Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 22, 1896, Image 2

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    18 DECEMBER 96
"6 7l90?
The Gazette is informed that at
the coming session of the legis
lature a bill will be introduced
providing for a court stenographer
for everv iudicial district. This
DuDer is informed that the bill
proposed is a very meritorious one
We are not altogether familiar
with the full import of the bill,
but ao far as we have investigated
the same, we feel inclined to give
it our hearty support. Under the
proposed law the court stenogra
pher's notes of evidence, with ex-
duced to a minimum. The Wilson
bill is an ad valorem tariff, while
all republican tariffs have been
calculated from the specific stand
A Welcome I'aber of '97.
The beginniog of the New Year will
Lave a weloome usher in the shape of a
fresh Almanac, descriptive of the origin,
nature and uses of tbe national lonio
and alterative, Hostetter'e 8tomch Bit
ter. Combined with the descriptive
matter will be toned calendar and as
tronomical calculations absolutely reli
able for oorreotnees, statistics, illustra
tions, verses carefully selected, and other
mental food highly profitable and enter
taining. On this pamphlet, published
and printed annually by Tbe Bostetter
Company, of Pittsburgh, 60 bands are
employed in tbe meobanioal department
alone. Eleven months are devoted to its
preparation. It is procurable free, of
druggists and country dealers every
where, and is printed in English, Ger
man, Frenob, Spanish, Welsh, Norwe
gian, Holland, Swedish and Bohemian.
idiot of the state. He baa aet himself
op along aide of the Oregonian as spon
sor of tbe repablioen party end telle tbe
members of the next legislature what
tbey shall or shall not do in the matter
of electing a United States senator.
White ie a pliant tool of Joe Simon's,
and therefore hie etriotures on Senator
Mitchell are not to be wondered at just
at Ibis time. Milton Eagle.
Tbe Portland Oregonian, The Dalles
Cbroniole and tbe East Oregonian are
about the only papers in tbe state that
are making a demand for a decrease io
unnecessary taxation and a catting down
of expenses of government that possesses
tbe destructive feature of governing too
mncb. It is hoped tbat other newspapers
will join in tbe demand. E. 0.
Bs Tells His Friend, Blag, A boat Bis
Last spring before election in nearly
every county of the state republican
candidates for tbe legislature, knowing
the views of their constituents upon tbe
subject, and in every case in order to
strengthen their ohaDces of election,
pledged themselves, if elected, to sup
port Seuator Mitchell for re-election. In
most cases these pledges were made by
letters to their constituents or to friends
of the senator over tbeir own signatures,
and the letters are still in existence.
Most of these pledges were made volun
tarily, but in a few instances candidates
made the promises for tbe sole purpose
of getting votes, knowing well tbat the
mAMHunnf thp nAnnlM van tail Mr Tit.1ial1
ceptions taken, will be filed, and turned to the senate. If the men who
no objection to appeal can be urg- so pledged themselves, over tboir own
ed bv the iudee. All bills of ex- signatures, still hope to retain their
r-Antions are to be signed bv the hooor Jobu n- Mitchell will be elected
a. . i . United States senator on the first ballot.
o r I Havnrnl mnra Hum a maiMriv nt Mia a.
1L..U.J.... i..: "
mueeu iub aubuiuio mimeae. in publican members of the legislature
our Judge Lowell in all matters made these pledges and a failure to keep
appertaining to his high position them will be condemned by an outraged
or bis ability to fill the same have constituency when those members re
It u - Ol III Y : .
never been questioned. But in
other districts the legal fraternity
have made much conplaint that
ofttimes evidence that had been
given in had been wrongly inter
preted by the court, intentionally
or otherwise, and on this misinter
pretation, or presumption that cor
tain evidence did not eiist, or bad
not been presented, the right of
appeal was denied. YVnere a I
C. S. Jackson, editor of the Pendleton
East Oregonian, is getting np a sub
scription to belp tbe Cuban rat riots.
Here is a case where the single land tax
would not remedy all the suffered ills. It
is tbe only one we have heard of for a
long time that Mr. Jackson did not. ad
vooate trying it on. Salem Statesman.
