Blood Is- entitl to health. Ever nook and corner of the system is reached by the blood, and on iw quamy inecondltion of every organ de penda. Good blood means strong nerves, good digestion, robust health. Impure blood means scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma tism, catarrh or other diseases. The surest .way to have good blood 1b to take Hood's SarsapariUa. Thia medicine purifies, vi talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends the elements of health and strength to every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates a good appetite, gives 'refreshing sleep and cures that tired feeling. Remember, ruOOdlk SarsapariUa- Is the best- In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hr.A1'e Ditto cure LlTer II,S" easy to 11UUU S r Ills take, easy to operate. 25c. .A. GOOD CLUBBING LIST. . Mow that the great pohtioal oampaign f ja over and the winter season again with us, all wilt want on adequate supply of ;' fresh And varied reading -matter for the .' long evenings. Cognisant of this the 1 Gazette has made clubbing arrangements with a number of periodicals and now offers tbe following to all new. and renew al subscribers: - The GAZETTE 12.50 and Weekly Oregonian, (1.50 ' ''' " 8. F. Examiner. $1.50. c--" N. Y. Tribune, 11.00.. Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50.. Thrlce-a-WsekN. Y. World. $1.00 8.25 WeWoot Planter, 50c . . ii 50 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00. . .'. 5.00 Club Rate .... 13.50 .... 8.75 .... 8.00 .... 8.25 8.75 Here and There. . j:; Tbs Flirt ,.',. 'The mlitletoe the keeps In view, And, though she aayi ihe won't, She's angry with you if you do, And cuts you If you don't; . Christmas gift. ' ": A merry Christmas lo all. Let jollity and happiness prevail. Thos. Morgan was in from Eight Mile yesterday. Ed. Rood wai over frqm Eight Mile Toeaday.' ' ' " Low Tillard got back Sunday last from below. . Torn Rhea writes from Roasland B.C., for the Gazette. tl. Heppner returned home from Port land laal Tuesday morning. Mike Kenny and James Molotire were In from Sand Hollow fiatordey. Mia Olive Oonlee is over from Grant county where she baa been teaching Drink the oelebrated J. H. Gutter whiskey. On tap at Chria Borobera'. Mrs. J. N. Brown and son departed Tuesday evening for Salem to visit with relatives. , J. Vt. Morrow and wife and family are enjoying today's feativitiea with Peodle too relatives. You will find tbat you will ba treated 11 right down at the lied Light saloon. Call on the boya. Thomas Dance, who was reported in the laat issue to ba seriously aick with kidney trouble at the Grand Central ho tel, died early laat Wedneaday morning as n result of thia illness. Mr. Danoe came home siok about two weeka aero from Blalook, where he had been herd ing aheep tor H. O. Myers, and from that time had nqj been able to leave tbe hotel. He was well known here, having boarded at tbe hotel for many winters past, while during the summer months he was employed as sheepberding. Where Mr. Dance came from or whether he bad any relatives could not be nsoer taioed although the contents of his trunk were carefully examined. Tbe deceased was a conuty charge and tbe remains were interred at the Heppner cemetery Wednesday afternoon iu the preeenoe of Judge Bartholomew and Rev. Howard who condnoted a brief ceremony. For sate AOoot thirty tons of