Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 29, 1896, Image 3

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Nerves Jnst as surely come from the
Hooa s Sarssparilla as does the cure ol
scrofula, salt rheum, or other so-called
blood disease. This Is simply because
the blood affects the condition of all the
bones, muscles and tissues. If It is im
pure it cannot properly sustain thes.
Parts. If mnrtp nnro vh u.J
a. Sarsaparilla, it caniet
health instead of disease, and repairs thi
worn, nervous system as nothing else can
do. Thus nervous prostration, hysteria,
neuralgia, heart palpitation, are cured by
Because it is the One True Blood Purifier.
HrwVc Dillc the,5est aer-dinner
11UUU S flllS pills, aid digestion. 250.
Now that the great politloal campaign
is over and the winter season again with
ns, all will want an adequate supply ol
fresb and varied reading matter for the
Gazette has made clubbing arraDeements
with a number ot periodioala and now
offers the following to all new and renew-
ol anVtasiniVinain
The GAZETTE f 2. 50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregon lan, $1,60 $3.50
c. r. AAttiuiiivr, fi.au o.io
" N. Y, Tribune, $1.00... 8.00
nror.1 loaan si iai u
vvKHnt Ti.- ...... t, UlOU
. ; " 8. F, Chronicle, $1.50...'... 8.75
V'Thrice-a-Weck N. Y. World; $1.00 8.26
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2 BO
ibhiih. npp.11 V. Ul . Ft IU1
Here and There.
"I'm something ot free trader," said
Johnny, as be stole bushel of apples
from bis father's neighbor's orchard;
"but," he added, tapping the seat ot bis
trousers, within whioh be had placed
three towels and a sheet of tin, "I be
lieve in the protective principle when
protection is needed.
Art Minor is ernel-hearted. His team
hitched to a big waeoo dashed down the
street yesterday. Two brave boys rushed
ont and stopped it, when Art raised np
ontof the wagon box and gave his friends
the laugh. The next time tbey ran away
two tall young men will let them run.
W. L. Saling is just in receipt of a let
ter from an older brother, Robert Saliog,
whom no member of the family had pre
viously beard ' from for almost twenty-
five years. He is now located at Ash
land, Or., and will visit Morrow county
relatives in the near future.
Died On Deo. 24tb, in Lower Eight
Mile, of hemorrhage following travail,
Mrs. J. R. Nuonamaker, leaving a bus
band and four small children, the young
est child being but a few hours old. The
deceased was a Bister ot Mrs. J. M.
Hamblet, of lone.
At the meeting of the Rawlins Post,
(J. A. R. in this city Inst Saturday the
selection of officers resulted in all the
old officers being re-elected. A special
meeting is to he held bere on Saturday,
Tan. 9th, at which time it is desired that
all be present.
The Ladies' Aid Sooiety, of the Chris
tian, church, have decided to postpone
tbeir.sooial from the date advertised and
will give the same at the opera bouse on
Wednesday evening, Jan. 13' h. Please
bear in mind this change.
Ou Christinas night, at lone, a mas
querade ball was given in the hall above
Joe Woulerj's store. Tbe strain being
very great tbe building was severely
wrenobed which interfered with the
pleasures ot the evening.
Somfl Pert Observations, Ploked Co Here
and There Flying Machines and Prairie
.uutjLuuertjr is iu iruiu onuu uuiiuw. -
f M. MAHB Af inrr mat mat.tr rrvp N, am
Cbas. Hales was over from Alpine Tnes
day last.
Harry Bagley has returned from
J. P. Hay den was here on Tuesday ot
last waek.
Peter Brenner was in from Eight Mile
Tuesday last. , - K
Carl Grow got in from Forest Grove
last Friday.
Miss Martha Neville is visiting a ber
relatives bere.
Emil ScbariT, of Hamilton, left Satur
day lorCbioago,
Jjt ureenwood and wife are over
from Hamilton.
Mrs. Sterling Smith is yet very 111
from pneumonia.
