Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 12, 1897, Image 3

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medicine as weU m in VOlliC
other things," said a busy n
druggist, "but the most OQCK
remarkable thing about Hood'i Sarsa
parilla la that cuatomera who try other
remedies ail come back to Hood'B, and
thii la why the enormous Bales of this
treat medicine nsf. " keep up and
continue the II f whole year
round, Bteady B Was a clock.
"Why is itt" 0, simply because
Hood'i Sarsaparilla has more real cura
tive merit than any medicine I ever sold."
This is ol daily occurrence in almost
every drug store. Hood's Sarsaparilla
has cured more sickness, and made moro
happiness through restoration to health
than any other medicine.
Is the standard the One True Blood Purifier.
HnnH'c Dili- re tne on'y Pls to take
nOOa S PHIS with Hood's Siirsaparllla.
Now that the great politioal oampaign
is over and the winter season again with
no, all will want an adequate anpply of
fresh and varied reading matter (or the
long evenings. Cognizant of this the
' Gazette has made dabbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The-GAZETTE tU.50aud ' Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, $1.60 $3.50
" B. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.75
W" N. Y. Tribune, I1.00 8.00
v. Inter-Ocean, 11.00 8.25
.i t '. 8. F. Chronicle, $1.60 8.75
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00........ 8.25
'' Webloot Planter, 50c... 2.50
Lcslie'l Weekly, $4.00 5.00
Here and There.
Mrs. Wm. Dunn ia on the sick list.
Asa Thompson is in from Butter croek
today.-. -
Clyde Baling is stopping in the oity
tbia week.
Blanks end printing at the Gazette'
home ranch.
Plenty of chattel mortgages at the
Gazette offioe.
8. 0. Smith, though still quite siok, is
gradually improving.
John F. and Henry Boyse were down
from Hard in an yesterday.
Anton. Binge returned this morning
from short visit to Portland.
Born To the wife of I. N. Hughes, in
this oity, on Jan. 9, 1897, a son.
The revival meeting at the Baptist
ohnroh continues with good interest
Elmer, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs
R. C. Wills, is reported to be quite siok
Drink the celebrated J. H. Cutter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Bombers'.
Salem State- man : Hon.8amnel Hashes,
of Forest Grove, republican senator
from Washington county, was among
the solons on the streets sod around the
eapilol yesterday. Mr. Hughes ia the
phvsioa! giant of both bonaes, beiDg con
siderably over six feet tall, and weigh
ing over 300 pounds. His son, George
R., who waa reading clerk of tbe lower
house two years ago, is a candidate tor
a like position in the senate this year.
For sale About thirty tons of rye
bay, located about two and one-half
miles of Hardman. Also 400 aores of
good range, fenoed, to go with same.
Plenty of outside government range
near at hand. Shelter for 2.000 head of
sheep or large band of entile. Good
house on place. Call on Gazette offioe
tor particulars. A rare chance to get
bay obeap. All signs iodioate a hard
winter and delays are dangerous. tf
Squire J. Turner made final proof on
bis timber culture before Clerk Morrow
n Saturday, with W. G. MoOarly and
K. W. Turner as witnesses. Mr. Turner
ia an uuole of B. W. Turner, of this
oouDty, and bis home is in California
where he n engaged in fruit and groin
The W. C. T. U., of Heppner, are tak
ing an active part iu circulating peti
tions to be presented to our legislature
praying for tbe passage of some good
moral and sanitary measures.
Judge E. L. Freeland, Dr. B. F.
Vangban, Otis and A. W. Patterson are
some of tbe Heppuer people in Balem
this week. This certainly ought to give
tbe legislature a good send off.
W. L. Sating, the Heppoer candy
manufacturer and confectioner, ii busy
today turning out a Que line of cream
confections. Billy is getting to be quite
an expert in tbia line.
Miss Elizabeth Matlock Bad Mrs. W.
. Dntton will entertain a large number
of ft lends at whist on tomorrow evening
at tbe borne of Mrs. Dntton miles
below Heppoer.