rye bay-, located about two and one-half miles of Hardman. Also 400 aores of good range, feuoed, to go with same. Plenty of outside government range near at hand. Shelter for 2,000 bead of sheep or. large band of cattle. Good house on place. Call on Gazette office for particulars. A rare chance to get bay cheap. All signs indicate a hard winter and delays are dangerous. tf John Buseiok and wife, formerly resi dents of tbis county, but who have been living at Norfolk, Neb., for tbe past two yearR, returned to Heppner Tuesday morning last, where tbey will make their future home. Mrs. Buseick is daughter of R.'C- Hart. Josef Mueller, the rustling traveling representative of Wily B. Allen & Co. is in the city, having arrived last Tnes day m'lroing. He baa with him three pianos, one of which baa the mandolin attaobment, all certainly first olasa in atrnmente.' . Now is the time to get tbe Weekly Oregoman, the greatest newspaper of the Weat. With tbe Gazette, both strict ly in year, $3.50. No better combination of newspapers oan be made in tbe state. . Hiok Mathews and V. Gentry, under tbe firm name of Mathews & Gentry are associated together in tbe barber business in the new stand, two doors south of the postoffioe. They solicit call. tf. SOCIETY GALORE. The Coaeert. One of tbe beat musical entertain- menta ever given' in this oily was tbe concert by the ladies' cornet band at tbe opera bouae last Wednesday evening which was well received by a large and entbnaiastio audience. The ladies' band have now been organized but three months and tbe excellent manner in which tbey rendered the different selec tions reflected oredit on both the organ ization and their instructor, Prof. Henry. tiVery number on tbe program was very good. Especial mention might be made of ihe oroheetra selections, Ibe oomic quartette, the O. P. R' A., and the piano solo and enohore by Mrs. H. W. Bar tholomew. Both tbe band and orohestra was greatly assisted by tbe olarmet part which was played by Prof. Hiram Henry, eon of tbe instructor, Prof. Henry. By special request he also played a clarinet solo, and although be bud no accompani ment, being unprepared, yet the rendi tion ae exceptionally good. Another impromptu feature of the program wae tbe aolos by Josef Mueller, traveling representative for Wiley B. Allen & Co , who was present on this occasion. His solos, "And She Never Came Back," "Wbile the Dance Goes On," and "Pride of The Ball," was an excellent represen tation of patboa, sentiment and oomedy, and in bis oomioal selection be called forth storms of applause and juat tbe opposite extreme in iiia pathetio pieces. Mr. Miller is an Austrian by birtb, being a native ol Vienna, but speaks eleven different languagea fluently, and while not a master of English, yet hia enohore recital "Talking in My Bleep" was in deed oomioal. In all the entire ooncert was indeed very creditable and eotertaiu-ing. Tbe following ib Ibe program aa origin ally prepared : was given in the parlors of the City ho tel laat Tuesday evening, and although Mr. Warren did not appear to be very greatly surprised, yet this certainly had no tendency to mar tbe evening's pleas ure. At a late bour appropriate refresh ments were served. The following is list of those pres ent: Mr. H. E Warren, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown, Misses Ada Jones. Ada Bart lett, Lutie Farna