Senator Morgan is right. The time
has arrived. Tbe boar has struck. In
fact, it is along about four o'olock in tbe
afternoon of the day appropriate for
American interference to stop tbe oat-
rages going on in Cuba. President
Grant did not wait to have each ao act
of humanity thrust down bis throat the
last time before this that Spain carried
on ber butcheries in that oppressed in
sular oountry. Salem Statesman.
turn borne. St. Helens Mist,
Mr. u. w. uorbett pas come to be a
great man all at once in the opinion of a
few Portland politicians, and there are
several of them just now umng bis name
I in connection with the United States
senatorsbip, not beoause they want the
old gentlemen elected, or even imagine
that be will be elected ; but be Is s
wealthy man, and by making bim be
lieve be has a certain following bis "leg
oan be pulled" for boodle with wbiob to
-J J 1 till 1 I 1 . S O . . 1 IX. SO
judge anticipates mat ne may De aureat Mitoueu. liie old gentleman it
reversed it is easy indood, if in- cui'd'sh nd tite taffy pleases bim
clined to favor himself rather than ?ery h ; i.ui,eed B0. m!"b th !rom
. . . . . , . ,. nis minions ue, no uouot, cueenuiiy
..UDD Duc.u(s jUDu,o u.u., ooutrlbHtos liberally to tbe fellows who
to deny the ntjht of appeal. ont for booJle. hut whose mill nnr-
V lthout questioning any person a pose is to make a oat's paw of Mr. Cor-
fairness and honorable intentions, be,t ai " uim lo Put p money
the opportunity to misquote evi- i,!j .wh"ht toT defeat Mitohell in the
, itt ii -1.4 I hope that Mr. Joseph Simon may go to
peai buouiu tie lanen away irom Mr. Corbett, no donbt, it In good
circuit judges, as we see it, and the I faith the same as Jobu F. Caples was
whole responsibility placed upon ,or "ln"ou for congress last
the court stenographer whose ,prinB' ,,ut b T of hit nBrae ,Mhl"
. . , , , , time is for the tole purpose of making
notes must be filed and sworn to. . . ,
" v Mm htv tha nitmnaiirn UTimiiana nf in.
and who cannot deny the right of otber whose name will be put forward
K hearing before a higher tribu- whenever the opportunity presents itself,
rjal. I la tbe case of Mr. Caples last spring
tbey wanted to nse bis ability and liitlu
MacEO is undoubtedly dead tint 00i ,,b Mr- Corbett tbey want to use
timn. " mon"'
Tbe first object of Ibw small aggrega-
1 im.v l,.inA.a 5 lnn....... "on or uon.ue politicians is io creaie nu.
........ '"IT""
The opposition in Portland to tbe re
eleotion of John H. Mitobell to the United
States senate is increasing. The fight in
the legislature promises to assume a de
cidedly lively gait. Muoh "family
linen" is likely to be washed right be
fore the public, However, tbe ultra
gold standard wing of tbe republican
party in Oregon is not as atrong at it
estimated, and Mitchell, in spite of bit
reoord, is going to be re-elected. Tbe
oommeroial epirit, which it the heart
and soul o! tbe single gold standard
oause, it not "triumphant" outside ot
the city limits ot Portland in any part of
the Webfoot stats. E. O.
"Howdr, Sin'." aeid Sven Sveoson
yesterday as he dropped in on bia Celes
tial friend, Sing Lee, at tbe China wash
boose in Heppner. "How tos bane yo
liver. SioT
"Welly good. What mollow your
Sven was togged out in a brand new
store suit which fit bim fairly well ex
cept tbe pants which were folly four
inches too short. Hit wealth of blonde
hair was crowned with a a tiff bat ot tbe
mintage of '87, a borne laandried eblrt
was embellished with a standing collar
of similar sort, set off with a lie of flam
ing red, while bia feet were enoased in
brogan shoes tbat looked like tbey bad
seen a summer's campaign in tbe mountains.
"Note go en sprBin yo trote, heet'en.on
'count ma noo klotbes. Ay bane gattin'
merried. Eel bane das vay. Yen Ay
koom oop by Heppner from da moontain
las' fall, Ay gat latter from ma coosin,
August, een Portland to koom ma doun
to ta heem. Ay tank Ay gat ma money
en go.
