Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 22, 1896, Image 3

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. Thia la the complaint of N
thoaaanda at thia Mason. p
They hare no appetite; food UaClL
does not relish. They need the toning op of
the stomach and digestive organs, which
a course of Hood's Sarsaparllla will give
them. It also purifies and enriches the
blood, cares that distreea after eating and
internal misery only a dyspeptic can
know, creates an appetite, overcomes that
tired feeling and builds np and sustains
the whole physical system. It so prompt
ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptic symp
toms and cures nervous headaches, that it
seems to have almost " a magic touch."
Is the best in fact the One True Blood Portlier.
j r;i are the best after-dinner
uvvu 9 rius puis, aid digestion. 200.
Corvallia Gazette: Monday morning
a figore representing a man's body was
discovered snapeoded from the flag staff
of the Oregon Agricultural College, and
in the place of the weather signals
floated a flag bearing, in large letters
the words "E B. Miller may know bow
to run a sawmill, bat be cannot run a
oouege." ine emzy and nag were
qmokly torn down, bat the news soon
spread and all Oorvallis engaged in
disonseion of the affair. Student! have
disavowed the aot.
for sale About thirty tons of rye
hay, located about two and one-bait
miles of Hardman. Also 400 acres of
good range, fenoed, to go with same.
r lent j or outside government . range
near at hand. - Bbeiter for 2,000 bead of
sheep or large band of cattle. Good
bouse on place. Call on Gazette office
tor particulars. A rare chance to get
bay obeap. All signs indicate a hard
winter and delays are dangerous. tf
Jas. Bradley, while under the "influ
ence," beoame involved in a difficulty
Now that the great politioal oampaign
is over and the winter season again with
as, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long evenings. Cognizant of this the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renei
al subscribers: ' . .
The GAZETTE la. 50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, (1.50 $3.50
" 8. F. Examiner, 1.50 8.75
" N. y. Tribune, $1.00.. 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, 1.00 8.25
8. F. Chronicle, 11.50 8.75
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 60o. . a 50
Letlle'i Weekly, $i.00 5.00
Here and There.
from Alpine yea-
Hear the ' '
Ladies' Band eotertainraent
At the Opera House, Heppner,
On Wednesday evening, Deo. 23, 1896,
Mrs. Bradley is still quite ill.
Jas. Royse was in Heppner yesterday.
Chaa. Baroett was iu town Saturday
A, Andrews was in
A. Young, of Gooseberry, was In town
Al Florenoe'a obild is threatened with
"Old Man" Vance ia down 10 bed with
kidney troub's.
Mrs. J, J. Roberts is suffering from an
ttaok of quinsy.
Will Leezer was about yesterday and
ia feeling better.
Mrs. Anson Wright ia mnob better
from reoeol Illness.
Judge Bartholomew came borne 8un
day from Portland.
Miaa Lake is visiting ber brother,
Jack Lake, eod wife.
Jacob Young and wife were ia yeeter
day from Eight Mile.
We seed wood badly and will take
ame on subscription.
(J so. Barker bas ecoepUJ a position
with E. W. Rhea & Co.
aoay itooa 1 utile aoo, aged six years,
ia luffsring from grippe.
R. a Willi baa bought tbe Wm. Rush
plaoe. Consideration, $1,000
J. O., Jobnoy and Cbaa. Kirk were ia
from Rbea creek Saturday last
Tom Drlekell's daughter, Elite, aged
11 years, baa the pneumonia.
Joe Pngh, Nell Jonas' cook, la la from
tbe ranch and oonfloed to bis bad.
Oao. Parmaa and I. N. Eatab were
over from Gooseberry Friday last.
Dan and fbU Birl and fbil Dobarty
were la from Batter ereek Monday.
iu. Btiew eod 4. I uoward ware
over from Batter ereek yeeterdsy.
Mrs. Jack Laksta infferiof from an
abceet oo bar foot, bat ia mnah batter.
Drink tbe celebrated J. H. Cotter
wblakey. Oo tap at Cbria Borebrrs'.
0. 0. Doaglaa, of Dooflaa, graced
Happoer with bis preeeooe last Friday.
Cba. Aaubauf a two eblldreo are
jost reooveriof from ao attack of broo
Deflate aad peaseefar! to and from
tbe dipot at half price. 'See CUaWr
riargtot. tf
Fred W. WUeoe, fnroierly editor of
The Delia CorooMe. bee geae to
wheel Befret will baal paeeacfsri
ad beat agi to aad froea Ibe depot el
keif price. K
Cl.se. A. Oetea left today wUb 10
foer boree teeaai iuedad wile BMrebaa
diae for kie Wagaer Itere.
