TO THB GIVES TUB OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AND AMD St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. CATARRH Ua LOCAL DISEASE and It the mult of coldt and sudden climatic change. It can be eared by a pleasant remedy which it applied di rectly into the nostrils. Be ing quickly absorbed it give relief nonce. Ely's Cream Balm Is acknowledged to be the most thorontrh care for Nasal Catarrh, Cold In Head and Hay Fever of all remedies. It opens and cleanse the nasal passages, allay pain and inflammation, heal the sores, pro tect the membrane from colds, restores the sense Sf taste and smell. PriceSOe. atDmetttsteor by mail. ELY BKOT1USR3, 6 Warren Street New Voisv farmin; I .-J Fv lands. THE DEATH-MASK. ' : ! v:n lTiport : - iir.matlc. 1.2 f ;rwardcd '.-.a u.11 over the : r.v of stallions (Jcto'ocr 14-17 at THE THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 Pages a Week. 156 Papers a Year. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For (all details call on 0, K. 4 N. Agent ta Ileppner, or address W. H. HUBLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Obboon, E. McNElLL, President and Manager. QUICK TI3VX33 ! Stirx Frnnolsco And all point In California, via the Mt, Bhasta route of the Southern Pacific Co The great hlahway throoah California to all point Kast and Month. Grand Bosnia Rout et the Paaiflo (!oat. Pullman HnfTut Bleeper. Beoond-olass Bleeper Attached to ezprea train, affording superior eoomaiodatiuns for seoond-olaa paaMngers. For rat, tioksta, slnnping oar reservations, to,, sail npon or address H. K0KHLKR, ManaKor, K. P. ROGERS, Aaat Geo. t. k P. Aft., Portland, Oregon It stands first among "weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low prioe of a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries will vouch for the aocuraoy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living Amerioan and English authors, Conan Doyle, Jbbomb K. Jbkomk, Stanley Wbyman, Mary E. Wilkins, Anthony Hope, Bhkt Habtb, Brander Matthews, Eto. We offer this uneqaaled newspaper and The Gazette together one year for $3.25. Tbe regular subscription price of tbe two papers is $3 50. OIIIOAQO. linns S si. Pail n TICKETS -TO THE- VIA THE UNION PACIFIC .SYSTEM. Through Pullman Palace Sleeper. Tourist Hliieper and Free Keollnlng Chair variVAiLi wuntaito. Many hour aarod Pol n la. via thli line to Eastern STEAM HEAT. LOWICMT PINTSCH LIGHTS. HATICMi It. W. HAXTEH, Gen. Aamt. I'orthiml, Orrgnn. J. C, UAlCT, Agent, lleppntr, Oregon. Germany v.vt roc ing largely of hui.f ; Live boes can r..--through the r.c.'.t French territory. . An ictcrnsti'Tial :' will be held iu icnna the instigation of the royal ministry of agriculture. A srECiAi. commit ;ion has been or dered by the French parliament, to study ways and means for improv ing the breeds of sheep. The mahogany tree thrives in Banga lore, India, where a plantation has been raised and will be maintained by the forestry department. The importation of sheep from Den mark, owing to the reread of foot and mouth dicea:e t'.icre, bus been prohib ited by the authorities at Hamburg. The agricultural department at Queensland is distributing large quan tities of seed among the farmers who Buffered from the very disastrous floods in that colony. An agent of the New Zealand gov ernment claims that colonial butter after its arrival in England is shipped to Brittany and thence returned to London as Brittany butter. FASHIONABLE FANCIES. Sleeves have reached their limit and the most approved models are less balloon-like than heretofore. A popular combination is very fine French cloth with sleeves, belt and shoulder-ruffles of shaded velvet. Shaded velvets are quite as popular for summer as they were during the winter. As millinery trimmings,' when judiciously used, nothing can be more elegant