Prof. Howard is quite ill with oonges
tioD of the lungs.
Ol Justus' two ohildren are threaten
ad with pneumonia.
Press Cresswell sod family spent
Christmas in Heppner.
. , Bud Haney, Henry Padberg and W.6.
Connor were op from lone today.
Robbie Btott ie up from Corvallis to
Ttsit bis sister, Mrs. J. R. Lake.
Condon Olobe : Wall Goodwin and
family moved to Heppner this week.
Drink tbe celebrated J. U. Cotter
Ed. Qetch'el wss over from Cass Mat
1 ck's McDonald canyon ranch last wsek
Born Oo Deo. lltb, up Willow creek,
to tbe wife ot Mat Hughes, a 12 pound
J. W. Morrow and faintly returned ra)ade barrel.
Did you ever ootioe, dear reader, that
human nature is human nature, matters
not where you go to find it? Not long
ago your bumble servant notioed an il
lustration ot this th t was forcible
enough to suit tbe most ardent student
of psychology. Some siwasbes, with the
usual number ot kloochmen, kids, dogs
and oayuses, came io from the mountains
and stopped over at Heppner to sell
venison, Indian gloves, etc , and to lay
in tbe usual amount of necessaries. Ooe
maiden with a fair am uat of good
looks, from the siwasa standpoint, was
more fortunate than the rest, investing
largely from the proceeds in paint and
oalioo. Dropping ont of sight in, the
sbeds in tbe rear ot Gilliam k Bisbee's
store, a transformation took laoe, soiled
duds were doffed, and improvised
Bounces and gewjaws were substituted
in a jiffy, while tbe reddish brown 00m
plexion was made deeper red with copi
one applications of paint. Stepping
forth gaily she passed a bavj of ber
"kith sud kind," tbe envy ot them all
and with an arrogant air and a toss ot
tbe bead, crossed tbe street to feast upon
a box of refuse fruit in (bp rear of Sal
log's store.
Now this is notioeable 10 tbe higher
walks ot life. 8:me smile so sweet an
bland on those, their peere, and down iu
their hearts how thj revile their fjrtu
oate neighbors! How tbey swell np
with pride when they tblok how littl
their neighbors know and bow "swell,'
bow Intelligent they arrl O, oonld
Bobby liurue picture to their vision as
the world sees them!
Io politics the big "I am" crops out.
Why, eveo io the boor ot defeat, tl
orited and financially bedraggled sou
commiserates the ignorance of Ibe pop 11
Isoa who have left biin io tbe "coo
snmne," for a man whom lie cooaidere
bol tbe wandering tungbole of an 00
On last Friday night, at the opera
bouse, occurred one ot the most agree
able masquerades given in Heppner of
tbe year 1896 It was under the man
agement of Messrs. S. P. Gurrigues and
Jake Wattenberger, andeverythiog poss
ible was done to make the affair a pleas
ant one. Tbe order maintained was ex
cellent, and the musio furnished by Mrs.
Jake Wattenberger and Chaa Ingrabam
of high order and very much appreciated.
Tbe foil iwing gave in their names and
respective oharaoters:
Otis Patterson, old man; Fred Bock,
Mexican; Albert Davis, Turk; Lon Wat
tenberger, Turk; Mrs. Hunlook, news
girl; Mrs. Eli Keeney, bootblack; Chester
Sargent, clown; Bertha Matlock, fairy;
W Patterson, clown; George Conser,
orkiebLord; Lena Rbea, fishing girl ;
Ida Oowins, fishing girl; Mrs. Brock,
pnn pou ; James J ohnscn, German soldier;
John Spenoer, German soldier; 'Gene
Jones, German soldier; E. W. Khea,
gentleman ot tbe 16th oeutury ; George
Noble, Spanish nobleman; Etfie Rbea,
rainbow; Mrs. Ben Matthews, national
colors; Wilson Brock. Hindoo soldier:
Earl McFarland, clown; Heppner Black-
an, clown; Wm. Dunn, oar porter;
Mrs. Wm. Letrace, nurse; Mrs. Geo.
