Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 08, 1897, Image 3

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Induced by the nee of coca, opiate or nar
cotics compounds la bad, decidedly bad.
They undermine health and shatter the
constitution and the patient is steadily
growing Into a worse condition often
resulting In the terrible slavery and
misery of the cocaine and opium habit.
Bleep Induced by the use o( Hood's Barsa
parilla does not perhaps come as quickly,
but it comes more surely and more per
manently through nature's great restor
ing and rejuvenating ehannel purified,
vitalized and enriched blood. This feeds
the nerves with life-giving energy and
builds up the system and constitution
from the very foundation of all health
and life the blood pure, rich, red blood.
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1.
uji. r:il curellverllls.easytotake,
IlOOU S r 11 IS easy to operate. 25 cents.
Now that the great political campaign
is over end, the winter season again with
us, nil will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long evenings. Cognizant, of Ibis the
Gazette his made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew
al aubsoribers:
The GAZETTE 12.50 and
Weekly Oregonlan, $1.50
" " 8. F. Examiner, $1.50.
" N. Y. Tribune, $1.00..
" r : Inter-Ocean, $1.00
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50..
: Thrloe-a-WeekN.Y. World, $1.00 ....... 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.50
Leillo'i Weekly, M 00 5.00
Here and There.
Club Rate
.... 13.50
.... 8.00
For sale About thirty tons of rye
bay, looated about two and one-half
miles of Hard man. Also 400 aores of
good range, fenoed, to go with tame.
Plenty of outside government range
near at band. Bbeiter for 2,000 bead of
sheep or large band of cattle. Good
house on plaoe. Call on Gazette office
for particulars. A rare cbauce to get
hay cheap. All signs iodioata a hard
winter and delays are dangerous. tf
Married At the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. Hertige, near West Ghehalatn,
Yamhill Co., Deo. 25. 1896, Mr. Adolph
Hertige and Miss Rosa . Vanderpool.
Miss Vanderpool is a sister of the Van
derpool brothers, well known in ttepp
ner. The preaching service at 11 o'clock a.
m. at fhe M. . churob, South, next Sun
day will be dismissed on aooonnt of the
revival serrioes at the Baptist churob,
but there will be preaching at 7 o'clock
on that evening by Elder M V. Howard.
O. H. Gardner's litUa son, four years
old, while oasticg down a bill near bis
home on Butter creek last Sunday night,
broke bis leg below the knee. Dr. Mo-
Faul was called and reduoed the fract
' Girl Hatt and Charley Jonea are a
sociated together down at Charley 'a
old plaoe in the ton.sorial business.
Call on tbem and get your whiskers
pushed in.
, Pbill Oohn, manager of Heppner's
warehouse, will pay the highest market
price for bides, furs, sheep pelts, etc
Bring your hides to bim. tf
O. D. Logan Found Dead Out Near Bob Dex
ter's Probably the Result of a Debauch.
Sport Oat of One Bad Box Into Another
Will Flee to the Hilts.
Ed. Bishop is in Pendleton.
Andy Conk waa in Heppner Tuesday,
Bruce Haines is over from Eight Mile
today. ' J
" Frank Rogers le able to be aroucd
Blanks and printing at the Gozette'i
borne ranch.
Geo. S. Blake was in from Rock oreek
C. N. Peok and wife were in town
Plenty of chattel . mortgages at the
Gazette office.
Clans John ton was in from Gooibberry
Wednesday Inst.
Mrs. Tom Quaid is below to leceive
medical attention.
Geo. Wright is convalescing from re
cent indisposition.
Willie Fristoe is ooottned to his bed,
though sot serious.
Miss Belle Bishop n over from Pendle
ton to visit relatives.
, Tbeo. Anderson was seeo on Hepp-
ner's streets yesterday.
' Tilt Warren and Lee Kilbonrna were
over from Eight Mile early tbis week.
T. R. Lyons bas returned from bis
visit to bis relatives in Walla Walls;
Drink the celebrated J. H. Cotter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Borohera'.
Tb IUdligbt people will treat you
right. Call on tbem when in towa. It
If yon want tbs boat of everything, go
to tba Orange Front, Joseph Biber.Prop.tf
Perry Miller la over from Oooseberry.
Ha report J. D. Ball's obiUlren ai much
better. , .