and desirable. New jackets have sleeves large enough to accommodate the enormous puffiness of the dress shoulders, and while this, of course, accentuates the size of the arm, that fact seems to be no objection. Parasols seem to have become mere ly forms on which to exhibit the most enormous quantities of lace and other thin materials. The amount of goods that may bo put into one of the fash ionable parasols of the day is almost past belief. Lace and embroidery, embroidered lace especially, will be among the leading trimmings for the summer. There seems to be no limit to the ways in which these beautiful garnitures are used, as something new is brought out almost every day. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. How to Presorva an Exact of Familiar Faaturaa. Copy Some of tlm IWTirultU.- IZuooantered by tbe Soulplor ;rte:ible Part of tbe Operation-:: ikU il;ide from Living i eoiile. MINNESOTA'S. O A , ; Glance at this Map 01 the Chicago, Milwaukee and flt. Paul Rail way and note It connection with all transom tinental line and Ht. Paul and malia, aiu' remember that It train are Infilled with eler trlclty and heated by tain. It equipment Is auperb. Klegant BuM'tit, Library, Smoking and Sleeping car, with free reclining chair. Each sleeping car berth tia an elocttlo rend lug lamp, and It dining ran are the best In the world. Other line are longer than thli, but none are shorter, and no other offer theabove luxurious accommodation. These are atiflli'lniit reasons lor the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon Irkot agent In every railroad office will give you further Information, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, J. W.CAHKY, Tray. Pa. Agent, 1'ORTIAKD, Oaauox. In the tlnited Kingdom there are fi,R03 Baptist churches, and 3,754 chap els. The Episcopal diocesan convention of Massachusetts has elected William Lawrence, dean of the Episcopal the ological school at Cambridge, as bish op of Massachusetts to succeed the late Phillips Brooks. The Presbyterian and Methodist boards of foreign missions have taken action to protect their missionaries In China in the belief that the Chinese will retaliate with violence if the Geary law is enforced in the United States. II kin men Stern, M. D., Ph. D., in a recent magazine article, claims that the preservation of the Jews as a peo ple is due to their religion, and that an abandonment of their religious laws would result in a deterioration of the race. The Only Chair Tar Line To tbe east is the Union pacific. East ern cities are reached via this line with fewer changes of oars tbsj via olhrr lines IUtes always the lowest. Tickets to or from points in tbe United State. Canada, or Europe fur sale by R. W, Baxter, Gen. Agt., 133 3rd St, Tortlaod. Tbe Ileppner Transfer Co., baa wood for sale. 87-tf. HARPER'S ROUND TABLE F. uk tf ikt tY tn Humhrrt tf (kit ftrifjieal trill eft r1'' r Itmt mmtktr t inlrrnatnnl am. Fflnutt tf a tw tf thtu aulkjri 411 $itin KUu; HnUti Iht i'nu Offtri tmJ efftn tf kkt Iktrt tnll rV THREE A LOYAL TRAITOR g Mj 4 II m sf Ull l J. m eas REMARKABLE TWENTY-PART SERIALS TMK PAIVTI II ll SI HT THE ROCK OP THE UON a I Ik. IM IkM r aiu mm 0 SWT w Us w eaWWIW i $J SldtM llIK S..VM4 W 0 HO MB (If THB SIIHRT Rl RIAL -a rnMi. rarr roMMmio) tub viimm vm anwi. tiih mr atratai AN awaninsra mi tnoaT W l 1 aft. i,imi kiM, I a a J hua lMnu. Iuit ) W U . lmm a Hn.M m t8- Stt Hi I M.CLaV U AlMTKWa Omtw eik W O !-) T.W KVfa f r r.tA'rt jrs xoi'.vn tabie fr, u Ut A.n.Vr th,, i fnt tf lkrn,Untt, AAr JmJtJti ..".! l.Virnifid,, f iyoo; Amtltmt I'k- IMONBY PRIZES! fntt ttmpin- tii-ni, m4'lw aWiat h yrmr JJmi f.t 0 $t,nfHim Af ttmj in jwwr mjitn-tJ It f j Ikt ttmphlitn. Smj st tm.1 . fna tank 1 1 nn s.'ji tmj rraJ ,' '. SfJ ft 4 ttft tf tut lA ftft iVaxfrnW lit. Tin trilt ffUt tmr tftr tf r'ft V.v. it rftr im. IttMl ItSmtwt ftw, 4tv, J fit A-i re. 4. a.i ftw 1 a T em ai Jm,lr - wkh mm rvv,r.. t -' t t .v; tft.itt SaaVrl f.ltJ fwt rT - 1 U' .aA,..!.,. i iiAnrFK'x TAhl F If -r 4 h Wr MU U mt Jtr 4 iiamt ja)iiin tmt k U, U 't muling It ytu. c- 0. iSr n aaT Fit II- Its k IttatlMflC rVtvtHHI ' 1MI1 IX t V t' IM!' VIM H1 Otl H Ullttt IHItUHIMI l !,.. 