worth, Cora Hart, Flor ence Crittenden, Olive Oonlee, Maggie Hornor, Delia Reed, Bertha Cate, Mabel Letzer, Maggie Adkins, Grace Ball, Jen nie Bartholomew, Helen B. and Winfred Myers and Messrs. Ed. Baling, Abe Jonea, J. J. Harris, Jaa Hart, Cbas. In grabam, Thos. logrum, Bruoe Kelly, T. B, Lyons, M. T. Galloway, John Hornor, Walter Bartholomew, Normau and Oscar Myers, Geo. Wells, A. E. Binns, Robt. Hynd, W. L. Baling and A. W. Patterson. Surprise Party. A surprise party was given Myra Yea- ger laat Tuesday evening at tbe borne ol ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Yeager, of tbis city , the occasion being bar litb birthday. A very pleasant time is re ported. Those present were: Earl MoFarland, Heppner Blaokman, Bert Peck, Willie Dutton, Albion Palmer, Ralph Sperry, Garfield Crawford, Erbie Hayes, Mable Ayers, Aura Hale, Myria Yeager, Pearl Basey, Emma Farnawortb, Ellis Stan ton, Gnssie Ayers, Orin Brians, Fanny Woodard . Mary Driskall, Nellie Phillips, Minnie Phillips, Ella Driskell, Eva Bartholomew and Orin Yeager. Gid Hatt and Charley Jones are as sociated together down at Charley's old place in t bo too aortal business. Call on them and get your whiskers pushed In. . Royal Diamond, Pan Fired Japan, on- colored. Tbe best 25n tea aver aold in Heppner. P. O. Thorn paon Co tbe leaders. tf A Valuable Preaorlptlon. Editor Morrison of Wortbington, Ind "Sun," writes: "Yon have a valuable prescription in Eleotric Bilttrs, and I oan cheerfully raoommend it tor Oonetl pation. Sick Headaobe, and as a general system tonic it baa no equal." Mrs Annie Stehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, was all rnn down, ooold not eat oor digest food, bad a baokaobe which never left ber and felt tired and weary, but aix bottles of Eleotric Bitters restor ed ber health and reoawed ber strength. Price oOoeute and $1 00. Get a bottle at Gonaer & Brock's drug store. Check forgrr Nut Caaght. About two weeks ago a stranger, calling bimee'.f R. L. Hayes, passed a f check, in favor of himself, aigned by Cass Misses Cora Hart and Katie On aid are Rogers, on Wills & 8looum, and the boms from school to spend Cbriatmas neat day, Sunday, paseed a similar obeet with tbeir pareots. on N. J. Myers, down at lbs restaurant. Both checks were Identical in all re spect, and bora tbe data of Dro. 12lh. Investigation proved tbat both wars forgeries, but lbs forger bad bled him self to otber parts. So stir was mads 1. Overture, "The Belle" Southwell Ladies' Cornet Band. 2. "Nellie Waltzes" Petite Orchestra. 3. Vocal Duet, "Eventide" Franz Abt Mr. 8. P. Uarriguei and-Mrs. J. D. Brown, 4. Alto Solo, "Budi awt Blossoms" Ripley Mrs. Minor. Hand Accompaniment. 8. Medley Quartette White Meurs. C. R. and W. C. Howard, baling and Galloway. t. "Helena Waltsea" fettet Orchestra. Chorus and Quartette. "Church of God. Awake" Ortnnell Singing Class. I. Serenade, "Twinkling Stars" Southwell Ladies' Cornet Band. Aranit Plann ftnln. (n) Air "Dus Roir Lonis XII" Henry Xlhvt lb) Grand Valit de Concert Tito Matei Mrs. H. W. Bartholomew. i 10. Polka, "Little Charmer" A(AweIi Ladles' Cornet Band. 11 Violin Solo, Grand Fantasia Bowman J. B. Henry. Mrs. Bartholomew, Piano. XX Comic Quartette, the "O. P. R. A." Messrs. Howard and Mcrariana, Mrs. Garrlgues and Mrs. McKarland. Mrs. J. I). Brown, Accompanist. In tbis connection it might be nf in terest to nive the following list of mem bers composing the ladies musical or ganization: Mrs. E. W. Rbea,E flat cornet; Mra. J. D. "Brown, solo B flat cornet, Mrs. R 0. Wills, 1st B flat cor net; Mrs. J. P. Garrigues, 2nd B flat eornet; Mra. Arthur Minor, solo alto; Miss Bertha i Cate. 1st alto; Miss Amy Currin, 2nd alto; Mrs. 8. W. Spencer, 1st tenor; Misa DjI Warmotu, 2ud tenor; Mra. Geo. Quoaer, baritone; Miss L.