tot OFFICIAL B-ijV PAPER The... Heppner Gazette NEVER ROBBED A HENROOST The..; helps the widows GazetU: MrtMM If Acs some of its own. Advertise in it and do business. jf" ' s r v'J'' v FOURTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1896. J WIKKLY WO. 721) SEMI-WEEKLY NO 5161 . t : SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. f-TJBUSHin Tuesdays and Fridays ST . fHE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY, OTIS PATTERSON, A.'W. PATTERSON, - " -: ' ' Editor Business Manager Notice for Publication. Umited States Land Offics, The Dalles. OrcEon. Deo. 1. 189C. XTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT RICH- Xl ard W. Robison. of EiKht Mile. Oreeoti. has filed notice of intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at his office in Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday the 16th day of January, 1897, on timber culture application no. zyo, ior me in w 4 oi section no. zo, in town ship No. 3 south, range No. 24 east. He names as witnesses: John W. Allstott. Charles Ingraham John S. Ingraham, Aaron names, an oi .eigne sine, ureeon. 498-519 JA8. F. MOOKK, Register. At 13.50 per year, 11.85 for six months, 75 eta. tor three montns, atriotly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Dake'e Advertising Agency, 84 .and 65 Merchant Gxohangs, Ban Franoisoo, California, where con. raoti (or advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:05 p. m. dally, except 8unday. Arrives 4:55 a. m. daily, except Mon- 1 vJest bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc tion 2:19a. m. ; east bound 12:51 a. ni. Freight trains leave Heppner Junction going east at 10:43 a. m. and 8:45 p. m. ; going west, 5:iK) p. m. ana e.4t a. in. Notice of Intention. AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, Den.- 8. 1898. Notice is herehv etvon that the following named settler has filed no tice of his intention to make final proof In sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Joseph L. Gibson, 0. 8. Com., at Lexington, Oregon, on January 29, 1897, viz: JUSTUS A. MILLER, Hd. E. No. 5482. for the NEU See 81. Tn 26 E. W M. He names the following witnesses to prove ni coiiuuiioui residence upon ana cultivation of, said land, viz: Olin 8. Hodsdon. William Brownlnir. Edward jr. Browning, Jell Evans, all of Levington. Or. JAB. F. MOOKK, 499-509 - Register. OITICU.Ii DIEEOTOET. United State Officials. President Qrover Cleveland Viee-Presldent Ad ai Stevenson Beoretarv of State Kichard 8. Olnev Secretary of Treasury John fl. Carlisle Secretary of Interior E. R. Francis Baoretary of War Daniel S. Lamont Beoretarv of Navy Hilar? A. Horbert Podtuuwter-Qeneral William L. Wilson . Attornsjf-Omeml . . . . J nelson Harmon Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. Hovernor. W. P. Lord BeoreUryof State H. It. Kincuid Treasarer Phil. Mstecli&n Bunt, fublio lnstrnction (1. M . Irwi attorney General C. M. Idleman . J G. W. McRride J J. H. Mitchell n $ Bingnr Hnrmann VJ"u'mD" I W. R. Ellis Printer W. H. Leeds I R. S. Bnan, 3nDrama Jndffaa F. A. Moore. ( C. K. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Ctrcnit Judge Stephen A. Lowell froeecaMng Attorney n Morrow County Official.. Joint Senator A, W. Rowan HaDreeentativa. J. N. Bmwn I'unnty J ad go A. G. Bartholomew T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON, lJ Dec. 17, 1896. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof In support oi nis ciaim, ana miu saia proot win ne made oeiore e. u reclaim, u . . commissioner, at neppuer, Oregon, on r CDruary, oiu, is'ji, viz: HARRISON CUMMINGS, Hd. E. No. 2862, fortheNWU NWU Sec 27, NV4 NESa and Bw u SKM Bee 28. Tn 5 8. R 25 E. He names the following: witnesses to nrnva nis continuous resiueuce upon ana cultivation i, sain land, viz: Charles H. Bullis. James H. Wvland. Jnaenh Bannister, Walter Bennett, all of Hardmau, urrpuii. JAB. r. MUUKK, uwa. Register. Com m issinnare. . . J. W. Beckett. Clark. Sheriff Treaenrar A. J. it. Howard Surveyor... School Bup't.. Coroner ... J. W. Morrow ..K. L. fat lock ..Vrank Oilliam -..J. V. Wl'lla ... i. w, nornor ,.Jny W. Hhiplnj ...U. F. Vuuglian irfni towb omnaea. .tator .Thos. Morgan nminnllman H. Horner. K. J Hloenm. Frank Rogera. Geo. Coaaer, Frank nilli.m Artiinr Minor. Keoonisr ..'