TO THIS IT 01718 THE CHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. '' UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA CATARRH Ua LOCAL DISEASE and It th( mult of colds and suddsn cliinMie ehsnges. It can be cored by a pleasant remedy which 1 applied di rectly into the nostril. Be in? quickly absorbed it giros relief at once, Ely's Cream Balm Is acknowledged to be the most thorough cure for Nasal Catarrh, Cold In Head and Hay Feyer of ail remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages, allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro tect the membrane from colds, restores the senses Of tasteand smell. Prieesoe. atDrnpKistaorbymail. XLT BttOTUKBS, M Warren Street, New Yorav jiff! THE m 101 WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 Pages a Week. 156 Papers a Tear. St. Paul, Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For (nil details call on 0. R. 4 N. Agent ta Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Puss. Agt. POBTLAND. OBKOON. E. McNElLL, President and Manager. QUICK. TX3VH3 I TO Scin Franolsoo And all point In California, via the lit. Shasta runt 01 to Southern Pacific Co Th treat highway through California ta all point Bast and South. Grand ttoenlo Route of th Faoifio Coast. Pullman Hnflet Hleepera. Heoond-olatt Hlaspers Attaohed to expras trains, affording superior aocomsaodations for aeoondVolaaa passenger. tat rat,, sleeping oar rftMmtlonft, to., eall nmin or address B. KOKHMCK, Manager, t. P. ROOKSfl, Asst. Gen. f . F. Agt., Portland, Oregon MIDI ins -TO THE- VIA THE UNION PACIFIC -SYSTEM. Through Pullman Talac Sleepers. Tourist Hleepers and Free Reclining Chal Cars DAILY tuChltaiiu. Many hours sarcd via this line ta Eastern Tolnta. STEAM HEAT. IrOWKHT PINTSCH LIGHTS HATKM. It. W. BAXTER, Gen. Agent, l'ortland, Oregon J. C. HART, Agent, Ueppner, Oregon LITERACY NOTES. M. Pikrrk Loti hm a penchant for dedicating books to prominent la dies. CnAKi.F.s A. Dana nnd David M. Stone are the only editors of daily papers in New York city who are past middle life. It is said that James Whitcomb Riley talks in his sleep. That probably ex plains why the genial poet has re frained from entering the matrimonial state. Rochester Herald. Db. Coxan Doyle, the novelist, began life as an eye specialist, but his success as a story teller has induced his aban donment of the medical profession, lie is a Scotchman, thirty-four years old. ' Dr. Johk Mackintosh, author of the "History of Civilization in Scotland," to whom 8750 has just been granted from the Royal Bounty, was original ly a working shoemaker. He struck literature as a last resort and stuck to it. EUROPEAN NOBLEWOMEN. It standi first among "weekly" papers size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low nrioe of a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign conn tries will vouch for the aocuraoy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly Illustrated and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living Amerioan and English authors, Conas DoYiiB, Jkbomb K. Jbromi, ' 8TANLET WbYMAN, MARY E. WlLEINS, Anthony Horn, Bret Habtb, Bbandbb Matthews, Etc. We offer this unequaled newspaper and The Gazette together one year for 83.25. The regularsnbsoription price of the two papers is $3 50. CIIIOAGrO. Iwaiee & St. Paul R'y Queen Anne, of England, was ex tremely fond of brandy, and her face became so bloated that among the pop ulace she was known as "Brandy Faced Nan." The dowager duchess of Sutherland was lately committed to prison for six weeks on sentence for contempt of court. She had burned some papers used in evidence in a trial concerning her husband's will. TnE princess of Wales has, perhaps, invented almost as many novelties as those in the knickknack trade. She drew with her own hand the plan for the pocket