Gid Hatt and Charley Jones are as
sociated together down at Charley's
old place in the tonsorial business.
Call on them and get your whiskers
pushed in.
Phill Oobn, manager of Heppner's
warehouse, will pay tbe highest market
price for bides, In rs, sneep pelts, eta.
Bring your hides to bim. tt
Bvea Kveasoa Takes ia the Masqaerade Bat
Looks at Matters 8erioasly aad Gets
Boaaeed Is Lost la the Skiffle.
The Whole Story
Of tbe gieat sales attained and great
ourea aooompiisaea by ttooa s oarsa-
parilla is qaioklv told. It purities and
enriches tbe blood, tones the stomach
and gives strength and vigor. Disease
oannot enter tbe system fortified by tbe
riob red blood wbiob comes by taking
Hood's Bareuparilla.
Hood'B Pills cures nausea, siok bead-
aobe, indigestion, billiousces. All
druggists. 25o.
The Bedlighl people wilt treat
right. Call on them when in town. tf
If yon want tbs beat of everything, go
to tbe Orange Front, Joseph Biber.Prop.tf
Frank MoFarlaod returned from
business trip to Portland Saturday
Dan McKioile, who has been working
for D. A. Herren, is quite ill at tbe
Falaos Hotel.
Plenty of advertising space to sell at
tbe OstetU shop. Bates made known
on application.
T. W. Marshall, repreaeatiog tbe
Paoiflo Paper Company, of PortlaoJ, is
is in town today.
&fra.E. W.Bbea returned from a short
visit with relatives at Baker City on
Bunday morning.
Geo. Oonser and wits and W. E. Brock
nod family spent Bonds with Mr. O. A.
Rhea's folks on Itbsa oreek.
Pror. W.C. Howard aod Be v. C. R
Howard are reported to be improving
lowly from Ibeir severs illness.
TbaOatcila will tke sorlp on debts
Florida's barrooms number 216,
more than half of them being in three
counties. The Btate'a revenue from
them is $108,000.
Louis XIV., spoken of by his contem
poraries as a man of majestic stature,
wns only of medium height. When the
royal tombs of St. Denis we're violated
during the revolution the body of this
monarch, was dragged out with the rest
and discovered to be only five feet six
In celebration of the Mexican na
tional holiday a crown of incandescent
lights was placed above tbe head of the
Ifidalpo statue in the Ilidal? ) plaza of
Monterey, and there was elwtric illumi
nation in profusion throughout the
square In honor of the Mexican father of
his country.
Photography has lately determined
the depths to which the sun's ry con
penetrate through water.and rtie reult
is that at a depth of 5S3 feet the darkness
was about equal to an exnoFiire on a
clear but moonless night. The exposed
plates at this depth gave no evidence of
light uetion.
It I now an Id that Japan hi turning
iu eyes toward the iat unpeopled ter
ritory of North Australia and that Jap
anese colonies wilt soon be established
there. This matter baa been talked of
before, and Englishmen have predicted
that if the attempt ahould be made
trouble would follow.
A Frenchman's pipe recently saH
him from dislruremrnt, " WM
tncked by a discharged waiter, who
throw a bottle of vitriol at his face.
The bottle broke an the nil be was
smoklne. Bending1 the grraler part of
the contents Into the fart of hU assail
ant, wbo was terribly burned.
owing it, at faoa value, or it will pay tbe
highest market prios for it in eaan.
Mia Berths Gala is convalescing from
a raoaat attack of lbs grip wbiob soa
fiosd bar to lbs boos for several dayr.
Aba Jones ia at prasaal aooWnig la
ttnall degrat tbe afflictions of Job, bavins:
larva aitaJ boil OO lbs back of bis
Royal Diamond, Paa Fired Japae. oo-
eolorad. TU boat tea aver eokl ia
ii.m.bi P. C TbocPDaoa Co. tbe
leader. "
Mr. aad Mrs. A. A. Robarta returned
boma from l'roJUi' Haaday murotBg
Tbair lUUs aoa EJdla U much improved
from bis rseot illataa.