.'"'!"c'5 E. L. Frwland Uaraual A. A. Roberta ,. . t P reel art Offlr-er. , , JniMnTUia Pmi W. K. Itlrhanlnon Constable...... N. B, Wbetatorie raited Btatea Laid Officers, a DAtx,asL om. 1. 1. Moor HxeHaf A.B. Bian Hauatver LA OSL. B.F, Wilson... WUf J.H. Kibbina . Uaoatver UAWUNS POST, NO. It O.A.B. M C at Laimgton. Or (ha laat fUtardof ff aea ssnnth. Au veterans art Invited to Xin. (."Cltnoa. Gao. W. Bhitb. Adlntant. tf i Commander. D. J. McFaul, M. D. I'IICIC I At Mrs. H. Welch's Residence. Jlghl tclephnn ennnertlnn wllh . the Palac UolaL E. L. FREELAND, ! COLLECTIONS, tfilll INSURANCE, -l!lf ABSTRACTS. U. S. LAND COMMISSIONER. Land filing and final Proofs Taken, STESOGRiim , SOTIRT PtBUa Kalnal B3QK oi nwi Wl. MtrUAHO. tO. E. IMHOP. PrwalaaeV Caakl. TUXSACn i 6LVE11L EAMlN'S KSKCS OOLLKCTTIONS Md M FivoraU Tann EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD nxrrsni, tf oreoos First National Bank or nr.rrsEft C. A. Rmca. T. A. Hmca. GCO. W. COMttR, S. w. trance. Timber Culture, Final Proof. McClure's For Ma SEVEN gazine 1897 GREAT SERIALS r . Notice of Intention. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON. LJ Deo. 21. 18. Notice la herehv iriven that the following named settler has fifed nntica of his intention to make final proof in support of I ins ciaim, ana mat saia prooi will oe maac before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, ureguu, on neoruary l, imr, viz : D IVID BAKER, Hd. E. No. 5981, for the SW! Sec 83, Tp 1 8, R 24 K.WM. He names the following witnesses to prove I nis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: Benjamin F. King, William T. King, James M. Hamblet. Tbomaa J. Willhelm. all of lone. uregon. J AS. F. MOORE, 503 13. Register. New Life of 6rant by Hamlin Garland, The first authoritative and adeouate Life of Grant ever published. (Begins in December.) , - r , Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished (Begius in May.) , Charles A. Dana. . "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative Mstoiy of this period from his recollections and correspondence. s Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this scries oi portraits it is intended to publlrh special biographical studies under the general title of MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary talei t for mystery and Ingenuity which have, iu the "Sharlock Holmes" stories, given him a place beside Poe and Gaboriau. t. 'i .....! TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN MACLAREN, All the fiction that he will wrltn durlnir thncnmlnir r with thA emnnti of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago, will appear iu MuCluke's Mauazini. JOEL CHANDLER HAllKia. A series of new animal storlos in the same field as the "Brer nuuu aiiu uio ijimo mr. i niuiDionnger stories.- ' RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous;" Kipling will contribute to McClcrk's au ui iuv Hiiuri. stories ne win write uunug tne coming year. ' OC1AVE THANET is preparing for the Maoazini a series of short stories In which the same vuaiavwia wiuayjMsar, aimuugn eacn will pe complete In ilselLi .i . , u.ii... Anthony Hep ; Bret Hart Robert Barr Frank R. Stockton ' , f Stanley Wayman Clark Russall will all have stories In McCLUBS'frtor the coming year. These are only a small fraction of tho great and Important features of McCmjre's Maoazins for io;m, hiv muunvr-kyuKtn price oi wnicn IS only One Dollar a Year new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. SUMMONS. TN JUSTICE'S COURT FOR THE SIXTH DIS- X