KL TO THB y GIVKS TUS OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental : ' GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ry- PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA : Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AND ASD St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fall details oall on 0. K. A N. Agent ta Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Ajjt. POBTLAWD. OBKQON. E. McNEIlL, President and Manager. QUIOIC FX3VEX1 I San Franoisco And all points in California, via th Mt, Bhaata rout of Ui Southern Pacific Co Th arrest hlahwajr through California to all points East and Sonth. Grand Hoenio flout Of the Faoifio (Jonst. Pullman Bnffet Weepers. Heoond-olaas Bleep!- Attached toaxpreas trains, atlordin superior aooommoclHtlans for semind-olaa paasenarxrs. For rata, tickets, slmpiug oar reservations, a to, .call npon or address S, KOKHLER, Manager, K. P. ROGERS, Asst. Geo. I. di V. Agt., Portland, Oregon -TO THE- JT1 VIA THE UNION PACIFIC -SYSTEM Through Pullman Palace Sleepers. Tourist Planners and Free Reclining Chair van vailx to uiitaxo. Many hours saved via this line to K-aatern Toliita. STEAM HEAT. PINTSCH LIGHTS. LvOWICM'T HATUM. K. I!'. BAXTER, Gh. Agent, 1'ortlund, Oregon, J. C, UART, Agent, Ilfpimer, Ortgon. 3M IP MS HARPER'S ROUND F'Uk if Ik fifty-hn ntrnhm if ihii feritJienl nil! efrn with 4 ilory h im 4ulkir if inltrmahrntt ftmt, forfnutt if if thtir ulLi 41 fit Mw. Hindu Ik fnu Offtrt mnJ tfftri if Wi firry utll Ar TMRLB RCMARKAULB TWENTY-PART SERIALS A LOVAL TRAITOR THB PAINT til) 1)1 St:T TUB ROCK OP THB LION a aurr a at it Br t.mm nroii ratr-s riMiij a a, i inta Iin, t a a H.CU4( SfU r m 4fi f tr Hmtt, nJ m tw 41- I'm'Hi t4im AhA i tml i..a..nWMii t. J" ! i7 In f rat aC M) MnrxS Hlil ii at iiii.i4S Snr a. ft' MM ! S, ftMM fc at a, a ws.m hlliHd'O tat f it , mm -s -. Sit., p . mi fi .V '-, tm , ' ) y 4 nm A I .' frt. f ft, 1 A TvTiMfiiiMrrmr.MTC CATARRH ba LOCAL DISEASE ana-it tbe result ol eoM antf widen clinwtie Chang. It can b cored by a pleasant remedy which 1 applied di rectly Into the notril. Be ing qnickly absorbed It gives relief at once. Ely's Cream Balm it acknowledged to b th most thoroogi core for Nsssl Catarrh, Cold In Head and Bay Fever of all remedies. It openi and eleansesthe nasal pssaages, allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro tecta tbe membrane from colds, restores the sense of taste and smell. Price 60c. at Druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren Street, New Yoi THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 Pages a Week. 156 Papers a Tear. It stands first among "weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low prioe of a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries will vouch for the aocuraoy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by tbe greatest living Amerioan and English authors, Cohan Doylb, Jebomb K. Jkkomb, Stanley Wetman, Mahy E. Wileinb, Anthony Hope. Bret Hartk, Bbandeb Matthews, Etc We offer this uneqanled newspaper and Tbe Gozette together one year for 83.25. Tbe regulsrsubsoription price of tbe two papers is $3.50. OlilOAQO. Milwaukee & St. Paul R'g Glance at this Map Of the Chicago, Mllwauke and St Paul Rail way and not its connections with all transcon tinental line and St. Paul and maha, and remember that it trains ar lighted with elec tricity and heated by steam. It equipment Is superb. Elegant Btiffut, Library, Hmnking and Sleeping cars, with free reclining chairs. Kach sleeping car borth has an electric reading lamp, and lis dining cars are th best In the world. Other lines ar longer than this, but none are shorter, and no other offers thealKivo luxurious accommodations. These sre siifllrlont reasons lor th popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon Icket agent In every railroad nlllce will give you further Information, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, J. W. CAREY, Tray. Pas. Agent, rutTLADO, 0IUON. OMR OP THB SHORT l RIAU mi wiiimmm ami THSoV wan SIM omtiM Sums 35ri!i'?t,,0l-, .V Alii WaV- W A A-l HAtrFrTS XOl'.VD TABIK ifnt, U ih rsicWnArt tmh. It? on in fri$ if tktff i hi Hi, Ar V Jin J J f J.'