.V it lira i MlLQteirgairgifggiraai The telephone line from Hepp- ner to Long (Jreek and Uanyon City is assured. It will be built and interior people can count upon it. The wheat market has taken an other jump and late last week the price in Portland was the highest known at any time during the re cent flurry. Senator John H. Mitchell has returned to Oregon. Now it is in order for Lydell Baker to send up his card that the senator may know of his greatness. WHAT OCR EXCHANGES BAY. Senator Mitohell, of Oregon, propose! to attempt something at the short ses- ion (or the Nicaragua oaoal. Bather a large task, though it deserves suocess. Tbrongh that ditch liea the road to the commercial independence of the Pacific tales 8. F. Bulletin. We eipeot nothing in that direction from tbe present congress, bat we look for early action by tbe next, with Ore gon's "big fonr" in tbe ranks doing bat tle for the interests of tbeir constituents and tbe greatest single benefit that can be conferred npon them by the govern ment is tbe construction of the Nica ragua oanal. Salem Statesman. A DALLES HOMMJP. A Stranger that and Bobbed Depot. Near tbe SENATORIAL CONTESTS. The Spokesman-Review pub lished a twenty-four page New Year's edition last Friday. It was excellently edited, and in all very creditable to Spokane and its Re view, National republican interest now centers in the selection of senators Business may be successful or from the doubtful states. Chief of I unsuccessful, just as people man all perhaps is the senatorial fight age. That explains why failures in North Carolina. are taking place now just as they Senator Pritchard. savs an ex- always nave been Irora time lm- change, will have to fight hard for memorial re-election. He waa chosen two vears aco to fill out the unexpired Mayor Pennoyer, of Portland, term of the late Senator Vance. bR9 donated to the city board of His election was broueht about by charities $1,250, one-half his semi- fnaion of norjulists and reDubli- annual salary. Inis is certainly a cans. They pledced him to free ver7 liberal donation and in keep silver, but that did not prevent in8 with hia ante-election promise, him from loyally supporting Mc Kinley before and after the St Jjouis convention, lie nas se cured the indorsement of the re- Tbn Oregonian states that "Senator Mitobell has spoken and voted for free coinage in the senate upon every oppor tunity." Now that is not true. At the only time wnen tne question was up, when the divided line was drawn the fioanoe committee's report on the Ding, ley tariff bill Senator Mitohell voted with bis party. What a man will do is best disolosed at those supreme moments when a oboioe must be made. The vote on tbe senate substitute to the Dingley bill was one of those occasions, Senator Mitohell voted with his party while Tel ler voted against it. No other oppor tunity to vote has been presented but later he has spoken in support of Mo Einley's candidaoy and defended the St Louis platform. Those are official acts. What more can a man do? Hillsboro Independent. Tbe eastern part of tbe state, regard less of party, are interested in tbe elec tion of Senator Mitchell to sucoeed him self. There is much to be done for the development of this part of tbe state by congress and we need a man there who oan do something. There is not a bet tor worker in tbe senate than Mr.Mitoh- Saturday last a man told a Dalles re porter how be was stopped by a thug on the streets of that