tnct, State of Oregon, County of Morrow. Minor Co., etal., PlaintlUs, vs. Ben Ponpen. Defendant. To turn Puppan, iiHandanti In the name of the State of Oregon, we com-1 maim you to anear before Uie undersigned, a I Ju.tireof the I 'race In Heppner, in said County and State, on or before th;ilh dayof December, 1S'1, at the hour of O'clork In the afternoon of said day, at my ofllre In the said tow n to answer the complaint oi Minor A Co. et el., founded on express contractu and herein they demand the I aiiin of One Hundred Twenty six and 10-100 t)ol-1 isrs, lor wnicn sum judgment will tie rendered I against you II you fall so to appear and answer I sain eomuismi. Given under my hand this 17th dav nf Nov. A. P., lWo, Yl. A. KICUAIiUHON, V.-W. Justice of the Peace. A Campaign Of - Education -1 ) ft r How to Get It .,-For'i t crcr n a Arc UNPflBBLLELED NOTICE OF INTENTION. f AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J ol IV, iMift. Niitb-a la hereby given that the lollowliig.namol setlli-r has filed notlcaol her Intention to maka final prinif In sutiport nl hi-r claim, and that said proof will le made tH-loraJ, W, Morrow, roiiiitv t lrrk. at Heldiuer urrgnn, on January no, inu, vis: MARTHA C. EM BY, Martha a Ilosklne, fli. No. Xft for the S4 NWta and WA twu He" I. Tp i. K E. w M. Hhenamvatha follnwlng wltnmin tn nmva I n.r eominuiHi. rxstnanoa unon ana cu tivation oi, sain tana, vis: Nrlsou ComiUn. Jtsue a. Hmllh. Rnherl Knlshlrn. wraley Couiptnn. all of Hard man. urx-goB. JAM. f. MOOR. 4 OS Kegtsur. To be educated one must read the best literature. The best literature Is. expensive. Lsslia'a IllustraUd - Weakly, Published at 110 Filth Avenue, New York, la full of the best things. Its Illustration! are superb) ' Ita stories charming; and Its literary departments are edited with eon-' tnmmate skill. Hurh a paper Is a great popular ediirator. It should be In every home. The eiiberrlptloti price of Leslie'a ! H per annum. We make the unparalleled oiler of a oopr of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $5.00. Ko such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be mad again. These two papers aiake a moat acceptable Christmas or birthday (lit, and will be constant reminder of the titer's kind neat. Remit by postal order or rheck to the JOYS OF TROUT FISHING. of a Pay Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Irlef Bat Graphic Pen Picture with Bod end Line. Silent as an otter, the man moves nto tho water till it curls about his tnees, Bays a writer in Outinff. An arri iways back and forth, and an insect lutters softly upon the surface) of the ool somo yards away. Quickly the arm iways a jain, and again an insect kisses .he surface of the water. A flash of a rilvery crescent, a plash in the water, a lUdden, stronger swirl in the writhing; mrrent; then a sharp, metallic discord asps out against tho song1 of the )irds. The man's eyes blaze with a iwift, ea;rer light, his cheek flushes ilightly; there is then exultation in jvery line of his face. His right hand ilmehes upon the wand, the rasping die- sord ceases, the wand arches to' a semi sircle and quivers with perilous strain, arhile two keen eyes rivet upon a shift- ng, swiriing commotion that maddens ihe wator here, there, back, forth, un- jeasingly. A ball of snowy spume upon ihe surface, a spatter of jeweled drops, i tinted shape curving in air an in itaut, au apprehensive "Ah!" from the nan's parted lips, and again the lithe wand curves and strains. So is fought ;he good fight, till skill conquers Within the fatal net gleams a shining belly and pearl-bordered fins above a itreak of olive gemmed with ruby ipangles. The man's face glowa with pride ai ho carefully bears his captive to the shore. Upon a fragrant bier of freshest green within the creel a dead king lias in state. All day the silent man croons hither and thither along the stream casting, fighting, waiting, noting