1M1 TO TUB or GIVES THE CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry.V UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AMD AND St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details oall on 0. R. & N. Agent ta Heppner, cr address W. H. HUBLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Obeqor. E. McNEluL, President and Manager. QDIOIt TUVEU I San Franolsoo And all point In California, via the Alt Bhasta routa ol the Southern Pacific Co The neat highway through California tat all point Kaet and South. Grand Hoenio Route Of the Paoiflo (hart. Pullman Buffet blewpars. Becond-olaa Hleepers Attached to express trains, affording superior aooomaaodntions for snoond-alsM paeaene-ere. For rata, tioketa, sleeping car reservations, etc.. call upon or address , KOKHI.BH, Manager, K. P. ROGERS, A tat. en. F. 4 P. Agt, Portland, Oregon -TO THE uiuj VIA THE UNION PACIFIC .SYSTEM Through Pullman Palace Sleeper. Tourist Hleepers and Frea Kocllnlng Chair van vaiux tocuuaKo Many hours saved via Polii la. till lino to Kaatern STEAM HEAT. L,OWICMT PINTSCH LIGHTS ivriCM. It. W. HAXTKIt, fn. Agent. J'ortlnml, Orryon, J. C. HART, Ayrnt, lltppntr, Urtyon. If TICKETS HARPER'S ROUND TABLE 0 F.u k tf Ik fifty tw MumSsri tf ikit WWiVrt tr7 rftn v-ik a ttity h imm mutkf inlrmahrmtl ftmt. V rrtniu 0 4 Jtw tf tktif mutken gtitn fVA ic litiidti Ikt fnu Ofin nJ efftri tf loeki Ikrrt si h TIIRCB A LAVAL THAITOH ' a W1 W Ik. mm ISII a, i.mm . (nanrfltl mm i-oMMIwio tf I fsL m AlWaw TtwJ .4A77 A".S tf H'tt ,Uim, I'ntt reavvr,. 4-lUrt tmj r. mr la) v ipipniim, JismJ f,r 4 ,,.ff tf irr fi.vti, 0mJ 4 fim ,4't- tlltit)b rMirxax a . i , a... i . a t, MiMlkMi: MIMl"w t ti' tal a, - a'. mJ f" t f-t t tm Ik ?, nt . It' ' frit f t f,t 4 nf , 1 1 t' raa. f0 ff ft: J If r'f 1 Wi W'tni ri., (l-w, w, , , Mil m t, f Am y 4ml --- " iiitTiimn 11111111 ... ww a). I" D m i M tHifPRUB BOOKST; fey V""' v" JViH J ' u,mi..,if.-n, uAnrrk's n.uw-1 .. it .-. .e w w. 11. tyj 0 W Ia ' " '" SI a.l,- tmr ,f,ml , 4,f k 4. t kv 4't It .KM. ' m m)Mwf j w afcanw 0 Ikaiitm Mm I ..,. twrew mmm 4 I mm tmt MVM t HN v mmm) t IANNOUNCEMENTS CATARRH LOCAL DISEASE and I the result of cold and I j', Midden climatic change. f is? It can be enrml hv a nluuutnt WP uiv.r remedy which is applied di rectly Into the nostrils. Be tas; qulckl y absorbed it gives relief at once, Ely's Cream Balm Is acknowledged to be the moat thorough cure for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of ail remedies. It opens and cleanses the msalpsssrzes, allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro tects the membrane from colds, restores the senses Of taste and smell. Price 80c. at Druggists or by mail. LY BKOTHJiliS, 66 Warren Street, New York THE THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 Pages a Week. 15G Papers a Tear. It stands first among "weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication end freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is praoticslly a daily at the low prioe of a weekly; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news oolumns. It is splendidly Illustrated and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living Amerioan and English authors, Cohan Doylb, Jebome K. Jehome, Stanley Wbvman, Maby E. Wilkins. Anthony Horn, Bbet Habtb, Bbander Matthews, Etc We offer this uneqtialed newspaper and The Gazette together one year for $3.25, The regular subscription price of the two papers is $3 50. CEIIOAQO. IwMee & St. Paul n Glance at this Map Of the CIiIi'bko, Milwaukee and Ft. Paul Hull way and note It eoiinet'tloiis with all tmnwoii Utiental lines and Ht. Paul and uiaha, and remember that It trains are lighted with elec tricity and honied by steam, lis equipment It superb. Kli'Knut IluH'ct, Library, Flunking and Sleeping cars, with free rerllnliiK chairs. Kach sleeping car berth lias an