Tbs E. a sirs PsodkMoB ia pay tog
about llOtx) moetb ia iaWreet. Tbia
la largo wm for city tba site of Tf
dWtoa,pe4'UI!y ia lbe time.
Hbetiff I MetUk departed last
aveebg for ! with M.berl, lb la-
aa abaepbardef.abom ba wttl tara ot
a iba aalbortliaa at tba atata laeaaa
Dieh Metbawa J V. Oeatry, ooit
tba ttm oama of Metbewa A Oaatrj,
aiaUJ loMtbar la lb bwbw
kuiuM la th aUad. d"
aoaib of lb pot-sa Tty aU
It to rprt4 tbat Ttof. t. O Aabr-t
ba wtar4 to Marrow ooaaty w
b aaos lived soJ fl .a-tUI at Iba
, of b e frtwl. !!.
aasble at Ibis Mm to vry tbia atata-
M.w i Ik tim lflgtlb -kly
.77u -t U ,1k lb U.a-t'-.b'
uwiWaaiM f Bervt tea U maJ
la Ua atat.
t smtii. Il nll a b la
MMbA0H '1 '
pwrtlMl aal ele M-i l
ft I UmJk aJW arMM bBa
4ari tbe atrfafc wa 4 avarv
The loetust waa so much dreaded In
eastern countries that It furnUhecl
John, In Mi llnuk of llevelation. with a
terrible description of the peat. II com
pared the locusts to war homea, having
the teeth of llm , the faeea of war
rior, the rrwwna of klnyn, and the
sound of their wing neln the sound
of nny horses runn'ng to battle.
SJrklea's Irak
Tba Best Balv In lb world fur Cata,
ftroU, Kores, Ulaers, Halt Itbsnns,
r'var Hore. Tetter, Cbaprd llaads,
CWIblsma. Corns, aad all Hla Efsp-
lioos. aod prttly care rile or e
pay reqiired. It la aaraotead to re
tT teet eiisraetm or meoev rtaaia.
I'rleeU reals pr bi. For ! by
Okser A Brock.
"Poke oo p da fire eletle. Sin', en lat
ma thaw bote tra icebergs ote masja
tem," said Sven Svenson as he tramped
into the washbonse early one morning
reoently. "By da Yumpiog Yesns, At
bane sbakia ote ma teeth for bote feef
"Yo' look likee bleen dlunk tleo week
with Sullivau sleep in dtitob clatcbee
snake, maybe see what yo' oallee him?
deevil hel be 1 he 1 be! me tlink by 'n
by maybe yo' tumble leetle," broke in
tbe ever Icqnaoious Sing who bad just
started a fire nd donned the ordinary
Chinese babilimente, preparatory for tbe
day's labor.
"Ay tank Ay bane bed 'miff for vone
tarn, en Ay stay by da wancb ven Ay
gat ote das. Eeet bane laik das. Ma
en Matilda tank eet bane gude ekeem to
koom by Happner Chreesmaa en see da
sights en to buy few tang wi need. Ven
wa got een das Qappner eet bune bote
nite, en wa gat supper. Matilda sa den
das sba laik look rouu' to see da Chrees
mas tang, en Ay sa das bane gude. Wa
stay vone place tal man sa ba bed to gat
oop een da mornin', en ha sa eet bane
gude tang anyhow note to spend all da
money een bees place. Ay note know
vat ha mane, for Ay note do das. Ay
note spend vone oent. Matilda sba sa
das falar tank ha bane smart, en sa sha
note buy fealty oent oof sugar fern heem.
Av tal Matilda keep een ber collar, en
sba gat mad en sa to ma to keep ma
Swede faoe note open. Den Ay tank
bote da floe mootto, 'Eletle soft vords
taroeth avay evay ved earn bad tem
per' Ay tank das bane een da vorks oof
Boby Burns, or vas Moses sa.