smoking case which the prince carries everywhere with him. Princess Eulalie left two hundred dollars with the manager of the Ar lington hotel, Washington, to be dis- j tributed among the servants who I served her and her party while she was at that house. They regard her as a princess from her head to her finger tips. The Only Chair Car Line To the east is the Union PsolflR. East ern cities are reached via this line with fwr ohnuHes of oars thaa via other lines Rates always the lowest. Tickets to or from points in the United State. Oanada, or Europe for sale by R W, Baxter, Oen. Agt.. 135 3rd St., Portland. The Heppner Transfer Co,, baa wood for sale. 87-tf. NEWSPAPER PICKINGS. The average height of the elephant la nine feet. The will-o'-the-wisp is caused by the decay of vegetable matter. A Russian imrnl;rrant arrived In New York the other lay clad in a long coat made from the skins of more than 1,000 Russian mice. Massachusetts still reveres the memory of the codfish, once the chief industry of her people and keeps a wooden model of one h mging in her house of representatives. Comfort for the fat and the lean can be derived from some recent medical statistics which show that at the age of thirty-six lean men generally be come fatter and fat men leaner. The tombstone marking the grave of Rev. Wareham Williams, a leading preacher of colonial days, was un earthed at Waltham, Mass., recently. Antiquarians had long searched for the grave. Nearly all the gold coin that is sent abroad from New York city is packed in kegs made by James Shay. He has been a cooper for thirty-six years. Each keg holds $30,000, in ten bags holding 85,000 each. It is Baid that the new city directory of Baltimore indicates an increase of 86,000 in the population of the city during the past year, due largely to the growth of manufacturing interests in the city and suburbs. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. T- Preparing- Opium from the Poppy. A Boston merchant makes some reve lations that will not make things very pleasant for opium users. "The process of preparing opium from the poppy, as practiced in Intiia and Persia to-day." aaid he, "is very nearly the same as was employed eighteen hundred years ago. As the capsules mostly abound in the narcotic juice, it is from these the opium is procured. A few days after the fall of the flower, men and women proceed to the fields and make horizontal in cisions in the capsule, being careful not to cut too deep, so the juice does not es cape into the capsule. A white juice exudes and appears in the form of a tear upon the cdes of the incision, which is allowed to remain twenty-four hours, when it is scraped off and col lected in smaller vessels and beaten, being moistened with saliva, only one tear being obtained from a. single plunU Via the Dnion Pacific System Baggage is cheoked through from Port end to destination. The specialties of the Union Paoific are nnexaelled track and equipment, union depots, fast time, through cars, steam neat, l'lntach light and oourteons treatment to passengers. For rates aud information apply to R. W. Baxter, Gen. Ait. U. P. system, Port land, Oregon. DREADED CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED. T. A. 81ocim, M. C, the Great Chemist aad Scientist, Will Bend, free, Three Bottles of Bis Newly Discovered Remedies to Buffer rs- Editob Gazbtti: I have discovered a reliable enre (or Consumption and all Bronchial, Throat and Lung Diseases, General Decline. Lose of Flesh and all Conditions of Wasting Away. By its timelv nse thousands of apparently boneless oases have been cured. Ho proof-positive am I of its power In cure, that to make its merits known, I will tend, free, to any afflicted reader of yonr naier. three bottles of my Newly Dis covered Remedies upon receipt of Ex- Dress and Postoffioe