Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 01, 1897, Image 2

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    self-respecting" cation it claims
to be. Spain should and will lose
Coba. This it might as well cet
ready for right now.
iiiiifrh i ran
zM g5fagagfgalfagHao1
Wonder if 8eoator Mitchell should
swear on a staok of biblet that be would
oppose a tree coinage bill, if that would
ait Harvey, the oootriotioni't and a
few of hie ilk? We doubt it. A man
ho would distort the words of our
senator whei he said emphatically that
etood on , the St. Louie platform,
hows bia selfishness to a great extent
and makes it plain to all that be is de
termined to oarry bia own mercenary
ends, even though be disrupt the party
for which a few weeks ago be professed
to have such deep regard. We hardly
think that Mr. Soott, Lydell Baker &
Co. can hoodwink the people as to their
motive. Transcript.
The Gazette had hoped that the
little ripple in our school, on last
Monday, between one of the teach
ers and two pupils, would not ap
pear in print This was desired
for many reasons. The best inter
ests or tne scnooi (mould be con
sidered first, as to us they are para
mount to everything else. Besides
both pupils are in school again
and perfect harmony prevails.
It is with deep regret that this
paper chronicles the fact that the
East Oregonian felt constrained to
dabble in our family affairs, giving
a version which is wholly uncom
phmentary to our town, school,
teachers and pupils. Facts have
been distorted, we are informed,
and inaccuracies are numerous, in
the E. O.'s version of the affair.
But if it were true in every detail,
what benefit was derived from the
Once before the Ileppner school
was nearly ruined by the interfer
ence of an outside party, and as
one of the directors a patron o
the school and an old teacher the
editor of the Gazette sought to do
his duty, ending in a Sunday braw
which, though an undignified pro-
ceeding, put an end to the contro
versy. The Gazette still remains
the champion of our school, pa
trons, pupils and teachers. We
brook no interference from outside
parties or newspapers, for we can
settle our own domestio troubles.
There are those who are making them
selves ridioulous. They are like the
Israelites of old they want a sign.
Senator Mitchell must say something.
Now those people forget that the senator
not only baa said tbat something, but
baa done it. One year ago he served no
tioe npon Teller & Go. that he Is not ot
them. He voted for the Dingley tariff
bill, whioh was a test on the finanoial
question. Tbat was a time before the
prominence was attached to- oarrenoy
that it has since obtained. Later Sena
tor Mitchell endorsed the St. Louis re
publican platform and made not one,
but many speeohes in support ot Mc-
Einley and Hobart. Not once did he
sulk in bis tent. What more can a man
do to entitle him to be reoorded as a re
publican? He has always voted the re
publican ticket from 1860, if be was
then old enough down to 1896. He has
always supported republican measures
in congress by his voioe and by bis vote
r. . .
uan some oi nis interrogators sav as
much? Hillsboro Independent.
An Eastern fellow has duly noti
neu me uazeito mat it is very
short on original humor, and offers
to injoct a little into it, at a certain
figure per injection.
No one denies that the shortage
exists. Bat the hypodormio mutt
1- I 1 n .
ue appuou eisewueie nrsu If our
Kastorn friend can go a little far
ther and inject into a lot of people
whose names are enrolled npon our
books an overwhelming and un
controllable dosire to pay their
honest debts, we will go him one,
and will take a treatment of his
laughing goods besides. We wi
do better yet. If he can injec
into our Dullness men a yearning
to do business in the old style that
floods oar columns with big ads at
legitimate rates, we will take bis
whole treatment and feel satisfied
with the bargain.
for bis ability as a politioal manager. As
an orgamzer be is said to have no equal
He prophesied oorreotly the outoome ot
the election io bis state, and knew ex
aotly the situation there. Congressman
Apeley.of Massachusetts, vice president
ot the republican congressional campaign
oommittee, calls Mr. Hirsob a wonderful
man. Hebrew Globe, Syracuse, N. Y.