"Bo kweek Ay tank das vay.en gat ma
valkin'on da strete, Matilda tek mahan',
en sba sa sba bane sorry. Vat, wa valk
long ved her ban' ved ma ban' laik da
small eletle falars, en happy as dase
clam ven da vater bane high oop. Den
Ay beer moosio en tal Matilda Ay tank
das bane show. Sba laff ven sha luke
een, en tal ma Ay bane oonder lucky
star ven Ay merrled Her. Sha tal ma
keep ma baid quiet en note show ma ig
noorant bha sa das bane masterade.
Sba sa aba bane sa dase batore. En den
wa valk een trough da door, ven beeg
falar sa, 'ticket.' Den Ay tank bote ma
oxperienos on da train en Ay ask heem
eet ba bane oornduotor. Ha tal ma to
geet heem kweek two tioket, or vone
beeg, case Bryan dolar, or ha mek ma
tank ba bane whole train ved steam on,
ved ma een front oof eet. Ay fork ofer
da money en ba sa 'valk een,' en wa aat
ma donn vere wa oood gat da fule vortn
oof ma kaih.
" Ay note hafe da vords to ot press da
grand site Ay see das plaoe. First tang,
Ay heer feed Is on organ playin' 'Polly
pool due kettle on da fire,' en Ay eea da
man en leddy daa mek da moosio, Falar
boiler, en folks do yoost vat ba sa, en
pooty kweek ha stop dase en da sat doun.
Dere bane sam nioe girl en da ware note
mooch klolhea. Matilda tal ma dase
bene floe. Ay tank sba bans gude
yoodite. Den da baoa Mtxican falar en
bote femteeo falars act beeg fulo. Von
pool ma hair ea sa to ma, 'Sade, ven yo
yomp )o yobf Das den Ay see Ma
tilda viok at ma, or daa den Ay getf
berm yob Ay tank ba note laik. Den
Ay valk ofer by da moosio eo Ay see
vooa Irjio girl eu lot oner faUr. Vone
ban bwg ole man ao beeg Tom Dur
bum ban eu da fao ba lied mek ma
lff tal ma baid burl. Dhb ban ula
leddy en young leddy; daa bane so many
Ay not taiik oof daa all, but von
falar oxcitt ma attobuu. Ha ban
beeg lojin ved peestol, vooa knife daa
mek ma spina shake, an alette as d a Ay
nota laik da vsy ba handle beem. Daa
Injia falar got ma sen da corner ved ma
bair tn draw da beeg knife. Ay lank
oof da story Ay red aen alalia yeller
boob but falar gat heea baid oote oof
fnm be bslr, an Ay oote kan stand bora
votk. Ay ) tnk bees baid treemlu' oof
eea bote Vone around. By daa Ism beeg
falar das tek ma dolar grab ma by oU
collar, yerk ma bote bait vay dooo da
boos so ved voaa beef keek babiu' ba
I ao' ma aea da mod aen da streU. Daa
mek ma ao mad Ay aa tang daa loa ma
all ma raligiuo ao voaa yoomp. Ay
load dss Ay tack Ar lok da tu
Yocot dao fslar tad star tek ma arm
sa to 'ooota tube' Ay laok at Brat Ay
nota go, bol ma mind go bark to da
lam oto Pertlaod, ro Ay ebange kweek.
Daa falar trow ma o da elttl tail. Ay
it bad too bed eo Ay sleep oo ds
floor. Ay tk cold daa mek ma sick, ao
van Ay gote oot bote daa morula' Ay
ban bait trot. Ay leak Ay Bad U
liUla o gel da tan dolar to da Yoodg
Frewl sad.
Daa mek ma laok bU da vorda oof
ma mootber, 'Da osprtoc baa boot
a J Washer, bol t beo oiumsiv.'
of the County Court ot tne State of Oregon
for the County ol Morrow, to me directed, com
n.nH4n. m. tA IA., An th mods and chattels
of the delinquent taxpayers named on the de
linquent tax roll tor t&ia couuiy iur 7"
. . . .UA . . . . .u ,r ... tn
16W1, IWM, 1B Iia vucw mi.im.uw,
nrt nnn ba found then upon the real property
as set forth and described in the said delinquent
tax rolli. or to much thereof u man laiiaiy me
amount of taxes charged therein, together with
costs and expenses. 1 nave amy leviea, naving
been unable to And any goods or chattel! belong
ing to the respective delinquents hereinafter na
med upon the following described piecesor par
cels of land a set forth in said tax lists, lying
and beiug in said Morrow County, State of
Oregon, described and assessed as follows:
Andrews, C L lot 5, blk 16 in 8tanbery'l
adddition to the town of Heppner.
