TO THB GIVES THB OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ky.V PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AND AND St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. CATARRH is a LOCAL DISEASE and l the result of colds end sudden climatic changes. It can be cured by a pleasant remedy which ie applied di rectly Into the nostrils. Be ing qjilcklT absorbed it gives relief at once. Ely's Cream Balm to acknowledced to be the mort thoroneh cure for Nasal Catarrh, Cold In Head and Hay Fever of all remedies It opens and cleanses the nnsal pas&rgefl, allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro tects the membrane from colds, restores the serines of taste and smell. Price 50c. at Dnieeists or by mail. ELY BUOTHERS, 6 Warren Street, New Yorfc THE ffl yobk mm THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 Pages a Week. 156 Papers a Tear. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. & N. For full detail! call on 0. E, Agent ta Ileppner, cr address W. II. HURLBURT, Gen. Paee. Agt. FOBTIiAND, UltEOON. E. McNEIlL, President and Manager. Q0IOK TI3VT33 ! " SAILOR " TO THE RESCUE. And all point In California, via the Mt Bhast runts of the Southern Pacific Co The (rreat hichwar through California t all point Kast and South. Grand Bosnln lloute ef the Paolfio tloaat. Pullman Bnffet Hlaepers. Beoond-class Hleepers Attached to rapress trains, artordin superior aooomsiodatlnns for seoond-olaas passeniera. For ratee, tickets, sleeping oar raservationa, to,, call upon or ad (trass R. KOKHLKR, MansKt-r, K. P. ROGERB, Aast. Son. t. A P. Alt,, Portland, Oregon It stnnds first BtnoDR "weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is praotically a daily at the low price of a weekly; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news oolumns. It is splendidly Illustrated and among its special features are a 'fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women aud a long series of stories by the greatest living Amerioan and English authors, Conan Doyle, Jeiiome K. Jbiiomb, Stanley Weyman, Maiit E. AVilkins, Anthony Hope, Biikt Habtb, Bkandeh Matthkws, Eto. Wo offer this unequuled newspaper and The Gazette together one year for $3.25. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $3 50. ffipn m mm -TO THE- EAST AND SOUTHEAST VIA THE CMOS PACIFIC -SYSTEM. Through Pullman raises B:eeiers. Tntirlst Hleeper and Proa Reclining Chair vara t'Aii.r to chiuko. Man hour saved via this lino tu Knsleni Pol lit. An Entire Crew Saved by the Intelligence of a Dog. About twelve miles from Halifax, writes a Canadian correspondent, lies Cow bay, a picturesque inland sweep of sea, where on the calmest day the wares break in long lines of surf and foam, rushing shoreward with a tumult and an exhalation of strong, invigorat ing sea air. But under the lash of a southeast storm the waves come tum bling furiously landward, towering mountains high and thundering upon the sandy coast with a roar that can be heard miles away. It was in such a gale in October, 1891, that the schooner Dora, laden with codfish and bound for Halifax from St John's, Newfoundland, was driven into Cow bay, and on the dungerous shoals lying some way out. There she lay laboring heavily, disabled by the loss of her maintopmast, with the sea sweep ing her deck, breaking' the deck-houses and bulwarks aud smashing the boats. The crew, fearful of being washed overboard, lashed themselves to the standing rigging. They had nothing on board to signal the shore except a pneumatic fog-horn, which was kept moaning out the sounds of distress. They were heard by a family named M , living close to the beach, and by some fishermen, who all hastened down to see if anything could be done. But the rope that was flung out time and again only fell far short into the sea. At last, when all efforts seemed in vain, Mr. M thought of sending out a line by his dog "Sailor," a fine New foundland and a powerful swimmer. A cod lino was fastened to his collar. The noble animal seemed to understand what was required of him, as with a bound he bravely answered the guiding hand and voice of his master. lie plunged into the sea, and, though swept ashore several times by the im mense waves, at last reached the schooner, where he was hauled on board by the shipwrecked crew. A small rope was fastened to the linr by those on shore. Next a hawser wa' sent out and made fast to the main mast, and then to a tree some way ur the beach. A cradle made by the crew was then placed on the hawser, and bj its means all the sailors reached th' shore. CHICAGO. fTlilwaukee & St. Paul H'y I?Wl!NrEAPOU t '?f' PAUU V o I- MINNESOTA'S. O I; h J O W A -- AY , JgasaaWgffjgHgaprWWtT W ' faW . THE GIRL Or STRICT IDEAS. be Generally 'y." Into a Censorious 0:J b a.i.UI-.Moiiger. The extremely well-behaved young girl who has never been tempted and who cannot understand how another couid commit a fully i3 certain to be come the censorious of old wom en, says Ella -Wheeler Wilcox, in the New York l'ress. If she does not de velop into a cruel, nif.liciony-tonguod scandal-monger it will be. a wonder. Nothing is so cary as the descent from uncharit.ablene::s to malice. As a young girl she prides herself upon her love of morality and good behavior; all her friends .prak of her as "such a strict girl" in her ideas. No one would think of appealing to her for sympathy or advice in an hour of temptation, but she is respected for her high ideas if feared for her revcrity. As an old woman she is simply held in abhor rence, and her natno becomes a neigh borhood synonym for cruel judgment. Criticism of our frail fellow beings is a vice which takes possession of us like a stimulant or a drug, once we encourage it It may begin in our high moral standard and our hatred of sin, but once it becomes a habit we indulge in it for the pleasure it gives us. It is a bad habit in the young; in the old it is intolerable; for nothing renders old age interesting or lovable save sympa thy for the young and charity for the erring. It is strange that we all do not grow charitable as we grow old; as we learn more and more of our frail ties and more and more of the tempta tions and illusions of life we ought to become more and more tender and pitying. One can be sympathetic with out encouraging vice and wrong doing or cloaking sin. .fast Jtefrlbut'oa. . "Didyouho?r stV.vt Andy?" asked one remini.-cent v.-y tvricr of another. "No? Well, ;t '; a strike of sixty-five thou a-ui t'cllrr., at Cripple Creek. As noon :"i he ' it the money in his handii ho vcrt c'.ow.i to Denver and blew it in. Rum, carda and fun. You know how i t i -.. ' The morning that lie wo':c up ; o.n- cr. 1 found all his money jfonc 1-' ' -t out to punish himself by tval':::-.- i Cripple Creek. lie wouldn't boric--- a cent. A fellow who was tenraui u:r me overtook him and ol'i'crud .5n a lift, but he wouldn't get in, f .d he plugged along muttering to hirr-relf: 'Walk, curse ver, walk. I"ow Li your dust, will yer? Then w;:l -. yon fool. It'll do you good. No, ;ou ;.cln't stop at no spring. Ain't ; :u Urank enough? Go dry, you son of r. re". Light out and walk, you dur:.e i ji'.cl.ass.' And he did." FVma V.XJnmrwd ef JMIHas Prof. W. H. Peeke, who makes a specialtT of Epilepsy, has without doubt treated and cor ed more cases than any living Physician; his success is astonishing. We hare heard of case of so years' standing enreu or him. Ha publishes valuable) work on this dis ease, which be sends witb a larare bot tle of his absolute cure, free to any sufferer who may send their P. O. and express aaaress. We advise anv one wishing a cure to address Pro!.W. H. PEEKE, T. D.. 4 Cedar St., Hew Tor Fits Off' II; ( t"-::;! tit - ry. During th-3 era of ' r .'.