J. F. Willis and wife ipeot Cbrlatme
with Mr. Willis node asar Salubria,
Usho. (
Cbaa. Emery, of Herdmao, baa just
recover! from aa attack of typhoid
Plenty of advertising ipse to eel! at
tb Osteite shop. IUtes mad known
es application.
E L. Matlock and Own. Gray art out
O. D. Logan, who is well known in Heppner,
or waa until his death, was found dead out near
Bob Dexter's, last Wednesday. Coroner
Vaughaa went out, and found that he had been
in Heppner on New Year's Day, getting consid
erably intoxicated, going borne late that night
accompanied by Jack Homjue, who left him
about a quarter of a mllo from his house and
near where he was found dead. He was lying
on his back and must have passed away peace
fully from the appearance of the body which
was lu good condition. Jack McKeniie and
Bob Dexter both gave in testimony.
The Jury composed of Jas. Tolbert, H. C. Han
by, Barry Phillips, Joe Potter, Ed. Templeton
and W. F, Potter.gave in a verdict that deceased
came to his death from intoxication and ex
posure. . Deceased leaves a wife and several small
children In destitute circumstances. He is said
to have come of a good family, and his wife is a
most estimable lady. His arch enemy was
drink and it caused bis untimely end. The re
mains were Interred yesterday In the Heppner
' Kind people of Heppner gave the widow
$28.30 yesterday, and this will not come amiss.
Buoklrn'a Arolca Halve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, bores, TJIoera, 8alt Rbenm,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skio Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It ia guaranteed to give
prrfeot satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 26 rents per box. For sale by
Cooser A Brook.
Had Death.
On Jan. 51b, at 10:15 p. m., occurred
the death of Mrs. Helen M. Smith, wife
of 8. O. Smith, of pneumonia, aged 23
years, 5 months and 4 days.
Mrs. Smith bad been ill for some time
and ber death was not uoexpeoted. She
leaves four small children, aod a bus
band, wbo is at present Seriously 111.
Deceased was a splendid wife and
mother, a good neighbor and a devoted
Christian, having been a member of tba
M. E. church fur years.
Tba bereavement falls heavily on Mr.
Smith, being is a financial etrait, siok
bimself and with four small children to
care for. Kind oitiieti, through Mr. D.
A. McAtee, eontribated something over
f:x) to assist Mr. Smith io bis boar of
The funeral ooaarrad yesterday alter
noon at tba boos, after which tba inter
ment occurred at tba Ueppoef oemetary.
The installation of Doric lodge No. 20,
K. of P., at their castle hall, in the lower
bank building, on last Tuesday evening,
was witnessed by a large number of
knights, their families, and by a number
of invited guests. The occasion will
long be remembered by the members as
one nt the most successful of its kind
ever enjoyed by the lodge and its
friends, and these splendid social affaire
of the "brave boys" have been numer
The program waa a splendid one, con
tributed, to by members of the order, as
sisted by Mr. Josef Mueller, Miss Crit
tenden and Mrs. H. W. Bartholomew, to
whom the lodge feel much indebted for
their most excellent efforts which were
so enthusiastically received by those
The program was aa follows :
Maroh of acting grand lodge officers,
musio, Mrs. H. W. Bartholomew and
Josef Mueller.
Music, Opening Ode, by lodge.
Installation of C. C.
Solo and Trio, "Oh, Happy Day,"
Messrs. Mueller, Bartholomew and
Installation of V. 0., Prelate and M.
of W.
Instrumental duet, Mrs. H. W. Bartholo
mew aod Josef Mueller.
Installation of M. of F. and M. of E.
Music, duet, "We'll Be Each Other's
Pride and Joy," Mies Crittenden and
W. L. Baling.
Installation of M. at A., I. G. and
O. G.
Musio. solo, "Better Than Gold," Josef
Mueller. Being enthusiastically eu-
oored. he rendered "And She Never
Came Bark," a comic song, in a man
ner which was tnrjoh appreciated.
Address, A W. Patterson.
This was followed by a banquet of no
ordinary dimensions, and which was lib'
erally patronized by all present more
tban two tables. '
Tbe rtfficera installed are as follows
E. G. Slnonm, C. 0., Frank MoFarland
V. Cj J W. Hornor, prelate; Floyd
Thomas. M. at A: Otis Patterson. M. of
W. : E. L. Freelaud, K. of R. 4 8.; J. J
Roberts, M. of F.; A. W. Patterson, M.of
E ;Thoa. Quaid, I. G.; Sterling Keithly,
O G Mat Liohtentbal was obosen to
succeed himself as trustee, for a term of
three years.
