Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 29, 1896, Image 2

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    18 DECEMBER 96
Z3 UL15I& 78 9
aries of county officials. There is
a rather general opinion in the
minds of many people that the
salary of a county officer cannot
be reduced by the legislature dur
ing the incumbency of the official
who has entered upon his duties.
The opinion is entirely erroneous.
The salary of any county officer
may be reduced or increased by
legislative action, to take effect im
mediately upon the pRssage of the
act and its approval by the gov
ernor, and this wrong impression
will certainly be corrected by
much legislation tha will be
enacted at our coming session of
The E. O., in a recent issue,
took occasion to air in a pert man
ner the little difference that arose
last summer between Clerk Mor
row and Henry Heppner, over the
sale of the former's wool to the
latter. Such an exhibition of bad
taste is rarely noticed. It was a
business proposition, settled in a
Seoator Mitchell very wisely defended
tbo resolution offered by republican
committee to elect senator by popular
vote of the people. This subject bag
been agitated by that party long before
populism had come into existence, and
Heaator Chandler's assertion that it is
"populist pro'poeition" bits wide of tbe
mark. Baker City Republican.
- It remains to be seen if tbis govern
ment will prevent its oitizens from tak
ing a band in tbe Cuban aff iir. Repub
lican. Tbe name of the man who knows bow
all the members ' of tbe legislature are
fjoing to vote when the time comes to
choose a United States senator is legion.
Bnt a great deal of his conversation I been shed.
The Gazette had hoped, along
with the people of our community,
that the limit of time in which business way, and if referred to at
purchases of forfeited railroad all should have ended with a bare
ia -I til ..
lands coma pe maae migm do ex- 8tatement of facts. The Gazette
tended for at least two years. Lee8 no particular pleasure
However, two extensions have been gioftt1Dg over some person's down
asked tor and granted, am it was ai( misfortUne or ill luck,
evident that the passage of Mr. t j
Ellis' bill, asking for a new exten- Senator Mitchell has already
sion of time, from Jan. 1, 1897, introduced in the senate an amend
was indeed doubtful. Yesterday ment which he proposes to offer to
the editor of tbis paper received a the sundry civil bill when it comes
message from Mr. Ellis stating over from the Louse, making an
that the relief applied for could appropriation of $17,000 for the es-
not be granted by Jan. 1, 1897, and tabhshment of auxiliary fish cul
that those waiting take chances. tural stations at points to be Be
lt is clear that many honorable lected by the commissioner of fish
settlers, whose right to these lands and fisheries in California, Oregon
are not questioned, because many and Washington for the propaga-
of them are bona fide settlers on tion of salmon, trout and othpr
the lands desired, and have culti- fish. The amendment says that
vated other lands adjacent, which the artificial propngation of sal-
they desire to acquire, for many mon has long since passed the ex
years, cannot meet the require- peridental stage, and that while
ments of the government. As the government and states of
Boon as possible after the first of Oregon and Washington are now
the year some measure should be propagating only a sufficient num.
passed that will give these Bettlr3 ber of young Chinook to prevent
the right to acquire such lands the diminution of the annual run,
subsequently. the output of young salmon from
It is not out of place to state the hatcheries ought to be brought
right here that it would relieve P to an hverago of 100,000,000 a
our county and, in fact, a large yeftr- It also sots forth that the
part of Eastern Oregon, if settlers salmon packing industry in the
who have paid the double mini- aci"0 Aorthwest is the large
mum price could get back cither manufacturiug intliiHtry tliore, with
in land or money $1.25 per acre, one exception, its wage loll being
which the Government has infer- f'2,000,000 a year; while it is a
entially acknowledged waa col- 'arBG exporter of its fiuinhed pro.
lected unjustly. Let the good ducts, and an importer of such
through his poll protector,
There are several considerations that
should have attention in making the
ooming senatorial oontest, not tbe least
of which is the question of the election
n this state two years from next Jane,
and the presidential eleotion four years
hence. We should not have a divided
republican party. Let the other fellows
do the dividing, while we all stick to
gether. There is a large and important
future before ns. We'll most all be bere
after this winter. Will we be together,
or will every republican be ready to
clutch at the politioal throat of every
other republican? Salem Statesraau.
work go on.