. Ye will flod Ibat o will be IreaUd
ell rtebl deea el Ibe 1WJ Light eelooa.
Call oo tbe beta.
IHrk Howard, tbe getl maeagar of
Billy Morrew ' Rhea ereek pwiwuoea,
was lo Friday leal 00 baeieeee
flee. free e 0 aaddle lo 0 refle
laat Balorday. Il wae pot op agaia,
Deary Cm two Uieg Ibe loll; laae
The W. C T. U. OM-Uag oo la Sao-
day treeing at Ibe M. E- oberck
all eliewded aad very (aeeb ifprael'
rkill Cftba. Baf al Be
warabooee. will oay lee ettfbeat k
awtee U bHaa, ttra, sba-p flu,
tViog year hi las to bi. h
I4iee Bead exterUtMKil Wedeae
dayeteaiag l.weae,,eeleia,iiee
00J anloe with baal eelee. Ceo
yw kS.4 le at. lbe Ifeel
T. 1 L?e g4 le Friday !
ff0 Ltg 0k iWn fee bad twa
U eft-e Ibe ilaiat el Tbe kaUueel
Desk, tt tlfp o4 v"?t ct f.
bluett K.O,
wun ai x lorenoe lasi Saturday, causing
Jim's arrest and incarceration till sober.
He was fined tbe "regulation" Monday,
which tbe authorities are allowing bim
to work out. Jas. is not a bad fellow at
all, and bas a good many friends who re
gret that he allowed himself to get into
Frank Rogers got back Snnday morn-
ing from Portland, minus both little toes
and other unnecessary adornments
wbiob have been oausing him much Buf
fering for years His toes were taken off
to oure soft oorns. and thouah it has
been less than two weeks since tbe op
eration, fc rank is walking about as of
Ibe roads aaross the mountains to
Monument, Long Creek and Canyon City
are wen mgn impassible. The mail is
carried from Hardman to Monument, and
perhaps even further, on horseback.
Tbe stage, oarrying mail, passengers and
freight, leaves every morning tor Hard-
man. .
Tbe Ladies' Band, of thia city, assisted
by the best loeal talent, will give an en
tertainment on Wednesday evening that
will be well worth bearing. Tbis ia to
be a benefit for tbe above organization
and all should show their appreciation
by giving them a orowded bouse.
Judge Jones, of Eight Mile, and Coo
stable Bill Ingram, of Ingrumville.carae
in town yesterday, leaving for their re
peotive homes tbis morning. Judge
Jones reports a large docket wbiob be
will clear with much dispatch aa soon as
be oan gel down to business.
Tbe lady traveliog for the Chicago
Costume House, of Portland, wbo furn
tshed tbe suits for the ball 00 the Hth
will be in Heppner at the Hotel Palace,
on tbe morning of Deoember 23rd. and
ill be prepared to rent oostames for
tbe Christmas ball. 8t
Tbe Ladies' Aid Society of tbe
Cbristiao oburob will give 0 social at
tbe opera boose on Wednesday evening,
Deo.SOtb. They promiae you a good
time. Admiasioa will be free. Don't
forget tbe date. tf
E. 0. Woodall, of Long Creek, bas
made, an assignment for tbe benefit of
his creditors. It is thought that bis
business may pay out dollar tor dollar,
judging trim what tbe Eagle tayi.
Rhrtw tnn, innrulalinn nff tti 1
efforts in organizing o band lo this city
oy attending tueir entertainment on
Wedneaday evening, Deo. 23rd, at tbe
opera bouae. Pries of admission, 85, 25
and 15 oenta.
wins oiooami ipectai sale oo
ladies' capee and Jackets and o:telo
llneetf sboee will eommenoe Dee. 21.
Be sure yon get their prices aad ez
amine gooua. I bey win give yoa some
rare bargains. .1
Hick Maibewa and V. Geatry, under
the firm name of Matbeaa A Oeoiry,
are associated together to tbe barber
bnaioeas ia tbe new etaad, lee doors
soul b of the peetoffioe. They solicit
can. W.
Pertlaeat Facts aad tUadoai Shots Bare aa4
There, aad Other Things!