-.;r.Kt.ruction" in South Carol c::o J'otupey Smash, a coal-black nc;:ro, beeumc a "trial justice." It v.:k; rr-t long before Pompey had a ca :o bo'i ic him. When the jury arora end began moving toward the adj-.inij-g room for consul tation one of the lawyers interposed and said: "May it please your honor, you have not charged ttie jury." Whereupon Judge Fompcy gathered himself up, ard, with all possible dig nity, said: ''(ien'men of dis jury, as dis is do fust time I have had you befo' me, I cha'ge each one of you one dol lah and a half." STEAM HEAT. MlWItMT 11 PINTSCH LIGHTS. i a. 'rice. II'. BAXTER, f. Aurnt, I'ortltinrf, Orrgim. J. C. HART, Aijrnt, Ilrppnrr, Orjori. Glance at this Map Of the Clilrsirn, Mllwanltoo and Ht. l'aitl Kall- vayand unto Its roiinwlloiis with all trntisroii tlnental lines and Ht. Paul and ' malis, and rememtifr that Its trains are lighted Willi elec tricity and lienti'd by itcnin. lis riilpmptil Is siiicrb. Kli'itant lluMi-t, Library, HinnkliiK and HIi-cpliiK cars, with tree rci llnliiK i lialrs. Km li sliKpliig car bcrtli lias sn elect i ren.liiiK lump, and its illnlng pars are tlio Ixnt In the norld. Oilier lines are limner than t ! 1st. Imt nunc are shorter, and no other oilers the above liiiiirlnus acpomiiKHlntlnna. Those aro siiltlelent renxins lor the Hipnlatlty if "The Mil auk ee." Cuiipnu Irket stents In every railroad cllii o III cl e roil lurllicr liiliirinalluii, or addn . '. i. KimV, (ieneral Ait-nl, 1. W. CAt-KV, Ttav l ass. Aki iiI, l'uNTt.M, (IKiimB, Catarrh Cored, health and sweet breath secured, by Hhiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 ceuts. JJusbI Injeotor free. For sale by Wells & Warren THEY HAD NEVER SEEN ROSES. Pathetic Incident In a Waifs' School at , Pittsburgh. ' Two ladies, managers, came into the school the other morning shortly after li nau opened. i;ne oi mem wore a beautiful jacqueminot rose, on which the eyes of the whole school were at once turned admiringly. Noting this, says the Pittsburgh Chronicle, the owner of the flower gave it to one of the teachers for the children. "Now, children, how many of you know what this is? asked the young lady, holding up the flower. Nearly every little one shook his head to indi cate ignorance. One small boy and a couple of little girls piped out with great importance: "H'h a posie, please ma'am." But no one hail ever hoard of a rose, Most oi ino children nail never seen ono before. The flower was passed along the line and small noses lingered longingly over Its fragrance, while dirty little palms putted its velvet petals caressingly. o one saw or thought of anything that morning but the rone. The teacher put It In a glass of water to preserve It, and when kcliooi was iiisiiiihwii encli clillil was rendered supremely Mibhful by the gift of a liny petal. Ah they tied out of the diHir etteh little wnif t'lulched his trvn-iiro lightly In hit htnall hand while he murmured anftlv to himnelf the mime: "Pilty wow, pittv wow." HARPER'S ROUND TABLE- t A'.i 4 ff lit fr tm mumlvri tf tkii ftri.Jital tiV'l i An Ir ifimr anther tf iutntuili.-nal fjmt. P,iitmili tf Jiw ef thttt tilk.ri ttir x" !''. fi.i. I 'it 'nit i'tf.n mi. effr$ ef t:vki iWrt m.V A TIIKKIj A I.OVAL TKAITOR A Iwt ik. Wa l.ll Of S.SM KKMAkKAIU.I; TWI.N TY-IAKT STRIAI-S Htli PAINtl l It M UT TMI! UKK P Tllli I.IO Iv I A .1 - ' h, k .. v. ... HOMt! Of Ull! MIOIfT 5I KUI5 A - -4 Ik. M. f. 4 I.HH W rvrii i,,ii.,e"i a, i i . k.t i s a TIH WII'KI i. a, a&. mi mn si u i fcnm. am Ai'ii"!'' nnT ay a Sra.M M C ls m$ lMMn Wei,, at. t i ii .,h t. M Q "Ft f4 u A 7 l AkM TkWS Hurries K-ot'xn T.wrr rf lift lUifi, I fr di.tJ.. At J -). .V',4r eV. i '.-'i em . 1 f H't m , A m tf. nr 't,fc Ii'i.