponge.
r.Iackliends are very dfffleulS lo get
rid of, and are caused by the clogging
cf the jiorest of the skin by dunt or for
eign matter. 'Alcohol, 90 per cent., apJ
plied by'meana of a piece of clmmois
skin, will give tone to the akin and re
move unsuapx't'ted dirt and dust, at the
same t ime at imulating the small glands)
nnd removing, by constant use, tlus
Tnn and freckles may be itirnoved by
t he umo of the following lot ion t Two
drachma of powdered aal ammoniac,'
four dra'hiiMS f eau da cologne, tts
rjunrt of distilled water. Lemon Juice
and borax are both wry efficacious.
and are home rr medic.
Many skint will stand constant wsh
Ing, but nerd Id m clcatml afbnr a
dturty ride or walk by oUisrinransthaa
eosp ami water. Lait Virginal Is a de
lirious preparnrtlon, and ran be mndw
ns fiiliows: One pint or n, orange
fiower or el'ler flowtw'' walrr, half an
ounce of simple tinetnre of bentnln And
ti-n dmpa of tincture of myrrh.
Afli'r tn-liijrexpoaoiltohAniho.- chill
Ing winds, It la a goml plan, um re
tiring, to rub a quanUty of fnwli cream
on lias face, removing aftrr aUnrt five
or tn in I utiles, to lm aptilhl strain,
followed by a generous puffing of rte
pnwih-r. Ilcfnov In Uio morning by
t-M water and IJt Virginal.
Tba tiap of rmartwtiri, face pnwtWra
and rotigra ratiniit hr Utn 0roigj ooo-
drnim-l. Tbey stamn tiie avraon uaiog
Uwm aa silly and vulgar In Hat eyes of
all refined and cultured ople, and dm
nut In even tbe sligbtieH ilrgrra riJiAiira
or liesutify. A good ormipleslon hceda
no arUfjplai toning of h-lgiiicnltig,
nsi tirv taMnif Iba elrvereat e( all artist.
A pnOr skin la Kwpt cbgpwd and ita
CondiUoR UlllOrrillra by U rpplll'S'
tbin f Matnetic--ofbni. Indeed, It la
poiiemrd by th JiannftU Itigrnllrnb
nrtitaUicd in them. Ararhle aiid white
It-ail am Ui two ilrtia rtwsit ua1 In
tlntlr prvpatatlnn. and two of bh rank-
eat pol.n which can ha IntmnttcsMl
Into tba Ptslnm. VI Heal treatment
(ur Urn braeUfytnir, preapfving ami lm
fflii4r tba corapleibin stwmM fMily
Im unibrtaken uii'W tbe dirrrtioa of
rme's family pttyairiart, and one a-
U-rn npiai, ahnuJd Im criilinnel j
tlrotly and faithfully nnUI lb pur-
aaa bs S'-Cnmi'lielaal. Kutiilng short
of a cofrt(t mur of trrafitimt will
pen rtfirarloisa, tb fa! plca
ail i Ira, ri,ty of alrcp, frrah alf, care
ful dVi and arrupuliniaelaasiliiieaa, ail
wonn msr h"i V baa compUikwis
fa Aixl aaeal bi kak bj.io. I Allies '
IIhttm J"rnal.
HigEest of all in Leavening P6wr. Late-&JGoWTR.eport
UHUil.-t (WO,
Dally Journey of the Sun Pnxaled the
Anclenta Many trroueoos Theories.
Strange as it may seem ill this' Bay
and age,' the rising ahd setting of thj
sun vas the jgreatest of natural phej
nomena to the ancient scholars. "The
were gre'atiV puzzled to know hbw the
same sun tvliieft JVlunged lhto the'oceavi
nt A fabuloits drsUUefe in thetveStcoUlJ
reappear the next morning at an' equalj.
ly great 'distance in' the east. AcW R&
Sir Robert Ball points out, a taumber ipf
remarkable theories were advanced,
nnd every one of them wrong, "The
old mythology1 asserted that aftef the
sun had dipped in the western ocean
at sunset (the Iberians and other an
cient 'nations' actually imagined that
they1 could hear tho hissing of the
Waters aVhen 1hi' 'glowing 'globe "was
plunged therein) he was beiifed by Vul
can and pieced in a golden goblet.' This
strfinge craft with its 'astonishing car
go navigated the 'ocean by a northerly
course, so aa to reach the cost again
in time for sunrise the following morn
ing. Among the 'more sober physicists
of oldi' as We Are told by Aristotle, it
Watr belfevfed fflat' in some manner the
suri was conveyed by night across the
n6rhern regions, and thatdorkhess
was due to lofty mountains, which
screened off the sunbeams during the
coitce, tea and other tropical products.