"Ay Dane een oar ail nite ven da oar
got to fortiand. Ay valK out laik oner
falara troo da beeg gate by da falar das
luke laik Swedish sffjer. Ay tank Ay
ask beem bote ma coosin en sa to beem,
'Vere bane ma ooosm?' Ha sa, 'Ole, Ay
note sa beem ; Ay note bane baik in Swa
den.' Das maik ma mad, en Ay say
pooty kweek, 'Ma name bate note Ole,'
en ha luugh, ven A? gat madder en bait
heem ofer da baid ved ma setohel. Das
falar ha vassle a tan vasale en, yeeminy
Yesus I noner sojer ved a tan star beeg
falar, Sin' yoomp on ma en vack ma
ofer da hade ved beeg atiok. Yeans, Ay
tank ma hade ba broke. Ay tank Ay
note fight two tojer falar. en pooty
kweek Ay vat got on ma feet, beeg sojer
falar yerk ma by da ooot collar tal Ay
tank ma note bane vea ma bade on ma
"What's moller, you not getta mally
yet? You mally policeman, bal hal
sabbef You call bim sojer, you no
saDDe, Droke in bing at be squirted a
mouthful ot water on a white shirt.
The M. E. church and Sunday school
will have an old-time Christmas tree
with an appropriate program ft exer
cises on Christmas eve. All families and
friends of tbe church are cordially in
vited to aid by tbeir presenoe (also
presents) and cheer to make it an en
joyable occasion. A special and more
formal invitation it extended to mem
bers and friends of tbe Episcopal church
to unite with us in tbe festivities.
Backlen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in tbe world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Uloera, Salt Rbeum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Shin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or no
psy required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
Conser & Brock. .
What's ' the Matter With Hanna ? '
Nothing, except that he has just discovered that at the
Odd Combination Store of
P. C. Thompson Co.
Is the best place to buy Salt, Sugar, Soap, Sardine, Socke, Sopeoi'era,
Sewing Machioea, Shotguns, or Sawt. Complete lines of Groceries or
Hardware. Satisfaction Guaranteed. "
Or., Dec. 21, 1896.
Jones, L D 3
McDiiid, Ed
When calling for these letters please say
advertised. J. P. Williams. P. M.
'.How to Core all Bkln Diseases."
Simply apply "Swayne't Ointment."
No internal medicine required. Curet
tetter, eczema, itob, all eruption! on tbe
taoe, bands, nose, Ao., leaving tbe skin
dear, white and healthy. Its great bead
ing and curative powers are possessed
by no otber remedy. Ask your drug
gist for Swayne't Ointment.
and by virtue of a writ of execution issued
out of the circuit Court of the State of Oregon
ior Morrow County, '.under the Deal thereof,
ana to me airectea ana aenverea upon a judg
ment and decree rendered and entered in said
Court on the 9th day of September, 189H, in
iavoroi Jinza tt. uweni aspiaintjtt.ana against
Frank H. Beutre and Marv J. Benve. his wife.
Louis Sehewrich and Bchewrich, his wife,
as defendants, whereby the pjaintiff did recover
a personal decree against the defendants Frank
a. uenge ana Mary J. Benge, hla wile, lor the
sum of 1531.25, with interest thereon at the rate
of eight per cent per annum from the 1st day
of January. 1894: the further sum of S15.U0 At
torney's lees, Hid tlio costs and disbursements
taxed at 14.00; and whereby it was decreed
that the mortgage dated on the 19th day of
December 1888, executed by said last named
defendents to the Lombard Investment Co. and
by it assigned to plaintiff unon the following
described real property in Morrow County,
ine Nortnwest uuarier oi
Two South ol
Oregon, to-wit: The Northwest Quarter
ty-two in TownshlD
Range Twenty-five East of Willamette merl
He has anything in this line that you may desire and you can depend on It you get a good
article when Mat guarantees It.
Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing Specialty.
Notice of Intention.
an I tun anntmffttl Id tttVatnl M P ililltaal Vm
a toloplioue in liiskiH,,,, ..i,,i. i. ,.n.,.i;.i,.,i-iii.