Morrow county had a white
November but waa not bo favored
materials only as are the source o
much revenue to the government
Be Trln to "Tame" aa Erring Brother Who
Had Made "Vone Yoke" ob His Wife. Ma
tildaGets Second Honey.
of Oregon for the ounly of Morrow.
J. A. Woolery, l'laintiff,
Samuel E. Walk-r. Defendant.
To Samuel E. Walker, Defendant.
iini.MflH. a. tin n.i.v.. j in me name ot tne state 01 oreson: i on are
"Glacious, Sven.yoo tly oatchee Wind- herel)y required to appear and answer theeom-
millT" ejaoulated Sing liee as bis Swede P11'1' n'ed against you in the above entitled
' " cause on or before the first day of tne next
inena, even oveoson, wearily waisea
into the wasbhonse one day last week.
Tj..ja i . t i . j I and if yon fail to answer for want thereof, the
inueeo own looieu use ue oau uuu a plalntlir will take judgment against you for the
combat with a bull. Three fineers ot sum. One Hundred Sixty and 65-100 Dollars
" with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent
blS) riebt hand bad been chewed to tbe Per annum from the llth dav of Oct. WM. For
l i . . .1 the sum of one Hundred Twenty-five and 20-100
, .. 1 uoimri,wiin interest tnereon at tne raie oi
bla nose was twice its natural size, one eight per cent per annum from the llth day ot
. ,,, , . uci. im: ior me sum oi twenty-live ciouarsat-
eye was blaok and half Olosed. bis face torney'a fee and for his costs and disbursements
. . . .,.... ii This Summons is served by publication pur-
bad the general appearance ot having ,ant to an order of Stephen A.Lowell .Judceoi
been clawed by either a wild oat or an $eDecltltled court' madj n brown
regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit:
March the first, 19:
Whafs k Matter Bana ?
old-fashioned radish grater, or both,
while h's muddy garments were set off
here and tbere with little crimson spots
bich showed plainly that blood had
Attorney for l'laintiff.
of Oregon for the County of Morrow,
J. A. Woolery, Plaintiff,
Samuel E. Walker, Defendant.
lo Samuel is. yvalker, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon: You are
lil-rohv rpnuirnd to Htntpur n.n.1 nttuwnr IIia pom.
Ted Kansas vind, or beeg baas saw? Eet plaint filed against you in the above entitled
. . . , uatiHti on or neiore tne nrsc aay ot me next
bane tousen tarn vorse nor dase tang. regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit:
"Yo see, Ay hafe vone Dootoh nabor, The first day of March, 17;
and if you fall so to answer, for want thereof
thl- nl flilltllf wl 1 1 talc- i nrltrniftnt. ncaiti.t' vnn for
boot Ay bane een pooty gude humor all thesumof Elghty-rive and 70-l00 Dollars, with
, . . , , interest thereon at the rate of ten per cont er
dasetamen sa noting, ma temper ved annum from the 12th day of Oct. w.ili; for the
heem bane so sveet vone eletle ohild, en UI" of f'ty dollar, attorney's fee, and for his
' costs and disbursements.
Av laff. Bote, bv veemioy, ha mek ma This summons is served by publication pnr-
, ""aiui. suant to an order of Stephen A Lowell, Judge
mad yesterday, en Ay flte heem, bota ma of the above entitled court, made on the 2bth
aav ot December, is'.itj. j. N. bkovvn
"Sin', yo tank Ay bBne Don Coyote?
Bane yo dase Sanky Pansy eef ma troo-
bles en beartaohes? Yo tank Ay play
The chances that W. 8. Vanderburg
will be successful in his oontest with
Tbos. H. Tongue for a seat in oongress
are very slight since the late election re
sulted in a republican majority in the
house of representatives. However, he
will carry on the tight, bs it is the prac
tice of the government to pay all con
testants their expenses. Jacksonville
Times. a,
They ' are also very slight, says the
Salem Statesman, because be got sixty
to seventy five less votes than Mr.
Tongue. Also, it may be mentioned in
cidentally oonoerning his allegations of
fraud, that most of them, upon the ex
amination of tbe evidenoes offered, turn
out Bgainst bim. His partisans com
mitted most of tbe frauds that were per
petrated npon tbe honesty of tbe elec
Senator Mitchell has done more for
Oregon than any other man that has
gone to Washington and be should be
kept- at his post another term, whether
Harvey likes it or not Wasco News.
luck bane bad, Ay tal yo.