As the time for the assembling of the
legislature draws near, it beoomes more
imperative for those who take part in its
deliberations to formulate action to be
taken during the session. The most
prominent action, sad the one that
should be the most speedy, is to eleot a
United States senator on the first ballot
to be reached, and place that disturbing
element out of the way of neoessary leg
islation. There is butone oourseto pur
sue in the matter and tbat is to follow
tbe wishes ot the people and eleot Sena
tor Mitobell at once, without allowing
tbe quibbles and schemes that are being
sprung to have any influenoe in the mat
ter. Malheur Gazette.
When tbe sound money republicans
went into caucus at Washington all tbe
siUer republicans failed to put in an np
pearance. We are pleased to note that
Hon. J. H. Mitchell was there all right
He was talking in Oregon before tbe
election, and he is aoticg as be talked.
Yaquina Bay News.
Tbe anti-Mitchell papers throughout
tbe stats have suddenly come to a stand
still in their forooious and unwarranted
attaok on tbe senator. He has main
tained a dignified attitude all tbronuh
tbe orusade and bis silence baa acted as
an impregnable bulwark from which be
was safe from tbe darts ot tbe enemy
With the record tbat be has made in the
United Htstoa senate, a record which is
a glory to him and would be to any man,
it seems that the reoent spurt of vicious
ness against him was but the result of
temporary insanity. Heretofore tbe
point of attack was in Portland, but
since tbe big gun bss been silenoed the
sharp shooting has been distributed
about tbe oountry. As a matter ot fact
tbe proposition of Mitchell's most for
miuaoie enemies was io make it appear
as if there was general uprising on
concerted action, aod tbat tbe sentiment
bad been tumid against tbe senator, but
displaying the shrewd, keen judgment
for which he is noted, b let his ene
mies do all tbe fighting until they have
worn themselves out, and be stands be
for tbe publio witb unsullied repute
tion. During all bis long service in tbe
senate there is Dot page io bis public
history whioh needs be covered from the
closest scrutiny. Uis judgment accept
able lo bis constituents lie has never
been called opoo to explain anything
us nas done coining to wbiob any per
son can honorably taks eioeptioos. lis
is the same today as be always baa been,
trustworthy, honorable and noselflsb
After being tried, be has proven himself
lo be tbe very man for Oregon on tbe
Boor ot lbs senate. Hebrew News.
Never Heard It Before.
Tbe East Oregonian hears through
Heppner business men that tbe Bell
Telephone company has notified the
Heppner-Loug Greek oompany that
should they attempt to build a line, suit
will be instituted. The Gazette reporter
oalled on W. . Brock, who is largely
interested in tbe line tbat will be built
from Heppner to the interior this spring,
and be was informed that the Bell people
bud made no threats whatever, or bad
tbey expressed any opinion to any mem
ber of the oompany as to their right to
build and operate telephone lines inde
pendent of tbe Bell corporation. Tbe
Heppner people are proteoted by the
oompany from whom tbey purobase
their 'phones and expect no diffioulty.
Tbe E. O. says that tbe Bell people
propose to ngbt feodleton s telephone
projects, but of this tbe Gazette knows
Tbe E. 0. gives some good advice,
however, in the following:
"In this connection, a Pendleton busi
ness man of souteness and excellent judg
ment suggested to tbe East Oregonian
tbat the Bell Telephone oompany and its
subordinate companies oould be pro
ceeded against at law tor making so
many indiscriminate threats, and that
he had reasons to believe tbat the Bell
monopoly has no foundation for their
large bluffs which are being run in every
quarter. They propose to prevent any
new companies from entering the field
as common carriers, and any company
wbiob organizes for aotive operations
must meet this obstscle. tint there is
every reason to believe tbat tbe field
does not belong by right of law exclu
sively to tbe Bell monopoly, although
all towns contemplating building a tele
phone line, should see that every step
taken is under skillful legal advioe, ss
muob trouble will thus be avoided.
Booklea's Arnica Salve.
Tbe Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Hores, Uloers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Hores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Files or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
I'rice 25 cents per box. For sale by
Conner & Brock.
