Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 12, 1897, Image 2

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being attacked the most vigorously.
t is to be hoped that our people
will receive at least eome reiief
from their present state of over
burdened taxation, and they are
ooking to this session of tho Ore
gon legislature to bring about
what is greatly desired a lessen-
ng of the useless expenditure of
state funds which only add to the
tax burden of our people and are
of benefit to only the few.'
u n -i jib-.
The senatorial fight, if it may
be dignified by that designation, is
of small dimensions, and does not
exist at all except in the imagina
tion of the Oregonian and a few
Simon republicans in the metropo
lis. The opposition to Mr. Mitch
ell has flattened out and now mem
bers are breaking their necks in
order to get into the band wagon.
This is what the Gazette has al
ways said would be the result.
The people of Oregon want
John H. Mitchell returned to the
senate and no power under the sun
can prevent their will becoming
the law of our commonwealth in
this matter. Senator Mitchell is
our senior senator and as such can
do us more good than any other
living man. He will have the op
portunity, and Oregon, in choosing
him again to that responsible posi
tion, has done herself proud.
The Spaniards are continuing
their merciless slaughter of Cuban
pacificos. But there is some con
solation in the fact that while this
go8 on the insurgents are gainiog
the sympathy of the civilized
world, and we believe they will
yet gain their liberty. Iu this war
with the island of Cuba, Spain is
only sustaining its reputation of
being the must barbarous nation
on the face of the earth.
The progressive ladie of Westfleld,
lod.. issued a "Woman's Editioti"of the
Wwstfleld News, bearing date of April 3,
1896. The paper in filled with mitter of
oterest to women, and we ootioe the
following from a correspondent, wbicb
the editors printed, realizing' that it
treats upon a matter of vital Importance
to tbeir sex: "The best remedy for
croup, oolds and bronobitia tbut I have
been able to find is Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. For family use it bas
no equal. I gladly recommend it." 25
and 50 oent bottles for sale by Conger &
John H. Mitchell will be re
elected U. S. senator.
The Oregocian's fight has made
votes for Senator Mitchell.
Senator Allison bas declined
to become a member of McKin
ley's cabinet.
The Pacific railway funding bill
was killed in the house yesterday
by a majority of CI votes.
Jobepii Simon will not be Ore
gon's senator yet awhile at least
The Oregonian's work is too
Font mills is the state tax levy
for 1897, and Morrow county will
have to raise $1,40'J.73 for tho state
After tho election of a senator
let our lfLMHliituro cot down to
business and do some good work
for tho people of the state of Ore
Dubois has a good chance
election over in Idaho. The demo
crats and silver republicans have
joined issues and tho "pojm" go
Tux fight in congrci over tl
pacifio roads funding bill coutitiuct
to be very warm, ami just how tho
matter will be snttltv! is yet very
Tat contest for upoakor of the
bouso grows warm, and J. N
Brown is found to be pretty much
in evidence for the position. Hope
be gets it.
Till Orfgonlan rmpln had Sena
tor Mitchell badly Ix-aten jeUr
dty. Hut this has happened .
eral times before, without any dis
astrous rrtulUto Mr. Mitchc-11.
A scaiMTBATlox law is one of
ths urgent seeds of this atate.
W ars ImaM to Dote llist our
pr-wot lcglaUture apars to !
strongly in sympathy with this
proposition and the iroei,nxU ars
bright that such a law will U
Tok ChSoNHi cittrr lice and
iroviJ choice ruts of rovtt pig
Of fr ths frravf of tii.-ir d".l Th
Indian kills the pony f the dra-l
and lrra Lis 1h mhI arrow at
ths grave foi handy uo ( ths dn.
parted, l'ut ths Kri.lid ky r.lotiri
who aa.m.1 to saitn in lUmrlm
whisky wtitls in his rC,a top
them all.
Tarr.c v-ut to I a iiclrr mit
thn fn ths ait of tU Iff;Utttf
The Work of the Legislature B.gun--Mltchell
Sore of Election..
Salem, Jan. 11. Tho house of repre
sentatives of the nineteenth bieoninl
session oonvened this morning at 11 :30
o'olook. Lute obief clerk, Ralph Moody,
called the bouse to order and Hon. E. J.