Some people think that they can
dance the "Sailor's Hornpipe," but they
cea't when M. D. Hayman ia in tbe
ring. Despite tbe old man's infirmities
be oan distanoe moat young competitor!
in bis line, and in addition to his duties
at the hotel ia representlns a laundry.
Those deairing washing done should ap
ply to him.
Heppner ia usually a peaoeable town
and so are its people. But sometimes
tbe "juice de bug" gets soaked into some
of our brave lads some of them no
spring ohickens, either and they get
bad. Sport believes that it's only o
matter of time when some of those who
are busy manufacturing trouble will hop
onto some one wbo is not in the business
and don't propose to embark. These
things are only a matter of time. A man
wbo doesn't make fights has no business
losing any.
Charley Sperry will make the Montana
circuit neit year with Dutoh and a two-year-old,
who is nameless now, and he
iniuas that be oan warm up tbe boys so
that they will relax their strong grip on
& lot of loose cash. ' Before shipping for
Montana it is proposed to beat Paul
Jones, Coxey, Sinner, and all the other
looal horses, including Red S. should be
come over from Harney county, in order
to get the "necessary" with which lo do
the Spokane track and the Montana oir
onit. Sport warns you all in time.
Low Tillard has returned from below
and Sinner is being groomed for a euro
winner next seHson. It be don't succeed
be will make a good saddle horse for
Sam Palmer's outfit, anyhow.
Ramor has it yon know "Rumor" is
alwaya busy that one youug man ia
Heppner is so muob in demand that he
don't know to whom be really belongs.
A "shotgun" title waa established for
bim reoeotly, and like a "shotgun" mar
riage It is good as any.
It isn't often bat one loses a girl just
like a jackkoite, but tbia is said to have
oocurred in Heppner reoeutly. Tbe
property was recovered at a later date
and returned to its anxious owner.
Tbe people of tbta county are going to
ask their representative to peel off some
from the salaries of county offioiala.
8port ia Informed that our representative
pledged himself to make reductions.
while on the stamp laat year, and it he
did be will keep bia promise. There's
going to be considerable kicking over
thia proposition, bat we think salaries
generally are too high. It remains with
tbe people to decide this question as
they pay Ibe bills.
II is o well known fact Ibat a 'coon
will Ash all day for o marble orbuokabol
in tab of water, and though nnsuo
oessful, perhaps, will never let op till
tbe job is fluisbed. A tal specimen
down at Eli Keeney'a came- near losing
bia life daring tbe recent oold soap
through some person'! oareleesness, wbo
nntboagbledly dropped o few big shot
into a oan of water near Brer C-ons
habitation. True to instinct be began
flsblng for tbe leadeo pellets and wbeo
Dick Neville oame on shift oext morning
tbe 'coon was frozen faal la tbe loe end
bad to be ebopped out. It wee oloae
An eoooymons letter ia causing one
good man lo Heppner to stand guard
with o Winchester. To go around in
tboae parte witboal first establishing
your identity might prove disastrous.
Tbe writer of aa aoooym na letter is
oeververy daogerooa.
Drive Whist Party.
A very pleasant drive whist party was
given by Mr. and Mrs. Pbill Cobn at
their borne in thia city laat Friday even
ing. Following tbe series of games tbe
prizee were awarded to tbe viotors.
First prizes, Mrs. Geo. Conserand O. E.
Farnawortb; booby prizes, Mrs. W. P.
Dutton and S. W. Spencer, after wkijh
an appropriate lunch of sandwiches,
eake and coffee waa served.
Those present were :
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morrow, Mr. and
Mrs. 8. W. Spencer, Mr. aud Mrs. E. R.
Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Frank MoFarland,
Mr. and Mrs. W E. Brock, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Conser. Mr and Mra. Henry Blaok
man, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Brown, Mr. and
Mra. S P. Garngues, Mr. and Mrs. W.
P. Dutton, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Farna
wortb, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dunn and Mr.
and Mra. E. L. Freeland . Meadames H.
W. end F. K. Bartholomew; Mieaes Ads
Bartlett, Lntie Farnawortb, Etta Minor,
Elizabeth Matlock, Leu a Rbea and Ma
bel Leezer and Messrs. J. B. Mullay, of
Portland, H. Blackman and A. W. Patterson.
Piles! Pilesl Itching Piles.