The Wiley B. Allen Co., through their
representative, Mr. Mueller, furnished
one of their exoelleot pianos for tbis
event. The lodge expresses its thanks
fur same.
Willow lodjje No. 66, L O. O. F., and
San Souci R. D. L., No. 83, bold a joint
installation at their lodge room last
Wednesday evening, none but members
and their families beiog present, rxoept
those wbo were invited to assist in tbe
musical part of the program. It was do
oidcdty anocessful in every particular.
Tba program, an excellent one, waa aa
March of uraod offioers, musio, Mrs. 11.
W. Burtbolomew,
Installation ot offioers of Willow lodge.
Recess of IS miootee. Music by Mrs.
Bartholomew and Josef Mueller.
March ot installing officers ot Rob. Da
gree lodg)
Opening Ode, Msar. IUsmo, Bnrthol
omew, Whetstone and M seller.
Installation of officers ot Rrb. Degree
Tbis part of tba entertainment was
moat enthusiastically reoiv! and Is
said to bava been one of tba finest
spreads ever tendered Willow lodge by
tbe wives ot tba members.
Tba remainder of tbe evening was
spent pleasantly In eoeial conversation,
aod ia tbe eci ivment of aa impromptu
program famished by Mr. Mueller and
Mrs. Bartbolome
The fffleere of Willow ode wbo were
Installed oo Ihia occasion are aa follows:
8. P. Devlo. N. U j L. A. ftoreooe, V.
0.; W. A Kirk, Seo'y.j M. UcMwtbel,
Tree. E O. Sparry, R. 8. N. O.j Andy
Hleteoena, LfcH.fi. MswL WI
Tbe form of a gentleman wearing ao
abbreviated hirsute appendage on bis
ohin and a deep oonoern tor his aafety
right in the neighborhood ot the whisk
ers, was seeo last Saturday going down
the street at a lively gait. Investiga
tion proved tbat sport was on bis way to
a place of secrecy, a sort of a rendezvous,
where be proposed to fortify himself
against any woman on earth who essays
to do him np witb a rolling pin. Sport
was wise in thinking that something was
about to drop.
Sport was born under an unlucky star.
No sooner had he gotten out of the dif
ficulty with Diok Neville, by making full
and ample apology, until be is harassed
by other and more formidable difficulties.
What can be worse tban to be beaten into
insensibility with a potato-masher, or
stabbed to death witb a bat pin?
When a man borrows another man's
collar to appear on drees parade at some
sooial affair, be would rather not bave
tbe whole assemblage oome around one
by one and tell bim to be careful not to
soil it as the owner wanted to wear it
next day.' Tbe sporting editor would
feel just like Herb Bartholomew did
about it.
Tbe Honorable Order of Neversweats
propose to observe St. Patriok's Day by
holding a '.'Tanner" banquet. Tbe initi
ation ot a few iadisoreet souls will fol
low, and a grand time is expeoted. The
committee on general arrangements, con
sisting of Pap Minor, Henry Heppner
and J. B. Natter, are busily engaged in
preparing for tbe event. Applications
for membership can be secured ot tbe
secretary, Peter Borg.
Ed. Getohel is dver from the Otiss Mat
lock ranob, much improved in health. If
bis indisposition does not return sooner
be may remain a week.
Gid Hatt ia feeding go'td fed into
Gladdys, a raoe nag, but what he will
get in return, only the Ides ot April oan
Some one shot at Eli Keeney's dog,
little Joe, the other night, three times,
and hit about seven rods to the left ot
him, striking over near Tom Howard's
bouse. Suob m-itksmanship is rarely
ever seen, exoept from an old Allen re
volver tbat never bit anything aimed at
and sometimes all six barrels would go
off at once, and then there was no safe
plaoe in the neighborhood except be
hind it. The man who did the shoot
ing is a disgrace to our neighborhood.