Rheumatism is no respecter of per
sonsthe healthy and vigorous aro
as liable to its attacks as the weak.
The symptoms of the disease are
almost unnoticed at first, so insidi
ously do they steal over the body;
gradually the little pains and stiffness
increase, until they develop greater
inconvenience day by day.
The knees, ankles, and other joints
of the body ache constantly, swell
ing; to several times their natural
size ; the patient finds himself unable
to get around ; is soon incapacitated
for business, and later is confined to
his bed, utterly helpless.
! It ia a great mistake to expect relief
from sue condition by the applica
tion of liniments and other external
remedies. The medical profession ad
mit that the disease is in the blood,
and it is but reasonable that only a
blood remedy, one purely vegetable,
and iree from potash, can afford re
lief. S. S. S. (Swif t'a Specific) is an
unfailing remedy for Rheumatism,
and has cured the severest cases,
where other remedies failed to reach
the disease.
Mr. Frank T. Rey
nolds, of Dalton,
Ga., was a sufferer
from Rheumatism
since his boyhood.
He writes : "Ever
since I was twelve
years of age I have
Buffered intensely
with Muscular
which, at one time,
kept me in bed for
eighteen months.
I took all kinds of treatment, and
visited many famous springs, but
could get only temporary relief; the
disease alwaya returned, and at times
waa so painful that it was impossible
for me to use my arms and legs. I tried
almost everything that was sug
gested, and after eighteen years oi
suffering-, s. S. S. was recommended,
and I was nappy to, at last, find a
cure for this painful trouble. S. S. S.
seemed to get at the disease promptly,
ana anoraea immediate reiiei."
The experience of
Mr. E. J. Gibson, of
Madison, Ga. ,waa
aimilar to the above.
He aaya: "I tried
almost every rheu
matic remedy I
heard of, but grew
worse instead of eV
better. The sharp,
aching pains, pe
culiar to Rheuma
tism took possession
of my entire body, and the suffering
I endured waa intense. I waa soon
L M . .
nnui ior Dusiness, ana Decatne as
helpless as a child. The potash pre
scriptions of the doctors almost ruin
ed my digestion, and I found no
reiier in anything until 8. 8. S,
(Swift's Specific) was recommended.
Several bottles cured me completely,
and for more than four yeara I have
not bad a symptom of Rheumatism.'
h. a. 8. ia unlike the manv blood
tonics on the market, for it cures the
most oosunate cases, which tbey can
not reacru it is a real Wood remedy,
ana is tne oniy one guaranteed
it cures Cancer. Scrofula. Conta
gious Blood Poison, Eczema Rheuma
tism, .Catarrh and other blood diseases,
it maiiera not now occp-aratcd
nook a on blood and skin diseases
mailed free to any address. BwiFT
brxeme CO., Atlanta, Ga.
of Oregon for the county of Morrow.
J. A. Woolery, Plaintiff,
Samuel E. Walker, Defendant.
To Samuel E. Walker, Defendant.
In the name of tbe State of Oregon: You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed againat you in the above entitled
cause on or before the first day of tne next
regular feerm of the above entitled court, to-wit:
March the first, 1897;
and if you fail to answer for want thereof, the
plaintiff will take judgment against you for the
sum, One Hundred Sixty and 65-100 Dollars
with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent
per annum from the 11th day of Oct. 1896. For
the sum of One Hundred Twenty-five and 20-100
Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of
eight per cent per annum from the 11th day of
Oct. 18: for the sum of twenty-five dollars at
torney's fee and for his costs and disbursements.
This Summons is served by publication pur
suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge oi
the above entitled court, made on the 26th day
Of Dec, 1896. J. N. BROWN,
605-17. Attorney for Plaintiff.
What's the Matter With Haona ?
of Oregon for the County of Morrow,
A. Woolery, Plaintiff,
Samuel E. Walker, Defendant.
