Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 01, 1897, Image 3

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Last and all the time Hood's Sarsaparllla
haa been advertised aa a blood purifier.
Ita great cures have been accomplished
through purified blood curea of acrof ula,
aalt rheum, eczema, rheumatism, neural
gia, catarrh, nervousness, that tired feel
lng. It cures when others fall, because it
Strikes at the root of the disease and
eliminates - every germ of impurity.
Thousands testify to absolute cures of
blood diseasea by Hood's Barsaparilla,
although discouraged by the failure of
other medicines. Bembmber that
Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Hood's Pills SSteke,
Now that the great political oampaign
is over and the winter season again with
ue, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long ' evenings. Cognizant of this the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew
bI subscribers:
The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate
' Weekly Oregonlan, 1.50 13.50
8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.75
' . ," N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 8.00
Inter-Ocean, 11.00 8.25
r" . : B. F. Chronicle, $1.60..! 8.75
i - WoMuit TH.nfA. Rib II EA
IT li utwv A .OllVCt , ..................... . JU
- Leslie's Weekly, $4.00. . . ............... 5.00
Here and There.
- Write it 1897.
Quiet for New Tears, isn't it?
Andy Rood is on the sick list.
Jai. Wren is ill with tnnsilitis.
Frank Engleman is np from lone.
' A. O. Petteys was io from lone yester
day. Mike Kenny was in Heppner Wednesday.
ray carinoiomew is inuisposea who
Geo. Hafford is in from Cass Matlook'a
raoob. . .
Make good resolutions and stay witb
them. ' . , ;
Pat Kilkenny was in town few days
this week.
Joe Williams is threatened witb pneumonia.
J as. Oarty is about again after several
days illness.
Geo. Shiok's child is quits siok, ont at
their Eobo home.
J. H. Johnson's daughter is very ill
oat tjear HaiJman.
MrJk. B. Florenoe is quite 11L Us is
nearly 90 years of age.
Miss Maggie Adkins is just recovering
from as attack of grippe.
Earl Hani, son of EJ. Hoot, is ill witb
inflammation of tbs bowels.
, J. D. Ball's two children are ill oat at
their boms near Gooseberry.
Tbs infant of Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of
Bhea creek, is ill witb pneumonia.
Born-To the wife of A. E. Smith, io
Heppner, on Deo. 81, tea poand boy.
Drink tbs oelebrated J. H. Cotter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers', .
Pat Kelebar dropped in today for
brelf rest in tbs metropolis of Morrow
Bill Thurburo, forrasrly of Heppner,
isssrviac as marshal op in British
lion. Henry Blsokmeoearaoepyeeter
day morning to spend Nsw Tsars witb
bis family.
Was. Hashes has beea os tbs sick
list for tbs past wsek, bat Is sbls to be
boat again.
Bterliog Smith Is oofloed to Lis bed
with posumools. Mrs. Bnaiib is, per-
bepe, some better.
Too will find that jon wilt be treated
all right dews si lbs tied Light salooa.
Call os) lbs boys.
Ont la Mend Hollow oa Christmas
Altbt a pleasant danee was given whleb
was Urgtly attended.
IWiyal Diaeaoad, Tao Plred Japee. no
eolored. Tbe beet ts ever told Io
nnMt. P. G. Tboflperia Co. Ibe
Bee. M. V. Howard and wife, of Spo
kane, pereote of Trot Howard, are bare
to be at tbe bedside of tbelr eos, wbo
I e proving.
Ssy Ueneelt baa Vm bis boree.O rover,
(root ealarrbal fever, or ae ansae sell It.
"d1bIt." at Sea Fraaeieea. Otber
boreee are similarly affect!.
Nov Is tbe time to get tbe Wekly
Oregoataa, tbe greetewt aewepaper of
the Wast. Wilb Ibe Oast ta,brtbetret.
Iv la aJtnc. oes tear. M 6a Je Utter
smebiaaUno) uf aepepera eaabe eaede
la the etaia.
fix Msibeweeed V. Oeetry, aoder
tLe ftrn Blhl t4 Maleeas A Oeesry
im eeMlele.1 toe.lber la tbe berr-T
baateeee la the eteed. te4oerej
aoatg of tbe frt8se. Tbey aebeii a
II C V ills aad fisstly bare iwoved
trota tbe etib tnr. aer tbe Oe
sH'i boeee reach, to their property
r4Mi!y penbeeed frw Was. fU.b. l.