oity, shot and robbed: ''I came np from Portland on tbe boat Thursday evening , and a little while be fore 10 o'clock 1 walked np to the depot to see about purchasing a ticket to Bran don, Minnesota. I remained at tbe de pot nntil perhaps twenty minutes after tbe eaetbound train pulled out, and then started down tbe ruilroad track for the hotel. At about a car's length this side (east) of tbe switch by the electric- light plant, a man stepped from behind a oar and presented a pistol within six inches of my faoe, accompanying tbe action with tbe words, "Hold np your hands, and don't say a word or I'll blow the whole d d bead off you!" I had my bands in my pockets and in tbe pocket was a bunch of keys fastened to an aluminum ohain, and in pulling my hands out I suppose tbe rattle of the keys or the gleam of tbe chain made the robber think I had pulled a pistol, and be fired instantly. Tbe bullet passed through tbe skirt of my coat, a sack, and tbe pistol was so close that tbe flash set it on fire. He agRin raised the pistol, and as be did so I struck it dowu with my hands, and this shot was the one that wounded me." Tbe man was robbed, and orawled to the electric lighting station, where he found assistance. SUMMONS. N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Orefton for the ' ounty of Morrow. A. Woolery, Plaintiff, VI. Samuel E. Walker, Defendant. To Samuel E. Walker, Defendant. In th name of tha State of Oreson: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com Dlaiut filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before the firit day of tne next regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit: March the first, 1S97; and If you fail to answer for want thereof, the planum will tane judgment against you ior me sura. One Hundred Sixty and 55-100 Dollars with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 11th day of Oct. 18'Jtt. For the sum of One Hundred Twenty-five and 20-100 Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 11th day of Oct. im: for the sum of twenty-five dollars at torney's fee and for his costs and disbursements. This Summons is served bv Dublication pur suant to an order of Stenhen A. Lowell. Judge ol the above entitled court, made on the 2rlth day Of Dec, 1896. J. N. BROWN, 605-17. Attorney for Plaintiff. Ms i Mate 111 Hanna ? Nothing, except that he has just discovered that at the Odd Combination Store of P. C. Thompson Co. Is the best place to buy Salt, Sugar, Soap, Sardines, Socks, Saspeniiers, Sewing Machines, Shotguns, or Saws. Complete lines of Groceries or Hardware. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for the County of Morrow, J. A. Woolery, Plaintiff, vs. Samuel E. Walker, Defendant. To Samuel E. Walker, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon: You are herehv reciuired to anDear and answer tbe com plaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before the first day of the next regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit: The first day of March, 1897; and If you fail so to answer, for want thereof tne piamtin win taxe judgment againsiyou ior the sum of Eighty-five and 70-100 Dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cant er annum from the 12th day of Oct. 1896; for the sum of fifty dollars, attorney's fee, and for hla coBts ana disbursements. This summons is served bv publication pur suant to an order of Stephen A Lowell. Judge of the above entitled court, made on the '26th