To Samuel E. Walker, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Orpcrm: You am
hereby reouired to annear and answer the nnm-
plaiut filed against you in the above entitled
cause on or before the first day of the uext
regular term ol the above entitled court, to-wit:
The first day of March, 1897;
and If you fail so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will take judgment against you for
the sum of Eighty-five and 70-100 Dollars, with
merest thereon at the rate of ten Der cant cer
annum from the 12th day of Oct. 1896; for the
sum of fifty dollars, attorney's fee, and for his
costs and disbursements.
This summons is served by nubllcation rmr-
suant to an order of Stephen A Lowell, Judge
ui wo auuve eiuiueo court, made on tne ma
day of December, 1896. J. N. BROWN.
aun-iY. Attorney for Plaintiff.
lie I (Mad to Hear of the Propose
pbnae Use to Urns' Creek.
AlACEO baa boon resurrected
gain, this time badly wounded,
bat getting belter. Tbe Cubans
take do stock ia tbe story.
A boo ilide ia doing a great deal
of damage io Ireland, besides en
tailing tome lose ot life. It ia
noting towards Klllarney lakes.
rrori.i who do bmioese upon
credit entirely most expect to bare
a Lard time of it, Tboee firm
now goiog to tbe wall Lave Loan
"broke" for yeara.
r.x-QrirM Lil ia aau! to have
causal considerable couaternatioo
io the Cleveland household by Lor
tin-it to this country. Aa soon as
Cleveland board of her intended
?uit Le wont dock banting.
Ir ia tot to U wondered at that
few failuroe of institutions, crip
tId ly the Lard timee of tbe past
throe years, and by Ud lovoet.
to f tits, should ocrur bow. Fail are
lo pursue proprr business methods,
evtu ia goud times, Lm always
causod trouble. This ia ail that
tLcy signify
Sratx Lm asked the United
FUUs to act aa mediator io the
for run 'a difficulty with Cut., io
the L of bringUg atuut
without tueisjg the Island, hfaiu
taekoe a onto !( backdown which
A iwt kk trry well tot the
Fsople wbo ILlok that oar prMtJsot
oaitbl to be obosra bj popular vols
sbeal4 And food for reflation id lb
stateaMwl from Auitia tbat da rim 'I1
last wms la Novsuiber, lb stala rsturo
tug board was oouo tint lbs volsofTsias,
aod Ibal vso to long after lb eUotioo
aa tbe 1st of Dtcmbr lb flgorsa bad
aot bo rsosivsd at lbs espllal from ill
eouDlit. Faeey Iht coodilloD of lb
ooaetrr aftsr an slsoiloa lit Ibat ol
1KJ, wbso Oarflsld rsoivd 214 sUotoral
vols so J Hsooook 155 -if lbs pnbtlo
bad boo obllg! I wall a month or
more for lbs fall rtlnra froui Trias lo
ordsr lo Warn wbiob eaadldate bad a
plurality of lb popolsr vols; lbs final
eoanl le Ibal yssr bowleg Oltil mor
fur Oarfiotd Ibaa for lUoeoek to tbs
bols anion. Tbtsk, loo, of Ihe Urop
Ullnn lbs dsmoorslio offlolsls who !
syseotnpos Morning board la Ttias
would bsvs bad lo throw out 10.0U) r
pahllosa tolas la Ibal lsl in orlr to
lvs Uaoonok ehd Id lh wool eono
Ir Ihs rrnl (vinst at Aaslin bating
boa saads behind ehd doors y lh
etlnrasr gnrl, wiihonl u prMno
of a singls rprMolalit of ant otbf
party. HaUm tJtaloatiiaa,
II Is no ansoamoa MftrmM lo br
tbe bust (a) of a Iowa enmptala
Ibal II wauld bs a far bolt! towa if lb
pwnplcof Ibtiarrwoading eonalrf wonld
do all Ibatr biiMaaas with tbwts bw
dltt, Mporiallf is Iblt lb e la
towns lb ! si Elgin j and yM II e4
nnfrjoUf bppo Ibat of Umm
at fault ISJ( prtill lbs babll
lbr blMorlt eondsma (a otbor.
