.THE .Vv 11 LESSEE jmrrrirrarxa k3 i B3 l7iTflHalTB oinalK 22 ii a afl Zj"5lff87lfi2ljf3'al in the present law provides that publishers whose publications are admitted as second-class matter shall be required, before deposit ing such mail matter in the post office, to separate the same into United States mail sacks or bun. dle6 by states, cities, towns or coun ties, as the postmaster-general shall direct. In other words, the pub lisher becomes a sort of postmas ter's clerk. It should have added another clause requiring every per son to sort his or her own letters before mailing. The Loud bill is a humbug. THE DISREPUTABLE RAO. During the late national cam paign the editor of the Oregonian personally assured a very promi nent gentleman of this state that just as soon as the election was over he proposed to do all in his power to bring together the factions of the republican party in this state, to the end that harmony might be secured and that a repub lican victory might be expected as the result of the state campaign of 1898. This assurance has been given other gentlemen, and most of them took stock in Haryey's talk, regardless of the fact that most people know that his word on such matters is not good, and further, that he is mortgaged to some Portland parties who -could even foreclose on his soul if he did not dance to their tunes; if they do not the devil will, and he ought to. Iiegardless of all that he has said, a dirty fight on Mitchell has been begun, but luckily it has lit tle chance of succeeding. It is not necessary for any per son or newspaper to Bay that Har vey's doubts as to Mitchell's posi tion on the St. Louis platform are not genuine. He knows that be is not honest in that, nor is he ad vocating the St Louis platform himself, for he is opposing interna tional bimetallism with all his might, though he professed to stand squarely on the platform last ' sumtnur. The plan now is to misrepresent Mitchell's position aa to hiB party; to assert that he has made a deal with Johnathao Bourne, who left the republican party for Bryan last Bummor; in short, to defeat him by misrepresentations. This is the Bchome, for no honorable one could serve Joo Simon or Harvey Scott in this case. The Gazette is in receipt of word from Portland this morning that Mr. Mitchell's friends are giving themselves no concern over the senator's re-election, and that it it practically assured. This is about tho condition of affairs, which con. trasU strangely with tho report of Harvey's "super" on the last page or yesterday s Oregonian. A II All MEASURE. Tho lioud postal bill passed the limine but a hard fight was made againut it It should have Iwon di-fi'stod, and every publisher of the couutry, who desires to have u iipjKirtuoify of extending his buniae, tntut join in the fight to prevent its pannage through the enatn. America is the home of the modern newspaper, ana by its fair tal lata has encouraged Dot only the newspaper, but also tha publication of standard literary productions at prices that arc mar. vrluuslj low, Tie LouJ bill Is a tlw at tb Lome of the American pcoplS it their intelligence which is second to no coon try in Ui world-thanks to tht present . tal svntora. The tit imporUnt protimon of the bill denies to serial public, ttutis adintMlon to the mails at 1 nt per uuud rat. Tht provi. im is as follows : "That nothing herein contained shall Im so construed as to admit to the wvnnd clans rata publica tions porpt Miog to Uue. per iodieiJly and to subscribers, bat which are merely bonks or reprint oflKRiks, whether they U issued complete or io puts ; whether they b Imnud or unbound; whether they m sl by auUcriptioa or ALri, tr whether they pur. prt to I premiums or iopplt metUcr ttU of refultr ue fxiprrs or periodicals." The bill tlao dnie to pewpp ets tho "Minli copy ptlleg, and !, ptitleg erjoya, by tie d.l-t i f fi tof ulrig utiw.ll pubii. ctit, al SM-r d-clM ttt. The Funding bill, which applies to the