Cod Ber, snake charmer; Frank McFar
land, Indian ohief; Mrs. Frank McFar
land, Pocuhootas.
Tbose whose names were taken but
ho did not giva in the respective char
acter represented were: Bessie Vinson,
Archie Matthews, Miss Jenkins, Obai.
Bartholomew, George Vinson, Fauoie
Brown, DjI Warmoth, .Win. Letraos,
Oscar Myers, Albert StsntDn, . Lon a
Behme, Lizzie Thompson, Elsie Jones,
Mrs. Hick Matthews, Hadley Birker,
Claude Sloan, Bob Beard, Millie Her
Iva Sargent, Lt'oee Penland, Mrs. Lanes
Penland, Mrs. Teft, Mrs. Bur rig, Annie
Matthews, Edith Vsughao and Jack
from trip to Pendleton, Sunday morn
Conductor Wm. Do on mashed Lie
left index finger Ibis nxwDlog while
loading freight.
J as. Matlock got borne tble morning
from Portland where be epeot Christmas
with hisfemU.
You will find tbst too will be treated
all right down at tbe Red Llgbt sslooa
Call oa Ibe boys.
Mieeee Elbel Bover sod Jlle Freoob
spool Christmas eve with Mr. aod Mrs
Daa rotter, of Leiiegtoa.
Joba E. Lalbrop. of tbe . U, eerae
. ia Christmas to visit Iriaode bere, lea
tag for hie borne last DigbL
Sheriff T.J. Dmer, and young eon.
Yolo, of Ibe Dalles, are la Iowa today
aod Wave Ibis evealsg for borne.
J as. Molellre. Jas. Cerlf, Frank sad
Tat Kilkeoof era ie May oa bo.lneee
eonocUd witb proving ap oa leads.
MhUt EdJia Rlfts ts reported es
beieg III alia paenraoels, ap at Teadle
loo, bat word was rereived Ihle atoralnf
laal be ts belief.
rblll Ooba, meecr of tlepfoer's
ereraboaee, will paf btgbeet sserket
pri for bid, fare, abeep pells, els.
Bring yoar bides to bios. tf
C sad t frroeb earns la (teodsy
aad oa ktoedey I'm paid the "rata-
ttoa" Willi ti added ! bie art ia Ibe
freAse f Taaedey. Ia wbargd.
Cbu try fti rtarsd fmdf
fro as Lnae IUk bra be Swl bi
CbrWtaiae. He wee eectwpetd by kte
wire aad lty espt Vi saake iitpyvH
Ibtit latere bos
IJoa. It BSaekawa be ba cba ae
M ef la 4lil of Tot Mead Ms,
Pa. 41ft. I O H B , a ;.
laeir Baa fraae ithfiM at f(-l
oa, Calif , a Baalay, Jea. JUb.
Ta CIs.tU tpMt
W.lta ol tbe ry dle N tbe faH lhal
lb 6atw fire eiieike ara acwea
thaa !. Tay eMail b
em of bU la tnmmt al ia aW
Of the First National Bank at Hepp
ner, in the State of Oregon, at the
Close of Business, Dec. 17, 1896.
Loans and discounts... $150,016 27
Overd'fts secured and unsecured 10,452.60
U. S. Bonds to secure circula
tion ; 12,500.00
Premiums on D. S. bonds 875.00
Stocks, securities, eto 20,796 50
Banking-house furniture, anil
fixtures 3,884.44
Due from National banks (not
reserve agents) 3,518 40
Due from approved reserve agts. 12,660.06
Checks and other cash items.. 48.71
Notes of other National Banks 1500.00
Fractional paper ourreuoy,
niokels and cents 155.35
Specie 14,434 00
Legal tender notes.. . 692 00
Redemption fund with TJ. S.
