Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 05, 1897, Image 3

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    Upon having Just what yon call for when
yon go to buy Hood's 8areaparilla. There
Is no substitute for Hood's. It is an in
salt to your intelligence to try to sell yon
something else. Remember that all
efforts to induce you to buy an article
you do not want, are based simply
the desire to secure more profit.
dealer or clerk who does this cares noth'
ing for your welfare. He simply wants
your money. Do not permit yourself to
be deceived. Insist upon having
And only Hood'i. It Is the One True Blood Purifier.
Hwlc Dillo easy to buy, easy to take,
easy to operate.
Now that the great political campaign
is over and the winter season again with
ns, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varind reading matter for the
long evenings. Cognizant of this the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a Dumber of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonlan, $1.60 $3.50
" 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.75
" " N. Y. Tribune, $1.00... 3.00
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25
" 7 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 ..... 8.75
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 50o 2.50
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00
Here and There.
Nels Jones is ever from Batter oreek.
Nat Hale was in from below Saturday
Billy Barrett has returned from Port
land. T, W. Morgan is over from Eight Mile
W. E. Hiatt is in from Butter creek on
Mies Mabel Olnssoock is book from
Jobony Cochran was up from lone
last Friday.
Clarence Johnson was over last week
from the John Day.
The Heppner oouotry has plenty of
sickness Ibis season.
Baa Swaggart was no from bis ranch
below Lexington last week.
Peter Bung came in Saturday from
Milt Howell's, near Alpine.
Tom Briarly and Billy Weloh are over
from Long Oreek tor freight-
Dan Rice is reported as being quite ill
si bis home near Hardmsn.
. Emit Qrotkopp is in from Lone Rock
after i hard season's mailing.
J. N. Fordyoe was in Friday sod Sat
nrday to see oar business men.
Thos. Carl Is making soma needed Im
provements io his plane of business.
: Drink tbe oelebrated J. II. Cutter
whiskey. On tap st Chris Borobers'.
Widge Whetstone spent Christmas in
tbe metropolis and so joyed it immensely
Special Sunday dinners at tbs City
boteL averv Sunday si S o'olook p. m. f
Jeff Neal bas returned from Loos Rook
wbsr bs spent Christmas with his par-
Heppner's streets are vsry, very
muddy. Perhaps tbs pedestrian bas
observe 1 11.
Mrs. Lillis Qornor's iittls son is hers
from La Orands to visit bit mother sod
other rslatives.
Cus Matlock, sooompaoiod by bis
bods. Ed. sod l)e. left Saturday until
for Sandon, B. C.
Too will find that yon will bs treated
sll right down el lbs Red Light saloon.
Call on tbs boys.
Ueo. W. Uayss, an attorney of Barns,
Is candidate for tbs offies of reels Wr of
lbs land offics at tbal place.
Jack Mills loft for TonUsd last Sat or
A.w Kli anwnt B Dneltina In tbal
p see with s pvrtare slsrgio aatflt.
Ill Taab rsporti that bis two boos, J
W. sod Fred. are saeb eoovaleeriof from
sevsre atuek of typbotd malaria,
The man who puts a)two line looal in
his home paper onoe a year and thinks
be will build up a big trade and imagines
the printer is getting rich off the profits,
should bear in micd that the last page
of Munsey's Magazine baa been sold for
one year to four advertisers, eaoh of
whom ooo u pies a quarter of s page and
pay a. 86,000, a total of $24,000 for tbe
page. Ooe line in the Youth's Compsn
ion oosts S3, while s page in the Ladles'
Home Journal oosts $1,000.
As tbe result of Rev. E. A. Ross' re
vival in Ashland 127 people joined the
different oharobea. The manner in
whioh he was appreciated was shown in
the single closing colleotion of $130.65.
The Ashland Reaord says: "There
never was suoh a tar-reaohing revival
held in this city and no preaoher ever
hammered so euooeasfully at unright
eousness Bnd general moral oorrnption
and bad the friendly sympathy of so
many people at the end."
For sale Abont thirty tone of rye
hay, looated about two and one-balf
miles of Hardman. Also 400 aores of
good range, fenoed, to go with same.