Joe bad just recovered from an experi
ence with Eli's boot which is ot snob
dimensions that its owner was early se
lected to go on Pap Minor's oommittee
in the Neversweata tbat of mule culture
and oorporal punishment
Baby Ruth was taken over to Pendle
ton luat week to bave ber knee patched
up. Count Leroy Desvoigoe, otherwise
"Yak," escorted ber both ways. 8 be will
bs on tbe turf, "(or better or tor worse,"
next aeason. Sbe'a a clipper.
Tom Buokley bas received from Pen
dleton, a liar's lioense, good from Jan. 6,
'97 to Jan. 6, '91 H d sires to renew
same next year.'
Goes Issue.
Julius Mabbert, a German who baa
been working for Ed. Day, came to town
a few days ago and showed signs of in
sanity. However, be waa examined and
being quite rational at tbat time waa re
leased. Afterwards be took to tba billa
east of town and waa not apprehended
tor two or three days, wandering aronad
night and day waiting for money to be
returned to him which he olaims was
stolen by some one who live! near Hepp
ner. Besides being orszy over bis supposed
loss of money, be ia a victim ct a
troubled conscience. Last summer,
while working for Billy Morrow, he con
rlsoated a blanket and this worries bim
considerably, though our county olerk
bas endeavored to assure bim that be
has been forgiven for tbe transgression
Mabbert is in jail and awaits the re
turn of Sheriff Matlock from the oountry
who will oonvey bim to the asylum.
The highest claim for other
tobaccos is "Just as
good as Durham."
Every old smoker
knows there is none just
as good as
gnus, mwma
This Ia Your Opportunity.
On raceint of ten cents, cash or stamps,
a r-nnoroiis siimnle will be mailed of the
most oonulnr Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
strate the great merits of the remedy.
66 Warreu St., New York City.
Rev. John Reid, Jr. , of Great Falls, Mont. ,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, "it s a posi
tive cure for catarrh if nacd as directed."
Rev. Frnncix W. Poole. Pastor CentwdPree.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents.
W. C. T. U. NOTES.
You will find one coupon inside
each twoouuee bag, and two cou
pons inside each four ounce
bag of Blackwcll'3 Durham.
Buy a bag of this cele
brated tobacco and read the
coupon which gives a list
of valuable presents and how
to get them
Tbe members of the Heppner W. C
T. C, with its president, Mrs. Drew, de
sire to thank those ladies who bo gensr
nrmlv contributed to the box that was
sent to the Refuge Home, Portland. Tbe
box was received and is properly acknowl
edged in the "White Ribbon," with oon-
teots enumerated.
It should be borne in mind that tbis
borne ia a state institution, instead ot a
Portland affair, bs soma have seemed to
think. It is doing a good work and as
the managers invite visitors we should
be glad it Heppner friends would oall
when they visit Portland.
Tbe union expects to bold an interest
ing pnhlio servioe on Monday evening,
January 25th. A musioal and literary
nrograra will be rendered. Announce
ment as to place will appear later.
The nnion bas seoureJ headquarters
for tbe winter in tbe "Mountain House"
and tbe reeular meetings will be beld
there at 2:30 on Wednesday.
Some epeoial topio is disoussed each
meeting wbiob adda to tbe interest. It
is desired tbat many will take advantage
t these oooasiona.
Mrs. JUlla Bradley, Prop
Guests will find the best of accom
modations iu every respect.
Blood Is Lire
It is tba medium which oarries to
every nerve, musole, organ and fibre, its
nourishment and strength. If the blood
is nure. rich and bealtby you will be well;
if imour. disease will soon overtake you.
Hood's Harsapnrilla has power to Keep
yon in health by making tour blood nob
and pure.
Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to
onerate. Cora indigestion, blliuusuesr,
25 caota.
O. L. Corson, representing Ohamtier
lain Med. Co.. was in towa today and
raoewed tba eontraet with lha Osf tie
The Trouble is Over !
We Mean the Election. But that
Makes no Difference With
Who never lets politics interfere witb business. At tbe
same old stand, next door to M. Lichtenthal'a.
Tea is better fresh if it
isn't, what does the grocer
mean by telling you that he
has some tea just come
from abroad?
Fresh doesn't mean just
picked; it means just roast
ed. Schtlltng's Best is
roasted as fast as your gro
cer wants it no faster
in San Francisco.
Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's
Furnishings, etc.
Main Street. Heppner, Oregon.