Mr. Corbett'a money that gentleman will
be brought to the steru realiialinn tlut
be baa performed bia part in the politioal
drama and be will be caul aside and the
author of the play will be presented.
Those who have watobed the drift of
the prooeodiogs closely agre I lint this
I he onteosihle ptirptwe of tie opposition
to Mitchell, a nil coining events will, no
Joult,S(Hin demonstrate tbe truthfulness
of the prediction. One thing is certain,
Mr. Corlwit'e name is Out bring used
ith the belief that he stauda tbe sliiiht-
hliould hftve
1'laco of ImaineaB.
TnK Ciihcudo Ijork tnlition of
the OrrRonirtD of tlio I'.Uh innt it
ono of the finont oyer gotten out ly
thrtt paper. If you Lhvo a friend
Id tlio Kant acini bin: ono.
Died In I'lainfleld, New Jersey, oa tha 18th
lustsot Was a Great Campalga Hpeakr r-
Plaimkirld, N. Jm Deo. 18. Ex Con
gressman Iloswell Q, Horr died tonight
at 11 o'clock after ao illnet ot two weekt
with bronchitis and Brlght'a disease.
RoswslI Q. Horr was born November
0, 1840, in Waltaville, Vermont. He re
ceived bia education in tbe publio
schools. He waa admitted to tbe bar in
lHi4. In 1871 be took up bit borne in
Saginaw, Miob , from wbiob dlttriot be
was elected to congress in 1H78. Io 1800
e moved to Plainfleld and became a
member of tbe editorial staff on Ibe New
York Tribune, which position fa baa
held ever since. Hit joint debate in
Chicago with W. U. Harvey, author of
Coln't Finaneial School," attracted
much attention. When tha repoblioao
national campaign oomtnittee called for
apeakera lest fall ba waa one of tba Brat
to respond and made over ninety
speeches id tha eampelgo. Horr made a
onmbar of apeeebet in Oregon In tbe
campaign ot IHui,
Mr. Horr eampaigned Oregoo in 131H,
apeakiug at Heppner io Oarriguee' opera
bouse oo tba afternoon ot May 2ft. He
was ao earnest, forcible epeeker as all
will remember who beard bim.
lilt: Cameron reaulutioii, with
aiiKMidinonta making it atrongpr if
Anything, Acknowlmling the iuda. est chance of ucvws.-M. Helens Mist
H-ii(ltnc of Cuba, Laa Impd report
rxl on vj tbs committee of foreign
rt'lfttiotia in thn aotiat, ami it will
unJoulitedly pnea lioth liouaoa, and
if tcUmh! ly the pieeiilont will be
passed over bia bead
The liodge immigration bill ia
proof that something on thia line
can Im done by tl.e republican
party, or can emanate from that
party, the pitiu of the oppoai.
lion ta the contrary uotaitlistand
Ing. Tuleaa iminigtanta can read
ai.d write ame language, they Are
prohibited from coining to thia
country. Cubana, however, are ei.
rmptetl frum the efT.H-t .f thia act
dutu g the preeetit diatutbauce, it
ia a very meritorioua measure.
Is Iat issue cf the (iarette, in
the editorial nnder the captiuo,
The Dingley Hill IVa.1," the word
"ad valorem' waa ur-l in the
fourth paragrath f.r "ajwifia"
Ad ad valorem tariff ie calculate 1
oo tha value of the article Im.
ported, white a aperifio tariff takea
lulie-'tioid'Tatiiiti weight, quantity,
alo. The cibjeclion urgn egaibtt
ao A.1 valorem tariff ia that decep
tion in valuta ia often practiced
And I'nrU Ham ie tl.r.a drfrau U.