-ua Rhea, B fl it bass; Misa Maggie Ad Una, tuba; Misa Willa Minor, snare drum Miss Delia Read, bass drum. Merry Christmas. Tbe Christian, Baptist and M. E oburcb , Sontb, gave a publio Christmas tree entertainment at the opera house last evening, which was largely attended Tbe piogram was very interesting and tbe tree laden with many beautiful pres ents reminding one very muah of regula tion Christmas times . Tbe M. E. oburob and Sunday school also had an old-time Christmas tree with an appropriate pro grom of exercises at tbat oburob last evening, wbioh was largely attended by members and friends of the ohnreh aa well as the pnblio generally. In all many a heart waa mads glad laat evening. Maaqae BaiL A masque ball at the opera booss is one of the sooial svents slated for thia evening. A ooatumer bas arrived from Portland and judgiog from the activity displayed in the selection of ooatumea, large orowd will oelebrata the evening by tripping tbe light fantaatio toe till Ihe small hours of morning. Piles! Piles! Itohlag Piles. Symptoms: Moisturs; intense itobing and stinging; moat at night; worse by seratobiog' If allowed to oontinue turn ors form wbioh often bleed and nloerate brooming very aore. Swayoe's Oint meat a to pa ths Itobing and bleeding, beals aloeration, and in moat oaaes re moves tbs tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 60 cents. l)r. Swayns & Son, Philadelphia. EIGHT MILS MOT39. We have been having very pleasant weatber thus tar in thia month. Laat month during the aevere oolJ weatber potatoes and apples frozs in cellars tbat were thought warm enough aa it did not freeze in them during past winters. Frank Fuqna and Susss Brook are boarding at Mr. G Coats' and are going to aohool at Rood's sohool house. Ben- nie Stanton alro attends this school, but boards at home. Mra. M. A. Foqna ia tbe teacher and from all reports baa very interesting school. There baa been a great deal of siok ness ia different localities, but we learn all are getting better. Mr. and Mrs. Hadley have our sympa thies in tbeir sad bereavement of losing their son and daughter. The families of Mr. Furlong, Mr Bleakraan and others have had. a serious time also, but we are glad to kuow they are getting better. Dr. McFaul hue attended most of the oases of eickn as in this locality and ail were glad to hear of his reooveting from bis recent sick spell. The dnotor ia very much liked on Eight mile. Mrs. Pearl Jones has reoovered from ber spell of sickness. Mra. Howell and ber son are better though they. have bad a serious time, three being siok at one time; mother and two sons. One son died, "Chink" Howell, mention of which waa made in a reoent issue of tbe Ga zette. Farmers are hauling their wheat to town and wood from the mountains Some have been plowing, others bar rowing tbis month. We were glad to see in tbe Gazette tbat Heppner doea not allow any gamb ling in the town. It wus a great temp tation to young men, and men not young to find an