day of December, 1896. J. N. BROWN, sun-17. Attorney ior riaiutin. It is now positively stated that Nelson Dingley, of Maine,- has been offered and has accepted the e)l : be baa proven himself to be an able publican state convention and the position of secretary of the treas- and efficient worker and one that standi bigb in the councils of tbe nation and tbe state oannot afford to replaoe bim with a new man. The Republican be lieves tbat there is no one who oan do so muoh for Oregon in the senate as Sena tor Mitobell and therefore favors bis re election. Union Republican. party managers are using every ef- ury under Pres. McKinley. This fort to secure his election. Tbe i8 a good selection, and it is to be democrats, however, will combine hoped that the rumor is well any element to defeat Pritchard. founded. Pritchard' s chief rivals are Col. O, II. Dockery, for years a leading re publican of the state, but a sup- poiter of Bryan in the late cam- Tbose who wish Senator Mitchell to sny something more on the money qaes tion would not be at all satisfied if be used tbeir identioal language on that sabjeot, bat they wonld say "Mr. Mitoh- When you found Piles! Piles! Itching Piles. Symptoms: Moisture; intense itching and stinging; most at nigh; worse by BoratohiDg' If allowed to oontinae tarn ore form wbioh often bleed and uloerate becoming very sore. Swayne's Oint- ui e ut stops the itching Bud bleeding, Deals ulceration, and in most oases re moves tbe tumors. At druggists, or by until, for 50 oents. Dr. Swayne & Hon, Philadelphia. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE J. of Oregon for Morrow County, J. W. Whalley and Wm. T. Minr, partners doing nusi ness as Whalley & Mulr, nainuns, James W. Swezea, Defendant. lo James W. Swezea. Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against vou in the above entitled cause on or before the first day of the next SETTLERS LOSE NO K1GHT8. The Spanish authorities at Madrid have recalled Captain General Weyler. They claim he sr-k a m a II 1 . Z F . L 11 paign ; lvailroad Commissioner nft8 maae no progress m iaci mey Wilson, a populist, and the late say be is inefficient. Spain must populistio candidate for governor, have just heard of his famous W. A. Guthrie. Pritchard is con- plans of warfare by the use of the ell you are too late. fident he will win and win easily, associated press and the telegraph, the ohanoes of eleotion were against yon, lands are hereby reserved . , .. . . . m, n i -i . . i you decided, but it's the triok of a poli- ment and diaprsition pend Ills election is important There- Cuban independence is not yet ind no WbeD BPenB. ooll)(reg(, uutil furlber orUe publican party is absolutely sure aeaa. tor WBi defeated these fellows, of only 43 senators in the next con. . " T lot of them, too, said if Dolph wss elected ... i it ia rartrtrran innr .1 it H.niitr a i - ... cross. A reDUulican senator from I "-r - liermann ana Mitoneii woaia us a - I 1 (lit a-. W 1 j 1 - ... .... Kentucky is confidently expected. memDer 01 lU8 ure8on "aiiroaa reated, and then tbey proceeded to do who w 1 make 41 Mr. rritrhard'- cowuiibbiou, uegouauug ior uib - - - ----, In tbat ...il,LM eA TV.InW m . -a I UBUIO It w aw nujriuiun DU UVBI ASUIfU, uuw vuo .0ou,UB thiB ,aU. MftWng to beat Hermann, 01 UOUgiaS COUnty. l. li. Was .nd now it ia anv thlno- to defeat Mitch - . i - formerly editor and manager of the ell, any other reason or argument is tbe Pondleton