The whites settled m Australia, so
ViioUghf these Officers, are' like the dog
in the manger. ; Some-one will have to
tnke a good port of Australia to develop
it,' fror It fs a pity to see so fine a cdun
try lying wnete. Englniid is a useful
enough nation aa an ally to Japan but
if any ill-feeling arose between the two
countries it would' be a wise thing to
'send some battleships to Australia aAd
annex part of it. I found that this Lt
the prevalent opinion in Japan, and it
is certainly not sirTrising that this
small oofffitry, teeming With iU 45,000,
000, should regard Australia, with only
4,000,000, with a certain amount of
covetousnesa." . .
Couimeiitiiig upon this, the Argus
"We have not formulated or even dis
cussed any rational policy to gukle us
in "our -dealings witJi'tiiese 'eufllern
neighbors; consequently the attitude
of Australia must be one of -.simple.
aloofness. ' Mr. Coote's tidings are an
'eloquent homily to Queennland as to
the necessity for federation and a re
minder to the colonies generally how
precarious the position of Australia
would be were It not an Integral part of
the British empire. While that kt s.
menace can only arise to Australia in
the eVent of A great war in which the
Voyage." Another theory was that the I naval s'rength' of the empire- Is over-
sun actually Pursued his course below
(he solid earth during the darkness ot
tiight,' and "philosophers taught the
same about the stars that tofler and set.
These are "but samples of many theory
that might 'be -named 'with regard to
the phenomenon of sunrise and sunset.
- a- -..
A Bptrttaal ' Bond -Hetwnr 'thaal aiid
Their FaplU.
' Allchildren whopreHeiitllieiriftelvesnt
tne vest for study are muini, it is
hot 'ever' reqtrred' that' their pnrehls
bring Ihem or snd thtth, says Popular
Science Monthly. The ih'woomef
chooses his professor and, if accepted,
lf trins at once to stud v under hlariireo
Hon, installs himself in his cell or trl
the school lmll.Ond becomes his servant!
If the' brofessoV tuia aJroiulv ttn mitiiv
tiew pUj
taxed, in such a tase Jarxin, enrolled
upon the side of England's enemies,
wduld be an Important- factor in the
bum from the Australian point of view."
The Australians, therefore, like the
Foniaros, are not inclined to do more
than lake note of the fact that danger
may threaten them front Japan.; 'It is
different with the Dutch. They talk of
taking the bull by the horns. J'rof.
Rchk'gel 1 write in the Dagblad,' The
Ilagut as follows:
"Tbe only way to guard agalnot at
tacks Upon the colonies by tbe Jap
anese is to drive them out of Formosa.
Holland must take posseeion of For-
nioao. The remembrance of Dutch rule
has hoi yet been eradicated in that
Island, and both Chinese and natives
would welcome our return ns putting an
rod to the relrnina' anarchy.' True.
Japan wiuld not voluntarily give us th
biirt'trj cilUwaa? antxhcf; I iilondi But Uiat is not necessary. 1'er
hes M guides bis ch.ile.e, nl" liussla nnd France, and even Eng-
,,!,, nuini, juiu UUIIWHI 111 l innMn nr
Ing Uic Jaimnese. The seed sown by
Dutch milliliters end teachers two
oco tunes ago would then leelily bear
fruit," Liwrsry Digest.
rffifiils, ' fie refuses J the
pll and advlst
teacher; sometimes
directing hint to a master Who has few
or no pupils,1 or takes bim to tbe su-
iicrlor who will select a teacher for biui
Tbe choice of a professor Is ulwuvs A
grave affair, ln'cause It Is held In fan
liodin, as In nil Buddhist and Drahnmfie
countries, thut professor and pupil ore
bound 'by strong ties of spiritual sfj
unity, aim uis uie pupil ougni to re
spect his maatcr aa be dors bis faMirr
and mother. The law IntljeU Hie sniu4
iveiaa.lt r upon an offouse of tlw pupil
against bis master as an offrnae by a
soil agaitiat bis father and mother and
it 'irearrtlea that In certain nuas tbe
pupil mnf be liCir Of hil ImifesM hnl
he hnM 6AntA for Mrd or snniiHctl linn
or served him when studying tinier bis
direction; not only a futility liotid Iml
a religious bond, too, Is eaUdillahe.1 lie
I ween them, for tbr'protrwsMir fffskc II
bis buainesMi U teach his ipd thb emit so
by which be may ram more advanU
grous rrliieariiation and reorh the Nir
vana, aud becomes bis spiritual guide.