1- HU, Klll.MI ft H.f t H If !! Ml t H , S l-'f rl t I i.m U-tmm ... ,,. . . 1 .., .!! ,,i 1 f4i t an . 4m i j ,4 , a a a, a a km a, ,.M ? a. t t ai.a M.Nifie a. m ) mm: lAOMK AtlMOtir l'i.lMI I CTtos a , 1-s , a, 1. si a at f ( i .wtaa a. t..M a sm.4 niattma: tavAiav ctiatiita n iiiU'iiiuia ai fctv sm. arttaa) XJ f ' . ft f rmf l f4,t ;., f-m.fht. I " ft " tJr tf Af lit f ft axtf im l.s:, 4 . ( ,.ft ,miMmm tmr b , ...; fii i tit m4 Vr ' Smff't AmM ) lW"a,-e fit, it t . aatrta i l0tt. ant'-a-a. mrm Veek. M a wHtta, J lANNOUNCEiTOS FOR 1897 1 It is a common practice when well- known people die to have a sculptor make a death mask, says the ban Fran cisco Chronicle, the idea being to pre serve an exact copy of the familiar features. The taking of this photo graph of the dead is an interesting proc ess. If it is decided to have a death mask made no time should be lost after the decease. In the case of General Grant, when it was well known that death could not be staved off, arrangements were made to have a sculptor in tho house of Mount McGregor so that the mask could be taken at once after he expired. The programme was carried out and the bust which resulted was pronounced, even by the great general's nearest relatives, the most perfect like- ness ever made of him. A mask is always made when a bust or medallion portrait is needed, as it gives the exact proportions of the face, reproducing the relative positions of the bones, which, of courbe, do not ehange in death. The first thing to be done by a sculp tor when taking a mask is to close the eyes, and if possible, the mouth also. Any little openings are filled with cot ton, wool, 60ft rags, etc., and thus the nose and ears and the mouth are gently packed without in any way disturbing tho contour, lhe lace and as mucu 01 the head as it is necessary to take is then covered with sweet oil or some angucnt laid on pretty thick, the object being to prevent the plaster adhering to the skin or hair. The necessity 01 this precaution is evident, especially when it is remembered how shocking any laceration of the features would be to the friends of the deceased, caused as it might be by the forcible removal of plaster. Down the center line of the face a strong silk thread is laid and then the laying on of the plaster is commenced, The white, fresh plaster is mixed in a bowl close at hand and is laid on the face In a thin layer, not more than three-quarters of an inch thick. If it were put on at once of the full thick ness necessary to use the mask as a mould the weight might press in the face and distort the features. Just before this thin layer has quite set the silk cord is drawn up, dividing the mask into two parts .along the center line of the face. Perhaps it may not be evident why the mask should be made in halves, but a little consideration will auggest the reason. The width of the face behind the cheek bones is less than across them, and if the mask were removed whole it would be at the risk of tearing the face in passing over the cheek bones at tho points of articulation of the jaws. A soon as the thin layer has become suf ficiently firm to carry additional weight without pressing on the lace more plaster is put on until a thlcknest of an inch to an inch and a half hat been uttained. The silken cord whlci has been used to separate the first thin layers is again brought into requisition, or, rather, has never boen removed from its position along the center ol the face except to make the division. Just