Tax 1894 I 8 62
Elrlck, g&muel lots 5 and K blk 2. Castle
Kocx; tax 193, 43cts, 1894, S2.50 2 93
Garred, Ulysses lots S i and 16, blk 2,
Castle Rock; tax 1893.65c, '891, 76c ... I 40
Rem Otto lots 5 and 6. blk 3, Castle
Kock; tax 1893, 43c, 1894, 50c. 93
Rhlmiev. 1 R lots 7 and 8. blk 2. Castle
Rock: tax 1893. 43c. 1894, 80c 1 23
Wnrthfnctiin. M V lots 1 and 2. blk U.
Castle Kock : tax 1893 43c, 1894 Sl.00 . . . 1 43
Parrish. David J lots 15. 16 and 17, blk 11,
Mt. Vernon addition to bieppuer: tax
1893 83c, 1891 11. 72 2 55
Party at Irylac
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bobloson entertain
ed a number of friends, Friday evening
at their home in Irving, in honor ot Miss
Ethel 8perry ot Heppner. Tbe evening
waa spent in playing games, after which
refreshments ware served : Mr. and Mrs.
Robinson; Mies Ethel Sperry ot Hepp
ner, Misses Delta Hagan, Ella Kitobeo,
Helen, Bessie and Hattia Jennings,
LetaLnper, Etta Taylor and Bessie
Hill; Messrs Henry Lnndley, Gilliam I
Kitchen, Hank Hill, Charley Eompp,
Joahway Yates, Tison Hagan, Byron
Spenoer and George Robinson. Eugene
S!4 of NE!4 and X4 '
tna isr 'A
Northern Pacitio History Co, lots 1, 9 and
6, 10 feet ott east part lot a, bit i lot i,
blk 11, Mt. Vernon addition to Hepp
ner; tax 1893 69c, 1894 13.45 4 14
Bremer, Win; NVV4 of sec 8, tp 2n,r27;
tax 1893 $2.60. 1894 $1 06 6 66
Estep, W G 8EH of sec 34, tpln,r26; tax
1893 3 26, 1894 $4.06 7 32
Clarlt, w Nn)4 ann 01 sscyt. sec u,
tp 1 n, r 27 ; tax 193 (4 ;89, 1894, ?6.30 . . .
Bramel, T E N W of sec 28, tp 2 n, r 24;
tax 1893 13.26, 1894 18.60
Bramel, Mrs A C SlA of NE of sec 16, tp
I n, r 24; tax 18U3 ii.su. unn i.ou
Chaolain. Daniel BE
of HEW and NM of 8WU an
and 4, sec 19, tp 5 n, r 27, except that
portion conveyed to the O. R. s N.
company ior rignioi way, aisu omui
N Wi of sec 20, tp 5 D, r 87; tax 1893,
6.03. 1894. 18 10
Welch, OD8W of NWK and NSWH
or sec 24, tp 4 s, r 26; tax 1893 is.m, iai
Leatherman, David, Estate of. 8K1 of
be St ol seo is ana r. oi ixe., sec ti,
tp 4 s, r 26 and SWU of N WW of sec 16,
tpfts, r27, BWof NW1 and NWfcof
NWIt sec 19. tp 4 s, r 27; tax 1895
Baker. WlNWjj sec 2, tp 1 s, r24; tax
1K93 S4.89. 1894 IS.76 10 60
Cantwell, Moses. The Heirs of, V of
BE'i and KlA of 8W4 of sec 28, tp 8 s. r
24; tax 1892, $10 19, 1893 4 89, 1894 J7.07,
11 19
3 10
14 18
7 58
Persons who are troubled with indi
gestion will be interested in the experi
ence ot Wm. H. Penn, chief clerk in the!
railway mail service at Des Moines,
Iowa, who writes: "It gives me pleas
ure to testify to the merits of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy. For two years I have suffered!
from indigestion, and am subject to fre
quent seve e attacks or pain in the
sromaoh and bowels. One or two doses
of this remedy never fails to give perfeot
relief." Prioe 25 and 60 oents; sold by
Conser & Brock.