-h. f iu 0 HER FIRST TRULY BEAU. A Spendthrift Youth Who Appears When the Girl Takes to Long Dresses. The first beau appears along about when we are fourteen or fifteen. There have been, of course, many little boy admirers, but according to a writer in the Elmira Telegram the genuine gal lant does not materialize until we put on long dresses and commence making ourselves up for young ladies, a com prehensive phrase that all girls will understand. He is usually the brother of some special chum of ours, and in this way we are enabled to see him more often than if we had no reason for going to his house. lie is exceed ingly bashful before people, but can talk a blue streak when we are alone, lie squanders his allowance on ice cream, soda and caramels, and on rare occasions invites us to a church sociable or concert. He is always one of the group of youths who wait outside the church or Sunday school door, and he Is the one to escort us to our homes on such occasions. We are teased un mercifully about him and really enjoy it, though pretending to be fearfully in dignant and provoked about it. This ort of thing goes on until something happens, as soma things have a way of doing, and cither he goes away to col lege or we leave for boarding school, or perhaps a quarrel or change of resl- dence occurs. At any rate years per haps will roll away before we see a bearded man who can bear the slightest resemblance to a young, rosy-cheeked boy. WISHING ON A FALLING STAR. A Gallclan I-reml Which ilve the Origin of the Custom. Here and there in the highways and byways of the world many legends and superstitions t.till linger and continue) to retain their ancient prestige). In rialieiit, the province northeast of Hun' gary, the tM-nsantM believe that when a star fulls to eiirth it is at onco trans formed Into a rarely beautiful woman with long hair, blonde ami glittering. ThU hplendid creature, miraculously engendered, exercises on all who come in contact with her a magical in fluence. Every handsome youth un fortunate enough to attract her alien tion Ih'Coiiic her victim. Thun having allured them toher. hc rnelrcle tlsoro with her arms In an embrace thatta come gradually tighter and tighter until the poor dupra art strangled to death. If certain words are mur mured the moment the Mar Marti to fall they caue her allurement to loe their power. From thU an permit ion spring the ruMotn of wishing while a tar Is acen hurrying through the air, a wlah sid surely to route true If com pletely formulated bo fore the light Is extinguished. The hpaulanl saw In the falling alar the aotiU of their l friends, the thread of whine e- latenee was cut short by de-tlnr. The Arab thought these alar t Ik burn ing stone thrown by the angels on to the head of devil who attempted to enter paradise. The Only Chair Car Line To the east is the Union Pacific. Eaat- rn cities are renched via this line witb fewer changes of cars tbaj via other ines Rates always the lowest. Tickets to or from points in the United States. Canada, or Enrops for sale by R. W, Baxter. Gen. Agt.. 135 3rd St., Portland The Heppner Transfor Co., tm wood for sale. 37-tf, Send your bame for Souvenir , of the Works ol Eugene Field, FIELDvseFLOWERS the Eugene Tield monument Souvenir The most benutilut Art Production of the cen tury. "A small bunch of ths most frasrsat sf bios, torn, f athtred from the broad acres sf Eustns field's rsrn of Love." contains a selection oi me mom beautiful of the poems of Eupene Field, Hand somely illustrated by thirty-five of the world's greatest artists as their contribution to me mon ument Fund. Bat for ths nobis contribution! si tbs srest srtlsts this book could oot bsvs beta nsoufsc to rod for f 7.00. For sale at bonk stores, or sent prepaid on receipt 01 it. 10. 1 n love on en or 10 theChild's Poet Laureate, published by the Com mittee tocreate a fund to build the Monument and to care for the family of the beloved poet. fcUEcnc rield Monument Souvenir fund. 1H0 Mosrvo Street, Cklcass, lal " lMl I .HI, Ir-J ',, - J J 4 ttr m,t'"ti 4 '- f..fiiU -m. X 4 l - t I I'l l It t.-OJ' M ifc-fld A it t .!'.. J t4 ', lit tft. I I !. $rJ f.-r tffr ef tr f. t .'mI-.i.J I frt vf if tf.t l. ..