before the entire cast sets this cord is drawn up through the whole thickness of plaster, and so the halves of the cast are formed. It requires about half an hour for the plaster to act firmly enough to remove and then the work is finished. The cotton wool is removed from the nose, ears and mouth, and the oil la carefully wiped off, so as to leave no traces whatever of the work which ho been accomplished. It need hardly tie pointed out that the sculptor covers the pillows, clothes, etc., with cloths to prevent aplaahee of plaster or oil being left on them. When the east baa been secured the nxt operation is to make the maak from it. This la dune in the sculptor's studio, and he uaually let the caat lie for a day or eo, until the plaaU-r haa bo rome quite bard and dry. Forming a hod of fn-hh planU-r, the aculptor inavrta one-half of the raat in it, the hollow or imprraaion l'l. up; then the other half la put in, bringing the aoctUma aevrrrd by the alike n cord Uvrther. The out aide U il of plaatrr aMa banl and the cant is again an entirety. The interior of the raat before making the maak la thoroughly soaked In wal.-r and then it la coated with a composition of aan, oil ami atrarliie, d liferent aculptor axing their own preparation. MoUl plaater la poured lo ami the aculptor lift the tied and mold In his bati.l turn ing It In such a way that tho white liquid fills every corner. With the aid of his apaltle he works In more plaater nnlll a tliU-kneaaof about one and a half tm-hea haa been attained. A w ire loop La Inserted In the bonier of the mask o that it ran be hung tip and the whole la left to dry and harden. At 0 aa Oil la accotnplUhed the aeutptor knurka the raat or mold off. piece by piece, dir fief away the tied and fm-intf the maak. The bust mutt h tnodrlrd In lay. Tlx ataak la anna: at a convenient height, rl to the eulptivr'e table e trlpiat. the akrlrton frame la built and then the tuodeHn la wtxlcrUkea. To aid the a-u!tor aeveral fti4vrapha, If obtainable, are very ur tul, end if one uf the la a eorm-t profile and the other a full fare M much tli better. O -rationally mkt of living- people are tute, rprially bea the prr Ut lie rrpreM-tiV.1 la unable to give a oumUrof itt.naa to the sculptor. la IhlaraM the tuk la taken, and with the aid of (1.4-t. vrat-ha tbe bt It mb vied in tUriitiUl toil a aink'! etttinf rill Ci. to put the t.f Iwe and t;:itiinsW the fawe with thai ra prrsxloa mt v)era!!y rtfjiUl by 4e altrr' fru ti.l an-1 -iu . 1 he K-.t tiMttl. however, ta to ait f-r ta IfU a eftea a M mf raiirv SewtetMng terVeew Ittaart ria ralbU to he thai the verf baat He-!ci lot r4 raf thai Url ont a eon ; tn a h.lti tT tf rUeWii IhtWra. Thai teJNM k aarwly U, acta by IIm toe U ts aene wairew la the txeaara tjtlf Ualaiee the Li aa4 &)). aal aide thaw wrg la ikroaiee ? I lM.orUM to I We Mood t:Ut,t l.lee tl-rv Im i, ail d it ma. a I t arteeet tf iaw tlx le-l THE FIRST. The first volunteer regiment was en rolled in 1778. The first steamer built in England appeared in 1815. The first licensed public house waa established in 1552. The first surname was adopted in the reign of Edward the Confessor. The first books were bound by At talus, king of Pergamus, in 198 B. C. The first spectacles were made by Alexander del Spina about the year 1285. The first typewriter ever made ap peared in 1714, the work of Henry Mills. The first public library was estab lished in Athens by Pisistratus about 540 B. C. DREADED CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED. T. A. Bloeom, M. C, the Great Chemist and Scientist, Will Bend, Free, Three Bottle of His Newly Discovered Remedies to Boff erer. Editor Gabbtti: I have discovered a reliable cure for Consumption and all Bronchial, Throat and Lung Diseases, General Decline, Loss of Flesh and all Conditions of Wasting Away. By its timely nee thousands of apparently hopeless oases have been onred. 