address. T. A SLOCU M, M. C, 98 Pine Street.New York. When writing the doctor, mention this paper. ravMtApou, - M IN N E.SOT ASy J ft o3 Glance at this Map Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail way and note Its connections with all transcon tinental lines and BU Paul and I'maha, and remember that It trains ar lighted with elec tricity and haatwl by steam. lis equipment is superb. Elegant Buffet, Library, Smoking and Bleeping cars, with free reclining chairs. Kaoh sleeping car berth ha an eleetilo reading lamp, and It dining cars are th best In the world. Other lines ar longer than this, but none are shorter, and no other offers the above luxurious accommodations. These are sufficient reasons lor th popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon Irket agents In every railroad ofltoe will give rou further information, or address C. J. EDDY, Oeneral Agent, J. W. CABBY, Trav. Pass. Agent, PonTLiao, Oasuo MELLOWED WHISKY. A Dottle of the Stimulant Lie In a Tree Trunk Tklrtj-8lx Year. Thirty-six years ago a man named Jones, who was employed by Frank Lockwood of this town, says a Stam ford (Conn.) correspondent of the New York Sun, was at work on Mr. Lock wood's farm, and as a stimulant he took out to the lot with him a pint flank of prime whisky. During the morning Jones took one nip, and, see ing his employer cominfr, he slipped the bottle in a hole in a tree standing near, intending to return and get it after Mr. Lockwood had gone home. When the opportunity came he was disgusted to find that tho true trunk waa hollow and the bottle had fallen to the bottom and probably broken. Jones related tho incident to Mr. Lock wood sometime afterward, who laughed at the Iokr and thought no more about it. Last week during a aevere windstorm tho old tree, now a rotten stump, wan blown down. Mon day Mr. Lorkwood wont out to haul away the trunk and v:ih surprised to find his former employe's whisky flask safe and unbroken, lie took out the cork, took one smell. "And, sir," said he, "though I've been a teetotaler for nigh onto fifty years, I never was so tempted to take a taste of whisky in my life as I was then. Hut I didn't, anil the stuff la safe up nt my house." It is said the whisky, when poured out, had the consistency ami color of olive oiL It will not be uhmI so long as Mr IM'Uwmxl hobla It. HARPER'S ROUND TADTE5 IftDLE Jt:.k k tf Iht ft In mumttri tf ti$ ftriflJUal tri7 efn vilk s ittiy h tmt amtktr tf tmltmthtntl am, ftrtrtiu tf tm tf tbii aulktrt art gittn fV.'ir. JitiiJtt th I'rit Offtrt nJ tftri tf tki thtrt vtll ht TIIRlin REMARKABLE TWENTY-PART SERIALS A LOYAL TRAITOR THB PAINTED M:Si:NT TUB ROCK OP THE LION " I - " ----- - - .... u . S Ha y 4M crf'i mux mumn HOMR OP TUB SHORT SCRIALA TM MIT HUM at w u i Till vhhh m MWL bi Sams lht AN amtwwinsrm: sif snesT l 4mm a SestM OwaWMMt wan au. w. p . v.w.ntvM f H. CUaj Q f ( W IMM 1 aTaa Itfffki tm- mil "rsil I MONEY PRIZES til, and smi4 H ,,,,,,.,t n s 1 1 HAKPFirS Kfll'XP TABIK ftn, U in ihriSen tmh, li7J ' "'" lTfkr ttmft. i ii i i i f t i in i in isssfi y M ' tnltr tm tr it 4MUr tn4 mr tJJnl f.w 4 rirn.' ft AH r.' " in pmr Mm tm th ttfnhem. StmJ l tmt ft fnmttnktl tin mUn V rraJ til Ik rfrri, StnJ fr a tfr tftm- bF t': 'imltJ Dk Lil Thii mU t tfUin tmr tffit tf Htht. Th tfftt tmiuUt$ Wiivi tf W, thttt,, amj fit t , J fifty httkt. I tmt f tf f-iiJ tmt an kmmJnJ (rti.4 ft -ml tfttum mmmStn Ut ,mnfttm I IIAKTFXS HOCXP HBtH FREE BOOKS W Im ' If ffn 'i tt ' .W Itt mmht mi tmr tft,uU rfrr trh 4 a f mukimg ft yu. fr, IT- K W I. niaioea: ovNitiit) ii Iki.i m,u iniKWiiett a, i f ..