Symptoms: Moisture; intense itching
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching' If allowed to continue tum
ors form which often bleed and uloerate
beoomiog very sore. Swayne's Oint
ment stops the itching and bleeding,
beats alceration, and in most oases re
moves tbe tumors. At druggists, or by
mail, for 50 oenta. Dr. Swayne & Son,
Xenophon N. Steeves Free.
Xenophon N. Steeves is a free mn.
Yesterday morning at Hillsboro at 10
o'ulook tbe one juror who hung out for
conviction capitulated, and a verdict of
aoquittal was returned to Judge Mo
bride's oourt.
For over 21 hours the' ballot stood 11
for acquittal and 1 for oonviotion. Sat
urday tbe jury stood 10 tor aoquittal and
2 for conviction, but Sunday one of the
obstinate jurors gave op and sometime
that night tbe twelfth man voted "not
guilty" and tbe jury went to sleep. Yes
terday morning when tbe bailiff of the
oourt was called he waa informed that
an agreement bad been reaohed.
Juror Catcbiogs was indisposed from
tbe long confinement. He became o ill
Sanday that be bad to be taken to a
Tbe great expense of tbe trial and tbe
time and oare expended in trying tbe
case demanded a verdiot one way or an
other, and when the result was an
nounced in Portland general satisfaction
waa expressed. Tbe Steeves jury was
looked np last Friday evening and np to
Sanday night it waa generally expeoted
there would be a disagreement.
Steeves returned lo Portland laat even
ing. He waa the recipient of many con
gratulations from friends yesterday and
today oo bia aoquittal. Uia frieods in Port
land bave been sonQdent ot bis acquittal
throughout, and have resolutely stood by
bim daring the trial.
Tbe expense of tbe trial. at Hillaboro
will be borne by Multnomah ooooty, and
will be between 12500 and $3000. Had
a diaagreement resulted tbe case would
never bave been tried again.
W. M. Radio, ot Long Creek, is in re
ceipt of a letter from Oscar Minor, ot
Hepr.ner, relating to the construction of
a telephone line from Heppner to Long
Creek, eays tbe Eagle. He writes r - -"Gilliam
& Bisbee, Wilson Brock,
Isaac Ennis and myself will build a tele
phone line from Heppner to Long
Creek, via Hardman, Monument and
Hamilton, if we oan make arrangements
satisfactory to us. We' think the lite
would be of great benefit to all parties
interested, but as it must pass through
quite a distanoe of very thinly settled
oonntry, as yoa know, it is not likely
that the line would pay on tbe entire in
vestment for some time, yet we think wi
oan get enough bonus here, with what
help we oan get along the route, to en
able us to oomplete it to Long Creek by
May 1, 18U7. We expeot to go to yonr
place as soon as tbe roads and weather
will permit, to look over the route and
see what we can do, and would like to
bave a reply before we start."
This line will pass within 30 miles ot
the Fossil telephone system, and it is not
improbable that Fossil will get railroad
oonneotion first through the Heppoer-
Long Creek line. Most of the route be
tween Fossil and the nearest conneotiog
point on tbe proposed telephooe line is
timber land, and the expense for poles
would be light. We wonld muob prefer
to oonneot our present telephone system
with the railroad at Arlington, as that is
our principal shipping point and we bave
a daily stage line between here and
tbere, but as there is little prospect of
that, it might be well to communicate
with tbe promoters of the Heppner
Loog Creek line. Fossil Journal.
tnatri ia o jioq
paw eiaetejd iqsnr a jo vn
w sai tpiq. aodnoo oq j
PM pa ooosqoj peiBjqsiro
lit JO fiq tna mqjna
,nM3oetaioSq eonno jno;
qoe epiiai inodnoa om pas
vq eoano om poee epju
aodnoo euo pan m no
The present state of the
tea-trade can't continue.
Americans drink the worst
tea in the world, and pay
double for it.
Cover With Boila.
"My body was covered with boila. 1
saw liood s Bersaperille advertised aa a
blood purifier and Iboogbl I would try a
bottle. Io o abort time I began lo fesl
better, erd I continued tbe ose of tbis
medicine until I waa entirely e!L I
heartily recommend Hood's Ssrssparil
la.--B. M. Bali, Mayger, Ore.
Gid Halt and Charley Jneea are
eociated together down at Charley's
old plaoe in lb looaorial bnslneae.
Call oo I beat end get yoor wbtekeri
pushed lo.