- . 'J.. . a) . J'f- frl't ft'. ', em I I . 11 n er efet i 1 ta. 4, BOOKS; ... leisisisissweeosessossenstsseoi f I , , I , -i 'a "l-' I" le Wit A'S I, r.t t t I' .- I- l. l f J- U.' V. i' All - v 0 mS BteuMat t at W tvt4 I ll lltlll l t - a , sv tm 1i ti (t 1 im m n or tm ,ivi umit utiiitM 'I 4 Mtl ttf (1 1H ' I Ml 4 f I .a, s " i .- t 1 I . x i ( 1 1, . M4M Al tlw.' HUiMllhl.rN 4 - rf tm' I I 4 . mp f.U4. It He. M.i.i" tm I' .-' ' teaartl a oli f,, 4 tU-liMtt. ttHlkt t.ltfiil . ., .. IHll ltl , S 1 I m tli.tits ' 4. 4 . ' ' I . P m 4 ,i . oaf 0 leadiug mm OF THE. sXClFlC COAST pii 1 n Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat- cnt business conducted for moderate Fie. Our Office is Oppoite U.S. patent Office and we can secure patent in less tune than those,. fmm Waahincrfrm. Send model, drawing or photo., With descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, freo of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured, a s.uaui r, " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent tree. Address, t C.A.SNOW&CO. Off. Patent Office. Washington. D. C. Cummings & Fall; PROPRIETORS Of the Old Sellable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q., C. M. & St. P., C. di A., P. Ft. W. dt C, and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. RATES ttS.oo PBR DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sta., CSXIC-A-O-O. ILL. The comparatlvs valus of ths twoea4 la known to meat person. Thsy Illustrate that greater quantity la Not always most to b desired. These cards express the beneficial qaat Ityof RipansTabules A compared with any previously ka DYSPEPSIA CURB Ripens Tabule : Price, 50 cent a 1 Of druggists, or by msil. BIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Sprue .T. WANTED-AN IDEAmSi. thing to patent? Protect yourideas ; they may bring you wealtn. write juns hm.uub.iv UKN A CO.. Patent-Attorneys, YVasblOgton, D.O- to their $100 prise offer. ' - - The regular subscription price of the Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.60 and the regular price of the Weekly Orrgoniaa is 81.50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for , one year i advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for $3.60. All old sui senbers paying their snbsoriptions fcr one year in advance will be entitled U theanma. Nw Fbed Yabd. Wm. Gordon haf opened up the feed yard next .door to the Gazette office, and now solicits share of your patronage. Billy la right at home at tbia business, and your horses will bo well looked after. Priori reasonable. Bay and grain forsale. tf -r Tltr, CIIROXTOI.K rank with tl greatsst ewsMiiers In tli tinned states. TIIK 1 1IKOMCI.K has noiualon the ractfl t'ns.1. It leans all In ability, enterprise and news, TIIK CIIUONICI.K'S Telviraplila KsporU are tlx laoot and most rollahls, Its Loral News the fiiHi at and siilrlrst. and lu Iwlltortals fruin the slile. I mhi In th eonntry. 'I'll K 1 'II HON It: i.k hsaalwsrs owi, snd si wars -llt Se, the friend and champion of tbs puls as aitHUint ooinMitatlnns, ell'iues. corporations, or otiireftlimoof anv KtnL it will bs tudepradeat la vr-ttilng ueutral In nuUilng. THEY tt LOST THE WRONQ MEN. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 189?! THwvi'?-' Wm taaly timu4 Sailors w be IK- sn .4 th rarvtgs) ttwsle. The numl-er of desertions that arte). ally wrurrrt while the foreign llpa of war were here has not Wen rml- I ihed. but since no roinplalnl has been hearil from the eotuiuander generally the tiumbi-r have Wen lown at M IVInt totnfort, just a the hti wore weighing anchor to move tin to this city, a retrtrr of the New York fait aked the raplam ! ne rf the i.nflln snip now many men he lot In in'luU taly air," snid the rapUin, Lal thev Were the wrong- f"r. When we ilrofel anch here I railed en a auml- r f men that I had had tny re oin f- a long lime, and I a id to thetn: 'I"- hi