E. H. lUbWk wtii ebortly sauts tola tbe
bowes veeated by Mr. Wtlla
Tea Ilner tnt reee.sg
wb tbe aew eeter power, aal tads si
eery efertiee. Tbe aew weeel fekae
ee tea eeH tbe waUr of tbe at!
Tu 1 t Beta te A awl eaeMy t
efcoald be ae-d by "m 4 He
eee. eed It is te M 4rtea
For sale About thirty tons of rye
bay, located about two and one-balf
miles of Hardman. Also 400 sores of
good range, fenoed, to go witb same.
Plenty of outside government range
near at hand. Shelter for 2,000 head of
sheep or large band of cattle. Good
houBe on plaoe. Call on Gazette office
for particulars. A rare chance to set
bay obeap. Ail signs iodioate a hard
winter and delays are dangerous. tf
It is true that the looal paper is sap-
posed to print all tbe home news, bnt if
they printed all the drunken scraps,
family rackets, etc, what a howl there
would be. You never know the true
value of the home paper until you want
something kept out of its columns then
tbe editor is the beat fellow in town.
Haven't you notiood it?
State Senator Tolbert Carter, of Ben
ton oounty, and Representative Norman
Miller, of Columbia oounty, both repub
licans and favorable to John H. Mitobell's
re eleotion to the United States senate,
are seriously ill and it is doubtful if
either of tbese gentlemen will be able to
attend the nineteenth biennial session of
the Oregon legislature.
, ' There will be preaohiog in the hall
Sunday, both morning Bnd evening, by
Elder J. W. Jenkins. Subjeota : "The
Unavailable Past and tbe Redeemable
Future," and "Bethlehem's Babe," or
"What Think Ye of Christ." Sunday
Bobool and Endeavor at tbe usual hours.
All are iuvited.
Hon. U. P. Thompson, the Multnomah
oounty member of tbe state board of
equalization, proposes to aak the legisla
ture to abolish the board, and in the
event of tbe board not. being abolished
that the salaries of the members be out
in two.
The Ladies' Aid Sooiety, of tbe Chris
tisu church, have deoided to postpone
their sooinl frcm tbe date advertised and
will give tbe same at the opera bouse on
Wednesday evening, Jan. 13th. Please
bear in mind this change.
C. A. Johoson, member of the state
board of equalization from tbia judioial
dielriot, is quite ill in tbe hospital at
Salem with typhoid malaria. It is
thought that he will be out in a few days.
Gid Hatt and Charley Jones are as
sociated together down at Charley's
old plaoe in the tonsorial business.
Call on tbem and get your whiskers
pushed Id.
Phill Oobn, manager of Heppner's
warehouse, will pay tbe highest market
price for bines, lorn, sneep pelts, eto.
Bring your bides to biro. tf
Burn To the wife of Ed. Duran, on
Blaok Horse, Deo. 81, a ten pound boy.
On last Taesday evening a tew invited
guests very pleasantly spent tbe evening
at whist, musio and parlor dancing at
tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Herreo,
of this city. An elaborate lunch was
also served at an appropriate hour.
Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. H.
W. Bartholomew, Mr. and Mrs. George
Conser, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dunn, Mr.
and Mrs. F. K. Bartholomew, Mr. and
Mrs. E. B. Bishop, Messrs. JJosef Muel
ler and A. W. Patterson.
The masque party, mantiooed in last
if sue, and which was annnounoed to oc
cur at the opera house on Tuesday even
ing, was for some reason ounoelled at a
very late hour, muoh to the disappoint
ment of some of tbe invited guests.
However, it will occur this evoniug.
Tbe watch party given by Mr. and
Mrs. E. R. Bishop at their home on lower
Main street last evening was in every
particular a Biiooess, Whist, parlor
dancing and music were the features of
the evening's entertainment. Following
tbe series of games Ibe prizes were
awarded as follows: First prizes, Mrs.
W. P. Dutton and A. W. Patterson;
booby prizes, Mrs. R. C. Wills and Jqo.
J. Harris, after whioh a very sumptuous
lunoh was served. At the midnight
hour Happy New Year greetings were
ezohanged and a number of good resolu
tions made, some perhaps only to be
broken. In all the evening was cer
tainly very pleasantly spent.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
H. W. Bartholomew, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
McFarland, Mr. and Mrs. Pbill Oobn,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brock, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W.Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. H. Black
man, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cooser, Mr. and
Mrs. P. B. MoS words, Mr. nod Mrs. Wm.