clceltlc reading lamp, and Its dining cars ara Hie best In Hie world, Other II iica are longer than this, but none are shorter, and no other ofl'urs the above luiurlou aecnmuiodatlnu. These are aiilllclent reasons lor the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon lekpt ageul In every railroad olhYe will give you further information, or address C. 1. KDDV, General Agent, J. W. CARKY, Trar. Past. Agent, roTLKD, OatooH, RCMAKKAIil.C TWENTY-PART 1NH PAISTI O l iWKT A 4 tW Him lmrt lU)Mn (tf1 1MB MIOHT Kl RUIJI Tift Wti'iH rtttn tfew t KOr.YP TA HI F. r'.'i eV J.J iii . m Sr,-tt (rVii.-e), Tno (monky PWZESl JJrrn f.-r 4 ,mS,. nffi -m 1, t. unj in XmJ ml .n.t .- fntt .- tin mUn emj tf ewe H f(t .'. tmifj fi,t li,f fi't i it tftt 1 W 1 hhw'tti ,-f ti.m, Ikitf, f 'mr, . . . twir imt or twr nvi oti .4a .n . ,.. ewa a. ... r.ett -m m a., m r amn At textstf tun t umtvi a " e V u , S f m itiaj a Stat ' a.-a IS, aea 4 K Ht I til Ml mi if I. ,-, (, m ! ,4 sartl i )(!. f.i. ,,. MlNNESOTAvVS. A n : i I . rrtfnir mmmmmmmmmmvr-' atu. x.wm- . N "art ' o jf'Ammt jl(J" -O Si I . .1. ...ft. t ... '.L . LONGS TO BE A SLAVE. A Southern Negro Who Want t Q lute Uondnga Again. Some of the letters that Mayor Tbacher gets are curiosities in their way. People from out of town who wish to find out anything in the city of Albany invariably write letters to the mayor. It doesn't make any difference what the information desired relates to, the mayor, they think, ought to know, says the Albany Argus. A letter was received from a negro away down touth, who, Mr. Monahan says, has been dead for 30 years not literally a corpse, but deceased as far as his grip on hustling, progressive nineteenth century life was concerned. This man believes that slavery is still an institution in this great land, and is ignorantof the glorious fact that the master's whip hasn't cracked for 30 years. He never heard of the president's proclamation, never knew that the north had whipped the south, and that 1,000, 000 lives had been sacrificed to free the slave. In his letter to the mayor this colored man asked to be brought north and sold back into slavery. There is no question that he found it impossible to live in the south, and longed again for the irresponsibility from self-support of slavery days which he thought still flourished in the south. Unwelcome Arrivals. ' i St. Perter Halt! New Spirit Can't I come in? . St. Peter I'd rather you wouldn't You are just out of collegey and we don't want any advice about running the universe. N. Y. Weekly. The Only Chair Car Line To the east is the Union Pacific. East ern oities are reached via this line with fewer changes of oars thaj via other lines Kates always the lowest. Tickets to or from points in the Doited States. Canada, or Europe for sale by B. W, Baxter, Qen. Agt., 135 3rd St., Portland. The Heppner Transfer Co., bas wood for sale. 87-tf. THE PuttttiAiv HtANUT. A Valuable Addition to Meat Dressings and Soups. The peanut, which for so many years has been the popular feature of the country fair and the circus, is now creeping into prominence. Doctors have found that the peanut is an article of food, "ric! in albumen, of which it contains 50 per cent.," and are now recommending them as a valuable addi tion to the diet in the form of soups, purees and mush. The following are some of tho ways in which they may be used: Peanuts rolled fine and added to the bread stuffing for ducks is a great addi tion and greatly improves it. Make a mayonnaise dressing, mnsh the pea nuts fine, and stir them in thickly and spread betwnon thin slices of bread as ... . i . . w -1 a snndWK'ir, or plain Dtuiereu oreau uiny lie sprinkled lightly with the nuts. They may also lie finely chopped and eaten with milk. A very good soup may lie made of pennut by boiling and mnxhing. The Chiiicne boil peanuts, roll them fine, mold them in a