Davis, of Umatilla, was chosen tempo
rary speaker, Mr. Ralph Moody, of
Multnomah, was immediately chosen as
temporary ohief clerk. Repreectatives
Barclay and Povey were appointed to
esoort the temporary speaker to the
On motion of Thomas, of Multnomah,
the following were appointed on the
committee on credeutials: Barkley.of
Marion ; Stanley, of Union ; Thomas, of
Multoomab; Uren, ot Clackamas; Bil-
yeu, of Lane. Tho house then adjourned
to 4 o'clock Ibis afternoon.
A binding ciill for a house oauoua bas
been signed by 31 republicans wbiob in
sures tbe eleotiou of a repablioan speaker.
The eonteat for this position he between
Benson, of Josephine, and Brown, of
Morrow. Jouatban lloaroe, Jr., oa mot
be elected, Miouub be baa some repabli
oan support. It looks as though Prof.
Wetzel will be tbe olioloe for chief clerk.
County conrt met in regular session at
the court house on Wednesday, Jan. 7,
1897, Jodge A. Q. Bartholomew, Com
missioners J. L, Howard and J. W
Beckett, Clerk J. W. Morrow and Sher
iff E. L. Matlook, being present.
Tbe following proceedings were bad:
lteporl of I. R. Esteb, supervisor of
road diet. No. 14, presented and ao
cepted. He was allowed S12 60 for bis
services and re-appointed for tbe year
The claim of F. 8. St. Clair for dam
ages was oontinued for term.
Tbe following miscellaneous bills
against tbe county were ordered paid:
Q. W. Wells, deputy clerk $166 60
A. G. Bartholomew, county judge 150 00
J. W. Morrow, county clerk 400 00
J. W. M.iti.iok, dnputy sheriff. .. 166 661
E. L. Matlock, shi-riff 400 00
Fiank Uilliaui, treasurer 83 33
Heppner Transfer Co, hauling.. 1 50
J. W. Vaugban, inerohaodise. . . . 1 20
8. C. Sperry, fuel 9 00
8. P. GUrriguee, election acot.... 7 60
O. H Hams, pauper acot........ 40 00
J. H. Wylaud, stock inspector.. . 46 00
H. A. Yocom, panper acot 20 00
John Zollinger, pauper sect 42 60
P. B. McSwords, insanity of Ma-
bert 5 00
A. W.Norton, witness fees 7 60
J. A. Pearson, witness fees 7 50
Robt. Large, witness fees 1 50
Win. F. Barnett, drawing pre-
oinol jury 8 00
James Cy pert, drawing preomot
jury 100
Thomas H. Niohuls, drawiug pre-
oinct jury 1 00
J. W. Shipley, school Supt 112 80
J. R. Nuoamaker, jury acot 7 40
J. W. Morrow, county expense
aoct 10 60
W. L. Mallory, road and bridge
aoct 10 99
W. L. Mallory, pauper acot 6 60
. C. Corbin, pauper acot 10 00
E. L. Matlock, court bouse and
jail aoot 38 90
E. L. Matlook, expense acct 2 75
H. E. Warren, pauper aoct 14 35
II. L. & W. Co., oourt house and
jail soot 17 60
Gilliam A Biabee, road and bridge
aoot 41 38
J. L. Teager, pauper aoct 16 00
O. O. Sargent, pauper aoot 40 25
Glass & Prudhomme, stationery
aoot 8116 86, allowed 104 35
Patterson Pub. Co., stationery
aoct 72 60
Parker & Gleaaon, road and bridgs
aoot 48 75
Gilliam & Bisbee, et al, graded right
to construot telephone lines along the
oounty roads.
Miscellaneous bills allowed as follows:
P. B. MoSwords, pauper acot $12 50
Heppner Telephone Co., court
bouse and jail aoot 3 00
A. M.S'ooum, road and bridge aoot 13 33
Conser & Brook, Dan per acct 4 23
T. R. Howard, merchandise 2 25
A. G. Bartholomew, oounty ex
penses '. 7 00
W. A. Riobarnson, canvassing elec
tion 3 00
D. H. Jenkins, canvassing electiou 3 00 j
O H. Jenkins, drawing prtoinct jury 3 00
W.F.Cowdry.afist " " " 2 00
E. M. Alters, " " " 2 00
Glass & Prudbomme, stationery
sect 821 70, allowed.: 23 70
D. J. MoFaul, pauper aoot 82 50,
ullowetl 1 50
Report of H. D Mikpnell, 'supervisor
of district. No. 27, aooepted He is al
lowed 828.00 for services and 11. A. Yo-
oum appointed for 1897.