opportun ity on every band to gamble away tbe little money tbey bad. I thing Heppner people should feel so much happier over tbia faot. They oan now look parents in tbe faoe and say send your young men to our aahools, there shall be no temptation for them. to gamble, and we will see that the saloon doea not entertain them in tbe evenings to entioe them hither. Bert Raines and his father have moved into their new borne f -rmerly oo oupled by Grant Worden. Obester Sat ing and wife expeot to ooonpy the house they vacated, on tba EJ Hatrley plaoe. Eight Mile, Dec. 21, 1896. E M.O. (i? 111 tii This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. BlackweEi's Genuine km Ton will find one coupon Instde each 2 onnce bag and two coupons inside each 4 ouncs bag. Buy a bag, read the coupon and see how to get your share of 1250,000 in presents. Rev. Jrnk'ns wsot borne Wednesday Bight last to join bis family at Tba Dalles for Christmaa. Mrs. Delia C. II. Coils bere from Ellensburg to visit ber dsugbter, Mrs. E. P. Greene, and husband. Prof. J. S Henry departed laat even ing for bis boms In Weston to spend Christmaa with bis family. Mrs. J. A. Patterson rsturned boms yesterday morning from an extended visit with Eastern relstivas. Prlos rioreoo and Mrs. A. A. Roberts want ovar to Pendleton Wednesday eight lo Christmas with Mr. aod Mrs. about tbs matter at tba time hoping to catob lbs culprit belots be bad gotten beyond reach. Baes, aa be calls himself, is detoribed as follows: Light oomplfiioord,mediaui bsiubl. weight abont 170 pounds, wots c immon suit, browo in color, soil brown bat, light saadr Boslscba, bad a ra il actable appearance, bands suit aad looked vary little like laboring aan. Orange Komiu. Wednesday evening last at Ihe bona- of the bride's pareota, Mr. and Mra. J W. Cowioa, at 7j'olock p. m , oocurred tba marriage of Misa Frankia C-wlne and Mr. Le Caolwell, Rv. J. R Millrr, of Ibe Baptist eboreh. offloiatiog. The bride appeared bar prettiest in gowo ol cream ailk with pearl trimmings, Duobeae laoe aad orange blnawtua. Tbs groom's coelom waa nf tbs nanal conventional black Immediately follow log Ihe cere monies all Iters seated at lbs wedding labia wbicb was besvily laden with lbs eboleeal of loiuriae. The following ia list of tbs preeeots: Silver butUr dlsb Mr. and Mra. J. O. Hart; album. Mies Mary Howard; glass tea att. i. k Pat Ureoo; berry apooo, Mr. and Mra. Wm Donn; one napklna, Floyd Tbooiae; et of glees lonjbUrs. Mr. and Mra. Wm Oowins; bedroom ssrt, Mr, and Mra. W. Cow toe ; eat silver knives and fork a, T. W. Ayers. PhiU Oobn. manager of Beppner's jVi i tmrtfl n when VOU u. ...i u n P n.,.-, ,. ... waranonss, wm pay ia nigawa. . , - , . ui.,, and Mir of colli.. Mra. Ed. R Bishop, successor to The Mo Farland Mercantile Co., is still on deck giving great bargains in all lines. The stock moat be closed out, and it ia aur prising bow cheap things are. I all on them. Frank MoFarland, aaleaman. Heppner to Pendleton la Hppner Eobo Stags Line. Persons deairons o viailiug Pendleton oan save time and money by taking tMe ronte. iiv ao Linalntlng lbs ageots ths previous even tog the ataga will make connection with clock train at h-bo lor IVndlalon. OfTloe at City Drug Store. W. D. (ohd. Proprietor. Hotel ' HEPPNER, 0REG0H Mrs. Jolla Bradley, Prop Guests will find the best of accom modations in every respect. The Trouble is Over! We Mean the Election. But that Makes no Difference With Covered With Bolls. 