Wboattw a butio flint rslut to )
rttMle its kal ppf and ads away
lot wbsl bill prtsUd staltoostf It ,
eiapt bsxaoM II a t ebtatsod e III
lltbpf ibaa tbtr bom thlia
awe! cm farnt.li it, it eo olitlod I
r -itl okMjrtfca on lbs pail wf
lb public la gal Lifts kd-r.
from the Pendleton Tribune.
Tbs new Ibal a telephone is lobs
built this spring from Ileppner lo Long
Creek jaat sails to a dot Manager
Fletcher ot tbe IUu Monntilo Telephone
A Telegraph Compact. "Tbey eao build
all tbey want," aya Mr. Flelober, "op
to that point j and wa will b willlog to
bitoh oo at aoy time."
Mr. Flelober is very tanguln that bs
will bo In a position to si lend lbs pres
ent Una belonging to bis oompany early
in lbs tpring and, If lbs Ileppoer-Loog
Creek line is oonstrneted, b Ibink Ibal
II will b poeeihl to ooms to a satiafeo-
lory agreement with Ibat oompany lo
connect with Ibeir lines a It wonld be
to their tnolaal interest.
Spices and flavoring cx
tracts arc favorite nests of
adulteration; perhaps you
don't care.
But Schilling's fast arc
pure and money-back.
Foe tale by
F- W. Rhea A Co,
Will Krseav t Mrev.
Mr. and Mr. C. E. IUdiMd will leave
rad!etoa, lb letter part of Ibis week
or lbs fir of neit, for H'ppu, where
Mr. Itedfleld will enter Ibe praolieoof
bis pmfeloo, lh lew, Tbelr dernrlar
ill I ease for many regret la Ibe
social realm, where lbr bit maeb
popaUnly. Mr. 1U J field, m a prsflt
Imner, bee esraed Ibe natter.! reepevt
of Ibe opte of TendUbta and CmsnH
roaaty. It baa prove to h s taaa of
hltheot ebarectev, Ml will. tyoad
doobl, wia a plar ia lb eoefi teaee of
lb ponple with wbnta he ay be thrown
la wonted la bia new field. II r
with enmmeodsltaws from hi kuwhii
cites t and lb botas psblta here,
who all wtli wish bios lb sere bM
cbrHf and UleeVa deoefte. F O.
w4rfN a!
ot Oregon for Morrow County,
W. Whalley and Wra. T.
Mulr, partners dolus: busi
ness as Whalley & Mulr,
James W. Swezea, Defendant.
To James W. Hwezea. Defendant.
In the name of the Htate of Oreiron: You are
nereoy required to appear ana answer tne com
plaint filed attainst vou in the above entitled
cause on or before the first day of the noxt
regular term oi saia court, to-wlt:
The first day of March, 1897;
and if you fall so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiffs will take Judgment against you
mr me sum oi vine minor.. a sua rweiity-nve
Dollars, with interest th reou at the rate of
eight per cent per annum from the 14th dayof
April, 1H96 and for their costs and disbursements
In this action.
This summons Is served by publication Tnr-
suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge
oi me auove enuuea court made on tne Vita
flay of July, IS.
4 ML IK and J. N, BROWN,
605-17 Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Tbere will bs regular preaching in tb
M. E. chnrob, Hoath, on Pamlay, Jen
3rd. Itv. M. V. Howard, presiding
elder of Hpokans district, will preach
morning and evening.
More raratlv Power
I contained in a bottle of Hood's faree-
parilia Ibao in aoy olber similar prepare
lion. It cost the proprietor aod mann
raotnrer more. 11 ooet tneiuber more
and It I worth mora to lh consumer
11 has a record of core unknown to any
other preparation. Il i Ihe be I to hoy
becanee il is tbs Uoa True Mood rnrlfl
llood'a Till are Ibe bed family c
thartio aod liter medloins. Utntl, ri
liable, sure.