.Uwt l it.) ..'"irVi 1 1 ;o on ; Amiltmr ' k U(fii tmf. ,, ,, ITT -T- Ilooj MONEY PRIZES j Sni:irS Via itmfttt- h.-mi, sr7 4.-ilati 04 tmr tJJnn fr tmuviftitm m Asj r' wJ in yur rultn.tt I m Ihi trmfHn. Stmi ml m.t fn .imUil ttn rnitn nj mJ t.'l lii ift'l. if mr 6 ,'. rufr fifk lit! Tiii twff nfUim mr I ml if ft n. ImJn litmnn ij t, Kin, fnr, mJ fit Avlj f. A, ,Vr !. A FREE DQ0K5T1 HI K. II tm r,r wAhA n IIAKrFfTS KOVKP TAHI lnar imr ift,tJ H a.t vv wita. si s sai tisa) a a- s i h i. , t , fsait ati'"'t i'm1,s f AMH S AtTH' ktIHUTa t - a t t a t as a ma Iimm - a. a aiu.ai S t l't.a.s. ..a a. L at Usa ta i Ma-a Asas rasa-a a Saw .V;ra J1',--, imt. U A i't-n 4 Av Ur if mi. i tmifyvi i7i.i.s 4) wswisiy in I i lUmfn.ti fint Ibl 44 " ( f.n ( Vay A .) Kuril 4 i(tlt. f.iik, t WOMEN AS SHOEBLACKS. They Are Numerous In France and Soma ii Have Married Rich Customers. 1 ; A custom is rapidly gaining ground In France, and especially in Toulon and certain other towns, which, it may safely be prophesied, will not find much imitation in this country. This is the employment of women as straet shoeblacks. . The French women shoeblacks are most coquettishly gotten up, and as to their caps and frills have somewhat the appearance of hospital nurses, and it is surprising that though their occu pation is a tolerably dirty one, they al ways seem clean and tidy; some of them are doing the polishing in gaunt let gloves. In the towns in which they are em ployed they certainly are a success pe cuniarily, especially where English and American visitors, who generally seem to treat the whole affair as a good joke, are numerous. ; . It is said that one reason for the oc cupation being a popular one among women of a certain grade in life is that many of the fair polishers have mar ried opulent customers who have been impressed by their shining qualities. : A Hardy Cactus. There grows upon the sands of the Atlantic coast, at least as far north as the Virginia line, a little cactus with a pretty yellow flower. It flourishes in the dryest Reasons and where nought but bare sand is visible for many square yards. The secret of its sturdy growth amid hard conditions is found, perhaps, in the character of its roots. They are long and tough, like twine cords, and, radiating in several direc tions, they convey to the plant what ever moisture the ground contains for yards around. Oddly enough, too, this cactus, when torn up by the roots and conveyed north, seems to live on indefi nitely under entirely new conditions, its roots cut short, planted in clay soil, ana abundantly watered. Ilrltalu's Iloundariea. The British make the proud boast that on the queen's dominions the sun never sets, but recently compiled sta tistics go to show that on the central and most important part of those do minions it seldom rises. George W. Bell told the Royal Botanical Bociety the other day that during last year England had had 1,214 hours of sun shine out of a possible 4,3S0, and that, he said, was better than for the last five years, of which the average was 1,037 hours. lie related as a remark able fact that one day recently the sun had shone in the society's gardens for eight and a half consecutive hours, an almost unprecedented thing at this season of the year. A Great German's Prescription. Diseased blood, constipation, and kid ney, liver and bowel troubles are oared by Karl's Clover Root Tea. For sale by II. E. Warren. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Alexius Columbus, a former ship builder, now ninety-seven years old, who claims to be a lineal descendant of great Christopher, has been discov ered in Buffalo, N. Y. Rev. Ira Chase, Indiana's ex-preacher-governor, was by turns school teacher, soldier, clergyman, lieutenant governor, governor and bank organ izer under Zimri Dwiggins. Edward K. Hale says that his no tion of happiness is that a person who sleeps nine hours out of every twenty four and lives in the open air two or three hours of every day will be in good health If he does not drink liquor. The variations which time works in family names was well illustrated at the Scotch family gathering In Chica go. Various members of the clan spell their names McLean, Maclean, Me Lain, McClean and McLane. The chiefs name 1 spoiled Maclean. TABLE! - f . Sua af SSfllw f fcWlt Sums Ih.ii. an alHKowptn any srttT a arsBs W D Ifc-asS T.W mif ? I r- t l A "K I fl v 4 h W An, W, 1U VV-1 41 V s-w, , Vrm ) tnrsasv rTttTAiNwrtt IM " si's s wt rssif S a.Si r. I . t v f hs " e f a h a a a, i.., 4 . HtaltHfH. vAAItlf lIUH'lli iianMii a 11 aiisi .aiatia al astivsaa a al 141 a ' ns atii mi. toni sr i CHINA'S MAIL SYSTEM. How Letters Are Transnorted the Flowery Kingdom. in IadlTtdoala anl Firms Manat;n the Post Offle and Perform Efficient Service Guarding; Aaralnat Bobbery A Oov sramt System to Be Established. In a report just published by the state department, Samuel Gracey, United States consul at Foochoo, China, tells how the mail is carried in the "flowery kingdom." China has not yet established government post offices or a postal system for the masses of the people, with all her adoption of modern ways, but private enterprise is depended upon to render communica tion easy between various parts of the empire. This private transmission of mail is conducted through what are called "letter shops." No stamps are used, but the "chop" or sign of the keeper of the "letter shop" is always placed upon the envelope. In this country when the govern ment wishes to send a communication it incloses it in an envelope marked "official" or "public free" and it goes through the mail as other letters ex cept that no postage is paid. In China imperial edicts and other official com munications are carried from city to city and province to province by couri ers. Generally they make the trip afoot, but in case of great haste they are provided with horses at convenient relay stations. Official letters or dis patches are thus conveyed in cases of emergency two hundred or two hun dred and fifty miles a day. In districts where transmission of official com munications is frequent each station master is required to keep on hand from ten to twenty horses or donkeyB, and the local representative of the government is held responsible for all delays that occur. These official couri ers, who correspond to our star route mail carriers, are not allowed to carry private dispatches or letters, their op erations being restricted to the trans mission of government communica tions. : The public is served by the "letter shops," a carrier system organized by private enterprise transmitting the mail from one station to another. Con sul Gracey says at the treaty ports the letter shops are used by natives only, but in the interior, or at places not reached by the foreign postal arrange ment, they are employed by foreign ers as well, though chiefly by mission aries. "These speak well of the sys tem for its security," he says, "but they do not consider it all that could be desired in respect to quickness of delivery. It somewhat resembles our express business, as it transmits par cels of moderate size and weight. It is said to possess two decided advantages over our western system insurance against loss and monthly settlement of accounts. All the letters and parcels to be sent may Iks registered and in sured." Before a letter is mailed or delivered to the carrier its contents are displayed, and