- , a a il)4J4ll Ht XTIHO t it ? Tr wt op Tf" votm otr . t ms rm t, it .., . ii . i. . i . fsalt ii-'S n.tilil a, t ati 79 5 a. t sum J I Sn.n I Wsraaa its sv mmmm J Rhubarb Shobtcake. Split the shortcake an ordinary cream biscuit is nice for this use butter it liberally and spread with baked sauce. Serve with sweetened cream. Rural New Yorker. Fruit Salad. One pineapple chopped fine, one pint strawberries, six sliced bananas, six oranges cut in small pieces and juice of one lemon. Sweeten this to suit taste. Orange Judd Farmer. French Steaks. Cut steaks a finger thick from the fillet. Season, dip in melted butter and broil. Serve with melted butter, a squeeze of lemon Juice and chopped parsley. Good Housekeeping. Hasty Pudding. Put on, a quart of milk to boil. As soon as boiling stir in two tablespoons of flour moistened with a little cold milk or water. Cook till thick. Serve with sweetened cream. Detroit Tree Press. Hygienic Coffee. Two quarts of wheat bran, one cupful of molasses, white of one egg; to be well mixed and browned in the oven nntil of a dark brown color, stirring often to prevent scorching. Housekeeper. TEMPLES OF WORSHIP. Greek temples erected in honor of the superior deities were always un covered or open to the sky. The temple of tho sun at Palmyra covered a square of twenty-two yards on each side. It was approached by a magnificent avenue over half a mile long, inclosed by rows of columns and statues. The cathedral tower in Berlin was blown up (or rather down) with dyna mite a few (lavs D"o wliilo the kaiser looked on front a r.cif.-hboring castle. A new and nioro magnificent structure is to take its place. The temple of Diana at Ephesus was four hundred anil twenty-five feet long, two hundred and twenty-five feet broad, end with i.tutuca and col umns innumerable, ('f thin magnifi cent structure nut a linco remains even of the inumur.urt. PASTOR PEOPLE. There are ' Norwegian Luther ans in the United State.".. The largest Cotliu church in the world is Cologne cuthcdral. Its foundation atones wire laid in 1248, and the edifice was completed In 18S0. The eniperorof Germany asserts that the court preacher nre taking too much of his time, and ordered that no sermon shall last more than six min utes. X. Y. World. The lord bishop of Chichester Is the oldest bishop In i;n;:linil. lie is over ninety years of r.-re. an I yet lie attends I to all the ilutic of hi diocese without the aid of a era Hnlor. Mna. Saiiaii ., of San Fran- cImh, lias a t uin'uy-n'liool clasa of more ttinn three 1)iik!ivI intelligent men and women, t he ho taught a Bible clasa for more then forty years. LITERARY tJOVELTICS. 'Kino Soiovon'a Minks" has been translated Into German, and one pub lisher cutulo.-iu it en ' Old TeaUment Literature." In the M-vrnteenth century a pam phlet wu iiliUslird entitled "The Spiritual Muitnrd lot. to Make the Soul htieew with lVvotlon; Salvation's Vantage Gruci d. r a Looping Sand fur Heavy Believer.." Ir la as id that v In n Benjamin Frank lin proposed to start a newspaper hla 1 mother tried ti iH'-tm.lo ti tin from It becaiiv i.lie mi id there were already two paper In America and there waa ao room fur anotin-r. !VTTf XM Aw. In hla "Arte of F.ngllah roenle." ervrteil two pillar fit r".'trr In In in. -j- of yinm r-linabrth. Kaca pillar ronMa of a I f llnm In right syllable, shaft of four-eyllahle lines, ami a rrnwn la the earn meter at the baa. Send yonr name for a Souvenir of the Works of Eugene Field, FIELDFLOWERS the Eugene field monument Souvenir The most beautiful Art Production of the cen tury. "A small bunch of th most fratraat f bio, stats fethsred from the broad acres of Eugene field's Farm of Lore." Contains a selection of the most beautiful of the poems of Eugene Field, Hand somely illustrated by thirty-five of the world'l Kreatest artists as their contribution to the Mon ument Fund. But for the noble contributions of th treat artlit this book could not hare been msnufao tared for I1.00. For sale at book stores, or sent prepaid on receipt of $1.10. The love offering to theChild's Poet Laureate, published by the Com mittee to create a fund to build the Monument and to care for the family of the beloved poet. -Eugene Field Monument Souvenir Fund, 1S0 Monrvs Street, Chicago, 10 Caveats, and Trade-Mark obtained and all Pat-j font busineas conducted for MOOIRATC FITS. J OubOfficc is Opposite; 0. 