ft Cosiforuble While TrsveUsc
Id onol wsslber. Tba Union raeiflo
system bests its trains Ihronghoat by
stesm best from the engine, thus mak
ing every part ol all Ua ears pleasant
and oomfortable. It also lighU its ears
by lbs celebrated l'lstaoh Lsabl making
tbom brilliant at night. Passsnsara
earned daily on tba last: mail, tot
sleeping-oar reservations, tioksU, or in
formation, 611 on of address R. W,
llsitar.Ueo. Agl , 133 Third BU, hort
Isnd, Oregoo.
Tilr Sim Wing ililtth in ene of ibe
new i hi i.i.i ys in a f.riniiti.n f.ir a
ptlflih. 7bry ra rlgbi Inefirg In
d amrUr add fnwrtawea fv Vnrg. 1 be
s'ajf if tsae-bamlain, and an st tl.
frame fur Iba- bauir, wImIi was a
rrihd f irra ,f cl iron, with A bole In
ll.a n rwr f.,r a iT'ii'le f'l. Alia'ld
(- ll.e bninmrr I4a k t" T rut's, ear
rir-l up lollir lipiif lk frsm end li-.w 4
(HI lb iitlr, brant. I r s? 'f 7 rn't- l lib
Iba Slid faabamnl Maipb. Trl
tea otoa bad Iml i i-f Ibe Bil. Slid
A (JaTmaa lavaalav ('aaratve
aa Kaaa um ( oaifhrtalOa I Bam mar.
The boliar of tbe wAU-f tubes la the
rcmsrkablnlnilldlnfc' freak of afWtnsn
Inventor, wis claims Uit be baa bulvcl
lb prUilem of a constant Urrtfa-ralurc
that anAy lie rvgtilstnf at w ill, atxl inri
dentally aecamd a atrnelure that com
bines Uie elrmruts of strength, Mnforl
and beauty
II first put UP A skrletin of 111
hotiee. the frame) for walla and flunre
Iwlng nt water tulnnr, con lire W with
A pnmMng anrf Mlcf aystcni in lh
haarnicnt. ' Amttnd tbia skelHrta. tmj
tha New York Journal, b pot tip his
bone In Ibe ordinary way. Th lairs
rre wltbla tbe walla and l-lwern tbe
floors and ceinnfa. In It summer
Dm Ibis tubing Is cimtwrUal with lb
reytiUr wstrr supply, and a etravly
ttreaifl flows through Mi pip- In lb
!la and irrtiVr lh ffiwiCa, rlrcuistihff
ntrr preaaurr, itaasrWrig Ibe beat o(
I ha wtlla and fbwirs aa H f)w, Ihir
nf Ihc lowg and r winter the loin
Inr la rfHiha. U-d wKH Ibe tmllef, and
)Str brslrd lo l0 deerae fiirwd
Ibfonfh Iba clrrnll of pl. Tbe wa
ter St Ibe CttiUel I f.nind to le Af
m-eaCif lo 41 itrrra. f li rcmblnlftg M
Regress bsHe hern dvtrl1iiit-.
f bt.eighetit Ilip Hcxtaa. Tb fA 1
tba elrearbiswa if watrc ran m cra-'i'
ll1 so a la allow lb-flglnaarj main.
tnaarw of a nala 4rrnt"rir
Ibrougbotit tb bulitlinf .
APA7rf alXPArttrON.
Maw tb raate' la tUgaeA I As.
Tb (iertrisa pacr tJnrm Ft ylatal
l?,t titer bra cUi-r twaadra llHrttatu
akn,g tmm Imbiwd wiUi UiaOaait
for trw lifTilnry. It would m ltiir
etii'g trl krfnt la turn far txjr OrVtiSil
e.rtiu inaaira ark miw fwlim li rla!'!