debt of $120,000,000 owed the government by the Union and Central Pacifio railroads, is before congress and it is thought that it will pass, though not without a fight The San Francisco Exami ner is making a fight against the passage of the bill, but the Exami ner, like our own dearly beloved Oregonian, employs such peculiar methods that it is not always clear where the thing will end, but most times the Examiner sees some thing way, far off that will come to it in dollars and cents, in most of its so-calledJ"fight8,for the people." The Funding bill, "as proposed, is not a very admirable measure, and yet its passage would not be a much greater calamity than the government's endeavor to operate these roads on its own account The government has been bunceod and it might just as well complete the job by allowing the looters to take what is left In order to get possession of these roads, the gov ernment would have to pay a large amount of money to holders of first bonds. Can it afford to send so much good money after bad? WHAT OCE EXCHANGES BAY. It mast be remembered tbt there sre other republican papers in Oregon be sides the Oregonian, and many republi cans in the state besides Mr. Lydell Baker. The Oregooian's help in carry ing ihe state for McKinley is reoogoized and appreciated, bat the ooantry papers battled as earnestly and as effectively as did toe able daily of the metropolis. They are as deeply interested in seeius that the recent victory for sound money and sonod government is not dissipated in any way. While tbe Oregonian is doubting Sena tor Mitchell's repoblioaniem and calling upon him for a token of bis faithfulness to tbe party platform, all other republi can papers outside of Portland that pos sess any ability, influence or standing, express Ihe utmost confidence in Mr. Mitchell's republicanism and nrge bis re-election. One is justified in doubting tbe sin cerity and honesty of tbe Oregonian in questioning Mr. Mitohell as to bis vote in fntnre financial legislation. Is tbe Oregonian any duller of comprehension or more devoted to the party and its principles than all the other papers in the state? Is it not singular that tbe Oregonian should be alone in its ex pressed doubts? One is oonstrained to oonclude that the Oregonian is animated by its old time personal animosity towards Mr. Mitchell, rather than by any fear of bis aiding free silver's cause. Oorvallis Ga zette. Mitchell will be elected sena tor to succeed himself. Ho cannot be beaten. The Oregonian has begun its fight against Mitchell, but it will fight against a brick wall. It can do him no harm. Let it fight away. According to the Oregonian, Harvey Scott is about the only logical candidate for the United States senate from Oregon. Salem Statesman. Abominable Catarrh It is not reasonable to expect to be Cured of any disease, no matter how Constant and persevering the treat ment, when that treatment is alto- ether misdirected, and can not possi ly reach the trouble. This explains why those afflicted with catarrh meet with so much dis couragement, Though they faithfully take the usual treatment consisting of Sprays, -washes, etc., and pass through the summer without much discomfort, as soon, as oeld weather returns, they find themselves more firmly in the grip of the disease than ever. Such results could hardly be expected if the proper treatment had been given. Any one who has had experience with catarrh will readily admit that it is one of the most obstinate of diseases; it is easy to see, therefore, that it is deep-seated, and that no remedy which merely reaches the surface can have the slightest effect upon it. The only known cure for catarrh is a real blood remedy, one which gets at the seat of the disease the cause of the trouble and forces it from the system. Such a remedy is S. S. S. (Swift's Specific). The steamer, Commodore, that left Jacksonville, Vim., rooently with Cuban arms and ammunition, foundered at soa, and part