8. P "fJTOrnei1 Sand we can secure patent m less tune than Uwae i Scad model, drawing or photo., with oesenp-; tion. Wo advise, it patentable or aoi, 1 ' 1 . u nA h MtMit maeenreo. V a saistskBsaua art X1UW W Vuili "iuwh - Scost of same in th U. S. and foreign countries (sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Op. Pstcnt omec, wmihotom, d. c, Theernpratlvvalusofthstwears Is known to moat parson. Thy Hluatrate that greater quantity is Not alway mot to b dtsliad. " These cards xpras the ben.Belal as Ityef RipanstTkbiiles 4s compared with any pwvldnaiykaewSl DYSPEPSIA CURB . .... .. Ripana Tabulae : Price, fa enli a fees Of druggists, or by meU. . iPaMS cneinici CO., 1 0 rW tt..lLT. WANTED-AN IDEAStSSRfitt thing to patentT Protect jojr taeas iK bring von wealth.. Writs OZll.f-Z g&W Ca, Pjstent Attorneys, Waablnjie. D. Ofcw their flOO prise eOai. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable 50 YRAR8 EXPERIENCE Gault House, it 1 CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. Q C. M. & St. P., V. A., f. n. w. vi, and the C. 8t. L. & P. Railroads. hates uta.oo day Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts., CKIOAaO. IX. I. The regular snbsoription price of tbs Semi-Weekly Gaeette 1 2.50 and tha regular price of the Weekly Oregon lan is $1.50. Any one snbsoribing rof tn Gazette and paying for obe year ia advance can get both the Gazette" and Weekly Oregon ian for 33.60. All old sut senbere paying their anbsoriptlons fcf one year in advanoe will be entitled t the same. NxwFxed Yard. Wm. Gordon has opened np the feed yard next door ts the Gazette office, and now golio'its share of yonr patronage. Billy is right at home at this business, and yonr horses will be well looked after. Prion reasonable. Bay and grain foraale. tf TRAD! MARKS DESIGNS. COPYRIGHTS Ao. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an InTention Is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest aneucy for securing patents in America. We have a Washington office. ' Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of any scientific lournal, weekly, terms (3.00 a yeart (1.50 six months. Specimen copies and HAND Boo ON I'atknts sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway, New York. i lUADlnSFAPEti ' li ll"qjL . im i mm THE CHRONIC!. rank with la gratt sewsnapsn in th UnlUd SlatM. Til K CUHON1CLS ha no equal on tli PaelS Coast. II leads aU In ability, ntarprts and news, Till CHKONICUfS TlsTpble Rauorta an th latest and most reliable, it Local News th fill lent and spiciest, and tu Kdttorlals from th aSloKl pens In th ouuntry. TIIK UHHONIOLK baalwarn, aad always will Im, th frltnd and ohampton of Ui psopt a against combinations, clique, corporations, of oppreMKma of any kind. It will ft Independent la voryUilnf noutrai In noHilna. The CbrwsUI OalldUg. 2v TMU.S. GOVERNMENT &S ... IS ... PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wan of the United States or to theif Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW T receive a nension. who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it ft) to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present fi your claim at this present time ? Your pension date from tho y2 time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. gyWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. (5 No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company OS PHILIP W. AVIRETT, Oeneral Manijer, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C f 5 B.