the keeper of the letter shop then igns his "chop," or sign, so that its point of orii'in may be determined. Parcelsmay bo transmitted in the same manner, the chnrge for carrying being percentage of their declared value. The shopkeeper gives a receipt for the letter or package, aud lie Hum becomes responsible for its hafe delivery or its return to the Homier, witli seal un broken. In Homo ports of the empire, the consul says, ubntit two-thirds of the expenne of tr:iti. mission in paid by the sender, the remainder beinir collected from tlu receiver. Thus the shop is secured o'rnir.st entire loss from transient customer and the sender as some gtisruntoe (lint bin letter will be conveyed wilh disputed. Native merchants who are r:ulnr customers keep an open account with the shop and make their settlcmenta monthly. In some of the lurger cities and towns the letter hhoim are numerous. but in many remote villages there are none. In Shanghai there are nearly two hundred. Some of the shop em ploy solicitor who go from hotiae ta houv! working i'p trade, romprtttinn In many cities being HroiiLf. In the northern protlneta the hliopkeepfra Imitate the govct ntni nt ami employ a system of mounted carrier. Ilorws or donkeys are uwil. the r-laya lelng about U-n mile nport. Kseii enrrlcr or menKsengrr is Intm-lfd with seventy or eighty pouml:. of inn 11 itintu-r, and travel aiHmt live niMet an hour much lower than the t-ov. rtiiuetit carrier. For short lUfttaiice aud in central and eouthrrn t hina the mewnger travels on fiMit at a rapid gull. hen the mra- ngrr srrlvra at a station he hands ever the mail t a frech rarrivr. "lie tart at oner," raya ( oin.ul Oracey, no matter ttisttuavt the hour of the dsr or nl.rht, aut reirardlcas ol winds, rain, heiit or C"l t, lie conllonrs thi Journey un!. I be, tio, tia complel- ed his M-rtite and l.undcd the parcel ovrr to a. I Mr 1 1 cwinjr-r, hd thus it reaches it tie 1 hn.t Ion." IhU tty 1 -5.rr.-v." like that which aa ill tl -e a. t 1 li.e vtr-trrn I'lslh of the t iol. 'I : !..! forty )i-r , U itncliiic 1 u jet t to I. t miptlto by hl'liv d iri.-ti, .nt t!ic; i t have a way t it rt';.ii t.nf tin h villainy and Out prott it.iw Ho ,r iwUl arrvic. The rolt -r I"1".! i.f r. )t tlitrlct eol Isn't blackmail frv.ro the sli..jltccwr. and for rt .-uUr ait'n paid they nt only iH not ni..i. 1 t;,i mrwnfri tlx mat Uc, Inil t'u-y ai-rve t harp other uarattilt ra frt in iV'tiitf a.v IMrgn firwa rit,'itt. In Hi curry lnT tiainrae and In trt.r tln if trclcr by carta ltwn n 1 i s 't.U arc to the habit ft c.-hliB' i i wiili the trlTands fy the tt is-'arc f their f.! and rnaU im r ' hit." rfmmcnta the ea ttl. "tb Oili f l ef rrr mtw larrjr. ct rt m n cnHij-h In nura rlvlH4 ninirr, I hortii.r.l rcNaMe and iti.r t for. Attlit)ah. of rourac, ! 1. 1 t'.tia t ractlre la qui fvnmoft ar! I nl rrRHrve4 from th tt)ttn t f satne othr batl-rtis ta) ticeastn. e. that taaaot Ve llpely wrrja4 " faaaua fa V Cait hythseae af fbilok'e Care, real tka-tl Vmtn la tbe ely That a. BM") roanedf tat thai tambl diaeaa. If It. C t ara. It la t'a tmnn etsta r ( ebtwkasl tkroeh fre trrt aad te dfwUaatlae. Tbs rarailiM of Ike Caaoe f esntW are atll-l tra k awe jnl -tBat, aaloe 4r. fH I is a, tkrk earm, Maaaa kl. rtn'avk liM ,.l aitHta. Aa - - - - DONT'S FOR HUSBANDS. Don't forget that the true gentle man never uses profane or vulgar lan gnage; that he does not speak hastily. Don't hang about the kitchen, with advice here and suggestions there, un less your wife has the same privilege at your place of work or business. Don't pay a dollar for a lunch "down town," and half as much more for cigars, while you think up plans for greater economy in the family grocery bill. Don't require an itemized report of every dollar placed in her hands, even should she make an unwise expendi ture; consider how many times you have given her the