of the crew were lost Tbe vessel sprang a leak soon after crossing the bar in getting to sea. The death of Mr. C. H.Lewis, of tho Portland firm of Allen A Lewis, on last Tuesday morning, removes one of Portland's oldest and best known citizens. He was a thorough business man but questionable methods were foreign to his nature, Oregon and tho Northwest mourn over their groat loss. Toe claim of the Oregonian (hat Mr. Mitchell is supporting Jona than Bourne, Jr., for speakor of the house of representatives can have no foundation at all. This is just one of Middleton's common, everyday lies, published for ft pur pose, lie says that Brown has dropped out of sight and that no one is in it but Kiddle and liourue. This is what the Oregonian wants, not what riista. "It's the wish, not th deed. On every band can be beard people ooDdemDing the methods of tbe Ore gonian in its efforts to bring war against Senator Mitohell, That journal is fully awure that it oannot defeat him by fair means, and is using fool, vicions slander. In nearly every isuae of that paper can be seen articles written by some narrow minded henohman who has nothing at stake and is desirous of a little notoriety. Such people should be subjected to tbe severest condemnation by every honest and patriotic citizen of tbe state of Ore gon. Mr. Mitohell's reoord in tbe past is snflluieut to elevate bin to a much higher place than those who are endeav oring to wage war agaiust him can over expeot to reaoh. He is acknowledged as one of tbe leading statesman of the country, and above all, he is an earnest and faithful advoaate of protection to the industries of the Uuited States. whioh is the cardinal principle of tbe repablioan party. Hs stated bis posi tion clearly on tbe financial issne, and it is to his credit that be left no doubt In tbe minds of tbe large number who heard him that be is a repnblioan first, last and all the time, and it is nearly a sure thing that those who are desirous of seeing bim defeated ere lacking to a great extent in the qualities tbat go to make up a loyal republican. The first thing the next legislators should do is to send Hon. John H. Mit ohell back to the United States senate There should not be a dissenting vote among the republicans. Malbenr Os setts. Of course tbe man wbo says Senator Mitohell received Ji'iOO for canvassing the stats io 1800 prevarioatrs, willfully or otherwise. Mr. Mitohell did ool get s cent. Oo tbe contrary, he paid bis owo way, whers it was not paid by tbe local people. Tbe persona, also, who pretend to think he will uot stand with tbe ad ministration In support of protective tariff measQres, are seeking to deceive. Us osver voted any other way. Us nevttr allowed soy other question to stand io tbe ay of such support, eilbsr. Hftlero Statesman. Tt Or-aia4 ImwtI Is s fit eobjoet for pily if be Is Iroo'.U.I Mi drrtia, wbiie bis poorest sob- jest who dig! properly may be esviej ht s priars thus afflict!. The djrspap. tie of every slime atul actio, ece a dM of railtq.ls Id Uoatatlat's Hloniavh HilUra, blob r tttcta tron on of Ihe Riesl oUtinst M4 Ifuutilaanm enmpUiete wbieft tneJiesJ skill It dirvrWJ. Os tuts fuel!!, a Ismpe 4 the trsplea. Ibis sUrlis reawJy Is pn emte!ly al justly pp- lr,at imf m a stoic tue, but li as a hm of prtvwtiag nJ enritf SMlil, itwsaialte, kljasy, btltoss oJ ! diJ. It ImeeavM srtpattt mJ slp, battens ?! snc m.l the e.jiilsitta el ,,. fk t iiaislm sla-lM, ml fMilNMls tbe Itfirsallt el f. A wlsegtsssfvl Uta twfure r tlrttt kee a tMdMf to pmmnte quit, balikj ytsMlsf state, a b mnrh eevtt4 by lavsJ.U. Ibrvsfb Owes es Ike U. R. ft M. will res eis. (Wills, WsJie W.Ua m. IVeJMow, Tbrk ltr, grt ast mmi olsas, will roe Is ennteetMi vita lbs t'aioei I'so lne, tk ! ae bar to fwe. A Ibmsgb Irsl elee iarr iVit- IseJ io lipoksse, ensaaHisf iih fit iflt1 sUr Ut nt. I'ssl, m I s IhMHifb liUt ltf I'wUsal ! rtl. -.11 1. -J. - .i Ii I .i r ... i. ,.. r m be valvlkef isepvf1.it ikseolop,.,,. Oo