You will find one coupon
Inside each two ounce bag
and two coupons Inside each
four ounce bagof BlackweU's
Durham. Buy a bag of this
celebrated tobacco and read
the coupon which gives a
list of valuable presents and
bow to get them.
NWU and NEMof
8W"4 and N W54 of 8K)4 ol sec 28, tp 1 n,
10 12
22 08
Krei?h, P 8
r 23east:tax 1893 3 26
McArthur. Mrs M J NW!4 ot sec 24. tn 1
n. r25; tax 1894 uo
McCaflev. Am M NEVi of 8W and lots 3
and 4, sec 30 tp 1 u, r 24; tax 1894 3 60
Kins. Ellen8SWW of seo 36. tp3. r24:
tax 1894 5 76
Btratton. Sarrmol BWU seo 28. tn 2 n. r
27; tax 1894 r uo
Williamson. David NWU of sec 34. tp 1
n, r 25; tax 1893 13.26, 1894, $4.06 7 32
Btarkev. Edward SEW of sec 30. to 1 n. r
24; tax 1893 14.07; 1891, 3.t 7 67
MrKimmev. J W 8EU of sec 24. to 1 n. r
25; tax 1893 $4.89, 1894 14.06 8 95
Pickel. William SEW of sec 8, tp 1 a, r 23;
tax 1893 S3 26, 1894)8.10 11 36
Borden. Alfred J N of 8WU and 8WM
of 8WM sec 80, tp 1 n, r 28; tax 1894. . . . 3 84
Bawker. Win NWUol sec 14. to 1 n. r 25:
tax 1894 4 50
Campbell. Geo W N Eli sec 4. tp 1 n. r 25:
tax 1894 4 06
Whitman, H D 8Wi4 of seo 12 and NW
of seo 13, tp 2 s, r 23; tax 1893 14.66, 1894
Dlckerson, W W BW4 sec 11, tp 1 1, r 25;
tax 1893 S4.U0, IH'.II lil l
It is worth the trouble of
trying every one of Schil
ling's Best
bftklnr powder
flavoring oxtracts
and spices
if you find only one
fits you. They fit so
For sale by
E. W. Rhea & Co.
Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop
Guests will find tbe best of Bccom
modations in every respect
Carlisle, Lawrence J NWU of NZ'i seo
34, tp 2 s. r 2S; tax 1893 81c, 181K $2.16. .
Loonev, MaKRleNWii of NE4 ami
of NWU sue 4, tp 1 s. r 14; tax 1894
Wllklns, Alonso S W' of NE'4 and
NW4ofseo36, tp 1 n, r 23; tax 1893
14.89. 1894 S.5.40
Malloy. Frank BEJ4 of sec30, tp 1 n, r 26;
tax 1894
M arris, J 11 HE and MW sec 36, tp 2
n. r2S: tax 1894
Reese, Walter L NH of NU. sec 20, tp 2 n,
r 2ft ; tax lu :i as, 1894 It.n
28 18
7 66
2 97
6 30
10 29
4 06
8 66
7 40
4 Ot
8 13
Petrle, Henry HWfc seo 14, tp 2 n, r24;
tax 1894
rraser. Wm 8W4 see 16, tp 2 n, r 25; tax
1893 4 08, 1H94 $4.05
California, Idaho and Oregon Btaie Co,
commencing at the Pit corner ol lot iu,
blk 8, original town ol Heppner, run
ning west 66 feet, south 41 feet, east 66
leet, norm 41 to place oi dckiuuiiik;
tax 1M94 19 32
Decker, O W NE of sec 6, tp 1, n of r 26
e; tax 1HW a. ih4 m.m i si
And on Wcilnenlay, the 10th day ol February,
1897, at the hour or 10 o'clock a. in. of said day,
at the court house In said county and state, 1
will sell the above described real estate at pun
llc auction to the highest bidder fur cash, sub
ject to redemption, to satisfy said warrants.
costs and accruing coats.
r.. li. Mai MIVK,
607-17 Hheriff of Morrow Co., Uregon.
flue Kejjai mvltaiions.