Tribune, and would rist "bosh"' and no one knows it bet- r1nnr,t!ftHfl makA a .nMMI. nf ier nan mose woo muuigs in . ine . gona or ins state or tus nation is tu venture ,., .., . ... ,K1 A, ..... inn i niiu icnnt i u i u g iuodd u inui hmuioi think or car about. A nrolonaml flil.t i T"i m r 1 1 l u. l . auomi'hon, oi juuiinoniau th(1 mtion 0Ter tb9 elects,, of , lelJ County, ft memDer 01 llio boaru Oil tor with tbe same disregard for pre- equalizatlOQ from that district, is oodents and the laok of attention lo lbs Krom the Blue Mountain Ragle. strongly in favor of the abolish mont of tbat body at the coming soHsion of the legislature. Three othor members supported his reso lution to this effect which was in troduced just before the final ad journment of the board, wnuts and demands of the people, will place Oregon in the democratio ooluuio of states. Yaqaina Day News. ... . . I nnroViooa rt thn TtrwinViiirr Plain- M"1" 10 tD, acririOing mooa election wouia swell tne number to f h.ul) it 45. There are 90 senators in all. and every seat will be filled, hence with the vote of Vice-President Ilobart 45 can control, but one of the 45 will be Mantle, of Montana, who stayed out of the republican caucus. The importance of the coming contests in Kentucky and North Carolina thus becomes ap parent, since it is now practically coucodod that Delaware cannot be represented by a republican. Tho fact that tlio republicans Ioho tho senator from Delaware be- cause oi a deadlock anil a ooubb- a m a qem lauare to select two year ago, coupled with the loss of the present legislature, is to bo de plored, but should they gain the 1 A t i a iemucKy senator, wuicu now seems apparent, it would shd tho crime, as the democrats in the latter stato frittered away their op portunity two years ago iu a man nor very similar to that of the Delaware republicans. Washington, D. 0., Dec. 31, 1896 llegister and Keceivcr: Iteceive no applications for land within yonr dis trict olaimed nnder section three, act of September 29, 1890, 26 Stat page 49C, except from persons proleoted by said section three, and aots of congress amend at ry thereto, until further ordered from tbia office. Take no aotion looking to disposition of any suou lands except to receive applicatiors or money tendered by persons pruteoted by said section three prior to January 1, 1897. Said from settle ing aotion of ordered from this offioo or department. 8. W. Lamkkeux, Cotuniissioner. Approved: Wm. 8. Himm, Acting Secretary. The above telegram just reoeived by Ibis office and parties interested will govern themselves accordingly. B. F. Wilsom, UegiNter. J. H. IloBBins, Receiver Tbe above refers to forfeited railroad land and withdraws all snob land from settlement, except as to sucn persons as were pro tec led by the Ml of Sept. 29, IH'.KJ, until tbe bill in ootigress for an n tension of time Is acted upon regular term of said court, to-wit: The first day of March, 189' and If you fall so to answer, for want thereof the plalnttns win take judgment against you for the sum of One Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars, with Interest th reou at the rate of eight per cent Der annum from the 14th dayof April, !'. aim ior tneir costs ana aisDursemeuu in mis action. This summons is served bv publication pur suant to an order of Htenhen A. Lowell. Judge of the above entitled court made on the lbth day of July, ix. n AijL,c x ot aiuitt ana j, n, ntiunn, 605-17 Attorneys for Plaintiffs. .DONT FORGET THE PLACE. BOOTS AND SH0ES!i, THE PLACE TO GKTTHEM IS AT TVT. T.TCHTENTHAL'S He has anything in this line that you may desire and you can depend on it you get a good article when Mat guarantees it. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Straet. Hapairing specialty. w IP ! ' 4x 'fA x V ,gC irBrt -i r i ENGLISH BUSINESS 0LLEGE PORTLAND ORfGON FULL ENGLISH COURSE. FRENCH AND GERMAN. BUSINESS BRANCHES. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. BOARDING DEPARTMENT" LAMES mm Notice of Intention. Land Oprics at Ths Daixiis. Obkoon. Decern ler With JH'.MI. NOTICE IS HEREBY (4IVKN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention t make Dual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County clerk of Morrow Co., Oregon, at Heppiier, Oregon, on February 1Mb. 18U7, via: WILSON RICHARDSON, Hd. E. No. 4U3, for tbe SEU See 5, Tp 3 8, R 24 K, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Thomas Y. uranam, ( nsrics in. Hastings, Luther Huston, Andrew M. 1'eterson, all of Eight Mile, Oregon. J AS. F. MOORE, im-la negiaier. Notice of Intenlion. Land Orrics at La Grand, Oaanox, Decemlier 2M, IK!. XJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ii following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make Anal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will h made be fore the County :ir ol Morrow County, Oreg on, at Hnppner, Oregon, on February lmif, vis: JAMES AYERS H. K. No. for the ti'i SKW Sec. 81 and K14 BWi See 24, Tp 1 N, R E W M. lie iiamra the following wltneaans to prove bit eontliiiioua residence upon and culllvaiion OI salil laud, vis : John llarkr, Isaac Vincent. Charles M. Ixng, UtHirge W. rearsoli, all ol (iallowsy, Oregon. liyV), Kt'gisier. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson &, Binns, Lower Main Street, Heppner, uregon. . Thu ffnntimn ar wall araualnted with Grant, Barney. Crook. Gilliam and other counties and can save money aud time In making these sections with traveling men. Prices In keeping with the times. THOMPSON & BINNS, MM. b. r. CiRANT (Ol'NTY HATItRtt. HenaUir Mitobell will b rs-tlsotc4. Tbs Oral ballot will deotJs lbs senatorial qnritioo satisfactorily lo a largs mi Jority of the people ot Oregon. Tbs feeble protests of bis sotegooUts is bat a recognition ot tba iaer itsbls. Cor vallis (Umlte. 1'kndi.eton tint organutxl J loins Ioelustry Butt cluk All inruibori of the club are to wear uiU of clothe madii from the nt toros tuaJe j tbe iVu.llcton wooloo wills which are now just ttcgiDDiog the manufacture of raasimero. Ioal tailors are alio to do the work. Thu is ccrtAiuly a com uifDiUUe tnoTe and all l'oii.lletou should join the clul), for all cor taiolj believe in patronising borne iodualrifHt, at loast to tbat eitrnt W't bave bad eiprraol to ue a woudrr that the (iazctte did titt puhliah more original 4titorial mattor, with eo iuiplicatioo that the fore had oo tuiiulr who la caal1 of diacuaaiog aU tract eubw joU from an (Hlitonal etaodpoiDt It ia tbfae little ogsftinna from friVude wbotlD'tktiow abMI Uu" from a tttto that makre the tiriar busiora a boa ling suv roea, aod the path of tbeislitor one (f na4at gtailriMa, IVl. lake W. Hmrit, rhif io Kitior of the Turtlaod watfr wotka. J nvl l'rtday lat of piifuinotii (L Hutitb arrnl in the Mriicao arab lin the (ibfolrat armj a .: a i as, aa rngioprr uunng lb rtiiioa. He baa lo protuiorbt aa aa tngi. r ob tb l'anf.c taat far tro t; Be )ara lla 1 