'My body waa covered with boils. 1 saw Hood's Harsaparilla advertised as a blood purifier and thought I weld try n oottle. In a abort time I began to feel better, end I continued tbe naa of tbia medicine until I waa entirely well. heartily recommend Hood's Sarsaparll- le."-8. M. Boala, Mayger, Ore. R HOWARD. Who never lets politics interfere with business. At tbs same old stand, next door to M. Lichtentbal'a. Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's .! Furnishings, etc. Hood'a Pills are tba only pills to take rith Hood'a SarsapariUa. 4f'4 so viam ixPiwimofc W S 1 T. R. HOWARD, Main Street. Heppner, Oregon. i TRADI MAK(U rf otniown, HIV COPYRIGHTS AO. AnrnrMMniUng a stetrh and dnrlilna may qiiH'kljr M-r1lri, frtia, lillifr an Invention Is Nitnfatla. t 'nimunlftlnna strlotlf rtHniiiiill, M,t affviiy fiirawiiriiic patttnts In Aiurrtra. W hava a vt ulilimtun ontna. I'aixnla takrn throuah Muua 4 Co. raoalrs Special utitloa In Ilia SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, twaatlfallr llliiatratixl. lanaat rlrrnlatlna of snv ariantlao kiunwl. wakir,uimi. Ml" a T aa. i nxHilha. apcrtman aiBtoa and ILaas) Buoa on i'ATBNTs aant traa. ACirvas MUNN A CO., i SSt Hrawaatav. Mew Varlu THE PALACE HOTEL BAlt, J. O. BO HO I I I'IKS, Pi-op. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars On id llay Disp ( it. Main Street, IMCPPNCR, OREGON. You Should all See Con)e in at Once. GILLIAM & BISBEE. The Lancashire Insurance Co. "in: like not good when you rf Wtng your niaes so mm. i. rfftn L Tkna.sna.iiM! Mr. aad Mra. la alUwdane m fag's Best, the gTOCr pa)S, Clats Atevs. Ida Oawlns. laesjoror. , , money' WC M-r- Paa iraswntinftlvtChl. 0U OUf money, UC T yuioway, fti4 Tbotaas well San Jim Jooes returned Wsdsaaday mora. ing from Portland where be baa apvwt tba pawt tbrsa weaks Iks UolUd Blalas aoart A laJ AnalaaaaaT. tWDfl sao Ooatoms Uooae, of Port la J, aaoa pay him tO do SO. p weeiaraey mmi j lc tames for this sr, clog's masqaswads. . - . . Albert Ra and Lao MelUeo, wars CUfed, 2nd tlfed in broaibt Wore lUaorder ''J pranciiCO not in Afiil- WadneaKiay moraiBf eoargwj -at.-, dartf aoanleot. ts wbiek tbey Blead mU. Illt y aad vera tatd Id aal 10 data l" pnaoo !. Kt.ry xr riraraaaaai Tba Ladlaa' Aid Roeiely M ! T( aJl pavta af U world aa t arracfad Cbrisiiaa ebaroh U1 iva a aowtai at fgf Mf 4,, j lk fWt oaa at mora tba opera booae aa wedaaaaay avaataa, vmtn0t tpo0 .ptiiewtioa ta aay prtaat- Daw.eVtk. .lbf promiaa yom a aw n,M tft, it, CbttaA Mllwaa thfta, dmiatoB tu ba rraa. a M 4 i pan! railway. lUearertawra loff4 tba data. M stJ. Mtpr4 rot eisaraaoaa ta Oeilio W. . Oorana baa re I era ad lo Happee riorida. Mailao, Chi a a. Jattaa. aad fioa a briaf wtatl ailli talalivta aad (, M tH of Ears. riia.ala fera- frvaia al Tbs Dallas, lis MtU aooa I ub4. Ualsdwa ail fttta TVeiMs t rwtara la tbat ail abera be baa av I faraUtad ff IU awaipUta H7'- MDd a aoatttr la tba faal mt- l 4 aacwaaary V wml lt any atjl4 amSm at-r al W tilt ana A Co. Traoall Oaadastad tsseraioae. la Parr Pbi.lloa aad Oaa. Ilarrtaatoa tb in ol acofta.s wllgala.aat, not la Boeaar from Tka Mlo-s." I with Iba I s,l ak latraaca t- a la !1. r-i- Tt-t billed aa asNaaa bat svwry land aadaf lbs saa.aa d a a4 i. a ..a. it n.aaaia U. aal to i't4 ata Ika aavvtaaa of raf Iba teatpenlaf' abratf