Whiter Bruudago allowed $24 00 for
bis services as snpervis r of district No.
22, and Wm. Hughes appointed for 1897.
MiMcellaneonx bills allowed us follows :
P. B. MoSwords, pauper aoot. . .$21 25
Thompson & Bims, coroner's aoot 8 00
Thompson & Bions, " " 15 00
Wills & Slccum ' 3 20
J. L. Yeager. " . 30 60
E. L. Matlock, insane aoot 3 00
Robert Large, pauper aoct 83 50,
allowed...... 3 00
Z.Denny,pauperaoot $3 50, allowed 8 00
The petition of W. R. Ward et al. de
Died, as matters prayed for had been
previously granted.
In the matter ot the coroner's inquest
ou tbe body of O. D Logan, the follow
ing bills were allowed:
B. F. Vaugbau, coroner 810 05
D. J. MoFaul, phyeioian, 820.00, al
lowed .
of Oregon for the ounly of Morrow.
1. A. Woolery. Plaintiff,
Samuel E. Walker. Defendant.
To Kamnel E. Walker, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon: You are
hereby required to appear and anawer the com
plaint Hied against you in the above entitled
cauae on or before the first day of tne next
regular term, of the above entitled court, to-wit:
March the first, 1897;
and if you fall to answer for want thereof, tbe
plaintiff will take judgment againat ynu for the
sum, One Hundred Sixty and 65-100 Dollars
with interest tnereon at the rate of ten per cent
rer annum from the 11th day of Oct. 1896. For
the sum of One Hundred Twenty-five and 20-100
Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of
eight per cent per annum from the 11th day of
Oct. ls: for the sum of twentv-five dollars at
torney's fee and for his costs and disbursements.
lhls summons is served by publication pur
suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of
the above entitled court, made on the 20th day
of Dec, 18. J. N. BROWN,
505-17. Attorney for Haintiff.
James Talbert, juror..
H.C. Hanby, juror
Harry Phillips, juror..
12 00
1 00
1 00
3 40
1 60
3 40
1 50
1 70
Tbe seiints was railed to order
promptly at 11:11) by Senator Patterson,
ot Marion, and Heuutor Gowan, of
llaruoy, was chosen as temporary presi
dent. Uu m itiou, 8 L. Moorliend was
cIiimho temporary chief olork; J. A. Wil
on, temporary HHxiiiUiit chief clerk; 8.
It. Wilmu, temporary ciilendar clerk;
Win. IUhiiiuh, temporary reading olerk;
C. II. Crosno, teuipoiary rgaut-aU
arm; J. E. ISlumlell, doorkeeper; II.
II. Humphrey, mailing clerk. Uu mo
tion of Heuator Helling, of Multnomah,
Ave senators were appointed on ths com
mitter on orwdentials. They vers:
Senators Ben Helling, 3. II. MoClung,
G. W. rstterann, W. It. King and K.
B. Pufur.
The senals adj xirned til! 2 p. m.
Tbe temporary c.flloers (,f t tie senate
bare) been rlioti io canons as the per-
mnDt officers t.f ti e senate, with the
lOfptioo of Mr. ilnwtio, and will be an
dH'Url in open session this afternoon
Mr. Hituon, of Miillnomab, will I lb
president of lb body fur tbe Ibird lime
Ue bad no opposition in ths caucus.
A eall for a blading senatorial caucus
and a tifi tore baa beo signed by
nearly 60 republican. Hroator Mitoholl
will b cboaro on the Aral ballot and
will Late more than Ira Vot-s to spar.
Tote Mundt strangely as com parr d to
lbs vail boMtioga of tbe Oregnnlao.
This "ion bids fair to do more
work 'baa any prrioui s-Mion. Muob
la deniaade.l of lliem by the ipU of
ibis etulo, aJ with the an.atoiUl flgbt
out of the way boliiiiH will iolrfr.
There ta a tMable abawoc of laly
elarke this ! on. bat there are
nouath this tine.