A acMttinf a Cmpany
M Fruuu
The annual mn-tlnc ot ths InrkhnMnrs of
Or"H, Monday, Jantia
th Hmnnar Unlit ami Wab-r coinpanv will
T. w. Asa, Secretary
Tha Granaeet Remedy.
Mr. R. U. Oreeve, merubant, of Chil
boU, Vs. csrtifiM tbat bs bad coo
sumption, waa gives op to die, aoogbt
all medical treatment that money coolJ
po.Ua, notice oo land on .bleb Ur. ,a'J 11 9o0"b t'hrt ald atone, If 8. V. O ; D. A. U.rrtn,L.8.
!? uti!lL7 bat B0 "lif; ,pBl V. O. s I. L Van Winkle, wardea; J. a
iiuhta silling op lo a ebair; waa lodaoed
Prot Howard la oovaltsclng, mi urn Df KIb( w IHMOrJi ,o4
oocle, Bav. C. B. Howard, U J.t Is a MCtire4 bj OMof w0 boiia. Tot tba
eariooa oondilloo. pw tbr ,r baa ta alteadiag to
Em? baslaeM man la Heppner ought basieeM. M( sere Dr. Klog'o New D a
to bava a taltpbooa. Ones ia fan would eoW y )a grandest rmlj f md.
J. O. BOKC1-I33IIS, Prop.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Our Holiday Display !
You Should all Sec It.
Con)e in at Once.
Main Street,
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
I,, W PATTERSOK. AGIST. ""jt!Lftjni.wori!i
aiv.r do without It. aa It tae d ice e monh for bim and
rvmol aoort waa to teamoa Ibis tttk I atM fr others la hit community. Pr
and dM tba osoal amount of boeleeM. King'e ew Inwwv.ry ta gierste4
FQ report io TaeaJai'a ieeoe. f Coagba, CoIJa and ctHtaempttoo. It
Th.nu.iu will l.kessriDoa d.bt don't fail. Trial bolll.i IrM at Co..f
tt. at tm taJua. of It will Pf tba Brock1 drug atora.
Kirk, I. O.J Jo Hayea.aoeduetor,
O. (1. ia yet to b supplied.
Tba cRlrer of tb lUb. Drgra Mf
are: Mra. Ad li D. H.rree. V. O.; Mr.
Liui KUk. V. O ; W. A. Kirk. Hy.;
Mr. Saoi-y ft parr. Tree.; D.A.U'rvaa,
If H. N O 1 Mra. Emma kb, I H. 1
O ; Mr. Una LkbUolbal, war !, M.
I. lKvlo, O. O j Mr. E't lUoma. Poa-
dortof j Jaa Yaar. I. 0 i Mr. 8. L.
Y.rr, cbaplaiai Mi Ada M. Jooaa, R.
. V. 0.; Mra. M. M4ew, I . V. O.
tlgbl market prie for It ia ab.
Royal Diamond, Tao Ftrl Jspea. oo-
oolorsd. Tba bt 2." tea r oU lo
tt.nttBM. P. d Those Co. lb
r - " , ,
(WMiar. "
C O. Htrry rri4 Wadaaada from
Kaoaa OHf wbar aada good
of m wtalsa, II fpa aawal Cabaa
ffl.wr raofuittof la City.
Aktf to leat Jalf f lb firvt of Aa-
gait, yoaeg David Wktta.wbo live aaar
Miltoa. Or , loaaad ea M. fJ, Oweaa, o
bfotb-t ia lew of El Data, bis eaddie.
It waa a caaa ot "IU Ktvaf Game Back;" j
a4 likawiae tbe e4 tie. 9jI bag ao
Mr. Wblt larwI ladirIy fraas bi
Moala at M'immw. wbr 0a
Tha le.Ull.tioa of tb Mareawa 00
Jan. 15'b prorolM' to b o oran4 affair.
Tb w14 ba, and at long real, liv
r..k wllh bora, aipaat fally orgsa
t aboal Jaa. 16b, aa par pvaviooa aa-anaawnt.
20,000 POUNDS OF
nniiflnnfttn nm m mmm
CoiiNlNllnir of
TabU. Cbaira, Ibkr. Badroom BalWa, IWl.Wa.li, lok
Mr. Jaa. M0.Uy aa4 wife fame boaaa lU .thw kal ra.l4 tba
til nvHBlng from At lO,Or.. bt
tbay bav b ttaiwag falaUvrt for
wi ttaM. Tb rtrt vary rsiai
wsttbar to tba Wil'aesatt.