80 proof-positive am I of its power to oure, that to make its merits known, I will send, free, to any afflicted reader of yonr paper, three bottles of my Newly Dis covered Remedies npon reoeipt of Ex press and A'ostomoe address. X. A SLOCUM, M. C.,98 Fioe 8treet,New York. When writing the doctor, mention tnts paper. Via the Union Pacific System Baggage is checked through from Port- and to destination. The specialties of tbe Uoion Paoiflc are noexoelled trock and equipment, union depots, fast lime, throngb oars, steam beat, Pintsch light and oourteoas treatment to paaseugers. For rates and information apply to R. W. Baxter, Gen. Arft. U. P. system, Port land, Oregon. Hons r Caveats, and Trade-Mark obtained and all Pat-j (eat business conducted tor moderate Fit. Oun ornci it Or-poaiTr, U, 8. Patint orpet and we can secure patent ia lest tune thaa those Send model, drawing or photo., with deserip- advise, it patentable or not, tree 01 Bend your flame tor a Souvenir ol tbe Work ol Eagene Field, FIELDFLOWERS tbe Eugene field monument Souvenir The most beautifnl Art Production of the ceav. tury. "A small keock of ths aisst frairaot sf bio. sobs lath. red from tho broad cra of Salt f Lid's farm of Lovs." Contains a selection of the most beautiful of the poems of Eugene Field. Hand nmelv ilhistrntetl hv thirtv-rive of the world' greatest artists a their contribution to the Mon ument Fund. Bat for the ! raatribitioB of tho great artiits this book coalt a.t kav too outsc Larvu lor V7.00. j-wi wtic m, muieslv " creoaid on receipt of Si. la The love offering to the Child's Poet Laureate, published by the Com mittee to create a fund to build the Monument and to care for tbe family oX the beloved poet. Eugene Field Monument Souvenir Fond, iso aturao Stmt, Ckkags, U jremots from Washington. k aena mo eharo. Our fee not due till rjatent is seenred. & . aiMauir. --naviouDuiariwiia, wiui I cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries (sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Ore. Patent Officc, Wasminoton. D. C. Cummings &. Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable BO VCARS EXPERIENCE. OV e Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. 4 Q., C. M. & Bt. P., o. iA.,r. 't. w. ai u., and the C. St. L. & P. Railroad. RATES aa.00 PKH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton St., cincAao. ill. Theomparativvaluofthatwoear1a la known to moat paraon. They illoetrate that greater quantity ia Met always moat to be desirsd. .. " The card uprose the beneficial qaat ltyef RipansmTabules 4 comparod with any previonaly kaetra DYSPEPSIA CURB r " KlpantTabulee: Price, 50 cents a bo Of dnsggiata, or by mail. BIPAM8 CHEMICAL CO., 10 Spree fl(.,N.Y. WANTED-AN IDEA BUltN A CO., Patent Attorneys, Waahlag tott, &. C., for their fl,800 priae oflei. , The regular subscription prion of the Semi-Weekly Gazette ia 82.50 and the regular prioe of the Weekly Oregonian ia $1.50. Any one subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year ia advance can get both the Qazette and Weekly Oregonian for 13.60. All old sub. " sonbers paying their subscriptions fcr one year in advanoe will be entitled U tbe same. " New Feed Yaed. Wm. Gordon baa opened np tbe feed yard next door ta the Gsaette office, and now solieits share of yonr patronage. Billy is right1 ' ai borne at Ibis business, and yoni horses will be well looked after. Price reasonable. Bay and grain forsale. tl V TRADE MARKS rf" C0PYRICHT8 eto. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention ia probnhly patentable. Communications strictly confidential. OMest apency for securing patents In America. We have a WaHhtnu-ton ofnee. Patents taken through Muun a Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of any scientific Journal, weekly, terms tlMX) a yeari alx months. Specimen eoples and iLAMO loojf. ON Patents sent free. Address MUNN & CO., . 