dough, and liake. Mauy other ways may be discovered by the contriving bouse wife for the use of thu hitherto de- spiwd article of diet. Did You Eva' Try Eleotric Bitters aa a remedy for your troubles? If Dot, get a bottle now and get relief. This medioioe baa been found to be psrticulnrly adapted to the relief aod care of all Female Complaint, exerting a wonderful direct influence in living strength and tone to the organs. II you h.ve ! of Appetite, (Jjostipa- tion, Ueadanhe, Paioting Hrwlls, or ara Nervous, tile pies, Kioitsbls, Melan rluily, or troubled with Dizzy Hpella, Llertrio Bitlers is the medicine you need. Health and Htrength are gnarsn l'td by Its tisa. Fifty ceo la and f 1.00 at Comer t Brock 1 drug atore. SCRIALS TMK ROCK OP TUB LION a im (WatM t c l frifl oi ; Amjlmr fe ' i ., f ijt in; hem), ttnj It 'iJ wmr mjUn.lt U ft ' rrmj a U I v rrl. t..ia ewe tfrr 44 are A.vi ea, , ,.', , 4. v It- utraAtv rvttatiNMrt v Ha e.sat .. a ..a,. a . u, f..t. a, i himihik; cavaiav (.rittota tt ! ami. tt .si-.a taata af nit ,. aa at iwxi a t4r4 rf arJf fty ,V a.,' tmt,m tJ A'w Cfi'l Smf I -ltJ ) ! ls 4e avwiaf FOR 189? ,1 a .1 hu 11 n-nt t.w. HfM 0 at mil 'St . Haw 0 Klin; PnUiuuitAiJnr. Recent Experiments In Boston by an Expert Operator. PoMlbllltle of the Method In War Tim for Armies and Navies High Build ings Would Not Be Necessary for Observations. William A. Eddy writes of his recent experiments in Boston : "The use of kite photography for the array and navy is yet in a pioneer state, and many im provements remain to be made in the apparatus with which I took the first kite mid-air photograph of Boston on August 25, 1896, at 10:40 a. m. The wind on Monday had been too high to enable me to raise my camera to a sufli cient height to enable me to expose the film. There is nothing a kite seems to resent so much as the addition of a weight to the line running up to it. In order to lift a camera weighing three pounds to a height of 1,000 feet n strong uplifting pull of 20 or 30 pounds must be exerted. If the wind is light, as many as eight kites, each one seven feet in diameter, must be employed, but if the wind is strong, say 20 miles an hour, the same work may be better done by means of the upward pull of five kites of the same size. "The obstacles to be overcome in mid air photography are formidable, es pecially when the kites are sent up from a grass plot or from ground covered by bushes. The sudden decline of the kites, due to a falling off in the wind, may drop the camera-snapping line to the ground, where it may boconv: en tangled in weeds. In flying kites high buildings, like the new Trcmont build ing in Boston, where my recer-t experi ments were carried out, the chief diffi culty to overcome was the updrnft and whirling air currents which pertain to all high buildings, especially at noon, when the sun shining upon vertical walls gives rise to strong vertical cur rents. Another difficulty to be obviated in rrgard to kite photography from high buildings arises from a lower tandem kite catching in an overhanging cornice when the wind is light mid a line of six or seven kites is steadily falling, owing to want of wind. The inside kite by becoming stalled at the cornice may make it impossible to draw in the declining kites, causing the whole line to go down over tree tops', chimneys Hiid roofs. "There arc manygreat impiw ements to be made In kite photography, the principal one of which is the exposure of a film which is very wide and which would include more of the horizon line. t the seme time the camera shutter will be opened and closed by electricity, which will also turn n new film into place. This would do away with the hauling down of the camera at the com pletion of each exposure. So uncertain is the wind that any device which will stive time must prcntlv facilitate the work. "The value of kite photography