Plenty of outside government range
near at hand. Shelter for 2,000 bead of
sheep or large band of cattle. Qood
bouse on plaoe. Call on Gazette offioe
for particulars. A rare chance to get
bay obeap. All signs indioate a hard
winter and delays are dangerous. tt
Two auctioneers have opened up in
tbe Odd Fellow's buildiog and are doing
a slashing business. No doubt they sell
chenp enough, but it most people are
situated like the Gazette they will feel
like patronizing those who have oarried
them year in and year oat, and to whom
tbey are still indebted. Those who
bear tbe hardens of taxation and wh i
stand by tbe people in the hour of need
deserve tbe reward.
Max Ritohter, of Grant county, tried
tbe experiment tbia year of shipping bis
wool dip to London on his own aooount.
Tbe wool brought 12 oenta and the ex
penses of shipping were 3 cents, leav
ing Mr. Ritohter 9 oents net tor hia wool.
His wool was not of an extra quality,
tbe best offer be could get at home be
ing B oents, so be cleared 3 oents per
Ben Parker and Milt Maxwell came in
yesterday from Parker's mill, leaving
for home today. Mr. Parker promised
thnt be would not improve bia . premises
Ibis year unless MoEioley was elected,
and be baa kopt bia promise by building
b mammoth stock shed. Ben intimated
tbnt after McKioley't inauguration he
might get married. So look out girls.
The Heppner merchants are justly
kickiog over the act of the state board
of equalization ia raising their merchan
dise 25 per oent. over aod above assess
ment. The Qazatte is sure that our
member, Mr. Chaa. Johnson, bad no
band in that move, baoause be has been
ill in the Salem hospital with typhoid
malaria tor some weeks.
On the afternoon of Deoember 81st a
few select friends gathered al tbe borne
of Ex-Representative Boothbv at Lex
ington to witness tbe marriage of his
daughter, Miss Lulu Bootbby, to Mr.
Chas- Beymer, of E gbt Mile. At 1
o'olook the bridal oouple entered tbe
room attended by Elsie Brayton, of
Oregon City, aod Thoa. Boothby, brother
ot the bride. In a few moments tbe
words bad been spoken by Rev. Drake,
of Lexington, that pronounced them hus
band and wife, after whioh tbe guests
partook ot a sumptuous repast io whioh
all did ample justice. The bride was at
tired in pure white silk, trimmed with
white lace Bnd flowers, while white
flowers adorned her hair. The groom
looked happy and was attired ii the
usual oonventional blaok.
The bride was the recipient ot many
lovely and nseful presents, which speaks
well for tbe loving appreciation in
which the yonng oouple lire held. And
as tbe best wishes of their many friends
go with them to their loving little home
so may Ood's riobest blessing follow
them through life.
Hold Their Muntnlj Heeting la Matlock's
Hall Saturday Night
Tbe masque social that was to have
oocurred last Tuesday evening at the
opera bouse, was given on Friday even
ing as announced in last issue ot tbe
Gazette. A limited number were pres
ent and it is reported that tbe evening
was very pleasantly spent, sociully.
This evening oooura tbe publio instal
lation ot Dorio Lodge, Knights ot
Pythias, in their spurious lodge room in
The National Bank building. Each
Kaigbt is given permission to send out
one invitation, aud in consequence a
limited orowd will be io attendance.
The installation ot offioers will be inter
spersed with an appropriate and inter
esting program.
It is safe to any that the evening,
sooially Bnd fraternally, will be up to
tbe usual standard of Pythian exoel
Tomorrow evening tbe Odd Fellows
and Rubecoaa will hold a joint installa
tion in tbe I. O. O. F. hull in this oity,
Member and their families will be pres
ent. An appropriate program has been
rranged which ot course will be follow
ed by the usual lodge banquet.
Tbe Maocabees ot this oity are alio
srrangiug for a public installation to be
held in tbe I. O. O. F. lodge room on
the evening of January 15th. A limited
umber ot invitations are to be sent ot
and a good program is being prepared.
Those fortunate enough to receive an
invitation may also expeot tbe usual ex-
oelleot supper, witbont whioh no lodge
program Is fully oomplete.