many things, until darkness falls; then homeward through the scented shadows, with a whisper of fall ing song irom darkened copses. The man s foet arc tired with a healthy wearinenij the creel strap cuts deep Into his shoulder, but his heart is light and h;s soul at peace. Not one evil idea has entered his mind all day and he has learned much. That is trout fishing and do you people with money and leiKure bear in mind the fact that if you stjare tho rod you may spoil yourself. Electrle Bitters. Eleotrio Bitters ia a medicine suited for dj leaaoD, bul perhaps, mora gener ally Deeded when the languid, exhausted feeling prevails, wbeo Uie lier it torpid and sluggish eod the need of a tooio and . alterative Is felt A prompt use of this medicine baa often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers, Nomedloioe will aot mors surely In counteracting and freeing lbs system from tbe malaris! poison. Headache, Indigestion, Consti pation, Dizziness yield to Electric Bit ters. 60o. sod II per bottle st Ooneer Brook's drag store. 11 CMfes I I : V - Cb. 'at' - i ?-2 'mm : .W Absolutely pure THE OYSTER'S ENEMY. Notice of Intention. I ANDOrrl' K AT LA li BATIK. ORF.itON. I J Itrtu a. IK. Notk la bvrfti nvvn thai I n follow i n g naimi sMiK-r naa niail notira nl Ills ntntlun to maka Snal nM la aiipinrt of nis eiaira, ani mas Mi'i win m aiade at lieppuer, Urna. oti iaauary U, M, U: I lYELKLY THOMAS MiI.HTIHK, n r. Ko. 174 for the g' sc is. Tp 1 1, ft a K, W M. He names the following sllniim tn smn kla ronunuous raaideote upon aad cultivation oi aiq lani, tiv ; Tbomaa ollSllln. Ales Cnrnett. Jamaa Me- Inllre and Jaaaa iotinaua, all of llptir. or. B.F. WII.MI. Mo 10. luaiiur y Heppner, Orocon. y The MONTHLY Outlook PwbllakeS Every talwrSsy STOCt BRAWWI. WaltefMaMtHaueai4estre 13 AstOf Place eaataee ywer braaj la rreaar eeatgs. Bow. P.O.. Banner. Orllneaea. P lea kfl afconklari aatua, saaie on Imn kip IWIa. H . Rardmaa. Cl.-HeaM Wtah4 T tm nl.t k Id. i HU. tiiri t a. Ala. Kwuvla 1 1 en s nabs iai(hi ! aaa e rtskl aMldr, aa4 awt a a rtaklaaf. IkrA. 4 Mau.l Riwm. Snaa rtaM xa i New York Veeie'e. Vlee rVeaia' CeeMer Aee'l CeaNiee EXCHANGE oe all ss nf Ike i4 Bought and Sold. CAt'.arW a'l a .i a4 aMi.kAM Psm. tttnMM . . Te tm, i n, mmm s Haal Mpt ave hrft aa4 avla ia rtbL Itnawlaaa. W. M. tlaltoWM. Of. TaHU. Vmm rwht ..! awwlow-lutk la aaaSi sawi a mm, B U aa Ml ate. n N. naW O -SoM MaAn( Pt.V a ahnaidae, aniiie amt tm tetikip. sois l rvar.i aw. Pi i a, L. - tl-eta ' nrTa(Ua LP an "w kti s ! p wui ane aW aa rlnM fcuai-W twmm, Nrr Htt m. Ilr - Nmn am4a4 H Jm Ik. k-A tkaitla; Bla a4 J mm fM Ma at anasrhrt tn aWs aa. Haw auaalf . J rlls. tn, Or -S-ns, sliT lafi Mtr, Miia aw n kia, na4 naif ar la i" am awti . m m tm. aa. rWt - Hano IwW taT yr a niuaaaa4 wrm mt Ml mr aaxtM afcn an tan rtaM l.atoli.1 W.Ct ai Varana - L-a MiiUMatM s4 WO avW. awain fwt la aw n4 mmm mv la trM aa. Man SimS n kpfl tmmttUt, lHan SB trnuil nan mi. tt. O..- a Uas Mian w a4 atrf-t MS rw aa. H mb Imti asvaaMMf. sMen ssaMt J la -M. ain, jua am rmM ar. lax til as! a- " m tH a an il i. i i4 ' (MiwHMtlllSt t r . an a. ituxt. Wanted-Jn Idea 53 if aaa s m an auta In feM ia-, IW. pmtmm ra.-s KIM, B D m fWM kit, Im M mm aafl W4, is m a . w mi, ot - M , m I an mA stMi-Va wa a an mI k.y. ' -- t l I " i i O an M awaken " i Km.t aa I.Wif. Hmmmm it, -nmrmmlrmm r-- . t-esaa-a tm fl awn m H , . um,mwmm mm tnf kua. Mf f la a mmi r m . . . to imtum. laa rM a e te f l . f"n-. Itt - I aMla f? Tbs Oallook -ill U la 197, aa It bas been dorleg eaob (4 lie leeety eevae '. tltsior y of Our 0s Times. Ia ite vartoos editorial fjepertmeals Tbe OulUn'i gives a rumpaet review cf tbe rl.l'l trrfreae It follows wiliiraJa ail ibe ItatMifUBt fhltsaihropia sad ta- dMlrtel BKrVfaweels of Ibe rfsy baa a cMBpMe deparfraaat of flilons ; datutae ssacli space le tbe tola! bt tbe b"Bi revtaes sirreet lHtisf; faratabae rbrf