Dunn, Mr. and Mrs B, O. Wills, Mr. and
Mrs. W. P. Dutton, Mr. and Mrs. O. E,
Farmwortb, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Herren,
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Garrignes, Misses
Florenoe Crittenden, Lutie Farnsworth,
Ada Bartlett, Ada Jones, Mabel Leezer
and Etta Minor and Messrs. R. F.Hycd,
Juo. J. Harris and A. W. Patterson.
A New Three-Year-Old In the Ring That Is
Bnpposed to Be O. K-Other Matters.
Ben Swaggart has a three-year-old that
be is willing to bsok against any man's
horse. He is of the same breeding, so
far as the dam is ooncerned, as the late
lamented Little Dick and General Cozey.
Sports, stand out from under. We are
informed that Mike Roberts will prob
ably purobase him and along witb Cozey
do tbe Montana circuit. Morrow oounty
has plenty of good horses but their own
ers are immensely unlucky witb
Low Tillard will open up a saloon in
Heppner in the very near future. Be
tween this projeot and his race horse,
Skinner, he hopes to reooup his shat
tered fortune.
Dee Matlock has returned from the
McDonald oanyon ranch, but little im
proved in general health. Farming
doesn't agree witn Dee, and be proposes
to seek a cessation of exeraise.
Ed. Getouel spent a few days of last
week in Heppner, but on a recurrence of
bis old trouble be returned to MoDonald
oanyon. He will shine again in the
springtime when be hopes that duoats
will be more in evidenoe. Whole fami
lies, inoluding the sporting eduor, are
affliated like Ed.
The usual number of promises and
pledges were made last night, but as we
go to press their shattered remnants
may be seen oo every hand.
Diok Neville will have bis cellar re
paired before the next oold soap in or
der to better proteot his beer aud other
We see that tbe Gazette boasts of
never having rohbea a tien rousi, we
aro glad to bear it, It never "took
woter" either.
Some fellow who follows the drum
ming bosiness stole Park Garrignes' two
rattlers and the bull snake. It the gen
tleman will stop la town for a brief
period we will agree to find him several
people who will unload their menagerie)
and it won't oost him a oent Job lots
manufactured to order. A man who will
steal a snake will take a posthole.
A watoh party in tbe form of a New
Tear's ball at the onnra house last night
was also one of tbe features of the even
ing's entertainment whioh was thor
oughly enjoyed until a very late hour
by those preseot. Musio was famished
by tbs Wattenberger orchestra.
Christmas has ooooe and gone, bat we
greet all witb "A Happy New Tear."
lone witnessed a masquerade proces
sion tbe otber day. Did you ever see
tbe like?
Some time ago our hotel keeper took
a olean shave and with the aid of a pair
of speotaclea, be played tbe "drummer"
to perfection, tooling a a amber of bosi
ness men.
A number of farmers are busy plow
ing, as we have no freezing weather at
Wheat is still ooming in and is selling
at 60 cents. It has risen again, having
beau 56 oenta awhile ago.
Ed. Cluff has recently proved up on
bis claim and has now a number one
The lone school closed on tbe day be
fore Christmas and our successful
teacher will seek: ocoupation elsewhere .
She has given genera satiafaotioo.
Christmas eye lone held one of the
finest celebrations ever held here on
that day. People were present from all
the surrounding oountry and listened to
the songs and reoitationa of the little
ones, many of which did nobly. After
the program was rendered Santa Glaus
oame in, greeting everybody and began
to distribute candy and nuts while bis
numerous assistants distributed tbe
many flue presents bong on and about
the Urge Xtnas tree. The Santa Clans
was very lively and all were Immensely
amused. Jakb.
lone, Dec. 26, 1896.
iff yr
Tow will And one coupon
Inalde each two onnee beg,
ad two coupons Inside each,
four ounce bag of Black
well's Durham. Buy a bag
of this celebrated tobacco
and read the coupon which
gives list of valuable pree
sntts and how to get them.
Schilling's Best 'tea gro
cer gives your money back
if you don't like it.
It's one thing to say
money back, and another
thing to do money back.
We say it, and your gro
cer does it; and we pay him.
Watch Meeting.