A young man over near Heppner last
week, says tbe Condon Globe, was en
trusted with tbs money to bring home s
good family sawing machine. The
hopful son carried off a neighbor's
daughter, married ber aod brought ber
home, deolaring that she was lbs beat
family sewing msobins tbst bs oould
Mr. O. E. RedQeld, formerly of Pen'
dleton, has deoided to looats id Hepp-
oer, and bas formed a partneisbip with
Hon. J. N. Brown. He will remove bis
family over later on. Tbs Oastte we!
eomes Mr. RedQeld sod family to onr
Feodletoo promises Io send oer
delegation to assist la the Institution ot
tbs Elks in this oity wbioh is to oceor in
lbs near future Heppner promises all
B good tims sod some excellent material
tor Initiation, so eome oo.
Chas. Q. Carter aod James II. Raley,
both attorneys of PendMoo, have formed
a eo-partomhip ooder tbs firm name ot
Carter A RaUy. Tblsfirm will certainty
rank blsb Io Pendleton and in fact
throughout Eastern Oregon.
Hers is a new press eyadkals. It is
ioooonoed thai Smith Boyd, proprie
tors of lbs Athens Press, bsvs sold lbs
Press Io sn Athens syndicate tbal took
ebargs ysaUrday. F. Boyd Is man agar
tor tbs Syndicats.
Tbs First National bank, ot Ooldeo
dais, organised la Kh sospetided last
k. Tbs baokias bsetaeM witl bs
c.ntinood by J. O. Me4dotk, with lbs
rir.t bank of Uoldndals, a privsU In
Condon Globe: Mr. sod Mrs, W.
Hsrivoor sad It'll sua. Clareor. or
B pnar, viild tbeir relatives al CV.s
Ratal Diamond. Tea Fired Japan, no-1 doe, Urn, Mk and lbs (Hubs family
eolorad. Tbs beet 2fi lea ever sold la at feral Uv last ak, bamag lor boms
Deppast. P. C Tboopeoa Co, lbs Haoday
tssdsrs. " Hick Malbsws sad V. Gslry, andH
Billy Oordoa't Warn rao the firm asms of Malbews A 0swy
day aear tbs 0tts effi asd la tryieg I,, aaaLtad tot ti ber la lbs btrbr
ia a Ma down a telephone pole broks butta In tbs sw alas I, ! doors
Grandest Remedy.
. Greeve, merubant, ot Chil-
Mr. R. B
bowie, Vs., certifies that he bad con
nmption, was given np to die, sooglit
sll medioal Ireatmeut that money could
procure, tried all oongh remedirs bs oould
bear of, but got no relief; spent macy
nights sitting np in s chair; was Induced
Io try Dr. Kiug's New Discovery, and
wss cured by use of two bottles. For tbs
past three years has been attending to
busioeas, aud says Dr. King's New Die
onvery is the grandest remedy ever made,
st it bas dons so muob for him and
also for others in bit community. Dr.
King's New Dieoovery is guaranteed
for Coughs, Colds sod oonanmptioo. It
don't fail. Trial bottles Ires at Cojser
Brock's drog store.
The Honorable Order of Neverswesta
met in Matlock's hall last Saturday
night and eleoted offioers tor tbe year ot
1897. Tbey are as follows: Pap Si
mons, tyee; Bob Wills, chaplain; Eli
Keener, conductor; Sam Meadows,
guard; Tom Durham, sergeant-at-arms;
John Spray, treasurer; P. O. Borg, seo-.
retary. These were duly installed at
once, after whioh Tyee Simons com
menced business.
Past Tyee Hunlook was called up to
aooount tor a flagrant violation ot the
by-laws. He was accused of having
worked with his coat off, of cutting stove
wood, of hanging a olothes line and ot
doing the family washing. He acknowl
edged the oorn and was promptly sus
pended for 30 days, and in tryiug to
make a further rnd final explanation of
his conduct used tbe word "analogously"
twioe which cost him thirty dollars,
Frank Gilliam tried to disouss the
principles and growth of "women s suf
frage," and got tangled up so that he was
called to earth only by tbe announce
ment that he bnd imposed upon the
brethren $10 worth, in an unseemly
manner, with a worse subject, and that
should it be repeated he would be
turned over to the oommittee on corpo
ral punishment, E. Minor, ohairman.
Gov. Rea aooused Tyee Simons ot
haviug built a fire tor his wife, but Gov
ernor fuiled to establish the claim and
got 80 days for his temerity.
E. Minor was oalled before the throne
to explain why he gave 810 to help
build the new cburoh,but as he said
this was bis first offtmse, and on aooount
ot past services as chairman ot the oom
mittee on corporal punishment, in whioh
he ruined four pair of boots, he was ex
cused with a reprimand.