Iliek Matbawa a4 V. Oaatry. oadai
tba trm a of Matbawa m 0awy.
ra aaanatat logbw- la tba bwbf
hMM to tb alaal, twa fl
) of lb pflata. Thy lMMt a
Kaw I tba hata la g tb Wallf
Oragoaiaa, tba gaa- oaa.pap of
h.7w.l lib Uatlu4M.bMa atrial-
If ta a4M,aaa . W81 bif
anajibtaattnn wf oerpo b aaad
If tba UU.
Wr 4 ! IM Ir4 4 ib wt
t.t Bkata at tb lUirk !'
ta4 t4)daagM 4 lb
M ItM ! !. ! f.ib.
ln, MtababMMt that IM
a sairt.la. Hw. in"
tfcat i f tta family aa ill.
T4, IUUp. aaf N Tb M.
r,lM4 Mf.Hl. f - . t Htl m '.
t " T
1 l ! aat t e .t
ifcinaa r C.i a
aaddla to A. A Wraa, of U.ppaav. II
waa reovr4 by Oo. Orar, aal o laet
Tawday Wbit la tnm Milloo fr
bte pmmif.
Wbit loaaad 0 a bkHo fwf
at tba aM t ba M bt bav tba
aa441a. Kt4 lt aga ba irvf4 tb
poar 0a borna, bit a lerff aa4 batbw
kvw M tniMUg- Wbit Iblak that
0 tib tba bfa e4 tbat ft baa
griaa tba asaaa aa tba sad II.
Tb offaa araaiiU4 ta a!y r-"r
Urmf, atbrwta OaMi
waalJ f It, bat If H abaall
eva that ba baa WU Vbtta'
b baJ b-tar p alt Mwvw .
.ffa la tw4'n a H(
Ctba iur !-. far" '" f
tiiii r.a4 a t ! aJ
by Wikeg lba taata, Bval
jat;ag tfca se t0
l.g tl, will .t. tb
1 .Mt if at lb N IV.IMn
t ia at Ci 1 aa a-t . U Ua,
Tba aawly orais4 airing
la arranging for o aeotori, t
ia tba ftHt fatorw.
ti gltaa
Tb V"( asbj of 0f will
mtn a Mrir la tba 0ra M a fw
mIs, bat tba ok4 f.atara
tbly b ilt4 tlw Itaaa.
Mr. aod Ma. U. 0m ar
p,m4 by a rf ' 'rtM,4 m
Why don't you get mad
at ftjod adulterations?
Schilling's Beit
3rc the money -lat k remedy.
Youro BOUND io Tuko 'JCm.
C, lBga, Hof.a. Hiring Mattraaaa, Wool Mattra,
Parlor ttotta. Caataf TehUe. at , at. Bmaa.1 Oarpaia, wotl
Caroa, Matltaga, f4idt4. Mtrvora. Uet lUeka, llaaglag
Uwpa, rartiafa, I'lllowa. Blaak.1, Htav.s, at t.
All tl.r nlnvt! Goods arc Placed on Sale at Leaves No Constipation, wv
. - I .... . . . . . . . ..(. TK
I iim u u a.u as all isiiiMMnoa. ntrm nifiwni moo aiai.ria. turn .pt
H.nlf Vnhif. or Less. : 'tTe,Lr,rKr.t,M
. ..... . i renetot ot yna, a.uta par ona. in.!"
. I H.a rraaataao, CJ.
Will be Sold Regardless ol Cost.
I'll ap yoar hnmmm at mr witb Hlrliab rorallara,
btla tbia arprtllf la i.fft4.
M . Clmrga
i.f la..
Our Sale on General Merchandise n g WEIS
vf ill f Ant inline t. w u
Still Continues.
i r ' at a 4itata sbaatJ a all ana,
ibM.by gMtiag a twite. aU"0.
FRflfiK MGFflRLflND,
Wharo foa ca get ft KirU
Claaa MoaJ t Ltring IUIm.
rrench Cook, and White Labor only, Employed.
iGood Rooms and Excellent Service
I 0 mm If
K. W. fcba Al to.
Plentv of them at the
Gazctto Office. . .
jTho GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year for CASH,
lk r rk bl.ta.tM4. aaaaaoM. , rt,