An invitation from the lord lieuten
ant in Ireland is supposed to be, like
one from the queen whom he represents,
a command. Irish society, however,
does not always treat it aa such, but,
according to convenience, either hon
ors it in the breach or the observance.
A "society" person may throw over a
previous engagement in favor of a vice
regal invitation without being coaid-
ered to have committed a breach of man
ners. He may also refuse the vice regal
invitation if so minded. Irish society
ia not servile, on this point, but exer
cises common sense and the liberty of
choice in the matter of amusing itself.
The Trouble is Over!
We Mean the Election. But that
Makes no Difference With
Leading dealers
everywhere sell
InH risk th loa of tltn. labor and ti4
bf plftntln MMig,f antuuwri
, Itr. Th mtrkat W full of rh-n.
annual. rraat'i lilts
valvara th bMl : 4n arrt crpt
ataatiatitat. IM AaaaalffSSt
D.M. riaar aco..
Detroit, Mloh.
This Is Your Opportuulty.
On receipt of ten cents, ensh or stan,,
a ceneroua samiilo will be mailed of tut
most popular Catarrh rind Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Ilahu) sufficient to demon
strate the grout niorits oi lue remeay.
6U Wurrcu Kt., New York City.
Eev. John Ee:d, Jr. . f Groat Falls, Mont,
J.J T71..1- !!..!. . .... t
rvcoinmeuueu r.iy a vreniu iwiiu m iu. i
cau emplianiza his statement, "u is a posi- -i UrniSninGTS, ClC.
tive cure for eatnrrh if nsed as direeted." I O
Kev. Francis V. I'oole. Faator CentraH-us.
Church, Helena, Mont.
F.W's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
uor any injurious drug. Prioe, 60 cents.
Who nsver lets politics interfere with business. At tbe
same old stand, next door to M. Lichtenthal's.
Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's
American Isms.
Phrases like "I don't want to," with
the infinitive elided after the to, having
heen ileelnrerl to be Americanisms, Rev.
J. Erin writes to tbe nradcuiy th lit he had
always tied and heard the form, being
n native of South Devon, nnl alsoqiiotts
Ir. Watts "Let bears anil lions growl
imhI flKht. for 'tie their nature W
Pr. Fit Edward Hall gives a long list
af LvgllHb examples for the phrase, be
ginning with the year 16.1A and Includ
ing Jeremy Collier, Defoe, Southey,
lMrkens, t narlea Reade, Ruskln and
ueorge I'.llot.
Main Street. Heppner, Oregon.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars
The annual ni-vtlnt of the stockholder
the Heppner Until ami Water company will be
held atthentltce nf the company III Heppner
lmn, Monday, January 'lh. A. U. Wt.
M7-U T. W. ATsaa, BecraUry.
Our Holiday Display !
You Should all See It.
Con)e in at Once.
Main Street,
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
20,000 POUNDS
:1BLD MS 1 F
GoilNlhit IlllX Of
I. W PATTERSON. AGLNT. LLt!-L?,-U.!,irirt
w mux's riiuy lMnsti.