"Sohan beer bote ma g6ttnn merried
en ba kootn ofer en ha meet ma vife, Ma.
tilda. . Next tang wa valk oot to di can-
I yon vere Ay bane meken earn posthola
Haeatomn, 'Sven, yohav pooty gude
look in' vife,' Das mek ma feel tickle, en
Ay sa, 'Yaae, Ay tauk sba bane so.' Eo
hasa shs hav eletle feetlaik Eelifl Minor,
small, neat hands laik B ine Swi.ggurt,
en eletle poem eef ears laik (Ianry Happ
ner. Ynost den Ay tank ba mekin vone
yoke by ma vife, en so kweek Ay tank
505 17.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
of Oregon for Morrow County.
J. W. Whalleyand Win. T.
Muir, partners doing busi
ness as Whalley A: Muir,
James W. Svvezea, Dufendnnt.
lo James W. 8wezea. Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon: You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
eause 011 or before the first day of the next
regular term 01 said court, to-wtt:
The first day of March, 189'
das vay Ay gat mad en vaok heem ofer ""d tf yu I!" 80 to answer, for want thereof
, . , 3 , 11 . "8 pluintilis will tuke judgment against you
da baid ved ma spade hendle. Da toDg for the sum of one Hundrui and Twenty-five
lono not mn hnn en full hnf fnmravn Dollars, with interest th reon at the rate of
sieepe oot ma nan , en run Dote lemteen eljiht cent per anmim (rom the mh nayof
The little one horse politicians are try
ing to rireat Hena'or Mitchell's re-election
to the United States annate. Bat
Senator Mitohell is too strongly en
trenched in the people's eateem to throw
him overboard for a new and untried man.
Senator Mitchell has done so mnoh for
Oregon that tbe people everywhere are
almost a unit for bis re-election. Tbere
is not another man in the state that can
nil the place as ably as be. Experience
has cohooled him for the better service.
Oregon will do herself great Credit to re
elect J. II. Mitchnll.-I'liiindealer.
feet doun da hill. Den ma luok go
faster dnn da eletle pill yo Bmoka een da
cane pipe. Soban hait ma een da nort
east corner eef da norteast corner ect ma
ooontanaDoe en shoot oop ma loft eye,
en made das so blaok as da eemp eef
darkness. Ha geev ma vone Oibett
patch een da nose n Ay see diamonds
das bane vortb tousen dolar een da
market. Ha bite ma tra feengers tal Ay
boiler laik gude falar. Ha sa ha laik
dasej en vack ma ofer da rite ear en Ay
boiler sam more
April, lNifi and for their costs and disbursements
tn this action.
This summons Is served by publication pur
suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge
of the above entitled court made on the 16tn
day of July, lxwi.
V 11 A LLC. X (B MllR and J. N, BROWN,
505-17 Attorneys tor Plaintiffs.
Notice of Intention.
Nothing, except that he has just discovered that at the
Odd Combination Store of
P. C. Thompson
Is the best place to bay Salt, Sugar, Soap, Sardines, Socks, Srj-peni'era,
Sewing Machines, Shotgnns, or Saws. Complete liDes of Groceries or
Hardware. Satisfaotio'n Guaranteed.
He lias anything in this line that you may desire and you can depend on it you get a good
article when Mat guarantees it.
Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty.
HI 1 FfiF&SS
r aam eujvi. -
Full English Course.
french and german.
BooKKEEPir;, shorthand, telegraphy.
1. 1 ( Kit A II V Ml I KS.
McClura's maiizino will begin in (I
January number a scries of "Life For
OfB Hopplier-Louc Creek tele- trait ' Oreat Annrirana" with rcpro.
r.l.onn lino i- not all win.!. It will "''' " 'iintiog p.rtri.its o
, . uimi v li;.. l .. . 1 1
hern operation in loss than six L... from llfB. -.,,. ., ..