Geo. Oonser talked on "future atone
ment," but used language that no one
knew anything about and was promptly
called down. . Tbe oommittee on griev
ances took his case under advisement.
Wilson Brook tailed to prove thai be
was not guilty of sawing wood, and this
being tbe third offense he was expelled
and turned over to Ellis Minor.
Dr. MoFaul admitted that he was
guilty of running three blocks to over
take bis butter man, to wbom he was in
debted 3, and for bis srror paid $10 and
The retiring treasurer, Dr. Mcawords,
was arraigned for having turned in $2
to bis sucoeiaor, in direct violation of
Art 99, Seo. 4,050. He expressed pen!
tenoe sod on acoount of tormer faithful
ness was let off with a sharp reprimand.
Bob Wills thonght bs knew all about
"evolution" but was apprised that be
didn't by about fit worth. He paid tbs
money snd sadly look bis seat.
M. Llohtenthttl undertook to explain
lbs difference between a German and a
Dutchman and was let off with a pair ot
shoes tor Tyee Simon.
Tom Howsrd pleaded guilty to having
been pleassnt end agreeable with his wife,
snd ot having contracted a babit of
stsying horns ot nights. His beiog an
almosl onpsrdonable offense bs was
turned over Io Bro. Minor.
Eli Keeoey kioksd bis dog onl ot lbs
house snd paid the penalty without
murmur. Us was sharply criticised snd
warned not to repeat ths srror.
Sam Mesdows was interrogated (o say
whether or nut It was trus that be stayed
at boms with Ihs children whils Lis
wife went to cliorob. He admitted lbs
truthfulness of tbe cbsrgs but in trying
Io stplsla need tbe word "extenuating"
which oaused Tyss Simons to sbsd tears.
Us wss suspended from offios for sil
Joba Spray wss eallsd upon and
thanked tbs brethren for having reposed
such an important trust In his bands,
that of treasurer. Inquiry revealed Ihs
$2 still in his possession tor whioh of
fense he paid tbe penalty with a fatted
Chas. Jones was reported siok but on
investigation was found in the hall. His
oase was taken onder advisement, with
the suggestion that nniesa be proved an
alabi be might expeot tbe worst.
Dave MoAtee came io late and walked
on his tiptoes. It cost bim 84.
Bill Baling was asked to explain why
he should presume to clean bis show
cases twice in one week, and before be
could get his mouth open, was con
fronted with a more serious charge, that
ot having made a Christmas present to a
yiiunglady. He refused to plead and
was taken into the ante-room to wrestle
with Pap Miuor and his aides.
Tom Durham walked aoroes the floor
to spit into the stove which act oost bim
his office.
Newt, Whetstone couldn't set out of
the faot that he bad oombed bis balr in
tb6 middle, and was looked np in tbs
dungeon tor twenty-four boors, with
Otis Patterson and Geo. Gray, eaoh of
whom were serving out an old sentenoe
for a similar offense.
Chris Borcbers tried to say to tbe
lodge that he bad been flirting with a lady
of Teutonio lineage, and so far forgot
himself as to address the assemblage in
German. Minor oooupied a half boar
in clearing up bis record.
Peter Borg thonght he could be a
good faithful Neversweat and grub out
ten aores on bis "wanch," but Tyee Si
mons couldn't see anything but $4,000
and oosts. The floe was subsequently
remitted but the oosts stood. Mat
Lichtenthal arose to ask how it was that
oertain pieces ot jewelry oould pass out
of Peter's place with no cash entry ap
pearing upon bis books, but Peter made
an explanation that broughl down the
house, and the matter was passed by as
an oversight, bat he was admonished to
be very oareful in the fntnre, as no
name of a Neversweat could bear the
stigma of having made presents indis
criminately and the owner last longer
than an hour in Pap Minor's committee
Several other culprits were bound
over till next meeting, and with this tbe
lodge closed in due aod anoient form
after which Al Bions was regularly de
tailed as b oommittee of one for the seo
ond fire ward to look up new and suit
able material for membership.
To Do
Given Away
this year in valuable
articles to smokers of
The Best
2 SmoklngTobacco Made
The Best
; SmoklngTobacco Made
You will find one coupon in
side each 2-ounce bag, and two
coupons inside each ' 4-ounce
bag. Buy a bag, read the coupon
uud see how to get your share.