At the M. E. church, South, last even
ing, members snd friends of ths differ
ent cburohes io town gathered to pass
tbe last few hours of tbe retiring year in
religioue services. A program bad been
arranged for tbe evening and was begun
at 9 o'olook by a praise and prayer
service led by Kev. Howard. Following
this was a sermon by lie v. Miller, of tbe
Baptist oburch, bis thoughts being
gathered from tbs language contained in
tbe 9tb and 10th verses ot the lOtb
bapter of Romans. After tbs sermon
bf Mr. Millet, a few moments were spent
a testimony service, led by Rev.
Dennis. This was followed with a short
isoourse on "Watch," by Elder Jenkins,
bo impressed upon tbe minds ot those
preseot the all-importaooe ot being ever
watchful, "for ye koow not at what bour
Ibe Sod of Mao oometb." The remain
ing few moments belors 12 o'clock wsrs
pent Id a prayer servios, led by Rev. B.
King. While the attondeoce was not
large, owiog to muoh sickness io the
Community and otber hindering cause,
yet tbe meetiog was good and muoh sn
ored by all Iboae wuo did attend.
Mr. Skinner, who finished a term of
school recently out at tbe MoAlialer
Dist., No. 60, gave a very oreditable en
tertainment no Christmas night at the
Mc. Mister school bouse, assisted by bit
old pnpils sod those ot sdjoinlng dis
tricts. The exhibition consisted of
speeches, dialogues and recitations
some twenty-two la oa uber sod, as
they deeerre.!, were warmly received.
The whole was interxpereed with both
looal snd instrumental monio, Mrs. Ben
Swgi(arl and daughter and Mr. and
Mrs. Cy Metier kludly assisting to make
this festursof the occasion a snoorss, tor
wbioh thry were thanked by tbe audi
euoe by a onanimnus vote.
Tliis was followed by a basket supper
of grand dimensions, after which so
hour or more was devoted to the placing
of ioooeent gamee, sod in otber amuse-
Mr. Skioner is very popular Id that
district aod loaves wilh the good wishes
of all. 11 will root In oe to pnrsae bis
profrssioo ia Morroe ouotr, having
enrtd a arbonl which will eommeuee
From British Colombia.
Cass Matlook and son, EJ., are down
from Sandon, B. 0., to buy la some rail
road land near Cass' McDonald oanyon
Cass gives a good report ot his town.
Though only a year old the plaoe has
tally 6,000 people, with waterworks and
electric lights. Mr. Matlook is running
ths Hotel Brown, and doing well. The
town baa ten hotels, two drag stores,
three general merchandising establish
ments, three banks, four grooery stores,
two railroads, one a branch ot tbe
Caoadian Pacific, aod tbe otber a narrow
guage, two livery stables sod otber mod
ern conveniences. Gambling io bank
ing games 'is not allowed, no weapons
are permitted to be esrrisd ia any fash
ion, and at a oonsequenoe Handoo is a
peaceable towo.
Moet ot tbe money used op there is
Canadian greenbacks In denominations
of SI, 13 snd $10, snd occasionally (20,
though tbs last named are scaroe.
Mr. Matlock and son will return to
British Colombia Dei! week.
A Schlllms & Company
Sea rrancitco
Merry Christmas at Lone Rock.
The little village of Lone Rook was
not behind its neighbors ia the way ot
an appropriate observance ot Christmas
A tree was prepared and together witb
an interesting program ot music, reoita
tiona, eto., the oooasioo was made a very
pleasant one indeed. One ot tbe princi
pal features ot tbe evening waa aa ora
tion by a leading resident ot that aeo-
tion who, io the course ot bis remarks
continually referred to the 25th day of
September as being ths dsle oa which
Christ whs born. Oar lnlormant elates i ,
that sioos ooming to Heppner be bee 1 17 UmiSninCJS, etC,
learned that this Is a slight mistaks as
people hers are apparently unanimous
in ths opinion that tbs 25th ot December
is tbe proper date ot our Saviour's birtb.
Us also said something aboat Mjssoari
ens but we won't repeat that.
ffewere ef OItu for Catarrh tfcl tee
tela tferrsry,
Ae nmroury will surely destroy tbs eet.se
of emoll and Completely derange tbs
whols system wbso entering it through
the muooae surfaces. Saab articles
should never bs used tseeptoo prescrip
tions from reputable pbyaieioes, as tbs
damage they will do la tea fold to lbs
good too can possibly derive from tbem.