Mr, rioydfr, formerly Mr. E. K.
flelut.nroa, la to Halsiu try ln ti aollle
oine flnanrisl afTaira. Hha will rwtnain
otae time.
Judge K. L. KrwUaJ an inUrtd
will"! the b-bbjf. He will rotaata
few da).
ILm. 3. N. Itrowa I I n k! upa by
ll mrmtwra of the bonae m a
Biaa w ho Is t ap. nf d .t. I mat k.
an 1 wbfihrr rtrcis plifr ut not will
ld a f'ral lra of i.lUae.
fllMl IllMl f ki IM
HW l-.oja: o..tnr, tltri. HcIiIm.
an-l tnsiB; m - al ftitfM; f l.y
wtcbitt If all.!.! 1 1 k.tiliBn Mm
ora f..rTn l.irlt fi.n hl. an-l olix'at
Dluiag trfy Ha O.lil-
al..-a (! il. lot g an. I ,iti,
la eie,f ii.,a, a ii. I in hum! r-
the lumitra. At Jin'ita, ty
mail, f.w falMit. r. twyne AH.,
Selling SiL'.'.-t.'s Inst
it.. ....... . .. ii . .i . .
Bow ylhriti io H.l iu t U,ti.h j VAl- lI,c
otnai.f li p.tnii,iM.iia r.w n. you like th i;rtxi r tlut sclK
Uliorf ln'-uia - i. ur.I-r t.i r.t. St,u ,uv ,;U,tc
Uil in.-, W.114 tt. m w tb , 1. .. . ,i ' 1 .
raiU"-! oi n 1 i.xi !,! th t.t..
A. J. Cook presented hie report as
supervisor of road diat. No. 19, together
witb bis claim for services. Report ao-
oepted and be is allowed 00 road and
bridge account 873,00 Wm. J. Brown
appointed for 1897,
David Qrabill made bis report at
supervisor of district No. 0. Report ao
oepted aud J. A. llugbes appointed for
1H)7. Ue is allowed o"J 00 for services.
In the matter of tbe 8 late of Oregon
vs. Nancy Johnson, the following bill of
ooati was allowed :
Wm. Unwell, witness ) 3 50
Goo. Lleiikuiuu, witueae 3 60
Mrs. Jas ltauuiater, witueaa 3 60
J. Iladley, witneas 3 60
il nil k Cramer, witueaa 3 70
H. lloberte, witneea 1 60
W. I). Ingrum, constable feet 11 10
C. E Jones, jualioe fees 9 20
V. A. Hteveoa, attorney 2 60
Jot. Danoister, witness 3 50
Report of O N. Beck, supervisor of
road diat. No. 10, accepted and be U
re-appoiuted for the year W7. Allowed
$:iJ o0 fur ericee.
IUport of J. 11 Htauley, supt. ot diat
No. 14. accepted.
Keiorl of H. Allen, superviaor of road
dial. No. 3(1, aoocptrd.. Ue if allowad
8.'0 Hi for bis ewrviore aud re-appolnld
for 18SI7.
Jteporl of John Jtnkint, aapwrflsor of
road diat No. 21, aooepUd and be it al
lowaj 28 00 for bis srlcee. U-QQay
appointed for 17.
lteporl of Isaac Vincent, supervisor of
mad dtatr lot No. 8, aoeepud and Jobi
Barker appulold for Hg7.
Report of W. D. lograa, ooerviaor
of road iUtrlot No. 20. accepted. Be le
allowed Ill.rjO for bis arvle-eod Cbu.
AtideroB U apDoioted tor !Hg7.
Report of A. 3. tMsveoeon aa laper-
vlmrof Mad diatriet No. it, aeoeplml
od be is allowed .W(A) foraervleea.
J, k ll.'Cutlo.lgb appolbled fof l'V;.
Join II) Und preeeaU report y taptv
f ol dwlrk-l Aa. St, wbiok it eo-
eepled end be allowed .1U 00 for ble set
vtoe. He t re-sppolaUd lor lr7.
Tbe report of O. T. Walker, toper
vteorof diatrlcl 3 aoeeptsd. He tt a.
lowed 1 00 rot tervtcee aad Jacob Dort
Ir appotbletl fof lV7.
Report ot V m. Uilliaa, aapetvieur ol
diU No. Vrt, areepted. He It) alUwtd
.H (W f. f e(VIM tad ( ha. Millet U
ppoluted tut 17.