al table-teib sbnal on nd Iblngs: eed, la short, alms te give frvnb Ul'sslWe, orlfinej itbawrvsttoa, aad roaennsbts ailrtelnaaal. P-lt,tili. a-ilb tbs fifty fiif'b Vularae, tbe p(f Bill aeenoM Ibe ffgnlaf aa- sUe ss wbieb alU a4J frilly la lie lr.Ules St. 4 ellrsrlivaeaas. Tbe OtOmkla nitluld vfy KatJsy ifit leo taatiiis a year. TV fl'tt Uaee la sawb SmaIb is aa t"aa(rall slaMiae Nea.t, Soalaidlasj aboal I elm as ataey taM ae Ibe or littery im, liir.f ttb lergs taajrinf ef btrteram Tbe peieset Te fNis Is Ibren d illnre a yaer la atvaeee, of lane Ibta a H m dev. M4 i- Haaaa etf aa i iM'Hrai- ed pevw1s (4 Tbe Oa'V-., I aafat l'iv, X.e f M ( sf, This la Tnar )iprlaal!y. On rMlt of Ira tenia, rnab or atana. a generous sample ill l Dialled of the i"'t ular (UitIi sari Hay fever Cure (lily's Cream Ilalni) snffleienl to deinon. Strata tbs grant merits of Uie reoiedr. ELK f:i:OTIir.t.R, to Warrra hu, New Turk City. Bv. JolmHsM. Jr .of Orval ralKMoot, retiumeaHe4 1'Jr'a C reaiM Iielus tu ms. I can tm.ia-u hia, ' It Us onsj. tits cure fr catarrh if Baarl aa dlrrrttxl." llav. IranrU W, f.Kila, I'satof Ublrell'rasL Church, JlcUaa, Xlutit. fly's Cream I'a'm la (be aavivtadtH rnre fiar ra'arra aad erxiiaina no Bwwmry awe aaj injunuva a nig. nus, DO eneis. t, mf i aia" k ai S f- i WA -tm s. ii mi. i aaMta I m mO fS T-, . H M I fx -j t-f-4 ' ft? mmmmA Mt liat . 4 w h Mi mm- Si sa aWfwn mmi mw- Sim Wn aiw I awl S"S 1Vm. t . M-W , i- - --. ae I I J I LTLJ .. kMtM a at-aa fl I I a e. - i-a. if III s M aMf aa 1 aaas s Kastaa "The Japertra studonia, aays an Amarliao Uarbkng la that enoDtry, "are rry fond of Balng ltf, high atrandlrif wurila. tHie day I bdrt Iba aUirtif 'Jerk and the Itrenatalk' to one of try ctaaanaof young tnm and aaba4 thn.i Ut frprodnrm It in vrrlttng. I ed Uie Slrntilvat puaalhle I'.tiglUb In order to make II eey tut UtM to amtrnUnd, and what wee my surprise Imi I rams H rorrel the fepers to flnd the Brat one I t"k up brfe ae fulhiwa: tlnre arin a I Una there lived s air whlw who, f' rarialo pa- enniary roitalderali'ina. wea lllsMrt Ui II ber ew.' Artuthrr oe erob 'Jsrk said to Ibe fairy: "I'teaae U sa ilia way lo tha aeervat tx.Ul. And atill anoihrf wrii Tbe glenl aaul tn the ba that laid the gUla tr. awieoj an egg. luu4 an other the aesne wer.' A atedrnl naked no f h le here In IK d'ltVal U--.I I.I t.Ua Wayb blot 'Myrtle ).nlih. A atmUttt la some other tli... all aahad ' make a laala- H,at,f l,a M.rtfdi, 1 l of irht. out ! fclod ' ihia weslhereanH The btie4 sr nane taeiH la eta Amer'ei f rt nlrlaced scHnnla it.t.t ian ,mrt ana lira! latf ! 4 ai'ain ri miiU awl t am aawttni'a An Ai..ti. ai a'.UI. I ha r-rl h f I'al 1l,a fir. I !.', .r a I ela aa eataMiahnd -t an Amfkan eH la n-rw e.1fKt4 l-t ,irn Arrte' ka.e ovww lbaoaayi ?( n lo '. I.k friaai'ly 1'ti' etl s-ifVIna with axMl f 2. f- r. f- . r Ai rlaas l-f t.l tr-- v . I at y vf t .t (ui I i i! klh a own is. ' iltj It, s ,( S'. 1 (uud el" THE LABOR OF ACTING,. Great ItasalU Obtaliiad Only by Ibe Heel ElarS lilarlpllna. On first visitinir a Trench theater sa American will be article by its small' ness, says a v.-r I tor in the Atluntiu'i contributor's club. True, the rdifiot holds a good many poopln, but somehow the architectural ronf urination enables the eager audience to vliuttcr about tht stage, tier above tlrr, at no great die tance therefrom. Iht-n ran one note how Important Is the finish of the actor, the nuances com'aiir Into play admire bly; not a shade of cipn-aaion, not s single modulation In quality of tons failing to ih livi r ira inraaag-e. Is It strange that in I'ratuv tlio art of acting should attain a iilli.h unknown else- where? Wbon rVrrjennt Tstfvinrd's plsf of Ion waa In rvhrfrVnel l'.u trttiictlon Was e ntnihU'd to lln akitlful hands ol Marready, at once Ihf nhlcat at'torand nvat eia'tln tnanii;fiT on the llritiab stage, lie lnsl'to-l iijwii having the "curtain anenps" or