Months. rjortraiti. and anrun nf thorn liavx t.r
hero ptihliHhed. Mr. t'hnrles Henry
AN Oregon City chicken thief Hart, probably the highest authority 00
not 82 bird shot into his carcass Amerioan portrait, la rnllentiug
on Christtna dy. He dronj.od n'1 ,u "
the obickoM. T . . r.T" M"1 . 0,,,
kitiuh ins u i" in r j in inn Hcvxrai por
trait and liMtrver is interesting in the
OLD North Beach baa acotnnau. oi''Jn""'heir production. There
I 111 a a
ion for the Glentnorag, the German ' ' " , ' Z! . '
hark, rotrimpoa. Captain HurniL(Mltn
llueklrn's Arnica Nalvr.
The liet Salve in the world for Cuts,
llruiaes, Hores, Ulcers. Salt Hbeuro,
Fever Hores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Hkin Erup
tiiuiH, and poaiiively cures riles or no
pav reqnired. It is guaranteed to give
tierleet atiufHotioo or ruonev rofaniled
Trice '25 cents pr boi. For aale by
Cooser it. llrock.
The Tloie la
l,anla ( is
W hlra TarrhaMi or Kallroaa
lie Mlf Not IJhk la II
Notice of Intention.
Land Okficr at La (Ibanih, Obfoon.
Decenilier W. lh'.ifi.
IiiIIiim liiK-iianieil '(tier haa (lied notice
Land Okfu e at Thk Dai.i.kk. Orkgon
Deeemlier th IK'.lft.
following-named settler hat filed notice of
hin intention t ' make final proof in suiipnrtof
his claim, anil thai said proof will be made be-
lore the County 1 lerk of Morrow Co.. Oregon.
Ha noun' ma eeD da atiieppuer, ureEon.oH fcoruary l.itn. 1S'J7, viz
I U'llilfW DTOU LDnuAM
klotbea. eo geef ma bees; keek tal Ay K6e K, w M. ' 1
(la patch on da aeat oot ma pauta. lis hlncimtlnunu renidenoe upon and cultivation
yoomponmaen Ay holler daa Ay doue 'VhomM KTr.h...-Ch.rie. M Ha.tm,
bed plainty, bote ba tal ma to Iiote ba Luther lluaton, Andrew M. l'eleraon, all of
, . . . . . . , .. , Kiiiht Mile, Oregon. JAa. K, M'MIRK,
een hurry tal ba tek da freckles out ma :kj,vi.i Kcgiatcr.
face. Ar tal yo, ha lede ma raff life
bote feet minute, bote Ay tauk eet bane
feef hour. Yen ha gat trontfb ved ma ha
sa Dote to abooae bees 'pinion oof da
ludiua, en sa ven ba til ma nice tang
aboot ms Vife to Dote Rat ma back nop lot his intentlnii to make final proof In support
, . . . t , . of 111. claim, and that nuiil proof will he madebe-
uirr bhiu uueniuut ou kj ui'i ;uui nun irc t,e County ( li-r of Morrow Coiintv, Oreg.
cooked. Avlauk heea arBnmei,l bane " ' Hl l'l"ir. un aoo, on rouru.ry ;i, imi
gnde, ea Ay ea Leem bnne booly falar
ved glass eye. Vote ernsida Av bane
madder dao Tone vet ben, bnte Ay tank
oof da old poem ma vadder tal ma, 'Dm
cretion bsoa more dan half uof vnlur,'
en ma bald oobjeioted to npon. Yen 'Ay
Kftt raa Jimiu to ma hoosp, Mulilda sa
ma face looked vorse dim var map eel
Coolxt. Deo aha UfT en sha cry, en Av
bana madder dao eler. Ho kweek Ay
gat ber to hear to ma, Ay lal ma n
story. Bin aa, 'Hveii, lat ma setf yo
Hnde advice,
falar yu bsne anre yo kao leeek heeiu.
It E. No. Wt for the S'i SKV Kk. 21 and K
HV' Kit 'ii, l p 1 N, K , t V M.
1I iiiiine.ltii'followliig wltneNst'ttoprfive hli
eoniiiiuoiia ri'.Mciice upon anil cultivation ol
Mild Uud, vlr :
John Hiirki'r, liuiar Vliieeiit. Charles M. Long.
UHiiBii . i i-nr.oii, nil oi it'iii'r.vHV, t'reuou.
mull. U. f. wlUSDN, Kegl.tur.
thinks ha can save Uth ahipa.
Tne Astoria chain lxr of com
tiierca through Senator Mitchell,
Lai petitioned ooDcroria, in the
Th recent addition of a )ontK (oiks'
departrarut to frank I.e.he'a Popular
Monthly make that eiio.li.i. more
than ever the t reat fnmilv lnarfi' o.