Ll lla of featloM tmlabU f llinifa-,
Jsia. Wi Ibe bmr of IM I iirlart
Uld-raabloaa4 lllarb sabMMl-se Btlll aaaA
Their Want lata Coaaarllrat,
The hum of Use sjilniring w la-i-l la at CI
a familiar sound in liba k 1Iujm1, al
qtaiint and IntrresUng n-aurt In sum
mer and a tulAiaturt world In v. Inter,
In which b!ie latbit aiul ruatonia arw
Ibiaie of 'j0 years ago. Tiie Ul.iiul la IS
mik-a off lite Ithcaln Inluint aliora and
aJnaiat directly aoutgi of aUiruiy I'ulnt
Judith, eaji the New York Herald.
lti beads of 30 lllocb Island fiunille
art Sail In fksUing lil Ul other day
and piiMlicil up llie Ilia mrariwrlo Oak
dale, where Mary left hw nl wool fti
Im carded into rolks for band spinning.
The rolls will ta-gpun and knitted InUi
eloekiiigs and nil I ten fic the prutrc
tUHt of bh Wdy laJafsrter aaiiuit IU
bleaJi wlntrr wimU of Utm All an lie.
Them ar times during the wiiibr
w laai Uia IimI awcr hum Uie trcw
bes Uuak at a vrUa lly of St ftiilew at
la-nir, atid women tk thrlr llf In
lla-ir bamU w hen tln-y ventura iml af
I to if a. The kanlatin of last bslaiat la
aliiHMt CtMllplrt,
John Mw.rJ. cttsst.lUial Iba flral
Wfaillen liilll In ("miner Urn t near Oak
i la la, wherw Uim carding waa ibaiw by
aiwrr card. In ITVt Iba I'.hak lalaiid
era laiui IA arewt woiil Wi bh ttiill til In
carded lido lulla, aid grmmitbm of tr
frnrrtli.ui tiav kepi tip tba a-tlr,
lea-mcflr many ba- 4 grain arwwwu-
panlol Uia word, anil grbst al snaillrn
mllla wrm kept nniiing day atal lghl,
while Ui fl.fe-meh bixl fartia-ra en
bije. Ua-iifi-lr la tlai qieWH ('tin-U-cut
tUlar bliUl lit ik w aa tbiba.
si 3 aitb a eil -aiif, l lg4lr. mll"i elotueM tn tbe (f eaat, turn beC ilien-
J 5V ifS A I r' ibiwaj up lb rial. f-r fi. Itst. tkn t. .! iba lral'aC,a.ao. e m..
r (n ()) (li ebd lbbaitinir OiW. si aarreeifi.all ,, n U. I 4..eali.f a.int .y Vr Aal-
J U t&-sJ -w VaAJ KJ I I g". Ai.d iba a It ran., im V.p i f tba ry I aila la tlx AreaA. kfrlMurnei
.aw, ? i - it ai.a in rar wiia a aaj ai.aji.aa
p-w fmm, rri fnas. ! ' W9m it-w, Vy ,
af tha b.ts, bMira 'J I I f Ing. Tb were kI i
ir-r!riirr IT 1 1 1 S " ? u:n
i b old fkiisMd fswlbod af tracing
aw lrtiitili.gr by tii.etia of a 111 end fri
running ttl a wlr O'er lb bath Is St.. I
la fofus In msny satmmisg ptbiade.
Bint baa survived kiny tunc prwtrit
lions s;sUma. A i.iew bsl llirite
ha.kllig pnarhtti bag ara Inl.BleH ff
Ibis purpiea wbi'b iaaaid ll of grvat
aaaistam to lli ewifiiinlng pupil. Tb
tn bins a !- of etriaig bieial n-la
ill wbitb Ik pupil ks 4ed. 1 beaaj
twls in'" a tn s h a way ttqae Iba
pujl Wi Bisk all Iba neit-.e .f swim
Ining. belt Iba bMt f elflklngemt
fnjallr la baaraed, lit ktt-e ta al
,a,l .i fit liu water an I put It laW
,ta tiea.
Walt. Tboii t" fti alatt bell
ff-.. .1 (,.., ,a a, t afalvlaa- CM.
) rvbU ba I olrcr tbef wer Conterii alai'it I da a.ri4 ktia.1af aa l laaVia mil
dfteer Is Voi'tiii. Mrlr Utat It wa a l.m. i dav ieet,t but ter. htxrfUal si J snst
ic giul be Vltf9wcbut Jsfa aaj tUl bowttry, with great ft sat a. .4 ! e-t coal be U Uatist. VM,e a)
aiaa. I tsaaixat aoai for Ui t u:iir f rt. I asewea,