utll thKka at Otpcn City. lo alt bia career lulftfJIO UtTnetloj VI, aoj LU Las will U felt Citizens of Mitchell aud vicinity aro agMD agitating tho mittlcr of county division or rather the crea tion of a new county compos! of a portion of Gilliam and Crook with Mitchell aa the oouuty eeal A similar bill waa bfore the Iaat sesnion, but met with drfcab Every aonsion is doliiRod with numerous division and county seat Icooaer k tsroca bills, but in the pat the aolona a a a a .a nave not lookoa upon nt m wuu mii tim. much favor, and cotiHeuuentlr moat Not kmc slooe Mr. 0. If. have died the same death. Hark lea's Anilra Kalva. Tb Ileal Halve in the world for Cnla, DruiaM, Horea, Uloers, Halt Rbaant, Fever Hares, Tetter, Cbapped UsoJs, Chilblains, Coros, aoj all Hkia Ernp- tious, sud poaitifely cores rile or do pay required. Il ia f naranteml lo give perlecl satUfaottoa or money refooded. 1'ric 25 eeote per bo i. For sale by Wm. ltutlio rusde a business triu to ileppner early tbis week, returning Wt'ilueaday Hun, C. H. Dustirj takes bis departure early neit week for Hulem wber be will represent Grant aud Uaroey ia tbe Beit seeeioa of tbe legislator Tom William recently reotived two blood bounds from listsr Oily. Tbey aia nil looking canine and will oo doubl make eicellent bnutiog animal. Aa Oregon richange acknowlelge lb receipt of an egg wbiob "wa laid on enr table by lUv. Mr. Hmitb." Mr. Hmitb mi to be a laymad a wel la a mltita- ter. K. C. Kwney, bo formerly ran tbs Mono menial bnfel in tbl city, but oo a resident of Vale, Malhtnr ooaoty, te- oenll? lol Ms reeidene and a large portlna ( it coo lea I br Bra. Mr. Keeney wa ebawol from bora al lb lime of the Or. Uarria. Unices Jfnun'al ot Uajloo, IHegoo, aod Mm the alHve measure proves to lie especially fncritorioua its fate is sealrnl. Ve Caa be Well Whea year bhd I por, rich and oonr labl.'g for bervee and mnaclea. 'Ib blood i lb vital Hold, aad when It I pu, Iblu and impor yoa ninal either Maud Curbraa, wbo lived sear Mooa- ment, were nulled In tb holy bonds of wedlock al tba I'alar boUl la this iiy, and lb following day departed for their nw bom al Ihiyloa. Ilowtvwr, la a vary few days lb wif relnreed lo bf I Kaaltwn Oregon borne, elaiaileg that lb Wulamellf valley llmat did aol agre witb br. Now come Mr. Harris, II 1 ass t r- Jfm -. raigi.-fiiyjafT5T?i SHERIFFS SALE. OTK'K IS rtKRERYr.tVF.tt THAT I'NPER and by vlrinenf a writ ( rimillon laaned out ol tba t iri'iilt t'nnrt of the Hit ol Ormton fur .Morrow omiiy. "immIit lh ami thereof, ami to me "1 1 r.-. t-l sn.l ilcllvrmt iion a Jii'lii moot and di'n nudprc1 mtv entpml In mU t'oiirt on the mil Ur ol H-il'miiFr. la'M. In fnvorol KM' R. Ilartii .ni(T. d ualmt Frank It. and Mary i. M"tie. hli wile, Uinla Hi hrwrtch and Kolmwrlrh. hia u di'lcmUnU. when-hr the aialiitlff did iwnvvr prraontl dn-rrw aanlnat tha itrtvttdanU Frank H. BeiK and Mary J. Hna, hla wlln, lor tha sum ol 4-U i with Intrrrat Ihrraon at tha rata ot lhttwrrnt r annum from lh 1st day nf Jannarv. la-H: iha liirlln f anm ol iCtVO At- tornry s Ina. and Ilia roala and nlartiippmana Uscl al lllou; and wharvhy It waa darrccd that Iha mnrtcua datrd on Iha luth Oar of Itorwmher lwa, aiarnir by aald laal named flrndrnla in tha IjiinloiM Invaaimant I o. and ly II aaalanr-l to lalnllA upon tha fnllnwlng .Irarrllml tni broiwrlv In Morrow I oiiniy. Iirry.in, In-wt: Iha ttnrthwrat gnartvr nf law lion Thirty las In Township Twoulho Kanaa Twenty arm raal ol Wlllamaite