in the nrmy in beyond question, because it costs far li"ss than that of balloonn, nnd because the cameras can lie keptabovt a local point in strong winds, which would press a balloon downward and force the gas out of it, destroying its buoyancy. Encampments can lie aecn beyond very high hills. The photv praphs tnken lit a height of several hun dred feet above Blue Hill observatory reveal a valley and horizon hue beyond an adjacent high hill of the range. The moke of camp fires, tba dust of wagon trnins, would certainly reveal the np proach of nu army. In the navy the rapid motion of a man-of-war would keep the enmcra In the nlr dining a (lend calm, while, by the usp of a strain launch a camera In mid-air supported by kites could lie towed toward shore n shnllow water where a man-of-war could not enter. I proiiowe to make further exMriinrntn to enable me to )lnt my camera nenrly In thedirrction from which the sun Is shining. I think this enn be done by excluding part of the sun's rays by mean of a projecting roof to the lena, and with the sieof thin colored glims. "Should this succeed, then eight earner, back to back. In the form of au octagon, could be snapped at once, re vealing the smoke pennant of an enemy a vested 0 mile nwtty. should theoetngon camera l mined to height of 000 frH, Kuch a camera could In1 rvudilv lifted In a dead en I in at sea by mean of right kites, 20 fret In dlnmeler, should the man-of-war move at the rate of IS mile an hour. "V all likr to lmk out from moun tains, and nenrly all the neronaula have mentioned ihrir exhilaration at thevaat hollow bowl-like rarth hrlnw them, with Its horion line forming a ring level with the eye. All otir high build always intereilm; littiianv iwoiile. Ac- "Ordinir lo the weather titirenil record. Annual i uaiinllv the rtiitdeat ninnlh of the year. In pliotojyrnp'iinif n.ton with mr kits' camera I hnv Iteen ile la veil aevrntl d,n br unfavorable con dition hli h rrrhtel me from Ink It'ir aa many phnrraph of Impitrtant hietitrle priria f the. lty aa I vhmiM lk to ha t lVrn. I am lllilehte.1 to J. W. Siiiith. if the weather bureau. (e T. W. ( lark, to II. A. Ilorton and to cotiaUet other fur frlendlv help In many ibft'iult emrrffeneK-."- fjirln;. field (Maaa) lirpuhliian. TM rnfcawww mmim The International sjeofm pineal rtwi. rrraain tendon a ear fn rl lnre. Hint the ppraleat pieee .f .irra.hHoi r j.,.r'on remn'tiinif t Mnilrt.vUew that .f the anr le reifiop.. Mnee then a IMim'irr rf email upr.ti !... t- var. the "Hli "' l n !rt.el. t,ut bttle ha J ' l !' " ii!.-.l. m l lf V .11 ff in'n ! I f' "h re.l.-ta In Nature tl at. altHo.U'H J rr i ae Vlatal al t "apt. lUwa l i rfr u.e . .... . Inira are soiif-lil for pnrMea of atuh HI jTtVT- L?f J f L- ?i olmervallon. In lh level InmWcap. It lj UTf T . CT) H I cfieti rirnt:nr hundred of mllca In M "-,aUf II I I i. H 1 1 Ihe renirnl v)ei,iieh tiataa, taken with I -"" 1 1 the aid of tin kite-sir eatnrra. nni't Im I -"Zmw "' I two r'aPt VnVart'ww wni.n lie samrn Mount Kretui an-l Trrtor, thry l.e i.ever aifain I-" arvo. and t lit'r tant a.HlitUtal facta hate twva Irarne,! tUmt that ft.) strfwma rt of the tint A rira.,.j p r viklte f. r Ha letiff'h la t!l ttt At tm 'lr, nr.-l an jeco, ami Mm h fah l i:inia, k-r, J yrarw, aixl il.e i-i-iie la IhiiiiaM ua. a q(MlHt itlS i; ,i,rr i'lf of kt t'wa V. IWmJi twi 1 ail f na-m aee rnm-f INa Wra'lNieat nw in lire of iht Karlr ef rttre.Wa In that , an.) f.if ' tear n f rh he iWl rWUf at U. .. In a f l.or, h u it, r !), m li!tf 11, rl'mltiflil leta iVm lfjt twa V.an m am a riaat. , U-vkr.t r , f t?. tH lS nly tu ta)ip( aei .e arwl n a e vesa4m at t!