IX A. Kpm, foJ up-ftiir, rtpl
preeiled aad aeceiled. Ue m allowed
17 Ol lot tervloea aaj it p $.! led for
Tbe r pur I of 3. A II it In, pervleor
of roal dl. Ntik 9. ff tbe teat 10, a
I led and be m ll.ed HI VO l.w bM
Hepnfl of V, C Uetiee, t-Mtia.if f
f.l d alii, t N. Ill, aieepted aJ Iwaee
MAI)Ut ap,KtuUJ f 4 17.
(I II. Ovate. pitiiir ol dietriet
t alUtwed li') for i.le-e tier
uaa Nrtlao pp.Muled f r If?.
Ill-.il i.f It. T. !, !( vtaot of
rJ dial. St. ZK MHed. lie teal
Ie4 fii ill M v..m a4 tl li
erfitkled fur l7,
I lfc ft. f li -M. f 3. 3,
t l ! , ivat M txt ! avere
Ikv. 1 l 1. i 1. 1 ..!,., y kawea
M Ii ' ka. J lie truHttiA, It mm mt'
J'l-I tkel aa W atia4 lt taw
Joseph Potter, juror
Ed. Templeton, jnror...
W. F. Potter, juror.....
John Homjue, witness...
A, J. MoKenzie, witness 1 70
Robert D. iter, witness 1 70
Miscellaneous bills allowed as fol
lowt :
J. M. White, fuel aoot $111 30
W. T. Bartholomew, county ex
pense acct .. 7 50
Isaac Viucent.oounty expense acot 1 60
0. 8. Gray, oounty expense aoot.. 9 00
Petition ot J. U. Royse et al., praying
for the appointment ot V. A. Steven
supervisor ot district 25, rejected.
Sheriff Matlook presented bis report to
the court showing that he has collected
00 tbe delioqneot tax rolls $12 975 20.
Hit report was accepted and tbe olerk
was ordered to jssne a warraut fjr tbe
Collection of delinquent tains for tbe
yeara 1891, 1892,1893, 1894 and 1895.
The jury list for 1897 was drawn.
The report of J. T. McAllister, toper
viaor of district No 11, accepted and he
it allowed $5 fur bis servioee. J. H.
Piper appointed for 1897.
Upon examination, the oounty war
rautt redeemed by tbe oounty treasurer.
are found to be 0 irrect
Report of J. D. Brown, snperviaor of
dist. No. 30, accepted aud F. V. Cox op
pointed for 1H97.
Miecellaneotls bills allowed as follows:
E. Lk Freelaud, aaat. teachers' ex
amination f 12 00
L. Howard, ooiu. milary 21 00
J. V. tfcckeit,ooiu. salary 23 00
What's the Hatter With Hanna ?
Nothing, except that he has just discovered that at the
Odd Combination Store of
P. C. Thompson Co.
Is the best plaoe to buy Pall, Sugar, Soap, Sardines, Bocks, Snspendera,
Sewing Machines, Shotguns, or Saws. Complete linet of Groceries or
Hardware. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
of Oregon for tha County of Morrow,'
A. Woolery, flaiutilr,
Samuel E. Walker, Defendant.
lonamuel E alker, Defendant.
In the name of the Sla'e of Oreiron: You are
hereby required to appear and anawer the com
plaint llled against you in the above entitled
cause en or before the flrnt day of the next
regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit:
The first day of March, 1897;
and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof
me piainun win take judgment against you (or
viie aum or cigmy-nve ana 7U-iuu tioiiars, wun
interest thereon at the rate of ten Der cant er
annum from the 12th day of Oct. 1896; for the
aum 01 ntry oouarj, attorney s fee, and for his
eosis ana aiBDiirsemenis.
lhls summons is served bv nublication nur-
suant to an order of Stephen A Lowell, Judge
of the above entitled court, made on the 2iith
aav of December, 1896. J. N. BROWN,
oof 11. Attorney tor Plaintiff.
x ot uregon for Morrow County,
J. W. Whalley and Wm. T.
Muir, partners doing busi
ness as Whalley & Muir,
James W. Swezea, Defendant.