Hall's Catarrh Care, maaofaetured by
F. J. Cheney k Co., Toledo, ont alas
ao mercury, aod is taken Internally, act
ios, directly upon tbe blood aod mneoos
eorfecee of tbs ijstem. la baying Hell's
Catarrh Care be sort yoa get Ibe geeaioa.
Il Is lakea internally .end ssads la Toledo,
Ohio, by F. J. Cbeeey t On. Tettmm.
wis free. Hold by droggieta, price "Is.
per bottle.
Ureer f Kike
A preliminary neetlog af Ibe cbener
members of tbe lodge of Elks to be la
stunted la Ibis ally, probably oa the
afternoon aod eveatog of Jea. 14. l'7,
wasbelJ la tbe K. of F. bell Meadey
eveoieg AtW perfeeUag argeuiseliaa
the following ofBeoro, bne aaosee still
beprseenled et Ibe time of laetiletkx,.
rt eeleoixl ; A. W. Pellereoa, etelM
rater; W. F, ftroek, esteemed tending
kmgbt; F-. L. Frelend, esteemed Hye!
ketghlt F- IL Pwlatierae, eetaeseed Iwt
oHogkalfbtj ft. W. Hpef. eear t J
Freak OUliem. Ireaenrer; J. J. H.t4,
eeeire; Abe Joeee, tiUtr; F. I Hlaeaoj,
eheplala; Oeo. Coeorr, ieaer fH:
Freeh llol-rt. er.eaUt; B. T.
Teea-Wa. ft. P. O.rrtfe-e aad K.
L. Metlaeh. tra-teee, A. W. reltnr,
W. F- Troek aei E L Freelead were
earned ae a Mnaiias le bete geeerel
sepervkelfS) aad were gt-a power
eaatc eeb9iite. Tbey ! ed
Ibe foltnwiei eHBittee: fUaeplioa
n4 eotftiemt. J. A. rHreoe. 1.
W. Marriw. Clee. O er, t. R. He.e
tmrve end tv K II out. 1 1 te,t. Was.
!He. Ue'f tjltcksjsa as! C U Fre
A noraW o( ths yonog friends ot Ed.
Priskell surprised him si the borne ol
bis father, Mr. M 8. Pri.kell. an lael
Wtdnrsday ever log, Dec. SJtb, Ibe oooe-
su s of bis 24tb birthday.
The "Progress of tbe World," in tbs
Ilsview ot Reviews for January, 1HJ7,
gives an admirable reeome ot Ibe great
world events of WW. No where eleecao
o faithful and impartial a chronicle of
three stirring times be found. This il
la-treted editorial samraary io each
monlb's Review is everywhere recng.
nised ae one of the triumphs ol rood-m
Journalism. The discussion of Ibe Co
ban sltustton ie enlivened by the repro-
doclinn of timely Hiisniab aod Hpaoiab
American eartoooe.
Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop
Guests will find tbe best of accom
modations in every respect.
The Trouble is Over!
We Mean the Election. But that
Makes no Difference With
Who never lets politios interfere with business. At tbs
same old stsnd, next door to M. Lichtenthal's.
Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gents
Main Street. Heppner, Oregon.
fluaris at the Head.
ireveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New 7
Discover? Is tbe only thing that on res
mv oongh, and it is the best seller I
have.' J. F. Campbell, tnerohent ot
Saffnrd. Arli. writes: "Dr. King's Sew
Disoavery is all that is otaimed tor it; it
never fails, aod is a sure enre for Con
sumption, Coughs aud Colds. I cannot
say enough for Its merits." Dr. King's
Nsw Discovery torConsamptioa, Coogbs
sod Golds la aot aa experiment. It bes
beeo tried for a quarter of a century,
aod today stands at tbs bead. It aever
disappoints. Frew trial bottle el Coueer
k Brnck's drag store.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
TSe sorUty edibr neglected to stele
that prii-e were swarded si ths Christ
mas masquerade. Tbe larky recipients
wsrt: Be! dreeeed ledy ebererler, lira.
E. W. llbaa, -Rainbow;" Uel dr. seed
gentlemen character, E. W. Ubea.