Young men and wnmm whu u-h a
Oollegs education will be ilili r.'ale.l In
trongeat poaa'tble tormw, for the ,D- "f '''
early completion of tbe Sicaiagua l'",r',,rt ,
oow running in rrai k l-.lie Popular
llnVAX baa alnilonsl hi lc.
tare tour iwaaa it wouKln't pay.
llryao at a presidential candidate
and free audiencra is not Kryao no
the lecture platform with 11.0(H)
homes to bear bitn.
Two candidates for tbe speaker
ship of tbe oeit hones of repre
sentatives ball from Kaatern Ore.
gtio, Hon. K. (1. Dav in, of I'tuatilla
county, and lion. J. N. llrown, of
Morrow county. If the speaker is
selrvlrvl from Kaatern Oregon, the
Gazette. Imlieves that Mr. Hroao
will be succeaafuL
Nor only should there l ao tf
fort Dtailii io reduce Utatkitt is
state aiTairs, Lot oar ows county
should also da something io that
line. The eopl want lower sal.
ariea and llisve that the officers
df our county raa live letter tl an
the attrags oo rnorh leMi money.
The (layette tellevee that the will
nf the ple should he idsrteL
Mi'i.L'iw county's reprcsetitstive,
Hoo J. N. Uroso, Las alvsys ad-
ttvatinl the fiitloaing wLU'U coutre
fiorn the n of Hot II. (1. (luild,
ff fpaLtatiVf frofq Yamhill Mtltitf
Miih 1, Ixco aaid almut the
a! in rratik Irh a ropnl
Motithly. A 'if en Yale a givrB
la tbe Novruber ihiihImt, and one oa
Ctiruell apesra In thai fur IVoeiulior
Many ImporUtit article and sinking
atoriee have bwii rcuml bv r'rank I vo
ile's Popular M mthly for puldieation
durlnl the cnmmii yrar, atnun litem an
illiialaUd paper on The K tag
I'aughlris and Hon," iy LmUe Hry
moar Uongl,! n, in ol Hie lending
pinle ( lb at great urder.
"Is Chivalry IWI?" la di.cns.fd It a
bquber of aril knuan wnnirn lo Km
reefs VttgKlu fur January making a
timely s)mp-iilmu i'ii Id public man
Here of mea taarJ a-unni In Imaim.
Tbe fwhioa l-.ailiii'-iil of I '.M,i.ip.'ii
Mafsnne la trttrr lhaa rver in lie
Jeeaerj nmntr(. Tbe t)ln illustroted
are smart and m.L.ti. and yet pfeiiol
aaj belplul, and ro every ilrparl
stent ( ninta'a J'm,
ll'preentstive Kllit Introduced early
in this session a bill to eitetd lbs time
in which railroad lands can be par
ch iai-l by claimants. Two eitensions
have already been granted oo Ibis land,
by art of oongreea. Thia waa dons oo
acooiinl of the hard time, and now eel
tlera And that another ri tension would
be very agreeable, ae they are almost i
badly rrauipml aa ever. Ilowevr, io
answer la a telegram to air. Ellia, aakiog
alxiut the condition ot the bill, aod if
likely In pas., air. Elite said:
VaaHiiros, I). 0., iVc. jh, 1.M
Otia Palleraoo. Heppner, Or. Tbo bill
Cannot pee lef re the drat. Thnee wait
ing take ebanree. V. It. t un,
i and by vlrtiu'ol a writ of exprutiou l..uel
out of Die l irciilt t'lnirt of Ilif Htafe of Oregon
for Morniw ('ounly, under th .nil thcrmf,
and to me iflm-ted and d.-lixen-d iitHin a ludg
lui'iil and di-crif. rrntliTr-l i,d t-utfrmi In .ntd
3,,, ( ., , i mm on i ii. win oay oi nt'i'ii-niiMT, in
tileroryo Vile bote file f.vor ol i:il, K. owi-p. puli.lllt.and agaln.l
rraiia ii. ni'iiei-mni .Miiry J iii'iigr, m. wiir,
ijill1. Hi-liHtt rl, h and pi.'tttti.rl,.h hi. arlfn
Ay tank (la advice bane Voue Star das a. ili'(i-n.lnn, h.-r-l.v Ihcplntlirdldrm-otrr
i . , , a prnoiiiil di.-n-e agaln.l the ilrfi-mlatita Frank
leil ma long ma trerp dono da roife col h b-iv .ui m.ii j. Bi-ime. hi. wife, tor the
sum ol 1 .11 : ih Inti-mt ihnwin at the rale
ol eliilil lNir I'riil lM-r .union Iroin the l.t n.v
Cooban lolr. Ilitooe Maahen. 'Sink "f January. .i: il.r further ama of IWm At-
temper t)rsnouas,' ven da 'tyrantnoiia 1 1.1.-1 at 1 and wherri.y 11 . drrrerd
Hi. I lite Rioit.t,-!- dali-d nil the I'M It cl.T nf
ma life. Ken da flue vnrd oof da dead
Don't expect Schillings
f s -ffr
'nf f.MBj ,e
to turn the world upside
They won't; bin they do
take sopie of the wrinkles
out of living.