To James W. Swezea, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon: You are
nereny required to appear and anawer the com
plaint filed aeainst vnu in the above entitled
cause on or before the first day of the next
regular term 01 saio court, to-wit:
The first day of March, 1897;
and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof
tne piaintins will take ludgment against you
for the sum of One H und rid and Twenty-five
Dollars, with interest th- reon at the rate of
eight per cent per annum from the Hth dayof
April, 18 and for their costs and disbursements
in this aetlon.
This summons is served by publication pur-
Bunni, to an orour 01 Qiepnen a Lowell, Jtiage
of the above entitled court made on the 10th
aay 01 juiv, iwm.
505-17 Attorneys for JPiaintifla.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office- at Ths Dalles, Orkooh,
December 2iith lw.st.
following-named settler hai filed notice of
his intention t make final proof In support of
hla claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County clerk of Morrow Co.. Oregon,
at tieppner, uregon, oa reoruary liiin. 1897, vli
Hd. E. No. 4S43, for the SE'i See 5, Tp 8 8, R 24
K, W M.
He name the following witnesses to prove
nis conuiiunus resilience upon ana cultivation
01, sain laun. viz:
Thomas p. Graham, Charles M. Halting!,
Luther Huston, Andrew M. Peterson, all of
r iant Mile, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE,
&05-15 - Register.
Notice of Intention.
Land Orrict at La Gsandk, Orioon,
December 2. lH'.m.
following-named settler has tiled notice
of his Intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be maile be
fore the County t:ler of Morrow County, Oreg
on, at ueppner, Oregon, oil reoruary 3, iw;,
H. E. Ko. 5279 for tho N'i HKU Sec. 23 and Nit
tJW 14 Km 2i, Tp I N, K 27 E W M.
He names the following wltneaaea to prove his
roiiiinuoua reiiuunce iiMin ana cultivation of,
aid land, via :
Julin Harker, laaac Vlneent. Charles M. Long,
u"r . 1 i-araoii, an in nauowav, irregon,
.'Kill. H. t. WILMON, Hex Inter.
(1. W. Ilarnna'too, oniiuty eipenae
acct 4 40
Cru L-ydf, road and bridgaacot
tS0 IX). allowed 50 00
J. U. Itruwo, road and Indue acot 10 00
Report of Cyrua Leyde, at supervisor
ot dielriot 17, toco p ted aad Chat. Valeo
line appoint! for 1S07.
It appearing to tbe oourt that tbere U
io tbe oounty funds t ) credited to echoi
district No. 5, which it aa error, It wm
ordered that tame be turned into tbt
general acbrxil fond of Iba oounty.
Tbe oourt ordered tbt following tut
ley for 1H.K5 : Fr oouuty porpuere, 11
uiilla; for Oounty school parpotca, 6
No further boaioeat appearing Oourt
adjooroed itbootdate.
Iieware te ttweawe
iWt not neoeesarily tneaa tbe eno
traotioa of dieeete provided tbe tytlem
it ia vigoroot tooduioe, wiib tbt blond
para and all tbt orgaot la brallhy
eatioi.: Wbeo to meb a aoadilina eoa-
tagloa tt readily reeieted aed tbedieeaee
germecao Bad no lotlgcaeot. Ilood't
Hareapanlla It tbe bret mediclot tobaild
npiaetysum Iweaoet II tnakee pure
r b lliwd, and pure l l.wd it Hit baele
tf gixhl brallb. la o i l wtalberll le
eeprelaliy betreaeaiy to keep op tie
health toat aoeaaae tbe body te tol Jcl
la grealor epeore aad tnure liable
dteeaae. ILkhI t Baraerilla te the
tafegaard of beellu.
. w
He has anything In this line that you may desire and you can depend on it you got a good
article when Mat guarantees It.
Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing Specialty.
ni 1 pr.FSs
' aT Sam taaaV aeal tJaaAu.
Full English course.
french and german.
Bookkeeping, shorthand, Telegraphy.
Vix Y
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, Oregon.
These gentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney, Crook, Gilliam and other oountlet
and can save money aud time la making these sections with trarellng men.
Prices In keeping with the times.