The weihl ur qnaulily i.f an im.
potUfioo ia ry t i arritt at And
It rennr Miir-i.rii were a be man
ol of whom people knew but little,
there miht le a D0eily for pireenting
him to the pulilie for tneligatioo, but
aa he I txly the most prominent man
In the history of the eteto, whose name
ie familiar in every hotie tod on every
street, and wIiom reennl, offloul an
personal, ie proof against the ettaekt
earpleg entice, It apeare babyish
eewspepere, eeperially tb.ee mIiIs-1 by
ol J timers, to be lii'j-.irlng who be Is or
bow be elands oo measures of pablie
imporUnPo. There Is nut an lolelligoel
voter who Is bl as aril acnaittU with
Ibe riil..i,s policy as be l himself, so
an one lm bee made Ibe least luly c
tbe hiIi1m aitaalioB, bat keovi bin t.i
de, no bim. llatieg bis eeiviee
tbe I'mU.I Hletre eriieU be bse l
riieiiilie, fullr elite lo the intetmiia
h.s eoesiilttrQcy and eer nnmlnJlul ol
the welfare tt the boleroiiiitry. Never
baa a wir. ni eliere l which would re-
Hurt oo l.ls rbaisrtrf or Ihtegfilt, Wbil
bl.!lii the strict feint. Ica party
tulre, be bee eo)4 aJ kM Ibe efl
deeee of diiKrale, to ttmeb ao list
eao bass Ibeir vrtee as Meieel at nlber
rl uhlloao ia tbe stale M re tbaa the
rWnatnr Mitcbl bee Ibe eosAJrnee oj
bit patlr Ibroagbotit the I elled Htatee
aa4 Lie aeuteatiua M tbe prve).leiy Ie
am. lb tibilln, ea4iue lo Ibe
fetor, ltiiw.lie fluoa el hie rlit
etJ etarsier do at eff-el tbe eetmeat
of tbe p'tle br. wbleb ta ebolly ta
hie lev. If any 1 1 11 Of? rn eeaM
Im a Uiur rt. Ibsa W.ichell, it bae
evr (wee fnUd in I, ,st-r IM.'sw
dian, containing 160 acres, which mortgage was
recoraea on tne aim nay oi tiecemDer. at
riage 54 of Book "D"of the Records of Mortgages
n the office of the County Clerk of Morrow
County, Oregon, should be foreclosed, and the
said real property sold by the Sherirl of Morrow
County, Oregon, to satisfy said Judgment and all
costs: therefore I will, on Raturday, the With
day of January, 1K97, at 2 o'clock in the after
noon of that day, at the front door of the court
house in the citv of UeoDiier. Oreeon. sell all
ici-i a. , v. . i . . tne right, title, interest and estate wnicn tne
Bin , Ay tank JO Dane pooty smart yo laij defendants and all persons claiming and to
Iroo on da thirl en kape yo bade quiet. ?'ttlm by. throosrh or under them, or any of
r ' 1 tnm. nan nn thA loth rinv nt nrnvmriAr. 1KKK.
Ay bane mad now to tank da luff time or since then have had, or now have, in and to
. the above described real property, and every
aas laiars geei ma. part thereof, at publio auction to the highest
R Aaa llm A tank aat nnl akaam bidder foroash in hand, the proceeds of such
' . KM If tn hA AnnllMl In .Mtl.furMitn of aald axht.u.
to do das ennvtans da bees falar a a. en uon and an costs.
. .. . ... . Dated this tJA dav of December. 1R9K.
y van aas as na lai ma, pooiy aangi e. l. matlock.
kweek. en hv veeminv Yesns. Hin' Av "O3"". SherlfTot Morrow County, Oregon,
tank Ay bane een a mad boose. Lot
falart baoe boiler, en da wear tan alar,
en Ay tank daa Ay bane vorte nor crazy
Daa falart boiler, 'hank,' en Ira to bit
me, en Ay bane tickle dat da beeg sojer
falar note let ma go ao da get ma. Den
Ay coom by da pooty buggy en Ay laik
dat falart better. Da aa to ma, 'Fra bo
teV en Ay laik daa, en da laugh en von
man aa to oner man, 'Shorty, see dat
rJwade guy ved da copper.' Ay note kan
tank vat da mane, an Ay bana madder.
En ao kweek Ay tank dat vay, daa aojer
falar look ma oop eeoto eletle green boi,
eo ha ta to ma. 'Yoote kape quiet,
Swede, or by tba powers I'll break your
coournut.' Ay tank ba bana Dootch,
Hi a. Ay not laik dat falar pooty
muoh. Eo ao kweek daa falar tek ma
oot, da baol ma eeo da waggon to da
ail, en ma beart bant brake, ao mo hade
baoe tore, Ay tal yo,
"Ay baoe ao tired en so tore Ay bane
jggl FULL
jttf ssr in r
English Course.