Treasurer (5 per ceut. of
circulation) 562.50
Total $232,095.83
Capital stock paid in $50,000.00
Surplus fund 12,000.00
Undivided profits, less expen
ses and taxes paid 22,049 34
National Bank Notes out
standing 11,250.00
Due to other National Banks. . 5,464 67
Due to State Banks and Bank
ers 480 69
Individual deposits subject to
cbeok 99.920.89
Demand certificates of deposit 30,930.24
Saperinteadent R. D. Williams BtafaW by
Oaa of His Papiis.
On last Saturday evening Dr. and Mre.
, H. McBwords, ot this city,- were ten
dered a surprise by a few friends who
came very unexpectedly but heavily
laden with tempting viands which sooo
graced the table,-around which tbe
guests spent a very pleasant hour. In
all the evening was one ol rare a oial
et'joyment. Those present wert: Mr
and Mrs. Geo. Conser, Mr. and Mrs. II.
W. - Bartholomew, Mr. aod Mrs. Wm.
Dunn, Mr. and Mre. F. G. Bartholomew,
Mesar. Josef Mueller, T. R. Lyons and
A. W. Patterson.
A correspondent ot the Eagle wriiee
as follows from Prairie Cty regarding
the stabbing of Supt. R. D. Williams, ot
Grant county :
Quite a serious cutting scrape occurred
at tbe Prairie City public sohool on Deo.
17th, in whioh Prof. R. D. Williams was
stabbed in four places by ooe of his
soholars, Mr. Ed. Meador. Mr. Will
iams only esoaped with his life by the
knife striking a rib in one place and the
breast bone in another. II is wouods are
quite serious, though not 03nsidered
fatal. -
A warrant was sworn out io Justice
Curl's court and of&oers were in pursuit
iu a short time, but up to this evening
had oot returned with Maador, who bad
rushed home after the affray, seoured a
fresh horse and the last beard from was
headed toward Canyon City.
Thisooourrenoeis very muoh regretted
by the peoile ot this section, as Ed.
Meador is the son of Mr, T. H. Meador,
one of our most highly respected citi
zens. Mrs. Meador was so shocked by
the sad affair that Dr, Belknap had to
be summoned to render ber medical as
sistance. Boys should think ot mother
before they commence outting and
slashing in such a manner.
The organisation of so Elks lodge ia
thie city about the 16th of next month,
wheu a number of our citisene will put
on tbe boms, is ooe of the coining
events. Oo that occasion a number ot
prominent elks aod stags from evrry
lodge io Oregon will be preeeot. Tbe
mi mbere oompoeiog tbe Heppner lodge
were all cot out for wearers of the
horns and on io any event at 00 dietaui
fatore hi styled the "Best People oa
Earth." Following Ibe institution of
this lodge it ie understood a bauitirt is
to be servod for tbe visitors.
Total 8232,095.83
State of Oregon, )
County of Morrow, )
I. George Oonsor, Cashier of tbe
Rbov named bank, do nolemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
Geo. (jonser, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
23d day of Deo , 1896.
Notary Public for Oregon.
Correct Attest: J. P. Rhea, O. A.
Rhea, J. B. Natter, Direotors.
Of the National Bank of Heppner at
Heppner, in the State of Oregon,
at the close of business,
Dee. 17th, 18m
Loans anddisoounts $ 47,495.20
Overdrafts seoured and unse
cured 2,478.92
U. S. bonds to secure circula
tion 12.750.00
Stocks, securities, eto 6,164.43
Bankiughonse, furniture, fix. 2,509 30
Due from National Banks
(not Reserve Agents) 1,021.20
Due from state. banks end
Due from approved reserve
Obeoks and other Cash items. .
Fractional paper curreucy.
niokles, and oents
Speci $ 442 35
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer (5 per oent ot circulation)
Go to any grocer and
ask for Schilling's Best tea:
Japan, English Breakfast,
Oolong, Ceylon, or the
He will pay you your
money back if you don t
like it.
Sir F
This evening a masque social will be
given at tbs oners boose. Maoy iovita
tions have bro sent oot and judging
from Ibe social activity a very pleasant
oocasion is aasured.