ibaaa. fof gaitrs M stabl aaetag. bo I tea r M wfcKv) at at vriewadinf ty Ibankfnl. Ltnea ar la eall fatally aaMitw. attk Tba . a.4 Itah-Mbar at tba C.I, t ' . . . ... . Mia ssJ kaa sat aaatatwaas. Wftsal-sUJ Mil, r"V. , i a.kilav Lnlltrwet ItwL ChiegK Mlwaks k ZZZJZtt IZ ;.a ...m A big lair rl -ay. Iwrt..4. Ore . t J. If av,, Anty't YAf OfA 0. Ilarf. Mr. and Mrs. Waa. Doea. Mr. a. ;uu - 1, Ura. Wm. Co-las. Mias-i Mary Mrs. araoa. aod Jenaaa Miltbell. Tba aowty marri4 roapla dpand t avaatof for a brief itstl to potilaad aft a blab I bar will rwlara to lleppoer aba's Ibay Ul pake tbair fat a re aotca. TWlr trWsads a VrfWia ta tbia eity aad Iba Oaartts Jaaa tbam m wlabtai Mr. aad Mra. La Caolwell a krpf. aarwas aad aeefal bfs. asaaawe atHbaay pan. A fiva a'clork parly was glvwa by Mary MaAwotda Wsdaeaday avaotag at tba "o of kf paraU, Dr. aad Mra, r, 0. Medworde, at tbia ally , Ibis twteg bv IS'h btnaday, Tba IHaa waa pWaa aatty spaal al gecnaa aad wlm appro- ptiam a as a axel. Aa eletxmta Isaab of aaka, aaadaala, sffa, aaady aad aata aaa aUo aerved. All resort a vary alsaaeal evaalrg. Tba f4looleg ware praawali I'Jaa 1 BISHOP'S STORE IIHrrIKa OREGON ajasawwa ) i mm 20,000 POUNDS OF Ii GOODS ffl Fill CoilMlMtlllLT Of Tablea, Cbaira, Itoeiara, IWdroma HelUs, IUlaUaia, Rook Caaaa, IKiagM, Hofaa, Bpfiog Ma!traea, Wool Mattraeaaa, ParUtf Holla, Coaler TebUa, els , eta. Broeaels Carp4a, Wo4 Carnavta, Mattlaga. ftidaboarde. Mirrors, flat Harks. Haoglag kasapa, rertiarea, Pillows, tJlaaktta, Hlovea, etc., a la. All the alwve Goods are Placed on Sale at Half Value or Less. Will be Sold Regardless of Cost.l fit ap tear tinax si nev-a wHb rtif IUH Karailara, bila Ibts aapnnaaiiv ia .(Trl. Ol' MANCIIUMTICHt ICNOIMNII I. W. PiTrF.HSOS.Ar.LNT. "jifjl - World - oil ."WITH i in Youi-o JiOTJISrD to rJ'iiko MSm. IS : Leaves No Constlpation,.wv Cares It, aa wall aa all BlIlraaaneM. Hi k llaedaeba aad Malaria. The ealy onaroBT at B pill ta Iba world. Hold bv all ilrnggiaia tr til .y (nail aa ranpt i4 pnoa, XI eiU per U.i. MtK.MIrtl MIDICAL. Ul. Ha a franaiaau, t'l. aa awa i iba iiiw . - arwi4 la fey as of toa aorabaiaala. J, W. tblplay aad at'e 4Trt4 for ISwtU.4 law WMad- asbt M i aim if vow are aooiaaiplaliag a lfB. NUaa4 law V. nm'l 1 lav IP""S l eiiaad lh Kl.- Te i J- U.ui-U al Malem M. J aad gweaua t aw tra rai taial too kava a ftad a sV.l of tbt4'a Halrf ll ave f.U aur r sl Hr Walls A era. Malla7,C1aa Marfaa, (la ie Ayara,. r t C I M I t Ula CmPM, X.l HtkoKa.w.. II T ,C Oil UUIlUrdl 1 1 C 11 d I IU I Uak Miaof, lUlpk) Ittokof, W.IMIa Laar, tm 1'ailawaoa, Meatte taaa. Baenld Daaa.Ataaa MsVUlaa, Uaary Mair, Iiaaa44 Crawford, MaM Aiara. lUrl Mrerla4, A era U.U, Il.paar tilarkaaaa, faf ttanbivaa, tlsaaw Wilis, D aa tantva4so, Baby vuia, llaa Mallnsi, J oka Waodei! aad f rd DarfbtWaasea, Still Continues. A LAKUi; .STOCK TO .SKLKCT FKO.M. ra'ars at a dtaiaara alnniJ sail a-a ih'fhr eaOtag a twiWr aaliia. FRANK MGFflRLRND, MANAGCK i I t fhUf ar- ' A m-'im fret M M. lla K Harrv, a tv-a f kt Til rnHs;, i it U0 s "s Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . I. J. nYBIS CITY HOTEL, t 1 French CooK, and While Labor only, tinptoyrrj.- Good Roomsand Excellent Service W haro jra can t a l irat Claaa Meat at I.ltii tf l'.t a. The GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year for CASH, ft ad M4 alaa Iba I -ml fjapt t Atas l0 ahtel) f llfs.