-TJU Company U tontmlUd 6y neaWy en thousand leadinf fi paper i th United State, mnd it gnarunttt t mem. Attorneys at Iaw, HEPPNER, All business attended to ia a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Pnblie and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDINO. : t t : i OREGON WHITE COLLAR LINE. rt i l Ulumbia ii IV tkmn AtTtioRr Rrcot trcTtnuri a t ts i n - a a, r.mi s hvm a. t .... a si.ii (ai ttta of at wui Lnraaiv rTrttiuri VwS s.i.t a Mtrt r.ail a iHikn ,.t It, i . " I -v ft, SM. W, HUToeiC CAVA1RV CH4Rlll t at waa. Hiimt tassa at mft ar urtNi J as .y t tia ' 's .a)ti ft, IWil Imw X l 4 ,.f, tf, l u,w ltimt4 r tmt, wax tn.jov S ktltt U tf - tk fp ft-. fA.iS P im t ' m4 . m .nk . tt ttmtmmmt tmt fc-.v A.sifisW .Ut lul tmJ fl ' ' (i.Y d) A ' ' ... J !.( f.we. II h tfts. aunt fail, f.wi.. . .a r J ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 1897 ereetaiefjteKeew It ssar be worth eoesethiag to kaow thai the very be-t Rsedioiae ff rvstnrlng that tired oat aervnna iyveaiteabllby vigor If EUetrta Bitter. This msJk-iae la partly vUUs, arte by gtvlag tone to IS aerve pnre la the stomach. fpolly etiataUftp th live aad Kideey anj aid these orfsae la I brow (eg off Impuritis lalbeUiMhl. KUelrtc Ihilere Imprevw la appetlts, aUs digsH tnat. aad U prowoaeascl by Ibnse who bav tried It as the very beet IIwmI Mrtfler ! serve toeie. Try H. HoM fvw tor ee II.- lOO e bottle at Co Brack's drag eior. WWI Ma Owtte, tt la well fr womanWInd to be ap le the itstieal Urra -fpotlrsnaa." Met bets of the ftt. h timring over th wM. may Sn.l it bsaJy Ut nader ats4 Just whst sort v I thisg Is twesat t-T thia ftu-r.l rvflse4 itrfrwS tf the ' animal baas." Ia Kttasia they ftsy h drink like gallmas. I Fraae. k aet like gpatlemsai I Hps! a. ke (Askee tov like gvaUeaM. I ler enssf, be est like gtlBsi I , Terhvy. k As like rftUJ t Aawrwe, k f ki Ukt I THB DAILY RF afftlt. sate raid. Only $6.70 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle TuCrtilsVttUjkHiCtnlr;. a lis tll4ii4 inuei ta si pan In VfttM Pi I a4a M Motlna TttewrrKt-V cUHnvtct a. im wm aval tnneMs Wi fwp I ftfta nfi. print f-nvr Maataa. sw at Uwam i ai I raa tan. . asasaiikaat Anritrl tu part anas, SAMPtt COPIES SCNT fHit. rv 1 t in i it i mnw rmrm Nnnnn WaviffatK i i va iamvs a uu t rvu uiiu i i iuuvu j v Sltmen TELETDOXK, BAILEY GATZEET AND OCEAN WATl Leaving Alder HI reel Doek, Portland, for Astoria, Ilwaoo, Loag Beseb, Oese Park and Nabcotta. Direct eonneettoa with Ilwaeo elsasaers aad rail road ; also at Young's Bay with 8e as bore Bilro4. r ziZjzrjzzxoisr xa Usvse Portland T A. at. Dally, SJcept Sunday. Usrea Astorls 7 P. M. Dally, Sunday. XlAIIjTilY OAT5BETIT UavftS Portland ( P. M. Illy. eicept Sunday. PataMay Bight, II P. f . 1tp AstorU Dally a att.U A. M., ftsrept ftuoday and Monday. Sunday Bight, T P. M. , OOBAN WAVE Lve Portland Sftd runs dlfwt to llwo. Tmavlay and Thuradcrat 1 A L 11 ace Mftdnaaday and Friday at 1 S) A. M. On auaday Urp$ Cbftiri ti Riilml DtstinGoi Eol Buries Prti if hvt Tot Safety, Spead, Comlort, Plcasar, Trtfel ft th Tftleesose, BaiUy Ostsert aad Oraaa Wave, BatuMar'U I P. H. Ettk; Mbli For the Curt) o Liquor, Opium ui ToWco Halits It Is lor tad at aaiaaa, Orege. Ta Jfuet Beautiful To on (JU CoaH Cart st ta flitsm aStee se ftarttralae SUftMly ftosSda uai. Tr isssnl prtrau aad p ears. DO YOU WANT TIIK chronicle: Reversible Map? BtlOWINft Tho Utnte4 Statoi, Domialoa o( Cimli and Nortbro Muico UK ie t ixt, J (be Hap of tho World k him oriiicn sirs. va4 93 a ant Us th Maa a a Wftlf hri lit t Oa TftP f'-al cms M if a4 lftp Shl.nras Mi 11. Am VOI'fflt. rKfiw S t aaMa, ( "!. rjj OUR STOCK OF . . . ft : SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great fin.nncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. TlIK PaTTFRN PuDl.lSTflNO Cd ."MP A ft tpaaa