What at first was considered io tbe
circle ot well koowo enl bigbly re
peot-d young people to be so slop.
meat lat wk, proved te be a remark
able eoiooldeoce, the result of ooe p.r
eoo cbaoglng Ibat evar teslUss part of
tba buroao elradtore, lbs mind. B th
went beluw 00 tbe same tram that was
CI a be wre trumps in one pert
Utppoer Ibe olbr oigui. wnea ooe
bee a (all bend of these, eteod oat from
Two people io Urppoer bioe, bigbly
respected aad wellkoowa young peopl
a lady aad geotlemaa, by tbe way, had
a Derro eeeepa last algbl from getting
married wit boat soy ebeeee to object
Home joker got a marriage lioeese blae
from the court boose aad didn't de
Ibiog but fill it oot with Ibe aamee
Ibe rtima, bad II dily i eed, and pa
it la tbe beaJe ol a jivial eld eoal of Ibe
jodioial fraUrelty abotaa play boy yet
arriving si ids Doete woere ioe t urn-1 eup
eeid yotiag teaa bad called oa eeid 1 eiaur ae
nn a m l.,t t,A iu Amt fctttllt.! aad
wee shortly futiowed by otb-v folia, aUo ;
oa pleasure beat. Tla prnee liega !
Ibis far were carinas, ledeed, aod
promt Ibe y. I Io atk tf aba oald da
so y I. log fuf Ibe vtellofe. Oar brsvs
jtJs Mil -eo." but Ibat ae I boa (at be
eald d eaatetkuag Iu ber, aad wnaoal
fonbe ado be broagt.l f.wtb Ibe d' a
BrnU. bad Ibe blaablsg euapia is ariee
aal la a j ffy l.ad eed tba aaagia wnrde
abwb era eappnaed la bled Iwa a -a Is as ;
ana, bat, bnrrr of hit on, ear miet
ig frtMi 1 was eeiuaaded to a ti
el as big ae a eoer el Ibe at
tbe po-ef abkb bed befelfwe aaeapd
bM obe-fvaitoa. 'teas at'b e aa
4-mtxa ae Io Ibe enn U a j"S be bel
, ibai be aljeeed Me s M aal
n4e aaia.iaa Wa. Tbe eeel wee ibt
nl Ibe ifenel " ll'PI-twf rlaeod Af-
Oo Dit Tuesday evening Dorio lodge,
No. 20, Knights of Pythias, of Ibis city,
will bate a public iostsllation with
wbiob will be iulereperced so appropri
ate program. Since well filled baakete
bars been prrmteed by Ibe members sod
i members so rioellcot supper will
alto certainly be ooe ol Ibe fealorrs. A
limited aamber of iovitatirne have been
Isvitatioee have been eeol oot lot
Weicb social at tba borne of Mr. aod
Mrs. z. IU Biehop, ot tbie cily, belt
Tborsdsv eveaiog, wbeo all preeeot will
doubtless bid ao sftVliooate aliea la
lbs old year aad joyeoaly herald lie
a tming of Ibe new year. Tba eveelag
111 also be pleasantly spent at ablal
405 61
162 99
Tot ax $ 73,997.57
Capital stock paid in 50,000.00
(Surplus fnoJ 10,000.00
Undivided protlt, less expeo ,
eee ana Uxee paid 4H2 44
National bank notes outstand
ing 11.250.00
Due to Stste Banke and Bank
ers : 31.4(5
Dividends unpaid 600.00
Individual deposits subject
Io cheok 1.0HH.77
Demand certificates of de
posit 54 1.90
from the Blue Mountain Eagle.
Tbe marriage of Miss Ella Weloh,
daughter ot Mrs. Ella Hughes, of this
city, to Dr. Arthur O. Yearianr of Sal
mon City. Idaho, ooourred on lbs is!
inst. '
W. W. Kirk, a resident of Black Horse,
in Morrow oounty and father of 8 Kirk
of Ritter, wae in the city Tuesday, call
log at ibis omoe. Mr. Kirs oauie over
from Morrow oounty some time ego, and
ie visiting with hie son at the McDuffee
hot springs.