Owing to eirramstsocee over wbiob
we have oo control considerable matter
li orowded out of Ibis laeoe bat will ap
pear to our oei L
The Black Butte mill li io operatioo
over la Fog valley. Tbe Gas Its bop
Ibat Mr. Uagao will make caooey oat of
Ibe proposition.
Ton Supbeoa. of Boras, ia vary mac
alive, Ibe Gazette reotvieg o Utter lo
tbal effect receolly. Tea la too locky to
get killed.
Royal Dlamnad, l'o Fired Jspaa, oo
eolored. Tb bet 2r lee ever sold lo
liepnoer. I. O. Tbonpen (Jo, tbe
leaders. If
Tom Malhewa. IV W Tnaj Root I aad
Jbo 8arbr were over ye-4rday, (Vie
Tore rvaelnioc lo atud to eorae lead
Claae Jobnene so J Tho. Aederenw
were to f torn eatside prteioetalaeteiibl.
fjtyiag a litUe of ssetrepolitea life with
tbe bys.
00. C Teel retue la treat Ioe Cveek
Selardty leal, ebere be bad beee to
rprMel Ibe I'ortleod ereditrf of E.O.
C. F. tUdfMd. 10 atteeosf of Fe4le
V, wae evr rm I FrUay aed Hater.
day. Mr. lUdBeld Bay locate to llrp-
A Voleeblo rre4ee.
TJOot Merrteno at Wertbteffcte, led
"Hue ." writes: To Me valeable
praarriftkne. hi tr PilUra, eJ I
ceo etHMefefly r J It for Cueett-
palMHi, Herb Haedeobe, aad S4 a gerel
fyeteai loebi It bee oo e)eaL" Mn.
Aaate ftteble, U3 Co I age Orve Ave.,
OiMaa. eea all ra dewe.OooU oat vet
r tf get food, ed 0 be I so be abWsk
ever Ml br aad Ml itred oed wey,
I Ml attfe of FJeetria fkltotl fa4o
el taajik aad raeeead bar t'eealk.
I tue.aU eed II U, (M o Uue al
Cu A tUuek'l drag store.
Hood's rills are Ibe ooly pills to lake
with Uood'i gareaperllla.
Ed. R. Bishop, successor to Tbe Mo
Farlaod Mercantile Co., is atill on deck,
giving great bargains ia all lines. Tbe
stock must be closed out, and it ia sur
prising bow cbsap things are. Call oo
them. Frank MoFarland, salesman.
Proof: the
your money
don't like it
A Schilling ft Company
Saa I
Best is the
grocer gives
back if you
Assanlt With a Knife.
Sunday night last, Billy Carry,
young man who baa lived here for some
years, made aa assault on Eli Eeeney
with o large knife, down ot E. G.
Sperry'a place. Eli iwora out a warrant
for Carry, charging him with assault
with deadly weapon, which it o itata
ease and if proven means a term in the
"pen," but Curry was nowhere lo be
Tbe authorities inform os that Ibey
intend to pnsb Ibe case if Curry oao be
found. It ia not likely, however, that
be will put bimself in reach ot the offi
- WW
Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop
Guests will find the best of accom
modatiou8 in every respect.
The Trouble is Over !
We Mean the Election. But that
Makes no Difference With
Who never lets politics interfere with business. At the
same old stand, next door to M. LicliteDthal's.
Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's
Furnishings, etc.
Main Street. Heppner, Oregon.
Heppner to Pendleton via Urppner-
Eoho Htage Line. Persons desirous nf
visiting Pendleton oao lava time and
money by taking this roote. By ao
qoalntlog Ibe agents the previous even
ing tbe stage will make connection with
2 o'clock trein at K-hrt for Pendleton.
Ofnoe at City Drag btore. W. U. Ixrd,
Proprietor, e
When yoa
1 fa plant seeds, plant J
A Always the best. Mk
I vk. or ' rTTTwara, ml 1 1 1
vW' "ottrl' J? I I I 1 1 I
M.e toe lie M f tae Wat!y
0 tal Ibe aaat Ofaspepef of
U,e Wl M la m,W.m etr,
If la', ae H & ! b
: ! ie m tffT tt fcile
it tf
Ulvae Away-llOO la Teak.