Th t.rtiri.11 rifrtr a rurWus
arnrfr'r,rri' his Ulrrira depart-
i.Mtit. 1iHrr!irsrraiisr aataiJienH.
ami i '' I ! rrlis bIhiI lo ilol
tais f.r rar'.t .lil. nil Military or
saiolia, bmI t to artrn lUillsis in
lair or' it, l.yr'hen Is a, rie a'
fifl il urff Bl ti. TH 0'f
at.nr a'J t.ia ft ). ! at luitrheoii
thrjr Nausllr .r rtr a-nir.
aritai. f uii'r. or autm
ru !.! f.-triforrB ! h a to W In
asa.a.aB M tmlt la Map
Uk a bkwiiI Iv la'h O.' l,f rainf
II wa. a... !.!( la ib f.raia f
tl.M.r.jf Ut$m '! - Mll a )
srf sa4 ra f lfrlT aj-l.t, waa
H alr., rt !. He ttfrt '.I? Pit)'ll
Ike ja. La lia tyt g ttut. U. .luu.p
rlsMd I.Va.t.(SUI l. lBbtVB8'l
k was slow j 4 to 4' aia.
A I art Ba Um Ikwa
Tnara la Nathlnt aa C4.
Tb.rs la fKitlilasl at aa fuo4 aa If .
Kte'a N't Iary for 0sBtlM,
(Joaghs aad O'Kts, ao d4aao4 II a4 Ao
ol (wrtsil lbs eVais to ll aowa
oUlitaU. IU will o alaiaj Ibara la
aaltiaf Utur, bat tn ar4r Ut ssska
feort profit h mj rial a oaBlr.t alsw !
la b Jim( aa foai. Tow aal IV. Klaa'a
Kb tharMf trBM Jo kkOW It V)
b aafa aa4 rliMa, aa4 bsIk1 la
trn4 or f rfs4d. fat
Cai U, Cx.la, ObftamsabiSi aa4 tut all
tS.aiun af Tt'o.l, Ct aa4 Utaa.
ihra U t.in; ao t t"i aa la Iir Kiof' t
K lhMK7. TtW r-4ila rrB al
k hixtk't, lUa-llaf Bits CO
n.lB a4 II U0
IbrvBta umsi laa O. It A 5. !
Tabtaa, Cbaira, lUvk.rt, iW.lroom Bail, Ra.IsUa.ls, llook
Cs, ItiBtn( Hofaa, Hprioj MattrsB, Wool MaltraaaoB,
I's'tof Holla. CaaUr TaMaa. ala , ata. Umm Car(ata, Wool
Carpeta. XI ailiecs, Bidaboarita. Vlirrors, Hat IWka, Haoflaf
Lampa, rrtifBS, ntloat, lilaaksla, fJlovss, tic., ala.
1 1 PDiDC
mm. T 1 II I
"tWITH .aa,
MnmsatiMM sawairtrwraiaai
hiss wmm
Youro BOUND to Tako MCm.
All the .above Goods arc Placed on Sale at Leaves No Constlpntlon.wv
Half Value or Less.
Will be Soldllcgurdlcss of Cost.
fit apf ear lo at ttf silk MiylUh Fartllors,
wkita Itila aiptrtaallr ta oTta4.
Cara If, as wall aa all till I , Hirk ll.ad.cl.B aaj Malaria. Toa oat
asirBTaLa pill la Iba world. Hold tr all trnf i.ia or avnt lj mail
raosipt of rrioa, aaota par txi. I KEhlltWI MI DICAL. tX) ,
Ha a fraaa tBoo, Ca).
Our Sale on General Merchandise
Still Continues.
' t
.of III
i ts.rslM
M bbbI. ' a-wad e'a. a .. .tl-a auk
aa ailwk fw, aas a Bfr S I's 'B far f. IM . !"
tr.! tain la IM b" 4 kt
"1 -f a f
,.,-. -,. . , I . f- .
I . I. - ' I " - ' '
rarmara al a 4.lsarw sbaU ta l atoa
ibl t '' a tUf vt'M
French Cook, and White Labor only, Employed.
H 'bart oo cn gt a l-'iral-Claaa
Mral at LiiU g K-U
-.-. t S fcas-Bj ib ib jjll.lU Dls.l Mi'.
1 1 :i
.( f ." I" " a'a
f.. h-'m m a .. a
iVaa, .M lUrtl sW k.,