361 Broadway, Mew Yerk. MM .EADEUG PAPER OF THE, mm coast THE ClIROXICIJt rank with ta groa a.w.iro in Uio Uniud mats. Til a OlKO.IIOI.E baa aw equal oa the Pacta Coast. It Ml all In ability, enterprise and ne TUB OIIHOXICIJC'H TolsgTmphle Reports i the liMt and moat reliable, lie Local Now I fuilust and aplcloat, and IU aVdlsertal from the ablvat pena In tho euontry. TliKCIIHONICLK has alway bean. and always will b. tb friend and champion of the people i aaainsl oomMnaUona, ellquee. oorpo ration a, or opiin-osiona uf any kind. It will be bwlspoadaal ta everything aoutral ta aotnlng. TfiiU. S. GOVERNMENT ... is ... PAYING MILLIONS I A MONTH I To persons who lerved in the wars of the United States or to their t) Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a a ' relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars W I on whom you depended for support? ! THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED i UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new ) law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it ) to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the : time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. ) frWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. ) No Fee unless successful. , The Press Claims Company PH'UP W. AVIRETT, General AUnarer, 618 P Street, WASHINQTON, D. C. Jf. B.-TM Company U eonlrolltd by taenrly awe tlunuand leading paprrt in the Vniltd BUUtt, and it imo faulted by them. tT7l BEPPNER, Attorneys at lVaw All batinesa attended to ia a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notarise Public and Collector!. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. OREGON m in mm WHITE COLLAR LINE. lift iimk Kivwanrt Pncrftt Sniinn Naviorafmn do VVtUiiiivsw iiuvi sAiiva a v Tbe CbrwaleU Hll4la the"Baily mt Ma t. raatag Tela. Only S 670 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle lb Cftxhi WttUj h tit fsr.'jj. $1.50 a tej tlle4i i hi .' M i ral4 a.. i enarte a4 ).m Titawsiratv riitwtri v im wvtit n4 I ill, tnlll w t4 f rai r as Maa m f I mm w wm In i as t.. aua.M 4Hitaei In i on i a SAMi'tt CUKitS 81NT FrUtL igv w rv v uii va a. v i igv SkiBtn TELETQONE BAILET G1TZERT 1SD OCEiX WITt Latriog Al.lar Btreel LVek, Portland, for Ajtorla. II w too, Loaf Beaeh, Ooeaa Park and Ntbcotta. Direct eonneetioa with Ilwaoo eteataera and rail road j alto at Young's Ua with 8eaebora IUilroad. TBXjaPZXOM'B Laavaa Portland T A. M. Dally, eirapl Sunday. Leave Astoria 7 P. kt. taily, eteepl Sandey. I3A.IIjinY T A. THS 13 TXT Leave Portland I f,M IHIIy. rtH a.inday. Maturday BlhL II P. M. Imin Astoria Dally a att.ti A. M., tscapt Sunday ana Monday. Sunday eight, 7 t. at. Leavet Portland and ran dtrarl la llwaro. Tuaaday aa Tbnraday ai I A. kf Balarday'al t P. M. Uavseliaaro Wrtnoaday and rrVlay at 1 a) A. tl. On Sunday night alt r. at. Est CiVfif4 b Eiibd DtsiMioi IA toilet Frtt d Eipfue. fo4 Safely, Sp4, Cosclort, flaasura. Travel a tb Telepbowe, BalWy Oattert aad Oeaaa Wave. it: E::!'.j Uuls For tho Ouro o Liquor, Opium ui Tobacco Habits It It loralad at Kaloni, Oreeoa, T1U Jtfuef Btautiful Tote on (Ae Coat, Oslt al Ik OitSTT eV ne parvtrwtare Mriptlf atiiooiiul, Traetnal afloat aad wtS ear. DO YOU WANT Till; chronicle: Reversible Map? (I Tbi Ccitcd Statci, Donlcioa of v rt tK ftt ltK, J 1st the f Hap of tho World or ma ortttn ittt. a4 tf m4 (t ike Mr a4 fc'y ikimiil. ft 0 Ta, ! p.l I M p a4 rt i I'irw at. II ! vm"l. OUR STOCK YOF I www SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers .it .1 financial sacri ficc. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we must sell it. The Patterivon Pudluhinc Co. 1 m . S- -V -oaf . V aw a M ae lb ? ta fnSr t rvetnaaa. Try It. fM f w It t aa.