Thompson & Biisnsrs,
I ' ami hy vlrtnnnf a writ of emtilliin laaunl
mil of Hi- t Irrnlt l imrt of the mate of Ornwn
lor Morrow futility, under the wal thrrnof,
ami Io hip .Mns l.-.l an. I .l.-llvi-n-l ntnin a iin1
mi-ill and ip r tr mliTi d and eiilirmi In aald
I'uiirt on llin tnh day of HiiN-nilKT, l'i, tu
lavurol nia K. oari-ni as Uliiiin.and aialnul
r rana 11 iK'na-p anl Mary J in-iie, hla trlle.
na n.- 11. 11 ati.l N hre rli It. Ma lla.
aa dt'li-iulatils a Ihti lur the .a;nllll did recover
a iwmitial itm-re anaiini ha defendants frank
H. Bftiirx and Marv J. Henae. hla wile, for the
amn ol I ill.iS. with tntrreal thereon al the rata
ot rlaht percent r annum from the lt day
in January, iiwa; ine niriner aura) ot autaj at.
birney a lna. nl the ei'ta ami dlaliuraement
tateit at (Mm, and whereby It waa darrawl
thai the annrtgue dated on the Iwttt day (f
eremoer iw. eiernieii r. eatd laal namtri
Uuarler nf
Hn tlon Thirty-two In Tnwnahin Twaanulhot
llane Twenty Bre faal ol Wlllamrtla merl
diari, rvinlalnlna mi area, w hlrh mnrtfar waa
recorded on the ."Hh.Uyol lin-mUr. I'm, ml
tr H ol H., - Ii- i, the Hm.H ifI M..n.ra
In the orli,., (. the I utility 1 lerk ol Mormw
I'nniity. Iirreon. ahnM te fnnvUiaed, and the
aald real .r.-Mr auld by Ihe aherld nl Mormw
1 ..inily, lrr..n. tn aailafy aald Jtidcrnent and all
r.(a. therelorw I will, on hetur-lay. Ihf K
day nl January, at 1 o rlnrk In Ihe alter
Mom of that dav, at the Inoit dimr (rf the rourl
tmties In the rty o (r..nef , orrfnn. el all
Ihe rllhl. Illle, Inletrvl and eatata whlrh the
aald defendant aud all perwna rlalmlug and to
claim hy. thmoan nt under them, or any "I
them, had on th IMh day nl MPwratr. Iwta,
or Blue then bate had nr nw h. In and to
theatxte drarrllwd real t.mrlf, aad y
pmri iherwrf. at fnhltr aortion k Ihe hlflte!
1.11. 1f .traah In harot, Ida tmeeats nl awk
aaietnhe affiled lu aalUlartiuw nl aaid (1
Ih.n and all cti
lMt. this ll day el rerm'r 1t
KM II. aherif nl MtKnw Caranty. (rreeoe.
ili'leii.lenta U the lmlwrd Inteelment ('. and
l.y It aaaliine.1 la flaliitllt iiik.ii Ihe lollawlng
dearrliied n-al jironerty In Morrow I'nunty
ini.n, iinir in Nnnnweal
TH 1 1 Hf NmYflirf TMT A T
t' !.( th iithMn o4 in Hii.nf
h.,ll.i. l.win Aaiaii..n will K neld al
ihelr !. In letM.oer ihi. on the I
lu.ay nl ianvary, he4en th iNwre o
l a n an4 a m m aald day, lt th portal
al ei ti( dim tun U ll.e ...!. ya
Hi It lil.M'.f,
ll.pfaer Or , te. I. tV . m i
feeewt Trsil M'a Lawgae
K 11 Hntlih. Ullr iddsi tbrottbaal
IU Nortbceet m -It-ky Moantttt)
Health, (be Vetera .rlnlf, It I fry
faior beadb, we feg'et Io stale, lie I
ivi with hie rptiw, 3. J. ftaiib, H
Nielefe. A leitl.fal r.f ling of l!,e
vtewleof Mr. Mmilli't h(e w.ulj aaake
aa) Ibleteelitg b. . Titer it bar Jl
p(f la Ite M .lbe ( toy ae bol
bat Mr. Hlib bet el mb tiate bt
tm,werte4 wMb II I'fiseille llettew.