nei t Mondsy tbe Omgoo legtslalare will meet io its NinsUentb regular biso- nial seeaioo. Ons of its prinoipal Julias is lbs election of s member of tbe Coiled Htstas satate to soeoaed John II. Mitch clL Tbat seotlamao is a caodidate to snowed himself, and, op to some weeks ago, bis eleetito was gsosrslly eoocedad to be a foregone cooclualoo. It was reodered seemiogly cart sin by bis splsodid csovsm ofthe state for Us Kloley and nbart, and bis daelarstioo tra.aBtly msJ doriog tbe eonrs of it. that be stood a poo (be HI Loot pisiform, si sinst tbe free eoioege of silver by tbe iodrnanJaot aolino of tbe Ceiled Stelae, but Io favor of so interactional ara otaot fur the etilosg of tbe two monay mtUla. Mr. Ililrbell bee not ehsngad bis posl tloni bnt damsnds from tbe Oregoolss and by some Individ oak. mostly arobi llous to seeompllsb bie dtftat balore tbe lasislatare, that be further d solar him salf, and slUeks of vartoos kiods taede by them, wars liven tbe Speerasee baring tbe fffart of producing arhas d fertiosi and l!lis Sy fross tbe ranks of hie aonportar. Hut this ha pmvas t be io a large mtaaore loiaglaary. ll was tbe wiab Ibat wa lb Nibar of lbs thsogbt Ibst graw by eage sislaal trhaeg anj ioaisaaltng eUrgwat lute roatlive ra port. Tb trsilh it tbar bs baa no cbnlassl daswrUosi from tbe reeks of Mr. Mitebsll's tnppnrWra It i isofslly earUla Ibst be will b la rarea4 to rapaaaaet Oragn in lb spi-v ee of eoagreae ft eantbat tarts af sit years. Tbat elhar vary likaly eJi4st fur tbe i-lae. k wowlJ Srqelt Ibamavlta la tb tJtt elliS) HI. bosof, aj raa.lsr lsbt fvle Ibair state, Hsb ere II. W. rUnlt, (aa. tla.Mg II. WtlllssM, J.atapb rbsao. tf Hesl IWtit, bad Saakaa e bar IhrtwsVoat Oftf; bat baliav tbay ba ee eh ! la?ttie, va at lb eej of s leg d.ll.wk, p4ti ty b I lr sttseh J sit rt ef eaabiasiija. tbat aualj auk oblaBM lagislaitos Iwmaa.U. J that woaU lv it kiMt fnt year se tb s4.ttaai sj of Its (, tb ljHeeaaiaw Ui ll. rtil'l'ta ptty, -ftalaas t4 'mm I I!. V. U ki ataa aa TeaaWsf 1 lla lb K, af I. bUl. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for the ounty of Morrow. i. A. Woolery, Plaintiff, vt. Samuel E. Walker, Defendant. To Samuel E. Walker, Defendant. In the name of the Biate of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and anawer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before the first day of tne next regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit: March the first, 1897; and if you fall to answer for want thereof, tbe plaintiff will take judgment againBt you for th sum. One Hundred Sixty and 65-100 Dollars with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent rer annum from the 11th day of Oct. 1896 For the sum of One Hundred Twenty-five and 20-100 Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 11th day of Oct. 18: for the sum of twenty-five dollars at torney's fee and for his costs uud disbursement. This Summons is served by publication pur suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made on the 26th day 0fDec.,18'J6. J.N.BROWN, 605-17. Attorney for Plaintiff. r SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TATE of Oregon for the County of Morrow, J . A. Woolery, Plaiutiff, vs. Samuel E. Walker, Defendant. ' " To Samuel E. Walker, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before the first day of the next regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit: The first day of March, 1897; and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of Eighty-five and 70-100 Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cant er annum from the 12th day of Oct. 1896; for tho sum of fifty dollars, attorney's fee, and for his costs and dlsDursements. This summons is served by publication pur suant to an order of Stephen A Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made on the 20th dav of December, 189G. J.N.BROWN, 505 17. Attorney for Plaintiff. What's the Matter With Haooa ? Nothing, except that he has just discovered that at the Odd Combination Store of P. C. Thompson Co. Is the best place to buy Palt, Sugar, Soap, Sardines, Socks, Suspenders, -Sewing Machine, Shotgnns, or Saws. Complete lines of Groceries or Hardware. Satisfaction Guaranteed. .DONT FORGET THE PLACE 00TS AND SHOES'-.. . THE PLACE TO GET THEM 18 AT He has anything in this line that you may desire and yon can depend on It you got a good article when Mat guarantees it. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES Old Stand, Main Strt. Repairing a Specialty. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for Morrow County, J. W. Whalley and Wm. T. Muir, partners doing busi ness as Whalley & Muir, Plaintiffs, vs. James W. Swezea, Defendant. To James W. Swezea. Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon: ENGLISH BUSINESS w ana anm saw w auv - OREGON You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before the first day of the next Mr. H. P. Cook. Mr. H. P. Cook, of 32 Walker street, Atlanta, 6a., suffered intensely from catarrh. He says : "I at first thought I had only a bad cold, and didn't give much atten tion to the obstructions in my nose and throat. .This soon became notice able, and began to so inconvenience me, that I applied for treatment and was given the usual local applications of sprays, washes, etc. The immediate effect of the treatment was to relieve me, but only for a short time after ap plication, and I could easily see that the disease was growing worse stead ily, and seemed to grow deeper toward my lungs ; my nose and throat were constantly choked up, so that I was all the time hawking and spitting, and to add to it all, the disease became very offensive. I was unable to obtain much sleep, being compelled to get up constantly during the night to clear my throat and keep from choking, f I 1 tried various treatments without relief, as none of the medicines seemed to reach the disease. Finally, some one recommended S. S. S., and before I had finished one bottle, I felt better. I continued the medicine, and it cured me perm anently. I truly believe S. S. S. is the only cure for catarrh, the most abominable of all diseases." S. S. 3. is unlike all other blood remedies, because it is more than a mere tonic, and goes directly to the seat of all blood diseases, and cures the most aggravated cases of Cancer, Ca tarrh, Kheumatbm, Eczema, Scrofula, Contagious Wood 1'oison, etc. S. 8. . Is the only blood remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable Books on blood and skin diseaHe will be mailed free to any address, by bWIKT BFKCIFIC UO., Atlanta, lis regular term of said court, to-wit The first day of March, 1897; and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiH's will take judgment against you for the sum of One Hunartd and Twenty-five Dollars, with Interest th reon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 14th dayof April, 1K9A and for their costs and disbursements in this action. This summons Is served by publication pur suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court made on the 10th dayof July, 18. WHALLEY & MUIK and J. N, BROWN. 505-17 Attorneys for Vlaiuttffs. IPS Notice of Intention. Land Orrics at The Dau.fk, Orkoon, December '2(Uh NOTICE W HEREBY (HVEN THAT THE following-named settler has Hied notice of hisintcntion t make final proof in support of hlsclHim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County i lerk of Morrow Co., Oregon, at ueppuur, uregon on February i.rni, is'f, vu: WILSON RICHARDSON, Hd. E. No. 4543. for the S&.i See 5. Td 3 8. R 24 K, W M. He names the loimwing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Thomas P. tiraham, f'harles M Hastings, Luther Huston, Andrew M. 1'eterson, all of Eight Mile, Oregon. J As. V. MOORE, nxi-ia Kegister. Mid I)KraarK. ef P. from the Msker City Republican. A ononoil of lb grand order of th Orient will be Instituted la this oily by Emil Vorus, a aaidedegre to