Dr. f.lng'e New Dieeevery fee
This It tbe beet meJioine lo lb world
for all forms ot Oongha and Colds and
for Ooutoniptioo. Every bottle ia g oar
auleeJ. It will our and not dieappotoL
It baa oo equal for Whooping Coogb
Aslbma, Uy Ftver, FaeoooBia, Broa
ebitit. La Orippa, OoU ia tbe Head aoj
tnr CoDsumolino. It ta safe for all a(e
pleaaaot to take, aad, above all. asnre
enre. It ta always well to take 1
Kina'o New lU PI lie la oooeetwioo
with Dr. Kiog't New Dteeovery, as tbey
ff-olate end tone tbe etoenerb aoj
tmwele. W goaraulea ! feci sslls'se.
tmn or return money. Free trial bottles)
et Coneer k Hrtiek'e drag etc . lUguler
eue 50 rents eed 1 IX).
ti -wtnur.M
lJ Deo. 17. W.m. Notice is hereby srlven
that the following-named settler has tiled notice
of bis Intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before K. I Freeland, U. H. Commissioner, at
Heppner, Oregon, on February, bin, ivnti, vu:
Hd. K, No. 21, for the NWU NVV? Pec 27,
Mta and 8u NEU fee 2S. Tp f 8. R ir E.
He names the following witnesses to prove
nis continuous residence upou ana cultivation
of, said land, vis:
Charles H. Bums, James ti. wylsnn, josepn
Bannister. Walter Benuett, all of Hardman.
uregon. jab. r, muokb,
fkt-13. Register.
Notice of Intention.
J J Dec. 2. Notice Is hereby given that
the following named settler has Bleu notice of
his Intention to muss nnal proof In aupMrtnf
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. w. Morrow, couniy clera, at iicppner,
uregou, on rebrtiary l, 1W7. vu
ltd. E. No. MWl, for the 8 W i Kee 83, Tp 1 8, R 24
K.W M.
He names tbe following witnesses tn prove
hli continuous residence upou and cultivation
'alunubM.il i nnf. tn.v I ol Said land. VlS
- - Heniamln . King. William T. King, lame
M. Hamblet, T&omu J. Wllibelm, allot lone,
eo so kweek Ay vaka oop Ay bear ma
ooosio, Aogust, say to m: 'Vaka oop,
yo greeoy, so go vad ma.' Eo ba tal ma
ba rede aen da Olegoniao da Bwede boy,
8 vea Bveneuo, by Heppner, ba bono aea
ail dare, for ba tight da gate man by da
railroad, eo ba Sjbt da officer, doe aojer
falara, yo know, llaaabapay da bill,
ea ba aay eel baoa forty doler. Ha let
ma veJout breath.
"August, ba ta to ma: "Sveo, Ay lank
... i.
, . I 111 .IIIIIBIT, !"', I'M llllliw, 1-1, ,.. .u,r
yo oane goue ooy ion, doio yo oaos I n -jvwt, for the N w o -toa No, .laiowo
Timber Culture, Final Proof.
Nntke for reblieailoa.
I'eiTKD ftTtTsa Vai Orrti a.
The fHllea. Orreon. Per. I. lt
i aM W. Knblsnn. of ktsht Mile. Oregon,
has Bird notice ol Inlentlnn to make dual pr.il
helnit J. w. Morrnw, rnunty clerk, at klaottw-e
In Heipnr Omon, on Iwlunlif the Inlh day
ol January, l''i. nn timixtr riiiiom anpiiraun
potHy green.' Ay tal beem ma noo '
klotbes baoa black, ao ba laugh.
Ship Ho. t aoiilh, tain Nn, it mat.
John W. AlUt-tt,
Eo balfbarlre tngtsham John A Ingrahaia, Aaraa
I u.i.m . Id! .M Bftl.
aa to ma : Hveo, yogat merried oi yo ja. r. M)Hr, rtiiir.
gat sbaeghide,' eo Ay bole knew vat
'sbsDgbidV bene. Ay taok maeeif dee Notice of Intention.
hanat n.l a Um aniivKn ti sal mtmmrlMA I " "
-vsas y wsoe wy uei s trw a a, neiij -, j, i
sa to ma
Bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy.