Osoar Minor and Ike Eouis came over
from Heppner Saturday io tbe interest
of the Heppner Long Creek telephone
line, returning borne Tuesday wilb tbs
intention of putting a force ot men
work and connecting tbe line to Long
Creek by May Aral.
Total t 73.997.57
Stats or Ohroon, )
County e.f Morrow, J
I, EJ. It. Hiatiop, Uaabier of tbe
alove named bank, do solemnly swear
Ibat tbe above statement ie Irna to the
beat ot my knowledas aod belief.
r.u. It. lHHiiop, Cashier.
8ohecribed aod aworo to before me
this 28' h day of lc. iw.ifi
Otis rtniRanx,
Notary Public for Oregon.
Oirrerl-Attest: O. E. Fsrnawortn,
E. D. Ilool, T. C Thompson. Directors.
TEST with a big R. Blackwell's Genuine Bull
D Durham is In a class by itself. You will find one
ennnnn tnalriA unh tvn iwnpA hnc anrl tvn Ron.
pons inside each four ounce bag of
Genuine Durham
Smoking Tobacco
Buy a has of thin celebrated tobacco and read the coupon
whioh gives a listof valuable presents and bo w to get them,
Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop
Guests will find the best of aecoua
modatioua in every respect.
The Trouble is Over !
We Mean the Election. But that
Makes no Difference With
Who never lets politics interfere with bnslness. At the
same old stand, next door to M. Licbteothal's.
HUntta at the Head.
Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of
Sbreveport, La., says: "Dr. Kiug'e New
Discovery ia the ooly thing tbut cures
my oongb, and it is the best seller I
have." J, F. Campbell, merohant ot
Snfford, Ariz, writes: "Dr. King's New
DiHOivory is sll that is claimed for it ; it
never tails, aod is a sure cure for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds. I oannot
say enough tor its merits." Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Congbs
snd Colds is oot an experiment. It bas
been tried for a quarter of a century',
and today stanis at Ins bead. It sever
dieapiMiiote. Free trial botllee al Conser
k l!r rk's drag store.
Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's
Furnishings, etc.
Main Street. Heppner, Oregon.
All KeeoateieDS It.
Ak your nbyaiciao, your draggist end
your frieods abool Hhiloh's Cora for
Ontienmptinn. They will reoommeod
it. For sale by Hells A Warren
Fur sale Aboal thirty lone of rye
bay, located aboal Iwa aad oee-btll
miles of llsrdmaw. AIo 4'0 aeree of
'I reegCeaeed, U go wub earns.
Itealy f ootsUe gnverameal reage
ear el haed. Hbe.ter for l.fWt bead of
sbeep or large baad of rallla. (Ktod
booe oa pleo. Cell oa (taaella offiee
rr perltenlara. A rare rbanre to gel
All ein Isdissu a bard
1 wtalef aad delays are daageroaa. It
J . O. IJOJIO 1I KHS, Prop.
aee m
Keei)s the Finest Wines, Li(juors and Cigars
Male) Steeet,
You Should all See It.
Con)e in at Once.
1 1
Tbe O.setta Ie la reeelpl of a (Tbri.l .
mas pieel la tbe ebspa of a bl af
ritfara, Ibe ditaor being oar .ld fneed,
Mr J V. 11m Jen, the well teowe ara
awretal liaveler. 'May bte ebaduw
aever grow leea.1
Albert lUa aad ta Maileana were
eeleeeerl fm jatl leal nlardas ea aay
aaewi of la earn. Tbe Oeaeile Is pleas
ed Ut ear Ibat see aeee 4ei'ld ea stop
liakaeteg atik It-iaoe. ab ea lelha aalbof
t4 laetr rUea.
. Ireak lb gere ia able Io be ap agsia
afwe a laeeie aMb bis d.atsd feel,
leelaeel. lie Weed Idea I'M moeb eal
i.k rnl4 la laa woaede esada rjr las
receal OpetaU'HS.