If you want your tea the
same all the year round, get
Schilling's Best of your
If you don't like it, get
your money back of your
A Behlllln B Coaiaaay
but I nacuca
Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop
Guests will find the best of accom
modations in every respect.
The Trouble is Over!
We Mean the Election. But that
Makes no Difference With
Who never lets politics interfere with business. At tbe
same old stand, next door to M. Livhtentbal's.
Statesman: Jonathan Bourne, repre-
eentative-elecl from Multnomah oouoty,
was in Halsm Saturday arranging for
suitabls headquarters during tbs coming
session ot tbe legislature. lis baa secur
ed ths Kellar reaideooe at the southwest
oorner of Churoh and State streets,
whioh be will bsvs fitted np in 00m-
modions style for una by himself io en
tertaining his largs number of polities)
friends and aouaintanoes that will visit
ths Capital Ulty doling tbs session, lis
returned to tbs metropolis via tbs 2:30
Tha annual martini of the atm-k hnM.r of
th Hopnr Uichlamt Wkler eompanr will b
bri al throttle of th Mtiipany In Hfnr,
Orrron, Monday, January ran, . v. imi.
M H T. w. ATIU, Bacralarj.
a boat U fU fleas for Ubl, bat Meltable aed
Aaisk Apoly la Mad.
lbs eospllng of tbs wagoa.
P n 1 Vn Albert Huberts. bO M
ntilieg wltti bT aes, Mr T. W
Alan ad Mrs. K. A. Tsabas, Is s,srts
Strl si tbs boat of lbs Utlaf.
n.r4ut aatiBss are la arors la
ntt,ea with EUr M.llaf ia charge.
fWftuw bia 7 sealsg st 7 s'cloea.
Dmt B9ltof bs bl4 Ue
Mr. A. Anfrrss, as ipf1
taacf. is to ". "J It d1"
..w a.m atw.aU Uare order al lbs
Detel raises. BatiWW"S IeWi
Oo. A. W. Oewea,f Hifas. mM
sesator, is VMltiaat lr l anJ rtiaiis
ia lbs vs'Uy ro Is p
tbs fWletr, ablca atas '
Teals Skl Usftr si CasjtaC l
bsss ' ' ,t "'J
.art of (Irani coaalf M
iHiWl.agol lbs IWir-t.-sCr'
C;a Cat
Mew Is lbs fcax V9 g tbs Wa'l
. ala xxlMl yapf 4
IU Waal ' Ult tUOtHMW!
ft 5 ' ?-'
i - ' ' , ,
is Us Hal.
suatb nf lbs puetofflt. Tby solistt a
call. tf.
Old flail sad Cbartej Jb are a
teul log4Uar dowa at Charley's
old plae la the toaaoml bttata.
(Jell tm Ibeos sad gl font bkas
poaUd la.
fbitl Cuba, taaaegaf of U '
traix, vlll tt lbs btjUat aat4
tt fof bid, fare, bp fwit, .
line )xr IU is bis. If
YA. It Ubp, saw fcs Tbe Ms-
Fsrlaad MarranUls (X, I Ul am oWk.
it teg trl bartalss la all Itae. Tbs
tbk las tt bs el4 sal, sol It Is ar
Ptmnt bew chaa ibiosw era. Call aa
lbS. fisah Msfe'lead, eelaaaae.
Wall. Ibofiipana r stags l-l
!!t 'r aed Mc-aaat!, arriving rwy
day sij4 Muada; aed Uie awy
day eiep Kaadsy. MWrwl al sba
m roaU as lb laww. ( A
tmtk, a-e-
pith) I t are.
tM!s io aw( er s44 " TWy
,Ts l'f &'! ia'srif f ll
Tbe aporting editor is informed tbal
be was wsy off by a long shot, and thai
Mike Roberts bsd Dot bought B-n
Beaggart's flos tbrss yssr old wilb wblt b
bs tblnks bs oaa seoop tbs works. Mike,
bowsvsr, bas bocoms lbs owner of Pea
lead Duties, a well kaoao sprint', and
lbs sporting trateraity who think I bat
Mika wua'l back bis fstnriia will oak
sa srror, and if tbey beat blot I bay witl
bsvs lo ears lbs Conner. Miks Las aol
done as well as bs anticipate, a lib
Cuity, bel Coiey gl skk. Uittt
bas a great many (list rata tWeee bat
lby doa'l far sail 10 other slices!.