"Ueollemaa ot tbe 16th Cent art;- beet
insulted ledy ebeierler, Mrs. Frek
McFerlaed, Teeeboelee;rt beet sustain
ed geatlemea chsreeler, wm. Dona,
"Car ferler ;" oxet Conical ebareeter la
Ibe booee. Utia rattereort. "Old Mae
Mela Street,
You Should all Sec It.
CorT)e in at Once.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
20,000 POUNDS
The Orelrl MeeMk
Is a fit sob )t for pity tf be Is IronMed
wllb djepepeia, a bile bis sob
jael who d geele proper If may be eaU-l
by a prtare lba ef?Ued The d;s peo
ns of every slime end aetina oe a debt
ef graUtade to floeutlet'e HUitnerk
Hitlers, wbteb reose lbs froes owe at
Ibe teoel cbalieeie aad tmebleeuoie
ennplaiale ageteet blob medical skill
le dirwted. Oa this aotitieeet, la
F-empe aad Ibe tropica. It. is sterling
rBAty te pee emieeeily aad Jnetty pop.
alar, ant waif ae a etneserhic, bel alee
ae a rneeae of teveug ed earing
assiwist. terr,iK kid;, b,!l' b'1 I A II fjjr alxive G(xk1s are Placed
eervmts aieneoera. II SBBrovea: eppeiiie I
eed steep, k a. tees ana taleeeeaee eed Ibe
eeeietiln af eigne afiet eibeaetieg
iele4ie, aad enaaieveeie the lafiresMiee
af age. A wieefteevfel lele bef'fe re
lirles bee a leedeary t pnm
qiil, WHb ylel lleg a Up, a bej seh
envMed by a e. Voea lavaltle.
CoilHlHtllim Of
TabUe, Cbaire, Ibekere, iWdrnota HeiUe, IU.lsWe.ls, fteek
Ceeee, LmeM, tWee, Hpnag Mellree.ee, Wxil Ualtreeeee,
I'erlor HiHe, (Veter Te4ea, etc , ete. Ilreeeele Carpel vVpol
Crple, MeUmsa, Ni.lehuer te, blirmre, (let lUeke, lleegleg
lAwpc, rertieree, IMIowe, llleaketa, Htovee, ete., ele.
on bale at
Half Value or Less.
Will be Sold Regardless of Cost.
ftt ap fear hnmt el b Msliett fere il ere,
kJe lbs efporteilf te !. I.
IWag Ik. Stoet f key t
Ubite llefrpeee sftreU He tele
ttoee eersieo, an J re lte re a II te !
fiet, yet e-e eiile ae 4e i
IttaleeetreJt flwIe kel H g'l aee
tea,aeiegltbeftlbt the "twHe
irte keea etkee dettee a site I te.
fiiee! rites! IwtMf TIM
HrtpVM kfoeure, teer.ee iwing
ea4elieg e, a-t a a gel. worae by
te.eirt.ia- tf sJloveJ te eweliaee lata
ere Mm wfctea efiea btel aad alste ' berJly st4 te b.r a ty f fl
beemieg erf eee fteeree'e ciiai-' t slUe 1 1 teUvb -ee se:U sal av.Uieg
t.l epe l Us HMc.g aed t-.I.e.-, 4;j ik0 - M( m i,,i
aeeie 't eee "-' '
sv-.ee Ike l .-.. At 4-!. r 7 .
nml. I Ssieeate tr. leetee 4 rVa, IbslMOtM
l'iUdeMa. eiSI 4.
Our Sale on General Merchandise
Still Continues.
:v:vr;:x:" iL,M iivl Plenty
WI.....U IjHIiIIj )li;lli), Garclt
Ml ; II1FII ; fills !
Youro HOUKp to TakoMCrn.
Lcnvet No Constipation,
Cares It, ae well ae all Ulllioe.te-s, Huk HeadeeU aad Malaria. Tbe eel?
cftstmeTteta pill la lae won I. n,A4 by 'l tre(ee -f ew.t .y sastl ea
rerpt i4r 'Me. e le lot 1 1.!. Ml Ml all Mlt'AL Ul,
rv.e rraetei,
Where fun ean pt girU I fPV 1 f CfV Is1 T
CleM MeeJ at LltiKg lUUs. V 1 I 1 llV7ilili9
French Cook, and WMU Utor only. Ltnploycd.
Good Rooms and Excellent Service
of them
Gazetto Office.
at the
,ThQ GAZETTE, $2.50 Yoar for CASH.