pictimaiin gnmp Ing at Ihe rliifH- of an act, care fully chalked, the poaitlon of ea'h char acter arriirai" ly lifalifnaii-d, and the Inat few rffiH'tivo in-ivctni'tit clearly in- dk'atd hy rhulU liitfa drawn upon thf Couring of the aUr. Ki pntlriitly ami ao pansUkini,iy waa Ilia itwe re hearsed that Ihe len.lin, MiM Kllen Tree (aftrrnanU Mrs, diaries Krsn), waa found. Iforf tlve perform ance, In bare nrntrai-U'd a serious die ease of the bnce-julnt. rauxHl hj fre quently falling upm her kooea during rvhesraala under the tutelage of the martinet manager. Young and undlnrlpllned! artors, ae enalofnod to rrly tim the "beautiful spontaneities" of an srtUlic nature, were wont to regaM Mr. Marrvaty with avnnetblng akin to Urrtrf, and tostig teaUse aa artifk lal Ma rwlf nileas aw- rary and procUka In details. There le nndonbtrdly rutnflhlng pvrlkraaly fsa InaUng alxrut the effort leas pnalu-ll fteae wbkb we ere arfttaUHrHft lo regard genius, Stld wliU h, as It VirtfrbasfcS Great Destruction In the Delaware Bay Beds by the " Borer." The "borer," a pest about the size of a small strawberry, is working great havoc among the oyster beds in Dela ware bay and tributary streams, says the Philadelphia Ledger. Capt. Moses Veale, of the oyster' schooner White Lily, says that the de structive powers of the "borer" have beer' known to oystermeh only a few years. He had followed oyster digging for nearly thirty-five years, and the first "borer" ho saw was about ten years ago, but their ravages in the oys ter beds were comparatively unnoticed until last yaar. Capt. Vf ale said that "last year the number 1 1 dead oysters with holes made by bore in the shell became so great that r.ystermen were alarmed. This year the work of the borers has become a rave matter, and if it continues r.any bays will be depopulated of oys ters. From one bed we dredged on this trip we got twelve hundred baskets of outers, but out of these only two hun dred were good, the dead oysters hav ing been killed by borers. A peculiar thing about tho ravages of the 'borers' Is their apparent selection of the best oyster beds. We have found this to be true several times this season. We have found a bed of small 03'sters al most entirely free from 'borers.' This bed will bo separated from another bed of larger oysters by two hundred feet, but this latter lied will be so badly affected by the creatures that it will hardly pay to work it. B rom what I can learn from oyster men the destruction wrought by borers is much more severe in Delaware bay than in other places. The work of the borer this year makes a double misfortune, for the oyster beds were badly damaged by the big storm in August and September. Very few people who are not in the oyster dredging business know any thing of the methods of the borer. When I first took notice of Its work I secured several oysters just after the borer had fastened Itself to the shell. When the borer fastens itself it holds on like a leech, and it is with difficulty that it can be removed with the fingers. ' "Hometimes the borer fastens Itself to the oyster shell near the edge snd then the oyster is not killed. When the hole ot the borer is made near tho center of 'the shell the oyster Is at tacked in its vital parts and dies In three or four days after the hole Is first made." home of the bed-owners near Maurice river have lost large sums of money this year on account of the borer. All oyntcrtnen say there ran be 110 way taking away the Nirer without do a troy log the oyster beds. FUTURE OF ALUMINUM. PROGRESSIVE1 MAMMOCKING. 