example. Good Housekeeping. The Only Chair Car Line To the east is the Union Pacific. East ern cities are reached via this line with fewer ohaoges of oars thaa via other lines Rotes always the lowest. Tickets to or from points in the United Statee. Canada, or Europe for sale by R W, Baxter. Uen. Agt., 135 3rd St., Portland. Tbe Heppner Transfer Co., lias wood for sale. 37-tf. Send your name for a Souvenir ot th Work of Eugene Field, FMJXseFLOWERS the Eugene field monument Souvenir The most beautiful Art Production of the cen tury. "A small bunch of ths most fragrant sf Dies, sotns fsthsred from the broad acres of Eogens Field's Farm of Love." Contains a selection of the most beautiful of the poems of Eugene Field. Hand somely Illustrated by thirty-five of the world's greatest artists as their contribution to the Mon ument Fund. Bat for the nobis contributions of th grent artists this book could not hove been maanfac tared for7.oo. For sale at book stores, or sent prepaid on receipt of $1.10. The love offering to the Child's Poet Laureate, published bv the Com mittee to create a fund to build the Monument and to care for the family 01 the beloved poet. Eugene Field Monument Souvenir Fund, 80 lloarva Street, Chlcaf, IH BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS. COPVRICHTS sto. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention la probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Olrtuat saenoy fnrsecurlng pntent In America. We have a Wasblncton offlce. Patents taken through Muun A Co. receive special notice I11 the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of any scientific Journal, weekly.terms 13.00 a year i 11.50 six months. Specimen copies and U-AND Book on Patknts sent free. Address MUNN A CO., i 361 Broadway, New York. OF THE 'COfir Till CHBOKTCLS rank wltk U wspapars la Uia Unload sHats. TH K CH HON IOLB has do equal on th Facte Coast. It leads all In ability, ntorp1ss and I TlltC OHltONICLifH TaUtfrauhla Ha porta ar tb lataat and most nllabia, lu Una! Nwwv tb fullfsi and apeotess, aad lu IMttarUi trtna Use ebli-at pens In the euanlry. TIIK17IIHONIOLK baa always bem. and always will Da, lbs friend and champion of tb ponpl as againat eomblnatlons, ollquea. corporations, ot opiirvsaiona o( any kind. It will D lodapandaat la svsrythliig atuUal la aoUilnv 1J Th Cbrwal.l Balldla the: daily By Mail. Pa . Only $6.70 a ik The Weekly Chronicle Til GrtiL'tt Wtdfj b ti Csitry. S1.50 a k tlaaladia ii as ear M at Cait4 ajfua, t aaSa Haas, TttawtfkLV c'laoiicia bm wiatM 4 m t n.Ka wif a i iai la smv4 s1 saaraartr at aasatajaL ml s a Uihsiips mm !.. al la. ama. aw a asais).i aavww'taraj I'l , artiai i at, BAM Pit COPIES SINT fdaC DO YOU WANT TIIK CHRONICLE Reversible Map? sitowtun TV a TTnitpJ Stitn. Demlnlfla el 1 ' I r 1 .1 tf.-!.- viusa son ftprvftfrn nfiica rt A4 ta 1 Map of tho World ow Titsi OTrtrn trie m4 99 a4 f ta Ms aad totwttf larsalils N Twae, f'igm te-vt-al I s le ts4 Ml VMM ye 4- Tfaa f T I iVane VAJommMn' MMm Pref. yr. E. Peeks, who makes a specialty of Erjllerjev. baa witbt out doubt treated and cur ed mora eaaea thaa any living- Physician; his success to astonishing. We hav heard of cases of so years' atanding enrea oy him. He publishes a valuable work on this dis- s.whicn he send .with a larsre bot tle of his absolute cure, free to any aufferaiy arhn mav send their P. O. and Bxnresa address. We advise any one wishing a care to address any on XTOLW.B. r.s..4i Cedar r St., Hew Tor D t Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat- (eatbuuneasconductedfor M00ERATC FEES. .UUR UFF1GE llWFrv.1 1 W. . w ' '. ' iand we can secure pateut ut less time than those Send model, drawing or pnotoM wun ueacrip- tion- We advise, if patenuble or not, ires oi i charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. . S A PAMPHLET " How to Obtain Patents," with Scost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries (sent fie. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opt". Patent OrriCE, Washinoton. D. C. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL., lock west of tbe Union Depot of C. B, , C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. St C, and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. RATBlS S&tOO FKH IAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts Old Cut 1tmu.s.government PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United State -or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a i relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support? THOUSANDS. ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new. law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present . your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now Is the accepter hour. trWrite for taws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. 8? The Press Claims Company riiXIP W. AVIRETT, General Mtnsrer, 618 F f5 Jf. B.Thl$ Company U eonlrolltd fjfl jiuptrt in Ih United Malt, and it Attorneys txt Iaw All baainess sttended to in prompt and satisfactory manner. Notarise Public and Collectors. OFFICE IM NATIONAL DANS BUILDING. HErPNER, i WHITE COLLAR LINE. 4waBtssissaBttssSHstsl Columbia River ami Put Sound Naiata Co Steaaen TOII'DOSE, BAILEY Leaving AlJer Street Deck, Port! sad, 1 arc and ftahcotta. Lhrwct eonnMlioa vita Ilwaeo eteeaere sad rail road; also at Tount's Day with Seashore lUilroad. TX1LiZ1XZIOIXI Lssiv PorUand T A. M. Dally, s leapt Sunday. Lsavas Astoria T P. at. Daily, aireot Saadsf . XSIvZXiJD'V lLaave Portland S r, M tlly. ir.p Sundsy. alt to A. at., atcspt Soaday and OOBA1M1 Learet Portland and ran dlrsW I Itwsm, tiwaco nnw( sss rrmay at i.sa a. at. va Bsjoday algal at s r. at. Bvtiji Cklfi t EiBroU Driuiki E4 Wxx Frt tf IxjnsL tot Kaleiy, lw4. Cotafort, PUMara, Travel B UW It to Advertisers at fice. You need it in nutter of busits vc ?3 J Ths com para ti revalue of thsa twoeaeds . Is known t moat psraott. : Thsy illustrate that grestsr quaatlty ss Nat always moat t b dttirad. .. .. ThM cards azpraaa th bsnsflslal eaa Ityof RlpanS'Tabutcs 4i compared with any prsviously kaewa - DYSPEPSIA CURB .-. ; Ripans Tabulae Prie, SO eats a Vs Of druggists, or by mall. IPAN8 CHEMICAL CO.. 1 w tpriiee ., W. T. WANTED-AN IDEA rn.Vm1 BUKN CO.. Patent Attomeya, rraauugtvs, D. C for their t,800 pria ettfr. The regular subscription price of tbe Semi-Weekly Gazette i 92.60 and the regular price of the Weekly Oretoniai is 31.50. Any one subscribing for the Gazette and paying tor .one year is advance can get both the Gazette , and Weekly Oregonian for $3.60. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions fct one year in advanoe will be ' entitled the same. Nkw Fbbd Yabd. Wm. Gordon has opened np tbe feed yard next door to the Gazette office, and now solicits share of your patronage.' Billy is right at home at this' business, and yonr horses will be well looked after. Frioee reasonable. Bay and grain torsale. tt IS, Street, WASHINOTON, D. C. by taear-ry on Uututand UntUnf guaranteed by thtm. ( OREGON 61TZERT AND OCEAN WATt for Astoria, Ilwaeo, Loaf Deaeb, Ores C--VTHSX3XX,r Saturday eliht. It p at. Urw Astoria Dalit a atooday. Sunday algbt. I P. at. WAVH Tnsarfay and Thsrsday at I A. at Sarnrda? si f, H. oe th Tslspbon. Uiij Oaturt sad tVeaa Wtt. For tho Curo o. Liquor, Opium iU Tobacco Habits It at lTat4 at Balaam, Oragoa, TU Ifoet Baniiml Town m (Ad fal Call at laa Ottrrr ta ranter Sanrtli aamlileaiUai. traaisa1 v1via4 owr OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD a great fin.incial sacri vour business, and as a 0 w must sell it. lAiinuuiiLEi'iEiuj ruiv i07t ; Fw rii and iff wtratt a at pit It j W. Ilea V. f. Or Ua, I'm ft- J laod, Uvj, I tf Staaj M. II it. Vm1 TlIK PaTTR)0H PyfiUSHINC Co,