I -t mI l-t
F, W. Khe4 ft i o.
Mamie laallailee
ll'l fUt lo.tge, N,. Rl, J, f.
k A. M.
Iletberl H. Ward. I!e notrli.t an. I
hoaUnJ iJ l:hllti hlu I Pheliaj, " ' " meea f Its
Ward, has anileo a nee a. vrl. ahiet, "' !' I-I ThereJay evening
tUla.ll,e0.ll..of..al.iMi..f TUel.alee' Oenfge Welle, W, M.; W . A. Kirk. 8.
Itame Joaiaal during 17. l le a hi- I W , U, UM II an, J. W ; It f. Iliad, m
axxoueslarv ai.J Le ll.eaan ie title pf rUf I w- l'l. Ir-aeaiei ; K(
"TbsIliirgtarWMIIoveip.ral-." Ii1 '. H w- see, ft. I.j Al
lo a sjie M Mia. Uom's "An O! 1 : '
Mail s I'afs I II !) oi. t l.ki'.g
Sp the n atirre lit. !'.. 'f l, I eaiti !
tally t.t Pol , .a l..i she l- einie
Mrs War I
bane oote oololaeeej by ma bvtc to
sire tweger dao Ay bane.
"Itote Bin', bane yo tank Ay hav gnde
rasa to gat da law on tl falar, Holiau
Hmeet, fur gatten da battery en salt no
ma rooataoanoe?"
Hmg failed lo"aabbe"aad aa lie ehoved
couple nf ebnpetiok into a bowl of
rice prepa'alorf lor the nooi Inmh.
Heii's dialievelnl and Imping form was
seen wending Me way don lo Judy's
Hiobards.io't oflloe.
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Tearri '?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, Uregon.
Theaa mntlamnn are well aeanalnted with Grant. Harney. Crook. Gilliam and Other counties
and can save money and time in making these sections with traveling men.
Prices In keeping with the times.
Weekly Trii
riles! I'lW.t Hrklag I'tlea
Hysjiploms: Moisture; Intetiae llchiitg
andstingiog; most at nlgtit; worse by
scratching' If allooed lo fxitilinae turn
ore form eliich ofteo bleed and nWrsle
beemoieg very eore. Haayae'e imi
fiienl elops the Itching and biw.lu
beala alcerslioa, and io ml eaaee r
movea Ibe Inmore. At dink'tfi.l, or by
mail, f.ir ,V)nU. lr,Se.ne A Hi.a,
fc.w 4(e ml Jk la t !