tb K of P. Huoh orders as protnot sojoy meot tor its members are a very accept ableadditioa loonrliatof secret ocie- tia. W understand tbat the caramon iet ar langhebl la tb silreme, and tbat member, to be initiatad, will pro rid murb toward tbe niarrimt.t. Tb ofS cer wbo will eondael tb affair of tb Baker enuooil sre: H. S. li irnar, grand Fa IX She; a W. I'snll, srsnd visier W. A. Wssthsrby, grsnd Mbw ; G. O. MoWillisms, grand prophet; E. Vorui, grand harald ; N. Cooper, grand seora- tsry ; M. O. Thompson, grand treuurvr A. I Laviar, grauJ videlt; 0. M. Hag O. A. T ; grand wardsmaa to b 0II! W pradirl a rid lorrraa Io mam barsbip. I'iles! I'lkil twtlag rtlaa. HySDplott: Moislur; Intanae itching n I tinging; nvtat at nlgtil; .ra by nralohirf If a) In a ad Io ontilinn lam or form which cfin blaad n! n lew at baeotnieg vry tor. Haayaa'a (hut man! stop tb itching aad blaaJiog bast alovralloo, and in uoat ea ra nufa lb inmor. At dtngitisla. nr by ssi. r.ar nunu. ih. syo A rva I blla lalhl. 1JTKK4MV MOTIC4. Tb IU. Joba WaU-w. (a Mse- laraa) a bo ba Jnat rataraad to F.ngUed altar bie wondatlnlly aeaata laeter ing l"Of la thl eaatry, bs pfomiaal to write tr Tb OetliM h la lr7 l of ttiore artiola oa "lli-ptful taniaaeia la Amartasa l.ifa." Tb raeat it of lr. VT !, tb a port si lataraat el tb r4rt of Tb Oatlooi a tb elbr of "Kftte Ceraag m," ead tb vsniaaatty at trartlv aalar of lb (qbl, lita to Sash I hi oa of lb must ImpoftMt faatar of Tb lllMk' froaai k tbf miag yaar Tbe aUl lb aaly srlwla arlilra by Ia Marltjiaa fr Awafkea ra4a ea tb stit.jn of bl raeaat tt tt tbl ointry. t-srtsa ur. f ma rvtit8 T I Wf . tm, , t. ft t. o s irrxr a t . t , rail! M ln ktiM ta af i-4 'lir 3" tat,Mf 1 a Sasi Sr-ta 1mm &-4. f I I 1 - -- f an i- Ajii m ' AsWmMkA-ibA, Notice of Intention. Land Orrics at La OsAnna, Orkhom, Uwember Zi. 1HM. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE followlnK-named settler has filed notice of his iuumtlon to make final proof In support of his rial tn, and that said proof will be made ba- lore me county uiers oi Morrow ;ouniy, orer on, at Heppner, Oregon, on February 3, Ihu;, JAMES AVERS H. E. No. M7 for the N'4 Hfw Hec 23 and NW lae 'H, Tp I N, K 2J It W M. lie names the loiiowiuv witnesses to prove his continuous rrtiutinca upon ana cultivation 01 hi isnq. vu : John Hnrkor, Isaac Vlnenut. Charles M. Lon, ueorge n . i ears.ni, an ni imnowsv, inaKon, m 11. b. r. hiiju.n, Keaiatcr, SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICE IH HEREBY OIVEN THAT t'NDER and hr vlrtuenf a writ of rtn'iition laaiied out of III Irnilt Court of the Klata of Ormron lor Morrow Count, 'umlrr tha saal therauf. and to m dlnn-twl and drllvorwl upon a Jnda mi-til and derrra rendered and anU-rd In Mid Court on Ihe nth ilr of rVptrmliar, Ik'v In isvor nr r nia a. utrni asplaliiiin.aiKI aalnt rniiii m. g.'iiipimi Mary i. Haim, nu wna, lAiiliHi'hfwrtrh and MrhawHrh. hla wlfa. M dcfrndanU. whi-n tiy Ihe analntllTdld remvar a peraiitml dn-iw against tlx defendant Frank II. nan rr and Nary i Henaa, his wlla, lof tha sum nl .ll.i. with lutormt thrrtnn at tha rata of eight prt eont iwr annnm Intra the 1st day nf January, IKH, tin liirthpr sum of ILViaJ Al- Inrro-y na, snd Ilia mala and dlhurmanla tasnl at 1)4 fM; n. whereby It u dprraad that Ihe Mnrtgu daiad na tha I'Mh Oaf of m-amiiar inm. riaruM by aald laat namarl ili'fi uilrnla Ui tht Ixinilwrd invMtmeut C. and hf It Igiip.l to pUlutia upon I ha lollnwliig drwrllip.1 ml pntMrtf In Morrow Connly, Orraon, towll: The Kiirthwoat quarter of w nun inirty iwa in Township lwoanninoi Kanga Twnly Ba Faat l Wlllantatta marl dlan. mnlalnlns !' arm, whlrh mnrtgaga wu ramr.iaa nn tiia flay ni pwmhar. l-wa. at tga 64 of Rnnk "If ol tha Kurort! n MurtnaMi in lha nmrm of Irta I nuiilv I Ivrk ol Morrow County. Orenn, hiild I orarl.a1, and tha MM raai pn.iwrtr sold hr th aharlff nl Mnrr l ottnly, Orpg.in, to mi.fj Mld Indgmaol and all rnata, lhnlnr I will, an Malnrtlaf , tha a