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, uregon.
Tim mntiomon am well aconalnted with Grant. Harney, Crook. Gilliam and other counties
and can save money aud time In making these sections with traveling men.
Prices in keeping with the times.
k M WmUr TrihiiD
Farmers and Vlllaoers,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Dauohters,
nil the Family.
Nottre la hrhv
k, 1 . .U. lll the follow In nam4 sitlr has M
" " a "" I ro his Inlvnlloa tn make anal proof In Silp-
IM no-
Ay Uok yo laik ber. Ilatihla
baas gods gtrl ea aba laik lo gal merrtod,'
to aa merry bar. Av bene bote brokt
van, ea Ay gal twenty dolar oa kooa to
Happoer. To bat, Ay note aa voo tang
lo da aier falar by da railroad. At
leak bote da Boa pneoi, "Vooee Ay boot
ute, two tease Ay beoe pool; sby.'"
patt ol bis natm. and thai aaid pr will
ma.1 hclr J.vph L i.ll..n, 0, a Com., at
Uilnft.iB, (rra, pa January 2, 147, vti.
ll'STta A. MIUIR.
ltd I Ko. MM. lor the K I at kM 11. T 1 . R
Ms sums Ihe folio ln witneaaae tn ernre
his rontlaiHHie tat4txe epoaaad calltoUoa
Ot. aald land, vis:
niiaj a. H'.lvlmi. William Bmwnlnf . Idaard
f. rotiilni, Itt F aoa, all nf lliitnn (f
j A, r. MHaa,
Oei fftt.., VM.U, vf lie l'. H!,.
( btJijiiiU the f!ixtire ell iul
KiiToa UAiarra: I thought 1 would
write tad tell fno bow I fttaod Ihlage I
"Webloot." Wbeo I arrived bete it waa
raining at the rate of forty Bailee ao
bour, with snoJ bob deep lo tba roaJe,
bol Ibe people tboagbt tl fine weelber
I diJa't agroa with I bete bat too koo
thai Ihe r.aaUro tbegoa bye era Bol
UaeJ to rata .
1 fuaa4 everybody boss, some baol
Ing lomber, arote eotlieg lege aaJ e- me
railing anrlwonl.
My bmlber la lew, Wetter Perliotaose,
litipg nae calle froas If ilJUU. ie baol
leg later fr a Mr. Neteoa, Tba aew
Mill Ie aboot lee boadred arJe (root
bis boee. lie geta tba rata of II pH
lbonsaa4 anJ boards Mmeelt aad lease
He ateiM aboal two IneJe a way, ao yea
ee be llotasi ait dowa be-e aad Ibal la
aboal Ibe way wagaa at all ever tba
valley. 1 apeak et tbie eo Ibe! a fe.r
ruuipaiieoa eaa be ma-U with I eMa
lif aea.
I bave prirvd o ell dollar botee, a
yoo ee I ant folsg to ride Ibroagh Ibe
Mod eb.ls I sas dvta here if tba bore
de a.. el Mirt It be d e 111 !.
tVgf.it ! s'l the bie.
Tnert t'ulf.
II Vti
SHJVoi, Ui.Twf, 15, tC
mere is no patent on
(ruociness. lSut manuuc- K m J w. b.sh.i.ir. nn.t.Mf
' Iftultdmsa lrm Aan-latt.Hi Bill ho k,4 at
turcrs oo not make
Is waa f
aat.t wratve
aoe eo4 torn
so good as Schilling's Hat,
because most people like to
ihtr la M .M.if (tffn, oo tha aorod
1U of Jaaae'f, far, uisos lh fcmara ol
ea a an4 s 4 said dav. Um eo'fas
M vlavllng atrxrton sut th inif yrt
an. n. susor,
tlptot Ot, tW 1. IW. Jt saar'y.
iTurtMit )r.Hy kurrtsu.
be humbugged.
for sale ftf
K. V. Rbra A Co.
Oaak -4 It
o( lha
k ULn a4 lha hl l.-nl
Hi I od a1 IM tnkl
He ('MfrrWM hile Trat.a
la enol waa I bee. Tba l'aln Tarifle
tyeteea beats lie Iraiee Ibmafbooi by
eleeea beet fraea tba eaflaa, Ibaa Mek
le every p't ol all le ears pU
aod oeaturtabte. It also babto lis rave
by tba aeUbrated Itelorh Ltebl aaeklei
tbeea brtltleel ad alfhi resaan
rarrt4 daily o IKe leet Melt ft
eleeplef aet raawevalso, Iv-ksde, ne la.