W It bin tbe sell few wks Ihrie hee
lojgee of Kill will ba Ineliluted In line
slate, at gages. Albany and IWj j rf
t'n.Ur Ibe admlal.lralMm of I H In
r.l.eo, aa ilepoly grand nailed inter,
tbe orgaiiiilloe of I'.lta la Orrgua baa
male atea.ly rgrees. Ul if lie
pilncipal leas of tbe IU have l-Nlgee
f I'.ika, and lc every eeee the antn.tf
ship of earn baa eteedily neraej su.re
org aataalloi of lb Lnlge. lWerm1r
iNH-omlK-r -, vtrroml . uld la.i named
l'lt-nd-tiU lo Hit LnnNirt1 lnie.tmenl Co. anl
hr It .Mivriir,! ,i 1 a I 1 1 rf npon the follnolne
oi- riir.i ri itriM-eriv in Morrow oonir
oriKoti, loi- The NorlhwMt quarter nf
Nh Hoii Thlrly twn In Township Too Hunt h nl
Ii laKiiitlltr r. nl W'lllamelta m-rl
dlan. rotiUiiihii ..i mm, uhlrh lnirl.. aa
rr.-or.im nn in. j'th d nl firrmtlirr. 1
Hi' Mul Rook "Ii ,l Hi. Hf-ronlml MortiraeM
In I lii ei. i. thi- I'oiinir li.rk ol Morrow
onnlr. n-cott, .honl'l I f,orli,wt. ami the
n r- l itotir s-il-l l-y lh "hi-rlrt nf Mormw
..nnly. On.f tt. ., ..ii.i; Ull )'i.lMitil .nil all
n.i. Il...,lnj alii on liir.l.T. III. aa
il.r of J.iKi.rl. 1.1 1 o rli. k In Iha all.r.
ii,.,n nf ih.l tm , al Hi trout ilonr nf thaemirt
i.,u In ih vV-f f llc.o,i.r. nrrfon, a.l all
Hi tthl. till, i,trrl mnd ral.l. hlrh h
m1 i.-'.-"'Liiti ait1 all ltwiit. rlalmlni and lo
ri.itn hf. ihn,iii.'h or nolr ihm, or any nf
lhm. h. nn ill l ib Ut of irrmhr. laaa,
ot alio than h.t. ha.. na have, la aiol lo
thr .. nrartiivl ml .r.,nfiT, ao'l Try
itl u.rr.., al i-ul.llr ao. tl..n to th. hl(h.l
I I I Irt l .rra.h It) h.o.l. tl, knmtl nf aork
a t.i I, ..,llr. In Mll.larll .n ota.nl ri.
lion an I all r.ia
t.il thi. ,.y nf IVri-nilwr l"V
K, I. MUU K.
'1 II. flier I fful V.on.a toiintv. itena.
Farmers and Viliaoers,
Fathers and Mothers.'
Sons and Daughters,
ftll the Family.
Nutii 1 1. nriiniYi.ivrf tht virr
! nf tli !- lol r nl th HmM'Iu-1
I..II.I. A l.-n Au.alal..il ll la fc.l.l at
t'irlr ort), In n,t.i,,r i ...... a, nn In i4ii1
I i--l of i.mi.i , I lMHarn Ih VHMita nl
e a ! I e m of aal.l .la. I.,r Ih eulnw
wi i.i.f mn una i in vn.tiiitf ?-ar
III. K e(.ir,
lr.t,r Kf , .ax MK ar y.
enH KHol ltll XirtlMI
VH r Miirnr ht itM rt Tint a wrT
II Ine nl II' lw..lM nf lha alt-Ma!
ha- k .1 l' I I "" I I h l.'-l .' II. Ivnkln
hoiiw, tn Hr..arr fn Ih vnril Tna-la nf
latii.aff tai ll.n Ih. nmiffnf A . a
I t m nl aai I -laf f.tb elen n etvrltne
.Mm .: (.. th I" iH'l fraf
I l Hl-il r ..Mat,
ttrfi,r IH , Iw :, i !
With tbe close of the Presidential campaign TUE TRIBUNE
recognizes tbe fact that tbe American people are now anxious to give
their time to home aod business interests. To meet thia condition,
tolitics will have far less space and prominence, nntil another State or
National occasion demands a renewal of the fight for tbe principles for
which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present
day, and won its greatest victories.
Every possible effort will be pot forth, and money freely spent,
to make THE WEEKLY Till BUN E pre-eminently a
National Family Newspaper,
inteiestiog, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member
We lurnlsh "The Gazette" and "N. Y. Weeklu
Tribune" one Year tor $3.00.