Kit. IL Iiiabop, successor to Tba Mo-
Farland Mercantile Co., is still on deck,
gititig great bargains in all line. Tb
tork mn t be closed oat, and il is sur
pneing bow cheap thing are. Call oa
Ibem. Frank McFarland, talesman.
wait. Tbompeoa run stags between
ileppner and Mooumeot, arritlng every
day eicept Monday and leatiog every
day eicept Haaday. Hbnrleel and C beep-
eel route la the Interior. Ooneer
Itmck, rente.
fterte Oa ts
i waa nervone. tlre.1. Irnlal.le aa
erne. Karl' Clover Iton Tea bs msd
mo well and bappy.
Mae, F.. n, Woatiaa.
For eel bt II. F U ne.
L , Best i e,r.v Tim u.. fee Pi
Ontario-Iiurns St;iic lio
A. 1H I
Nothing, except that he has just discovered that at the
Odd Combination Store of
P. C. Thompson Co.
Is the best plaoe to buy Salt, Sugar, Soap, Sardines, Socks, Saopendere,
Sewing Machine, Shotguns, or Saws. Complete lines of Groceries or
Hardware. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
He has anything In this line that you may desire and you can depend on it you get a good
article when Mat guarantee! It,
Old Stand, Main Street.
Repairing Specialty.
Full English course,
Bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy,
Notice of Intention,
Land Orrici at Th Dat.i.iik, Orkoos,
December 2iith 1HM.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention t make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County 1 lerk of Morrow Co., Oregon,
at Huppuer, Oregon, ou February 15th. 18117, viz:
lid. E. No. 4.r4, for the BE'i Sec S, Tp 8 8, R 24
K, W M.
He names the follnwlno; witnesses to prove
his continuous residence uoon and cultivation
of. said land, rlz:
Thomas P. Uraham, Charles M. Hastings,
Iuther Huston, Andrew M. Peterson, all ol
E.Vht Mile, Oregou. J AH. f. MOORE,
003-10 Register.
Notice of Intention.
Land Orrici at La Grandx, Orkoon.
Dfmmbpr H. lh'.ia.
followlns-namxd settler hat tiled notice
of his lnU-iilloii to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will he mane be
fore the County Clcrs of Morrow County, Oreg
on, at Heppner. Oregon, on February 8. Isu7.
II. K. No. ,V7fl for the Ki, RKU tec 81 and N't
W 4 Hec 24, Tp I N, K 27 K W M.
He name the follow line witilectonroe his
Contluiioiis rvsldvnce upon and cultivation of.
no lanu, vis ;
John Itarkor. Isnac Vlucriit. Charles M. 1,0110.
ut'orge n. j-carsou, an 01 hhiiowhv, nrfttfon.
Mil 14. B. r. WIMDN, Kegliuer,
it and by virtue of a writ of rmrullnn luiird
out of th circuit Court of Ihe Hiata ol Ormron
for Morrow County, ;nnder tli sal thereof,
and to me dlrwtnl and dfllvi-rwt upon a Jud'
melit and riccn rrnrlercd and rnt4rwt In aaid
f'fiiir, nn tha ttlh Haw ..f l....ttlu I.
tavorm Ml H. Ilwrus aa plalntirr.and acalnst
rrani 11. arntm an.i Mary i . H--n, Ms wife,
liiils H. hrwrlrh and fVlirwrlrh.hla wife.
as defpndanta. wherrhy th pialtitlfTdld nvover
a prraniial d r walnst Ihe drfrndanla Frank
11. Benifc ana Mary 1. Hn. his wife, for the
sum ol I U iS. with Intrml Ihertmn al lh rate
ol rlcbl par rwnt tr annum from thr 1st day
ot January, lm; Ilia furibrr (ma nt ItVuo At-
unnay a fwa. snd lha roata and dlsliiinamant
uip.1 as ; and wharaby It waa darraad
thai tha winrtKua datad on the Iwh day of
I Warn liar !, aiarntmt by aald laal tiimal
dalandanta In the i Jim lard IiiTaslinant Co. and
hy II aaalanad Ul plaliillfl upon Ihe follow I n
daarrthaj raal proMrlr In Morrow Counlr.