re." I aaW. "J" re a t4 lot. toti're ) niaUlng lrahle ).r, ship I II U ll )H what I II do tslthyott. Illglte lt five ahUling apleoe If j-hi II rut and rwn wWa yua go ahore here 'I l.sts si hat I sal. I .i then, l ot Ihet're vih re Jet. Yl raa I pet ttd t.f l-n-l hHM bWe thrrt Ihet d rsth r stay an I stir p loi-lilrf It , 1 u n t'at we bt. aevt tr ,.f llirttt l the I r . H hate la New YfVj. I' ! ami. . li . ph )..! fe'h-ns lhe ! fr t I sivt. ! ,! if t'i'f h half a f hs- ,.K-4 ar. the kol that tsra ap - tsar avrrv time. Ur4 iMrwss -rfav4pMl ,se4 We4, fe-.t I'sliea, I : aet, liter a4 Wal Itoable ate re, tt k'l ('Met K'l t. ! tl hf well A la art. 1 1 IM t 'atJ r'l s rt,lJ larf frsa I'vfl Iss l t 4lisoa Tha i-v!i.e r4 the t'sNa feeiSf are elhk. If. I mm flTO Nasi J 9 1 TMU.S. GOVERNMENT I 1 PAYING MILLIONS 1 A MONTH To persons who served In the wars of the United States or to their ysi Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars T(V on whom you depended for support ? I THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED . UNDER THE NEW LAW W To receive a pension, who now do riot. Thousands under the new y law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it fit) to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. fr Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. 1 No Fee unless successful. 1 $ The Press Claims Company rtULlP W. AVTRETT, Qcneral Manafer, I 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C I JT. KThli Compmiv U tontmtlrtt by nnrly on thoutand leading 4rt- jmijirrt fa the VnUrd main, ami i$ guaninlrmd 6y (Arm. QErPNER, Attorneys nt 1Vqv All bnaineaa attended to it, a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notarie fnblic and Gillectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL DANK BUILD I NO. ! I I OREOOI WHITE COLLAR LINE. PnliitYimfs DirAttnnrl 1 IU U d 11 d U 'uffct Sound Navigation Co n in i t inroAT Aiinrt i!rti'ifiBf QV V SVUUIIU tl'4 1 Q Slraaers THEl'DONE, B.ULET G1TZEET AND 0CE1S W1YL Leaviot Alder Ktreet ltk. PortUad, for Astoria, llfaeo. Lone Dech, Oeeaa l'ark and Nabcotta. lhreot tonneatioa with Ilwaoo ataamare aad rail road j also at Young's Hey witb Re bore Railroad. Txujxjrnorjzi les rurttand I A. M. Pally. scvt aumlar. tear Astoria J T. M. Illr, etrept tHtadar. nAUjBY OATBJHnT Imih rWtlsnd t.H Iviilr. asreH iMindaf . F-tardsT niskt, II r. M. U'M Astnrta Da Mr IS ASA. M, sscvptSiOfUy and MHday. undsf Bight, t. M, WAVE law ffMllaM and ran dlrwt te llsA,. Ttwsvlar Sa4 Thsrsday tilt. M aatiirdaf St T. M. ! iiasro nsnMsaier eon rn-tsy at i ju a. rt. wa asjrMtay atgitst r. St. Eie IMrd It Eiilmi IVitiulioi M Brarbrs Fret tf hpvt fat aalrly, t, rmlart, rtsMura, Travel o the Ttlephen. BslUy Ostiert si4 Oeeaa Wets. mmmm Ike Camlet ilalMlag, the: daily fr Ms I. reias ri4. Only S 670 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle lb Crvl - Vet Jj h lit ft Iry. $1.50 a k o3E3sGHtKr The Keels; Institute For tho Cure Oa ; Liquor. Opium ui Tobacco Habits tt at tarstsw St Isiless, OrcspMs, TU JTu4 Btamtif! Torn on fA OojI Call at ! O.isrr aiee Sae Bertsrsiisr tMrvtlr vMS-Wouai. Tnsuajiswl sntSMaa ssra tsrs. tl44i.( a.,iae"f -s tan mt ISi t Tt strut is)ii t a. im sr.i S mum , .. W rHiiiSJ u fm-mnf as s !. 4 t .. ae X'.t-mmm mmt.:i tii iii I r-1 tAMi'Ll On IS 8. NT fM.l. i S.t 4Dli Ull. mmUmm 4.J-IS, fael lies. t be,. j I, . sHl 'mlllliM m4 avttaast) ihIsjmI ie fssae fiat ! 4 f MM -) -! Sn) j H I ),.. ,4t. V j ;t, I - Ut I, t. .S. IK) YOU want Tin; CHRONICLE Reversible Map? niou'i 140.4 n4 Northern Mtiito - f ti K si 3 A. IS.. I Hap of tho World r i tm t in ti pu r. I J at - sr a4 te Ht i K I r -e e 1 e. t-.-m mm I f isM M I ls , a It .to Vil'W. -its t. f OUR STOCK OF . . . SI'ACK IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a financial sacri- a a at . luc. iou need it in your business, and as a matter f business vc must sell it. Tin. Patterson rcti ;siiino Co.