Wbo eaa form tbe greatest Dumber ot
worda froea the letter! io "Evixtaa
ItocaT" Yoa are emarteooogk to make
flfteeo pt mnf worda, we feel sore, ood
If yoa do yoa will receive a good re erd.
fee English words ooly lo alognlar or
plural bat oot bo'h Do got oao aey
letter ovwe tlosaa Ibae It appeera la Ibe
tail "Eveeiog Hoar," for eiample, "lo,"
-oo," oor.' "ros," etc. I will per
fifty doltan reah to Ibe peraq making
Ibe largael liet, fifteeo dollars for tbi
eoood lergaet, tea dollan for the third
largael ood file dotlere for eeeb of Ibe
eat I five legaai liata. Tbeee oeardi are
1 1 era free oed it boat eueeideratloe) fur
tbe porpnee ol otlroertag sltrolloa lo toy
baadeeeae illaetrated moelkly magesioe.
The Idtee Erasing Hour. Il lo oeoae
aary lew yo to eaed either J teo-eaet
stseipe for o mi iooetbe' iateriptioa or
fifty sweie for o year's eokaerlplloo, with
yoor I tal of worde aad every peeeno eeod-
lag o lie! af fif Vae words or aaore Is
gasraaUad aa eilra paaeaet (lo oddiltoa
lo Ibe oaagtsiee) ot oil tbe fullewtog
IbreeooDki eoirO elll be eaet ol ooee
poalpeidl 1 -Tae Aaierteao' fatally
Cok ftaok,' eoa lata leg mors Ibaa aavae
beedred ot tbe cHnteaat rreipae. 1 -
"Heveety fire Coaaplese Hioriae by ap
alar latbore sad I -"Tea LaJtee' UoM
Feeey Work Waeeal" MtofaeU.ai
gtiatssiaad la every eee or yaer aaay
rafaodad. Tbie le a reakarU effer
aad lisle areld be eei at oee ood oot
later lUae Dateattwr S4'k, ee aaaM eed
al Waaaae ef laeaissfel oaelealeeto rae
be poWtebed lo t Jaeeery Meoe. fkl
U aa f enoaity far ye le aaake P
tery ey. rapafary refer ym to
eey aaaeaeettte mwii ur Ike flreaoe
treaty ncu Baal. t4 tt.li ri'y, ae to ay
eUe l.ag. Add'aae, 0. . Tamil. 74
It tie Mraat, Jerjanna, Iva. hi I
a Peiaral Pat trf
SmTi Cerar m4 1a ari8s tte
til aa I gire a elear est baaal f.,
I-. ftreela MriieAW
ee ee
2(),()()(r POUNDS OF
up gocd" i mm
OOllMlHtlllir Of
Tables, Cbalra, Ibksia, Hadroma Nollee, ttedsleade, Itenk
Caeae, Leogee, Hofaa, rlprmg Ifatlreaeaa, Wool kfatlrasaaa,
rarlor Helta, Cooler Tables, l , eU. Ilraeaati Cerpat. Wool
CerH. Metliega, flldabnerda, Mirrors, Hal Iteeka, Ifaaglag
Leaf, rertleree, Inilowa, tllaekate, Hioves, He., eto.
All the alxove Gools arc Placed on Sale at
Half Value or Less.
Will be Sold Regardless of Cost.
Fi op year hoaaae al ih el'h Hirliih Poaiiare,
wkde Ible efpnrioailr le effared.
Our Sale on General Merchandise
Still Continues.
r araT al a e4aaa !(,! I eal
Ibarebf gattiag a WfW etaeto
J. O. BOBCJUOllS, Prop.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars
all See It.
Mole) Street,
You Should
Con)e in at Once.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
I. W FlTTFlSnX. ACf'T. He..MhHlot l.ilhe.Worl.l
YouroJJOUK I) to Tnko MSm.
Leaves No Constipation,, wi
Cerae II. as wall aa all Iliilineanaae. Hi. k II. .Urt a aad Malaria. Tbe roly
(MroOTat.a ptll In Ike wail. I. H--IJ t r all lttaala ft eM a a. ail
rerMpt of prtee, 3fc5 eeele par Iml.
I r.l.Mlr.t MM'll'aL. (X,
Ha a lreeeteeo, Cat.
Plenty cf them at the
Gazette Office, . .
new AiA:v,oi;Aiis:v'r
Where too can Krt r ust- 'M'Pr II,IMa,t
(iae l .alalia ,.g UU a V I I 1 I 1 U I 14J li.
French Cook, and White Ubor only, Employed.
Good Rooms and Excellent Service
eTho GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year for CASH.