I Mew la tbe time Ia gM Ike Weekly
.Ofarnataa. I He greeieel aeeet.apef tj
IhaWeet, ib Ibe (-, U fc ariel
If ta e4ftre, tew. M l ! beUef
..seel - ii-Ppaf npi , ! aee.pepefs e.a U aade
t4aeba-t bw bar. Il'il a ,, r '
an J 1 BBS
20,000 POUNDS OF
mm m: id fiik.
CoiiMlfHt li.ir ()f
Tables, (bsUa, lbkre, fledronta Holies, ftelsleads, I Wok
Caeea, lounge, Hofae, Hpring Mallreeees, Wool Mallreeeee,
T' Hails, Ceaier Tables, ele , ele. Iimaeeli Carpers, Wool
Carpets. M ei lings, Hideboar.le, Mirrors, Hal Ilaeks, llsngisg
lmpe, I'artteree, I'tlluwa, Ittsok.te, Hluves, etc., ale.
All the alxne Goods arc Placed on Sale at
Half Value or Less.
Will be Sold Regardless of Cost.
Fit ap year hoeaee el oars wub HlrlUb Faraltare,
aeile Ihla aopxriaeilr la offerel.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
Ol Al.eY!Veilltee-riCMt ICNOI.AN1I
. W PiTTERSON, AGKXT. nosat its n. w.,ri.t
Youro HOUNJ) to 9Vnm 9 Kin.
Leaves No Constipation, -ua
Cores 1 1. as well as all litllmaeneea. Mm k ealrba as I Malaria. Tbe oalf
oMroaV4ai. pill la Ibe world. rV-IJ tv ail .ln..t i.e M-t.i , wail ea
rerwipi of priea, 23 eeols per Uii
l ltrMli-H MI KICAl. Itl.
Has I faaeieAo, Cat.
ibe fceela of ail lbM aleeming eaeqr.
ree. e. raate a 4elegetioa f a-liveg
la tba eUU.
flk Ms'bewaaad
eaelMof b.le.f.waral.d Ibe t'MB'w Berne 4 Meibeee A Oeai
l,aeeAeta,eaaely. O. li waa rae t .e i e-M4 lWer la ba by
.1.4 Ibe l-kere. j baeiaeee la Ibe Mt eleel. lee 4i
Tba CaJi' veia 8lsg BiKfciee tnt
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4rl line aae fc.pr-l t t, oa 1
aa'b ol ae
Iay. ater
Iti.y a4eii a
Our Sale on General Merchandise
Still Continues.
r si a iile eani. aaJI ee
lbrlr geilisg a tr llef erl'elt-.a
I.. I II .11 IVmIm 1 m
lmm,r wn,.- f"i""e , ab..al Jh ll.a in i-eieg ia ! , r m.i,
fcte f Mrs. Idl'.M Haw, aaa j ,e. b. ..a. y.. a r.l f a.m ,M , mt . J
,, ta l! wilb aea.aUH tSa pearl, la ll.MH ( .!.-.. I 4 ae . I ,
M.e UaW ft. g. aal li- ' " ' 1 1,; l,',, ,7,1 a f .l e. .4 ,.M l-yal r I. I.a rVed lre. a I V( I I )! I V
deberof Il" . .l o,l rf 1 b. M N .t. . I Hi. ll ' K
a'L..u..I...UIi.L 11 I.ie l.ti. Htfe IV V. U.i f. Me III. II. Ill fill.
i tee-Mrs. tf
! I'liearafe
' ' t- a . a I 4l i
Ibeaf M S !.
Plenty of them at the
Gazdto Office . .
11. ;j.
Whrratou can get t'ft. M'l'V Ill',IM.M
Claea Meal it Liviig lUlra. Vl I 1 1 11 I Va Uf
I'rcnch Cook, and UMtc Lat'Or-only, Lmi.luycJ.
Good Rooms and Excellent Service
The GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH.
Ue laiier t
ari f e