( l,rHt iVr et a Boands to Her Attrition. With the fashionable craze for tailor made getrups, shirts, waistcoats and scarfs, there is, nevertheless, an occas sional girl who cannot master a four-in-hand, or tie a black satin scarf as it should be. One of these, says the New York Sun, went into a haberdasher's the other day to buy a scarf to wear with her boyish costume. After she had looked at them she said: "Oh, dear me, I shall never be able to tie this! Why can't I have one that is already tied, with hooks behind?" Very firmly the answer came to her: "But, madam, no gentleman would think of wearing a ready-tied scarf." "Oh, but," said she, "I am afraid I lever shall be a pe-'fect gentleman." j Via tbe Union Pacific System Baggage is cheeked through from Port and to d estinotion. Tho specialties of tbe Uuion Paoifie are unexcelled track and equipment, union depots, fast time. through ours, steam heat, Piots 'h light and oonrteous treatment to passengers. For rates atid information apply to It W. Baxter, Gen. Arft. D. P. system, Port land, Oregon. Send your name for a Souvenir of the Work of Eugene Field, . FELDFLOWERS IhceugcncTicia monument Souccnir The most beautiful Art Production of the cen tury. "A tmall bunch of the most fratrant ef blot tomt gathered from tbe bread acrea of Bogena Field's Farm of Love." contains a selection ot tne most beautiful of the poems of Eugene Field. Hand i somely illustrated by thirty-five of tbe world'! greatest artists as their contribution to the Mon ument Fund. But for the noble coatribnttona ef the treat sttitt tela book could not fcave bea nsaafac tared (ori7.oo. For sale at book stores, or sent firepaid on receipt of $1.10. The love offering to heChild's Poet Laureate, published by the Com mittee to create a fund to build the Monument and to care for the family of the beloved poet. Eugene Field Monument Souvenir Fund, 180 Moocoa Strut, Chicago, M 60 YEARS EXPERIENOB. TRADE marks DESICNS, rtvVv COPYRICHTS Ao. Anyone sending a aketeh and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an tnveutlou i prohahly patentable. Communications strictly connuential. OMust atrenoy foraecuring patenta in America. We have a Waahlnirton omce. Patents taken through Muun A Co- receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largeat circulation of anr scientific Journal, weekly, terms $3.(10 a year) 11.50 six months. Specimen ooplea and ILaJiD Book oh Patents sent frea. Addreas MUNN & CO., - i 361 Broadway, Mew York. LEABiiis mm OF THE SfrWIC COAST THE CHRONICLE ranks with tta greaiea aewapapera In the United Slates. TUB UUKONIULB has nq,suual on 111 Paetl (oant. It leada all In ahtltty. enterprise and new. TIIK CIIItoMCl.t'S Tslearaphtc Haporta are the latest and moat reliable. Its Lorl New Ui ruili-w and aptclcst. and lu Kdilorlala from toe ahleai pvua In tht eunutry. 1 1I Mil KONIOI.K has always been, and always will lie. the friend and champion of the people a aeainat oombltiailiiiit, clt'iue. corporations, or oipreaalntia of any kind. It wilt be iBdapeudeal lu evuryluiug neulrai in nolulua P!ri y..'. f. pi 9 n ... .. -.. w Vka rkrwalela rtalldlag. the: daily Hf Ma'l, ria fatal. Only $6.70 aYenr. The Weekly Chronicle T.I Crfi!:jl Vtt'Jj b thefn.trj. S1.50 a k xi .am apt. !. r f,-j t i fit firi f i i M vii-t mt SAMl'LC CJi'ltS SiNf IRiL A, v I ill I .BE9 L- ' I mi?. w lit fTH it 1H YOU WANT TIIK CHRONICLE Reversible Map? wg. llllWMi Tli UcitoJ Sutes, Doalcloa -n Mtxicd OH niK sink, A4 ike Hap of tho World om iiik oritrti iitK. i. 3 at ie IS Map a4 tHe-Mf rr' l I tins Tear, -waat I r"il I i M an I I'efxei M. It .1- Voi'til, I - - F i s. .. .i . Fits from rjSVoeeaal tf jMfeaaf Prof. W. H. Peeke, who makes a specialty of Epilepsy, ha without doubt treated and cur ed more case than any living Physician; hia access is astonishing. We have heard of case of so years' standing; enrgu vj large bot tle of hi absolute cure, free to any suffered who mil send their P. O. and Express address. We advise env one wishing a cure to addres Prof.W. H. PEEKE, F. ., ACedarSt., FcwYora Caveats, and Trade-Mark obtained and all Pat- eat business conducted for MODCRATC FEES, i OUS OFFICE IS OPPOSITE, U. 8. f aTENTOFFiej and we can secure patent in leu tune than those f-nm VL -c Vi i ti irtl.O V T"!.T- . J- oena moaci, u rawing w juuLu.f v--'rv tion. We advise, it patentable or not, iree 01 charge. Our fee not due till patent 11 secured. . coat of same in' the U. & and foreign countries a Dtyouirr " HOW to UDtain raicnti, wiwi sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. OPP. PATENT OFFICE, WaaHIMOTON, D. C. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. 4 Q C. M. &Bt. Y., U. B A., r. rt. n. a. v., and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. I-i A.T IS ! 9S.OO JfHK 1AX Cor. W. Madison and Clinton BU., CSICAaO, XXjXj. m TMU. s. government i PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a , relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wan on whom you depended for support f THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. g7Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. Mo Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company nilLIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. JT. S.Thil Company it controlled by nearly one thousand leading Mew paptrt In the Vnlted Stain, and it guaranteed by them. 47i Attorneys o.t Irow, All buslnaaa attended to lb prompt and satiafaotory manner. Notaries Public and Collector. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, : t WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Pu Stamen TELEPnONE, BAILEY Leerinf Alder Street Dock, Portland, Park and Nabcotta. thraet eonnaelMa with Ilwaoo steamer) and rail road; also at Yoaot's lie frith Baaabore Railroad. t ia za an x xx o so zi Leaves Portland T A. at. Dally, aseept Sunday. Uava Aatorla 7 T. at. DaUr. leapt Hadar. Leave Portland P. at lllr. eirept Sunday. at ISA. M., etrept duuday aod OODAN avea Portland and run dlrvi to Ilwaeo, smvm II a aco Wa.luaa.lay and Friday at T.at A. M. Ob Bandar Bif ol at P. M. hrj;i Cbfflrl to Fiitaii DtstMoa BuOi huhn Frrj tf Exptaa. tot RaJety, Speed, Comfort, rleajnra. Travel 1 E::!:j Institute of It to Advertisers fice. You need it in matter of business vc must sell it. The Patterson Plt.ushi.ng Co. Theeomparatlvevatuaoftheaatwoearda Is known to moat persons. They Illustrate that greater quantity ta Not always meat to be deal red. .'. These card eaprea the beneficial oa - ttyor RlpansTabules As compsred with any previously known DYSPEPSIA CURB . RipansTabule: Price, 50 Of druggist, or by mall. .'. BIPAHS CHEMICAL CO., 1 0 Serve. St., M. WANTED-AN IDEAoTaSmft BblANafc CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington. D.C w 'heir SlOOpriaaoaer. The regular eubsonption prioe- of th) Semi-Weekly Gazette is 92.50 and the regular prioe ot the Weekly Oregoniaa is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year i sdvanoe can get both tbe Gazette and Weekly Oregon ian for 83.50. All old snt sonbera paying their subscriptions fcr one year In advance will be entitled thesama. . NbwFkkd Tabd. Wm. Gordon hee opened up tbe feed yard next door t the Gazette office, and now, solicits a share of your patronage. . Billy ia right at home at this business, and your horses will be well looked after. Priori reasonable. Bar and grain forsale. tf tr t OREGON filTZERT AND OCEAN WAY! for Aatorla. Ilwaoo, Lone Beech, Orwa HatuMay nliht. II P. M. leave Astoria Daltt a atuoday. Suaday Dlfht, 1 P. M. WAVE Tnearlay and Thnraday al I A. M. Kaiardaf 'sl P. M. ea Ui Talaphane. kalley Sataart and Oraaa Wava. i etSoundNa mm (jo For the Ouro Oa Liquor. Opium id Tobacco Habits It ia toraled al Sala, Orfo, Tk AA, Ceo.fial fotm en the Crxuf Call al the Q.ttrra aea lew aarUetitaja fWHrtli eotit.Untlai. T tar. it rrttauaad ear OUR STOCK VOF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD nt .1 grc.it financial sacri your business, and as .1 kAa , V Aha