A Mr
i all Orilart to
v ?.H.'. ,0"! '"4 ""I an4 II to (). W. St, Trlbnne OfBee. Xe
iwkilir,ea4esmt.leen.ylihea imi wtl, tribune elll be awuW la yea. '
ee wek ffnea Tuoaday, g iiiilaa Mf. J ll r nr im a, hi I MltlOu
al Ulorla, elll give a reerflioa an I
eial, fur ahlrh aveal graal ifl'all ha
aie taring Biale, leffreaUtiee i.f lte
older (ma all farta of tbe Mate a ill al-l-4.il,
aad ailnria wi ailarve Ihe t
gret Iter I of TUa ever p-t'g 4ua
a-na Ibal rlly i I'eoaiaa
le fare ell Skla l'l-r
Htoly sic'r "Maeyae'e Otnlmeat
N. la'ervtel ntedlrnne - Kie l. t'afee
ln. eeMina, ilea, all eiti-itt ea lb
tretoaS.'. f.". ban U, b le, leaiing ibe ekla
Mi--' sine hf Ia.li.imn. ' i'".i e-' lar. abite aa I heatlbv. lb great ke.
tia, INii aaM. Ir-e i-f A( (-, lrll
A aiarl li.aiir
KafTe (ler ll-w-l e re'lu-a He
..n aa. givee a f l.af an ial 'ol
e..-fli., , .reals If M.lleSWar.
"kin? MbLhs ,ill( I. a I i'h
ear, fnt sale tv W tl.s A Vtia
'.ai J.miaal llfbr - le bate
' f4t ll-e t-U t ! ) i kf (,
I a I tbe l ie I- l i Co. k a i ! t b t. i
l a r I a 1 n 11 l Mf. 1 I tm t aa I, a
Si llily i.f lU I. palatum lo lioa rn,alt. l tf n ,.! a .la e
ir.lucfl ir clliifain; altcf Ins eal- le ..f H, ) . ii
Me!httt 1 1 . a -1 1 a fbefe le at It,
log e carelive r-'' are twea. lel aln le i-l .1. n t 1ml ebal Hi l
br lo (.iU A.k year dreg kl l-bII a ill s ee I kima:f aa teii-l
gl.l f .f Nasiae e t i. I -.al,- ..1... .... Il.,na, IK
few Ii ennil IB b 614.
NTt t ! il at I.IVH TtllT T:.t
ail ha a ie Ik atr. tkx.l.l.- .4
I . I ,M a!i .1 e. t nl f. .(. at Half
I'll., en It. r... 1aa.l r-t lal-aal, lC. l-a
Ivrcn IKa k . -a I" n 1 1 a I e aa.4
. . . e W . a.l-1 la f !. rfmmm taf
- i" -. a' I ! It. 1't.iaw u..t tal
. a ihi tt.'M . i
t.l i i i, t R r..t taf,
lr f ftrt. , f-pf i e i
fa ela
IH,e inn lfi aii l e ily arra 4e4el
laj 1. f .f .a r I ! , H e faiet lee,
.rii ,i i)aiar eii n hrty.aa
I Kril 1 1' I
A !'; l" ma l'a- .
I I II N h Tki. U aeH
11 I. t, an,v..r e fie Me-
I I a.p:!e l"n , le al 11 cfl ,l-k.
giv ' g e'.al r.ria In i ,. Tt
A '.'- i-mkj f a- fcr-1 eKetwl
' ' "4 ia ie I-
jsi.oo -mn- oi.ool
j Weekly Inter OceainJ. 1
Ths Orratt Wrpublksn Paper of the Wtst 1
1 I..HH 4 r.a .fay. U rell f U(f .,4 -Yn-
Z ! 4 ail r.ime! efleir Z
1 UtT. 1 H VfJ. Vw P9tto All a the N,., J I
I 1 ( sm4 the IWat 4 Current Uterslisra. JEZ
It m M!. CJ.a. si4 s. a r.f l .per U nnoat a Tear. t
Itu Ultrtry Columm r equal
to tho4 0 th bttt msrs ine-a. K
Ut Youth' Dtfrimtnt 1$ th
imttlofltt kind.. , .
-.. .a. . a a ..... - -, - n , UIJ 1
li w.aa l.aiilf l.a a... .f lk .,. M,4 . I
''-' 4 ai- a a a i .., a. la. ... Z
faa,S ba kkaei le beta. 4a-4a wa ta - -- - J Z
-rae aaar - UaVbTf mUrZll 1
m. . - I,. f, .,, ,MRf, Ceil raj ar;t ;Y;;rT-'l ' IM.. CO.,
tktm riatk llrerleeJ. eal.ee.aa k "M"" a.ilaalla .ae.. 1 aurase ta.a.e.
:$l-00 eBicjaAPQitAittirpYf $l00:
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