nHKHotiiknir HkiiiKU
Norm taitr ktHVoivyn tm it a Mttr
l, a lb at. a bot teta a4 1h l"a
t. at tttnef will b bd baaklne
ban, la Hfaat an tb iimn Taaaeiay a4
January lr! Iaaerb th kmn al I a. a and
e al aabl 4t lb aatean) 4 etarttng
air b.ra im nmn
ii a hi'iinr rukw,
ltrnr. tw. w. Mnav ae at
noil' or hm..ii itt atrrriNU
NTI talltklUT i.lVt TMTT..tkl
M i : 1 & - mU t k. . Kk,tMa I
! . rM . al n a 4 Itrfyaat, l Ib'K
i4vMlM M ItH! l4Vf. In?, ba
th M .! a aa oM I
mi . .4 aald I th nan. a
) l.n.i.-i t.4 lt th Imaa I tan at
i.f 1 .'at tl raVitt
H rff ear Of , faa 1, ea a-l
4 'fat t4 f iie eef eia,
Wanted-An Idea 5
C ' ' f " -a -
'"a J a SltlU.! b t . ISaM . ..
aa W at.iaf I- . 4 fti
aaat Bat a taa I a ibi I b.a a.B (aat.
t li l . . T I . a
' kt-at.t. I m , '! - k
f I t .-!.. in nil It.ea tk
tank I- t.a aal, r I at e
( ew r ..n tkirt e ( ;l
rl Mr rla4, . e
V'tli f ' Mtlin i.ivK If tltf r
I' a.. --, a.'f- "4 it li. M W f
W't ! a...r-. 4 ai-1
a e l M a. aa a ' nub lb
I t-l II. I 1W -'Hi. ... I., IHmm.
. ,.t a4 m. I aal a.'w.t ai.i
beard M t am. 4 t aj naM
a h ft ml Maab.
b W r'ml in anM t
a a... I i i b I r a a
1 1 ii u-.' r ia
14 - ! artfa.
to York
Weekly Tribune
Farmers and Vlilaoers,
Fathers and Motners,
Sons and Daoghiers,
fill the Family.
With tbu close of the rrcwiJectial campaign THE TRIBUNE
recogniz tbe fact that tbe American pople are now anxioua to gite
tboir time to borne and batmen InterMit. To meet this condition.
politic will have far lose apace and prominence, until another State or
National occaaion demand a renewal of the fight for the principle for
which THE TRIBUNE ha labored from it inception to the preaent
day, and won it greataat rictorio.
Erery poaaible effort will be put forth, and money freely Dent.
to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a
National Family Newspaper,
Indicating, inatractiT, entertaioiog and inJiapenaabl to each member
We lurnlsh "The Gazette" and "N. y. Weekly
Trlhone" one Year lor $3.00.
all Ordeet to
Wnt, ftaaae aad ad If aw . t, rM. an4 it la Craa. W. IWai TnKnn otVe. Kw
Teak Uty. and a .. et-y ad taw k.w lMk Haebi, Tnbna wtu HaXw7a.
X 1.00 -THE- SI.OO!
Weekly Iin.ter Oceai.
Th Ortttot Republtcao Ppr I th Weat.
T i. . i. . . .... . . A
m . . ,., an mmm WWtetve.atf KpWm HVelfV Pb
rl,r.nf.?f "i".: U U.f m4 larw-
ts d all pil tt air
I te Weekly Inlee tVewt) fLerpf lie At aaf llbt Ntwt J I
aavei i ue ae a ... . 1 ija- t i
' ' a..wa UHIBIBra, i. l, (
II it MaJ.y Clewt. t4 M i raat.ly rape U UiiInwI t Ttef.
"' - -- -- ---, u , -ir M .
tt$ Llttrtry Column i art Mval
a-a a lbu a. eb.b m - . I
to fo (A tWaf maranlmta. h
U$ I'pwfA'i OtpmrtmtHt h th
f lot t of lit Mind.
fa 1
, I .
nit t iti t
I .act ,v .
I !
t rm Ar! ;
... .1 t.W,'
bi'm lt.t j ,
rte tav. I
k ).l es, ". I
r. Wfaevt a4 f'raa
a "" t aaeae al a4 aa Biatta ah -
mXivriri n-; bTjtaTa
le -. mt law A,ba.f ktw, ai a-aa
tmzjmMismxr $i.oo!
U'J li4 1- nen.n ... . .. . h
1 lallal tSs l.'atf... .aa li a. e-f
f u ' Md .. iZ rw
LUk-ll,ajLU,.., A44ee4 Tl U TL K SU. Ciewarw. 1