day i( January, lafi, all n'rlork la lha altar- noun ol lliot da, al lha front dun ol tha noun bnoM In the rlt i. lrrner. nmm, Mil all th rtfht. tin. inlrmt and aatata ahlrh tha Mid dliUnta ami all penon rlalmln and to rlaim by, Ibntiigh ar undar lhm, of any of lhm. had an ll I ah day of lmMnrf. Iwa, of lnr than hat bad, of aow ha. la and to thaato'ta dc t-d Ml pn.aarty. and avarf fan thran(, al nuLllc aarttoa Io lha high! Una and all cat an MlaMtw ap(illt In MtUfartioa olMld lcti l4 thU ?M 4r of fwh. iaa U MatiWK. WH i. iharlrTol Mftw ('?, Irra 5OTIrtt vtnii 1 1 nmrsyfiirm that a Mt.it 41 Ing ol lha . k hi.lf ol lit Hfiaf hiimii g un ab. uu..a i;i ha i.,. lhalf eSoa la ltaMf 1 . m lha w ' ia I Tualay it Jaimat !, lha Itour 4 a, d Is a H aM 4af . In Iaa tnrtn tu. a ia"e. Hraav T1. ?, IV 4 taa f ' enHSNuttiMur Matuau. V'OTti lllrnTItVllTtlTttrT t Ing "f In kl.ol lr ol lha itt.Mw4 Sank nl Hrtof alll ta k4 a Ma hanking H'l.i M . f ( .t ot lha awr-a4 Ta.f .4 Jaaaaty, Iaa. Mam lit Manul la a. m a4 I m ol mM flat I. . ttuM 4 i Ung alr aa to awttttg t l aiHr. raaltl. tr f.f lw, tarn t. laaa. aoti ur ruraMuLtrajr itrriMi Vtl a t aratsv utvr ttUTTliii 4 I K tmrtftma ml IM tat l.. It. f't kt.M.l Knk 4 Mat. a iai V mm ta r4 1 aalav af Jaary . wm, a im IM kunx of a a at. a "4 i'b.1 s aa . M Mi4 4f , IKa an mm iilvg 4fmrn aM iaa iarjMr44ot t :K4 aai t.. a af apf .r.t vta fki tltaf. t , ta f, !st m a 1 ASMias tjrs sorict. of in in at ktr 01 r ay Tat t 4awiMluvatrfll I' tail 4 W ft t.i 4t ta nil aaaia t 4 Iti a a . a mmm tta Ifea 1 .J ifc 1 tr.. ia. a iMHauifiaa l . it a I a4 atef a I ta ar a4 t' I mmmm t !- g M a t a mt mot ar, al k A V a a4 4m a m a ftNpaJ a I aa a -4 mmmt m?m tt a I tkw t !-- !, . (kafaoa. fa FULL ENGLISH COURSE. FRENCH AND GERMAN. BUSINESS BRANCHES. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. BONDING DEPARTAEMT'" LADIES Jffaaaj Do You Want a Rig? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street, Heppner, uregon. These gentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney. Croak. Gilliam and other nnuntiaa and can save money sod time in making these section with trarellng men. Prices in keeping with ths times. THOMPSON & BINNS, IMUaO- h m Wlj Tribune FOR Farmers and Villagers, FOU Fatliers and MotHers, FOIl Sons and Daughters, FOU All the Family. With tb close of tbe rreiidentu! campaign THE TRIBUNE recognize the fact tbat tbe American people are now anxiou to girt tbeir time to home and buaioeta interest. To meet tbia condition, politics will have far lesa apace and prominence, until another State or .National occasion domanda a renewal of the fight for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE ha labored from its inception to tbe ureseot day, and won its greatest victories. Em? possible effort will be pat forth, and money freely spent, to make TUE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, bUtesting, instructs, entertaining and Indispensable to each membsr We lornlsh "The Gazette" and "N. y. Weeklu Trlhune" one Year lor $3.00. OAMII A44ras all Or4a a IM ADVANCH. THE GAZETTE. Wm fr aaawt an avIrM mm asatal aaxl. aa4 II to Omm. W ut TrtWa Astra Tw uir. aa4 aa- to,, 4 u .w l,k InNaaVtm kWMto,k MMIMIMMMMIMMIMIMIMNM Sl.00 -the- 01.00 I Weekly IinJter OcEAtf. 5 X lbs Ortatt at Republics) Parwr ef the West. 2 t a !tt"y I s1 IM lsl 4 Cwrrvat Ulwlkjft. JEMI 5 mm ii.r l a4 ss Ttm,U Tsf-f it W..Ho tmt. V tf 0S1 Um Voutk'm A.w.. i. .1 - - "riini im is a4 a4 fa "a "a, a a. - . . . wmwm "n im a, it- tmtt0m ktLTl? ' -aa mt l lr.i a4a4 ii, mmmm a tt, .w. m rnvmrnmrnf skaMM taaa mmw at Maw. (a lt..4 r. I mtf rra 44 t I. '. 'a flt IM "saal la i7an!Gd-Rn Idea I .'., s i aa a ... r U'Nl l irt 1 k , I btt. aa... at , f a. tmrnm aw 4 , .. iil-a lakil a, .m aaaiaaT Hl klNtlk tall. i I !li Ml n4 Ni) M t m i t.i Isur temi m Hi taidutuj.... kWWWlsWTsrf1igai fv mt r-if aaaA . hkiaafw r"" a a4 M a, ZZ VZ. laiMtaM.rtta.l ASSa T B 111 l (MS H. tU. 'assssii,,4,,44M aa4, J )