IVMelsn. eell eei of ssdrooe R W
teis .(Um. t, iS Tbtrd IML, feet.
lee, Urofno,
I ton, laj H t.fnt oo th ormirl luaortar ol
iaauarv. I. 1K nt ia s a at4
Ism ol ol. dav. K tha tmtsne at !
dteaaiora l-f the -oi T
Vl ai'lt'tr'. f aahlrr,
ejayoaM. IW. tw. I, m, fm M
With tbe close of the rresuleutial campaign TI1E TRIBUNE
recoguirea the (act that tbe American people are now aoxioae to give
their time to home and bnaineaa intereats. To meet this condition,
politic will have far less apace and prominence, nntil another State or
National occasion demands a renewal of the fight for tbe principles for
which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to tbe present
day, and won its greatest victories.
Every possible effort will be pnt forth, and money freely spent,
n msla TUP U'VFKT.Y TttllU'NP nro-Aminar.il. a
vs atieietv am a a v v au wtaua am ssw'avi oj 'o vvmsimvsi af
National Family Newspaper,
intei eating, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member
We inrnlsh "The Gazette" and "Ii Y. .Weeklu
Trlhune" one Year lor $3.00.
Addroas sll Ordor In
WHie your aaow and ad.tra oa a oaal rafd. aaed II to (io W. feat, TkImm OHU-a. Kea
tots .ltr.ao4aaaak.tfort aa Ue tors Wortly Trtboee will be aaailaa to j.
mnin or srorhiuitiiRtr utrriku
oTiri ta mater uivtn tT V.itae
HI Wa a omiii.1 a4 II- star ot4 "4
y. re-, ai taoir
For Soaa
O baadred Bfed alily arrae eWdod
lead, ! e4a rbee ; ta ltse4 plaee.
a-Milbee ear We aUaB tblrty te
bewabif a
Ad ire : O r rte
bill Nxlb Tsklaiv VTaab
nftro oo Ifca tod 1 ipoa, ol .. taxi. o
m M oi t nWi a sa. a4 I
mri.vt p aa, mi said 4af, ta poffnr ol
wrtlil liwMl and l I traoaorttoe of
Wl aalM eoatoow M af aff-o
t.t luttia rshtor
If r. r I t, tut a
Is arartalkaali nwn ,iiaW d to notrao).
ra s.oaMMwaa4fasrtiy, au roaaalhe
aa looitdeoM,
otO AD tr(OWtttt tff
01.00 -the- si.ool
j Weekly INteii OceaivI. 1
The GrcaUtt Republican Paper of the Wist,
ITI it-moaisrewarfeewese-ervntVooAi,.. Helfpeb.
I ho4 iftdav aet tea a osyt be r.:is4 eraa lor l..r aal ateM re-1
X r-" id ail pi. lual s0tr J
J aad tba tWst of Correal Uterstura.
It te Mwaltf Osa. and at a fs-nly I'sr-r Is Vutol a Tae. X
it Ultrtry Columnar rwj
to foe ot ihe fcur mtgetl0$. t
If youth' $ Dtptrimeat h the
tlmmmt if fl. a -
tirrvta. rtn
tn tjiaaesit n
aB eir f-eyotoi ae, o.r era iae eai i is au i. 4 i
e.et t- I. a-el a.l. e t or fno H ,.T,
( vseado. fhmf 1 rseonajiijl f -n.T tm '
J' 'e M taa las la ue a loo r.lln Worte a4 alra
: ,u..T.o. r.r" tL ' -.
9 i. rr ooot el tee uo tar slomioi toes eat aaeoi mil
J ' S
UMt.'L iUJ,,., ( SSreeTliettiiift:a,tblea,