man' dlan. mnlalnlnf ! arraa, whlrk mnrtaw waa mmdnl on tha Jlli day ol rrnilar. iww, ai iHua M nf Rook "H ol iha Ramrlan( Morlaaaaa In tha oftic-a of tha I ounty ( lark ot Morrow ( oiinlT. in aon. should la fnrarliwvd, and lit aald ml rrorlf aol. I by Iha KharlSnl Mnrmw t ountt. irT.in. in aatiafy aaJd lodamant and all rnaia. Iharvlor I will, on Saturday, tha " day of January. MT, all n'elcwk la Iha altr Hon ol thai da. al Iha front d.r of tha rotirl houaa In Iha rlty ol llafpnar. Iiwtnii, aall all tha r'yhl. tllla, IlitvMI and aalala wklrh Iha aald iloUn.lauia and all prnnna rlalmln and In rial by. thfttuyhnr undar lham. wr any nf Un. ka-l on Iha I th day of IMwwanlwr. laaa, nr alnra than kaa had. or now ka. la and In hai-oa taar(iwl rral r,party. and ry nan Ihpeonl. al oii.llr aorllon to Iha hl(Nwl Itl-Mf f"f raah In hand. Iha prwli of iwl aalalah a.-lll la aalUlarliaa of aaid a Sara- tloa and all r.ta (lal lh la Ail daf of IWnlf. f I. M AT UK K. Ml t. Shah a? of Momiw l',Mtnly. txwwn. k York f Mktr Tribune for Farmers and Vlllaoers, FOil FaiHers and Mothers, FOIt Sons and Daughters, FOlt All the family. With tbe clone of the Treeideutial campaign TliE TRIBUNE recognize tbe fact that the American people are now anxious to give thoir time to borne aod business interests. To meet tbis condition, politics will have far leas space and prominence, nntil another State or National occasion demands a renewal of tbe fight for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to tbe present day, and won its greatest victories. Every possible effort will be pnt forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, ink! eating, instructive, entertaining aod indispensable to each member w; Tin, kaa wm km afTar from aont diairaiog diava or said party of lh first pari, with a Sofia yoa will easily fall a vtrUio I sod Ua rbaogaa, fipusois, or oevrwofk. Kaap year blood pnr with lluod Haiaapanl- la tsj well. Ilood'a fllla ar lh tiawl arirr-dluner pill; aata( dlglla, mil baa.U b. lk aula. kaw Vrata Tba oliiof aat na t.l fnldaa tbrno. Mediiora gawafally da; bi gold wairb lirkad aad bis diratidhoaa,fatitaln parfavad th air wtta eho, aad yet tba aditur was blae. taacaoa bis aub serltf. Jaal a '. bad Uxr to awl II than bill whaailoa; aadbPHi ao datly Uw aafnl la4r h-t wla tba? ta black battaa woald I aa boi. It k bias, la a urtild U a !- hkbi la a tf f itii slaw - Ks. ta lb Uo Crewk Ula lo lb ffarl thai b will Dot b reapooaihl for aay dabls ereated by bis wil. Thai la aa- olba lifiag tawliBBonlal af tVefos' vwry pnillfk rhmate, of wbira w all aa ts-aee dftlgbl la 111 ear easWra frleada. Tor pid lirera, billou attack sal -)lora ait abowad bat neder tba great all- nisi of oar eaty (VgaB. a lia a r- 1 FMaj4nHNMaaaititkaH I ' aaa . i ' ,iim,m a m4 mi aM aoal I , alwata ika kaa.. ' - aa a f 4.a 4 at4Mwow,Nt luaw ka is. I FERRY'S SEED AKXUL J I ta fail at Hif-rataiiaai arf a 4 f rrta. I r 1 C a. at. ra7 a j ay - oTirte k'ltTIt I i MlkfkVOtVItt vnT a ktrtr n nf Iha a ahi'Mara M tna Hfff e.ilUlu a U-ai taarldlna will f MM al thair In ll-rv" nrti, on Iha annul liwUr of iannary . tar: Wlwawn tha axxani af im n. M ! n nl aal.l 4ay. I.w Iha auruaa al atafUa Imm tnf Iha aoaomt yw ait, n piant.r, lUl fnaf Of . ta T. f 1 a'y tar a4.ta On..Owrti TVKlMull.rW Ht-klOU. i-imri lawt araviitwi tmt a mtwt k loa of Iba at.. l,..l Ura of Tba katMmal Hani ol llrt t.Mt will b bai l a Ma bwKklna bn'iaa. In Mvoa on Iha aa ml Valay aa January law. bfwa.n