Orraon. lo sll; Th North aaal guartar oi
a llo Thirty-two In Township Two Booth of
Hans iwatity nra Eaat of WllUmatla marl-
dlan. mnuiiilii( l'i a raa, whirl, mortgaaa waa
raroruait on ilia f'n ilar of IMa'amhar. ima. al
ara H ol Hook "IC'ul Ihe Rarordsnl Horiaaa
in ma nmra 01 ina 1 nunty ( lark ol Morrow
County, Onfnn, should I lorarltwnd. and the
aid raJ pn.iarly aol.l by lha xhrrlrt ol Morrow
I niinly, Ora(.n, to aatlify aald )udf manl and all
roau. ihoralora I will, on Kaluntay, lha t pi a
day ol January, latri, al 1 o'rlork le lha after
noon ol thai Amr, al lha front door ol lha court
houaa In lha rlly ol llat.nnar. orraon. sail all
lha rlfht, tlllo. Interval aod aatate ahlrh lha
aid dvlandanta and all paraona rlalrelne and to
riaim oy, mmnsn or uniar tham, or any of
thaan, had on lh vth day ol liar an bar. taaa.
or stnrw ihan ! had. or now here. In end to
lha ahnae daarrtriad raal rmnertr. and aaary
tart lharanl. al puhlle ennuoi to Ihe hlhaat
Iddarfnroaah In band, lha ptnrams ol (orb
aaiasaM eppitei In sallafartlus of aald (lara
Uon and all r.u
i"ll tow M day ol Oarambar, I an
H I- MAtLOCkt.
MM i, Shanflol Morrow ronnly.Oracow.
Ihf Mafpoaf
III be kald al
lha ( khnidar ol
S'llldli ( A Laa Aanlailow
lhalff ftftrt In llaff.orr raafn. on Ihe
t ! ol Jannaty. !:. briaaan lha konre m4
le a an and i a a ol aald day. Irf lha urpaae
u, aiwi itac nirariura (of ma aiannf raar
til. a hUH'if
Itrppoaf Of , tM 7, ak l Pmr y.
V'Tica t mi arttt utvii tt a miit
il nf al lha tUm khoMota ol lha hll.
Sank ol r.pnaall tm bald a I la banklne
haa. In llri-anar on lha aanmd 1aa.lay of
iMMff , i mios iht iMnnta nan and
I a aa al al I .l, b4 lha (Milan a4 etaxUna
4itaan Hw loa anaia( taar
i a si. nor chia.
ttyriar, Iw , w J. aaa tm a4
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, Oregon.
These gentlemen are well acquainted wtth Grant, Harney, Crook. Gilliam and other counties
and can save money and time in makinj these sections with traveling men.
Prices In keeping with the times.
Farmers and Villaoers,
Fattiers and Mothers,
Sons and Dauohters,
nil the Family.
With tbe clone of the Presidential campaign TOE TRIBUNE
recognizes the (act that the American people are now anxioua to gire
their time to home aod business- interests. To meet this condition
politic will have far less apace and prominence, until another 8tat or
National occasion demanda a renewal of the fight for the principles for
which THE TRIBUNE has labored from lU inception to the present
dftj, and won its greatest tictoriea.
Etery possible effort will be pot forth, and money freely spent,
to make TUE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a
National Family Newspaper,
interesting, instructire, entertaining and indispensable to each member
We liirnlsh "The Gazette" and "N. y. WeeMu
Tribune" one Year lor $3.00.