1 A Western Girl Invents a Very Unique ' '' ' ' ,' " Game. ? . '": .' ' The young people in one of St Louis' prettiest suburbs are in a state of fever ish excitement over a new game that has been devised by some of their num ber, says the Globe-Democrat. . It is called "progressive hammocking," and is so full of golden opportunities in a sentimental wax that It is destined to become very popular with the youth ol both sexes. ', ' - A bright young girl, to whom, with several others, is due the credit of hav ing given this new diversion .to the world, thus describes it: You see, each girl is provided with a hammock, in which sho reclines, grace- fuly or ungracefully, according to the extent of her experience in hammocking, during the game. The hammocks are hung far enough apart so that no one can see or hear her neighbors, and above each is suspended a : Chinese lantern with a number on it; but these, of course, will be blown out early in the proceedings. A chaperon Is required preferably two a lady and a gentle man. To start the game the boys draw numbers from a hat, and then each hunts up the hammock which corre sponds to the number drawn. At a given signal he begins to tell the girl In it a love story. By the rules the stories must be impersonal. . "But of course they won't be. That," she added with a laugh, "Is a matter that lies with the story teller and his conscience. Well, at tho end of fifteen minutes the chaperon beats a tom-tom and the boys move up one hammock, and each tells another story . to a new listener. The stories, mind you, must all be different that Is, one cannot tell the same story to two girls." "And they must all be love stories?" asked the reporter. , "Certainly. Oh, It's more fun. The boys out there are scouring the town for short love stories. , Do Maupassant ia in great demand. But some ot them draw pn their own experience for ma terial. Well, when the rounds have been made, and each of the six, say, has told six amorous tales to six tender maidens a secret ballot is taken, the girls voting for the best story-teller and the boys for the ix-at listener. That's here the real funny part comes In, Or, of course, each girl will vote for the man she likes best, and vice versa; hence the chaperon will become the sacred repository of one-half doten true love tales." "What alKHit the prisesT" "There will be six first prises on eaHi side, ami no boodles," and the fair schemer laughed heartily at tho success of her efforts to devise something new and startling In tho wsy of summer amusement. faeefa for llaaeee end Halls for are te lie Made nf lb Aluminum, which Itself posaeaaes a high degree of specific heat, does nut really absorb heat Itself, and thus Is not liable to the chief objection to Iron buildings in hot l oiintrlca. lint spsrl from light decorative purposes, says the rSt. Ionis 1'oat IHspatoh, surh ae balconies, cupolas, finlals and vrran das, It Is as a roofing malt-rial that aluminum shoald tie moat welcome to the builder. In plates or scales, two thirds lighter than copper, uncorrodryf bv air and undimmed even by the stil phnrof London smoke, It should make a roof fit for a pelade of romance. The humbler elements of health and comfort In tbe house hardly leas Im portant than IU asternal defeat agalnat the weather pi pes, claterns, tape and gutters, now made of Iron which rusts, or lead whloli poisons would be more enduring and far more healthy If made of this light and clean ly metal, which might elan take the place of all water holding veaaels now made of heavy, brittle earthenware or painted tin. An aluminum bath among the probable Usuries of the best century. Hut It le not as a mrre aeweeaory lo comfort snd convenience that real development of the tew metal should lie. It le for use at sea that Its moat marked quality ot light Bene obvioualy flU It. Tbe marine engineer and Ihe nsvs arrhlteet, who are already looking In this directum for a reduction of Ihe weight wblsh Is inseparable frrn !ms of effVacy, whether la speed nrrargo, fan Dot neglect tbe ratanintlilles of o hint of ML U seemingly the gift , wMtht mUm mtf4 , u ro. -mtt, " 7 portion of one to fifty, gives to alum. W mailer, im nxire wesnsii is-im.i ; ...... . ,....... .n.t ... lie Cow fort aide Wklls