na bouraol I a, aa tM IK k d aalf Hay. b tba f-ormn of lartln I liwM h Iba an"!" T in I Slanor raaatarf. ttatrwf- lr- t. Itwa. a. Tbroaga uata aa la a R A M. will rB via. I'matilla. Walla Walla aad 'a aJlaloa. Tk rough aleapeew, 8ral aad Mtad elaaa, Will run la iialita with lb I'aioa 1'atlfla, lb aaia a baaalo fttta. A lbngb list (laa lapf IVil lard la Kp- k, eaertieg with Ibe flrlla ahaf la M. rt, aad a through ltkl alaepa I'tflUad lo hi. rl. will raa la anaaae4ia with lb Otaat Soatbara railway if Wc pay the pnKcr, the dJUi grocer pays you. w rut you have pan! him for Schil Hugs Pmt balttk. a m -f Ontario-Hums Slajc lice BUBHS-GflJiYONSTBGEUKE H I A L'.HWI, r-op aott'i or io kamptaa itrtm V'tTira ta MtalkV utv TMT TfUkl jl Will to au ol t' a am t boi-lai 4 Ida h.a att"ai bank of Staoy-oM. al IbMf ttv h 1lal Jaauary, taa. to iba b-"--a 4 t m.i-.t a aa a4 mmk at m . M aa.f 4ay. IKa raaa ti-f 'art'i a-1 "a IKa 'aaHlioa a aak akaf biataaa aa af ll.Xalt Taabla. M.ttf " . to t. ! a If they arc not satisfutory OXTAimWKS'tt ta you. t-Mfctlak Tat a4baav Naenaaty Waffatil will lo rwewitaj e ilaliBaael ttfa afke Jaaaare IX . L L aitruaa. (My Oitg Ikr. It. Mftct. 'Ifvfkvf. tlappwe la padWtfa via lleppaae- I ba IMaga Lisa, rcfwna daaima af bili I taJUti-a tna t Ilia aad m ay t y Inktef Iht roala, f a 4aiM!g lb aal lh peaefco a- i lag tba af Will aaaka raaaaaifaiaa wMh I VI-! Ii at l''a M fadU"W. W. U Ua. ye Hirr ti!y at tv ta. aa 1 af riea at Ot-lnit bs Id b tt. Smqlo Fiiro $7. HO. Hound Trip $10 00 'fknl lM I taob yw awanl ra'iiss cAsrox Hii'i-i .t O'la h w b t aia fcrw 1 t"tm4 ' "!. fii, (4 af a- it t ., I amioskfh Sonet. k'ntti la ntaibt iillff ST Vltf I f a 4a-l - -a if It i a-l 9 Im I I -o. . .! x ual aa4 aaa baa a J a at Sa aa aa aaa o o .Ik tha i If a HttU.H mI t mt lior4 t W I atf iM aai.1 a t a-ni l t-.J a-1 lo. I a n bf ia IJ, of aa I mn ef ' I at of ai"! l al a fw I H a a.i.1 aar aa ta-( aa aa.l i . - i aaa . f 'h anw toaa) Ha k 4at -a !-.-. I i 1.1 i ". aaotaa. tl aaa (Vo kn td aod a iiy ra aV44 la t, . rboap. tb Ha4 pla WtilSaawt krlf l.i tbirly ! tWttl!p l lllfiti. C iti I'a-a aWI it thtakiaia, Wa. Wg furnish "The Gazette" and "N. Y. weeklu TrlDune one Year lor $3.00. A44r. OAMII all Oftaf I If ADVANCIC. THE GAZETTE. Wrtta yony aatna an a-Oraaa aa a aoataj rM. aa4 II an llao W. kW, Trlnnn ftf&ra, kaW Tori illy, an a aaaipl 001 f af U tit lark Waakiy Trlbnaa will to aail4 to yoa. 3 iSI.OO -ti(e- SI.OOS : Weekly Inter Oceain(. The Ortatt Rrpyblkaa Parmr of the West. I T Is iba moat s'wf aaaf waaa-eryng (VVka U r pah. a a 1 i.bo4 lottay sad caa aays to ralw) apa tur latr aad haaaaai f-1 J fof'i i4 all (tnitlHad ltr flh,,w,--","'"W,eA.wllHaNw ay- U- t) ,. iba fWii of Carry.! Ul.ratr. J h ta Mofaliy Cla.a, aid at a r.ly rpr Unbaai s r. a a a a lit LUtrmry Col urn at r equsll tO f Aoiat Ot tb aWai nirnlaif A In Yovth't tkfurtmtnt I tht I tinttt of ft kind. l'QNaanaaaNaaanana'anatnanaaonaarfkakawi tl Wtoat to Ua fa lr im tlal of Ik kalian Wfoal aa aiaa ' aao noaaaa . .in.oa a ail fnaaitona a bbaaay. lbs oaa flaao tarofa aaa af ra4io OtafUf a. aaa a r ota m (ottaa 4aro ka lb bk auawbaay kfaajaiaiaa bkao aat a aat aaa aniaf. a f rf , Au. MMs a - ' . f .vw MfTy ys rr 1, TVE .1 lAJ! 9UQQZ fk:'f ltd takAii tit. tutisttSi tiut (kxti tn tu Ma cat::..., fMoa af rwilt kf a.t .., " af iaas by annul ,., i-a-ly tna naf ka saa. ,. riWfaf U aa noa rw kl at pa yaaf Adfteaa TMI IITKH VCBAS. Cklaag a. aasassssMasssssssaasaaasa