4 Mr
i sit Often to
v f1.! ta9i mm .4 'T " nul an4 II In l)aav W, aM Trlnnne OSVe. Hear
York tliy.ea4eeainpleaot.ral Ike lark Meetly Trlbone IU b smM to yon.
lie. ..lieoo Ulwh, (4 (Itet.
reeiM4eet-e4 ts (ret ! atari UMeis
' Nasi lo ( ere eil Skla t'Uraaan
DieBV' fplr "eyae'S lhntuel "
yy leterraj rnelnios rnlrl Cnrae
Utiat, eeiaina, tleb. all erepHe es lb
(m. aea.le, tnee, As., testisf lU ekla
sleer. vblWs eej beellb?. Ilsrelke4
tog aei cartUre w",rl sre prsiiees l
bf trte reseerl. Ask tin 4ra.
tel (f Meayee s CMatsel
w tkatlasv
Neaeeir eirents UI Is raoaitaj
ra. dantart Utos efw Jaeeery l
l7. 1 h L Ms run a,
71. Bfeevtf.
H a A ..:$. Pts
levee Bnrne ally el p. m. en. I sr.
ntae al Otarle la 4i tea'e
Si'iQlo Fnro $7 PO.
Flourui Trip $10 00
fnWTr ik (.i4kt .' at aat
taaa . r a f raa
( C " ,i, ant It , r H.d..,at
a f- '9 t" in.-yj !-.- r ... I .' w
a..k K. i., fxal a ! Iata xa
fra al ..
(hmi srrll".i''nt fi j-n
'a w . a .. aa .
noil's or !tHfcnot.ritiur Mrma
Vti tratr litre TntTT.nts
i J ml. i a a a.n-a al lha atar t luvMa'a, 4
lha firaJ aii"al Mk a li.aa, a Ikatr
mm lha Ia4 taaatay t )aaay. a
laaan lla Ita-.r 4 .' l.l a as lM
wl a aa.nl at 1 daf. lta y mn- mm M
... inriq iM l4 IKa l .ana, laaai mi
aa fe a.i kufc aa aa ay afta
i.y ii.sata .., ia
Mrfaa Of . NV 1. tm !
AstQr.ra soticc.
trTKI l Hiaray utvJ st tut
l1'Bfllll p fait a4 1
f. t a,u.rtt, ifcal aat4 aa. kaa
(.a4 aa iaal wnl aa wm mm?inmm a ilk taa
I aM Ifea I :.tt I r IK .iaia "I 1a
lm X .- a ikf aalaail ea, a tali
a kaarii at .al mtm ia la ir 4 aa' t
!... K. S-ai mt liat, a al !
a,.t M , mi ! 4i , aa a-a, ik.n w
H a. 1 1 n hi i t am a- e
l-aa4 thai v r l l.a- ,aaa
ia KM , Saa
I Weekly IivIter OcEArt.
Ths Qrcatctt Republican paper of the West S
I T Is tHa vm sis H mmwnrrlmg tttpmklk Wkh Sa i
k Iha4 toder ee4 can ai.aye t retted ts tot Utr aet hmmmi re-
j jwiU sil s.iksI tlurt 2
tH T- VJlf 0tM" p' AH ifcs News J rr-r t
I U-iV SM Iks Net of Currrel Utereture.
tmf eala
the set. tr. . 1 e'l eaaj 4a4e4
leal. U ea'e sbaae, Ibe ft.! fter,
e"i,tUaat rUl eaet. th ftylee
U7l,:a lea.
A4lraee: (' irm !.,
t f 5 'Ik Tekl4, Week
Il . !xai;y Oaa. si4 a a Fan.,!. Tiper il Wutx-ei a tmt.
: ii vsia nyirxr iwi
If Uttrary Column
to roost o tbt b4t mg Milntu
lit Youth' $ fopsrlmtal I tbt
imttt of lt A ad.
Il aataee U a lanf taa a-t ml tmm eauaa Waaea ( aaaa
a -al a4 akat 4 a aauaaa a I aaa.i at laa mm,, tka
! " '"ala saaeae af raaoa eMUat a asaaa
mmtmm aab.ia4 tm kkaaaa i aaaiaa lira4 w eVa aaarka as
tee rmmm mm mi xm Suaakaay anniN iaae eey aMa mm..
TVs h?i ul Uiiij U
UU f4 let Utf teu in
ty MsftiAf k:ti....
Nv. ai.l ,.,
- af Sv.r H I
t a. t a-4 Caa. tr m.J
NH faa
S3 a mmt a
e T ,.