Traveliag In ooul westber. Tbs Union fscifla system bests its trslns throughout by .testa bsst from ths engine, tbns task ing every pert of all its cars pleasaat snd oorafiirlable. II slso lights its oara by ths celebrated Mo tech Lutht making them brilliant at hlghL Faaeenger carried daily on the last malt. Vot leaping-osr reaervstlous, tickets, or In formstioD, cell on or sddreee It. W, Halter, (jeo, Agt, 133 Third BL. Tort. Isnd, Oregon. SHOPPING SUGGESTIONS. A 14. the Ix-at mat t ings are now made seamless, not joined at every yard or so, ao that they pull apart at this wesk point. A wik slmt'ix-r avoids the gaudy, ilsliorsle patu-rns In the new nist- tings, but rather arlrcts a simple pat tern of lwoir tl rrt color, or a mat ting In pl.iltt white, bul ot the very best fuality. Tiik hrsvlrst Oriental r!gsnd the Philadelphia rugs are ao I hick that a slight flame which Bisy touch them la easily eiuolhrred. hin h Wiaden mi's are the only pnprr ones t- 'il In front of a fire. If there Were no tdhi r nl.). ct loll to the fashionable roll n rnif, luestreme Itiflaminalalit h.ii.I 1 1 i.m, Jaron beetlun with the barlM! It-xir, pol ished with tnrr iitiie si d I- was. It pppaonla a Veritahlx tinder ln. Witts the rati Mii of i iri t are burned, Ihey easily disrbfsr, by the Method of t' wed. w hit ft rrls and run's an unpon.i -it, il..r like any fi'-'V. no t lle jute, frtlon or other vegetable el .liter SlxiBS, blrh burn with a light blare. Vt aorept the homely aaetiraaee of Wirt that "there is wo sterile nee wilWal great lab.." plus le K-4 Cere. I'ille do ant tare otetttUoe. Tbsy oolf ggrsvstata. Karl's Cloeee ltVad Tea glees pnriewt regalanir of tbe hoeeie. for sale by II. X,. Wsrrea. A free CfMeaMnseS. A rttUea of Albaay, tia . owsa a pM ealaovmnt It was eeptre4 while y . S4 b'lS I MOW MSr1ites. . a te g ,A Va il.ty w bb h enables Ha owsv er to f..f i; sod lay with It. rxH with cmt, l'ef , a qVcr '-f rnsUbstloa aa V wtikn wy l, stf lu U rat s fur. f r IW B44( .1 f h lMtna i.f hie aetttr K e a etl r a year's trnprlaotf fvtit sod Iral.i.i-, eaty srseuar.l, and fif ! t t-er,iH jrl.tter of l . 1! . i ta a l.iis a ' 1 't -f a ., l. cbatl - 1 . . . 'i r rt hi arf, i,.Uea. !! U I , ... 'eWrt s ma Wrtlgti- sens wbkb makes It almost aa reliable ae steel, and which. It the proportions or mid be reveraed and tbe strength pre served, woeld rHee the weight nf ships and anaveblaery alike by I no il. I rd a. That U a problem wblrb awaits the mebailnrglat f'-c s..lsii..n. The rednetlon la euat, judging by an alogy, raa only be s question of time and reaesrrb. Tbe beat steel now crate little mre than one half penny per poead, while alsralnum la fifty tlraee that prire. Hnt atamlanm estate In far grasur sjusm lilies the Iron, Is more widely distributed, and neither lb liitiils i f lime feor the lilaWry i f metaitwrgy for bid ea te eoejaetere thai, ae the wort I baa s-en Its age of eta. Its age f l.r-rare saxl Its eg of lrw, ar It tstay before beg bate etnlerke. tm a new and even nre prtiasrus ff sot slsai- laMM- A BaSys H S4 "Mr 11 7 ba. I re snd assise! I y h' h'sC i-a." aiMea Urs J.KMsitt .. lUfaUvii, Ala. fvf s.e lay Is. C vTsrisa. WOMEN WHO WRITE. II a sais t Inn urs roe la reported I y a New York pap'r have an far bat her atreoglh ' f Hoii I s ! alt fT boars esltiinr miI sp. r d-lla like a little girl. M.ela.r ! I - .HS. wl.lih la. roe s her i.l H 1 1 il,i..n.ilw. Mas Itr.ersr lot is vi t i s.. I a prtly, grat haired W.rtnari, wh was a graodmoib.r , 1 ! l-.ame Mr. Ntevaoaon a ife 1 1... i a remarkably clever woman, a I i' ' I w r!1 r and a (belly and rbecrf .il e. iira' inai.l. Tna fxiblic; li' re 1 Bian. lil , Ma '. by Mra I n- 1 It .',1 wutnan f ! tieta aeee. I if .. This library i 'e In Ibe si-- j 1 Mas llivl 1 I' S-a n lo bate V ' 1 a. ) 'tt, a' r 1 will I . til In , a 1. si ' ra . 1 . Wi.i 11.,. . I tfwtv Least. I of Pall. nipped ' fflW .-fl. d to 'si . tr is , .-ea