IH. k Nftills is very touch iaprst4
or lbs lUea la laal Uaa referring lo
lb far I Ibal bs pnpoe lo rvpair bis
eelUr bfor lbs aH sold sasp lo trdr
lo bltt proteet lbs saiels, for wbkb
bs proposes I" enWf tall fur libel if soil'
sbls apology M at Bad. Ws will tasks
IL Ws rfrra4 lo lbs brisk sailer eed
tares! b, sol.arparillB,ebaaparas
stdr, Us. Ms , kssw Ibal Dirk
kps bis wbiky la lb gntaed llar
SBtW lb fene br lb ritH of lbs
Buldawt iU soatd aot re II,
A wil kaowa iliaa of lbs aoaalry
as lbs other day kaneklog for ad
Miaous si a bs aol a lbeted
Kllaa from lLa liaavita (!!. bLrli
ibi bsv. ta ihs f.-i .u. aii t , nl)ovc Li00(ls arc I'laccu on ba c at
Mais if aaii, era e'iuog aay
( eat or sebool, bal a rrtved of oars
along Ual thai tin. aa4 was
)tirJ of if b kaw tM cm soald
fla4 a twtaia gtlba f JadtstaJ mm
and litis, lias las lltf tbfif4 bis
rt4aa, a Ibis iwl a erteaf
Haaday atbl ystfUef 4it b4
bilf 4a M ll.s M. C shairb U
ba lUv (ras s-i(' lbs tiafel pipls
b bl ba l4ing la lb sietal
f rtt.lo( ibe wnri.t, bmI afUliy la
atat)trt. W 4iMfStlll fot
Mr. f ItMM was as i 4 a "lb tnrnmH
nhmm wlkb mnt lbrfa latavlw if
!., ka," M worJ a tnnthitg a
lb eiaoM of lb Ul.b.lKf b I. Hi.aav
ft) yni BSasblf pMpW!
If lb trf'ig 4tr bol l l
f at b tU tpa lb hU". h il
Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's
Furnishings, etc.
Main Street. Heppner, Oregon.
J. O. BOROH Prop.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Our Holiday Display !
You Should all See It.
Con)e In at Once.
Msln Street,
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
20,000" POUNDS OF
KID 1 FillS,
CoilMaNt llltT Of
Thls, Cbatr, I(krs, D4ioora Hail, IUrUUa.1, flaok
Cesas, IKtats, Hofaa, Hpriag MallraaMS Wool Msltra,
PvU Hail. Oaiaf TeMaa, si . el. liraatMls Carp, Wool
Carp, Mailioga. Hid.hoarJa, Mirrors, Hal lUoki, llaogleg
!(, f'ofti.r, I'iH'iat, III a k la, Blovss, tit., st.
Half Value or Less.
Will bo Sold Regardless of Cost.
fit ap yaar Nam al rav wib Mif U.h r art It or,
btl Ibis fponailr I cifTt.
i. W P1TTERS0N, iCLVT. o!?v.fi i.o-. i..i.w.,nt
Our Sale on General Merchandise
Still Continues.
ra'ars al a a.iaf siti 1 sail iwi
tta.ff bf (MliSg a btWr U
uns : mm : PUIS !
Youro JiO UXp to Tako 9 Km.
Leaves No Constipation, wt-
Car It, a e.ll a all l!iltmanM, Hwk INal.rl, aa l Malaria. Tb al
uiMruartai a pill In lb aufi,!. rv.l I If H tt((it nt km.! tf aasil aa
ratwtp 4 pri, aU par but. 1 1-1 M IrK Mf l'ICAL tX .
Has 11 eaetaau, 11.
rciijw mana;i:mi5xt:
Trench Cook, and While Labor only, Lmploycd.
Good Foomsand Excellent Service
Wlier f cn t 1'irst
CIbm )lJ at I.miig IlaUa.
:r.:;.roru":L'(M HI IV.0 Plenty of them
.... c. f .i.t.i:.rf . . LlAl.lli Ula;M0, Qazdle Olfico.
at the
The GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year lor CASH.
ibess s. as bf la. at. Sesv (aaib